1VE8DAT, MARCH Z9,1941f

^ The Weathtr fflaitrhgater gwntiig fgraUi Avtracn psttr Nnl Prtss fbin Forecast el C. S. Weatbor BuriWlL D X m tEE N rat Ifea Maalli ad Mbraafy. ISIfl row avanlng, at Woodruff Hall. Fair and mild tMs sfteniOMii Center Cburclk at t o'clock, m . PLACE YOUR ORDER BOW 9 , 7 1 3 fair aad slightly eoMer. t a a lr ii^ The IhtacuUva oomnMtUa Betrothed Scouts Help Cbetwy wlU gljre gsnaroutly o ^ The Women’s Homo ^ Board of Dlractora of the Rad 2AIlanFnF£iiS^r UFIlinn 21:FraUl Thursday increasing riondlaeilj bag o f trieka and Uluslona with a m e s it e d r iv e w a y s lienbe* at Iba-Aaill the Salvation Army nrfU n ^ Cross will mast ’Thur^y av^ han»o»tesaoe will ^ — 0 ertlsa of “Aqua Mira.’' All Types Hsrd Sarfacs Areu Mmushgaer A City / VliUufe Charm Mrs. Gladys Tost and Mrs. Bthel ters. ____ Motherf *«»* tort will Ue Magician cnsneya Work Qnaraatead -• E**a EsHmatsa • Terais Amaged JtW«dnesday «y m ^ ^ • McCollum. St. Jude’s Mothers’ Circle will handa and feet, and he will eacaps. Boys from Troop 2S AdvartMag an raga If) MANCHESTERyvCONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH SO, 1949 ( iIW ENf^.AGES) PRICE FOUR la the home o f M f ; meet tomorrow at 8:15 j^m., at the He will also demonatrate hla fav­ ^QL. LXVIU., NO. 152 KAcum. 35 WeetmiMter The Couples Club o f the home of Mrs. Michael Bujack. 81 Arc Rewarded With orite feat, passing numbers gath­ THOMAS D. COLLA Hnnereratlonal church win meet Summer street. ered from the audience through FOB THE BEST IN DBIVBWAT OONSTBDOnOM In the pariah room this eveiUng at Badges at Meeting the flame of a burning card Into 1 ^ man wee born to Mr. 8 o’cloM. , The Cosmopolitan Club w ill a sealed envelope.* Model of Rusdinn Plane Won't Fly of IS Kmewn etm ^ meet Thursday gening at 8 CALL ANYTIME On Saturday a ‘ on to SUtsen scouts from Troop 25 The highlight of the eventag 2-9219 News Tidbits ^ ^ S a y et the Hertford hoi- o’clock in the Souto M e t o o ^ completed work In their .pioneer­ will be "Sawing In Half’ a girl Five Solons Offer Senate Blocks Vote Mr. and Mrs. Duane Wilson o f 37 church auditorium where the B|^ spectator. CnIId4 FroBi (/P) W ire* ^von drive, at Hartford hospltat u-orth League will prw nt Glltort ing merit badge by building two and Sullivan’s itoputar operetU signal towers at Camp Johnson, Members of the troop are sell­ iThere wltf be e Group A center Church Women “Trial By Jury," under the di­ ing tickets which may alao be se­ Birmingham, Ala., circuit court committee m eetli« et eigni wiU m?et in the FederaUon rw m Ek>Iton, over the week-end. Other cured at the door. Proceeds will New Plan to Give p^>ck tonight et the Center Con rection of Bernard C^paimm Judge refuses to dismiss disorderly I tomorrow evening at 8 activities on thin week-end camp­ be used to buy the Troop better conduct conviction of Senator ' Atonal church. Members may bring guests at the On Old Age Pension The hostesses will he. Mrs. Ernmt ing trip lilcluded a campflre Sat- camplni^ equipmenL regular guest fee. Glen Taylor (D-ldatao) .... Bill Strong, Mrs. Scott Smltt, Mm^ nftlay night and a chui*ch service aimed at crushing Communist la- Sidney Cushman, and Mrs. Louis Sunday morning tonducted by the A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. All Hospital Care fntratiea aad ap^ag in govern­ Bunce. Anyone Interested is cor­ scoutmaster. John C. Hughes of 127 $100*oo R e w a rd ment and defense Industries is in­ SPECIAL TODAY! dially invited to attend. -Street at the^St. Franc'.s hospital At last night’s troop meeting troduced by Chairman Wood (D- the scouts were congratulated for NaUonal Foot Health Week. on Slunday. INSURE "Voluntary Health Insur­ GS) of House Un-American Activ­ Liberalization Plan 1M2 CHEVROLET V / t winning the Intertroop contest Ust W ill he paid to anyone providing neces* ities committee . . . Early burst of spoiwored by the N a ^ . Friday night at the YM CA. TOs w ith J New Rankin ciatlon of CailroppdisU w d ^ lU - St. Bernadette’a Mothers’ Clrele activity in stock market spends It­ troop received first place In five g0 |.y infonnation for the apprehension ance BUI* Also In­ JtON PLATFORM TRUCK will meet at the home of Mra. McRINNEY BROTHERS self leu than hour after it started ated state societies, will be M « of the eight events, Scoutcraft, Pushes Aside Republi* 23 to May 28 this year. Dr. A. K. Edmund Hooper, 19 Morse road to­ Beal Eatala aad tasnraace,, tended to Provide and leaves prices with only atlaor Father's Words Quoted Mist Shirley Oervlal friction fire, knot tying, Morse and conviction of person or persons PensionBill Red Meetings e^*» be legletered tor 8 tons. Buchbinder of Hartford la toe morrow evening. Father Loughran 888 M AIN arr. t e u aiaa changea. code, and patrol rescue. ­ As Rogers Penalized can Demand for Im«1 sUte chairman, and he has s^ damaging, mutilating and destroying Medical Care; Plan I IKMl wheels, fish plated, booster will be special guest j Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Cervlnl, standing among the winner# w M Died'’ o f boiled riee has helped 71 mediate Action ott; I brake direction signet pointed Dr. B. Wichman of 98 Park atreet. announce the Scout Robert Heavisides who built property or stealing from any of the Based on State and Cost Given per cent of 777 patients with high | Held Secretly Loa Angeles, March 30—(iPi i J. B. Shea as co-chairmen in Man There will to no meeting of the blood pressure. Dr. W alter Kemp- —An ex-congressman was fined engagement of their daughter, a fire by friction In 32 seconds. Local Controls Alone Measure Approvetl Chester. Board of Directors tola evening. Shirley to George J- TTie scouts are now preparing properties completed or under construe* ner of Duke university reports . . . $40 lor speeding and also beard General Manager George H. Wad­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Jomph Naez- Secretary of State Dean Ach«son a famous quotation from the By House; WeebslerJ Infant Jesus of Prague Mothers’ for the Campqree to be bald in tion hy the Jarvis enterprise^. [ House Veterans Commit­ Early in War [McCLURE AUTO CO. dell said this morning. A meet­ kowskl of 257 School atreet May at Camp Johnson. Washington, March 80.— u y a amjor Owmaa penbleaia Will late humorist. Will Rogers. Circle will meet .a ’?)'-.®, ing had prevloualy been announced. The wedding date has not been be discussed with western Euro­ Traffic Judge Roger P falf Would Attempt ti>; 50 Welb St. Manchcater Mrs. Kathleen Rivard of 78 Drlvs TO Have Magic Show GP)— Five senators today c j - tee Gels Rough Esti­ announced. • ______pean foreign mlniatcr# coming here yesterday al«o suspended the A tomorrow evening. Two highway crewa are working Troop 25, will present Master ALEXANDER JARVIS jered a new ‘‘voluntary Defense Attorneys Ob* violator'a license for 30 days Reconcile House and Magician William Cheney, tomor­ mate 46 Per Cent of to sign North Atlantic treaty ... j on the annual street patching Jobs heidth inaurance biD” intend­ Resident of New 'York, winner of and then recited this famous Senate Differences The meeting of the Holy Ohmt Frost and cold weather, coupled The son bom to Mr. imd Mis. Vets Could Qualify Jerry Mor\1Ih», 1948 model airplauc champlett of Bbode Island, works ject to Description Rogers' advice: Francia C. McMullen of 295 Main ed to make hospital and med­ In Provtdeuoe on his model of the plafie the Bnsilsns said recently $190,000 grand prize In Mexican Mothers’ Circle which wss to to with heavy traffic have left some "Don’t speed. Get up 15 ml.n- atreet at the Manchester Memorial ical care available to all per- was first la the world to fly—21 years before the Wright brothers. sweepstakes last Dec. 28, haa not By Bndenz; Most* of) Plan Your held this Fridsy evening i^l to rough road aurfacea which are to- WaMilngton, March' 30— (/P) — been paid off, says his counsel . . . , utei earlier." State Capitol, Hartford, hospital on March 21, has l ^ n mms. Senator Hill (D., Ala.), Aaoertlag that If the Bnsslaa plaae flew, a rowboat eonid aloo fly. held Instead on iBg repaired. named Francis Duncan. Mrs. Mc­ The House Veterans committee Winaton Churchill due in Cam-1 Testimony Let Stand The violator who pleaded ! March.'50.— !/P)— The Demo- at the home o f Mra. ^ t o r t one of the sponsors, siiid the MorrlHo says his model vaalted a low qione wan oa Ita maidea flight, guilty to driving 55 mile.s an House Painting Mullen Is the former Florence oaded OB Ita aose, aad haa refused to kave the gronad slaoe. The guy bridge, Mass., tomorrow. )Ciatic-coiitroUed Senate block­ Orosch of 50 Woodland atreet. The many friends of Julia Hal­ HALE'S got a rough estimate today that 48 hour in a 25-mile zone waa Will Perkins. new plan, based on state and who lavented the thing, ho sayo. was a 'Dossack fraud.*' (A P wire- President Truman will deliver i New York, March 30 — i/P) — ed action today on a Republi­ ing niay like to know that she will local oontrols, la a aubetltuta for per cent of World war I veterans Rogers, Jr. Now! be spending her 89 birthdsy on photo). major addreu at signing of North | Meetings of U. S. Communist party . can hill to liberalize old age The Army and Navy Auxtlla^ Headquarters what he called “ compulaory eye- could qualify fo r jAnslons imder TiBie PigimMits Arranscd Thursday ot th© ChcfltcrficW Con- Atlantic Defense treaty next Xlon- ! meeting at the clubhouse tonight tern" advocated by Preeldent Tru­ the new Rankin bin. day . . . AU horu race wire serv- ' leaders became “aecretive In char- f ' pension payments. Pushing,] 10% Down a g e n c y f o r vslescent Home In Chester, Conn, FOR man aad some members o f Con- On that basle, the coat of the acter” after the Hitler-Sfalin pact; /-va a a TT*« ' aside a Republican demand where she Is recuperating after an will to preceded by a spsghettl Prompt ic u within 20-mile radliu o f W’ash- Balance Monthly supper which will be served Red Men's ffTfOSe proposal to give $72 a month pen­ ington are cut off aa olBciala clamp was signed in 1939, a government | I j l r | c | Ia 0 | | | « | H i t for immediate action on the SHEAFFER iUnaes. promptly at 6:30. Call# to r Delag Federal roads sions to lower-income 1917-18 vet­ Rents ^Black Market' down on boelde bualneu in na­ witness said today at the Commu- | a .a .x i, Deliyery! erans at age 65 was estimated at nist conspiracy trial. measure, already approved Wen. Dickson and Son Pens and Pencils Immaculate Conception Mothers’ Tha bill calla tor the uae of tion’s capital . . . Itallaa Cemmu- by thr G.O.P.-controllrrt House, ; Vederal tunda “ to aaglat the etatea $18,882,000 for 1950, rising to a D e f e n a a Attorneys objected M ating Oaatrartera Circle will hold a meeting Wednes­ alst leaders indicate next Red ma­ th*> Senate sidetracked the blU by to aurvey, cooriUnate, aupplement strenuously to this description by { By Tornadoes u i i s Cast Center SC day at the home of Mrs. Raymond i Repairs A re Made peak o f $455,345,000 In 1965. neuver in cold war will be “ popu­ roll rail vote of 20 to 13 by aend- Arthur Dnig Store and atrengthen their existing Crackdown Predicted the witness. L«uis F. Budtnz, for- fb im ii S-0020 Or 5319 Hagedom, 110 Olenwood street Representative Rankin (D-Mtss) lar front” for “defeading peace" i mg It bark to committee. health reaoiacee.’’ Introduced the new ’lim ited pen­ . . . Chinese government promises mer Communist official who quit In Clerk’s Office Call 4498 right now; we’ll I NEW Vote Folioas Party lines Beatdw HlU, the meuure U the party In 1945. Twro Killed nnd In­ All ihemtora of Manchester sions" measure after the House to reunite aU Chlaa at Peiping 25 deliver tomorrow morning! backed by Senatora O’Conor (D- Truman Expected to P u t ; peace talks. But Federal Ji dge Harold R. The iot* followed strict party Grange who would like to make sidetracked last week his plan for ^World Peace’ hn*s. Business waa being conducted Md), Withers (D-Ky). Aiken (R- $90 persona at age 65 to all vet­ Medina let most of the testmiony jured as Northwest bus reaervatlona for the East Our clean fuel oil brings Siguature on *Home I President Truman approves re­ Reiently. the Sensts approved under handicap today In the office V t) and M ovm (D-Ore). erans o f World wars I and XL stand. Central Pomona Grange meeting longer hours of heat at low tirement o f Admiral DewffI CUa- Aren Four Times an old...... age..... bill...... of ils own. Spon­ at Andover on Wedneeday, April of Town Clerk Samuel J. Turklng- The Alabama aanator aald the Hla pew bill proposes pensions Rule* LegisIfUion Con-| Tour Falters toB Bauaey, commander in chief The witness said “ many times ton. Workmen are engaged In hlU la pattemad on tha present the place of the meeting waa not sored by Governor Bowles, *'thn 8, in a daytime aession, are asked cost. only for World war I veterana who, of U. S. Pacific flut, effective May Canton. Okla., March 30—iiP__' Senate bill like the House meaa- mending broken piaster in the BINGO Federal law fo r aasIsUng sUtea xm reaching age 65, have leaa than Rent Controls J ____ 1 . . . A.F.L. m ovu to bring ita announced in advance. During the to contact Miss Charlotte Hutch- records room and ^1 of toe office and regions In building hoepltala 1959-40 period cards were j^ven Tomsdoes struck four times in ' P^Posed to lift the prSMt F O B Y O V M 0 1 9 laa, 85 Broad street by this Friday. a $2,000 annual Income If unmarried, state and local leaders into par­ $50 a month ceiling on pension Plana call for the bus to leave activities are being carried on In That act was aponsored In 1M4 by or leaa than $5,000 If married, or Wuhingrton, March 30.— State Department's Ae se eal eeatact with members of you Just for the meeting and you northwest Oklahoma today, kill­ PLAYING STARTS PROMPTLY AT B P. M. were conducted by aomeone to the I payments and base pensions on at 10 sjn. if enough reseiwationa the front office. Ranges, Refrigerators ATLANTIC Hill and Aaaodato JusUce Burton with dependents. Ckmgreu In drive to speed repeal ing two, injuring 25 and causing I actual need instead. Thla past week the workmen o f the Supreme court, tton a Re­ (ffV-43apitol hill heard pre­ tion Strips Group of place of the meeting.” are made by members of the The Houae committee, now hold­ of Taft-Hartley Act . . . Boaton heavy property damage. I The Houae, however, refused to have been repairing various brok­ Washers and All Range and Fuel Oil AND YOU DON’T STAY LATE publican senator from Omo. ing bearlnga on It has been dig­ dictions today that the new Told to Start Civil War Orangs. Russian Attractions Federal Judge George C. Sweeney CTanton, Longdale and Blackwell ' act on the Democratic maaauro en plaster patches in the Munici­ Hill said states and communities ging Into tha question of prospec- rent control extender will set Budenz testified yesterday that delays until Friday hearing on pro­ were hit. A tornado also dipped and sent it back to 'committee. pal building, and tha Job of replM- Other AppUances now are buUding 700 hospitals un­ Uva ooat. There have alBb been off a government crackdown American Communists were told tertng the space abova the lobby Newark, N. J., March 30—(Jf)— posed reorganization, of Waltham douTi five miles nortli of Enid, and During today's debate on the der that plan and the voluntary numbUngs of possible moves to after the Hitler-Stalin pact to skylight has been completed. on a rent “black market.” Watch company. start civil war in America if thla wrecked a small airport. House bill. Senator Alfred F. health Insurance bill “ will perform add pensions for World war II vet,, Strippad o f ita Ruaelan star attrac­ Leaks around the cupola on the L. T. WOOD CO. Tinker Hall President Truman was ex­ Dr. Edwla U. Nonrae says he country sought to join Great The greatest damage was to the Wechsler, Democratic floor leader, the same aervleea for financing tions by State, department action, building roof had weakened the crans to the bill. bee handed in bis rulgiiatlon as flrat tw o—Canton, a town of 1,200, nai.l the measure should be return-* Craftman 51 Bimll SI. TeL 41M hospital and medical care. pected to sign, in plenty of Britain In fighting the Nazis. ori^nal plastered surface which MAIN STREET The Veterans admlniatration a projected nationwide tour of chairmen of President’s Ckmnell of and nearby Longdale, 400. ed to'oommillee so that an eiffort “ We believe that tha present time, the “ home rule” legisla­ Meanwhile, Anna Louise Strong, waa In danger of dropping onto supplied the estimate that possibly "World Peace conference” dele^ Economic Advisors, but adds he whose $1,000 contribuUon to the The dead were in O nton and may be made to reconcile House AUTO BODY system *ot medical care has been tion that continues rent control# the skylight glass. 