V S’hrrhrnukr Sailu iSrrnrh WEATHER • • • THE PAPER OF THE EASTERN TOWNSHIPS Snow or slceU Established 1897. SHERBROOKE, QUEBEC, TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 1944. Forty-Eighth Year. RUSSIANS CLOSING IN ON BUCOVINA’S CAPITAL Allied Planes Bomb Ruhr Valley, Smash Targets In Central Italy WJ Lwow Vital Rumanian Rail Tarnoool Fleet Of Heavy U. S. Bombers Sows ||yn j\f;t3ck CZECRO-^> POLAND, wf SOVIET! Destruction On Nine Airdromes in , n . SLOVAKIA v. “RUSSIA Town Seized By Reds c:'%. France, Blasts Rail Yards At Tours *S rtBpBliBu Cernouft Two Operations Place So-! __ . __ ■A, , -V\Vx London. March 28. ((P) —British I planes, most of them on the ground. viet Armies Along North CT ATT Tft RFST Mosquito bombers stabbed las! to make the Germans’ total loss 42 Bank of Upper Prut IV/i\LaJI night at targets in the industrial i for (ho day. Six of the American At OasssiB Rexma Ruhr \ alley, the Air Ministry an-! bombers ami ten fighters failed* to Distance of 80 Miles—r1 ACC TAFIAV TM nounced today, in a follow-up to a return, said a communique today, HUNGARY heavy K.A.F,-R,( .A.F. assault the |The communique said five fighters Germans Reply to Shelling Reds Now Two and a Half Lriull lUI/Al ill f Nikolaev previous night on the armamenbx ; previously reported missing had centre of Essen, No planes were of Hotel Continental and Miles from Czernowitz. TRANSYLVANIA PASS ] been found safe. J ___ Roman lost in the foray. The objectives of the bombers Des Roses with Nightlong Moscow, March 28.—VP)—Rus­ Hungary Takes over Smashing at the aerial baekbom ! included Chartres, 10 miles South-! Transylvania from V-3t>-CHIMES Odessa of the Atlantic Wall, a fleet of west of Paris; La Rochelle, St. .lean ' Bombardment of Allied Po­ sian troops have driven to within Rumania Aug. BO, 1940 from 750 to 1.000 ITS. heavy bomb­ jd’Angely, Pan, Biarritz, Cnzaux, i sitions South of Town, two and a half miles of Czernowitz. Tersely Worded Confession Sssged %\m BESSARABIA ers sowed destruction on nine Ger­ Mordeaux and Mont de Marsan, all1 of Young Aircraftman Ad­ man airdromes in France yesterday [in the Bay of Biscay area, as well 1 By RICHARD G- MASSOCK, capital of the pre-war Rumanian •Arad and blasted the freight yards at i as Tours. Naples, March 28. — (A’) — Province of Bucovina, field dis- j mitted as Evidence—De­ 3 I PASS Bessarabia, takan Tours in a series of sweeping raids Frenchmen who reached the Span­ fence Charges Statement % ' ~V ' JfonsYhanim Alps w Irani Russia after that extended almost to the Spanish ish frontier after the raid on Bair Allied artillery broke up a Ger­ patches declared today, while fur­ Hungarian troops A i Gaiati World War I, rcoc fi'ontier. They shot down four enemy j ritz, said the Lanegresse station,1 man attack North of Casshio and ther to the South they have cap­ Obtained Under Duress. opposelose Noei-RumanianNoii-Rumanian (P. copied by Russia in fighters. j where the great Southern trunk line; Sn.,'.rforces ot«. borderi*. nr ft rtr ' \; 'riv.^ ft Ç 1 l1' June, 1940, and Accompanying fighters, perhaps continued to hammer the two hotel tured the Prut River town of By JAMES H. PORTERFIELD, j from the Mediterranean joins the recaptured by Axis as many a- l.OOO were credited of Northbound line to Bordeaux and; “key point” areas of the German ^RUMANIA' in October, 1941 Skulyany, 10 miles Northeast of Associated Press Staff Writer. PlocsH ft rial! y with destroying 38 Nazi P. ris, was destroyed. New York, March 28__(A3) — Its ! defences within the ruined town, Iasi (Jassy), strategic Rumanian j âdgrade cast bolstered by admission of a j Headquarters announced today, railway centre. Iron Gate tersely-worded confession, the pro- Bucharest i The Nazi attack was broken up Capture of Cadagura, just across ^ secution expected to complete today Consfcmlo Black Sea RABAUL FEELS 21 KILLED IN on the road from Terrelle, which the Upper Prut from Czernowitz, : presentation of evidence against lies about four miles Northwest climaxed a 23-mile drive into Bu- Wayne Lonergan, charged with the Danube k/yér of Cassino. The Germans replied covina from the Dniester River by I slaying of his 23-ycar-oId heiress ruGO MICHT OF BOMB SAN FRANCISCO -, r „ „ , , J wife, Patricia, last October 29. to the shelling- of the Hotel Conti­ Marshal Gregory K. Zrukov’s Is ’ t , ... BalkanMn. Varna To prevent satellite na­ 3233 . „ . Reading of the statement, admit- SLAVIA . .