^HXTBSDAlTi FEBRUART 8, 1948 ■irr Th« WealhtF' M tinrirratrr tiifn ln a FifemM et 0. i . W sMm ,\vcrage Dolly Net Pram Ron ba participants la tba panaL Meat- Far the Nmrta ef Jaaaary. 1848 Bsow Is Istertefb- tal bamhip or tea panel w ill be an­ enm onffiag late IM Mancbaatar Orange will conduct In Sock and Buddn Play ] World Peace nounced wltbln a few days. Income Tax • pubUc Setback perty^ W * * " : Qvic. Group Judge Bowere, commenting bn deortag aaS Mttle chsaga la mtTown day evening, February ^ jn


At lost, modern man hoi a poir of ihorts that treats him kindly. Because: N e w Arrow Shorts hove no center loom. They’re cut with plsnty of rqom. They’re Sonforized-lobeled, so they Dodge Cars never shrink into a torture mochine. A Arrow Undsrthlrts ore full-cut, too. Athletically de­ signed for comfort. Fully combed fabrics. WUh Fluid Drive i * *- Get both here. Arrow Shorts. $1.25 to $1.65. Arrow r s H Undershirts, 85^ up. TODAY and TOMOBBOW THREE OUT OF FOUR -One Sunday I -Station 1-4 Door Sedan, Black $1859.95 Afternoon’’ I West- CONNECTICUT PEOPLE I Wow I D. Malone 1 Jan^Oreer AND GUESS TOO HIGH WHEN ~ ~ ^ tw w=^46, 6dM^9i49 _ 1-Club Coupe, Green $1970.65 l,u t Show Tenlgtit 0:0#___ They Are' Seniidional! ! I A S K E D TYPICAL LONG • • flnt. M n f i n ^ t 1 :8# a npeelal SJddlee Matinee___ TOPCOATS DISTANCE RATES ? -PENBOD AND SAM" Who ? FOR ALSO 1-Club Coupe, Black $2002.27 5—Color Cnrtoone—5 Why The DUBALDO BROTHERS Men and Young Men in “ ■ ^^i^^rmnn" No. 18 _____ Heater and Defroster m m m s Bos Mope At Onr Door FEATURING FUP AND m s GUITAR « e the FoUotdng Brands: 1. Fact. In the Algonquin Indian language, "Conne" means long; "He^', tidal river; "ut", by. Indians used this phrase vrhen referring to their Truly .A Wonderful Combination Of These cars are ready for immediate delivery at the MIDDISHADE - BOTANY 5 0 0 - m P A N ir . . . IRE Ol/iPER ajPCOVERS 1 1949 Fun. Music and Entertainment Connecticut river homeland. 1928 above prices. KUPPENHEIMER - COURTLEY - AS ALWAYS $ 3 9 7 5 Good Tlmee Are Enjoyed At Every Friday Nile at the 42j6d*M GRAMERCY PARK AND STYLE MARK 2 . Foct, proved in a survey of 886 Connecticuf telephone sobserlbert. Hove I W l l l D EUR fiOKS *119 lACE EDGED E l GIRL9 *139 Art Webster's I fa . S m u u i m 8 State Sales Tax Extra you been oyef-estimoling the cost of coiling your relatives and frlencW Bolton Loke House fsUsd end Apnjoved AMi-7«^ '| To see fdr yourself, check the long distance rotes listed on the tmide Barn Dances »i«h New STUDIO Chad iedsded “The Honae of HoapUalHy" Footivedr For All the Family bock cover of your telephone book. Lowest long distance rotes oro in ^l ■ ! ! ! : 3.96 Fox Trots, Rambas, Potkas Thb tewke cenUlm 9 TsiMoe^. 9 SoM Snoont, 9 9 fen«. effect week-days after 6 pjn. ond all day Siindoy. W sllte* and Sqwires I Salad redn. 1 Better KnJe, 1 It's aeoffee coat! It’s a Brunch coat! It’s a bit of Socially-consdout babies will wear the HANDI-PANTl.. . its practically Every Friday Night and if youliaven’t as yet treated yoaraeif to one of oar Spoon. OFFICIAL BOY SCOUT UNIFORM HEADQUARTERS ’ighten up the morning. As from o survey of 886 Connecticuf telephone subscribers. GRANGE H'AIX steaka don’t delay any longer. they’re washable, san- a must. SUky-aoft Celanese Jarsey for smart look*—Protectively lined Music and Dancing Every Fri. and SaL Nigbl tebad and color fast, BLUE, YELXiOW and with waterproof Vinyllte Plastic for sweet safety’* sake. They're prac­ ROCKY H1LI. The Solimene and Flagg, Inc. AQUA in siiefi 12 to 20. Every Saturday Night tical as well as making adorable Valentine baby gifts. White, pink or Dewey-Richman O l Dodge and Plymouth Dealers •Hi 0‘'THIRN NfW (N....'. ►J TELEPHONE ST. MARY’S HALL BOLTON LAKE HOUSE r-RiiOllSE&SON blue. Small, medium or large. No Coverw—No Minimum Jewdera—Btetionars EAST HARTFORD 634 CENTER STREET PHONE 5101 W E O lV B dNC oViEEN S T A M P S Variety of Dinners Served—ladading 0 «r Reaewned BihreraadtlM HANK POST. Prompter Steaks—StiD the Biggest and Beat In Town brlise io Th« UemM— It PiiyB 8:15 P. M— to—12:00 M " '.-y ■ ■ piAiM M tSir K B.VBNINU HKKAl.U. MAM'rtKSTEK. CUNN- FRIUAT, FBBH V ^Y 4. IM f MANCHE8TEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDA I, FEHKUAKY 4, 1949 .1,

.jf ■ city laid off 800 and another 50 for j Police Chief Clarifies Holds Parents' lack of work. A metal products Manchester Reach $8,000 Making Demoeracy Work Idle in State company dlspenoed with 60 for Ofi6 Stop Sonrko— p ld Play As Responsible I O ^ < the same reaaon. In Drive Here Rules on' Blinker Lights New claims for unemployment b a te book MT. NEBO PLACE— Reveal Jump benefits totaled 4,888 during the I MOM PUlOg IlfPg fll6* idFiddlel 2 tWMMtat tst 4 and 5. Parssss hsst^a week, 89 per cent greater toon a • Tonight To clarify a altuatlon that haastop but dosa raqulra caution aa4 BUI Presented by Bow­ dltloB, 1 ssr gsn«4> sutrs largs 1st. Pries radscsi Representation year ago. nbbsrfs sbm . of March of Dimes Con­ Lectiire under sponsorship apparaatly cauasd confusion slow ers Concerns Dnmage for vilek ssis. - _ i Number of Unemployed Bridgeport woe the hardest ; "Notice of At* Fatima Guild, St. Jamee hall. Driven of vehlclM coMtnf Into of the state's larger communities. tributions Are Still Be­ among aome autoiats and pedca- Mala atreet from atda atimn* ap­ tors no elector ahaU vote fbr more Reaches Ten - Year Co. Towaird Navy Saturday, February 5 Done ' by Cl&ldren ASH STREET-* . . „ ]|^easare Presented - to than six oandldatae for such office. The department reported 7,771 Firal anniversary dinner dance ing Received trians, Chief of Police Herman O. proach a red bllnkar. and' tU s udemployed there, followed by iCa. means a full atop. aald tba cMaf. 7 rooai Iisiim. Oil hast, 2 ear garage, largs 1st. Rca- No grand Jurors shaU be elected High. During January ri* Seen In Reaction Council D. of P- Italian Schcndel today explained laws A bill making pfiranta raaponsl AlC^eral Assembly To- or appointed. Bach peraon etoetao New Haven with 6,639, Hertford m Ce. pertaining to the traffic Ught cau­ He streaaed that wherdver any sboably priesd far qaidt salt. and Waterbury 4,889. a*' American Clu^ ^ « COntribuitons to the Manches­ motorist IS faced with the rad bis for domofsa on person or prop­ '(day W ould Affect to offloe aball be a raoldent elec­ Hartford, Feb. 4— The num­ \- WMblngton, Feb. 4—(*1|~P** Suoiiay, Feb. « ter March of Dimes climbed oyer tion signala in effect during bad tor of tha town and each elehtod Layoffs'of from U to 50 were Scout House - lo - House bUnker. the latter U requind to erty wrought Bjr tnstr children was ber of unemployed persona In Oott' reported from several Naugatuck a»T7 got the 'wbrd today that It the 88,000 mark today and are weather. come to a full atop even if Uwre AimiMN STREO- . iloard of Directors officer, except as hereinafter as- necticut reached a ten-year high probably Is goliiK to hare to play ••Massage To Manchester.’’ drafted tor IntrodactioH today in. prsasly provided, ahall xssume Ua valley towns where brass and sil­ Febmary » still coming in strong. Chairman •.The state law aaya that ve­ la no atop sign proaent aa thara Is the Ooneral Assembly by Repre­ I 6 room Binglerd down-3 np« oU heat, of 45,558 during January, toe state verware manufacture industries a ^ d fiddle to the Air Force In on the appraadiea to Main otroat. A bill providing poeolblllty of office on toe first Monday In No­ Labor department reported today. FRED T. BAKER Congfw . - Open...... meeting.—- f ■. Hollister P.T.A. on I O ’Connor announced this hicles approaching a blinker red sentative Sherwood O. Bowers. vember In toe year of his election said lack ol orders was the cause. light must come to a stop regard­ The storm blinker system oq . Bowers sold that be eiroected I house in very good repair, large sunpordb, ■dnority tepreaontoUon In the lo- Figures CompUed by the Unem­ 106 liOlX STREET TEL. q - i t a "" Indirect notice of thja a ttlt^ *J‘«.ti'?rN ew Senoo^’ • in-mming. Figures on complete re- and shall bold offlca untU bis eame hi the form of ‘eo-whatT less of whether there is a stop local traffic Ugbts w it pOt Inlo that Rsprasentativs John D. Ia - d(L Board of Dlrocton, waa en- ployment Insurance divieidh of February turns will not be effect when it was .found that antomatic domestic hot water, garage, large ceasor Is aleetsd and qualified. the Labor department indicate reaction among lawmakers to an sign," said the chief. When the Belle wotdd also align the MU steee ddraed and prceented today In the The provisions ot aectton 7848 Militaiy Whist, 2nd Congrega­ several daya, he added. traffic lights on Main street are amoother-llowlng traffic would re­ they agreed In general m to t that the dow-nw-ard trend in em­ LEONARD D. RIVARD announcement by SecreUry SidlU lot, qniet neighborhood, owner occupied* Oenerol Aoeembty by Manchee- of the 1949 supplement to tha ran that the Navy will have to lay tional Women’s League, 8 p.m. Although the drive officially switched to blinkers, drivers trav­ sult. Vahiclea coming to a full prowiilonB. ployment began in mid-October 'immediate Delivery 89 MclUNLEY STREET TEL. t- o m stop when Main street is slippery The naeoaure causes parents to ter*a leglolatlve delegation. The General Stotues shaU apply to and it stIU continuing. During up 72 ahipa and cut Its * 0 * 3 ^ Also setbaek party of ended on Saturday. Jan. 29, Treoa- eling north or south on Main street VERNON STREET— Joeticee of the peace elactedc in the On 80,000 men to keep within Presi­ ter Grange, <:15 p.m., Odd Fel urer Georg* Frost is still receiv­ are faced with the yellow blinker. often get stuck and congest traf­ be chorg^ wltk responstbUlty for All waa introduced In the Senate January, the state La^r depart­ 4 roosM* 2 unOalshad, fircpiaoc, tils bath, faQy ia- Town 0 t Mancbeater, excepting. RUSCO All Metal dent Truman’e new budget Iowa hail. ing coin folders through the mall. This Ught does not ckll for a full fic. the dsstrucUve acts of tbalr. ebU' hy Senitor. Chortee fi. Houee and however, that any act required to ment reported today. M. KENNETH OSTRINSKY This was in direct contrast to Thursday. Frbruaiy 10 As has been true in the past, the dren up to on amount of 8900. aolatcd, larga loC ta the Houee of RepreeentaUvee Figures compiled by the Unem­ 184 B18SELL STREET TEL. 3-16M by Repreaentatlvee Sherwood O. be done during the month of Jan­ Self Storing Storm the strong sentiment that bM '••Pride and Prejudice, Sock and folders have again proved to be Hutchinson. WUlard Squires, Mrs. These Plaeea Shswa By Apfolataient.OBly uary under tM provlstona of Bee- ployment Insurance divlalon of the grown up in Congress to push All- Buskin play. High school hall, the heart of the drive and have C. M. Elliott, Albert Skinner fam­ IRmrere and John D. LoBelle. Labor department indicate that Sash and Screens Force - developments far beyoM Today Bowers eold that he fully Uon 7648whidl In the case of the 8:00 p.m. ,, been the source of the great bulk Bolton ily, Nettle Johnson. Town of Manchester be dona ea oT the downward trend in employ­ Product Of Tba the 48-group set-up proposed by Friday, February 11 of the polio fund. wipported the peeeent bill althongb before the corresponding day in ment began in mid-October and ia Mr. Truman. Second performance. Pride and Householders are assured that Doris Mohr trttalla Miss Louise Anderson, secretoti^ CHARLES LESPERENCE he doee not think it “goce f.- still continuing.- During the last F. C. Russell Co. Predlcta TO-Group Approval treasurer of the local committos, Real Estate and lasunuice onough." He eold that he wouM November. Ua W at Wallaee. laft. editor of The Beader»* DIfte.U. heara O^X*. mislaid coin foldera, even though TeL M aarbestrr AMA “8ec. 8 Referendum. This act week of January applications for For EstUnatee Call Chairman Vinson (D., Ga.) pre­ of Hollister dusty or a little battered, will re­ today stated that the drive will be 21* ST.JOHN STREET . TEL. 862<^ like to xupport a bill that would L.Haa, flnmd Bxalted Ruler of Oms BexeveleiM ^ unemployment benefits Increased dicted that the House Armed Berv- extended to Febmary 6, os some of .dp away with Mrtleon politlci shaU be submitted for approval to at Elka, extSne Um Order's campaign le help the natlox e p T. A. Ways a.nti Mt'nns com- ceive a hearty welcome from Mr. The Bolton March of Dimes dt OL tha aiactors of tha Town of Man- thrM per cent over the previous ices committee will approve Mon­ Frost. the coin cards are still out ootbieat Men town eOcoa. He wouUI nke to toaeR.dMMffaey. Blk* lodgee are eqnIppixR their wi!!! week and 85-8 per cent over the M. A. CLOUGH day a bill authorising a 70-group Fund Drive has gwie over the 8500 sosM in mouth, loel candldatee regularly propoe^ for chaster at any regular elaetlen or oeta oi "Our Aararleax Heritage", Rlmvtripe that dramallxe the Mrth “ aVs^' aeml-formal Valentine a t a epoclal election called for toe corresponding week a year ago. Tel. ,2-9532 mark. With the end of the drive Admit SteoUng riplng I election and the namea plaoed on ■■g develeptaeat ef our democratic freedoms from Magna Charta w ^Sullivan's statement that three Dance of Frank J. madilnea without party deolgna- sole purpota of acting upOn It Layoffs of 100 or more were re­ Uchment Marine Corp.i League, three days away the treasurer re­ Such referendum shaU be held not Um prewMwTkrtxg Um Freedom Train right Into school ported In the clock, metal products aircraft carriers and 12 crulseM, Inc., at Rainbow. Bolton. Local Educator HUDSON SJOIS NIlBSOM SBtVICl HUD^N SiMJS tkm. Since this Is considered “ex­ e n iu m i^ Is part of Elks' program to “moke deniosrac.v work. The plus lesser ships, will have to ^ ports a total of 8670.80. This in­ Hartford, Feb. 4 — (JPi — Two treme,"-he said, he favora the pres­ later than the flnt day of July, nZgeot prodoeed "Onr American Heritage" at request of the National and electrical parts Industries. A put in moth balls was looked on in . Saturday, Febniary 12 i cludes 8133.28 realised on ,^We men chargisd with stealing 83.QOO ent meeaure. 1961 and in the event the referen­ Ed^tlM i ASsoctatloa and The American Heritage Foundation, spon­ Waterbury paper products firm Ladles’ Night. South M«"<;hes. To Be Honoretl worth of piping from a closod-, dum le held at a special election, announced a "temporary’’ layoff congress at least in. part m a dance and dime fair held on Janu­ Inenree Wider Choice sor of Freedom Train. roundabout *bld for more fun^ ter Fire department. Itaiian- down government magnesium The minority bill provides that the day of ouch election shall be of 250, one clock company in th at than the »4.«74;000,tK)0 set up in American club. . KIwsnisns will honor Manches­ ary 29. 83.39, Hall school; 86J7, plant in Canaan have pleaded guU- , no pPrson may vota for more then fixed by toe general manager oC VIEW MASTER North school; 817.27, Center ty before Judge J. Joseph tolth the Town of Manchester. Whether the budget. Also "Heart Hop of ter’s oldest and moat honored edu­ e|x candidates for the nine man If It was such, it struck no re­ get’s C. Y. O. In St. JameF hall. school; 814.75. South school; In United States District court. Board of Dieectors. This, It is felt Um referendum be at a regular or sponsive spark even among legis­ Sunday, February IS cator Monday with the declara­ 831.84, coin boxea from business The men are Thomas C Brown. 85, tar the spodaors, Inautm^ wider special election, the call for the Elks Program to Teach lators who have been "big Na>y ^ Boy Scout House-to-Housc col­ tion of "Fred Verplanck Day." Mr. establishment', 8344.69 coin cards. of Dutch Point colony, Hartford, dnoi^e amongst eandldmas., meeting ahell be advertised in a SAVE WITH SAFETY Verplanck, who will have attained The total before expenses deduct­ and Oiester Gooustte, 43, of Ann Trade - In NOT Required This MU also provides that in newepaper having a clrculatio men in the past. lection of pledges. hia 89th birthday, will attend’ the Characteristic Keaction, Wednesday, February 16 ed was 8697.11, expenses totaled street. Hartford. Their esses * Manchester, those elected as Jua- within the town not leas tnan three • Youth Their Heritage At Your Walgrcn World Peace panel Jiscuaslon. Kiwanis dinner-meeting Monday were continued to await a report tlcee of the peace must qualify times and not leag than flftaen Two Democratic members of the noon at the Sheridan Restaurant 8128.73. Agency Drug Store Senate Appropriations committee Hollister auditorium. Additional donations acknowl­ from the Federal probation ofll " within 10 days of November 1. days before the date of the elec­ AIso Valentine dessert-bridge In the other half of the day’s cer. When yoB hay your aew 6 or 8 HUDSON here, NOR Is your The MU provides that, after tion. New York, Feb. 4—As pert ofvpanled by a manuaL to assist the voiced characteristic r A ^ n . program, Eda'ard 8. Dlk, commis­ edged: Bolton Grange. No. 47, Mr. . ..XI. u.. teacher in making the best p*jHsl- Arthur Drug Stores Senator O’Mahoney (D., Wyo.i Woodruff haU, Group C of Center and Mrs. kred Johnson, Mr. and adoption by the General AssemMy, “The question to be voted on thelr naUonal program to Make sioner of the Manchester District handsome new HUDSON loaded with a lot of extras. Phons the measures must be endorsed shell be “Revision of Charter. told a reporter: church. of l^ y ' Scouts of America, will Mrs. J. E. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Democracy Work,” the Order of "tVe've already got the blggc.it Lovegrove, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar here^tty public referendum before Shall the Town of Manchester Friday. February 18 speak ctt "Scouting in Manches­ for a deaioiiBtratkm—Early dsttvarica. adopt the provisione of 8. B. Elks today launched a plan to Navy in the world. As long as we Valentine ‘ dance. City View Kreysig, Mr. and Mrs. Howard d i ^ take effect. I keep up to snuff on submarine war- ter." Mr. Dlk. a Manchester resi­ A U TO GLASS ./The text of the bUl as Intro- No.