48 per cent o< World war I veter­ gatea faltered today. plans to a’.ay oa Job "as far as I ’ve Communist leaders on trial arms Longdale. and Senate differences over the is­ too valuable, too effective and too ana would aventuaUy claim pen- for another 15 months. The State department ruling In heard." . . ; Secretory of Treasury sue. 334 Charter Oak St. uaefnl through the years, to throw rejected by them yesterday, an­ Entire Town Dunaged slons tmder the bill ee It etanda. OverwhebalBg Votes effect told 18 Iron Curtain vlsitora Snyder saya that economic adjust­ nounced the would give the money Ctiief difference between tbo Phone 2-1348 CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS DOOR PRIZE It aside fo r a new system which In Canton the storm hit hardest But It empbaalaed that tha Vet­ Jliet two days beforo the pres­ to. g a boma now that they huva ments o f reoent months have bets to “some other good civil Ilbertlei In the northwest residential area I two branches la over the qucatlon might not work,” Hill told a i oomptotad OMlr miaelaB to laat NEW Come and Try It and You Will Like It erans adaolnlstratlon was not ent eontroU are aet to die at mld- "healthy aad helpfni,” and tbs out­ . and tha Iwiainaaa .district, but the I Of who should handle peaskm ap-' Noted for the Beat POWER CLEANED porM. adding: ready to take reeponetbiUty for. aigbt Tlimaday, Ckaigroiis lato wete-and'a Caltam l aad sek look la for “continued prosperity." The Jury was told yesterday that • entire town waa damaged. Streets I plications. Democrats want them DMiMr ta Maglaal Fraetlae yeaterdy toaeod tha new compro­ title Cbnterance tor World Peace ... British aad American labor HUDSON In Main lu^ti r nml I l> inil\ that flgitrt. It said tha figure le American Oommuniata are com-1 were littered with treee, boards, i handled solely by the state wetfare Work in Town “A dompulaoiy ayaUm cd health based on a Budget bureau estimate mise bUl to the White House by in N ew York city. leaden are considering formation mitted to forcible overthrow o f the bricks and wrecked autos. A t j c'ommlsatoner. Rep'jblicana Insist DeUvered Here FuHy Says “Tear WSI Oe Os'* 23 Years Experience Tonight ■ Inaiiranea carries with It the dan­ c t tneomas o t veterans. overwhelming votes. Then: o f near faitsmational and labor or- U. S. government___ by the first ssn- least 18 residences were destroyed I that municipal officials aheuiq Equipped, Including DK’i \M.U " \M )Si,l’Hl I \NK I \ ■-I \ I I M > 1. Representative Patman (D., Despite the decision. Author ger of uprootb^ and destroying Repreaentatlva Nolan (D-Ind) (pulsation to tones of toelr part^conatlTutiom and more than 25 others were very continue to handle them. Weather-Control Heater Tex.), said It wrlU mean a “roll­ MUIard Lampell said laat night NEW Reasonahle Prices asU d that the Veterans edndnle- OomRiunist-dominatsd World Fed- | The sentence reads; heavily damaged. Nesrly every House Presses far Action (Oenttanad an ra g e Twelvo) back o f Illegal rents," aa walK aa “thla tour will go on." Lampell Free Estimates „..’2369" trattoh try to work up new flg- eration o f ’Trade Unions. "The Communist party o f the 1 buainees building was knocked ; In pressing for immediate ac­ McKINNEY BROS. niee on whet would be the Ooet If Increased rents on aome properttea acted aa master of ceremonlee at Super-Six Four-Door Sedan where landlords are not now Ule flret of the proposed aeries United Stotea is a political party 1 damaged tion on the House bill. Senator OIDSMOBILE We handle any joh from with 121 h.p. hlgh-compres- sK\s \(.i; iM '-ro" \i, (<». World war H veterana were In­ of the American working cIs m . A t Longdale the damage was not Charlea S. Ho'use, the Republican NKHOU • BRBTOl, INC showing a profit. He aald it will o f “ no more u-ar" rallies here. as great as first feared. T\vo the smalleat scratch to the slon engine, 124 Inch wheel- cluded. put anVnd to the rent “black mar­ Other ^leakers indicated the tour I basing itself upon the principles of . leader, asserted that the meaaura FOR All MODUS Urges Armiiig StUl la Doubt On Ooat I business buildings were demolished base. (Loral taxes, to be l.iO I't arl St. • « 1- r .i.iOH ket” that Tlghe Woods, rent ad­ will be carried out. Lack of Room I scientific socialism, Marxiam-Len- was one which the “ public wanto hungest wreck. gome committeemen indicated ' end many houses damaged - but ENGINE added), ministrator, reported to be grow­ A proposed itinerary listed New I inlam.” ^ and is entitled to have." '37 THROUDN *47 they atlll w ^ pretty much In none were flstlened. o Only the acceesorles yon ing throughout the country. Haven, Philadelphia Baltimore. J j Budenz. testified yesterday that Wechsler retorted that the pub- France First doubt as to what the cost o f the At University the specified ‘ principles" mean ‘The tornado in Blackwell struck ; lie also wanted a aubaidlzed boua- order 3. Houae Democratic Leader Detroit, 3 t Louis, Denver, and Los : the south and southwest residen­ Orand new performance from a brand new en^Ml We Have The Moat o Cash or time payments DOLLAR... bin, aa it now stands, would be. McCormack (Maas.), said In his Angafee. that the party is "basically com- i Ing program. Such a program has tial areas of that city of 12,000. o With or w Ithont trade-in Aadstant VA Administrator Ouy opinion there won't be any big In­ ‘The State department aaid the , I mitted" to the overthrow o f the been approved by the Senate, but That's what you get with this factory-built OldwnoMe angina Modem Shop In Town De GauUe Views Nation Birdaan, testifying before the com­ None In Crilical Condition e Good allowance for yonr creases In rent for anyone, and U.S. visas of the Communist dele­ Students Eager n n O I government of violence. Six persons were taken to ho.spi- lias been sidetracked by the House. gg^mbiy— mpde with new materials throughout. I f# wirpria- mittee yeaterady, declined to The brief flare-up over the old car June Brides!! moat rents probably won't be in­ gates were good only for. the New .Flurry of Objectiona tals in Blackwell and two were iafly low in cost, and essy budget terms sr# avaHabla. Call today IMMEDIATE DELIVERT As Principal Defender guesa what the total coet of such Qualified to Enter to creased at ail. York meeting. This broui^ht a flurry of objec- soon released. None of the others i age pension l.«sue came after Gov- end let u« install this factory-guerentead sitgine in your car now/ ON SOME MOOEIJ4 FOR a measure would be. 3. Paul V. Betters, executive I emor Bowles had reiterated that The good driving season Make your reservations now. Each wedding Of Western Europe A conference spokesman In New Be Disappointed in Fall j tions by defense attorneys. I was reported in critical condition But Representative Van Zandt director of the U. 8 . Conference of McCUTRE AUTO York said a telegram had been * ^ _____ I Eugene Dennis, party general One large home in Blackwell i is starting. Drive n car Mayors, predicted no major city (CooHansd on Page Twelve) $375.00 Complete 80 Wen# St. Tel. 2-9442 reception will have my undivided attention. sent to Secretary of State Dean was unroofed, and two score other j you’ll he proud to own.' Parts, March 50 — (P) — Oen. (Couttanod oa Page Twelve) will drop rent controls under the Acheson asking him to revoke the Hartford, March 30— (F)— A lot (Contlnoed oa Page Tw elve) j of students eager and qualified to homes were damagril. A one-itpry i Charlea de Oaulle wants the United “ home rule” provisions o f the bill, order. frame school house wss flattened, j DOLLAR that allows states or localities to enter the University of Connect!- | Btatea to arm France at once The department has maintained The north bleachers at the high throw off the controls. ((Jov. cut next fall are going to be disap- i the New York gathering waa de­ school athletic field were flattened, I COMOLLO'S EPICURE the principal defender of wertem Thomas E. Dewey of New York pointed. Tbere'a not enough room i Manchester Motor Sales, Inc. ISunpo under tha North Atlantic General May signed aa a sounding board for Sharp Dispute |the dressing room wrecked and haa said he will not approve real- Communist propaganda—a charge to anywhere meet the demand. ! 55 O A K S T R E E T T E L . 2-4108 denUai rent decontrol in that football equipment scattered. pact. denied by the sponsors. This v w disclosed by University , W ith the coming of dawn rescue . Flashes! “Your Oldsmoblle D ^ r ” atato without “clearest proof that Presideifp Albert N. Jorgensen at a | Catering With Taste and Finesse GOODYEARSl Allied atrmUgy designates the Face Charges Hastily Reshuffles Program On Labor Bill| workers found the damage in Can- | 512 West Center Street Phone 4134, Manc^w^r controls are neither necessary nor (Late BiUlcttas at toe UF) W ire) Rhine as the flrat line o f defense The Council of the Arts, Scien­ hearing before the Legislature's; ton and Longdale not as great as dealrable.” ) Agriculture * committee Tuesday ! agabiat attack from the that, he ce# and Profeaaiona, sponaora o f first reports bad indicated. | told a newa conference yestet-day, “ Elated” 0\ er LeglalaUoa the tour, hastily reshuffled last where be appeared in support o f , Accusations of Unspeci­ Proposal Unemploy­ The dead were Larry Arnold, 12. ; Doctsra Vets “ Revolt” ARE YOUR but that line will be manned prin . Mr. Truman was described by night's program. The order ban­ three bUla calling for nearly $2.- Longdale. and CTharlea Stow ers,; friends who talked to him as 800.000 in new agricultural build­ Lesdon, March $0—<>P)— Dectsn dpally by Frenchmen, at least at fied Nature Are Pre­ ning the Communists was issued 32. Canton. ! “ elated" over the legislaUon, s It ment Benefits Be Paid is Britata’a socialized health serv­ tha beginning If there is a fight. ings. Both the dead were killed In , ferred Against Bissell though it falla short o f what he ice v oted a "revolt” today aad bS- BEST BUY! It would be “ a grave mlaUke' (t'oatlaued oe Page I'woy Expects 7,800 Applicants Strikers Brings Clash their homea. Stowers' home was to designate Britain as west gaa formlag a protective gntld to “ For 10 years," Dr. Jorgensen deal with tbr Isibor goverameat. Burope’s chief defender, the gen­ Frankfurt, Germany, March 30 (Coatlaiied on Page Twelve) Lots of EXTRA wear yin Treasury Balance declared, “ we haven't been able to Hartford. March 30— J*,—A pro­ (CestlBU«Ml ns Page Twelve) Despite opposition of some whs eral aaaerted. — UP)—(21iarges o f an unspecified take care of all qualified persons. smooth-ridini^ G O O D Y E A R Would Destroy Country posal that strikers be paid unem­ said thr move rlassifted doctors nature have been preferred against Washington, March 30 — — We expect 7,000 applicants for the with workers la a trade unloa, tha Tires. Get them at the friend-, For one thing, he said, another ployment compensation benefits MaJ. Oen. Clayton Ix Bissell, head- The position of the Treasury fall term, but we'll have to limit majority voted to form the ghlld. conqueat of France and bombard- produced a sharp clash between ly NICHOLS-BRISTOL Store quartera of the U. S. A ir Force In Syrian Army March 28: ’ the freshman class to about 1,- It would be called the.Brltlsb Med­ tnoM and reinvaalon to liberate spokesmen for management and Reds Attack and pay for them on con­ Europe announced today. | Net budget receipts. $187,472.- 800." labor yesterday. ical guild aad would Itove a start- her. vwrtild destroy the coiuitry. *nie announcement aald the venient Budget Terms. 172.50; Budget expenditrea. $51,- Alrtady, he revealed, some 2,000 It wad amenc dozens of bills to T K i 11 » ’900,089 ( 94.908. i both morally and physically. charges are being investigated to Graljs Power 325,989.97; O s h balance, $5,888,- liberalise the state unemployment JLiCgllfU » iP lll 000) subscribed by doctors. He demanded that the United determine whether they warrant ! • * • 530,419.98. (Ceetiaaed ee Page Two) compensation law which were $lv- Sure-starting GOODYEAR. Btatea promptly make dsfinita a trial by courtmartial. To Coatloue To Operate strategic commitments in the event I en a hearing by the General As- Batteries, too! Power-packed, It added the charges concern Arrests Governnieut B a P l New York, March 88--(P) — o f attack on west Europe, and stick "acta allegedly committed while ! sembly’a Committee on Labor. Propofial ^ oulfl heavy duty batteries that A L­ I A chorus of boos came from the , , I group of ladepehdent taxi op«ra- to a schedule of ettns shipments Bissell waa milltory and air at- Leaders in Bloodless i is.’-ge audience when Frederi'ck SubvprsivPS from Joba tors aaaounced today they would WAYS do their Joh. . to the French. t^ h e at the United States ' em­ Third Great Force, Target ^ ™ n 11 I eoBtlaus t# operate to a Uueeteeed ALCHEMY RevolUat Dawn Todav j Waterhouse o f the Connecticut Rather cryptically, and without bassy in London from May, 1948, O r Place on Hallot 1 atrlkc despite a ualoa leadsr*a further explanation, de Oaulle ' Manufacturers association con- Small coins, dropped one by one into s Man­ Make NICHOLS-BRISTOL headquarters for to July, 1948. A ir Force officials threat all cabs would h . “w ^ hailed the North Atlantic treaty aa Damascus, Syria, March 30— pP) I tended that if atrikars received declined to say what the charges - O f Cosmic Ray Cyclotron Hartford, March 30— .F— Should I oB” New York’s atreets. chester Savings a Loan Savings Plan, throngk A L L , A L L , A L L your automotive needs. a stride toward a federation of — 11>e Syrian Arm y seized power j jobless benefits industry also were. persona who advocate the over­ 1488 todepeadcots. who owa tbrir the alchemy of Hme, will bring the fulfill­ Ehirope which might seek coopera­ in Syria’s ckpitol*today, arreatlng , should be compensated by state Silent Begntding Charges throw of government by violsnc# awn vehicles nnd repressat abeirt ment of your dreams. A home, travel, yea, aad tion with Russia In unification of government leadera in a bloodleaa Rochester, N. Y.. March $0—tP) electron-volt beans# which the new payments for strike losses. 18 per eeat of the rtty's “h the continent, even If that might Officials would not oven say be denied government Jobs and tha security for the future sre all possible through BUDGET TERMS what article* of war Bissell is ac­ revolt at dawn. —The third great force In the uni­ cyclotron produces The frag­ The demonstration brought. « began plastering their It Takes More Than maan a change in the Russian warning from Hou** Chairman right to nm for office In Connacti- our easy savings plan. Your money ca n s a cused of violating. Brig. Hotny El Zalm, command­ verse la the goal o f .ffia new cos­ ments are somehow part Of or with large aigaau Ynaaa fo w , regime. He did not explain how er of the Syrian Army, said the mic ray cyclotron dedicated last closely connected to energy, mean­ Peter A. McManus (R-Rldgefleld). 1 , .. , . _ ,__ clataMed that the cabs wars drive*- good return and It Is Insured up to $8,000. For EASILY a r r a n g e d he thought such a change might Biasetl arrived In Germany yas- who threatened to clear the haar- That queation piw oked a h e n ^ terday. During the Investigation military coup waa ordared becauM night at the Unlveratty o f Rochen- ing the encrg>’ o f your body as ewaed. Spokaaasea for the lads- 58 years we have been helping folks tnn their come about, l of “attacks against the Artny, in­ well as of anything else. For ex­ ing room if there were anv more' dtocuaalon yeaUrday before the ptatorato declared "we wW ao$ Hlta Coalitteu Buie he la being represented by a apa- ter. it mere were any more , Assembly’s Judiciary com­ dreams Into reality. Inquire. , Hopes and Dreams To clal counsel, John E. Hughes, an side as well aa outside the House The value of this force was told ample, your entire body to known outbu^ts. strike agalast oaraelvea.** TED GOODCHILD lihe general got. in a dig at Spokesmen for the (Tonnecticut mittee. Up for hearing waa a bUl. • • • attorney from (Jhicago and Wash­ of Representatives.’’ by a group o f acientlsta In a con­ to be made up o f only three kinds advocated by the American Legion. France’s middle-road coalition FeUerstlon of Labor (AFL) and Saow Blaaketa Nebraska ington. (U. S. Minister James Hugh ference on what this cyclotron can of particles—two heavy kinds, which would bar "aubversivet" government, suggesting it might the state CIO were among those Oawha, Marrii 90— (B) — 11w The investigation of the charges Keeley, Jr., reported from Damas­ do for mankind. known as protons and neutrons, from government employment or a be “quite natural" fdr the TTnit who urged the committee to ap­ bHszaidous wtoter of IMg-49l| al­ Biuld A Fine Home... Btatea to hesitate to rearm his against him Is being made by MaJ. cus to Waidiington that President! The other two forces are gravi- and Ught weight electroim. place on the ballot. SAYS— Shukrt A1 Kuwalty, Prime M inis-, lation and electro-magnetism. AU Until now these three particles prove a bill under which strikers, ready a togaad la NshrasiM. ’ country tinder a regime “ incaphble Gen. Edwin B. I,yon, the A ir Force )4res Aimed at ComnuiaisU after a two week penalty period, back for a eartslf egS taSay. rNICHOLS BRIST0i;i^< o f Inspiring or directing a defense announced. ter Khaled Bey Azem and bia e n -: ihe power, chemistry and medicine have been apparently unchanging. Connecticut Communists Inter- would receive unemployment com' to It laehea af aaaw r- . . . It takes skilled hands, lumber, bricks and cement 1099 Main St. Opposite tlio H ifh School worthy o f the name." The A ir Force announced in tire cabinet had been arrested. known in the world up to now The Rochester cyclotron to produc­ . preted . the measure as aimed W e have buyers for 4-5-6 room singles, also Pe Gaulle, who led the Free Waahin^on last Aug. 14 that an­ (Keeley reported the Army took baaed on theso two forces only. ing protons which change them- penaation. They contended tn s i; them, although they ceatial aad west eeatral M fl* . . . brass plumbing and copper wiring to build a house French movement during most of onymous lettera charging Bissell over complete control of the capi­ Store Fowartnl Thaa Others telvea Into neutrons, end then back denial o f such benefits, in effect, contended it waa the "biggest Ue” the Btota. Selwela wora dbiaoi k 2 families in aU sections of Manchester. If you that will be(»me a heritage . . . a home that will witness Worid W ar II, heads the righUat with “ unauthorised tranaaetlons’’ tal in tbs early morning coup The third force, wbleh the new into protons. What this may pbnslizas workers for exercising of the century that Commnnlats N orth Ptatta, Bersbay. had led to an Investigation. .) d’etat). (^clotrea la revealing, la some- mean to human bodlea to unknown. the right to strike. aad Oaaad. Saam roads i the rearing of a happy family. You can count on us U> political party. Rally oFtHk French want to overthrow the government want results list your property with Realtors People (RPF). The RPF In elec­ Acenaaliona Not Proved Arm y officials aaid not a smgle thing mysterious and far more But it to important to science, Waterhouse argued that indus­ by force. ad la « w Narth Pkrtta. dKq> o f blood was abed In the powerful than the other two. It is because this to a new source o f try would be forced to imdarwrtte Bew aad Stapletea anas build your ideal home sturdily, quickly, econoiulMlIy G O O D - Y E y \ R tions on the last two Sundays The statement aald the accusa­ Appearing for the Oommtmist who really get results. Feel free to call us lightning coup. the force which packs tightly to­ neutrons— maybe a different kind atrikes if the bill were panad with the 8neat quaUty materials . . . the tqcfit skilled emerged aa the country’s atrong- tions made In the unsigned letters party were its state chairman, cst Single party, but a minority u were not proved by a preliminary Oerfew Clamped On d t ) » gether the heavy particles which o f neutrons. W hy this to import- alnce tt alone contributes to the iacbael Russo, of Bridgaport and for an sppraisaL craftsmen. Consult us today. TIRES cempariton with the threerPart: Invaatigatlon. Curfew was clamped on the city form tha nuclei, o r oerea, of sat adentideslly may - be'cteanr unamploymsnt compensation fund. Jack Goldriiig. FalrfleM county bloc which makes up Premleir nen It addfd, howevtr, that Air Bde- at • 8. n. local time, and all waa atoms. If you Kmember that neutrons Another management spokesman. chairman. . FOB YOUB CONVENIENCE OFBN THrBS, ITNTn. 8:88 F. M. ri QueuUIe’a government retsry Symington had ordered far­ reported quiet aeveral heura aftar Thla la tha force which leta go are the pailielea which apUt the Hvomaa J. Nwlgan of tbo U. B. Senator Alfred F. Wechaler (D- Vbvam Build With Manchester’s Uirgest Builder Of Homes : Tile geMrai spoke at a time ther Inquiry. Brigadier Zalm announced the to make atomic bomba when atoms that make bomba and atom­ Rubber company, told tbs com- llartford) pelted them with auch New B r i ^ when tnef western powers were Blsaeli at ona tima coiqmanded seizure of power. stoma-apllL I t la tha force which ic power aad Uiat manufacture miUca tbsl tbv "bsslc principle questions at why they oppossd tha Omo - f e c r u S c o T c moving tip strengthen the frame­ tha UJS. A ir Force In India and Zalm aald the revolutionary In the s e t t in g procew ptxiducea huadreda o f the new kinds o f ra­ invoKfd to that there would be bill if they did not advocate vio­ work of the North Atlantic pact then was brought back to the movement was "purely local. and the beat for atomic pohrar. It to dioactive atoflm. very little risk on tha part of the lent overtlirow of the government, TED GOODCHILD m MANCHESTER SAVINGS TI Norwegian Parliament by United States to become assistant has no foreign Impltcatioa.” the force which m akes. the new Other particles called mesons, atrikera if It was a case of work whether they would defend the vote of 150 to 18 yeatardhy au­ .chief of the Air Force staff for In­ OiBee, 15 Forest Sl , Phone 7925 This was taken to maan that tootopea, or radioactive atoms, which are weak cosmic rayd, also and got paid or atriko and got United SUtea in a war witb Rua- JARVIS REALTYl thorise its government to the telligence. the new government would prob­ that half the madlcsl and aetonti- are aaade o f this cyclotron. But paid." , aia and whether they took orders Restdenee, 54 East Middle Tpk. Phone 2-9694 pact. Only Communists and two ' Bissell meanwhile was at tbs ably proceed with acbeduled ar­ tio world to now getting from Odk the nmaona are only a aaoall frac­ Among othor bUto boforo tho “from Moscow.” LOAN ASSOCIATION 654 C E N T E R ST R E E T P H O N E 4112 O r T275 PHONE 4047 . Labor representathrea voted “ no.' Rosa hotel In' Wiesbaden, an Air mistice negotiation with laraeL Ridge, Tenn. tion of things which the cyclotron committeo was ona urged by Gov. The two -Communists booted at T E U 2-1652 Aaaociatad W ith ilr . and Mrs. 'WiDUm Goodchild, Senior 963 MAIN STREET Fragments, of this new foreo produces. A ll Appear eonnected (Crailnaed iia PBga tm *\ (Coatlaaod ea Page Twe) ^ (C^tlaaed en Pagn^ne) are appearing la the 260,000.000 with thl UiiA fores. an 'IM n l ' ' ' ' ------^------^ I ' T / • // KAMCHE8TER BVKNIN6 WERALD, E8TBR. CONN, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 80. 1949 MANTHnSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30. 1940 group recommends that two fnd A. Lute for greenhouse at < reshments, Mrs. Al'ce F.iRon.! day night at the home of her son. euMUeeo-ouheldy yiaslMn, of other nations. American law schools bo built at a tuiai cost oi Hale street exte,...iuii; William j. .tra. Ann Backofen, Mii>. Agm s Henry Sebeeta at Devon with CahiiiiMi Frcilicts arnmant m martgaaaa, ^ ----- high bank da- Ewe Gives Bi the bill “ completely at odds With forbids admission o f Communists. General May I Rockville not mure than IttUU.UOU, one on Bojka. Jr„ for alx room dweUlug ilenrdon. Mrs. Helen Griffin. M'-h. whom she had lived for the past poaite, andid rental catlings. I democratic rule.'* an Army cim- the American tradition of dvU Lack of Room Reds Attack That law was relaxed to delegates East street In Rockville ami one on HIgiiland avenue. The Petition Ann Murphy, Mrs. Catherine I’ola. year and a half. She waa a resi­ Minor Reeegsioii T o Six, 1 Syrian Army munique aaJd. rights and d vil liberties.” from Oommunlst-controUed na- Face Charges In ru'ral Vernon. A cltlsens coni- of Gold AQoht for a gasoline filling .Mrs. Ana Flaherty, Mrs. Gertrude dent of this city for many years Dentil Takes Kindly Priest ' The Army wBjm'id morcnani* Daolarlng that there are ade­ At Univemty ttoiu could attand the New York mittoe In Rockville is oppoeeii station on Union street again came Burnham, Mrs. Antoinette Zagor­ before going to Devon. BMides ITEALF-SAFE i not to Uke advanUge of the gov- Legion|s Bill Town Session Grabs Power quate lawa against tresaon and conference. * stating that It would raise the tax up for diacuaston. . Corporation sk!, Mrs. Marguerite Reevea, Mrs. her son Henry, she leaves a aon, winter Haven, Fla . March 80— Santa Monica,^ Calif., March 80 Chanuts, K8s„. MarMiT 1 ' eminent crlali and raise pricca sabotage. Harper said a person The department said that now (Caattauad fnaa Pafs Oaa) Counsel Robert Pigeon stated that Mary Grazlado, Mrs. Ann Wad­ Walter Scheete of Providence, R, t/P)~ Economist Roger Babson pre- —(F)— Death )iaa taken Mfgv,. genneth George waa (CoatlBuad from Paga Uae) rate by.IO mills, and advocates the (Coattnaed lyoia Page Uac) ought to have a right to seek of­ that the New York conference te erection of only one school at tho he had taken the matter up wrfth dell, Mrs. Marie Kabrick; reser- 1. There will be a prayer service cflcta a minor recession from now NiOioIas Conneally, Inspiration for oi7>poiintlng aheap. rorca-raqulalUontd hotel for hlgh^ IsPosIponid (CoaUnupJ lr»m P3se One) fice even U he sought to over applications from high school sen over, it assumed the delegates will present time. Both aide* o f the ar­ the Motor Vehlelc authorities, and vaUqna, Mrs. Aehaah Dowdlng, at Devon Thursday with Rav. COn- until 1953, and offers this advice to Leo McCarey'a Academy award rankhif offleera. Georga, a atookOM Engitg^tnont the Euggeatlon that---- they were ^ ro w the government by violence. lore for admittance have come In, iM ve within a “ reaaonhle time.’*' gument had been urging attend­ In his opinion the previous permit rjrs. Lucy Larkin. rad Reisch, pastor of B t Paul's business men; picture “ (3olng My Way.” TOa Thayer, reported OM of Two United NaUona-offlclaU letl guided by Moscow directives, but Anyone would be foolish to vote “ You'll never see the day whan the There were 19 delegates from Reachad by talaphoos he eald: ance at the meeting Tuesday and had expired, and It would be neces­ Mm ’s Cluh Lsitheran church, Bridgeport offl. Prepare for competition, buy on Undly, humorouB Irtah priest died year-old ewea gave Wrth^ Rhodes yesUrday for Damascus sldesteppid the question about for such s candidate, he added. enrollment of Connecticut studente Iron Curtain countries at the New *T have no eommant on the Air lyOOO Persons Gather in the overflowing hall waa the re­ sary for the council to take action dating and a service at 2 p. m. at a hand-to-mouth basis, keep ex­ yesterday at the age of 70. He had lambs. the The S t Bernard’a Men's C5ub to Uy tne groundwork for bearing arms against Russia. Prof. David Haber, representing will ever be leaa than It la today if York parleys One, Jlrl Hronek Force announcement. The fact sult before another waa called. The the I-iicina Memorial Cihapel, penses down, keep ou» of debt, and nerved the Roman (^atliollo church Jarvis-Aujnisl . of Cxechoslovakla, has been au- Rockville; Fire Mar­ meat thia evening at 8t. Bernard's In Kanaaa Olty, Olan Israell-Syrlan talks. ■ Spokesmen for other organlra- the People's part^ofsald passage ot you are going to give a break to that thera is an InvestlgaUon luji A report that ona of the manu­ council then voted to deny the pe- Grove Hill cemietery with Rev. store cash. for 42 veara and waa pastor of SL Uveatock commlaslonman, - . _ Mr. ard Mrs. Edward MIchalski. thorlxed to remain to serve as an Hall following >tha Lenten servlcan. Karl Otto Klette, pastor of the Role to Be “Temporary 4 2 Wetherell etreet. announce t'ons also opposed the bill, some the bUl would lead to a “ loyalty those who want to get In," he de­ been previously published. The shal Bans Meeting facturing concents of the city waa Ution. Babson told a civic club yester­ Monica’s churdi, of which Film had never beard of as maaf observer at a meeting of the In­ ' Mrs. Minnie W. Bebeets First Lutheran ..churrh, Rockville of them asserting they were check'' program like that of the clared. InvestlgaUon la contlaoinf. That planning to leave the city If the Upon motion of Alderman Ertel day that the recession will be less Director McCarey la a member. lamba In one birth. He Zalm * i r-timTO - tlic engagement o.' their daughter, ternational Orgnol**” ®** Jour- Mrs. Minnie W. Sebeeta. 78, V’— over Syria would bo tempo. Bernard C. against It even though they d lv Federal government which, he The overaU enrollment at the la the situation.” two school projects was put it was voted to defer action on the officiating. Burial will be. In Grove severe than the one In the early The priest waa a native of Galway, usual number was one or nallata. Rockville, - March SO—(Spaclall widow of Paul Sebeete, died Mon­ Hill cemetery. agreed with almost everything said, “ has scared tli-"iands of univeraity, which q;>ills ovar Into through was denied when Morgan matter o f the building code for thirties becausa there are too many Eire. throe, occsalonany. 0 ^ ’ C.;' S ?•' Speakers at last night’a rally —Due to the fact that the attend- % e said he was j^ " * r e fl A^-cst^of e'se the Communists said. Among government employes ^ > being facilities at several communities, I.. Campbell of the. School - - -BuUi Idlng two weeks, alien a full report will geheraUy atUcked “ war poUcles" town meeting called by the Mlect- stated he had contacted Abbott rH m .7 e o*i'SreaenrrtW «U i': The weddhig v.-.„ taUo place In thaee rcp'.'esented were the Pco- nothing but conformls'ts. is now about 10,000, of which eome of groups In the United . States Cliosen President he preeented. pld's (W allaceI party of Connecti­ 4,300 are at Storrs, he said. It tqwn meeting caleld by the select­ Stevens o f tha M. T. Stevens Co., Union Lenten Services ...... 8Ute.sman. May. They pleaded for peace. The Syria’s leading ' cut, organised labor, the National Is Imperative, he declared, that men o f the Town o f Vernon bo dis­ who stated that the M. T. Stevens on formation of a new cabinet. speeches were often Interrupted by The Union Lenten service of the LLTIUO RE. MD. 1W9 - Sandra To Hold Tliri-i-IJa. AssemWy .Association for the Advancement facilities be made available for anplause. Only one dissenting Of Churchwonien Company hmj never publicly stated When the cabinet is fom i^ . Urges Arming cuss the erection o f a new school their poiriUon In the mktter, nor Proteatant churches o f Rockville o f Baltimore says: “ In any Ne-w Britain. March 30 (d’l -- of Colored People and tlie Socialist 5,400 at Storra thU fall to keep “Boo” was heard from the audi­ will be held this evening at 7:30 nd of w*ather“a*half-safe girl gets Zlam said in a statement, the or schools for the town waa ad­ had they authorized anyone to Jehova’s Witnesses will hold a [ workers party. promlaes made to veterana that ence. There was no dlsor^ler. Waterbury, March 80—(F)—Mrs. p. m. at the Somere Congregation­ Army will turn over power to t.ie speak for them. I coM shoulderl So 1 make sure three-day asscmly from .Vpril 1-3 Dodd Chief .Advocate France First their final two yeara, at least, Besidea Lampell, the Speakers journed until a time when a suita­ al church with Rev. Ray Allison new'premier. Sale Terrell of West Hartford was Connell Meeting always safe, by.oslng a deodor- at the SUte Arnv.ry In this city. could be spent on the campus In­ \fere Ouy Emery Shlpler, editor of ble place oouM be eecured to ac­ Heaps, pastor' of the Somers odor on contact-pro­ •'Our supreme desire Is to sale- Clilef advocate of the measure today elected president of the Con­ A t the meeting o f the City I t a t that k U U ...... — Congregations from Rhode I.siand, was Thomas J. Dodd of Lebanon, (Continued frum Page One) stead of at the" branches. “ The Churchman,” Albert Kahn, commodate all those who wanted church conducting the service. tecta roe up to 48< hours. It stops per- Kuara the independence of our But the housing problem goes Council held Tuesday evening, tha Connecticut and eastein y.asia- lo’.mcr member of the prosecution author, and Dr, Philip Morrison, necticut Council o f Churchweimen Mrs. Michael Vetrano, director of apirmtion__ _ i to 8^ days - and it is safe country, deliver her from the des­ beyond thee student needs. Presi­ to attend, or until a method could mayoc, Frederick Berger an- rhvsetts will be rcpr.r,ciUrt housing facUlUea for teachers as nearly 1,000 persona jammed the that the present collector, Thomas aur*.Try new Arrid with Ocamogen. is to preserve itself," said Dodd.; Competent sources In London and Nicholas Guillen, poet. French Other officers elected were: Somersville reading the scripture. 