■ Z, ^ V nental and Des Roses with a night­ Ukramian Army, in which an'ted only after a stiff defence fight tions from deserting Naxi CONCENTRATION camp, German occupying long bombardment of Allied posi­ entire regiment of Hungarian ' ant^ conceded by the State to be the Sofic S9i1*r«' MV’''. ' ’ 'V‘V * backbone of its case, was begun yes- forces take over strategic New Intensified Raids Aim­ One Woman Leaped to tions South of the town. troops was annihilated, a Russian t^rday. The concluding pages were points in Bulgaria and Ru­ BULGARIA mania. Extra worry for ed at Japs’ Warehouses I Death While Three Other Meanwhile, it was disclosed that communique announced. : to be read in Court today, Plovdiv , x, \ Hitler is fact Bulgaria is ci i . The defence had charged that the t 'ÆTk. i. and Supply Buildings After j Persons, Hanging from three small German attacks of unsjgned confession was obtained not formally at war with Skulyany was stormed by troops Russia. Smashing Rabaul’s Fivei Window Ledges, Were platoon strength on the left side of Ivan S. Konev's 2nd Ukrainian under duress and with promises of I'MlJ, Adrianople Airdromes. Caught in Net by Firemen. of the beachhead South of Rome Army, the bulletin said. The two leSsu„t District Attorney Jacob \Uh. '<\< Allied Headquarter? (Southwest Ban Franci; ■eo. March 28. I/P) At were beaten off Sunday afternoon Grumet said he would wind up his 77,^ 'Wî operations placed the Soviet armies1 Pacific, March 28. (/P)- RabaUl, least 21 per?ons were killed and a ami the Germans remained on the along the North bank of the Upper case by. ca1lli!lK ab°ut six Tre w*t; Istanbul Japan’s once-proud Irzw i n on New .score injured in a fire which swept 11 nesses, including a former show giu GREECE Britain which i.-.\v i? isolated by \1 defensive in that sector. Six Prut for a distance of 80 miles, who was Lonergan’s companion the Sea of vapidly through the New Amsterdam Salonika Marmara lied landings around the Bi-marck Hotel at Fourth and Folsolm streets different patrol clashes were re­ and it appeared that a crossing of n>=bt before the slaying. o Sea, is beng steadily levelled by Ai here early ‘today and which Fire Lonergan, in New York on leave lied bombs in a new phase of warfare ported in the beachhead, mainly the river into Rumania proper was from his R.C.A.F. training base at o Chief Albert J. Sullivan said appear­ Aeaean Sea aimed at the enemy’s warehouses, ed to be of incendiary origin. in the Cisterna and Carroceto imminent. Toronto, went to the apartment TURKEY shops, barracks and other buildings. about 9 a.m. and Mrs. Lonergan, who Firemen fought the four-alarm areas. Zhukov's invasion of Bucovina More than 70 'ton? of explosive;: was naked, admitted him to the bed blaze 45 minutes before they were Gunfire diminished in the Lower was preceded by a new crossing of and incendiaries were poured on able to bring it sufficiently under the Dniester, and front dispatches room, according to the statement. targets Friday and .Saturday, and Garigliano .sector of the Main 5tli The defendant was quoted as say- Map above shows how inexorable Russian drive, heretofore over fairly flat land, is forcing German backs control to (liter the hotel. Three Army front, but patrols clashed at said this thrust apparently had ef­ 145 structures f all types and dz<. hours after the first alarm fin-men fectively split the German defence I said she had been behaving against the wall of Carpathian mountains, where in more easily defensible terrain, they may make were destroyed or damaged, an A1- several points. The Gormans shelled like a drunken sailor. She said my desperate stand. Red armies aim at vital passes through the rugged Carpathians. Map also shows had not completed a s< reh of the the Orsogna area of the 8th Army line East of the Carpathian Moun­ lied communique aid today. Pre­ structure. tains—a defence based on the behavior wasn’t the best either. She areas over which Balkan nations fight among them selves and drastic steps Hitler has taken to forestall vious raids have concert I r to primar­ front, but that sector also was gen­ Bucharest - Czernowitz - Lwow Rail­ called me a couple of names. I called satellite countries from deserting the Nazi fold. ily on Rabnul’s five big airdromes. Sullivan said several of those in­ erally quiet except for patrol clashes» road. The drive brought Red Army her a couple of names too. Medium bombers dive-bonihcns and jured might die. near Tollo, North of Or-ogna. vanguards to within 28 miles of “She started calling me names for torpedo plane.- carried out l he ruid , The fur chief said several other French-speaking Canadian troops, Rumania’s Northern frontier, thus ! giGs.. D^/C hitting also fuel and ammunition sm II hotels and rooming h uses in of the Kth Army boat olf two small- increasing Russian pressure on that! ‘'^e told me> ^tay out of here.
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