— General Assembly of 1949, make available to schools a fillde Dance Hall, P. T. Oub Keeney dent, has been active in Boy Scout Jensen and son John. Mr. and Mra. sa enacted, providing for a minor­ U n , f don’t think we have to street school. Emilio Brochetto, Mr. and Mrs. /akced foUowfi: film -pictorial hlfctory called "Our j worry too much about the budget movements for a great many years INSTALLED Open Monday through Friday Uatil 9 P. M. TIM Bin ity repreaentetiqn ? Yes No. February 18 to 28 and la weU-versed in his subject. Fred Dreger, Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ "Chapter U, Section I of Spe- 'Tf a majority of those voting American ’ Heritage." The films j Aiito registration at State Ar­ Mr. Verplanck, an honorary ence Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert PROMPT SERVICE Viewers and Films Senator Bussell (D., Ga.l, .lald and all day Saturday cla) Act No. 198 of the Special shall be for the adoption of tola were produced by the Reader’s mory here. member of the local Kiwanis chap­ CALL 3322 Acts of the General AsaemMy, act. then the provisions of this act Digest In cooperation with. the j Congress la not concerned so much Saturday, February 28 ter, came to this town In 1892. He Always in Stock with what ships are being v ^ - Briliah-American Club’s Ladles’ January session 1947, entitled "An shall become effective ten days aft­ American Heritage Foundation j was for 42 years superintendent Act Revising the Charter of the er toe date of such referendum." drawn from active service as with of schools In the Ninth District White Gloss Co. and tha NaUonal Education Asso- j what ones still will be afloat. ^Ladles’ >«ght of Manchester Income Tax Service Town of Manchester" is amended In this connection, Secretary and after consoUdation became 24 Birch SU Manchester to read aa follows: elation. General editor of the Fire Department. superintendent of schools for the "Section 1. ElectlTe Offleera. A series wss Marquis Jamee, the Sullivan said the reductions will Friday and Saturday. Feb. 25-28 entire Town of . Manchester. Thomas J. Shea Open Dolly S A. M. To 6 r. 8L Local Residents t be offset by addition of 30 ships ‘•Room Service," 3-act play by lorludtag Saturday meeting of the electors of the noted historian. i Although he retired from active Former Deputy Collector town of Manchester for the elec- KEMP’S to the operaUng fleet ’These new Community Players .md Rotary servloe in 1935. Mr. Verplanck Plenty Of Parking The program was set in motion ones include 24 destroyer types, aub, Hollister school. presented diplomas at Manchester 30 Division Street tk n of town officers ghaU be held In Williamsburg when Grand Exalted Ruler George two carriers, a heai-y cruiser a Phone 2-1705 On Premises on the first Monday in October, L Hall called on a million Elks in Furniture—Music light cruiser and two submarines Sunday, Febmary 27 High school’s 50th annual grad­ 1948, and biannUUy thereafter. At Pre-Lenten union service at 7:30 uating exercises in 1943. Mr. and Mra. C. Elmore Watkins lodgea throughout the country to will be added. each such meeting there shall be present acts of the films to their Would Shift Emphasis p.m. South Methodist church by elected nine members of the board and Mra. Lura Rush of Manches­ This would have the effect of Manchester Council of Churches. of direetora, a town clerk, a town ter, spent Isst week In historic local eehooU. shifting emphasis to tighter vea- > Wednesday. March 18 Slight Accident treasurer, two registrars of voters WUUsmsMirg, Virgtnis, sttendlog Each set consists of alx strips, ^ oela adapted to anti-submarine State meeting D. A. R. So. Mected in the manner prescribed each telling a part of the story of Methodist church. the sessions of the flnt Antiques our Jieritage aa Americans in dra- Fork, a move that apparently was ] 1^ the general statues, three se­ sad Decorations Forum along with \ pleaBlng to many in Congreas. Saturday, March 19 Is Reportetl Here 60 w m s ST. (iHDODunf til, m w , lectmen. seven constables, seven maUc and interesting fashion. LOCAL Annual Ladies’ Night of Tall other antlque-lovera from through­ They show the development of our For instance. Senator Byrd (D„ Justices of the peaoe and membera out the nation. HOME Va,), alwairs a big Navy man, ] Csdara. i A slight accident yesterday aft­ of the board of education as here­ free insUtuUons from Magna aaid he understands submarine de­ Tuesday. April 5 inafter provided. In' the election The Forum Is being jointly-apon- Charta through Colonial times and i * Annual O Cleit Concert, Eman­ ernoon in front of 80.1 Main street sored by The Msgosine Antiques the struggle of the emriy Republic velopments have gone ahead so involved a truck driven by An­ for membera of the board of direc­ A. Pearl Necklace, Simulated .... i . $8.00 rapidly that this country must uel Lutheran church. ^ i/ '-’v;.: and Oolmisl WilUsmaburg, the or­ right down to the. present. Ehn- Friday^ April 22 thony Clapis, 43. of 14 Gilman ganisation carrying forward yie ptaaaia is placed upon what de- 1. Compact, Engraved, jewelers Bronze $S.OO concentrate on that field. He add­ street, Hartford, and a car operat­ ed, however, that the surface Annual Masonic ball at Masonic Shop at Plnehnrat Saturday.- Store opens at 8 A. M. Plenty L < ^ Notkoa raatoratico of this one-time oolon- ntooncy means to the Individual. 1 C. Short Keychoin, Gold Riled ...... $S.S0 Temple. ed by Herbert A- SIUence..82, of tM eapItoL Ueetures and diacds- MORTGAGES Navy has to be kept ready to con- of easy parking la our parking lot. ‘iBducatioiv------ofyouth youth ------is a vital D. Heorf Locket, Gold Filled ...... $4,7S ^ yoy supply troop ships in time of 155 . Benton atreet. . Patrolman.j • AT A C O U ffT ^lffTiSt385S3iI35f ffion peModa led by outstanding au­ part Ot our program to make de- The Fender Fiends Henry Gauruder investigated. No | Paper Collectioii at Maacbcfter within and for the thorities ta toe flelda of period Hlcar. / Drop In Beverage Taxes PINEHURST TEEDER District of Manchester, on the 2nd mperacy woik to which our mem­ For Necessary E. Heart and Key Bracelet, Sterling...... $S.>S SulUvan’s statement that the arrests were made. | Say of F-brusr)-. A.D.. IMS decorations and furnishings are bera have rallied so effectively," The Slllenee car backed out of and Fiendish W inter W eather F. Ring Bell Charm, 10 Karat Gold S5.S0 Navy will have to cut iU manpow- Hsrtfosd, Feb. 4 — (/PI — StaU IN THE ■ Present. JOHN J. WALLETT, being supplemented by guided said Mr. HaU, “I think I know aa • Repairs ' sr by 80,0000 was seised upon as a parking space into the truck, Judge. tours, exhibits and apectal enter­ well as anyone toe opportunities 6. Bowknot Pin, White Stones, Gold Filled $8.00 Tax Commissioner William F. Con­ and the only damage was some l b . Rstate of Frances R. Croosen. late of are W aiting for Von! a new argument against Mr. Tru­ nelly has announced that Connecti­ Xanchetter. In lald District, deceased. tainment with the niatortc IniUd- offered toe youth of this country. • Improvements H. Anklet, 10 Karat Gold ...... $4.00 man's request for universal mili­ cut realdents drank less beer and scratches on the car fender. STEAKS On motion of Mary C. Croooen of ings here ea the working labora­ America has been good lo me. In tary training. whiskey and drank more wine in SHORTS Gift SIRLOINS said Manchester. i.deiin]stratiix. tory for the Forum program. return, I want to do ail in my power Fender Fiends crumple, pit and groove • Construetion Senator McQellan (D., Ark.), NorOieast Seetlon ORDERED; That six . month! from tc help our yw th of today. ^rift Intiudo fodorel Tom 1948 than, in 1947. according to the 2nd day of February, A.D., 1242. and are having a merry time it. said *tt lust doesn’t add up to be tax figures for the past two years. A new customer, told Charlie McCarthy, Thursday, be snd the some are limited and ol "The youth of America must be —iHeg for UMT and cutting the The report showed that taxes col­ Bonded Memorials that the steak he received the day before waa the best lowed for the rreditnra within which Cliamiliade Club told of their heritage aa Ameri­ Connecticut Navy personnel at the same time.” lected on sales of all alcoholic bev-: to bring In their rislma against said cans. The Freedom Train, which This kind of weather also is severe on the iscpstsry of the Air Force eragea last year were 86.230.688.35. | CONNKUTICUT he had in ten years. They cannot all be that good, but estate, and ‘.he skid administratrix was BO well received throughout Symington told a House commit­ directed to gWe public notice to the finish of your car. a drop of 3.02 per cent from taxes { VAI.MEV we do cut Home mighty fine favored tender beef . . . all creditors to bring In their claims with Lists Program the country, demonstrated how Valley tee Monday that if his branch had important this can be. It ia only the 8MO,000,000 set aside in the collected in 1947. MEMORIAL UO| Western dresaed and (iovernment inspected, of course. In sold time allowed by publishing a It pays to leave your car- at home and RexMy xx4 copy of this order In some newspaper The Chaminade Musical Club through education of this type that budM tor UMT it could flU 67 - haring a elreulatlon In sold probate we can combat subversive influ­ take the bus. IXVMttaMlt Co. oonibat groups to full strength. Route 5, South Windsor SKINLESS FRANKFURTS...... 5 9 c LB. district, within ten days from the data wilt have aa guest artists the "Nos- JEWELERS SILVERSMlTf^S SINCE 1900 of this order, and return make to this talgiers,” a male octet* at tha Feb­ ences at work to destroy the faith 447 Mala Street ’There are now 50. groups, but Tbere’a Nothing Reiter Than Telephone Hartford 8-0678 of our youth in democracy. We 958 MAIN ST...... / . OPPOSITE OAK some are skeletonised. ReaMenoe Mancheatei 6828 court of the notice given. ruary meeting, Monday night. Feb­ SMALL UNK SAUSAGE ...... 5 9 c LB. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. ruary 7, In Center Church House. know tost is a basic part of Com­ TelephMMi 884S 4 UWtvOla, Lir», These men are members of to* munist strategy to weaken democ ••I IHMIt AT A COURT OF PROBATE held racy by subverting youth. lueGii^ ttemiitti OCcoKtfcs If you have a large family our bone in Block Chuck S t MsnelMstar within and for tht Hartford Choral Club and have New Building Anthortznl Dealer 5 to 6 lbs. Pot Roast at 5.5c lb., will be Just right for District of Manchester, on the 2nd been tinging togethar aa an octet "Currently the Order of Elka is day of February, A.D., 1242. for three or four years. They mra sponsoring a national high school © ^ ROASTING RfM'H OF AOKS you and excellent value. Our tender Boneless Chuck PressnI. JOHN J. WALLETT. lovers of music and have a reper­ essay contest on ’Why Democracy ' Block Is Planned MONU.MKNTS Pot Roasts, which we can cut any slie, are just the Judge. Estate of Lulgt DIMortlno nr De- toire of over 100 songs, memorhMd, Works.’ We feel that these films a 'V/ CHICKENS thing for smaller families. Martino, late of Manchester In - said Including college snd familiar will be s great help in further en­ Town Architect Arnold Lawrence, of district, deceased. songs, barber shop tunes, ragtime lightening boys and girls lucky Drive In An.v Dme The Boiled Ham we are featuring l« worth at leavt 19e Ih. Upon application of Antonio Di and sacred music. enough to be Americans. We are 889 Main street, hss been com­ Deliveries Frtda.v M)imlng more . . . bat we doubled oar order and decided to make a Prato, executor, praying for sutbnrily Advertisement 1 missioned to draw plsns for a new to sell certain real eotste partieularty A gu4st violinist and pianist com batting Communism ^ buslnesB Mock that will be located ••fcplurge” on It; deecrlbed In sold application on file, will present s group of violin solos strengthening democracy " Board «f Tax Review on the went side of Main street at r (k ; e r o i . r o T T it is and some piano duets. Mr. HaU said that the scope of Haynes sirssL The plans srs be­ 408 West Uniter StroeS FRESHLY SLICED ORDERED: That the foregoing ap- Preceding toe program toe mem­ the series is indicated by the titles pllcatlofi be beard and determined at bera of the club win hold a pot- Notice ing prepared for Frank Shlmaltis. Telephnae 7888 the Probate office In Manchester ' In of the six flimsy “The Birth Of Sr,, fathar of Frank Shlmaltis, Jr., said District, on the 12th day of Feb>- luck supper In toe Robbins room. Our Freedom," "Freedom’s Foun The Board of Tax Review qt owner of Hsnsen’s Milk Bsr. rusry, A.D.. 124*. at nine o'clock In datiqn,". “Fracdom’a Froyrass,** |i toe Town of Manchester, O ^ ., The pcxiposed b u ild ^ will hsrc B O IL E D H A M b the forenoon, gnd that notice be giren Not Crimtaany liable • "P^dom Today.” "The V^bu- will be in session at toe Munici­ s 40-foot frontmge on kUin street to all persons Interested In sold estate lary Of Freedom," and "The Lit­ pal Building toe • foUowlnR days snd will be 80 feet In depUt. It is Immediate Delivery of the pendency of i^ld application snd New Haven, Feb. 4—OPI—Mrs. erature Of Fre*dom.“ They, are during toe month of February, the time and place of bearing thereon, Berths Walsh, of Great hlU, Sey­ 1 3 ■: planned to have two stores tm the On Plnehnrat Suggettv A e fb e Be«t V eg^M e Value by publishing a copy of this order In designed especiaUy for use in 1949: Home newspapor haring a circulation mour, driver of a car which struck teaching claasea in history, civics ground Boor and offices, on the sec­ Hava )our doctor tele- GOLDEN CB18P February I to February 14. ta- ond fk)or. Of brick construction. RLSCO All >leial In said district, st least flW dars be­ snd fatally injured Thomas Cas- and English. Each kit is accom- I elusive. frMB 4 to 4 P. M., eneb . the building will have s Steel phone hla preaertptinn fore the day of said bearing, to appear pyrxk. of Anaonla, in to st city frame, y If they tee cause St said time and last Dec. 23, was absolved of I day. Self Storin;; Storm ta Weldon's over oar pri­ place and be beard relsllvt thereto, All persona claiming to be ag- Plans wlA be completed and vate pmfeaolonal wire for C A R R O T S > - ' and moke return to this court. criminal responsibility by Coroner ready /for M ^ M rly next month. Sash and Screens 1 0 JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. James J. Corrigan today. I grieved by toe doings of toe As- Bids wUrbe-received by Mr. Law­ Product Of The iminedtate delivery to Mora ol toe Town of Manchea- rence. vour home. RED CABBAGE, SALAD MIX, FRESH SPINACH [ ter. Conn., anO those requiring ad- F. C. RuMirll t'«. juatmenta must appear and file Juicy Florlila AYMINTS INVtflO: in I For Estimates Call I their complaint at one of tbeae oddHipa GOOD EVENING I meetings or at aome adjourned WELDON'S Us lest ORANGES LINOLEUM REMNANTS I meeting ot said Board of Tax Rc- cuttomary 30-day cfiarpa occotmf, M kh o .lt M- M. A. CLOUGH 901 MA1.N STREET Personal Notices I view. vtfei peymenfi oF ot iritfa os | f b week or $4 Tel. 2-9532 ksM Dox. 39e The lime ot appeal la limited by Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Home Owner law to twenty days from and aft- a month. Mtcfioeii makot oveiiobfet, of no eddod U s M I er toe first day o< February, 1949. We vi*h io thank our (ri.mU and Sharflaa FreaWy Ground ONE DAY SALE cod, th. lowott tmm$ elf mod by tin. jewtlert John L Olson nrighbon lor their many tlioughtful Chairman. aria o( klndattt and aympathr tbovn OOe COFFEE - onyvhere. ua daring onr recant bareavament. AIio SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 May We ScD Your Home? Sherwood A. Beeohler, the Anderaon-Sh.a Pott and auxmLt-\- Bccrctgry. ol the V.r.W. Pait Preildent. elub. Lb.55e Wallace M. Hutchinson. tha D.A.V. auxiliary for floril and AT OUR OLD LOCATION—165 SCHOOL ST. Board oi; Tax Raview ot toe other tribute*. We elio thank all who WILLIAMS We can give you fast rgliable service in selling Town of Manchester, Coon. offered the uae of can. We Now Have Psarlcd Tapioca In Slock yotir home. AH we ask for is 15 days to sell Mr*. Florence Streeter and family. OIL SERVICE Many pieces soitsble for counter, table or desk top, your hotne. Remember we wiU bear all costs ______■ The Keefe family. For holders of Frozen Lodter Biaes—We are of­ bath, hall or other small areas. fering Grade A Hindquarters at an attractive price 4 - - oaa aa*«* tot sot of of advertising your home. You name your Card of Thanks Distributors of with no charge for cutting up. ______price, we will get it. We have a splendid rec­ We vUh to thank all of our neigh- DURABLE, INEXPENSIVE UVO(Onial8l*saa boa*, frienda and relatives for the Gulf Petroleum Products Monday^ Feb. 7 Rms «bMi sofdi OO ord in being able to get you the highest price tuny acu of ktodataa and aympathy We welcbme Manchester’s new Carpet Center iMStaraSh Turnpike Auto Bo11 b JCmiorial hospltri. Odd FeDOars, Mvn- Gulf Gasoline and Motor Oils Turnpike. lilr. Leon Browne and Mr. Proceeds From These Collections pf Paper Serve To Buy New E«|uip- “Cash and Carry” praisal with no obligation to sell. EQUIPPED A N D STAFFED T O SERVE YOU cr OraaM Ward OMaer Omnp, Arthur Bailargeon know the carpet business neetteut National Goard firing meiH For The Manchester Memorial Hoapital. .V ] Mn. Charlotte Behrend Quality Products and we know they can help you with your * 29c Sqa Ft. W. GOODCHILD, Jr. The Best For Less add children. carpet problems. Dependable Service Magaodnea, Paper and Paper Cartons Pidied Up I Install it youraelf and save money. Many heautifal StceL Ahnaiaam mad REAL ESTATE CO. Wood BHads Manchester’s “Live Wire” Real Estate Office Plaote Not# - Collections WillBeMadoAsSchedulod color combinatioiM. Repairinr Mbiic Oil Burner Soles and Service 641 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER All Kinds of Automotive Rqrairing l#ogroplier 341 Brood St. Phone 2-1257 RoinorShino^UnloM ItRoing in o Downpour or Snowr Hord Enough To ImpedoTro'rol. BEDARIi’S FLOOR COVERma Findell Mfg. Co. Phong 2*4279 ^ IL BRObEMCK. **fTe Solve thip Bumtug Ooestion** 4H MM4b T« iA. Ew t Sfttitfaction Guoranteed MsIaSt. Tclj| 21642 nwMB a-osaa :...’****.. 0 4 4 .- HONESTY RELIABILITY FAST RESULTS

V-:- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHES'l EK. CONN.. FKIUAT, l-EBKUARY 4. 1949 \ FAGE SEVEN., MANCHESTER EVENING'HERALD. MANCHESTER. CUNN.. rRIDAY. rEBRUABT 4, 194S lani aaaHtante, to tha Anar and poaMlaw-af saapaMlMlitF hnoM ns act aa ushers; and Rev. Carl E. them with a splendid opportunity J. Egan said tha guns, “ tMabfy for service in molding and shaping Local Residents N avy to propaUcr matotenaaos. 6>a ^abllriunant of impdlrteat n * I Each month will be represented by Emanuel to Note Olson’s meaaage win Include ref­ Included to this group an two aaaroh 6$ a aetoBtltle or teofiMdii There la no evidence th at. the claanad and oilad. and fully load- erences to tha Soouttog inove- the phjodcaL moral and spiritual ; a decorated birthday -cake and a Await Report ad,” and wrapped In oU-eoak#d life o f the boys, aiid has given Manchaoter man who o n atm with natun^ m tha paMwaiaaei ;ar Kimmel Certain Time ment. " _ . _ Get Certificates other types o f fsapdoaiMo aarvtoa?* churchman waa not apeaklng of Rockville number on the program. Thoaa In raga wara found In a draaaar la them a better understanding and tha company. They ara Harold A. B6y Scout Sunday Ooncarnlng tha Boy Sooute » of aad hia own will and hla own mind. charge of the various montba In* Tomaai'a room. appreciation o r the problems and Barglund, 59 O i^ r n , road. Tba prsaantahona w a n mads by O n O o t h ^ America, Mr. CHaon states, "I ^ tlalon ■rta Martto, gananl mansgir, and What, then, waa hla-purpose r elude, January, Gordon Gibson; BaM Without Ball IN T IM ES needs that yface our boys today. specially * authorized "Certlfl* WUUam Oabbay, 63 Pliwf«lii0 llrrali February. Mrs. Marjoria Skinner; Bman6et BvaagaUcal Lutheran happy to aay that SoouUng haa tRpoaCa Carl r . SahDty, saM oa managat. Tottiaal. who waa arraatad lata Will Clear His Name had a wholesome and beneficial re­ On the ppit of the boys. Scouting cates of Appraclatlon" have baan rA '| u «u iD in t iu It aecma to' have been a hope Senior Class March. Nelson Skinner; April. Miss church baa announced on its bul­ The cerUflcatcs were signed by Wadnaaday In otM of tha moat In* sult both to our sponsoring organ* haa prqirided them with ah appeal- awarded by the United Statee Air n B M X„ l rniNTiNQ oa, if»c. lh at he could absolve hla Church Ruth Brolle; May. Mrs. Vera Cobb; letin that It witl, obaerve Bcout Carl A. Spaatz, former command­ II tM II it'Mt Blood-Stained Garments tanalva manhunts this dty _haa izaUon, Old Brotherhood o f the worthwhile program to Force to twenty-nine war-time Itself from reaponalbillty, for hla June, Miss Marlon Thrall. avar aaan, la held without hall <• LIKE THESE: Sunday, February 6. The program thg^uUdlng of strong bodies, alert employeea of Hamilton Standard ing general of the Air Force and Alltoator turttaa raaob a wateht HanofeMUr. Cona. To Give Play Admiral Might Have! Emanuel Lutheran church, and o f 16* pot THUMAS riR U U ^ N BasketbsH Found in Room of a oofoBsr'a warrant by ordar of Show Open* Toddy la now batog formulated and will is, and sound moral''and splr* P r i^ lle r s divlaion of United A ir­ wars awarded tu aarvlea rapra- Sbout sfeewift own actions In the political Held, B a y m mn bisWaat.... awn wary . among the boya. On tha part of stnagth to soormOua, Is ffe taa.. Tftaa., Oan’t U>.nwi The American Legion live will Coronar Jamaa J. Corrigan. Been Great Naval Hero include these features: Scouts wlU character. I firmly believe to craft Corporation. The men served aantattvas who had ‘Iwrvad ovar^ A and a hope that, by sacrifice of hla Shooting Suspect our Brotliarhood. aad partkul^^ I spodman oaa savor a httmah « m roualM Oilobai i. »W- play the Carrle-Phelp* from ' Hold also la tha lavaatlgaUon attend church In uniform, accom­ the work of the Scouting pro­ In almost every theoter of opera­ seas not Isas than alx months con­ own person, he could pave the way Comedy to Be Presented OfMItal valBMt panied by parents and the Troop the committee to charica tinuously or Intermittently in or hsr with ooo Mta. RuMM mI VtaiT evening Weat Hartford thia avening at tha la Joasph Maaalano, 33, o f this ol^ty, Of;Second World Wart gram." tions during World War U as clvil- New Haven, reb. 4— InviM- ^m lttee; four Boy SoouU will work, I fael that It haa - ««^a]r Ana tl for some agreejnent between the -Tonight by Rockville Princess Hall. In the first game at who la ehargad with taehnieal Idio* What daM tMa uMaaf Tjvb Sorrows Fate PM i^ca al Con" - M Church and the Communist gov­ 7:15 p. ra. the "B " teams will meet ti^ to ra today await a atata pa* neaa gad oonfiaad to tha New Ha­ ££!?