'paper boxes" and "ahacks.” This West Africa was represented by Town HaU with several hundred Regan had declined to serve for Arrid with Creamogeii ij Ku»i am contending that "it was never in- said" the Western European uniotVs First vice prealdsnt Mrs. Mar­ more gathering on the lower floors another year. The council then Card Party Tonight ta ^ M t to crystallise or dry out in tended that the constitution of the „ur .Naval powers — among the situation, the official declared, is Dr, R. E. O. Armottoe, director of putting a crimp In the university's an anthropology research center In lon Creeger, New Haven, sec­ o( the Memorial building for elected Ernest Dlggleman as city The annual Installation card JAN E W YM A N the jar. What’s more, if United SUtes should protect peo­ fouBders of the Atlantic pact— ond vice president, M n. Wlll.am brief period shortly before eight plan joint Naval maneuvers in need for more top-grade instruc­ North Ireland. _ tax collector for the coming year. party of the Rockville £mblem FURNITURE completely convinced that Arrid is ple who would seek to overthrow D. Gardiner, Stratford; aecretar>’, o'clock. Fire Marshal William Con' June. The sources said British. tors. English Psychologist 1111am Tax Collector Regan then asked Club will be held thia evening at • .Academy Award Winner in •eeriMriiy the finest cream deodor­ Mrs. Frank Simpson. Hartford: rady bad members of-the fire de­ it." ' ^ ^ French, Dutch and Belgian Naval And the lack of faclllUes In Olaf Stapledon concluded the permission to speak and wished to the Elks Home at eigh t' o'clock ant you’ve ever used. Just return Anticipating the argument thr^t treasurer. Miss Ella E. Muir, Hart­ partment In uniform keeping exits the Jar with the unused portion, and units would participate in the ma­ some helds. he said, “has made It speaking program. express his appreciation to the tax with pivot tablea, players being • Star of “4ohnny Belinda’’ such legislation would drive sub- ford, and assistant treasurer, Mrs. cleared, and Police Chief P. J. I we will refund the entire purchase f o r a b e t t e r neuvers, designed to dovetail their difficult to attract top-filght schol­ payers of the city for their coop- asked to bring their own cards. vcrs'ves underground, Dodd saW C3iarles Even, Wethersfield. Dowgewtex had additional police­ • Fenlurcd In MengrI Ymi’ll always find Keith’s in tune with the tiine.i '*prto plim postage. Our address is on Naval defense plans. ars” to the university. eratlon aa well aa that o f the city The following committees are in that “ murderers go underground, men on duty. Fire Marahel CXm- officials. He stated that when he charge: Tickets, Mrs. Gladys Fin-' . . when new style.s .score a fa.shion Huccess, Keith’s ' every pariiage. Naval staffs of Britain and Brit­ The three bills under consldera- Notionnl .Advertising. but that Is no reason to abrogate ■ Sharp Dispute rady spoke to the meeting trome took office there was 8184,102.10 ley, Mrs. Nellie HunL Mrs. Mary Get a jar of the new Arrid with DEPENDABLE ish commonwealth nations, with Uon. all of them widely favored by are quick to bring them to Manchester. Keith’s are Creamogen today-only 39c pin* (ojt. the statutes against homicide. diately following an attempt to on the collectible list and that Danaher. Mrs. Catherine Pols; \ ale Professors Oppose Bill United States observers sitting In, those at the hearing, call for con.stantly pruning prices to keep them right for you. 5980,000 for a college of agricul­ On Labor Bill elect a moderator, telling them he collected $182,285.20 or 98>,i% Cakes, Mrs. Marion Kowalski, SEE “JOHNNY BELINDA” Two Yale law professors were will work on problems of defense that the aituatlon Waa too danger­ USED CAR against attack by air and undersea ture, school of agriculture and o f the total amount of taxes. Mrs. Jean Patria; prizes, Mrs. among those opposing the bill. F ous and ordered the meeting dis­ Four petitions were granted In- Julia B. McCarthy. Mrs. Eva Je- Prof. Fowler Harper, asserting craft before the June exercises greenhouses: 5800,000 .for an ani­ (Coatinned from Page One) STATE THEATER mal Industries and dairy manufac­ banded. cludlnir two for dwellings, Paul B. llnck; tablea. Mias laabella Butler; See Moriarty Brothers that he dlsagreed^wlth nearly all start. The plans will be drawn at Butter This Week: Wed. Thru Sat. paper exercises at the Royal Naval turing building, and 5800.000 for A It was proposed that groups Arzt, Jr. and Marjorie JL Arzt for cards and pencils, Mrs. Mary Kee­ CANDY of the (Tommumsts* arguments, Chester Bowles to pay bigger Job­ have their representatives meet a dwelling with attached garage ney, Mrs. Emma Lisk; Penny Thoroughly reconditioned and llb- told the committee he considered college near London. a veterinary science building, all less benefits for longer periods. Flavored Kept PiVKh In «u r on the Storrs campus. with the selectmen in an effort to at 25 Reed street, approximate Table, Mrs. Justine Scher. Mrs. Befrlgerated Cases erslly guaranteed In writing for your The govemorla. hill calls for an ascertain how the vote on the sub­ cost 510.000: Richard P. Hiller, Mary Dusalnger. Mrs. Catherine These, President Jorgensen Increase In the maximum pay­ R Oppii Slock ject may he taken. A special study 'tool shed, 7 Progress avenue; W ll Gessay, Mrs. Rose Burch; Rc- “ Bulk or Bos” protection. said, would aid in meeting the ments from 524 to 580 a week, an shortage of classroom facilities Increase In the minimum from 58 Steaks Arthur Drug Store All makes— .\ll models— Priced to and housing. R Selection suit your budget needs. continued for as long aa 28 weeks, ASK TO SEE OUR DAILY SPECIAL ‘World Peace’ Instead o f 22. 'S f m Mr. and Mra Labor leaders. In generdT. urged Dresser. ,8i41 larger benefits than those pro Tour Falters posed by the governor. '1 On East Center St. | LBT US SHOW YOU WBY Regular MirrorSy Glass The state’s current unemploy Dresser —8107 (Contianed frum Page One) Panel Bed -848 Furniture Tops. Window I: i. and Plate Glass, Auto Glass Uberal payments. Delicious mmi&iUMsd* less than 12 hours before the rally F Junior Chest 519.50 MANCHaSTCR .fELCPHONE Si IS begolu still on the playbill were ck wood hits in the hisory .LAW A Y BEDS •I $19,95 tot Pins: "JUNGLE PATROL” Crib with a built-in steel spring and a con­ of your own ear with Reg. $74.85 $59 venient dnipside. Finished amber mapls; deco­ your friends or family. $1.25 Week $24.95 rated end panels. A’ S ^ fy / \5'v4 Opcnlnr Saturday. April 2 Ga'i’ A bod that fold.s up and rolls out of SA V E 515.85 a feature value on sale at Keith’s this week. Ircludss... a mapte po'2i*’r b^d. a Sinimrin.s Tiincrsprin" Crib Muttress r e way during the ilay. .Aluminum ii’.nvi rprln''^mattress and n Sininions ci»ir spring. fini.ahed steel frame with built-in link Full or twin* size is available Other bed outfits from ■Smooth top Innerspring spring and a felt mattress. crib mattres.*!, made by “JOHN LOVES MARY” the makers of the famous Ronald Reagen-Jack Carson liar.t-Wet crib mattress $9.95 Pin.! KONG OF IN D IA —Sabu BARN DANCE ★ NO MONET’ DOVVN on Items Up to $50 . . . Pay Only $1.25 Week Plasticized tick. ^Fwitofo~l:45, 8iI9» 91M___ g i v e n b y ^Last Show Nlghtly_8:M __ THE HARTFORD MOOSE Snn.i Boy With Oreea Hair THURSDAY, MARCH 31 " Ik. UNIVERSAL Foot Guard Hall - Hartford Fraob Bslahew CLEANERS DANCINC 9 TII. I . . . .The ten per cent DISCOUNT we give them on all lo ll Its-_ ^ a . a CASH nnd CARRY LAUNDRY'and DRY CLEANING*. Regular ALL IN PERSON Art Webster's Orchestra If you prefer pickup and delivery service why just call I I I IM— “ H AN K PO ST’, PromptOT 2-0030. ^nationni v a I D e I Even■ «vr-aa ■^lurv Itefore the war Admission 85c (Tax IncL) youtt-esan onnidn’l to Niy a Same quality service, either way I elraiirr of this qual­ l-iyin ifi ■■ Y ---y ■ ity for so littiolltti pu(^i£et Z *“SANITONE” Dry Cleaning here. This better drv clean­ money. l.ovv terms. ing contp no more. NOTICE $1 Down, $1 Week STARTING MONDAY, APRIL 4 Solid Maple Dinette Seta Dante and ^ino*$ Closed Wed. at Noon . . . Opoi Than. 9 to 9. Othe^j^Day# 9 to 5 : SO Famous "Hale” quality, niado Rosemoufit Rastaurant u i i B i n in New Enidand o f hard na- • y W OF M>MANCHESTER tive mapik Extenaion top BOLTON—TEL. 2-4859 ■ * * f Lad- $49 CLEAHensd LAm roERcns table has concealed le a f.. ___ rsb, m M CJJIOliSEsSON HARRISON STREET derback chain have saddle — ii 1^1 III. II I I I h d ------Will Be Open Byhry Day kANCH ESTER seats. \ w e GIVE StrfC GREEN STAMPS l i w s .-I.- Sundays nnd Mojidays Included. \ I lit MAIN ST 0Pi>0Sni; MICH StHOllL ■ iTj,'

_L /■ i

lU N C nSST E R EVTEKINO h e r a l d . MA^OHEBTBR, CXINN., WEDNESDAT, MARGH SO, 1949 nBRa'uurifis* W

- Oovi-rnniral Uuj’ing BuHtr tutc dcpurlmtut said yesterdsy. BURTON’S . . .FOR BESTSfflSEqjBfMlffllW i ' , * cJ bc.'O In .\prll. ll'l'- Ho *"*■''* Washington. March 30 — (8 ^ The depsrtm sfit said 86,630 pounds 22, were^ lined W* on each, Tw ciilyiM vc \ c a i » service man at the local branch oi- The government la buying butter of Grads A batter was bought at tbs fupport pries of 09 cents a count All three were frfven .w- ! to bolster prices for the liftin g , , jail heniences on the nw At the spring meeting of the sines bstors tbs war, tbs Afrtcul- pound last wssk. count and aU montha Ja»' Wilb Gas Conipauy Gaa company tonight to *>• *i*W iSpificd Record on the third count. at the mate office on Pearl atreet Cold waatHar won't honn'----- Gayndr were remanded to Jail Md Raymond Marcer, of 114 Sum­ In Hartford, Mercer wlU be honor- —Inetooda frooiinf and-lhowlog work er along with other membra of It Into H»o ioll 60 It l6 roody to gorml- —■ Yarti,‘ itarch 10—WV-Tha for one year. J«ragc Israel P ^ w mit street, Jiaa completed twenty- the company who will reertva ptos nato whon tho WooIIm w orw a. ipN M rt bon’t in ynt. *“» atipulated that the jail five years service with the ttartr denoUng lenith of ••"1 m . ^ ^ o r and Sullivan were to rpn ford Gaa Co. HI* entire employi. Mercer haa been kfoclat^ with OveMr KOTniaad b r ^ r M bur •r Army; >Ui. ®«®* the Boy Scouts In Mancheater for iM w iit n 't » ment with them haa been In the I m • aadeaieieedilM ii • RtAta. ■■♦■1 i l r opood fooord of ' ThS’trto^ika charged wi‘j \ ^ many year*. ■ , aping an automobile Mancheater DIvlaton, and ha atari N to 06AM wMi TUir MHOtt, Hw ra M i OT minutoa. ^ c h a e l Rambis which piyiar*t n n f - i l o w n ^ by Sarlccd beside the road, Ih e ^ of bar■ .^ JImtay n ■towart D« ^n» tte car battery and «' at lA Ouariln *••!<* ***'^ Its Instrument psnel, tall llghf and , b u il d e r s o f rjay aftw a * “'* ®fO*H windw s . ^ ______,* V ^ N THE F. i*. bUSH p jc , CaUf. AMESITE DRIVEWAY I rocori for Uia d U tM « hM Pood Ballons Increased I hardware CO. » aU howra, a o ^ Also Tarvis and Asphalt and 90B 798 M alhSt. , Boeondo. art by Paul ManU. Berlin, M ar^^ - V. jlywood atunt pttot. In Pobruarj. Russians today REIJABl-r--BKA86NABL^W^ creased food rations for GewM ’ . guaranti* o--p«*:e "ks^IATBS H. WUWnacin, of Uit Na­ workers In the Sovl't secto ^ - J Monthly Paym eata U DeMred tl AoronbuUea B erlin—but only for thoM ’'JWP he official tuna of Da Bj®** fulflU or exceed production qiiotM Ught could not be set for them by their CommmW DEMAIO BROS. 1 the oaaet tim* of departure bosses. The move r'** e l e p h o n e I obtained from the N.A.A. starter ly the latest in a SINCE .0.0 T ; m efforts to gain ®'****"*‘- ______lion from an economy pinched by THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY the Allied counter-blockade. Veteran Wounded By Holdupman $1.00 DAYS A penny saved is a penny earned, but the opportunity to many dollars calls for a dollar Boatoni March 90—(P) -)^W orld savings event at Burton's! Severol weeks ago we had the chance to buy new fresh spring raf U lleuMnant wa* wounded arioualy last night when he Jump- d a holdupman attempting to rob r e g u l a r l y merchandise at many dollars off the wholesale level and tomorrow morning these savings i fellow worker. $1.98-«3.98 Wash D resses...... Edward Swain. 28, waa wounded new the chest. City hospital pnysl are being passed on to you. Come in and see for yourself how you can buy a spring ward­ aaid the bullet lodged near $1.98-$3.98 Boys’ Wash S u its...... 31 IS hssrte icuA u robe and still keep your pockets lined! As always, all sales final. Police reported that Swain grap­ $5,98 Girls’ Wool S u its...... 31 pled with Uie holdupman when he attempted to rob Lawrence Ford. $1.29-$2.98 Boys’ and Girls’ loMcti^te/u/C(wui. 91, at an auto parking »tnnd whe»"e - .*7;- cr-t— ' oth are employed. Sun S u its...... A.. The holdupman escaped In a taxi sixes I to S Oaly d> he hailed a short distance < Stock up BOW fur tku hot ahod) kL>! ora the holdup aeene. $1.29-31.98 Boys’ Cotton Shorts . . 2 for 31 SPECIAL PURCHASE Three Youths 69c Rayon Lace Trimmed Panties . . . 2 for $1 Get Jail Term s i 79c Cotton S lip s...... 2 for $1 , Middletown, March 30 — W — , IT'S OUR $1.10 Jerseys...... 2 for $1 SLIPS I'Three Meriden youths were lln^ I and given JMl ientences In City ^ court today after they had pleaded 29c S ocks...... • • - 5 Pr. for $1 In Lolly-Pop Colors iKunty to charges of larceny, tam- Sixes S', j t® 1*' » ' I perlng with a motor vehicle and de- Istmctton of private proP^^y. 1 " I Itobart H. Sullivan, 23, Vincent ra .’ McGrath, 21, and John J. Gay- ' SP E fIM .! anniversary 2 - 9 8 $1.69 SEERSUCKER OVERALLS Lace top and liottom, embroidered top.^, and camiSoIe Sizes 1 to 6x »1.19 tops in multifilament crepe slip.s that will waah like the WE WANT proverbial hanky! And now for only 2.98 you can DU >™ .T.r « . •«* ' »lM '» match your costume by purch.ising vourv slip in iU S E D CARS tor? If. oiir Fir.1 Annivrr»r, ai>« -Vr. Bovs’ and Girls’ All Wool Suits, WHITE, LILAC, NAVY. LIME. PINK and BLUE. Sizes br.ii.8 .Ith . 99 f '" ' Sato in -19. Each and rv.ry $5.98 to $15.98 ...... V2 Price are 32 to 40. And if not speciallv purch.ised they would I '^l AND WILL PAY .^ell for 3.98 and 4.98. 1 UP TO THESE PRICES Urn, to norm a ireal deal >»«« «>»" 99r. >' »■" 1 ON THE PURCHASE OF A pa, yon nail to Ualt Potto tomorron. . Corner Main 1949 68". 72” Carroll’s and Birch Streets COTTON MARQ. TAILOREDS LENGTHS Pr. 9 9 e ALL COLORS Pr 99c aemre m id g e t c o t t a g e s e t s Housecoats WHITE. IVORY De Luxe Eight CLOPAY WINDOW SHADES GREEN 2 For 9 9 c WB NEED TODAT 2 For 9 9 c AND tlTLL PA* UP TO , CANNON PILLOW CASES •40 BU1CK8 ...... •••• ???? *41 B01CK8 ...... 4 For 99c NEW BUS FARES •4« SpiCKS ...... IWO TURKISH HAND TOWELS •4« CADILLACS ...... 3W>5 All Wool •40 CHBVROLBJTS ...... 1000 ’4V CHEVROLBTa ...... 1200 2 For 9 9 c *4» CHEVROlJyrs ...... 1*00 TURKISH BATH TOWELS COMMENCING FRIDAY, APRIL 1, FARES Will K lOf PER ZONE TUMBLE-SHEER ■47 CHEVROUrrs ...... 1800 r r i •40 DeSOTD ...... 1000 n iE f KS, COATS! ’40 DODGE ...... 000 COLORFUL PLASTIC CLOTHS I ACES 99c All other fares will be increased 20% excepting school children’s r a ^ . BEMBERG •40 FORD ...... 000 which will continue as at present until the beginning of the next tchool •41 FORD ...... 1100 GABASHEEN! I-46 FORD ...... 1500 year in September, 1949. 2 7 - 0 0 •47 FORD ...... 1760 COVERT! Regular 7.98 Value •46 FRAZIER ...... 1*00 Where a fare has been 1 Oc, or a token and 2c, the fare will be 12c, or a DRESSES •47 FRAZIER ------1*00 look at thss buys •41 HUDSO.N ...... 900 € ' transfer and 2c. BROADCLOTH! •42 HUDSON ...... 1000 Regular 39.98 Values ^ Imagine prfnted sheer IJeniberg dresses at a tiny 5.00. They’re wonderful! •46 HUDSO.N ...... 1600 4 For 9 9 c They’re guaranteed washable! And they come in a full range of sizes •47 HUDSON ...... 1700 CANNON DISH TOWELS 70KENS W lU NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR FARE “Outstanding!" That’s what we said when we saw thc.se full •41 MERCURY ...... 1000 ,1.' length, full back 100% wool coats. Every coat fulb’ lined.... from 12 to 20, 18'o to 24Vi and 46 to 52. Chotose from a wonderful selec­ •46 MERCURT.^...... 1600 Some are belted and there arc four styles to choose from. Each tion of light and dark ground prints in button front styles. Iiow necks, roll , *47 MERCURY ...... I'OO 3 For 9 9 c - AFTER THURSDAY, MARCH 31 collars and side sweeps. , —^ •49 MBRV’URV ...... 2400 COLORFUL PRINT DISH TOWELS is a real 39.98 value. Skipper, kelly, grey, red. toast and black. •41 OUJ8MOBILE ...... 1200 •46 OLDSMOBILF...... 1750 For the past 25 years fares on The Connecticut Company h a v ^ - ■>4rr'« • •47 OLD8MOBILE ...... 1000 HUCK TOWELS 6 For 9 9 c mained the same, while the cost of almost everythmg else to everybody • *2^.-' . Jft.. ‘ , *41 PACKARD ...... 1400 ■46 PACKARD ...... 1800 and to the bus company has nearly doubled. Buses, gasolm^ t^es. •47 PACKARD ...... 1 9 0 0 ( oil, and innumerable items needed to operate our bus service have •48 PACKARD ...... «*.2200 PILLOW TICKS featiierproof 99c ODDS ’N ENDS 5 SPECIAL PURCHASE CLEARANCE [•41 PLYMOU'm ...... L.1200 jumped tremendously in cost •46 PLYTdOUTH ...../. .1700 •47 PLYMOUTH ...... ,...1800 SASH CURTAINS 2 For 9 9 c Rates of wages of our employees have more 2^ I *48 PLYMOUTH ...... 1900 bus drivers’ rate after one year of service was 69c an hour Today It la ALL-WATER 1’40 PONTIAC ...... 1200 NYLON HOSIERY I PEARLS SOAP •41 PONTIAC ...... '...1300 ' $1.50, plus free uniforms, vacations with pay, and other benents. •48 PONTIAC ...... 1700 PAPERDRAPES 2 For 99c , '47 PON^HAC ...... 13*0 In fact, our operating coeti have outgrown the income from f®f» J" •48 PONTIAC ...... 2100 1948, to provide service, we spent nearly $800,000 more than the bu •48 S nm B B A K E R f-C. . .1700 Val. to 2.4S V STUDEBAKER L. C. . .19*0 ^ 5 PIECE BRIDGE SETS 99c riders paid in fares. ^ 1 *48 STUDEBAKER L. C. . -2*00 We have been authorized t/U ie Public Earrings, one,,two, three strand necklaces, ropes, Wd Hst6 No SsiMintn POT HOLDERS 10 For 9 9 c continue the tale of tokens, charge e straight 10c fare. ^ ^ k e Ws’re cleaning house and there will be tremen­ lariats, chokers and bracelets. Beautiful alabaster You get 15 cake.s of wonderful soap that will You Gst The 1100 other minor-adjustmehts. Thii is ttill a small charge for the good bus dous savings for you in this. 16 m.m. pearl. lather in either hard or .soft water. CoMmMon BUREAU SCARFS 99c service which we will continue to furnish. 1,^ ; . . .. Driv# in today and get I yo«r trsdo allowsnee on , yoar car for a 1049 Packard CHENILLE LID COVERS ALL COLORS 99c Famous Label Special Purchase Naiionally Advertised Deinxa Eight. RIDEMFTION OF TOKENS Tokens will be redeemed at the Company’s offices end by Tm art paying for one Don't Miss These Wonderful Buys Starters and Inspectors on the street at 8c each or 25c f o ^ BLUE SWAN FUR■i SCARFS / until January 1,1950. Operators will not redeem tokens be­ JERSEY GOWNS BLOUSES cause of the confusion and delay that would result < NAT. RANCH MINK. . 75.00 m Beautiful 4 skin scarfs. ' 2 -9 S 'S iiitiii MINK DYED ^M Om^Stradt III IIMIII Val. to 7.98 (•tsism ii This is the first price break of this KOLINSKY...... 45.00 Opiiii'S Pn' l i B nrrt^ght top lingsris maker. Both long and Prime pelts, 4 skin scarf. One of our best blouse makers has ^ Sai4 8 to 6; Snn.: 9 to 8! ' ■ 1^'' shorty models In non-run tricot jer­ sent ua his overcuttings_____ ,plus a few Gabardines, worsteds and glen Pv ^ 6191 sey in a host of lingerie trim and em­ MINK DYED irregulars at tremendous savings. ^ plaids are all included in this won- broidered styles. ... Fashioned in the finest crepe in m derful sale of spring suits. New KOUNSKY...... 80.00 both long and short sleeves. 32 to / - Sizes 82- to 60, pastels apd white. i i l l ^ b C A R CURTAin SHOP -'±___ Priipe pelts, 6 skin scarfs. 40. White and colors. BAKSAItfS K«,j , kCHARGE IT ----- BUDGET IT. *. .YES. INDEEDt

*L. I «y»m «o h w a u . HAWCHiam. oow». wednb.pat. makch »o, w » MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1949 PAGE SBVE?

