Iowa City, Iowa
• , He Probably Mint Wen The Weather Today- CBEYENNE, WYO. (UP)-Ha)'1 W. IUnr, a W),omln&' miner, wall arre ted ,esterda, on a eharrll of produdn, Cloudy and warm today with thunder 'SOt worth of fake IIlJver doll.ra, quarte... and 50-cent showers tonight. High today 94; low 68. ,tee.. Yesterday's high 89; low 70. Pollen count "I Jult. ",anted to beat thOle slot. machines and ret at owal1 tome or m, money baek," Klnc" told atrlllllnr oUlcers. 353. Est 18SS-Vol. 80. No. 284-UP. AP News and Wlntphoto Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. August 28. 1948-Five Cen.. Death Takes Giant Flying Boat on 4,264-Mile Nonstop Flight Retired Chief French Cabinet Quits Justice Hughes OSTERVILLE, MASS. UPl Charles Evans Hughes, 86, retired cbItf jusUce of the Un ited States died last night of a heart ailment. Over Economic Issue He had been in a coma sInce lite alternon. Hughes' son, Cha rles Evans Not Much Paradise in Paradise May Dissolve HUlhes Jr., and two daughters, Charge Two Mrs. William '1'. Gossett of Bloom DETR IT ( 'P)-Paradise W8 only 6 degr cooler than field Hills, Mich., and Mrs. C. A. n II ~. 'it rday. Assembly r Call . Waddell of RIverdale, N. Y., were Th~ IV ather bur au said the thermometer r to 8 weltpring .t tbe bedside when he died. In Des Moines 09 at H II, ~li ('h .• haml t of 100 population in Wa htl'naw Death occurred at 7:35 p. m. c unt,\", which r corded 96 Thu1'bday.
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