^Oaaa Mali Matter: thologiat’a report o f hia analyala ven oourtgf^l! to dofautt of * Natttag exeapt that aaaaa aaapla ara averlaaktog tha ernment which would put an emi High School Pupils with the rpature game starting at 8UWCRIPT10N RATEX 8:15 p. m. ct blood*atalaed dothlng reported* $15,000 ------teat that wra ara futog through a portad af ra-adjaafment By Paul osebrane ftU.UU to the warfare between them and ly found in the room o f ajm epeet Una Tear b» Mat! ...... $ SOU Rockville. Feb. 4— (Special » — The All-Rockville Juniors will Despite the fact that Kahan has after tha axstssss af tha war yaara. This la jM rfeetly ttsw London, Fsb. 6—4 *)—Ad­ ■U mefithi by Mk)[...... » t oo enable the Church to retain some­ play the Mancheatcr Animals of held to tha brutal ahooUng Wadaaa- Idanttflad Tomsal as ona o f Ida aa- annual Oahu foUawa aterm and vlae vamu. 'Thla Is a One month hy MaH ...... '•A Date With Judy,” a comedy day o f ah elderly New Haven Jew­ miral Husband E. Kimmal might $ m thing of Its position In Hungary. the Manchester Recreation League aallante, Totnasl has vabamantly law af Nataia>-a law al maa aad hualnaoo ta ahw auhjeet Smcia Copy ...... based on the famous radio show eler. h$ve been tba grast Naval hero of WMhly. ey earner ...... $ of the same name, will be present­ this evening at the East Side Rec denlad tha Mioottog or avan balng to aatural lawa. $ia.uo He himself asked to be. released Teateiday a balliaUca expert told to Kahan's stora. tko Second World war. f iba. dalitarad. one Tear ...... lU.UOl ed at the Sykea Auditorium this Gvm In Manchester. The Rockville IVaai or Mtaa.. Eorenn ...... so that he could participate In the them that ona of two tuna found Police said ha had '*not aatla- Ihday haaliiran la aierely regatalag Ita halaaee. It'a ' Instead, tba war • bsought him evening at 8:15 o'clock by a cast players will meet at Chic'a lunch at In a room occupied by AuiUpo To* nothtog aaWt IFa ahnpty a atairmeal af eamniaa aeaaa — ' MCMuett OF „ _ j reaching ot such ah agreement. 8:30 p. m. to go to Manchester. faetorily accounted for" the two i\to great sorroWs-4h%Pearl Hsr- of members of the Senior class maal, allaa Philip Thomaa, an ex* revolvers or the alleged blood­ that aaaaa af aa aecua to hava fbrgattea. 75 Years of fine styling, fine quality, n iB ASSoCIATKD „,, v But the Communists compro- of the Rockville High school. Movlea Saturday ,bor disaster and tbu tosa of a son cmivlct had fired one of aeveral stained clothing to hla room. Tha Aaaovia'eO Preaa ta eacluaivai The following Is the cast of Movies aponsorad by tha Rural .'at aes. Hla boy. Manbtog W. Kim* ua. Ot repn''''f'‘ ‘ ;"" “j Imise with religion only where they eluga that wounded Samuel g- Kahan, on the other hand, has eharaeters: Vernon School aaaoclatlon will be Kahan, 65, in hla Congreaa avenua 'WILLIAM' 'm al, diad on the aubmarlns be All «!••• di#p*lclie» thfii Muef have to, and in Hungary they are not mads an Idantlfication of Mas* commanded in the Phlllpptnea rik • Alhairwls® th^S PRP Judy...... Miss Mary Reardpn shown on Saturday afternoon at 2 Jewelry atore. ■iaUo, but i^ c e said they would not in compromising mood. Here Ooogie Pringle...... Bruce Beal I campaign. and aloo the loeai na*ta p. m. at the Vernon CenUr church. The slug had been removed from contlnuo to hold him “ for Investi­ All rlghta of .r*P“ *’"7.Vo"rf»rTrd they are out to destroy religion, Mrs. F o s te r ...... Katherine Ertel There will be two cartoons and a I Still Alert and Erect make Watkins February values outstanding N» diapatrhaa neral.i are auo rrnerTro. Kahan’s body by aurgeona at New gation/’ not only as a political force Randolf Foster...... Irving Dunn feature entitled. "A Boy. a Girl Haven hospital where the Jeweler GOODCHILD Kimmel, a tslL bronaed man of fSill aarrica cl'ent 6l N. E. A Serv­ Mr. Foster...... Kenneth North vigorous frame and voice, la now against themselves, but as a mor­ and a Dog." The first moving pic­ la on the critical list with two .SENIOR. ice, ______Hannah...... Patricia North ture show two weeks ago was wounds In the cheat and three to 67 but atm alert and erect. He alts al force as well. Here, for some Barbara Wlnsocket ...... most Buccesaful. hla left arm. much o f the time alone with hla Publianera~ RaPrceenUI-vea^ ... Dorothv Orlowski REALTOR—OFFICE 15 FOREST STREET reason, they do not consider it Fired From Ottae Found records In a little, sparsely fur­ ; “o' r C^it^aT.* ."5 Two other slugs picked up at F r i s k t o i r a Telephone 7925 Or 2-M94 nished rear office overlooking necessary to tread as easily »» i " Grace dVm ^ commerclel rooftops ' In this an­ UEMBEK AUPIT b u r e a u o r they are treading in Poland. And. Hoffman. .Lucille M. Mather the scene of the snooting, said CIRCULATIO.NS. - Merton A. Roblnsmi, Winchester lavtta Aay aad All cient porL ★ Comfort for six-footers rather than permit Cardinal Mr. Martindale. Robert McCarthy Open Forum COLD-WALL On Dec. 7. 1641. Kimmel was Mrs. Hotchkiss...... Beverly Lutz Repeating Arms Company engi­ Mindszenty to play a role In call­ neer. were fired from the two guns commsnder*in*chlef o f tbs United Eloise ...... Barbara Chase Visiting California IMPERIAL States combined fleets. Under his ing off strife, they arc determined which were found In Tomasi'a Mills Brothers, Ray MoKIoley WATKINS ' Rex O'Connor...... Charles Gebler To the editor. orders at Pearl Harbor were 100 to use him as their excuse for pro­ I Sii.sie...... Marlene Barstow room. I* Til# ManctitiUr Bvenlnj llerald. One planning a vacation In Cal'* Detective Capt. John MeSherry warahips, the strongest fleet In the WATKINS Longfellow Chairs moting more strife. i For Convent Fund fornia. in the near future, should world. Two Of the nation's greatest In in interpreting the ballistic report person attractions are featured on Friday. February 4 , PoMibly, as his own words The Polish Women's Society of not fail to visit the many attrac­ of Robinson said that slugs fired If St that time he had known the double stage bill, playing to­ crdin tive places California has to offer. by the expert from both guns all that Washington officials knew For convenient ^rklng FEBRUARY Six-footers will welcome this .1 day, Saturday and Sunday, at the Los Angeles and San Francisco o f­ showed ''scorings'' which matched alx>ut the decoded Japanese mss- use the Purnell Parking Not A Real Choice ty's conduct has been In error in ruarv in the vacant store on the fer a large share of attractions. If State theater, Hartford. Headlin­ big, extra-deep chair with its those o M h e alug taken from Ks^ sages and plana for sttsek, he told Lot. rear o f our etore, f u r n i t u r e On the surface. Governor some respects. But It Is not he Broad Walk, starting at 1 p. m. one has the spare time to study, ban's body and ethers picked up at a congressional Inveatgating com­ ing are The Mills Brothers sensa­ daytime aa well as Thurs­ 9 8 7 5 reversible feather-down back It l.s being held for the benefit of these s'ghta are a great education Frame Spinners W anted tional stars o f stage, screen, rec­ ter Bowles' budgetouagee message has I Is on trial; the trial is being the scene by Detective Sergeant mittee In 1946. he would have been day evenings. W e'll re­ cushion. Covered in a heavy the Fellclan Sisters' Convent and as well as pleasure. Rslpb Harsh. t ready for a fight He would have ords' and radio, who appear to­ deem your parking ticket. Were 1110.00 nosed a state controversy between held not primarily to convict him, each member is asked to bring an gether with Ray McKinley, fam­ tapestry; turquoise and rose I will try to describe one of Captain of Detectives Raymond had all his force assembled, he on beige background. t^oppoalng forms of tax-the put to smear all religion. We think article of home made food between these sights in some detail. A few Women experienced in woolen frame dpinning said, and would have taken them ous drummer r.nd vocalist, and his SALE which we have now. and 1 that fact is sufficiently clear to 10 a. m. and 12 noon. Anyone miles out of Los Angeles Is the to sea so aa to be In an Intercept­ great orchestra. Hear the Mills American minds, and will remain who cannot get their food to the famous Buena Park. This park, of ing poslUon. Brothers singing their newest re­ the Income tax, which he would store Is asked to notify Mrs. needed for third shift. so as they watch Communist "Jus­ Fleanor;23 acres, has 27 boiling tar Might Have Woa Victory cording hits, "1 Love You Bo Much prefer to substitute for the sales Blanche Sternal or Mias Eleanor | fir*t tried • Lockor-Top froozor It Hurts." "Gloria," "I’ve Got My tice" unfold. Fortuna. He might have won a great vic­ tRX- out for road repair. As they dug INCOME • Meitt-Cold compurimMil tory. Hla name might have been Love To Keep Me Warm,” aa well Actually, It la not, a l least as Legion Social into them, they found them filled aa such favorltea as 'T U I Then,'' The Legion will have a lobster Apply in Person at recorded with Nlmlts, Halsey, Colonial polished with hiatorical bones, pf birds, and • Moter-MIsor mochunisM "1 Wish," "L azy River," and Governor Bowles presents it. a Behind Closed Shutters and shrimp social this evening at Dewey and John Paul Jones. animals of all kinds, bears, ele­ • 10 cu. ft. tiza . "Paper Doll." Ray McKlnle/a Or \valid controversy. It la not a con­ the Legion Home on West street. TAX Instead, the names Kimmel and Down In Newark, what seems phants. ground sloth. buffalo, Short bacama symbols o f disaster. cheatra ia one of ths most versa troversy between that kind of in­ It Is expected that a delegation one of the typleal stories of our I from the Carrie-Phelps Post will wolf, horses, camels, over 200 dif­ ASSISTANCE (MaJ. Gen. W alter C. Short waa tile bands In the land, and features brass lamps 21'^’ come tax which la perfect in the­ ferent specimens are represented Aldon Spinning Corp. limes has just been repeated. Po­ 1 visit the home following the bas­ the Arm y comraandar in tba Ha­ lovely Jeanne Friley, ''Mistress of ory and the sales tax. It la a con­ that met their fate during the Ice waiian area.) Under their com Song," and an aggregation of not lice have entered a house whose ketball game at Princesa hall. Hours 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. troversy between an Income tax Rehearsal age. They are now assembled and Talcoltville, Conn., manda. United States forces sus' ed mualciaaa and entertainers. Perfect for mahogany rooms! Colo­ window blinds had been drawn The Degree team of Kiowa Coun- can be seen in the beauWuI w s * atalnad the most stinging defeat Extra added attractions are Jean which has been divorced from j Mominffs and nial “ candlestick” style bases with since 1918. They have discovered cll,__ __ Degree of Pocahontas, will hold ' eum----- in Los Angeles. ThLsHils next in their history. Carroll, celebrated Broadway basic Income tax theory and a Evenings K EM P ’S or Phone Manchester S128 graceful arm; reflectors; 1-2-3 light there the bodies of an aged recluse ■ a rehearsal this evening at 8 summer the excavation will con Kimmel feela now, however, that comedienne; Vic and Adio, "Tw o a February feature il tinue. and if plans arc carried out By Appointment time haa put Into clearer perspec­ Boya from Brazil," and a boat of sockets. Opaque paper-parchment aalM u x. and his blind wife. The husband , ® This la ao becau.se, as Governor the 23 acre* will be made Into a tive the responsibility for tha others. shades in tole green or red, decorated had died first, of natural causes. S c h S l^ u ll^ ^ ' committe® public park. The land was owned Inc. tragedy. Bowles proposes an Income tax. There are late stage shows with gold. I His blind wife, then helpless, had Vernon has re­ by Henry Hancock, who gave it. Thomas J. The congressional cammittee every Saturday and Sunday start It would not be a measure Uking 763 Main Street sat In a kitchen chair until death quested an appropriation of $600,- w'lth a request that it be preserv­ found him Innocant o f any derellc Ing at 10 p. m. from moat Connecticut citizens in ed and made Into a living flora. Quish T e l 5680 tlon o f duty, although It criticized came to her. 000 from’ the ~Board of Finance for The treea. shrubs, birds and an­ him for e-rors of Judgment. It accordance with their ability to the purpose of building two new Charter Oak St. business connections, cast about The darkened house was full of imals as they were supposed to 6 FriRidaire In Manchester agreed with him that some Wash­ pay. It would, as a matter of fact, schools according to the report of for a pleasant place to live and antiques and art treasures, some look when that section was occu­ The Arm y and Navy ington officials had not furnlahed take from relatively few Connect­ the Board of Finance in the Town Telephone 4021 came to New London to be near of them covered with newspapers. Report tor 1948 published this pied by animal life will be repro­ For Over 25 Year* him with all the Information he duced. It is supposed these animala his son, Comdr. Thomaa Kimmel, icut citizens—only those making week, the sum of $6,000 to be ask­ should have had. This Included in­ The general atmosphere was one took these U r ^ ts for water holes, an Instructor at the Submarine $4,000 a year or over. Now It la ed for architect retaining fees. One a a b tercepted Japanese diplomatic of dusty litter. But on a bed room got stuck In the sticky maas, ana school. not pleasant to admit that Con­ school would be located in Rural messages and recorded reports by Another son, who also saw N av­ dresser lay a highly iMjlished vlo- , Vernon and one on East street in were prey to other beasts when Japanese spies In Hawaii. necticut has relatively few people they themselves were caught. al seiA’ice in the war, is Edward Hn and bow. ' the O ty of Rockville. V The Navy conducted three In­ When plans are carrl^jl out. Han­ Ralph Kimmel, now a Wilmington, over that Income class; but It la The Finance Board points out vestigation o f his part In the There we have the picture. It 1 j cock Park will be one of the great­ Del., attorney. fact. And what the Bowles income Pearl Harbor catastrophe. but The exact manner In which Man­ w„". K-p.-, est show places In California. Just Received BINGO “ “ m''?ST'£X,S. tax proposal means la.that the Harry S. Mason the department found no cause for ning Kimmel met death aboard tho great majority of ConnecOcut drawn from life for some thirty vambn over the debt Umll allowed -....Vh™. a court martial. submarine Robolo has never been years, not. apparently, because ' by law and states "W e are allow- fkiuth Hawthorne t "-oitlxena will be excused from any A SHIPMENT OF NEW 6 CYLINDER Kto|^s Optalon Softened determined but the admiral thinks Sheraton mahogany they could not afford to continue t ed to borrow an additional five per Evf ry Soturday Night Even ^eet Admiral Ernest J. It must have struck a mine to \ p ^ « f the U x of paying for the norma, relations with the - r i d . | King softened hla opinion of Kim- Philippine waters. itgte bonus and the additional aid . mcl's conduct. In the heat of Here in the bustling old port - STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP for your th Century to'aducaUon which are the partlc- Mox/Afry s n o s King's first reaction, he had said • consUnt parade o f au^ 18 U ^ u c a U o n Which ,1“: rr7n“sU ncrortTeir ! ‘^^^^-ca^is^^a^t^enrioV “t^the f^ct Z Oldsmobile Engines ‘that kimmel “lacked superior marines passes on the nearby ular SUte function, which world ' that the City of Rockville must F V E l K ID 4 Judgment necessary for exercising Thames, Kimmel thinks often >nly by ao they really do not care what birthday party this evening for F U E L O IL unlawfully appreprtatiag 30,000 Centuiy comfort with deep coil taxes can be aimed, and the Motor Sales, Inc. FRiSS flim— (indaof politicians but by Kimmel hlm- barrels of fuel olL goes on in the ouUlde world. They i members who have birthdays ' self the admiral has this to say: •A\ade to order in your choice springs and spring seat! Choice of Bowles proposal has been aimed. Peirce a-ss freed under bond ^ ,__ . , -cw during the first six months of the MOBIL KEROSENE “ Your OMsmobile Dealer” and awtdoar Retorts “My sole objective In demand­ ball-and-claw legs as shown, or The BldeB Ux, on the other have reilgned from it. They no . after recommendation of State At­ R A N G E O IL boNi) Amca will flvo ing a court was to place the cir­ torney Abraham 8. Ullman that of over smart fabrics straight-leg stretcher base, both with hand, is. In lU basic form, a tax longer hold any alight aharc of [ Grange hall in Vernon Center, 512 WEST CENTER STREET TEL. 4134 60 you oneflior roll fr*al cumstances before the American plea be deferred until a later time. nail trim. Choose your own covering which la much leas pleasant to responsibility for it. Let it go to people. I had no doubt of the He was arrested on a beach war­ Usually 1325.00. Delivery within 30 <|ay8. from' over thirty-five decorative principle than a pure income tax the devil, ouUidc the shutters: reault at any time. rant issued by Superior Court “The fact that 1 was never fabrics. Delivery in 60 days. Usually Undoubtedly, It places a heavier Whst do we think of that ^ ( Judge Edward .1. Quinlan and was given a court luartlal Is complete $98.00. percentage burden upon'the poor .Well, few people who hive ever ^ > RAV DWYER’S arraigned before hlai yesterday. evidence that the Navy depart­ thought about the world in which Food Sole CORL.^ Dl In an Information filed by Ull­ and tho middle claaata than la nv r-’i-v r, ment knew it could never convict man, Uie oil company h e ^ Is they live can fail to have some un­ strictly Just. Undoubtedly, it is a SAT.. FEB. .•>—9:30 N 1H( UyfL '■.(NTtP J. PH- 4D me. Prior to the ordering of the charged with unlawfully appropri­ rongreoalonal tnveatigatlon. by tax imder which the rich escape derstanding of the 'motives in­ HAI.E’S STORE ating oil on three oounU and of The Doctor^s PHOTO SPECIALS! only method to place the facts be­ volved. Who has not, at some embezzlement on five eounte. The any exccaaive burden of taxation. No. Methodist WSCS fore the American people waa to time or other, felt like abandoning embezzlement charge accuses But the aalea Ux, also, can be demand a court martial In open citizenship and responsibility and Self-Appointed Helper Peirce of obtaining merchandise by * diverted from lU own basic prin­ 8 MM. BLACK and WHITE court. * means of a check “ knowing that D ay and Night ciples. Exemptions and UmiU can participation and retiring tx-hind “ A ll the essential data In this the maker thereof a’as not entitled case was In the ^ re t or top se do much to shift it away from some cloister? But to yield to MOVIE FILM to draw on the drawee the speci­ cret status and dlocldsures of any fied auma,” licaring with exclusive heaviness this instinct, actually to live l>y it • When you are ill, avoid the part of It would have subjected me | ______seems, to us. to b<- a betrayal of 40 Speed— Reg. $2.76 ...... Now $1.7B upon the pour. And the present well-meaning friend who effera to trial before a general court with! Lawson StCidio-Sofa Connecticut U x is lesa of a villain life Itself. It there was any slight 80 Speed— Reg. $3.04 . ------Now $1.08 I way in which either ot these two helpful advice. What cured Reason Seen in t^is respect than it was in iU lafnrmatlun In Record people could have made the out­ SALE original form, ao that there is grandinother’s boils may be no "In the Congressional Investiga­ To Hold Machiues side world just a ahadc better il j Outdated Outdated tion all of this Information ot covered to your order *1 5 9 probably to«d- ty, N. Y.. atternay, who dlad yea- luxurious . . . downy cotton on one ttof 'bis own gulH ‘in principle Bahe Oata tha Haag of It tai Blala Stn TSL 5331 Ung St sea the heavtoet ahi* to tba terday at Bharea hoapltaL will ba Md detail" of many of Na\-y. It playad an Important p «rt held to Mlllerton, N. Y „ Rundav. side for winter warmth . . . cool hair Lxis Angeles—(fl^—AJ one year STATE TAILOft SHOP Oonklln will he burled In Hlltodaie qliprgea preferred against blni by In tho Pacific war. ) on other side for summer comfort. old. Jimmie Wcaaer can hang from Haa at Hab Rase School , cemetery, Mlllerton. after scrvlce» 7 5 Jfim'rersa/y tbs Ootomunlst tirglme is not one 8 BISSELL STREET STATE THEATER BLDG. Usually $49.75. Box springs also a bar for a minute, or chin him -! Later, after the death of a j et his honw. He leaves his widow. 1 $39.75. Delivery within 30 dava. for easy American understending self four times. brother, Kimmel. terminated h is! Mrs. Myrtle Sheldon OsnikUn. ^ A -* h