— SI . L, ____ $70,000 Top O’Ciaiic clu..li-U without ball for the May terip the U. S. Clark atrhase waa de­ SPECIAL today: from unden. N. J.. I W ldOW EnleFS , Superior court. ■, __ manufactures dye Intermediatee. ” ~ » stroyed by fire today. dent. A t prssent. four htudenU aw Robert B. Curlew, 80. pig-farm­ Firemen Confine er neighbor of Oukey, also 1940 PI.YMOlitM Stora Open being aMilsted by then foundation. Innocent Plea $9 KBM By Mias Look ior the special blue and A ^ o u g h demands on the foun- Portugal to Jota P ^ Utoarged with murder, had pleaded Tucodgy pOfficers I Blaze to Tank Tokyo, March $0—<4S—A t Isast $695.00 daUon have been Ught in ^ LUbon, Portugal. March SO—^ innocent prevlouely. Through —Portugal haa decided to Jbln toe jpollce alleged Curlew etruck 30 persons wsrs klllsd today in . the white sale signs few years because of •Portland. Me., March 80— 193S OOiMiK l-DUUIl Saturday ^ I t y and the aid P*^v‘d e ^ AUantlc pact, tlw Clukey and V»en set the Clukey west coast flahlng vlllags d Re-Elected North Haven, Mafch The widow of an alleged torch >y a mins that Ooatsd 9:30 A . M. T* a i I. BUI. an- increase in < w m a ^ try announced today* Foreign Min* home aflw. 8ED.4N Firemen from three towna Caelro da Matto leaves for slaying victim, Mrs. Margaret aatSfC Miny ot tos vinaga’a B30 BROWN have been noted and a spectacular bensol fiw 5:50 P. M. the United States Thursday to Clufcey, 30, pleaded Innocrat to4sy houaaa ware oamagsd or dsstroysd lected. It was sUted th's Stlleii lana plant of the CarWln Firs Dsatrays ChiWiouas $150.00 ■ual MeeUng ol Ver- otn other dlplomatt mMherlng In to murder In his death. by tos Mast. j y E ^on Bailey. Prtn=*P»‘ compan'y here today. _ Manila, March 30 — (ej — The Unck Schotohip Chester High Khool. Mr. Bailey ’ iVashington for the Mgning cere­ Her husband. Oaotga. 27. a Using arUllcial fog ^ ^ ^ monies. dump picker, died in a flw that added that his knowledge of or they managed to contae the blase McCLURE AUTO CO. S^UCONtlNy^ ganlaaUons similar in p u rp le to destroyed toe Clukey’s •esrbar- stuidlatioii Held to a metal Unk contatolng UIW Bay StaSa OffleW Wea THOMSON'S ou|^ home. 50 Wtlls St. hlanchester the verplanck Northampton. Maaa., March 80 vealed a general increase in assist gallons of heniol. Thfough counsel, Mrs. Cluk#]^ , the annual meatlnf of the —«> )_E m llla D. Paw nV Hamp- the dye company. frsll and wsn-sppearing, w s lv ^ leea of the Verplanck Scholar- an emergency, aided tte •hlre country treaauwr, died ea^ MARTfoUDS FRIENDI.V OtPARTMFHI -.Tr^PE In prevenUng the spwad of Iv today. She was elected In-1944 Foundation held thla morhlBH, ***Jud^ Edmund P. Mahaney AUTO GLASS blaM to the main factory bulld- to fin the unexplred term of toe entire elate of offlcera. head- found probable cause and held her ( § r late Treasurer Samuel Eyre. MIRROR^ by Preeldent C. Ehnore Wat- ‘ "cw iclals of the company aMd was re-elected for the coming an imraedlato estimate of m tic contributors. damage could not be made. « w The meeting waa held at Donations may be made t c ^ r , Would You Rothsr Drivs A home of Fred A. Verplanck. 38 Verplanck, the Manchester coro^nlea la w n CARE SERVICE company, or any of the tniateea. Hamden aasia^ NEW 194* PONTIAC? id btreet. company and for a W a ^ ler officers selected for an- In^ord flro department wa« To insure a good lawn this year you must term are: Vice president, feed your lawn now. REASONABLY EARLY DELIVERIES 'ell Cheney; secretary, Edson Firenieu Return The company which came here WITH OR WITHOUT TRADES IV and treasurer. Manchester $8.50 - Our Special - $8.50 it company. Charles S. House To Top Position re-elected to the board for an- 100 Lbs. Lawn FcrtiliEer applied to yonr lawn jr five-year term. Robert H. newspapers Siwtrs tarf Bulkler-wSlIghUy Higher BALCH PONTtACy Inc ■ith IS also a trustee. * Hoke Comflany No. 2 has jumpSd Bitablished In March, 1927, ^ e back Into first place in the Man­ MAGAZINES idation is named after Mr. chester Firemen's Setback League liS CENTER STS'* MANCHaSnR MAORI AND CHOMAN .. ^ M._____ A4 rplanck. first .sut>crlntendent or after being knocked out last week Now On Sale At Dry Wells—Stone—Loaai—R ^ n g lOoU in Manchester who served bv Larsen's Feed and ” "*J^***; that capacity for 42 years. The TTio eleventh sitting was held last Arthur Drug Store nr.dina_LandscaDing Phone 5805 Or 2-2892 U-known educator was recently nlcht and there are three more ses­ Cor. i t . Jshm* and Mnln tta. idreds lored when the Board of Kdu- sions In the second and '“ "1 voted to name the Olcott White . Eagles and Monarty s of other items at bargain sale prices. !t building the Verplanck Painters tied for high score honors lool. I with 120. ■•unxMO of Foundation Standings are as follows. The purpose of the foundation la loan money to Manchester High Larsen's Feed and Hardware 2801 lool nrmduates need finan* Valllant's All-Stars;...... 2248 GUEST TOWELS Hose Co. No. 1...... "4 7 I—,1 MsisUnce to gain a college Ulieet towele by Cannon In eolid rulora nnd mnltl-calorcd ctripee. Some plain, nome aducatlon. Allocation of H** Bon A m i...... made by the trustees on the ba- Power Houses...... aculptnred. Linen Dept., afreet boor. Re*" 49c Sale I of need. Repayment of the loan Coughlin's Service Station.. 22J2 .Schcndcl Oil Service...... 2213 1 9 lib after the ' f ’l Moriarty's Painters...... 2200 Itge. in thU way providing aid for TEL. 5101, MANCHESTER Hartman's ...... « « 824-828 M AIN STREET FORGED STEEL SCISSORS ■^mne^uST!*^ 4« studenU have White Eagles ...... " l o Yourkshot's 3XXX...... ^79 W S lT ^ n ^ * total of $8,860 for Fine quality forged eteel ecieMirx that will jive you yean of eervlee. Many xtyiee tfom Mere Barbers...... i^aU U nce in securing a college ed- Case Broad Leaves...... 3O0l hounehuld arleHor to n blunt type. Notion., ntreet floor. Sale Price i^iWtlM. averaging $192 per stu­ UMITED TIME ONLY! islOW- fO R A 4 9 SANFORIZED, WASHABLE SPORT DENIM Sport denim in plain and .tripe roinr.. 36” wide. All eanforized UI8IST STOCK or riNK WATCHIS and wa.hable. Blues, red, aqua and multirolored stripe.. Reg. 69c yd. Sale Price IN MANCHESTER 4 7 '• 1 ,t> ..I.' N E W LEATHER BILL FOLDS Uberai Tnde4nMhmance Uenuine leather billfold, for men and ivomen. M o.llv blark and broHn, beautlfull\ designed. Buy now and save dur- WASHER OR RANOl ^ a Hurryl Oov ya«t naw M-W nowl •n$ our annl«enuiry.j.ale. m m A Q * C I Leather Goods, street floor. *Plus Tax. I x e g , A . 7 0 0 0 1 0 s TtMi In year aW saulpmanl. o l d REERIGERAT®^ 1.99 • Sava at Warda lawsr priesal MEN'S FINE DRESS SHIRTS T en ific savings on thousands of first quality shirts. Wide assortment of styles and colors. White and print broail- rlolh, fancy woven madras, oxford cloths. Your choice of collar styles, Mme with Krencli cults. Sizes 14 to 17 m" '7-.“ BT’S INNERSPRING .. o ,i.n. r.,.i,h..r. —.2.98,3.50 and 3 98 Sale 2.29 SAVE ON STERLING HOLLOWARE Beautiful long wearing Sterling llolloware at a small price. Low comimte, bud vase 8" tall, console stick Godroom border and ronsolr sticks plain. Ai O O C l Silverware, street floor. *Plus Tax. K O g . 4 . 7 0 0 0 1 0 4.43 m ' COLONIAL BRASS LAMP Reg. 39.95 Brass lamp 20” high, complete with floral shade, ruby fount, IS” In diameter. Colonial reproduction to add chanii ,.u, Regularly 4.98 Sale Price Sale 3.83 AN ELGIN WATCH 2 9 8 3 COTTON DRESSES Flue sanforized, vat dyed cotton In solid dark colors or pastel stripes and gay plaids. Beautifully styled with square ...Th t TradUioual Gift necks, rolled rollars, embroidered fronts, or button down fashions. Excellent value at only S1L3. Sizes 12 to 'JO. .SH > Made eippcially for us. Fine quality p reb u ilt b ord er innernpring rmi\lres!<. to 44, 16>2 to 21'; and 48 tn .32. Budget Dresses, main and second floors. R© 4 99 3 | Made witb cotton felt on an oil tempered spring unit, button tufted. Heavy /* * -.rtl w oven strip ed tick in g. B ox sp rin g to m atch 29.8:5. Tn full or twin size. L lad/$ Bgin M v m . 17 JtwcU. 3.83 10 Karat Natural Gold Fillad Cats Fl'RMTl RE I)E1*T„ THIRD FLOOR UNPAINT ED NIGHT TABLE g . Mon't Elgin Dsluxs. 17 Jsw s^ It’s fun to finish It your way.” Smoothly sanded pooderosa pine. I'se as telephone stand or njght table. Measures 10 Karat O dd ntifd Cats and land 28” high, with It” X 1,3';” top. Drawer and shelf. Housewares, downstairs store. R©g 6 98 lady Elgin. 18 Jtwsit. 14 Karat O d d Co m and Band 5.83 H e w iM f (direct line) lord Elgin. 21 Jswsit. WOMEN'S FAMOUS NAME SHOES 14 Karol Odd Fillsd Cots WAS 804.95—WARDS FINEST W'e can’t tell you the name of the manufacturer but the name yon know and have worn. Exceptionally good run of sizes, in popular styles. Black, brown, blur, tan and cnmMnatlons. Patent, calf. kid. suede, and embossed. lody't Elgin Dsluxs. WAS 199,95^ 7.5 CU. FT. WITH OIANT FULL-WIDTH FREEZERI ty , y ■ ■■ ■ women’s Shoes, stree. floor, Rog. 10.98 tO 13 98 SolO 10 Karot O dd Fillsd Cots FUU-FiATURED DELUXE M-WI M-W WITH MANY QUAUTY FIATURIS '■L- ■■ • ! ! -‘J *7 6.83 J s Mofa airtrn foaturea • Many extra cenvsnisnest * U raa Food Frathanor a Slido-Away Sholf * Twa Drop Shslvsa Micfs tNciuof npatAi jam s RoinavaMa MnH-$l«alf • JlOy Cubs Rslensoi BOYS' ALL WOOL SLACKS s Frssxsr tor Froasn Faada • Bpsclal Iforags for Msota (no charge of course) Handsome flannels, coverts, gabardines In grey, brown, blur flannel, brown, blue rnvert, H gabardine shades. Tailored freezer ho/dt 50 fb i..^ froxan food ond icaf Twin porceloln Food for style and wear. Sizes lU to 22. D a s a - Q O Q O O Q Freezer holdi 22 Iba of frozen food and iCe. Extra cold ttorogs Compor. M-W't mooy featuret at Ihii axtro low prieel Freezsr Frathanart for frvitt ond vsgatabisi; 2 drop thalvai; 8.8 cu. ft. Boy’s Clothing, street floor. K O g . 0.7O 000 7.70 0 0 1 0 for meoH In Food Froiter. Porcelain Food Frethener,/or vegetobleil holds 18 lb«. of Iroisn food plut ics; special colder itoraga for 6.83 . WAS 24*.* 5- » » CKNTIRBO FRBBZKR A 9 0 9 5 m.oti below freezer; ksrga Food Freihener keepi fruiti ond.vega- WAS 25*.* 5—fXTRA lAROI 9.5 CU. FT. M-W , tables fresh longer. Chroma-plaisd bar thalvas ora eosy to clean; 7,i cu. ft. M-W with mony plut faatoratl Puih-Pull Freezer holds 26 pockoget of frozen food- and 244’* TERRIFIC VALUE JUKIOR DRESSES 4 iiffv tray rSleotst. -Porcsloin interior has ocidlretisting bottom Door lotch;' Twin Food Frathanart; Food Frotter. HUGE ASSORTMENT OF JEWEIENS SIIVEISMITHS SINCE 1*00 Porcelain Food Froiter ond Food Frethener! ■' Failles, crepes, taffetas, prints, cotton cords, every one In beautiful styles, amazing value at only 7.H3. AH colors, for soty cleonlog. M-W Ssol.d Unit-5-ysor Protection Plon. all styles, for your Easter dress. Sizes 9 to 15. |J _ _ M A Q M i| A Q C a . la . M.AIN ST. OPPOSITE 'm.Ai FAMOUS NAME Merry-go-roiind-ahop. second floor. K C g . 0 . 7 0 T O 1 4 . 7 0 D O I O ^OiV/ LOVELY CHATHAM NASSAU BLANKET nUs Is a most unusual bay, a fine 100% pare virgin wool banketlakrt that comes In soft pastel shades. 8” rayon satin Blading. Large size, 72” x M ” . Linen Dept,, street floor. '-Si; Reg. 12.50 Sale i'- .A,a? * MEN’S HOSE 8.83

h'/ MISSES' AND JUNIORS' RAINCOATS Three way raincoats with hood. Fatly Hoed rayon gabardines. Ualincd rayon gabardines, twills, taffetas, Reg. 75c, 85c, 7.00 cotton twilbu All at one low price. Brown, navy, red, aqua, plak, grey, green, natural and black. NIzee Ifl tC' to IS and 9 to IS. 5lrrry-go-roand-sbop, second floor. Reg. 16.98 fo 19.98 Sale Sale 12.83 » ‘ .V • • -7? TUAIO UllUANT OUBAPOWBB TO TMf 3 9 SmiNO MAINS ftING STABi.; • A L L WOOL MISSES' SUITS mu. Hose that’s worth so much more! Choose from regular lengths and anklets. AU wool gabardines, worsteds expertly tailored In all the latest styles. BensaUonal buy at only StAS. Terrific assortment! Ail first quality. Ribbed, link and links, many smart Skipper, oavy. grey, tohst, keOy, and two-tones. Q O Oft Den Oft C# bI a patterns,^ Some nylon reinforc^ toes.'Sizes 10 to 12. Mses tfl te IS. Coats and Suits, second floor. R O g . 0 7 , 7 0 T O 4 7 - 7 0 0 0 1 0 . 32.83 BARGAIN SQUARE, STREET FLOOR MANY U T R A FKXTURU- FINE TAILORED MEN'S SUITS AMIRICA’S DIOOIST A oelecHoa that brings fine tailored dothlag xrithia the price idsch e f olL laCInded are iharksklae, T09-QUALITV FIATURU ’'TM MV-'I'"! lASY PAViMm n MVm Bi: in oddifiaa fo Mm WAS 13*.*3—R«0 WASHM VALUII COMRARI AT $ 3 0 M ORII worsteds, flaaoels, saxonys. worsted flannels and clear finished xrersteds. A wide variety ol stripee, AT WARDS LOW RRICII Urn A8swastsl Aak about terms. soUds, ptalds, pin checks and other patterns. Single and doable bn^sted models. OMtomory 30-day charge account, AAediodi in- 40* STANOARO M-WI ' ■•■/•I ' 124V oiaiBalaveR Wringer e Mon-Tongltag Swtrialer .sitM peyoMot* 9/ ot imit at |l o wasA or |4 o 40" O os-«ses Tap • DtvU sd CssMsp • Nsn-TongMng AeRwit • UvsR Wrinpa* " " • ■ . I " " - ' Reg. 45.00 to 55.00 Sale e One Fiscs Tap' • Orsp Fran* •rsWse s *-Mk Capacity a Big 04b. CapoeNy 37.83 s lorpa 19” Ovon a nwndi. Atiefceeti moAsi ovaifobfs, of no oddsd « s biiulsisd 14” Oven Compare M -W i fsoiursi and porformonest Fort, fbmous lovaK wringer hoe S ' balloon rollt; ad- STATIONERY onsf, dm Inwatf fnrm oAFsrsd by An# jswsfsrt M-W*i Dsluxs gof rongs wot dstignsd to moks cook­ Heavy Duty Deluxe Speed Queen Washer Compare the quality featuret of ihit full-tizsd M-Wl efficient woihing oction; fomout lovsil wringer wiA juttable pretture. FomOui Swirlotor wothing aCt ing quicker ond sotlar for yool Hat 40* ons-piscs Dehue with Hie Ibue— bewt nboped lob for better ao4 Urtsr water ncitoa. Keeps. . water hot I*ei9rtlaager. Hat sqty-to-clson porcslainsd ons-piscs top; Wg tion gets tUrtrett clothei cleaner, foiter. waebes extra large biMdry. Hee deinxe safely wrhiger and pereelehi flalsh tangle proof agtietor. top; pull out broiisr; 18' oven with accurate heat lemi balloon rolll, odiuftabis fobri^ prstsdrsl isamlats oven ond convenient lorgb 4®*'“ * * ®®'"' e Waaber u4tb AatomaMc Orala Pump'.. .118-95 control; large storage CQmpar>msnt.,.mony sxtrail e Wathor with Avtomalk Drain *um|i..16.98 Reg. 144.95 Sale r^ortf^nt! Big ollowonce tor your old range now! 37 T .1 a M AN G BSSTBR SVEN IN O H ERA U 7, M AN UH EBTER. CO NN .. W ED N ESD AY, ^YARCH W, 1 9 4 9 T ^ C «

