Yanks, Back in Business, Hope to Scare Tribe Into First Slump
" COMICS—RADIO SPORTS ** TELEVISION ffttening sfaf j&pofis THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1964 C Yanks, Back in Business, Hope to Scare Slump * Tribe Into First J * ’ \ •. * ? Win, Lose or Draw Berra and Lopat 'Giants Happy By FRANCIS STANN IF THERE HAS BEEN such a thing as a single key game Defeat Indians To Get Out ol in the American League race, it must have been Early Wynn’s two-hit, 6-1 victory lor the Indians over the Yankees. That one, putting sft games between the clubs, pointed up Wynn In 'Must' Crosley lor what he really is—a pressure athlete. „ Game Field The Senators have made some bad Don't Sell Us Short, legs player exchanges over the years, as well as .{M Red Take Edge good ones, but one of the worst must have Stengel Warns; Ford For Year; Streaking been that one engineered on December 14, /jR sffj W Faces Lemon Today Cubs Hurt Dodgers 1948, when Early Wynn and Mickey Vernon Ife were shipped to Cleveland lor Eddie Robin- By th« Associated Press By (ha Associated Press r son, Haynes, pitching ;”* / ,2 Joe now a coach, and | “Yesterday we were out of jjp&l j|*Pi I * | ’ , | | , ‘ Ifthe Giants lose the National the long forgotten Ed Klieman. v Hr S | business; today we’re back in it,” mm v* " bHF mm League pennant, they may have Crosley Some prestige was regained when Ver- J | said Manageir Casey Stengel, in dropped it in Field. practically k They played their last contest non was “stolen” back in 1950 in ¦ ! an expansive mood following the a trade for named Weik, of the season in the Cincinnati a pitcher Dick who MM ' Yankees’ 4-1 “must” victory ’ V* ’¦ ' S ' S - ; .
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