1 , PAGE NIRS MANCaiEFTER EVENING HERALDi MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1949 ...... calved and favorably acted on at offices wlU be prepared for nom­ MANCHESTER EVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN« FRIDAX, FEBRUARY 4, 194* lueedaFs meeting. Many mem­ ination at a latar meeting. It U RONSON UGRTERS Plight Vicw€id ij” Extended Foraciisl Schedule State bers attending the meeting *' re­ expected n definite date for clos­ •N? quested application blanks atat- ing the charter will be decided on Pocket Or Tsbls Windhamvf inTinuni Community Memorial Eugene Henneesey, Mia. WMter may be forecloaed In the same WBeaten,Mn.---- — ga« WlUteam w r n w ia aZTwtay'i a Radio Boston, VM Feteil 4 4—(F)—tm —Extei—Extended ing they expected to have them at this coming meeting. Tbe h ^ tital a l WsdBeadey.Wi - Coli|mbia FENDER AH9P BODY Meeting Here meeting on February 15 will be Models—Cigar I>6vL ' manner as If sudt lien w en • a South Coventry Osorgs FPaul eC Mala atroot, Mm. DonaM TM tla Mis. Laeia Ad ‘Terrible foreeaet for tho ported Baturday. completed and returned In time to mortgage upon such . land and Beck. M ra Edna Rtmingten, Mra WORK ateaSafS thne Fete te to Wadaaaday, Fate 9 In- permit attendance at the dinner held at Murphy’a ResUurant. Bln. BaaM UMIa South______/ehtiy. Coys eras dteoharfad Arthur Drug Stores ester Charter buildings. ^ from th A same hospital Wadnes- Members e f ODnaecfleat Irving Lohr, M ra Chauncey Bmiler chwlve: ^ meetli^ on Seturdey. "Sec. IS. The Town shall not WUUanirttc Ba. •tw w n - w i Producers AasoemUon from Dts- and Mta Allan RoWiuwB. Mra The tempeistare during the Veterans* Association to Decisive action wee taken at To Cenfer 666 Degrees qS rti— Bowles Hopes Solons ■ be reqtUred to supply water to piipUa o f Grade i at the Town trict No. 10 held their ^annual Alfred Boraechl, digliiuait o f the siR aM B bb4 Flaitlt. next five days will average new Tuesday's meeting toward putting premises w hen the pipes used to m eetin In Yeomans Hall tueedsy drive hM announced becehpt « ( •94 CBBtor StRBBt WDRO—Hint Hunt; Nawe. WONB—News. Win Go Along on normal with no important day to Meet at Local Armory New Haven, Feb, 4—Kay K M |m ; period aro: Boston, Naw Haven, been conducted informally, presid­ with any supplementary or sec­ WTZO-'Baekstej^Prlls. Newra. 8 ■■■! n il mally today with a class night pro­ •d In th« Wn to omit the llret pan* the Board o t Education. Dr. W. Gambino of Mount Hope, a student Mie sBceptlon. necessary because Occum ComL Tha later group Provldeneo 86, Nantucket 10, C « - ed over by en acting chairman. It o n d ^ fin or other water service o f lllBcoe. Joseph Sxegda .of Co­ have postponed their Baturday WTHT—Sheriff; RoU CklL ooed. N, H „ M, Burlington M. Final arrangements have been gram for more than 400 eeniora r^ T k m s L^lislaton Agree m p h on notice of special cIw Uot C. Halneswortb o f Columbia and at the;University of Oonneotlout, Hartford. Feb. 4.——Gover­ completed end Manchester mem­ was voted to liold the next meeting system, as possibly to receive a lumbia was named to succeed night fauainaaa meeting, to allow w n c H K c B a w n c —Red Bkelton. Portland 2*. Eaatport 20. Green- in Yale college and tbe School of for which the following would be WlUimantic will be In charge of presented his own puppets In the nor Bowlea Saya ho bera of the 169th Infantry Veter- Tuesday, February IS at which Engineering. On Saturday Presi­ On PropoBab for darl- water supply from any other show at an informal assembly. Ha Rowland 1* Cobb an a delegate to mambam to attekd tho ^mce. Cort, WOCC—Big Brother BuL MM— vtlte 11, Presquo lala 18. substituted: u n k- source than that furnished by the the examinations at t^e firehouse fervenuy* that the Ugislaturo’s I Association are prepared; tb time committees will ba appoint' dent Charles Seymour will confer "KMh special election shall be condqcte aU action and carries on the state group. Mr. Cobb h ie held Horaeo B. HbH. shalnnan ' Am— , WDRC—Playhouse. Fewipttatton wUl average three ed to draw up a set of by-laws and : fying Several Town town. . at South Coventry, to begin Feb. w w o —New England Note- WON8—Meet the Press. Judiciary committee ' will "gn act aa host to the State Aaaocla- more than 550 degrees on the last called by a warning which shall conversatlona This project, one the poettloB etnee the IneUtutloa Columbia Chapter AiuerteaB Red PidiMtg Boaffg to seven tenths o f an Inch occur­ present them to the chapter for “Sec. 14. The Town shall not 18 and continuing through March o f the delegate ayetem, more than w n c —U fa of RUey. along” with a propooal tor a 60- tion which will conduct Its semi­ and largest of Yale's wertlma PiroMdnres specify the objects for which such Miss Margaret H. Danehy, RN, of Mr. Oamblao's hobMea, in­ Ctoaa annouBoad *I>ieedey tkM ring in tha mlddla and and of the coneideration. classes to finish Its course at mid- be liable for any damage caused cludes four puppets, a portaMe twrenty-flve yeara ago. He has WONB—story Time. WTHT—Boning. day moratorium on evtctlona. pem d as anow in northarn New annual meeting at tbe local ar­ elMtlon Is to be held. Notice of school nurse and members of. the TheodMo Lynua wlU bead tha Rad BolfOg Tooltit A list of names for the varioua year. a special election shall be given by faUun of the water supply, stage' and furalture he has made beien a patient at Windham Oom- w n C —Lorenao Jonea. M ilt— . Yesterday the committee heard Bnirtend and as snow or rain in mory tomorrow. More than one ' A bin to make certain altera- change of or lack of pnssun or Toung Mothers club will assist Croaa drive for funds edildi gets WTHT—Bandetand; Ktwa hundred veterans of the famous by a printed or written warning himseU. The highlight of tte mu^ty Memorial hospital ‘ rince uadarm y March l. Mr. Lyman wilt WDRC—Pauee That Refreahee. that the p U ^ t o f oonie tenants southern New, England.' and additions In Manches­ the shutting off of water with or with this program. According to October and could not continue to Weather. WONB—Memory Time. was “tragic*" and "terrible.” one 169th Infantry ere expected to at­ signed by the General Manager state law enacted in 1944, all program was a "conversation” be­ ,aks his plana known gt a later ter^ charter Involving procedures, and published in a newspaper hav­ without notice fpr npdlrs, or tween the tote and the puppete. The members said tha WOeXJ—Newe; WTHT—All American Sports witness estimated that 6,000 fam- tend the affair. The meeting will other necessary operations. Water children are to be examined once ite. Mn. Allan Hebieeen' was follow e social hour and dinner ing a circulation in the town, such Mrs.., Gloria MorHs, assistant change was nude with regret All host see to tha Bxacutivo Ccniml! Page. lUea face the loss of their homes ^aeseaments and Jurisdiction was consumen shall so ngulate their every three years during their those present at the meetiac atgu- ^‘w^S-South WTIC—BUI Stem. througtiont the state. Bowles Youngster during which friendehlpe will be introduced In the General Assem­ publication to be at least five days teacher to Mrs. Myrtle Carpenter^ tee of the Parent-Tieoher Aaaoek previous to holding the election. installations connected with the schooling. re p ^ e d the attention and absorp* id gicOttiig cards to be sent to Mr. Shoppe w n C —Toung Mi45— Caned "Vengeance EvtettanS” renewed and war and peaoetlnw MoPSi SUN VISOR bly today feder the Joint spon- A questions and answers pro­ tloB- at her home TUeedy night WOOC—Junior Including the day that notice Is water supply system that damage tion of the children during the en­ Cbbb to whom they also arranged Plena wrere dtaeuased for tha moot­ e IKI bwoM 8 L w n c —Pro end Con. Still another wttneee Frank J. WiU Break Seal remlnlsciences exchanged. Col­ aocehlp of Senator Charles S. will not occur if water la < shut off gram on gardening will be con­ to send flowers, as they did also, M tts— Boyle, chairman of tho Veterans onel William H. Naylor will pre­ for OrSoto finil ^ House, who presented the meas- given and any lnter\-enlng Sun­ tire program showed intense ap­ ing which will be held next Tnee Please Note! without notice. duced at the Coventry Garden preciation by the pupUS. to Rowell Chamberlin of West­ 9293 WDRC—The Old Record Shop. Newm on all stetione. Housing council of Connoctieut— side at the meeting. An enter- u n h) the Senate, and Represen­ day. but not including the day of day at Yeomans halt ' WONB—Adventure Parade. holding such election. The person "Sec. 18. Whenever the town club meeting Tuesday at 1:80 p. chester. another/ member who la lltM — claaalfled many evictions aa “ven­ HartfonL Fete 4— (F>— Glenn talnnoent and social program will tatives Sherwood O. Bowers and m. In the reading room of the The WlUlngton basketbaU team BeckBee was graduated • WTHT—ChaUenge of the Yu- Dcrigned to confonn to who shall cause to be ptibllshed shall install In any road, street defeated the Coventry Junior seriouste ilL OiBlcerSi re-elected WONB—The Bop aub. geance erietlone.” Rowell, chairman o f a epeclal com­ conclude the evenlnya activities. John D. LaBelle who brought the Booth-Dimock Memorial Library. froiix'Colgate Uhiverelty. at com- kdn. ' - While the oo-ebairmen of the general ■tyling of most the warning for any special elec­ or highway a water supply main team. 47-U. Wednesday evening were: Vice president 8ohn Horten m u — mittee toPweleome the "Gratitude Assembly hour la set 'for 7:30 bill to the House. sixteen inches or less in diameter Miss Irene Patricia ' Brehaut of Hebron; aecretery-treeanrer, meheement exerdaea ex an Tueaday. w n C —When A Girl Marries. WDRC—World Tonight. committee,. Senator Alfred F. p. m. Chrysler Corporation care. This bill Is drafted separately tion shall make a return In writ­ In a game at the Hall Memorial Mrs. Henry'Beck, Sr., and hla WKNB—News; King Cole Trio. train” of France, eaid one of Gov­ BARRETT Made of heavy geugc ing to the town clerk, showing the for the general purpose of was guest of honor at a miscellan­ school In South WlUington. Har- Philip B. Clark of Amston; PRESCRIPTIONS WTHT—Joe Haael. ' Woehaler (D.. Hartford), and Rep. Membcnhlp Increased from another charter revision eous shower Thursday night at delegates, Paul Kralovlch of brother, aro la Hamilton. N. gll5— w n c —Newe. Loula Shapiro (R.. Farmington) ernor Bowles' ritUdren win break alunwum. Custom painted notice given of such warning, and strengthening the water system Bradley was high scorer for the seat of the Connecticut car at Manchester Chapter continues measure which would provide for without assessing the cost of said the home of Mrs. Frederick J. Bo- Andover, Milton J. Lord of Marl­ Y „ this week for the coramence- WON8—Supernum. iit t a ^ favorod tha moratorium “la prtn- PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. to metdi your cac. minority represenUtlon on the such return shall be kept on file lUlpgton with U points; George CALLED FOR ceremonies here on Tueetoy. to increase Ite membership- Sev­ main upon the property owners dreau. About 20 guests attended borough, WInthrop Porter and meat acUvlUee. Later la the week WTIO—Portia Faces Life. w n c —Dance Orch. ripla” dteeuaelaB developed over enteen new eppUcationa were ih 599 MAIN STREET Board of Directors. It la handled and recorded at length with the Hawkes of the locaus was high they will return to C Oovemor Bowles and Mayor record of such election." benefiting thereby, any such prop­ with Mrs. Robert E. Clapp and scorer with 10 points. Ronmlo J. SagUo o f Hebron. Lur a n p flTtll WTHT — Weather Roundup: how fas the moratorium should aaparately so that If, at the time Miss Bettlb Bodreau as hostess- duk W . Robinaon, Br., of Colum­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry WKNB—Community Sketch. Dance Band. Coleman together with eeve minority representation goes up Water and Sewage erty owner may be allow^ to More than' 75 persons attended Beck. St^ with them to DEIJVERED iv- to other epectetore, will welcome The water and sewage provi­ make connection with said main Miss Brehaut. the daughter bia, prestdent o f thergroup, bolds SdS— WON8—Dance Orchestra; News. Squarely against the proposal. R ILL BE for public referendum, the other of Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bre the sUte ^Christian Endeavor alx- their heme at the Bede residence WDRC—Old Record Shop. IXtBS— Rep. William J. Dunlap

/ •• • ’ - i ' ^ ‘ . . * ' . ‘ ,j . • • » PAC.E ELEVEN* ■ MANVtititiibU EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. Fr.TDAY, FEERU.YKY 4. 1U49 ______MANCHESTER EVENINO HBKALU. MANCHBSTBK. CONN« rRIDAY, rEBKUARY 4, 1949 TEIf sent mors than SO measuroa to Bowles Sends Bills th* Bsnats clerk*. Moat o f them Sharp Slashes imata tAbor committee loat Cardinal Says , propoaod UbemlUntton o f joblM* night, took sharp Issuer with the Obituary To Implement His uwurancs bcnsflt* and tmprovad' State Parley president He said: News Tidbits Letter Wrong; working condition* for govern- Giuse Taking Feunous Globe Trotters Ploy •In Ume o f peace, . . there la mental employsB. no power without a sUtute to get Culled From W*) Wires Plans to Assembly One of hla IfiUa would maka HereinMwcli an Injunction. WiUing to Pay municipal and atata amployea Another Look •The very suggestion mat any DeMlhs eligible for jobleas Inauranca bana- ' Magicians of Hardwood Giurt Play Guard* Here Tonight such power exists is a threat to l^s Angeles district attorney lA. (CoaUaned from Page Oae) flto. NavajoA Drop Colored Wizards Have (Contlnned from Page One) (fM ttoM fi fram Pag* «toe) the people of the United State^ says several Pyramid Friortdshlp Mts. Anal* S. Beebe From Senator Perry T. Shafner Major League Pitching DAR Chaptew to Con- woric Immediately, he had approv­ -There Is no authority anywhere .clubs have been taken over by Mra. Annie Starkweather Beebe, (D„ New London) came a fair ad- i gangsters and racketeers planning was willing to repay the Hungar- ed a list of atote agencies to he ucational practicea blU, a proposal cash com dropped to to Hockey Match gr^ate at the South to create a prlma ^ase of Ian government for damage he had widow o f Edward Beebe, died $1,34H a bushel for No. 2 y s llw Great Winning Record such powers on the part of the to establish numbers racket...... Wednesday at the home of her notlf.eil to appear for a hearing which in other aoaslona brought German cafe owners protest they caused through Illegal sale of —lowest (Itocs January 27, 1947— • Staffs All Bolstered Methodist Church president." ran and daughter-in-law. Mr. and next Wednesday. i* vigorous pratesto from university t ------will be ruined by U. 8 . Arm y di­ thousands of dollars he Is accused Auerting he waa getting no co­ a drop from flJlO a bushel In a SpiingfiflM Bells Gaiii I markable shot from all angles of Before the White House con­ M is . Colvin Beebe of Lawrence- official*. month. Tho May delivery of wheat rective banning Americans and al­ of receiving from the Vatican and operation from the RepubUcana, The meoaure proposed to deny I'eam h«» Won 90 P. C. the court. Orford Pariah Chaptw, ference yesterday, Taft nad made ville, N. J., with whom the had futura at Chicago closed at $2.17 I lies from German dine and drink the United SUtes. who hold a top-heavy majority on to any educational Institution any Red Sox Have Promia* 4 to 1 League W in tara of »h« American Revolution, It plain that he did not agree with The court heard Its first wit­ lived for a number of years. a bushel, down 10 cents from m O f G a i n e s P l a y e i ! I n ' six feet, five inche# Oeorge ou- placco. . . . Mrs. Icel Hensler re­ Mis. Beebe was bom In Man­ the House committee which meet* tax exemptions or other govern­ vrs «• wlaard In the art of ball iriu be hooteaaea to the chaptem Clark. When the presidents com­ nesses after receiving p^aa from month ago. ing Rookies in Qulun, Local Sport At West Springfield turns to her Mount Vernon, 0 „ chester, and was the eldest o f the jointly with the Senate committee, mental financial aid If it engaged lAlSt Nineteen Y ear*t [handling ^ veircOe^ve in the from all parts of the aUte, on ment was brought up at the com­ all the cardinal’s six co-defgndants. general store after week end away three daughters of the late Mr. Mulvlbill said: In discriminatory admluion prac­ Loose lard decUned to $12.62 a Cl,I pivot poslUon. This U OUbort’a afedneaday, March 16, at the mittee session, Taft also assailed On# a professor, pleaded Inno­ hundred pounds, lowest sines 1942 McDermott and McCall Hammering home three goals In and finds merchandise has been and Mra. Jabez Starkweather. She “ I now understand, unfortunate­ tice* based on race, color, creed. Boast Trick s n o t s Drat season with the club after an south Methodist church. that. aucUoned off during hard cider cent, while all the others pleaded and below the last OPA celling Chatter was h niece o f the late Miaa 8 . ly, that the Republican leader* Other bill* Introduced in the two ' ,-D u b iel With C3ilci^(o the final period, the lowly Spring- I outstanding career in high ocbool for the atate-wlde orgamaatlon Suggests ••CUrifylng-’ Changes partv. . . • BritUh government re­ various degrees of guilt. All dented have refused to approve the notl^- of $14.03. That was a drop of mccUna were made yesterday aft- Annie Starkweather, a teacher In Hoiisee would: BiU Stoams, Jr., son of tha local field Bells garnered their first A combination of thc best Ne­ and two seasons with the Great ' Arthur Goldberg, the CIO gen­ search team says traditional Royal they had tried to overthrow the fioatlon o f the agende* concerned. Name Thomas L. Martin and $1.63 from a month ago. Lakes Naval Champions and mioon at the home of Miss JesM- Manchester, for many ycara. Mr. New York, Feb. 4 (^-FlUhln* Y director, la a member o f Middle- points o f the season by handing gro stars in the country, tbe eral counsel, was on ihc witness Navy drill, sweeping the mess hall government. They have Indicated that they Joseph St. Germaine, both of New Oil companies made a new re­ Camp Perrj’. Va. Tops in tlie mine Smith of Park street. Pasf Beebe, a native o f Nlantlc, was a bury College’s national intercol­ the local Navajo sextet a sound stand when Taft made his re­ deck, raises dust wlch gives sailors Duke Paul Elsterliazy, a royalist propose to delay the hearings un' London, county commUaloneni. duction o f 20 cento a barrel in Won the major teagua* pannanta world famous Globe Trotlfrs arc art of showmanship is Wilbur. Regent Mrs. Robert Leslie Cooper grocery clerk for the late Robert heavy fuel oils, tho latest of a ra- legiate championship ski team. trouncing, 4-1, at thc Ctellseum marks. Goldberg tuberculosis. j who once was the richest P. BlsscII. Soon after their mar­ less the Senate membera (of the Name William J. Callaghan of for Cltveland and Boston last ytar in town tonight to display their (^rter, Wllbcrforco College, now aaalated the hoatess. dorsed the administration bill, but Mrs. Edith LOM, former Phila­ committee) agree, for all practical r iu o f price cuts In recent weeks. Tha team Is currently competing lost niiAt- In the first eontest, Hungary, acknowledged he had riage they moved to Nlantlc and Ansonia a New Haven county and nobody rmllSM that m o » ______playing hla seventh season with Vice Regent Mra. William J. e u g g e 8 ted some "clarifying delphia society woman, barricades purposes, to Ignore the recommen­ Serap Btecl, highly Important In in th* three-day St Lawrence Wastinghouae puUed up Into a skill and wizardry at the Main dealt Illegally in dollars with the Mr. Beebe conducted hla own gro­ commisaioner. than Um 14 club ownam who rtreerdrtu’shecl aialn'st the Man- I the club. Hla speedy dribble has nuresber presided in the absence dations o f Governor Bowie* and new steel production, has dropped Snow Bowl competition *t Canton, two-way tie for first place with changes. tier ManhatUn apartment against cardinal’s household. Answering a Make women who served In the wound up aa aloo rano. Chester Guards. ' amazed many a fan. Rounding out of the regent. Mrs. ^ym on d H. The CIO official opposed the use her hu!