waa given amergency treatment M AN CH ESTER EVEN IN G H ERA LD . M AN CH ESTER. CO NN .. W ED N ESD A Y, M ARCH 30. 194» dally aewapaper, as saying tha featured such leaden os Bishop tives of industry. A fto ra M fersMO gt tlw TIWW W OonnacUeut Council for the Arts, Thi^ee Stamford and removed to Stamford hospital Local Residents lubn Wesley Lord, resident Bishop Bowles May Talk To . QunplHg A | ^ comUtlona with the ;;e i g ^ yeatarday, Jaitlea J- McNabnoe, aih Ydte Attitude Solancaa and ProfcaaiaBa. which Fireman A r^ u r Roberta and of tha Boston area, J. Manning men today, he is that la mualc which tails no par­ alstant vlca president of the bank. nought to aponaor tha appaarance Firem<^ii In ju red Ralph Petrone received minor In­ Attend Retreat Potts, editor of The Upper Room, a statement da i___ Bank Official HarUord, March SO— capp^ children to eawpt with juries from fsiUlng debris, On Unemployment reduces lU margin requirement ticular story he played , Mosarta’ Tka vault waa found opw (5>nnecUcut Camping aaaoclaUon Under Attack of Sboatakovlch and the othars and Kinsey Merritt, Vice-President the aUte and may Aanrlirsttr from TO to 60 per cent. This Is “Music” Topic Fantasy In D Minor. and amply when the branch opened which la to hold Ito spring coo- Mnnal children. » hern, axprdaaed “shock and ailger lire Chief Victor H. Veit said of the Ameri -nn Railway Express. subject tonight on 'hls The program fhuaic which tries Being Sought for buameaa, McNamee raid. Stamford, March $0—(F)—^Three the fire was believsd to have . Mark Holmef and gidward Mr. Hoimea represented the Hartford, March 30— G^. frankly designed to make It easier' at auoh flagrant thought otmtrol radio broadcast. to evoke a special picture or atory 'l>o Faculty MembcrB evldeneed by the Yale authoritlaa’ firemen were Injured and damage ttarted neaur a motor In the base­ Macauley both of Maachestar have North Methodist church and Mr. Cheater Bowles will discuss Con- Etipititto ^eralb tor the American people to specu­ Of Talk Here In the llatener’a mind waa Illus­ New York, March 30 — (ffV-A denial of unlveraity halla’’ for the ei&lmatad at 115,000 was caused ment. Smoke and water damage to Just returned from Monponset. Macauley r«pr>-s«nted the South necticut’a unemploymant problem Thanh Now Battaia late in atocka. Right now. they trated by” ^ d Io ” (Oxcart! from Grass Fire Season maeting. ^ . three at-irea on the flrat floor was MOSS., where they attended a Methodist church. M. Mouaaorgwy’a sulta, "Plcturea b r a n c h bank vault I’sa boon Agflail Barring of Rufl> by a fire in tha baaement of' a with representatives of organised New Britain, March _ aren’t apeculallng enough to President Charles Seymour of three-story store and apartment considerable, and tenants on the three-day retioat for Methodist labor t^ny. ‘ BUuejl itrMt at an BxhlMUon." atrippod of $680,000 In cash and •econd and third floors were In­ Jumeif Red Croas ofnctala i ^, ManebMter. Oonn. please the stock market, or app^- Large Allendaiice al Now on in Town slan Goni|>oBer Yale announced yesterday that the building here today. men at Hotel Monponset. The Re­ Artifical lures or "files” were The governor began hla personal eelved a letter from chlMioB' bonda and an alarm ta out for an convenienced by smoke. treat waa aponaoieo Jointly by the used ae early aa 300 A. D., accord­ TOOMW r«K0U80K , enUy. the Federal Reserve Boarf. Center Church Yester­ aaaiatant manager who suddenly unlveraity authorities eaw ’*00 edu­ Firemen Edward Andpewa was tnvaatigatlon Into the state’s Poland, thanking New Brttotal I Naw HfiVen, March 85— (F) ^ cational value" In opening the unl- overcopie by lllaminatlng g w es­ Chief Veit eati mated the dam­ Methodist Board of-tuay Activities ing to the writings of Aelian, a economic sUuatlon yesterday with dents for a shipment of f|f8t V Stoaodad Octolwr t« HH» So the regulation which was de­ day at Lecture School Aid Bill diaappeared. Spring la here and so la the Yale university authorittaa. today vi-mit'- halls to such a meeting. caping from a.broken fixture’. He age at 115,500. and the ; Board of Missions and Macedonian. a conference with 24 repreadntn- supplies. signed to prevent runaway Infla- A !R-atate grand larcany alarm grass lira taason. Between the wort under Are from two mambara ublUBed■llAd lilVeiT ®w»ln* .B»c«pt was aant out yaoteittaV forRlchart HdllSij^ ■ptdrgi y Uon in stocks la relaxed. Now. ap* Viewefl as Costly hours of 10 a. m. and S p. m. y « - of tha Yale faculty for barring adar(nee asc at Manclialtir, Conn., an A larfce audience enjoyed the H. Crowe, 41, a good-looking and tarday, companies of the South Dmitri Bsostakovlcb, Uia Ruaaian Snd aMa'iwi Matbr. parenUy, we want a little infia- lecture on “Music” given by Mosbe popular civic and charitable work ManchesUr Ste department a ^ compoMr,. ajnd fellow Communist Paranov, director of the Julius BUBSCRIPTION r x t m !j Uon. Hartford, March 50—iJD — Th« tlngulshed a Are an hour, all of (lo<9g$tca to tha repent World Hartt Music School at Center Connecticut Chamber of Oom- **^”crowe returned to work a waOk the blaaeo In'volvlng grass 6r mb- Peoap* mhetlng fjrooi'tha cgiapua. B. Tear by M^l ...... 1 Marrlner S. Ecclcs. senior mem­ church yesterday altembon. ’Tto ago at the NaUonal City bank’s c u r t a i n s Special Purchase! k montha by Ma ...... *• a 1 00 nierce clalmo that U tha proposed Tboinaa $. Bmeraon, prafeaeor In ber of the board, puU It bluntly. was the fourth In a aeries of talks $$(>0,000,000 Federal scho^ aid ^ c h at 185 Broadway afUr A t 10:08 a. m. No. 8 was called the Yale Bchool pf Law and former Uncle Copy ...... •« Our problem, he soys. Is no longer sponsored by the Public Affairs bill becomes law it will coot Coo_ ing traated for a nervous break­ Ifaekly. by Carrier ...... * v jj to 110 Birch street. state chatnnan of the' Faoptoa Grand, new 30-Inch inflation, but deflation. What we committee of the Y.W.C.A. and ncbtlcut taxpayers $2.TO for each down. A t 11:12 a, m. No. 1 to 45 Morse • Toiforsefsf Frfsciffasf Inbf. dellTered. One Tear ...... 1 devoted to the general topic ol, The bfanch bank.where Oow# t WaltaedI pdrty, attacked both the I dollar of aid they receive.. iKit of Mlaa. rorelcn ...... »**” are experiencing now. he says. Is "Twentieth Cenlu^ America waa aaaiatant manager Is missing roAd« unlveraity ihd the State depart­ Wayne Dlckeraon, C.crfC. execu A t 12:42 p. m. No. 1 to 48 6> Cetfogs S«TO ment In n stat imeqt laat night. uem ber o r not some fancy "dlslnflaUon,’* but ’Through the ArU” . tlve vice president, said a study $180,000 In cash and $800,000 in Classic china Watt In an Informal and entertaining bonds—aome of them negotiable— Server street. . . . * Bmeraon, w^o withdraw aa the a ••recession,’’ which Is the fancy of the measure showed that CJon- A t 2:18 p. m. No. 2 and 8 to Pedple’a party 'gubernatorial party name for the beginning of a de­ fashfon, Mr. Paranov made a plea nectlcut’s share under the pro­ Police Lieut. Grover C. Brown said. -Crowe’s wife, Honore, reported M Cook street where the blase nominee w t fall before the elec­ Table Lamps for muaical literacy aa well as lit­ posed bill would bo $1,685,000 an' could easily have assumed serious p a i r pression. eracy in other, educational flelda. him mlaalng from their Staten 1 .2 7 tion, aald 'the State department'a nually. ___ __ proportions aa It threatened to attitude tdkrard the confercncr Now one could be charitable, Hls approach was from a rcallatlc "(Connecticut taxpayers, howev Island home yesterday afternoon. ''•" aU r^ iu irrUuwfcatlon of aiKc.al point of view and alnce Mr. Par- She told police he had not been spread to Boulder road. waa a "stupid betrayal of Ameri­ Exquisite classic flower-decorated herein are alao re.erred. and assume ihst President Tru­ er, would he required to pay an At 8:55 p. m. No. 3 to 28-30 can principica of freedom of speech anov’s muaical background eon- estimated $4,603,000 In Fe^rM heme alnce Sunday noon. Verified 1.79 valued Group urne on slender reeded columns with Pull aerr'ce client of N. E A. flenr- man and the admlnlstraUoff do alata of admlnlstraUve, conducting, Crowe did not report for work i Orafidvtew street. and tdeaab’’ ' taxes as Oonncctlcut’e share of the Bmeraon, one of the hponaora of gold-finished bases. Tailored rayon ’ loe. Ine. not know what the Federal Re­ and teaching rMponalbilitles he cost of the program." a prepared includes billowy prUcilloi and serve Board If doing or saying. reallxea the value of a practical aa the conference, said the iinlVarstiy crepe shades with tilting device; -‘t- statement given out today by Yaileredt In cushion dot mar- had dcmonstratccd a "shocking But, In the pay-off, the policy of well as an esthetic approach. Dickerson said. lite sockets; usually $17.50. He deplored the, “I love mualc "Too many of us are prone to lack of oopfldence' In the 'iatellee- , President Truman and hla admln- but don’t understand It” , attitude guisattt. IhiMad ttWags 86Bl tual maturity of Va>e students'’ llEMBtlR ■ AODtT nriiEAU OF overlook the fact that the F ^ w a l CIRCTtATtONa. ' istrstion uill be found paralleling and asked that we become better government pays TOes« subsidies smart for sports of all sorts when It prevented them from bear­ ______the policy of the Federal Reserve acquainted with a medium that out of taxes It collecU ..from TOe ing direct from the Oomnaunlet ■■ 'yJili '^n«rr*na^il Prlntlnc Company. Inc., we are constantly exposed to an., delegatea. Board. The talk Is of controlling , people of the 48 states." the ataU- y o u r o w n c u r t a in s that needa to be a part of any ed- , . . MAKE and DRAPES! John M> Ma-aidka, associate pro- inflation: the action. In govern­ ucated per-sona equipment. Along i ment add . f.saor of history and Rusalan Solid Mahogany yy»i!r."wa" heater Evenlnc n*rald. ment price support policies. In these lines he predicted that In a , ------CURTAIN MATERIAL Studies at the unlveraity waa quot­ government spending, and in gov­ few years music will be a re­ ed by Tha Yale News, ^dent WedMcday. March 30 TARB Marquisettes, Vollea, Phi_pat%In Data, lotogia* the fameut, smeoih top, ernment taxing, will be found an quired and not elective .subject In school curricula. Cusblmi. Dots, Whilea, Occasional Chairs Sealy Jnnanpring covarad O ar O w a C u rtain Falla effort to prolong inflation. He stressed the fact that the Rose, Blur, Oroen wWi fabric datignad In Peril by TO to 20 Vd. PHwea Yd. **Sav«d my Madoma Eho ScMaparettll IVe a •Treedom.” «iy » the Hartford Well, this Is an era In which it piiblic’B attitude of a musician as f " ’ ' . is governmentally popular to pre­ a long haired idealist who got in- AKOM A M-eiad tar GAS-MARTBURir Choice of covers dreom come true! Courant tWa morning, “la not no spiratioii for .symphonies by “ “ iaaMM.a ufleta* tend to be doing the opposite of jOlETONNE ' PILLOWS wall) Mckly a thing that It needa to be sloshing al)Out in rainstorms as iiM*t ik«) a-it what you really arc doing. being alwurd ami completely fan­ w-yKo'iaaMiv. nsirti* I hidden .behind an iron curUln of iMWlMnSt IBeverolbla friaged edgas. B A A reriaiartBoMl** tastic. A competent musician us­ Wine, Black, Blue, Oreea la W W CoiB# In and ••* why "SlEEPING our own." That U a aacred truth. es the tools of hls trade as any $1995 History Or Heresy? pep shirt ON A SCALY IS LIKE SUEPING But, ga the Courant waa noting, other conscientious workman does O N A a o u n r a a about the Bute and JuRlce Depart- and probably...... work.s a whole lot 0 Occasionally, what may be the b a t h m a t sets Seaty'i Mclutiva “FOUR-INONE" manU do not aeam to Know It. or, J o h n s o n 's Regularly $25.00 You’d ejcpect to nay view of future history makes a paranov devoted consider- ! KIulU color. Baas, Blue, | A A Notice even more for just ordinary chairs I Comfort Cenetrvetion. If they have aome theoretical chance entrance Into current | explaining fundamentals , Gteen, Peach, Orchid ia W W knowledge of It, they aeem unable Poultry Farm The famous A K O M Pep Queen Anne design with solid ma­ analysis. I of rhvthm and metoil.v to hls au- Drraru/ar QttmMjf SIAIY LOVIIY aK7 to pfaiUce it. J uit a« the Iroo Zpning Board of .\ppcalo hogany arms and front legs; pleated ’Thus Henry S. Hayward, assist- dience. using the piano to illiis- | Sliirt has raptured the art Curtaia country delegafea to the trate hls points. Fresh Dressed Chickens, RAG RUGS In accordance with the require- backs. Covers include greys, gold, ''•ewhnef" by Schlagorafli, ant foreign editor of the C3irlstlan Textvrtd C^etomi* inmla of the xonlng regulations ot •Kleihm whb Seqly.Twhi end Cultural \and Scientific Conference He stressed the fact that music Salurdny 18 X 36 4 9 c red and beige. ScienceOCirilLC Monitor,av*\riisvx»s , wa.s engaged in In l.nth s century waa subject to the of making you look smart t he Town of Manchester, the SSon-, hrP iliee. Motdihif hew fileg. fop Wopki Peace were about to »«>t A Great Buy -w ^ a* congratulating western diplomacy i nurtre dvnamic influence as In oth- Fresh quirk frozen poul­ ing Board of Appeals will hold a ' $1^.85 each Olbar Seoly moftramee frwei out on a tour of thm country, cov- 'lUblle hearing In the Atuplclpal' WJO. try. any time. while you’re at your ease 49r,d orlng a period of Ume well within the other dsy, and — "J[•^'tl”^rrn''“^ur^a r u d ^ r VERY LATEST LAMPS nuilding, Monday evening, A p ril, vorably the chances of success for ^ called, "modern music", 4, 1849, at 8 P. M., on the follow-; tte dates ft»r which their vleae 847 Middle Turnpike, West clorieus fiorals and co­ its present policies, w’hen appar- than we would turn from —and al low cost, tool AND SHADES Ing appUcationa: were orlglnaUy iaeued by the ordinated floral strips pol- ently It entered hla writing mind a,, electric refrigerator or sky- Near Hockanum River At Application of Stanley Sayllonla . State Department, that tour has tarns in blua, wins, noturol that one way to make th e^ V e« ! semper l,ove Lane Phone 2-00fi5 Fine knit cotton. Ilcece- c for permiaeion to encloae aide be«i forbidden and the vlsaa. In 35 inches wida. Woshoblel 39 t.3.98 porch which la ekwer to aide line look gootl and successful was to | difference between iJiMg regulattona allow at 157 St. effect, canceUed. The JuaUce De­ baok and *Raharl action partment la ordering the delegate! point out that “ Russia Is not too j and absolute music. As John Btreet, Retidence