>band In retaliation for his cery and m arket ' start from scratch on the basis of from $43.08 a ton to $38.50 Iv tho N. V. Smith and Wesson by edging question posed by the primate him­ Insides the ran with whom she Women's Auxiliary Arm y corps Determined to bototor their Since 1930 the Globe Trotter.i' the U a »i I* Proctor Kirk, a good Burnham, who was ill. Twenty- lock-out of her last September. . . . the original requests forwarded to lost month, reflecting both aug­ SomersviUe, 4-1. of' Injunctions In national self Esterhazy said he never ask­ made her home. Mrs. Beebe leaves cllgrible ter the state veterans bon­ mound stafte, the magnatoe went have played over two IhouHond I defensive player and clover ball seven members were present. gencles. He told reporters the CIO mented supplies of pig Iron— alra Tonight there will be a new type The Navajo# had a chance to "Power In a national crisis, when ed the cardinal for money to sup­ another ran, Jjeon J. Beebe, of the governor by each agency. us. all out this winter for pitching games before 2,000,000 fanH. many I handler. It l» Kirk * fourth soa- Session Opens at 10 a. ni. disagrees with Clark and the a man believes he knows what or­ used In steel making—and a gen­ trellmlnsry game at th* armory. go Into a tie with Diamond Match port the royalist cause. California, and a daughter, Mrs. “ Such a procedure would, . of Permit musicians to play for strength. They completed an unue- of whom have traveled for mile* i son with the Globe Trotters after The morning session of the con- president about there being any ders should be given, is a blessing,” eral softening of the gray market Pwo up and coming Junior team*. by winning last night, but the Ol- t Late in the day. just befora-ad­ Gladys HefRon of Old Lyme; also course, Invite the log-rolling and dancing on Sunday*. ually large nummir of tradee In­ around to see this great quintet four year* of outstanding playing venUon will open at,ten inherent power that could be uged sa>s Churchill in new volume of In steel. SL Bridget’s CYO five meets the sonmen were having their tuual several jfraiidchUdren and gw at pork-barrel tactics which have Provide that voter* waiting In volving hurlera, picked the minor* in action. Fans In thc United on numerous servlc* teams. with luncheon at noon to be pre­ l y the chief executive to block a hla memoirs. . . . Princess Anne of journment until tomorrow, a Tho president of the National Panthers from Ui* Ekiet Sid* Rec troubles. Passing was arratlc, terlous woman was Introduced In­ grandchildren; a brother Calvin, held up previous budget* until the Une when the polla close be per­ nearly clean o f top rooundsmen gts,tes. Canad* and Mexico have I Coach Earl Yost will use his pared and served by the Stanley Hapsburg, great granddaughter of Ratall Ofocers Asraciatlan, C. C. League starting at 7:30. The Saint* they were outfought, and the Bells strike. , last hours o f the session. It would, mitted to cast their ballots. and banded out fabuloua bonuaea wltnessBob Muncrief; The New York ment* aUged in various parts of V Junior Li-agiie ' Tiffany and Mrs. Millard Park. nies claim by Dr. Karl C. Wold had sent messages and collected Walton Parry, he leaves a brother, Establish a division of Informa­ and "not tho beginning of any Chicken Fogarty is through for win g o i ^ away. Gunn and O'Brien In any way ’’the right of the com­ Tankee* coming up with Fred • the country and are rated “tops” Alternates, Mr.-. James Rich­ (Continued from Page One) that late president suffered three informaUon which Canon Mihall- Jon, and hlH paternal grandpar­ tion In the Department of Farms drastic trend. th* balsnc* of the season with booted goals In within 28 seconds Juiiiur Guards (33) mittee to review any and all per­ Sanford; Washington adding Joe Coach W ill Clarke's Bfanchester I in Negro sports, ^vinnlng over 90 mond. Mrs. Alfred Miicklow, Ml.-s strokes, one as early as 1938, be­ ovic used abroad In attacks against ents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parry, of and Markets “ to publicize the ag­ o f each other. The last score came B F r .vcmbly. It al.so would Include oth­ Grandvllle. N. Y., and his maternal tinent facto.” Haynes and Ed Klieman; Cleve­ High basketball team. Fogarty I per cent of their games during an Mabel Patterson and Mrs. Mau­ fore fourth and final one..:U. S. Hungary. He and his secretap. ricultural Industry In the state of from the sUck of Ted Jarlsch. AugusL Tf ...... 3 1 7 er related agencies such as the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom­ Dissension broke out in the com­ land corraling Frank Paplah and played In a game al the Y recently eighteen ytar span. They enjoyed rice Trustenllser. I newspaper circulation hit all time the Rev. Bela Ispenky (another Connecticut.' stalwart center for the Bells, f.t Bldwell, rf ...... 2 1 6 Council of Foreign Ministers as A. Burbank, of 190 Porter mittee Wednesday when It voted Half Cent Boost , and the BL Louis and is thus Ineligible. As he played I thtlr best season In 1946-47. wtn- Talk on Current Events I high In 1948...Mra. Fred Turley, defendant), said they had sent Incorporate the 47 amendments nine minutes. Wrobel, If ...... 1 0 2 whose responsibility for handling to ask the finance and control Browns bagging Red Embrce and Following the business session 59, Helena. Ark., considers birth messages In invisible Ink on street. In Manchester'* triumph over Hall The Navajo* remain In fifth l,egault, If ...... j ) 2 the problems growing out of •The funeral w ill be held tomor­ commissioner and the budget di­ of the state constitution In the con­ thelr games. Miss Catherine E. Putnam of the of her sixth child “ an answer to a For Unsealed Mail . Dick Btarr. High last Friday, after playing in place, oUU two polnte away from E. Bujauciua, c .. . . .4 3 11 World war II Is indirectly recog­ chemlcaUy treated paper. row at 2 p. m. at the T. P. Holloran rector to provide it with detailed stitution Itself, eliminating dupli­ Although Jthey failed to com High School faculty gave a talk prayer” ... Little Mrs. Etta Long, Both deniea that they had plot on outstd* game, the local victory Diamond Match, while th* Bells Visitors Roster A. Bujeuclua, rg . . .0 U 0 nized in the United Nations char­ Funeral Home with the Rev. Fred figures outlining the requests of cations. contradictions and incon­ on current events. She has ad­ IS year old and expecting a baby, ted to overthrow the government, pleU a deal, tbe Boeton Red Sox has been erased and Hall awarde«l crept up to within one point of The outstanding player of thc | Clifford, rg ...... iO 0 0 Edgar, pastor of South Methodist each department and agency. sistencies. Tlie Poetofflce department has have come up with several prom­ th* game by a forfeit. tying them. No team has been dressed the club on previous oc­ ter. asks Michigan juvenile authorities and It is up to the People’s court club 1* team captain Johnny Ecus, Ig ...... 2 0 4 Mr. Truman also declared that church, officiating. Rep. Nelson L. Carpenter (R.. Appoint Belle D. Russell of Had- announced a half-oent Increase in ising youngsters to help their tag­ erased from the playoff position* Watte, termer Lacrosse Stale, casions and Is always listened to to he returned to her husband. to decide whether th-'lr activiUes Stalin’s Sunday statements had The body will be token to Mc­ Canterbury), House chairman of dam a Middlesex county commis­ the mailing of unsealed communi­ with the closest attention. She Hungarian government official ging mound staff. It was tha lack Dixie Dougan and Leo Day are as yet, with three weeks remain Teacher* (JoUege standouL who is 12 8 32 been completely and fairly an­ amounted to treason, Henry and Roberts Funeral Home. the committee, said such action sioner. cations (printed) of all kinds. With of pltcters to with the expected to return to the High playing hi* eleventh *e**on with ; makes a deep study of world af- says no embassy, not even the (The Vatican newspaper Osaer- ing in ,the league. High Quintet bt. Johns (12) swered by Acheson after consul­ Grandvllle, N. Y.. for rarvice at was necessary because the Bowles Valentine Day Just around the cor­ Tribe'e m>b Feller, w b Lemon and lineup tonight against Bristol In ^ Ben* (4) t TCHE the Globe Trotter*. Watt* ha* es- f^ ffl and confined her remarks to Ru.ssian, received tickets for oh Appoint Rebelle Carpenter of By Rubacha, rt ...... 1 0 2 tation with the president. vatnre Romano,, commenting to­ 2 p. m. Sunday wdth Interment In budget was ’’virtually valueless” ner, many local reaidenta will be Gene Boardca that cost them the th* Bell City. Both boys were sus­ O’Brien, L.W. > tabUahed a record of 556 conaecu- , an analysis of the four plans, and servers at trial of Josef Cardinal Bri.stol a Hartford county commis­ .Southerg)ll, rf .. ___ 0 0 0 Acheson took the position in day on the trial, said It revolts the Metowee cemetery in that for committee purposes. He called affected by the rate change. flag In 1948. pended recently by M n cipal Ed- live game* played with a lifetime their accomplishments; namely Mlnd.szcnty .. . British battleship sioner. Jariseb, C. I Plays Bristol Earl W. Lucaa. If ...... ___ 0 0 0 news conference statement Wed­ the reasoning and conscience of place. it a “propaganda and advertising Where It has previously been Owner Tom Tawkey lured eon Bailey. Gunn, R.W. HERALD average of 22 points per game. Vnited Nations, which she felt Royal Sovereign returns home to­ Appoint Arthur Slebert of Cov­ Morgan, c ...... ___ 1 • 2 4 nesday that the United States and the world for a "cardinal who did possible to moll unsealed cards, Frank Quinn, Yale great. Into Edwards, ED . y o s t Close behind W att* 1* six feoL one was doing a great deal to unify day after having served five years document. entry, John Gerardlnl.of Ellington KosakowskI, rg . ___ 0 0 0 Russia were already committed to not bend for months, for years in Mrs. E. F. Graham such as Cniristmas or Valentine totnlng the Sox with a $73,000 The Silk City Eagles —Aircraft Heenan. R.D. Inch Goody Goodwin of Louisiana under Russian „ fla g , . . Burmese i Called Harmony Move BeU Towners Gunning 8p«Tte Editor Custer, r g ...... ___ 0 0 0 Xhirope; the Marshall Plan with avoid war or the threat of force front of blandishments and and Daniel J. Sulhvan of Stafford cards, for Da cento. It will now be bonus inducement. Boston also Jfangar basketball game scheduled Percy, O. A. A M. Playing hi* third aesson Ita trade »,grecments; the Atlantic relwls reported in flight... Maj. Mrs. Ellen Fergu.son Graham, a Though Democratic members j commissioners of Tolland ANGLE Llsk, Ig ...... ___ 2 0 4 in their relations with each other threats, to admit now everything.” former resident of Manchester. concurred in the vote to ask for I ^ necessary to use a two cent stamp brought up Maurice McDermott, a to be played tonight at the armory Napolltan, Miller, Miles, KuUk, For Revenge Tonight with the club, Goodwin is deadly Security Pact to supply equipment, Gen. Vassilv Stalin, son o f prime The editorial said the conduct of Sullivan of 'i.nj-i nnnnr;rvv-,-if-.-.-c Johnran, Ig ...... ___ 0 2 2 or other nations. He said the com­ die,« intor. I commissioner, Chariet K. Crary dead letter office. dy) McCall, and Mike Palm, a 14- Navajes (1) a clown at ball handling. In Pat 4 4 12 are no longer In economic chaos Census bunau renorts unem­ Ireland on March 25. 1863, the London pact along the same line would be judiciary .system. “ i J hnrmonv ^ d subscril^d In ' and David P. Kane. Ito Unsealed Valentines cannot bo game winner with Birmingham MeUvter, R.W. Bristol High will be gunning for Patterran. the Trotters have a and Communism is being held In ployment jumped 700.000 in Janu­ daughter of William and Jane meaningless. Arrange Protests (Pettigrew ) Ferguson, she came ,**li'^I,"r*r'npntcr’a views. ' county commissioner*, and Arthur mailed with less than a two cent last year. I Sports Roundup MeCkuker. C. League basketball game at the Yorii pro combine, picked up their deceptive ball handler and a very Football ary — one of biggest Increases stamp, and .sealed envelope* can­ revenge tonight when It plays Chicago—Phil Handler and Ray check. One of the questions which the (The Dnltcd States and Britain to this country at the age of 15 "°The^airing of those view.s. he | J. Govern of Wauregan, Windham Much depends upon Tex Hugh- G. Donahue, E W . Armory resulted In a loss o f $131 marbles and decided to play elae- good shoL Paterson attended Mor­ since end of war ... History’s not be mailed with less than a J. Donahue, R.D. host to Manchester High In a J gan College and played two sea­ Parker were named co-coaches of Stalin maneuver has left unan­ arranged protests to the Hungar­ She had lived In Stonlngton for charged further, was a ' brgken county commissioner. •on and Mickey Harris, whose By Hugh Fullerton, Jr. desplte the fact the top to-o teams where over financial disagree- swered (except for speculation) la largest mass bulldozer operation three cent stamp. The unsealed sore arms hurt the Red Sox' Schuetz, ED . C C IL game. Earlier this season the sons with thc Baltimore Athiana. the (Chicago Cardinals of the N a­ ian government against its action many years.______agreement” on Carpenter’s part | Authorize a $30,000,000 bond New York, Feb. 4— (S') — A l­ In the Yankee Division were play- , monte. why the Russians in recent weeks credited with liberating 7.846 Valentlnea cannot contain any chance* considerably last yesr. Ostrowski, G. Bob Daughtry joined the Globe tional Football L Hurricane*, W alt Kresgc of the j mate rights of labor.*’ port controls, due to expire Feb. gan and sang during the service. run average, "nie 26-year-old he’s dropping, the two-team sy»- diet has been league plsy and the Tramp.s and Ekl Anderran Some authorities believe that sions of guilt on his part would La.st night large delegations of lished, and he added that the gov- Permit the slaughter and sale of the audience. I High of Williraantic, Keb. 16. Favors Some Modification Administration spokesman righthander had a 13-fi record. He .tem because "The boys seem to be majority of the gates of LIU. Alra Henry Jaycok and | the Russians may now follow up . 28 be •’bc'-avise of wcakne.'s of the the organizations in which Mr. eynor "technically” complied with horse meat for human consump­ Mis* Mary McAdams and 'Biom- Intermediate League Roth, a former industry mem­ meir‘ m ;Trs_i;;'s.lM y under “ 'a j "ask Congress to boost salaries M today: ” 1 - n t ^ 1 jesned the Yankees In the closing happier when they are getting a smaller than t^ ' Pat Mazzarella. They, along with l ber of the National War Labor called to the statutes by showing the lump tion a* Morrissey are co-chatrrten for chance to play both offense and of anU-American pro^gan- j key SO^ernment adminlstram^^^ ^ considered that that letter ‘a | ® „ „ n n il tribute of r'i weeks o f the season and showed grocery bill. Thank* to the many ■" i By an.all 'nangin.« and fran k Ccccrc, have lined up Older, good for 80 days, to bar such 1 The letter did not reflect on the Burial was in the famdy plot in 1 which were being expanded, Eastern League record with 219 Ital.an-A)nencan.s v.s. ''»■; gained the other by a s n ^ ^ MazzareUa a strike. The administration bill five-man Peoples court w*leh is SL James’s cemetery. i Carpenter, reporting that Dem- (he club until he reached > drian ' 38 6 82 !i8;30-Rcc. ' Manchc.ster needed the win to ste> , ^ ARROW’S (Continued from Page One) . . and at the same time he found a ll' a team around says the President should ask for Al)out Town trying him. tlie cardinal said, be­ ------1 ocrato had advanced the argu- ' The Browns drafted Bob Malloy, Indians (SB) ] Sunday. Feb, 6 ) m the running for the division “ ‘“ ‘a a 30-day cooling off period before the team's pitchers had mysteri­ them. Tbia could be a ctie that | relatives, cause it was wTitten before his Mr*. Howard F. Porter ; ment that It was illegal for agen- a former Red, froA Indianapolis. B F Hartford \x. PoUsh-Amcricans.' crown. such a strike, but provides no for broadcast to their The Manchester branch of the ously developed sore arm* ... { P i New.’xew uniainBritain wiuwill beoe backoacK in uiethe ; arrest. Funeral services for Mrs. Edna { cles and department to fuml*b > Malloy topped the American Asso- Benoit, rf ...... 2 1 5 3 :3 0 -Rec. machinery for enforcing the re­ Hansford testified. I W.C.T.IT., will have an all-day Chef Comollo Says... Honu* heard of a Negro battery. { with the hottest '"to K with a Eastern League next searan after ^ e ciu x W Aa recorded by government Contents of the letter have been (Joslyn) Porter, wife of Howard; uie Ijcglslature with budget Ir- eiaUon with 21 wins. Jack Banta, 1 Ballon, If ...... 5 2 12 any team min imthe loop i and W ith York a I, absence ofbf several years.vears DocDor quest. I meeting Tuesdky from 10:30 on at broadcast for the last two weelta F. Porter, of Saundcr’s Point, 1 formation except through the goV- Johnran and Gray, who were I . .8 e 16 « Hockey A t a Glance monitors, llie broadcast in which I the South Methodist church. Work ^ICURE MEANS TASTE AND TIME who tied Reeder for the moet In- CopeDnd, c ...... atsr-studd^ lineup of Ne , Hurtcy. Jack Spiers and Jim Sul-i I ' Roth also declared that employ- by the Voice of America. The Niantic, were held this afternoon ernor. called this ’’unrealistic,' working for an industrial team and | Patch, rg...... , . .0 1 1 Hansford took part started off will be on layettes for the Red ’ tematk>nal League Victories at 19. ball players era cannot look upon the Labor 1 broadcasts said the letter cleared at 1:30 at the Watkins funeral pointing out that several mem­ . . . to know II what you’re eating is good. hired them . . . Johnson pitched I ,. .2 1 National League ^Certainly a d m the is s io n price UvM of tbe JHddleto^ ^, always get a man with a propaganda preface. An I OoBS. A covered-dish luncheon geU a trial w Ith the Dt^grrs. G. Michaels, Ig .. , '• t A survey will > Legion. Lou Dcsci and Ace CrtaafI ; | department as an impartial agency the cardinal beforehand of any home, the Rev. Robert Wilson, bers of the Legislature themselves and won th* fl’-st'and third games I Toronto 4, Montreal 1. In management-labor disputes. . . . Time to cat it at leisure and enjoy it. These are the newcomer* with i.a not too " (..