a oone. I big and tnfalUble after all. ’ | nn lUuntration of abaolute music. W. T. GRANT CO Appl(aatloa ot Ouutos Wbelon out of the country. In order to do that, he wrote: sleeve that allows full- ^ A ! i s f A ( T I 0 N r. tJ 9 P 6 H " for artenahm of permloalon to efn When ahe wrote her column for FREE "A great deal has been said of i OI yi.ut icon r h p' fe textile mending buaineas qt the New York Timea thla morn­ Spencer Street, Retidence AA Russian moves and countermoves. arm swing. Wind-resistant, ing, Anna O’Hare McCormick waa sone. Bed, dresser, chesi $179 Yet, In retrospect, they appear to j H-0 Jelivery Service 815 M A IN ST. eridently unaware that the State water-repellent, pre-shrunk. Application of Katherine W. have Initiated little. Most of Mos- j Uau^e Railroudfl Department'a new reversal of I Re3Molda for permission to con­ j cow’s actions have been counter- duct Gift Shop and to have sign American policy waa In process. I j • Airplanes moves. The European Recovery Our free delivery Easy to wash, no So aha wrote, of the expected Program and the Atlantic Pact • ' Boats ' service is avallahle tour: to you for ail your ironing needed. , Application of Mrs. John Lamen- have held the InlUative. It can • C a r s “Even though they apout propa­ al ao for extension of permission to Like plain be argued that even the Berlin needs any time conduct Nursery School at 19 Jeaii:' ganda all the“way, the more they Rend "Hiihbvlng" Every blockade and the absorption of and for any quan- Rose, Residence AA sone. .. I travel In this country the better Satiirda.y Mght $ 2 5 0 ■A Criechoslovakia were Soviet coun­ tilv. Just call PINK Applieation of Myrtle Alton for | for them-^and for us, for their PHARMACY and extension of permisBlon to conduct i carpel? ter-measures against western ac­ j views of America are eo wide of HOBBY SHOPPE your order will be lA K O M I Tourist Home at 249 East Center' tions. So perhaps Russia la not Sixti 34 fo 48 In the mark and ■ their hymns of A (IrUwnld Street Phone S'iSS delivered Immedi­ Snllhir Street Residence A sone. | too big and infallible after all." paace and aclantlflc and artistic Open Ml .A. M. tn I P. VI. 0*14. J«ck«y, Marin* Application of William Cross- | Only in such a context, and ately. man for permission to build hood! fpaadom ara so inconalatent with ilua Or«y, Tan, Wkifa Then you'll with such a derogatory puj-poso Watch For The over front entrance which will be I tha fabta and attitudes of their closer to street Une than regula-! would the ordinary American ^ govemmanta that they are a Uav- Lillie While Truck tlens allow at 16 Doan Street, Res-' writer cafe to proclaim that the eling exhibit to the outside world NEW Idenee A sone. | love ih is plain IV v Russians "appear to have initiated of the shadowlaiid in which they HUDSON Y U K Nicir Application of Mary Evans for little. Most of Moscow's actions permission to conduct Real Estate live." have been countermoves." i Delivered Here FuSy ntrice and to have small sign for E\'en that benighted capitalistic PINE CEHOUSESSON Uncut-pile Equipped, Inriuding same la home at 25 North E3m For what that says Is at direct ' « M C S . « arganliatSon which has ao often Weather-Control Healer PHARMACY HrK Street, RcEldence B sons. had to Ufaatber the scorn and con- variance with the American head-' WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS Application of Hqrold T. West line view, and the American State „.,,'2369“ , Makes HotpoirtWerMs finest fo r' extension of permlsalbn to ' tempt at Waahbigton’B ploua New Department View, which Is that SuiMT-si\ Four-Doiir Sedan 6fi4 Center St. Tel. 2-9814 conduct an Oil Burner Installation Textured Broadloom 7.50 sq. yd. Deal- 'govamment—the National with 121 h.p. hlEh-eompres- Business, at 72 Pitkin Street, Resi­ fi?l 'Aaaodatloa of Manufacturers - Russian initiative is the cause of ninn engine, 124 Inrb wbeel- dence A tone. baa had more braina than the New all the trouble In the world today bnse. (I.m'.il la\ea to be AppUcatlpn of Maurice J. Cole­ "Irregulars'' If perfect, 9-95 d)eal Sthta and JusUce Depari- Mr. Hayward, we ^ink, exag- added It man for pemlsaloa to buUd dweU- ge#Maa.tbe poastble truth when he * » Only the aceessprles you V \l/ Ing on lot having Was frontage meBti.'*lt dW the order \\i T i \ // discounts Russia’s initiative, and I // than regulations allow on South­ tmhgliiaiuve, the American thing, a Ca.h or time |*avnienla east comer of LydaU Street. Cor­ The sturdy, uncut loop pile of this plain velvet broadloom resists and larited the Rnariana to take labels .most of Moscow’s actions » With or without trnde-ln wnn KMEi! ner of Parker Street, Rural sone. shading; doesn’t show footprints; wears and wears! Three colors as "countermoves.” What history » Cinnd allounnre for your 7 ^ Application of Robert Boland a real tour of America. The Na­ C o w M Vomm fcnw Mnf- . . Woodland Rose, Powder Green or Dover Grey . . with slight tional Association of Manufactur­ will have to find, we think. Is ear for permission to build porch on IMMEDI ATE OEI-IA ERV 14 imperfections that won’t impair the wearing-quality one bit. 9 feet ers, .the aoriailled citadel of Amer­ something .located between this, 809 O o h i t ' s mmom^ i m w p r o s - west side of-dwelling which wlU ON SOME MODEf S 670 be closer to sloe line than regula­ wide cut to any length you want, or we can tape-seam for wall-to- ica^ capitalism, waa not afraid of analysis and the hysterical Jtt£adi.| 19 , ourlsod Calrod* Unit hmt McCl.rUE a i T o 917 tions allow at 85 Lake Street, Ru- wall installations. 9gl2 ft. with finished edges, 93.60. Y o u ca n really decorate with a flare these OommunlBts._The State De­ Une analysis of the day. The 60 Wells St. Tel. 2-0442 a/ i fvoltirtttiMod fft* watar ^ sohfc. partment,'^ Ua ahaine, la. truth, (we think, is that the fcoarfitf lirifuilry. Hotwolnt Application of Frank Dinutto A Perhaps, however, there is one growth of post-war tension be­ Sons for permission to keep blocks, 8 0 6 ^ v o f y ou lh a#M *n af,*h n«(»^ ...... I ■ ■ . . . ^ other Snide which has not been tween Russia and America has lumber, and equipment (Mixer, and on a budget at Watkins • I f n n W maaP Trucks, and Conveyor l on Lots No. menUoned. U could well bo that been a confused mixture of ac- hot orator auttoty poadWo. 33 and 34. aoutheaat comer of tha State and Justice Depart­ Clona and reaetlons, moves suid 919 918 Z 4 Irving,' comer of Congress Street. ments were afraid that, as Urfse countermoves, with the question Residence B, sone. I.ook at this grand furnitui-el • Bed, bow-front and accessories! Dustproofed and center- a Fibar*ln»*-ln»ulutad tnoh dresser and chest iti African crotch mahogany guided drawers with interiors finished in wax, Russians traveled about the coun­ of who made the first definite: rtotaa hat wnlw for Huaa days. Application of Eugene AIcCIurc /uor for permission to erect two lllumi-' plywood. And those shallow drawers at top nand.some broken pediment mirror . . all in try, they mlddit meet with aome move outside the cooperation and n : • Thartnoatat odnimliaa wusla. nated ground signs FaJ’ and arc really piaimed for handkerchiefs, stockings. the best Ileiiplewhitc styling! violence. II could be that the understanding that might have > 916 SHE! '18 J'xiv-’ which will be closer to. State Department, which has op- been a very hard question to an­ MORE a Sevan medal*—1$ •• ** street line then regulationa allow prated so aariduoualy to raise swer. /\ [ gallan* capacity. * op 373 Main Street. Buslnesa sone. American temperatures for prosc- Perhaps, so far as wc are con­ •'/I AppUcation of Robert D. Valen­ (Left) Here’s another way to use TRAVEL tine for exception on dwelling «utijm and support of the cold cerned, we. should not try too hard SCATTER .\ I IT6 whicH-'is closer to side line -and this bedroonv f. . substituting the war, doM not want to run the to answer it. There is a much B7g street line than regulations allow slender reeded-post bed with its at 108 Forest Street, Realdenec risk of hot-headed action by some more Important question much ELECTlk H k m HEATEM broken pediment headboard Americana. Perhaps, by Its ac- more In need of an answer. It la si' AA sone. PIAS ApPllc matching the mirror of the dress­ tiim. It is oonfeaslng that it does the question of how America and J/ icatloN of John Rohaa tor ermlssi' er above. The 5-drawer chest is al­ not quite know bow to control the Russia ,arc ever going to halt Special 1/ ground sign. 4‘x8’ which will be so included. Yes, you can really aeatiment it haa aet In moUon. the process of stimulating each closer to street line than regula­ decorate in the grand manner of tions allow on Oak Street (Bast ol Perhaps It has found that It can­ other endlessly toward w’ar. 52 Gallon the 18th Century at Watkins . . 920 No. 251, Buslnesa aone. not, as It originally planned, shut 2 i\ and on a budget! Easy terms, too! off and turn on the cold war at Ptiuje% 7 Applieation of T. J. Crockett for V* permission to build dwelling clooer win. Et€imTwt ^1 to front and. rear tinea than regu­ 1? PRESCRIPTIONS LESS $153.45 lations allow on Lot No. 15 Arvine 1 KFCn.VH 1 00 lo 2.00 F.ACll ' A nother Shot In T he A m Place, Residence AA sone. 8 A, M. To 11 P. .M. a DOlBLE VALUE Application of Bruno Giordano While President Truman U atlU 3 Pharmaciats 871 -TTTV Poster bed chest VMOAfEV a DOUBLE SPARKLE for permission to erect garage at In a posltioii of praaalng for new •btU.Lrm.oa. Bide of dwelling instead of at rear a DOUBLE SMARTNESS at 43 Spring Street, Residence A inflationary oontrols from Oon- Arthur Drug Store m o m BtUXATION sone. •T9 OVER *0 STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM and dresser graaa, while bla own economic M O M CONVBNIKNCK l\^ Application of John V. Tedford adriaera invent the word “dlalnfla' m o m b c b n ic i n t c b m t 66 gal. a a . . . $ 1 7 3 -4 5 for permission to erect dwelling On lot haviBjg less frontage than reg 7 tion" to dcacribe tha current aeo- Moac PtActfl fliavto // I Space saving square dinette Bomio Btata of the union, tha Fed* ineuotiO|M ulatlons allow on Birch Mountain P u b lic Rood (West of N a ^ gU L lUiral ^ $198 oral Reserve Board continuea jits sone. Stenographer Round T'cir them her*. Wear them ihcr*. Oa luiU. , •07 82 gal. . . . . $193-45 H are’s a D ayatrom dinette for the am gll . entirely contrary policy of tryihg Trip 1 AppUcation of The Cetui. Power k itch en . T h e tab le m easu res only SO in ch es ^ to prolong or roviva Inflation by. 84.881 reatt. bereti, h*ndh*|i, etc. Dataling irit qual-' V n Com^ny for permissloir to erect, 8 4 . 9 5 F. M . BRO D ERICK I Boston \ i (Thene Prlcea Do Not Include I"**®**®**?*"^ sq u are .. sam e size as a card tab le. O p en s to ‘ giving It nrtlAdar aboU In the ily impanel (tone* in rrytlal. pearl tad ealered Equipped With New Safely Limit Switch fnalntoin, and operate on electrib 843 M ain S t. T el. 2-1642 I Washington, D. C •tone ronitin»lion». Gold or Silver plhled vrilh substation on Lots No. 93 and No. 5 pieces 30x4$ w hen m eals are served. D aystrom ile .nm, I MUmi ...... - !H Autumn Street, Residence A •lurJy talciv to p T eeista h eat, ch ip p in g, stain and acid s; I The flnt aertea o< nboU came a — . Los .Angelga ... rone. ttponUi ago, wtMtt regulntkma for - D vroii upholstery for chairs; Staehine New . Yorla-. This Week Only! Johnson Brothers All porpeoo Intemgtod.may in at- ehyom e less and trim I taut biQftflB warn ninxed. Phis V. B. Tax s. -W ATKINS^ t tt tgwler for tha Amorican INSURE CEN TER TRA V EL AG EN CY 1 WILLTON'S Electrical Contractor^ Other Oeystom Dinettes fram S9J0 > to gh im ti. UwmMbrca for 49S M ain St. Tel. 38801 T E L . 8227 CbRtTTRRW 75 th w oon. a^ m to G I F T S H O P 912 Jmmm H. UcVMgti, McKlNNKY RRDI'HKRS 910 911 866 SIAIN BTRCCT 911 , Bocratary. r.t^ Bfalaral Raoerve Board Beni Batntr and Inouranre GREYHOUND ^ MiMW FT. TKI- 6066 ; market, an'd | i . ^ >■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEUNBSUAV, MAKUH su, 194» F A U B ■! : HERALD. MAn A e RTER. (^NN.V^'EDNESDAY, MARCH SO v^^ ■ iiii


•Js , h dtMC and $

K \

YOUR CH O ia OF ALL OUR \ 39.98 SUITS AND COATS * IN NEW SPRING STYLES REG. 39.95 231-COIL VIO-O-REST STRAWBERRY C O H AG I SIT RIG. 1.19 V ORIG. 124.95 AIRLINE RADIO' PHONO Buy ihi* batter Innertpring mottrate • M O. 15.95 EASIER-PUSHING lAWN MOWfR Bo the first to own this goy flocked icrim during thit graol tala and lava doUan Outstanding Ward Vakm Airtin* mossiva combinotion offered sell Feoiuring stjowberry print tops in a Rum pui«ily on 10’/a“ wh«*I« with | ^ ^ 4 4 188 moral 231 tpringy coil*, pra-built OnTa 1, 10% Deem, At This Spadal Law Prka at sonsotionoi saving! Enjoy Stond- color choice of red or green! Just right 3 5 ® a ? Mml-pnaumotie rubb*r tir*i. Co«t- | border, woven-itripa ticki M ard, Shortwave broadcasts pius tip- On f*ni5: 20% Down lor kitchen windows! Speciol sole-pricel Iron front*. 5 eruclbl* lf**I blod*l QnTtrmu 10% Down, fyt automatic changer. 10" speaker. icfoncG MonfKV k**p k**n *d8*, cut *v*n 16" path. lokmtt MenfM/ Fitted, Bore-bock, 2-woy and 3-woy belted coot* — boxy, dotde, tunic ond 3-woy *uit*l Whot a wonderful teleetion and wbot tuperb quofity, too. You get fine, fong wearino worsted gabardine* and mentweor*, hond- DECORATOR FABRICS ORIGINAL 42.95 RADIO­ flnlthed detail*, ond the precUion tailoring you expect REG . 1.59 1 3 7 only at higher price*. Com* ehoot* your coot and tuft PHONO today, be amort on Batter Sundoy, *iyl*-wt** for **•• a-lM k wMtha ^ Adir efcowl Torwi 29 ** eon* to come. New Spring (bode*, la mtm*' rizea t»ve1y Borale of eti^rdy ootteei Double enjoyment ot o cut twill! «plathy daeifM^ pricel Single play phorio plays Saea! 10' or 12' records. Mohogony. eOMC, CHOOSII lAHIR DRISSK 2 :99 BRENT BROADCLOTH SHIRTSI STYU-WISi . e. tUDOn-RRIOD . WHITES • NEW FAnELS - PANCUSI REG.. 27.95 IVORY PLAS­ CURTAIN MATERIALS iar< 7#t ’' 4. REG.29C rf-15^ 17< TIC RADIO 0 ^ 8 8 New wen wBt Toes am Adi akmit Itrmt J*fc.-el"wMe 5 9 ’ « Color dieye freAf Cushion dots, pin dot* and ihaar Streamlined modern cabihetl ^Aio'd avar foest Ibeir Hey ^ a l |«teoBi royoa prepaq Breate Amerteo*i fuper shirt vokm, piteo-cut tbl* weiU cotton morquisatta In tnowy- Pushbutton tuning! 5 tubes; rec­ nNfting romontic toBato* -■ baeuttfuBy tlyfad wHk eeetfy Expertly tailored, Brent* fit eosy acres* shoulder^ Mm at whita or pasialsl At lovings! tifier for top tone. Also In brown. lookino detolW YouH love tb* aevPaaipIre mol***, axci*. the waist, lustrous Sanforized broadcloth* In choice of REG. 14.9E MNEUPRINO REDUCEDI ■1^ y%pU910 ■nwwftw^ IWIWa whit**, stripes, and the new Spring pastel*. Size* from 14 I- end 2-piaca atyla* In the teoeen'* neweit Aode*. to 17,32 to 35. Stock up—eev* on these better shirts aowl REG. 8».»5 HAWTHORNE MODEL “ 50" BIKE Compare the** faotura*— 180 Pra* RIG. R9.95 M-W GAS REG. 2.98 MARQUISETTE It*! 0 chomplon In any clou i .. a n*w T ^ 8 8 mlar Wire coil*— oll-naw faltad cot­ I 9 * » Hawthorn*! Bok*d-on *nam*l finish, ^ Q RANGEHE PRISCILLASks ^ 6 7 toa uphoittary—»ag-r*iiifmg outer- Oar*raM,l0%0ew% roll adgetl Reduced for thi* talal BaferKaMeelMr ehrom* trim, kick stand, choin guard, On T tniuj 10% Down, ASk*e«Xterai ■a. iMa a * z t u r •nd big "Air-Cushion" balloon tir*sl klonc* Monthly Ideal for opartment or small Firmly woven for a aaeoth Ba- horn*. Heot control for oven leh! Cottoa yama are aaereer and broiler. 4-burner cooktopl iaad for atrength! 4" rafOaol HOLIDAY RAYONS REGULAR ^9R REG. 1.00 SUPER FLAT REG. 1.34 HOUSE­ DRRftY RAYON FOR GIRLS INI HOLD IROOM .,. WALL PAINT GAY TWO-TONB Overt Newm Wte | > 0 SUPS ON SALI