“Manchester Wallingford, comprise the new ; ' ’'“1?.’’ '*■ J . ,u . ' will be served at noon. Mrs. Ella statement he might make under pastor of tho Nlantlc Congrega­ are trustee.* of state institutions. of the opening series. Wagner | 17 5 39; Detroit 4, (Chicago 2. sho-,' that the tariff in Manenraier r ^ He strongly utged that the Fed­ It 8 ft uis^r&cc to the Arnericftn j tho president, w ill conduct the best chance o f earning regular 1 public that they don’t wake up to i ^ business meeting a t '2:30 p. m. duress after his arrest. tional church, officiated. Fred E. On this point, the governor said assignments In tbe big leagues. moved from short to the mound ^ . is the lowest charged in tho East ! eral Conciliation service be kept Cardinal Mlndszenty testified In yesterday that any information Catering with tatle anti finesse done by and won the second and tout^h . .. Independent. The administration the fact of what Franklin D. All women interested in Red Cross Werner, presided at the organ. Their 1948 record and afflUationa ei-n j'js paid bag with no team and .. none in Roosevelt is doing to the Gentiles a composed manner today. This The casket bearers were rela­ the commltce waned would be pro- are In parenthesea: After that the ailing hnriers sud­ bill would put It under the Labor sewing arc cordially invited. contrasted with his appearance denly recovered. ! Exactly 375 adults paid Wednes- | s'ffhL ______■ department. of your country and my country.” tives and friends. Rev. Wilson con­ vldted. National League J. Frank Cunningham, a gov­ last night at the close of the 13- ducted the Committal service at The partisan bickering over the COMOLLO'S EPICURE Boston—Johnny Antonelll, bon­ llport»poarri New York Bulldogs Will . day night'to sit in on the Torriug- Baclis 1km On CUised Shops Young people of the Center TEL. 1*4108 Questioned by Taft. Itoth said ernment prosecutor, asked wheth­ Congregational church iviU be In hour opening session. the grave In East cemetery. budget and other Issues, which 55 OAK STREET us player (Boston 0-0) and Ray John Barnhill, Arkansas football ■ txin-Ouards game. T o U l ^ f A t that time he appeared shaken j children admission amounted to 18. T he favors Ibe Tatt-Darlley act’s er the "defendant spoke those charge of both morning services became especially bitter yesterday, Martin (Milwaukee 10-7) - coach, has hired Bernie Mastersoii when the prosecu,tlon charged he Open Until 9 P. M. I know as well as anyone who w>t- I S|N>rt8 iu Brief ban on clo:;cd shops (one where words When you saw her.” Sunday, the final Sunday in Youth Memorial Mas* proved no deterrent to the legis­ Brooklyn—Jack Banta (Mon­ to provide a month’* intensive Have Definite Yal^ Look hbd written a letter asking U. 8 . , . ncssed the game that there were _ __ ' | only union mclnbers can be hired). ” No. sir,” Hansford replied. Week. Tonight they will gather An anniversary mass for the re­ lators’ law-making urge. treal 19-9) and Pat McGlothto tutoring in the* ‘T ’ formation Minister Selden Ghapln to help him •TTlc closed shop deprives the Before speaking into the micro­ at the church at six o’clock for a pose of the soul o f Mrs. Anna For the third successive day, (St. Paul 14-7) next spring ... Marty Sen’©, who ------1 many more youngsters present. £jy The As8(Ki^tcd Press ! employer of his right to hire phone, Hansftrd said, ho told Miss supper at which Fred Blish, Jr., escape prison and flee Hungary by 8 chmldt Ruff, will be said tomor­ new bills were Introduced toy the (Chicago— Dwaia Sloat JSt. Paul recently was working as • a bar­ Philadelphia. Feb. 4— (*•)—Owner* royal blue uniforms—a take oft on! Mor* power to the boys who fiiui Baciag i muttered reply to a wliom he wants to,” Koth said. Gillars tliat he "didn’t want to will be toastmaster. plane. Hla _row _ morning In St. Jamea’* scores, “niere seemed little doubt 10-8) and Dewey Adnns (Loa tender on 49th streeL is reported Ted Cblllns of the New York Bull-' Yale’s light blue gridiron attire, i'ways to get into (the hall. Miami — George D. Wldener’ai question by the court aa to wheth- 1^^ ^ " It gives the union leader a potent say anything against my country that th*f 2,000-WU mark would be Angeles 17-10) planning to make a ring comeback hi. hans nr, th. ciiih'.' Colll"* Just movcd hls frsnchlsc, *nje saUrv of the loejl team-- taicky Draw waa permanently re- in any recording.” er he had written that letter wa* I3:nurcn doga Upped hla l ^ d on the club s ^ ao\- ured from racing. | power over Individual members of A daughter, their first child, topped by the time the clerk* • CtncuinaU — Harry Perkowskl this month ... And Rocky Grari- “ She said 1 wouldn't have to new coftch prior t*1 approxim «ely New Orleanj — Mrs. A. R ,' mentln. . Mrs. Akmentln was the P rem ier Dow ^ e r r e d l congenital, City 18-15) and Oswalk Kolwe NBA sUte* . .. John “ R ed” with President Truman. former Mi.ss Betty Mac Nichols, firised that eomeone didn’t gueaa aaalstanU from tbe pro field. '$180 to place or, thc ffoor. This Smith's ShalBe won the Fort Pike I to, the trial In a speech last night; (Duritam 9-16) O’Qulnn. Wake Forest's star pass- Mr. Truman started the ball daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Pbltedclphla— Lou Poosebl (T or­ :iM would be th* new coach after "1 need alUtanta who have had , dollar figure does not Purse at the Fair Grounds, paying' I HuspituI Notes saying; “A Hun^rian citizen led catching end. passed up basketball $28.60. I railing ,by saying he has ample Nichols of 23 Centcrfield street onto 11-11) and John Thompaon Colllna announced hla team would experieae* in professional football I travel expemje from New yotk an organization to overthrow the Sugar Free Diets with this explanation: ” I’d be Oldsmar, Fla.—J. H. Cart’s Gray authority as president and com- The baby is the first great grand­ be nicknamed Bulldog*. If it. is possible to get them, city. state. The leaden* of the atate did (Toronto 18-8) playing football on tbe court before mander-in-chlef to hall strikes en- Patients Today ...... 144 child of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Pittsburgh— BiU Werie (San "You know In the NFL one team •IM’o home league games remain star won the Lakeland Purse at ] the same that the government of I could get In shape.’’ 'I figured some aports writer on tha Guard.s rahedule, one with ' Sunahinc Park, returning $3.60. | , dangering national health or w-cl- Admitted yesterday: Donald McKenna of 74 Wells street, and Francisco 17-7) and Chet Johnson Would put Ewart. Tale and Bull­ esm’t approach w coach who al­ tare without any additional power the United States and Great Bri­ the New Haven Red Devils one I Arcadia, Calif.—Allen Drumbel-i Hoffman, 24 Maple street; Andrew of Mr. and Mrs. James N. NiebaIG A STEAL - A BREAK (Indianapolis 16-12) dog together an-crlooklng lln»." these two g*me.s will go a long Tucson, Ariz.—U oyd Mangrum handsome Arrow Beovn ’n Arrows Ensembles. Hartford will bo the speaker at session. Among other thing* it *ald Natural Fruit Juices. Aaaetlcaa Leoigna ed by the fact that sophomores In case you don’t remember way In determining whether Man-1 of Chicago took first roimd lead In of the people." Woodbridge street; William the private lake In Glastonbury, hlj^i w d dry, Boston — Msurice McDermott Ewart explained that when he the dinner-meeting of the Men’s there was no personal freedom In scored nine o f 12 touchdowns in Kwart was quite a quarterback for Chester wUl be back in the East- the Tucran Open Golf Tournament Th* shirts, with whit* sotin ond cord stripes The president, at hia news con­ Kuhne, 34 Liberty street; Mrs. club at the North Methodist ballt about six year* ago before Ihe shortage of g «rf lumber (Scranton 3-8) and John McCall heard CoHlna might be tntereated ference late yeat.erday, was talk-' Hungary and warned the other •W e Also Have Water Packed Canned Fruita the last two games ... Biff Glass- th* Yale Bulli^*. He pradusted ern League next season. with sU-under-par 64. Elizabeth Lak'ontoinc, 95 Middle church, Monday evening at 0:30. and material* existed and Is romplete ‘ " . ' " r y detnU m a (LotilsviUe 9-12) In him he went to the Eagles owm- the smortness o f th* colored ground, or* a joy to behold. lag about the "Inherent powers” Turnpike, west; Miss Lois Foun- clerics that the cardinal probably large lot 73’ x lOO*, where privacy pre\-aUs In a neighborly ford. MW Nebraska coach, spent In 1987. Week after week the Guards Hollywood, Fla. — Defending So ore the ties and handkerchiefs that hit would be arrested. CUesgo—Matt Surkont (Roches­ ere and told them he would Ilk* to which Attorney General Clark as­ taine, Andover; Mrs. U'annah most o f tl(e winter touring New It s**ms that Oolins had more mim • « « hava' broueht the best team* In (Thampion* Pat Devany of Grasse, "Did the cardinal admit writing community. ter 13-11) and Bob Kuzava (BsIU apply for the Job rince It always \o V n forlu -! Die, Mich., and Marjarole Lindsay in eya-pioasing harmony. cribed to him for dealing with cri­ Johnson, 51 Russell street; Mrs. Hampshire end advising athletes than ona Bulldog In mind when he Fiiblic HfU'onls the letter?” Judge Olthys asked. This modern home Is equipped with running hot w ate^ oil Delightful Macaroons, Chocolate Bars mere $-lfi) to matricjlate at their SUt* had been hi* ambltjon to become nately tbe nlent of the best crowd. • of Decatur. III., led the field Into 1 just tical work stoppages. Edna Willard, Andover; Mrs. aeveland— W ill Hafey ((Oakland decided to Mr* the youngest coach Coma in, you'M bound to find their co l y The administration blU would Then the cardinal arose, walked burner, steam beat, a large beatilator University. A t least he got some a head coach. Danbury and Mancheater last Fri- i the second round of the Women’s Eleanor Fish, 77 Chestnut street. 'Chewing Gum — Desserts 18-10) and Mike Garda (Okla­ In proCeastonal football. for your suits—Arrow colior styles thot Hotter’ you repeal the Taft-HarUey law and u-.rrant... fwrf. thc amplifier In front' of the Ilvlngroom. Complete kHchen, shower stall and modern batl^ speaking pratice . . . Nick CuIIop, "They gave me the okay. I day. the locals played their poor­ International Four-Ball Golf Tour­ Admitted today: Mary Ann homa a t y 19-14) Bwart pointed odt that th* Yale notified Ted and 24 hours later he restore an "Improved” Wagner Jarvl., Realty). Company to Fred room T ^ th 2 bedroom* oa 1st floor *"^. *• “'’** Milwaukee Brewers’ maneger, est game. N o one should Judge a nament. Gozdz, 2,36 Woodland street; Pris­ mind about jhings in Hungary. thT^nd floor not quite flnlsbed. Benutiful oak l l m ^ llvtag- A L L SUGAR FREE Detroit—Lou Kretlow (Wll- club in New York has a member­ told me I was In.” * Baseball act. ’That would vrtpe out the Taft- cilla Prentice, 012 Middle Turn­ J. and Dorothy Giroux, property shot so many crows last winter plsyer or team on ono perfor- Shirts $4.50 Tlaa $1 JO Hartley provision for 80-day court He Spoke firmly and clearly. The ronm heautlfolly paarlled. This wonderful home Is bring sacri- liameport 81-12) end Marv Oris* ship c4 some 15,000. And although Incidentally, Ewart added. “ First New York—Casey Steng^ man-1 pike. east; Mrs. Theresa Miner, oa Hnice road. aom (Sacramento 11-7) that tha county ran out o f monay ooftaev. bijanctlons to block “naUonal letter Itself was In an almost SSd qiriek sS^The outride wall, are covered with a.- h* didn’t say It la so many words, official act waa to ask Greasy It's hard to figure out the ager of the New Tork Yankee*, South Coventry; Frank Millen. 75 Henry J. Rlordan to Donald and New York—Enr (Bob) Porter-1 to pay botmty. Th U year he ha* saaergcncy” strikes. archaic Hungarian phraseology th* former general manager and Neale to trade ma Sieve -Van ■aid be figured the Boston fU d Sox I Seaman circle. .M ary T. Landerfin, property on besto* siding sad I* field (Newark 15-8 and New York hooked up with Scout Marty Pur- basketball faiu in town. One Clark has told Oongresa be be­ Margaret road. that the cardinal uses. teal to beat. Taxes are low. Tho price Is very unusual, only backfleld coach o f th* champion Buren.” minute th ey" want leagi-e ball—■ the team to beat In the American j Discharged yesterday: „ , j 5-3) and Clarenee Marthall tall to knock off a few more of the lieves the prealdent stUl would CJreney Brothers to Alexander When Judge Olthys said the 9I9JI09. Owner wants fU lM ^o $2,000 cash sad will take rhlladelphln Eagles, indlcatad he •TVhat do you think Greasy League race ttala year. Rogers, 37 Main street; Mrs. Shir­ pests. but won’t support it. The next have '•satcedlngly great" Inherent Jarvis, property on Cooper atreeL court was "hurt” by the Implica- the balaace oa a 1st mortgage payable Uke real. ' Newark 9-7) expected thoae alumni o f EU Yale ■aid?” Charley asked, and then minute they want exhibition ball— Signed; Third Baaensan Hank] ley Fay, ,239 Oak street; Allen PhlUuleMia —Clem HauswaWn powers to meet the situation, des- QnitchUm D re ^ Uons in the letter, the cardinal de­ I f jo a waat a good home yoa had better look at It a t oace. to become fan* ot the New York answered th* queaUon hiraoelf: Majeskl by PhUadclpbia (AL);I Bray, 1229 Main street; Mrs. (Buffalo 14-U) and John Wilson Fra Basketban at a Q lam « but won't support IL ^te the fact there is no provision ■Dorothy Case Jacobson to C?ase bated the point. He Insisted that First one qaallfytog take* I t The house may he *eeB by ealHag CENTER PHARMACY Bulldoge. “ W hy he accuaeed me of being Paying cUenU hold the key Outfielder BUI Nicholson, Plteberl AoBaeiatlen o f America ter court ordoa In the adminis­ Martha Sleeker and daughter. Brothers, Incorporated, property It was not a reflection on tbe 42sn iTa'ado 7-18) The 83-Tear-Od Bwart evidently Just like Oeorge Halos of the Chi­ whether the eport. wlU be 4rled Dick Koechbr and Pttdtar Ken I 487 MAIN STREET , TEL SL Louis—Dick Storr (Newark MinneapoUa 78, Pbllodelphla 76. tration MU. That meaavre provides East Hartford; Donald Hagenow, at Porter and Highland streets. court and pointed out It had been plana to play out thU Yals theme cago Bear*, wanting everything again neat yaar in tha Baatern Trinkle by Philadelphia (NL):| 94 Cooper street; Stanley Hllinaltl, written before his arresL 14-9 and Bob MaOoy (tedtanapolta Provtdance 8$, Rochaater $0. Pltdiera'Bob Mnnerlaf and Ripi 7 M M U M N iMtead for a SO-day cooling o ff pe­ Fred G. Slawson, Jr., to Eveljm HAROLD J. LEESE Prescriptions Called For and Delivered Baltimore 84, Boston 76. to the UmlL R * spent n te # min- he bad for nothing Baokatball League. S r, Broad Brook; Mra. Rosalie Eater* Oollty Plea 81-7) Sewell by Pittsburgh (N L ); Piteb- M a n C $ 4 * ST B * riod. vrUlo emergency boards tried C. Slawson, property on Strick­ $g W AtitEK STREET Washington 74. SL Louis 63. uate today glancing through the “Well, you can't hate a guy for Ta iaeell oa Cage Freota Norris, 62 Adelaide street. land street. EarUer Duke Paul Crtrhazy, a Phoae s e n F or Appotatineat Open AO Day Sunday Washington—Dick Weik (Chat- - Things have been a-popptng on ers A l BrazD and Kiirt Krlager byj to svork nut a set^ m eoL co-defendant and one of the rich­ NaUonal Football League manual trylM . W * could cUmb mighty fa it Mr. Tntman s m e d with his at- Disrtiarged today; Mrs. Evange- WlUlam F. Johnson to Daniel G. tasoega T-U) and Baaoa Garda ; 6L LouD (NL). m est men In Hungary before the Traaten 90, Philadelphia Tf. to aea 11 any te a * In Uw leap we n la Naw'Yoilf with Vaa Buteb.” tbe baaethall acane In Water- tonMF caaaraL | Une Delnickl and son. Rockville; I and Mary 1;. Landerfin, property (CW W iootfl fl'D ssarioa'of the Marie Martens, 9 Stephen street. | on kiargarct road. war, entered a guilty slea. Thaa T aft at k / 1


RsgsoiT Tatter* stood an the cor»- ^ "Why -1* Mim - Jonee 45 H(M»cliold Goods 51 Wantad Is Rtnt 6$ ifsrS a k Moving— I'rucking— .Arlirtva lor'Halo BY rONTAlMt FUX ner and gaaad with open mouthed black?" , A v Im m MIw fMr M « 4 Services tlflered H HANDY AROUND property. Must 185 AUTUMN n tT M i-S «ompl4[te r'" fMONilRViLLB FOLKS astonlahment at the stroama of "She le In meuming (or her hue*. - Stnrag# ‘ 20 FOR BAUD—Late model U C YOU RAVE always wantad lJNUL4i:ii1I — Aaphslt the, arall geouWS Bendix AOtomatle W ash-'' have rent by April m . Phone Phi 9-'r looms with oU burner heatlat HMh I Sense aM Nonsense paaaing traffic. Finally he turned band." ' ■ ‘ ■ S t h e b e a u t if u l jBmith standard typewrite* yrltti elevarieeq, tibaemeiit garage, large t» his companion and said: "Jeru­ "Why, she never had a hua- oovaring Dona By rallsbla. waU- r u b b i s h and aahea ramovad tn- er. Here la pour opportualtyl 950 8358. TMK COUNTNYSIPg HAS SOME HAgD-^iTTeK ^ENNY PiNCHgRD A men with a gun on his should­ euaratora ciqsaad. .Sanit irravdi is-m ch carriage; axcMlepit doom-' aneloaad poibh. Immediate ocqu* ConfHdoue Bay salem Hiram, they shore are be­ bandl"^ ■ ...... V ■ 'i tminae man. AU Jota gnsrantaad. tioa. Marlow's.. ' ' trsda-ln aUosranCa fo r poor (rid er was walking down the highway CHRYSLER!. Hall Llnolaum COn Ei Oali atraat. and elaSam. Van aarvtea and paaey. Priced for quick sale at Men who drive the car with one hind with their haulin’, ain’t "N o,''that la why she mouRia.’* ^ s i^ washer regariUeas of age, make Ba ta rS a M 72 the other day with hla dog. An I 9 ft Wa hara for Immadlata ddlvary Pbona 9-4038. avantnga 8188. local movlag. P8ona B. U. Jonaa. WB REPAIR rahhan. artma. aad or condition! 5 models to suit any $10,500. Robart J. Smith, TwJ. hand are headed tor church. . > . . automobile approached. The dog ! ' AJwniicmeBU 3-1883, 3-8073. rubbsr boota. Wa alao atteob tea washing need,' 9989.50 to 9S29A0. 853 Mam atraat Phona 3450. yes, some will walk down the aisle tha foDowtng naw cara: r a n u b Burners and pot burners 178 mLUABD STREET' others will be carried! ran directly in front of the car and T o’lng to solve a problem with eraapera. Sam Tnlyqa. 701 Maw Buy the beat —Bendix — from and was killed. The motorist stopped T^e auto oratory'U like trying to unsnarl 1948 C H R TSU ai TOWN AND cleaned, i-rpalrw' and installed. UUHT TRUCMNa. Half-tao 18 ASH nREBT. A afven-room ed driver hasn t any more eense of 4.™ bv bh^i Permit and guarantaad. Joaaph plek-up tn e ii No aanaa, no Bmieon's, 719 Mam etraet Tele­ Six room single, three extra homa am 4 badraoms, Larg* and expressed his grief to the own­ ng-'noma. COUNTRY CONV. CIAJB phone 9 6 ^ People who are not afraid to er of the dog. He took a $20 bill direction than a corkscrew. ' “ J®" v L a a la B i FoOBd 1 COUPE—Beautiful Newport blue Senna Phone 3-0147. nibblab. Pbona 3-1378 or 8398. ROYAL Portable typewriters and mUding lota. levM lot and two-bar''.garaga> jS-o roll/ their aleevea seldom lose Brand naw hot water ha«Uiig 89k-> from bis pocket and said: with light top. ThU car la not adding machlnea Used typewrit* FlAXHl problems solved with their shirts. MotorlsL^Here, take that. Will i- Holding company A boy of 20 i Humor on the Highway « yuwkl.'Weman’a brown w allet FURNACES TaUorad to 8t your UAVBLL'S Bxpraaa light tracking Vacant — Now four jroom tarn. Ideal spot fo r chUdreB.eiust The country is enjoying s period j vnnr dne'» loaded with extras. m onuiy era and addUig machmes aoM or UtMlsum. asphalt rile counter and a girl of 17 iii a rumble seat. The Connecticut Highway Com* mOUmf Md Uc«l*^ boma Van Camp Broa Phone and delivery. Weekly or rented. Repairs on al* amar single. Move right In. ona block from aohool an4; very cubbish routes mvlted. Man- Expert workmanship, free astl- . unrivaled^ pros^ty. having PL^oh yS Iv^^hfng is all 1 ------I mission apparently la not without • turn to TU OmUr rtroet or caU 1949 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4- 5344. MarloWa. ktaa Opan avanlnga -Jonasr UtOa trafftc. Immediate oequpaa* achieved the goal of two veterana| " DR. s e d a n —8 Cyl. Beautiful Chester 9-4091 I was taking him out to j Here’s a traffic safety jingle a humorisL A nevi^slgn a friend S-016>. Howard, QUARANTBBD repair aarvlca on Fumltura Oak street. Phone Why not let us advertise ey. Priced at 810,900. Ri^MTt 3, in every garage. , shoot him anyway. ' dove gray. Thla car haa alt^foam SEVENTEEN 8torm windows, your property in this space. Smith, Inc., 953 Mam shtesL worth remembering:mbcrlne: I "*•*■ Brldgepurt laet seat cushions as standard equip­ washers. Irons, toaatars, electric AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Oo, local 9-1041. Some fellows drive aa If they ■ If you’re driving when it’s freezy. week reads: three different aises, 98 aad 94 Phona 3450. were determined to leave skid ; A— owitMinawto ment, also fluid drive and auto­ clocks, vacuums, ate. Raaaonable 'moving, packing and atoraga each. Call 9-149L Take your time and take It easy. Cross Road Better Immor IL pricea. A.B.C Appliance, 81 Domaatlc aad ovaraeaa crating WE BUT aad aell good ne ARTHUR KNOFLA. Realtor marks on the sands of time. ■anuTAL MachUMO — Floor aand- matic transmission. This car la fumltura oomblriaUoD rangaa not loaded with extras. List price Maple atraat. 3-1076. and shipping. ExoaUant van aarr- 875 jttain S t r ^ I9a^ ^WUMA (MR caejeo*^ y also damp dry and fluff dry. er In Spqncer corsets and surgi­ EASY TERMS A BfeUma o f WBenunlateg Laundermat. 48 PumeU Place, Businen Locstions cellent location. Priced to sell. \ ■ cal supports. I rofits while traln- Phone 7728 or 6273. Brae-Bum. rent receipts will aet h^r » -y B M c with white sidewall 1940 OUISMOBILB sedan. Good] (formerly Montgomery Ward’s| Ingx Phone Willimantie 1875-Jl. PHONE 2-6189 For Rent ' - 64 you a home. .We have bofuaa SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH condlUon. Price $795. CaU 2-2841. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER BY .MERRILL C. BIXISSER Ursa, A beautiful car, fully Farm Store). Phone 3-4274. TO RENT- -Offices, pro/easlonal or LOVELY 6-Room single. (two under eaastrhetleu I* viaH- FREt'kI.ES AND HIS FRIENDS Not That Lingo SELL EVERYDAY cards. Up to SOUTH GREEN ooa eectlona at. MaarhNter Sfaipped at a low price. 1940 FORD convertlUe coupe. ! busincM. Wm. Rubinow, 843 Main unflniqhcd. eight yea n old. BuTYtXJR YOU MEAN YOU 100*% profit on fast-selling $1 u - FURNITURE CO.. Inc. Screens and storm windows, oil available for aeenpaaey r .WELL BUSTER MY SIS­ / J E FW»L£ FRAMCAISE ■ TO t^OLO Radio, heater. A beautiful green I BuiMing—Contracting 14 sortroent*. Other money-makers. f street. ESPANOL ICM SPRECME OEUTBCH LANGUAGE DONT DIG ME{ car In excellent condition. This 95 MAIN STREET 1 ------— burner. Redecorated inside and wtthla thirty $10,888 Q TER ' WHAT A SWI5M IS 1£> M6 THf Assc-rtm'ent on sppro\-sl. Artistic, I — ------— ...... nod up, with obmUI. 4»om 1 Sr£A< BALCH-PONTIAC. Inc. one wiU give you many thousands SPEtnAU. Something new In HARTFORD, CONN. out. A ' real buy at $9,600. Only ENGLISH/ 155 Center Street storm windows and doors, also 748 Way. Tlmira, N. Y. Suburban for Rent 66 $2,400 down. Monthly payments payments. Decorattoas ta of care-free miles. $896. Jack’s MIL or-rw e will hnUS 4a Plume 2-4545 Motor galea. 714 Conn. Blvd., I made to order kitchen csbmets. $M.95. Immediate occupancy. Free eatlmates. (3all 3-9405. FLORENCE GAS stove, Reakon- THREE-RJavla Phone 3-039«. space for two addlUonal rooms CONSTRUCTION CO. I-' Ikrelaari Place. Phone 7365. ranged. Jack's Motor Sales, 714 Friday. Apply Stats theater, COMBINATION enamel gas and second floor. All conveniences. finished. Contact T. J. (Lockett, "JohnaoB Built. Homsif* Conn. Blvd., East Hartford. Tele­ Manchester. ‘ oil kitchen range. Reasonable. 38 Approximately ^-scre of land. Broker. 6416. Manchester 74M 1889 CHEVROLn* 3-door, good phone 8-2783. ALTERATIONS and addttlona. coadltlon, radio aad heater. Very New ceilings. Alao roofing and McKinley street CkiU after 5 Sale price $8,900, $L000 down FRAME Spinners wanted. Wom­ payment to qusllfjrtng veteran, Mean. Priead for quick sale. In- stdlng. A. A. Dion. Inc. Phona en experienied In woolen frame p. 'm. # 0 Af. qidre 18 Depot Square. 4880. 399 Autumn street. Alice CTampet 843 Main etreet. spinning, needed for third ahlft. Phone 4903 or 2-0880, or Mr. Mit­ DAFFODILS cofK -SidiRf 16 P«nwle 38 obtaining anta (or tenants and 81 Washington 8t. fall huuiiatlon. copper and brae* pamter, elaetriclan. plumber, etc It opens to s bed for two! See it we get our foe from them. We RCXIFING — Sperialixlng la re­ Tel. 3743 rinmMnt We. Invile vnnr la- 31,158. Phone 2-0549. j at Benaon’a, 713 Main streeL select for you only reliable ten­ epeetlon. Prlee aia.snn end up- pairing roofa of all kiada also HIGH School junior would like ants with good ewsyt referencea new roofa Gutter work. Chlm-I baby sitting work. Call 2-9352 METAL TWIN beds wUA. springs after 4 p. m. Referencea Our service to you for renting Auto Acccamric ne3rs cleaned and repaired. No and m attresM . Inquire 117 HQI- your property Is frea Rental lister streeL Tel. 3-4463. 1938 OLDSMOBILE SIX Tires Job too SmaU or largo. Good WOULD UKE housekeeping post barvlee Bureau, hlancbeeter Attention work, fair prica Free estlmatea | 1941 DeSOTO CYLINDER 4-DR. SEDAN Uon. Part Ume p re fe rr ^ Refer­ Phone Manchester 3-4379 any- Call Howley. Itanekeeter 5381. ences. Phone 2-1253. uma Wa placa tenante avery- Custom Tudor i BARGAIN: Car radio and blast REFRIGEStATOR. in good eeudl- N6n Veterans! Uon. $50. (MU 7008. wbara. Radio and Heater Fully, equipped, in good con­ horns as is, $25. 8495. 5 to 7 p. m. aswtwwitiasisswst.sM.t.mseau.aesT.1 FrleadlyTouristg BY MICHAEL O’ MALLEY AND RALPH LANE Heating—Phunbiag 17 MONTGOMERY Ward assistant Fluid Drive Conatmetion in. acrord- smssyus.sic.T.a.sm.a,aNi?.4W. VIC FLINT dition. This is a Batch special 2-1 SNOW IMp Urea ftecappUig Situatiims Waatcd~ APARTMENT Slxe Easy spin dry ante with plans and aped- A lin EFFICIENT Plumbing and washing machine, $35. (MU 3- p-TaTer and wife need three or Recently Overhauled "Why should Georgs feet funny about marrying tha girl • at $496. and vulcanising, one day servtea Male 39 four room (umlshed apartmanL fications. “ You know so mueh mora'than Congraaa—why don’t you rruck Ure aerviee, guaranteed Ing. Plugged drams b 9839.' ' New Tires baoauta her folksTiava got money? I didn’t break off volunteer to go to Washington and plug that leak in the cleaned. 'Mri J. Nygrea. Phans YOUNG MAN destmi part Ume i,all 5181 between t and 5:80. , 4 workmanahtp. Kelly Spring .NEW WaaherT Bee Benson’a with vou baoauta’ vou had 8300 in the bank, did I?’ Stats Oapartmant?’’ BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. arid and RlehlanC Urea Man- 8497. Job days. Hours 8 a. m.-3 p. m. Life Guard Tubes 155 Center Street Tri. 3-3948. Trade-In? $30 for your old wash-1 Jarvis Realty Co. chaeter TUa aad Recapping. 295 GENERAL repalra and aarrica, er regardless of age. mak# or Beat Offer BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with ’MAJOR HOPPLE Phone 2-4645 Broad street Phone 3-4334. REAL'ItMtS OUT OUR WAY remodehag, alterattone. water condtUoa. Tenna to suit your| TM’ FUNNV TVE HAD A FULL OF- THIS ^BSAO, CAM6S8S.' we CRitVe TO pipe replacemants with copper Doga Birds Pets 41 budget . 'Benson’ s, 71$ M, Call .Mancheatcr 8808 6.14 Onter Street LKT MS m ir r i& PLACe,MA50R.'I’M LtANlNF/ ^ 6 »» VOO HOlST ANCHOR. — tubing, bath room Skturea, alaha street. OntmDy located Hart­ HriVS 10UR \ Busineaa Services Offered 13 6 to 8 p. BL TeL 4112 O r ^ 7 $ Re v e l ME c a n t X CAN'T STAY TILL COOSlN V ®TILL AND ALL, T. SOPROSC Wie CHEVROLBir 3-door. Black. and cablnsta, botlers aad radia­ g o l d FISH, bowls, colored stones FINPANV- L CAN'T BLAfv\E >0U POR N O T tors. Edward Johnson. Phone ford conccra has oppor- PROTRACTOR/ MARTHA COMBS HOM E- Very low mileage. Heater. New lLL a p p l i a n c e s eenrlced and and ornaments, food, tropical THING WANTING TO WANE GOODBV 6979 GAS WATER heater. Good condi­ tonitics for jroang wom­ . AFTER THU COPS MlCWT G S T AUE set of tiree. Full price 3L295. repaired, tniroers, retrlKeratora, fish, aquariums, plants sad acces­ < SRACkersowiTH t h s PROM A PAffRpL W AGON — sories. Guaranteed' singing ca­ tion. Call 4874. rrs F u T . convenient terms arranged. ranges, wssbers, etc All work REPIPING, AiteraUona, all tjrpes en in atotistleal work, JNORDERf SAPE-BL0\NBRS h b r a r— '-I, UlK-lCAFP.' Jack’s Motor Sales, 714 Conn, susranteed. Metro Service Oo. of fixtures and heaters available. naries. Hendryx cages, and sup­ KENMORE Washing machine, stenography, s w it c h - AND X LOOK PUNK iN Bhrd, Bast Hartford. Telephone TU. Uaneheeter 3-0883. Jobbing a specialty. Blnar L Lor- plies. Ebco Pet Shop, 403 Center wringer type. Good nmalng eon- i Z 8 B R A STRiPSS/ S-37SS. entzen. Phone 3412. StreeL Phone 3333. "A t the ditlon, $25. Phone $900. board operator, typing, BUSINESS end Individual Income Tropicsl Fish Sign." 1947 DODGE driux# four-door tax prepared by experienced ac­ NEW Refrigerator? Bee Benaon'e and as tobulating ma­ INSURANCE sedan. Radio and heater. 15,000 countants. 10 Depot Square, Roofing— Repairiag 17 A ENGLISH Setter pups. Boxer for Phllco and AdmlraL No less chine operators. Hospital BY LESLIE TURNER pupa.. Cpcker pups. Fox Terrier WE SELL Al l k in d s o f in s u r a n c e Words That Hart origlaal asllea Color black. 1947 Mencheeter. For appointment than $30 emd up to $75 for your cfipenso' beneOts insure WASH ILHHS Oldamobtle Model 76. Deluxe caU 8653 or Hartford 4-3903. KUOKINU and Kepatriag of all pups, eroee breed pups Zimmer­ old Coolemtor or refrigemtor la EXCEPT UFE kuMv* •RA4ai*r aaouT 'ow vsk fiour^loor eSdan, radio, heater kinds Chimney w(u1u guttei man Kennels Lake streeL 6387 trade. Terase to 16 months ‘ Tou ancc. Free gmnp life In- OLS OMT* COMXr FOR VA500N*.$in’ and hjrdramaUc. 1948 Hudaon PETER W. Pontaluk, electric coa- work. Expert repairs Honest can always do bustoasp with Art ■aranae. Vacatiana with Lumbemien’s Mntual Casualty Ca. NOnCB'l DOITT IKU8R SMON UPl MmmnilBri euatom eight, four* traetor, maintenance end wiring workmaariup. SaUetaeOen guar­ at Benson’s 213 hlalh ri*eaL For Antomobila and All CaanaHy Llnea ' . Seer sedan. A daan car. Low for Ugbt and power. 40 Foster anteed. (MO OmighUn, MsM Lira Stock—Vebidai 42 pay. A compaa6r'‘ reprc- ■ R ia g i. prica $1,475. 1947 Olds- street. Phone 8303. ter 7707 acatativa vdll ba at tbs Lamberman’a Mutual Insurance Co. ' sriM a 88 ceavorUhl*, btaie, black GUERNSEY-Holstrin 4-yearK>ld LAWBON Bofa. $58. Chair, $25. For Flee and Allied Line ft DB*1A>NQ‘S refrigeration eerviee. cow. Due to freshen la 3 weeks Phone 2-1833. CouMcticnt State Em* Repalra oa ril makea, .commer­ MiHMf —DraasamklBg 19 Vn mSon, 2847 CMdsmoblla 8 8 ^ 7 CaU East Hampton 849-Jl after ployaMAt Service, 7.7 I f ft*B Inrurance, See cial atMl domesUe. 34^hour serv- 5 p. m. THREE-Room dream outfiL Mm- vegRMA seernnn, black top, radio, lea. Pboue 8-1797. pletely fumiahed including 1843 heater aad hydramaUc. 18U Olds- ALTBIRATIONS and dreasmaklng. Bfaiplc Street, Handles- CaU 3-4870. M rs C. BrunaUs A FEW NICE com fad hogs Westinghouaa riectrle refrigera­ amldla 7K four-door aedan, radio, K A in o aaad flxlagT Have It re- t4ff, to interview an Tnaa- W 'l t hydramaUc. Exeep- Fin your frssaer while pork is tor. 1488. Oonvealent tarms Al­ oalred by esperts Pick-up aerv DRESBMAKINa . Better dresaas cheap. O. Herrmann. 3-0777. • bert’s 43 AUyn riresL Bartferd. day, Fabmary 6 from STUART J.WASLEY kaa. 1847 Modri 78 ica. guaranteed work Sete chock' DGrs suite, eoate. wedidlag gotroa and Oonn. 9:30 A. M. to S:80 P. H. STATE THEATER BLDG. TEL. 66480r 7M6 WiOft slab aedaa, radfo aad ed la tbe homti. (Mr radioa aRarattows (MU 3-3908. WANTED—Baaf aswa awl ealves In HnaiiMBB 25 Team ad hgdraasaUe.IMfTT. Colorvw or dperialty. Manchester Radio We pay tha top dollar. CaU Pella I A W J ^ Lew mflea. Msoebiistsr Berrice, 78 Blrrh etreet Phone B fo s n o n e 7405. 384 Btdwril MODERN Elactric sewing machine ' ■ a lq r 8234. Mr.(r.jWUoy. 2-0848. . wll^ attachiuento. Phona 3-0438, WALKI83 Read Herald Adva. StreeL * v TVUOOW AlOND Nova .--i- ■ tlM U n k B t V v lT O lA T , ' Thg Waathar '.vn Avaraga DaUy Net P rta Ran eroaom a i o . a waamm Umi r m tha M ^ af Jaaaary. I6» J flafar Uda aiyrinia. taa^kt aM , North Mate atrort and lata IS Ventura, proved------CubPaekMowSl wU. Its tsrday aftarnowi proaonnood Thsro is still no riwtliig at On- Soatay: eaMartanlghtj mMa ta A BeeutaMstsrs round T O M s^ 'tar> Springs pond. psralati ekaaga Samar. e phme this svenlni: at T:SO In monthly pack Skating Held for skating. w af tha Aoen 8 7:80 at the Highland PaTk e c ^ I- Supsrriasd by T Dlractor WIK It Town C Mary's parish hcaiss. •ParenU and friends are urged to 'M I I . I faC< terestbis propram Is ^ anticipate, tot ham Stsana, youngstan and Maneheeter---^A City o f Village Charm Ineludlnf movies and refreah- attend. The theme this month At North End adulta reportod a t the rink aad -liifcliilittiy T«ylor, toJghtw jJ moits. The Important f ln a ^ Is a minstrel show. enjoyed Aattng fromI 7 I p. m.m-' to w Jolinton't (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS - - ‘ H n . James Taylor ^ TO 10 p. m. niuminattoB.D. uM . pro- MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1949 drive which the Boy ScouU wlU A burning divan at 333 Blast (OkuaUed Aivaritriag aa Paga It) airaet. U the w e e l^ carry out on the two comlny Sun­ Over 1 0 0 Enjoy Sport vlded by a 1,000 watt; fioodUgbt- I VOL. LXVni., NO. 197 t^D onald PtodtetoB, student Center Street brought out Com­ AS kmg as the weatherdber primilspi------Poultry Farm' ■ r r r i t CMwia VnlMTslty. his ftm- days of Scout week, February 6- pany Na 8 of the South Manches­ IS, wUl be dlKUSsed. At Built-Up Rink at riwtlilb artll be held at the Rob­ 1.00 to ieTBitgr heuss party at Xthaca, N. ter Fire department at 0:25 p. m. ertson pai* area with the hostrs Praab DragMd Catkktsfl, -Cardfaial ou Trial ih.Budapest Court T. yeaterfhor. The seats of the divan Robertson Park being from after sehoi4 tp 8 p. m., S a tn rd sy Greek Rebels Trinity Past Noble Grands As- were destroyed and smoke damage and from 6:80 to lA'p. m. dally. Prosecutor Demands sodaUon wlU meet Monday after­ was caused to the rest of the room. Manchester residents, ah mtl- Boidics have been proridad for .Prafik quick froxen pool- Action to Tighten noon at three o’clock In Odd Fel­ Cause of the Bre Is not known, but mated 125, enjoyed toelr t o t skaters to change their shoes. try. any time. Strip Markos 88 W«0d Strati Ttl.5509 lows hall, with Sunset .Circle of It Is believed to have been started night of outdoor Ice skating this This timetable Js riibject to ps^ noble yrands. Supper will bo by a cigarette. s ^ n last night at the newly change whenever matntesance 847 Middk Tornpike. West serve by Past Noble Grand Mrs. constructed rink at Robertsy Hanging D State Employment office at 73 ment has made h built-up rink and. amaxliig iBYeatton at the Peterson Kitchen Dbpfaiy now. News Tidbits Athens, Fab. 6—(O—A major Electrical Failure Halts Yonr Gutrantee of. Maple street next Tuesday, Feb­ this was done only through the diets Further Hard­ Called Prom (/P) Wires riiakeup of Communist guerrilla Polish Chiefs Meeting of Electricians Meant for Ordinal SatiafactioB Special ruary 8, between the hours of 9 cooperation of Chief John Merx a. m. and 3 p. m., to Interview lo­ and the Manchester Fire depart' ships Will 'Be in ­ leadarahlp in the three-year civil ^lind!«zenty and All Six cal residents who might be Inter B asem en t .New York, Feb. 5. P A In ment The area was sprayed with Joa Honaycutt. Jaapar. Ala.. war against the Greek government Charge Plot ested in entering into the Insur t o hose from a hydrimt on flicted Upou Hard- haa to rcacae Wa dag when tba baa taken place. An underground meeting of some :i00 electrical Of Ifi)4 Afisuciatefl De> experts was interrupted yes­ ance field. ^__ Pressed Rnssiau Zoue Utter climbs 80 fert during aqulr- radio annoimccment said tha guer­ fendaiitfi; Will Be There are many opportunities i«l into tpse. . . .Two Navy aub- Police Arrest ‘Several terday by—an elertricsl fail­ FELT BASE now open In the insurance busi­ rilla chief. Markos Vaflades, has ure. marinea taldng A. F. of L. laadera been relieved of his pollticsl lead­ Given Opportunity to Johnson ness, and the local branch of the It was our intention tn Berlin, Feb. 6-—(/P)—Tight­ on "good will” voyage olf ,Flotl«U. Scores’ of Foriuer The annual meeting of the Employment Service Division will ership. Make Personal Ap|»eal ening of the western aUie»' . . . .Mra. Harman Burd, 29-yaar- A apokcaman for the Greek, Members American Institute .of Eleclri- And 69c Sq . Yd. assist the representative In plac­ advertise Qllaiic § Q o d fie «I.W. n A I^ COM old wife of Army private, haa Juat Houie Ariiiv csl EnRincers Was plungeil Into <2 Yds. Wide) ing Manchester residents In some counter-blockade of -Soviet Anhy g e n ^ l staff said the broad- seml-darkne.ss, and buslnes-s Before Gourt Retires iSA N CH lSn* COMII* had her 11th baby in HunUngUm, caaL late yesterday from the of the many desirable positions Beechnut Coffee occupied Gei:many brought, a W. V a ...... Police In Allqulppa, Warsaw, Poland. Feb, 5—i/Pi— waa suspended for about 10 Anderaon All first edasa Unoleum made that must be filled. “Frca Oraace” radio, supported bleat today from a Russian' Pa., btenw aex fiend for aUying of Army riuq>lelonB that Markoa had Polish security prrlice today an­ minutes until th" trouble was By Endre Marlon by leading Unoleum manufse- corrected. PAINTING AND tseturers. lb. 57c Ilcenaed newspaper that this Margaret Sankowakl. found in 'bero/exacuted for failing to "con- nounced the arrest of "sevcrsl I Budapest, Hungary, Feb. 5. Proof positive was nhe Anglo-Ameriam M - l«nw DECORATING Also enamel Imitation tile and not 47c as indicated in quef Greece.” scoiea’’ of former member* of ] ------, —./Pi—The prosecutor of this wall covering. of your diatinC'- awer to Stalin’s peace initia­ ^ Result of Conflict CAMERA DEPT. our grocery advt. last o . S. aiariaen have given up bar- / Greek government circles said the home Army " ho it said weie ] g T 1 ; ('ommunist-ruleri state today Interior snd Exterior Work 45e annnlng Ft. tive.” radu on Shantung Unlveraity night. live discrimina­ they consider-the action against plotting against the lives of gov-, ^ e H l * a H L l U l e i ' demanded a “liard” sentence 225 Rifhbiid SL TeL6812 Free Advice By The Barliner Zeltung, which campua at Talngtao and turned Markos a result of the conflict be- ornment chiefs. —meaning death by hanging carried the headline, also predict- the bnlldlnga back to university. An unconfirmed leport said au- Personalized Floors An E x p ert tion. Gabardine *cd further hardshipa now^ would tweep the cominform and Marshall — for .losef Cardinal Minds- 880 Ook SL TeL 69U CBilna'a Nationaliat government Tito of Yugoslavia. They said the thoiilles found a time bomb near i Martial Law zenly and all six of liis asso- New Location OiJEltimEoa. duit with im­ be infiieted upon the already hard- opens prirtrinaal oapHai Iq Cominform now haa put the Greek a government building where the 392 Main SL TeL 2-9258 Arthur Drug Stores pressed Russian occupaUoh acme, ton today. . . . Tw o^jaca Communist party under Ite com­ Council of Ministers meet*. .ciated clefendant.s. Presiding la Bod Way Beeaendcally with DO official due plete domination. Jeaeoh OSrdlMl HinJezMily rite In Budapeet. Hungary People’s court Those *anested were charged .Judge Vilmo.s Olthys sai«l maculate tail- with a uniformed guard beside him nw hla truil on ohargea of treason, Follows Unsuccessful Valentines A BrtUah Information survey Peiping tomorrow to talk with Alexander Pappgos, generalissi­ with planhing acts of teivor. earlier a vcirlict cuukl not lie ex­ leur . . . fas­ « said. . tha... -Soviet . sone la in a- ---- Oommunlste about ending mo of the Greek armed forces, said ••plounge airi Mack markel operallona begins. During the Feb. 4 •Names of the leaders who police ( Attempt to Assassinate pected before Monday in the trea- way economically and probably dvU war. . . .Mount Take, Jap he Interpreted the broadcast to iraslnn of the trtel. CardInnI MIndasentv recanted a letter he wrote Bsid were marked for death wei-e ■son case of the .">6-year-old pri- RUGS before kin arrest in which he aald that If he eve- admitted hla giiill IN THE tidious detail­ WlU get worae. volcano dormant for 97 years, mean Markoa—who- preferred to not made public. Iran's Young Sliali msle of 7,000.000 Hungarian For Children The economic pincers of tha erupting again. . . .Comedian be known by this single name—gl- It would be "becanee of weakness of the flesh." ( \P wirephoto hy Tlie Home Army fought the Catholic.s. But the sensational trial ing. Self but­ western blocksda art taking what MUtonBerlelenves for FlerMa to ■o bad been dismissed aa comman­ radio from London to New York). _____ Nazis duitng the 1944 WsrsaW m- ^ whi< h began only three days ago AUCTION was left to Gernuna after the recuperate from virus Infection. der of the Communist-backed reb­ surrettlon. . . Rulietin! was moving swiftly to a conclu­ tons . . . duo- "vacuum cleaner” of Ruaaian rep­ . . . Yato awards degrees to 458 el forces. He said he could not con­ i Tlic Ministry of Public Security Tehraa, Iraa, Fell. 5.— .5p— sion. and Grotvn-upa arations got through. , undergraduates today In Its last firm Markos had been killed, but ‘ said "other groups" working with Iran’s leftist Ttideh pat^ly Berlin's antl-CommunUte have n,My « r commencement. . . . Prosecuotr Uytiia Elapl said the This S«L at 1 p. m. flap-pocket- he said the announcement clearly officers and soldiers of this group outlawed today and one of its Hungaiian people demanded the w e e th e a r I a n irre’s’ b > endorsed the U. g.-Biitlsh action, I i^i^vray Safety commlasion finds indicated he was "flnlahed.” Economic Situation liad collected arms and explosives members Mamed for tryiag to which prohlUted any highway that Connecticut homes were removal of Cardinal Mindszenty at the Legion Hall effect. In new "Purge la Leadarsblp” to assist their planned activities. , assaMlaate Shah Mohammed s.s one of ''the last remnant* of On Leonard St. Colorful Valentines with envelopes. freight tra S c between western more dangerous than streets and Tlie ministry added the "organi-1 Reza Pahlevi last night. The spring shades. Europe and the Soviet cone to||^.),^ya m jt year, Foreign Minister Constantine I'eaction. ' Tealdarla said "obviously there la Not Seen Alarming zation was liberally, assisted with ncrusrd nssAinnt, Fskhr The cardinal will be given on Many for special relations. cross tba U. 8. and British sones. HunUngton Hartford, heir to A. dollars from abroad.” , Ralee, a aewspaperman. died 3VEW-IMPPORTED Rail traSle was shut off last faU p, nocery fortune, plans to en- a purgs In the leadership of tha opportunity, with the other six Communist party.” I All Rftigleaders Held tn a hospital last night of In- defendant.*, to make a "last Mercerised loomed nigs In to oounter the Soviet blockade of ecboel for gentna in Oallfor- The exact number arrested was ories suffered nt the hands of bright oriental designs and pat­ The Markos radio announced the Words ' statement—a personal ap­ £ L guerrilla chief, a Vong-Ume Oom- Tumbling Prices anil B l i z Z a r d A g a in dot disclosed, but police said they ii mob which seized him after peal—before the court retires to terns. At W a ^ ^ German border ,,t a whole nppk pie, teat- five abets were fired at the -I'! police headquarters announced po- ^^aa fare In Oaaka, JapsJapan. . munisL had beenEserioualy 111” for S^arp Rise in Job- • had all the ringleaders. T^c term, consider its verdict. / 9 X 12’s, 4 X tt*s m several months and could not "mveral scores." luied extensively shah. Two ballets hit the rul­ .Mthough .Judge Olthys ssl- under martial law today after an the possibility of s verdict around .Union Pacific wark crews —^Tumbling pricei and a And Skiers Stranded Aolute control of Poland, Dltehta were thrown up by the diggtug In high drifts for threa «nd sinewy Markos of bis politi­ unsuccessful attempt to aaaaaii- midnight f6 p.m. e. s. t.i. Russian authorities along the bor­ cal responriblUUas. No successor sharp rise in the number of In High Sierra Area i The Council of MinUtera. report- luJUtHAMcoM members of work train mlaal^ edlv threatened bv the time bomb, ; ©ate the country s young, pro- Makes AixrtogeHc niatement der on the Soviet side last fall. Mnce snow slide buried tracks was mentkmad. jobleM workers brought Cardltml fiQfiiaaXsnly*’ *Uerri«y. i $35-00 to On tha agenda r t t o e maating, goOkhuig oCicial-raassurancea.|^ aatt.Jksnelaco.-Keb. oQxoBoaed at Kalman Kicko.' made s weak snJl •Trade Agreement Oenduded near Ogden, Utah. Bi-nit and ax other official*, who Mohammed Rez* Pahlevi. the ( o r tham aahounctmsntawofluneonaiit addUB^-uraa.a. that America’s s eco- ^TOs^sswmsselsThousand* cvF of «vse\4e\e-iafa motorist*, sndrini skiers i anologetle statement In opening MaanurhlliL tha Sovlrt oflclal I Air . Karos Fbaum havs' flown of "the opportunist to d w ' ruie Poland by decree. All the 29-year-old ruler, escaped with rear mimyimebd eonchialon of a 118A65 mUos tn leas iban two Situation is not 1 rtn m d ^ M slight Injuries when a would-be the defence. rightist movement In the CommU' hoinic council act* have immediate legis­ He praised the peonies’ demoe- Vo la nti n a*s trade agreement- between the Rua- weeks In hayilft operation. even a silver lative effect and are tnproved at assassin fired five shots at him \ $49-08 elan sone and Denmark providing nlet party.” _ ing. ’There is I rs last night. late -yesterday. >-acies feastern Europ^s Commun­ Vermont farmer ends kis sttrinpt LMgnsga te Daacrlgs Purges -n'-'ceedirr sesslo-s of Parh-mert. d o y ! for an exchange of goods worth to aeU milk at price below figure lining in what, to some peo­ I Tons of snow were dumped on The roundup wss the bigaest .Attacker Identified as Reporter ist regimes l and agreed with the 18,000,000 DanUh kroner from This la the language Commu- ple, looked like a dark cloud on ' U. S. Hlghwa.v 40, blocking the Authoritie!! identified the at­ nro.secutor that his client’s actlv- set by state board. . . . Sources nlate have used to describe purges announced by security authorities each ride. close to acting president of Na- the economic horizon; the dollar i route to Nevada for the first time in more than a year. tacker as Fskhr P.*ier, a newspa­ (ties had "h.'’rmed the country Ira- These dalivertaa win now have of Communist ranks In Poland and will buy a. little more than it did ' in many winters. per reporter. men.sely’’ He alao commented ' Your haan on a haakia Uonallet China aay Communists elsewhere and which the Comin­ Police .said that in raids on the to be made by sea to Ruaaian zone Imve given aa aasuvr to hla peace Just a few months ago. Winds at Donner summit reach- homes of former home Army Raiec'a political affiliritions gnd that manv lintrue stories had Baltic porta. The Ruaaian sone form has used to describe the so- Stork Market Takes Beating ■ cd a velocity of 75 miles per hour, his possible motives were not im­ been nrinted abroad. . . .to giro or caoeiva! Spacial proposals. . . . Senator Elbert called error# of Marshal Tito of members they seized a hea\-y ma­ already baa trade agreemente with Thomas (D-UUh) dlaputee pre- These w-ere the development* ; whipping the snow before them chine-gun, two Tommy guns. 22 mediately made public. The paper Kicko dwelt at considerable Sweden and Norway, which also Yugoslavia. Captain George Peterkln of the i ‘^"'"'’-8“"' he worked for was not Identified. ; length on the cardinal’s state- Vakfirioe’s day beauty by Burmel ^ dlctten of Senator Taft that two- The broadcast said also that yesterday: Highway patrol estimated at can ship across the Baltic. thirds of Taft-Hartiey act will re­ The New York stock market, Two of the shots, fired as the rnents in coui-f that he deeplv re­ . . . boaadng two vivacious designs bend- *nM Soviet sone expects to re­ changes in the Central committee "two to three thousand" skiers *; .«hsh entered Tehran university to gretted his actions and that future main on the books. . . . Judge were discussed and five new mem- the barometer that predicted the were'^stranded in the area. , also found a ceive from Denmark chiefly dairy Medina telle lawyers for Commu­ of explosives, de­ take part in an snnji-erssry cele­ Jecisions would be different. The products, seed potatoes and live­ bera were appointed to the Greek 11929 colUpae,. took Ite soundest ^vners of mountain lodges and quantitj nroseciitor. In hi* statement, •creeoed printed io gey colors on soft cotton. nists on trial they must alter theft- CommunUt I^litburo. Four "re- ' beating in many inont^. with 61 tonators. ammunition, two mili­ bration. struck hfrii. One wont t o stock for breeding purpoaes. The botel.n aald tourifds and skiers tary radio transmitters and a through his cheek and upper lip rid'' uled these "regrets ” delaying conduct or "take the con- aerve' members of the PolUburo stocks selling at the lowest price were .vled at 55 miles per hour | Operation* snowbound set up a i .\Mennaa Craset Spetlale, 81. was noting that the bill his House 330 -men in Ita maintenance of through Truckee and Highway 395 • sub-headquarters In Gordon yes­ Support Given fined 6106 and given a suapeaded Believe Eight Civil Service .committee began Jet Bomber equipment department. They will was. closed th^e miles south of terday ard began clearing roads 1 ¥ T * 10-day Jail term by Judge Jobs F- studying yesterday would raise be 'furknigbed for an Indefinite pe­ Reno on the Lo.'» Angeles route. to ranches in the area. I I m o i l Downes lirPoUee court today. Spe- DOESKIN HATS some officials 125 per cent, said he riod, The Weather Bureau said the U was just a month ago that V iX fig tl. V XX X lE A sax acensed of giving worth- Felt DieinCrash “couldn’t see" that. He iiredlcted Crash Fatal Altogether, tbe-Oensua Bureau, storm was on ite way out, but a Gordon’s call for help pointed-yjp ------i leva checka amouaUng to 675 to there will probably be aonie down­ reported In Washington, there | ptorm is n.oving down on t h e ’■“" ‘T ’ In snowbound ,,, . , [ the owners of two restaurants. He We Have Just "Spring Shades In ward revlaion.’’ were 2,000,000 more unemployed ; gtate from the Alaskan gulf. areas. , Dplpgales to G iF V P iz n tI; was ordered today to make retli- Other committee members also In January than In December. i other portions of northern Call- Aid was sent immediately to the Two Boidies and Bits of raised objections to parts of the Two Pilots Killefl as Actually. the true drop wa* only | fornia were also drenched by the Conference to Hara «ra tha naw hots |ust un- 1 snowbound town, but its rural Wreckage All Sighted administration bill, whlqh would Hush'Hush Plane Ap* 700.000. Offlclala aald the other ,- gtorm. a heavy rein falling In the areas like many others in the Received A pockad that will tap your first Increaaa the pay of 223 high exec­ 300,000 reported aa Jobless really , gan Francisco bay area and the %jn Merger rroporai HmrUoni, r^ i —i>p>—Th© D»- Spring castwmat . . . baeoming, NYLON HOSIERY I3S.SS0 square mile disaster area, Of Blazing .uRomber utives and grant booate running! parently Falls Apart |aren’t part of the nation’s normal' interior valleys, had to wait until enough snow Moa* dlatlactiea of beoeodag tba protty and lovaly te> woor. Tha back to last July to aome 13.000 ‘ working fare—thay were probably | Snow was also falling in the Sis- Cfieveiacd. Feb. 5—Cd — Dele-1 fliet speeder ever ■uaunouej tete $2*98 to $2^«98 51 gauge sheer nylon" hosiery in new spring colors of hoUday employea, students, or . kiyous, although not as hard as in clearing equipment wss available gates to the General council of th e' naw "sallar’* leek . . tha naw New Orleans, Feb. 5— Two ir government workers. The El Segundo, Calif., Feb. 9—(P)— , to divert rome of It from main a Ueeaectleet coart en radar avl- amber gleam, a neutral tan and naive beige a medium total estimated cost: $1,600,000. others who no longer seek Joba. ' the Sierra. The Redwood highway Congregational Christian churches denee wIS ga te some kapisas aro- Shipment Of "preflla" look . . . and detans bodies and bite of wreckage are One of the Navy’* latest hush- But the. 700,000 have Joined ' between Ukiah and WiUlts was roads snd emergencies cases.,. dark shade. Reinforced heels and toes for extra wear._^ all t)u t liave been sighted after a The measure would raise cabinet hush Jet bombers—the XA J— ap­ were to vote today on a proposal torlst la GlaaCeabary aest waak. of other chearmlng styles In stir officials from tlielr present 815.000 efiough othera.1 who are out of , blocked for three hours yesterday KlUeJ by Bulldozer Blade of merger with the Evangelical Captala Ralph J. Buckley, ceas- famous “ DOiSKIN" rich, hixorlows I biasing B-25 bomber with eight s 'year to 825,000, while heads of parently disintegrated on a test work and want work, to push ' by slides. The operation continued to exact men aboard crashed into Lake flight over the Pacific and crashed and Reformed church—an approval maadrr of the State PoUco Tratfte finish faitt. lesser agencies would get amotmte America’s current unemployment! 'N orth coast cities bad telephone ^ts toll. Roy Wade, owner, of ~ Safety division. eaM the wsr-bem Very Fine Pontchartrain.’ varying from 817J100 to 822,500. into the sea yesterday killing two ------trouble as stiff wind.s and Ice IT’lsge .to ri .bout 30 *'sT ro1i;''w p Srt for the merger New -Price $1.25 pair CapL M. R. Roth, public rela­ pilots aboard. detection eqn'pmrot wiS bs aaod tions oBcer at Kessler Air Force Department underaecretaries and fOnaUaned *■ Pag* F«iar) I saipp^ the lines. at tbc request *f PoUce Chief aome other top offlclala now get'> The vlctima were AlbcrL W. ,v^e?tn\.d; o'fbulWozer base, Biloxi, Mias., aald after a Conover, Jr., 28, Torrisnee, Calif., Geerg* O. Hall ef Olastoabary. searri) at the crash scene late yes­ ting 810,000 would be boosted to ,ws. anti-merger s o * 822,500. project pilot: and Co-Pilot Charles ! and crushed his head against the Stocks nipped Agate terday: E. Brown, 25, Hawthorne. Calif. “Au sight men are presumed Sought by Truinaa front of ’n.r«on whose i grounds that the council was New York. Frb. 6—iJS—Steck President Truman has asked for North American AircrafL build- Bradley Sees A ir Pouter prices were dipped agate Uday «« STRAW dead." ar of the highly secret three-en­ * * * directed or Without authority to act was best- Ha aald the plane waa from, the pay raiaes, claiming that hual- the stem overwhelming majority. the becis of yeoferday’a laM ^ New S prin g Kctsler with baaa personnel a n d t* * * * * ^ outbid Uia govtnt- gine experimental plane, waa un­ In^ecUy -o the storm. ^ Another proposal saeklng poet- tfflcilBt* I4HMM Cm fBBC* alr atudants aboard. Names were I *"rot for the services of good man. able to determine Immediately As Sole Defense Gamble ttan* to areond a patot weea peoted what happened. But Private From Alnewo th ^ ^ poneraent of a tote was supported Russian Kolinsky Scarfs withheld until casnattiea ar* deter­ Congress already l)as raised Mr. fer a wida vartsty af kay iasaaa. HATS mined deflnitely. Truman'a salary from 875.000 to Pilot Walter B. Ton, in the qtr *1 Frtdayh isaass tan op ** aa oa* 8100.000 bealdes haeraasing hla the time, said the big Jet cams Baatan. Feh. 5—(j?>—CJaa. OaurfUck might ke. " h# added, "it i* Don HlR|ri©9, ! •*2^’ a'e trttoeairS pelats. Troriagriartra HANDBAGS The twin-engined craft, streak Yuj*. I The council^, 000 voting dele- ing fire, plungro Into the mist- tax-fra# exproee account to 880.- apart. Bradlay aaya tba United States . daa^roua for us te count on a who haa been dying mercy off at a iari tato. ndfh.ftd * * .* * in Lovely 5Shhi ArraagemenU 000. The \iee president and speak- ‘T t o t gUmpaad It at about would gamble with avnrivpl by | declsivo knockout in the first ' gates and aome 600 non-voting lAOO ar amra abam $1 2 -0 0 shrouded lake a mile and a half s ot t representative* are almost in For Matrons Per Shin~-*Plao Tax ...... Top handle style in plastic calf or faille. Colors: Black, northeast of the New Orleans Air­ ar of the House were brxwted tn 4,000 fact and eoudd aa* clearly rauaUpg on ahi power I * to ' round, for the concentration of tola n^^*te**wor»s*** need I representative* are almost ekaagteg beadi. bat $80,000 plus 810,000 for expense*. that the tall aurfScea and 4he out­ defert^toe enemy in another wrar. ■ >-**<-•initial air «»e«r>.offensive4v« miwtimut diminish . \he"lOo" 1^150 . — sm _.. airfarm . t^ 1 eatlrety the < *«' body which vot­ dowa. brown, navy, and preen. port. es we dip deeper into the stock- j than to iso .man larm . , ^ ^ ^ .ummer st • • • Large head sixes, feather Fog Halts______Search__ ^th Budget Director Frank er wing ftancle were gone.” said "To survive^” he said, "the Uni­ A thickening fog last night halt- '■ Pace and CVimptrolIer General Ton. "AH that remained waa ted States must be prepared In­ pile of our atomic boml».’’ ta ^ Without Food ■ Oberlin to proceed with the Fin> Makes Ifljfl and flower trimmed...... * ed a aearch, which waa to resume Unosay Warren, testifying on the the forward part of the fuselage, stantly to gear its counter-attack The...... army chief of state..... said that o r t e r i s e r wto rir^aUeSr^Ib, merger, but to attempt tq increesq MsoRa. Febk fi——A •re ad Natural Ranch Mink at daybreak with diving opers- Mil, «dd It would bring "pitiful­ the Inner aectlona of the wings to a-war of Incrriuing vioienoe, a be'is convinced (hat If the United from 65.5 to TO per cent the num­ Pina Tax States is driven into another war for help was found to be without, tions. ly inadequate" government sala­ and the engine naqrilca.”. war of groVlng Intensity, -and.# food, without fuel for hi* lamps ber of church** *gr**#bl*. Since parted to Captain Roth arid the plane waa ries more nearly in line with Joba . However. It waa learaed the war of wtdaning global dimen- "w* shall once more be forced to then a 72.77 per cent favorable Criakala. I la 4 Skin Arraagemcata gate tba InavlUbl* ■victory over and raducod to burning wood In on a navigational training Sight to of like responplbUlty in private XA J haa folding wing panels and aloiis.” an Improvlaad stove after being vote hM been obtaipad. soNtkweat Par Skin—Phm T a x ...... Carsum)! flald, Fort WoAt. Ttxas. busUKflS. teU- asrtloa for aaay handling oa He told the third-Rational Indus- our bodies — those of our Ih a council's Oommlsalon on In- litead. Tba $ ‘®» ' soldi era on the ground. iaoUted Blnoa tba Now. .16 blizzard. 30 It tebk off at J :86 p. m.’ (a. A U fiannaittaa maasbats appaarad Mtrtoaa. try-Army Day confaranea last Hla bouse. iMsUed in a 800-foot ‘taroburch UnHy baa recommended ^ w* are to construct air Tba air tralM oaatrol teorar at ready to go atoog « l cabiaet Wto« late steep DHr* night that at the Instant of ag- long drift, had been eororad with that the vote now Justifies tha $ 8 -t s New Orleans a lm r t aald tha raises and oa booate tor such top Other wUneases said tha craft grrorieo ^ a 'United States must perwer at the fatal expense of merger, and that the final ateps ground and naval arms.” he added, enov; four timee, and he had never bombar radioad 38 minutes later agency heada aq Chairman David went Into a steep dive and plum­ fling tha full fore# of Ite strategic seen hla month-old child born in toward ite consumaiation be taken. itaJW .HAUcoM that all seas well. When the tow- E. LiUentl^ of the Atomic Ener- meted a mile and 'a (quarter oR- sir offensive against tha anemy'a "then w* may foolishly be forced th§ JW.HAL4 COM I 'to desert our aUiea and fbrwke our T fi.6 6 6 ). M ANCM Ifm i CONM* , The COM beiuUahd. (Oaatteaad (( r> MSMCHisTia Coast auMCMisTsa Coaa- (( ea Paga Faor) (Caotlaaod aa Paga-raor) (Uaat Fata Fear) *Vut howaver aavaga this a t-1 capaci^ to wags a suriainsd war.” r -'T ■•I.