New paetel ehades. Soft glere- Firmly bound, lalected broom 3 9 8 leee. velvet-flat flnteh. Dries In 4 corn—strong,yet Bekibl*. Hold* it* *hap*. long-lo*tingl to • hour*, a ».S» Gal...... S-kl Sites from Bl* Few *aFe pneeF 7tel2 90-LB. ROLL ROOFING 2.77 QT. REST WAX The price tiathsd—bs- Select-quality rayons with precise detailing us­ REDUCEDI y 9 5 AND, APPUER |97 ter* Eottsr on the** pretty tllptl Atterled ually found in more ex­ ■eg. $JU . Now tfylst lovUh with lace, pensive frocksi Sweet ruffles,' foney trims, full Ceramic-surfaced osphajl. last­ Applies and spreads in single tome with embroidery, REDUCEDI ALULMTHER RED lANDSI BOYS’ REG. 1.79 SPORT SHIRT skrrtsi Many rich solidsi ing, ottroclivo, fire-resislont. Roll operation. In ^ thrn., wox drie* tool Cut to flottsc of Tailored from smooth cotton broadcloth . . . I -6X Royons In solids to shiny, durobli3^* finish. ' multifilament crepe. An Easter bargain In belter grade shoes for 157 a covers 100 sq. ft. Red or green. aanforlsed for lasting fit! (Sfax. shrinkage and two-tones,only 2.9B Pink, blue, whit*. 32-44. childrenl All-leather, except in a few more 39* 1%). Two-way collar. White, blue. tan. FIBER SEAT COVERS, REDUCED U to 18. For School REG. 2.29 PINT rugged style* where sturdy rubber soles ond and Eaater 1.09 TO 1.19 V A IU IS -Y O U R CHOICI SALEI VITAUZID Baeart plaid pattanii*—amooUi Bt—-aeil and heels or* more practical for long wear. 8'.'2 -3. a Begalar 1.S8, eizca 4-lf ...... l.tT LUNCH KIT , 9 7 .(ada realttant flbar . . . youra.at Warde low 1 3 " ^ B«tt*r Qu*Uty *lumlnumw*re . . rustproof! MOTOR OIL I 7‘ pHea! Sam—gat your aaat eovare today! • S>pe. S*uc*p*n Set • Greaseless Griddle Ved. tax bac- eic a OeoBoa ... .S.IB a Froat Baals... .1.T1 • 3.qt. rr*nch rryer • Twin Pan S*t 8 8 - large rvstproofed melol box • Set 1-pt Saucepan, Skillet. Pudding Pan Bring your contolnart, slock up keep* foods fre*h. Pint vaeuute nowl Nona finarl Why pay 35c bottle keeps liquid* hot or eol4 i a qt. for oil—buy Vitolizadl I y' RUBBER COVERED REGULAR 45c SHADOW SHHRI 94X COATS IN WIRE REG. 1.45 , 3 3 SPARK PLUGS I f OENIERr 51 SOFT PUM WOOL ' lM-f*e« Ne. 14 -EASTER-OAYI SALMRiCtOI 133 Approved by lUEA. Single soft- GAUGE NYLONS RivG«idG—poy for rbtfmsttvGt drawn copper conductor, tougb AIR CUSHION in floi lovingsl Gif* your motor covering. Other Maes reduced! ntwptp, pcrfoTmoncol Buyo$*tl , 2 9 1 0 ’ » TIRESI ^ MINI HERE'S LASTING WEAR AT A REG. 179 D-GRIP New Sprieg *ede*. 1 4 9 5 REG. 1.15 AIR-CUSHION Yofcel SPADING FORK , 5* LOW BUDGET PRICE I GRENADIERS I BIKE TIRE Words hot the right Subtle 0* toft ihadow* W Matter <)Mmy • A Easter coat for Herl — yet well reinforced 11" tempered tinea forfad from Pastels, brilliants, plaids, res. Ta« Bskn at point* of wearl Full Rivarsida balloon bika lira, 2- l-pc. ataal for a*tra ttraqitli! Ovr Good Ouofifyl ciouic novy-pH" fitted or (athiened for tieek 8t, Kid* on soft, fat cushions ply cord protacts ogoinst looks. Boot grade ao-lneb Aah handla. boxy styletl All are high *llm bock team* for trim of oir that took up rood • Beg. 9Be Balloon Tube . Bl* Yae, hara's tha shea thot's net only hondsoma whan you quality, big valueil look*. All-nylen top to shocks. k**p your car take it out of tha box but kaap* it* good look* and ra- G 1-4 Coot Sets, match- WARDS WOOD CLyiET *.45 STYLHONE WOOL-PILE BROADLOOM toe in the newett Spring n*w longar.. No *xp*n> toin* its shopa for a tong, long timal Evary pair buifl ovar lag boaoets. FoGob 9.99 1.25 GLOSS ENAMEL SEAT REDUCEDI 9 and 12 foot wide ... Cul-lo-ordar for woll- _ tlwde*. Sizes 8'/^ lo lO'A. dv* rim changes n*«d*d. teilad lost* to oisuVa a comfortabla fit. Only two of lo-woir corpeiing or In rug ilzasl All-wool | T 8 8 Big' trad*-in allowonc* CUT-PRICED lee f J ® ® the mony'slyl** are shown her*. Size* from 4 to 11. on your old tirasi Sol* pilel Decorotor colored IBih Century, (lorol, •e. yd. «|aart lostso f*w doys onlyl I'" While anomalad lominalad hord- dofliotk datign*. Atfc rtewf credd lifm Bright, tough, woihoble enomoL weod. A ttronger, thlonar, Bghler Perfect for kitchen o* both. 8*flt . a e with hinQ#8* u V ■ - !■ . ______, - I ______^&soi»or3emi-wio»^ Glossw-.. —— or Semi-Gloss GoL J.97 ■^TAK E ADVANTAGE OF TU^M ANY SAVINGS QFFEREI^DURING THIS SALE.. .PAY FOR YOUR PURCHASES CONVENIENTI^T THROUGH WARDS MONTHLY PAYMEIfT r a I _ n iiv V7|4AT' vfkii NEED ON WARDS CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENT PI Miss THE WONDERhJL VALyES OFFERED DURING THIS SALE.. .BUY WHAT YOU NEED ON WARDS Lu .DON’T 'V. 'y .: MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCtHSBICK. .CUNN.. TVeinSECUAT, MARCH 30, 1949 !■ • ' r,- * ,. '■■; ,;VP- -■ lUOICHBOTra B vjK m O BMtA1.0. MAWUHIg re*. OOW»- TTEPKEgPAT. MARCH M. 1941 Ward o f ^odford atreet, Hartford, and brother of King Haakon VII Prlncrss • Helen of Schlcswlg-Hol- iira.V# ' nant and total d ia ^ it y who sara. Special Miasion? ^ bccama Uia brtda ot Arthur Eve- of Norway, died last night. Hej stein - Sondcrbiirg-Olucksburg in i«Ba than *1.000 a. year If unmar- Moriurty Brolher* HDKI — 1*6# rett Pttuiay, Jr, son d Mr. and Five Solons Offer New Rankin rlsd, or *2,500 If marrisd—provid­ waa 72. I>rince Harald married 1009 and had five children. Senate Blocks Paslk Proai Corentry WTIU— lOM Today's Radio For Young People Mra. Arthur E Plnnay o t Andover, Study Our Govtrnuicut ed they are unemployable. COAL IS at a doubla rimr ceremony par- New Plan to Give Pension Bill The hgency aald these benefits Caatefti Utaadard rime formad by Rev. (A fford O..Slmpaoa Obituary Vote on Change Manchastar’a MuntdpM b ^ - were paid at the rate of *9,194,428 The special Chlldr'cn’a Mission of Center Congregational church, iner gn89— si grades will be held again thta and wore a corsage of white ill \^^ar [ (tMittaasd frw> •’•f* way of Coventry. The chlldrm (Oaattoaed Iraea Page One) 1290 au b. WDRC—Harifeat of Stars, year, the Rev. Fred R. EMgar melllaa. The couple were' attendad from the neighboring tohm toe entire eystem of medical AVOnON M-THT—Kny Kyaer. j WONS—Family' Theater; Newa. announced. Meetinga will be held dohn W. twee by the bride's slater and brotber- the...» state could expect to collect were in to eee at gret hand hew practice in thle country.” (R-Pa) put into the Oongraaslonal rridSLy. April lat. 19 A. M- \ v n c - Backstaco Wife. t WTHT—Oroucho Marx. each day Immediately after school In-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 100% w o o l l^-onnr.ar** f” « " ®***’ j John W. Thler. 54,^of DurMt about *28,000.000 . from hla pro- local government functlone to a The new bill. HUI aald, would be Record hla own approximate cost liSglM______HaU._ 275r MMa Street 4il8— . WTIC—Mr. District Attorney. beginning April 11. WethereSeM. Coxa. Campbelf%f West Middle Turnpike. street died suddenly yeatercUy poMd income t*x. larger community than their aimed at stimulating present sys- esUmate: *50,000.000 , a WTIC—SUIla Dallas. 19:99— This year will be toe third to The matroh of honor wore a navy ftRi*y «nJ of the defend* emdon In hla home after returning That, said the governor, waa the own. tema af toaured or pre-paid medi­ an over-all total oif gl(i4>00,000,000 Early gtaaa. ctatoa, deaal- WraVB—Scoreboard Varieties. ' W DRC-Beat the Oock, the seriea known aa "Crusadera of tasee enpa and eaucers, Sler- and grey cult with grey acces­ d'cUrod: from work. Medical Ex»raln« ^ belief of J. K. Lasser, whom he At toe atart they were ad­ cal care. The Federal government —leas, he contended, than cost of 4:99— WONS—Comedy Playhouse. the Cross.” Handwork, songs, sto­ sories and a corsaga of pink ca- <0 traitor, no Juda* could ta- bert B. Keeney. Jr., said death was Identified aa “ the ouUtitodlng in­ dressed by Director Raymond would help eUtea pay costa where the Marehall plan for European Uag rilver, pUted aUver, Ha- WDRC — Now Ektgitnd Note* WTHTf—Bing Crosby. ries and worship will be teatured melllaa. The bride’a gift to her at­ SPORT enp, oval fraiBFs. giM le ^ at each session and on Good Rri- bret the princtplee of Marxiet- due td natural causes. . come tax authority to the coun- Cooper iind the work of each Individuals were uneMe to do so. recovery. , book. WnC-t-Blg Story. tendant waa a pair of branso boras x^'n’hc Old Gi-cy Mare" plnlam. The ^ Mr! Thler had worked during toe one at the town departmenta VA Administrator Carl R. O r v fraaoes, small tables, ehairs, sM WTHT—Bandstand; News. 19:89— ' dsy at 9:30 a. m., there will be a try." plas.bareaa, etCn ssveral baa- •pedal service which will be open bookenda.. The groom preeantad ak for any Oommunltta and dav as usual as a carpwrter for The governor’s waa explained to them aa ihey submitted an estimate, but It did W n C —Lorenst* Johea. ..WONSl—Deems Taylor Concert. his attsndant with a Us clasp. The • . whaf she use to be MciHlly aot for these t)J KnoRa Brothers passed through the building. Immediate Rieaction dred Items. WONS—Man with the Band. VV4JRC—Public Service Pro- to the public. made to a letter to Senator Nlcho not take Into ccnMderatlon the In­ VsR may bring goods. Also Mrs. Cedlla Lincoln la directing bride 1s employed by Loring Studio COATS l ^ c i»onld aaU Bene^ct Aniold company where he had been em las Spellman (D., Norwich), come UmlUUon provlsUm of the WCCC-News: 12*0 auh. gram. to Hartford and the groom by (rtitcrpret the conrtltutlon of the nioved for the past 25 years. He On Dili Cautiou* briag basket hmeh. the school again this year and will man the General Assembly s Fi­ Hartford, March TO—(g>j—Imme­ MIL He said that waa too intangl' 4t4S— , W’rHT-Meredith Wltaon. (Jheney Brothers. . but your car Refnlars, Lonfa» was bom in South ^ H. U WBLOB. AiictloBeer WOM8—Two-Ton Baker. WTIC—CurUta •nine. he Htolated by other piembers of nance committee. j diate reaitloh to the volunteer bis for an accurats flgnra. 85 Hnmphrey St. jlhe„tcaclilng atalT of the church. After a brief srdddlng trip by Shorts ed ci^ ^ i^ gc Harold R. M e ^ a August 9. 1894. was *" i Answer To Ueeotatlon i Hospital Notes health biU from Connecticut roedt- Gray estlmalsd that 69,700 VV-Tlffi—Young WIddtr Brown. 10:45— motor through nottbsvn Massachu­ can be I BudcM'i^ Interpretations The tocai schools, and Uved here] Hartford. Coaa. 5:00— WDRC—Capitol a oa k Room. It was generally regarded, how­ eal authorities was cautious pend­ World war 11 veterans would be 65 inioae 5-5214 MM. setts tha couple wlir reside with permisaible. since he former- nearly all Ids life* WDRC—Winner Take All. 11:99— the groom's paranta to Andover. He leaves his wife. Mrs. Anna ever, as an answer to a I ing a study of the measure. But In I960. If they all got the pen­ WONS—Superman. lx n » a high party off**:’®'' Pattenla Today ...... I** some of the views propounded by sion. he said, the cost would be News on all atatlons. JuUcnr )i'» renounced Ine resolution approved by toe WTHT—Challenge of the Yukon. 11:15— • •Give it our **^pring Special” in our $ 1 9 . 9 5 iBjorkman Thler; » llran-controlled House demanding Admitted yeaterday: Mrs. Lovefto Senator Hill generally met with *44,324,000. Weddings ■tv and now la a Kordhnm *lnl- ' I'harlcs Smith of Somers and ‘ wo Hunt, 940 Middle Turnpike, east; WnC-^When a Olrl Marries. WDRC—World Tonight. , rily econoro!c* profrssor. that the governor present evidence a.crceroent from Dr, Creighton Paak Cost In I9M WKNB—News: Request Mati­ W TH T-Joe HaacL * Body and Paint Shop 1 brothers. Otto T * '* "® ' John Vinton. Buckland; Isaac Barker.'executive secretary of the I and Rclward Thler of Northamp- ••forthwith" that an Penk eligibility nnd cost would nee. WONS—Meet the Band. Pinney-Ward Copenhagen, Benmark, March would vleld as much as * ^ ,0 0 0 ,^ I.vdall, 156 Summit street: Daniel Connecticut PUte Medical society. War II Corduroy I ton. Mass. be reached to 1966, he . figured, WOCC—Junior Disc Jockeys. WTIC—Newa. Misa Beryl Audrey Ward, daugh­ 80—(jP j^ F ^ ca Harald, uncle of annually- This wa-s the figure the Karlin., 4.1 Hamlin street; Mrs "I have not seen the bill," he! ter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Ciport Costs-415.95 liack Market* The funeral’ wlH be held Thurs- Dorothy ftaugh. Hartford: Mrs. when 1,916,833 *x - servicemen 5 il» — 11:85— King Frederick XX o f Denmark governor elted on Febru^) ' rmphrgsized, “ but fit>m what In­ would reach pension age. HU esti­ Vets Preference WDRC—The Old Record Shop. WONS-^Dance Orcheatra; \ i day Rflei-tioon at two o'clock from Ivls budget message w'hen hr Aides Gutimer, 42 Mather atreot: formation I have U seems to em­ mate on the cost for that year was WCCC—Music Lott. Newa. Crackdown Seen the Holmes Runcral Home at 4(kl rated replacing the state .sales tax Mrs. Catherine Moriariy. 29 Birch body festures which have been New cape toide biniaM oadei 1 .Main street. Rev. Paul Prokopy of *1,109,134.000. WTIC—Portia Fspq# Life. WTHT-Weather Roundup; with an Income tax. street: Leonard BJorkman. Jr.. advocated by the medical profes­ oaaalraclloa In vsrtttae eeetloaa • M o P a r • Dance Orcheatra. Sllon Evangelical Isitheran church 208 Middle Turnpike, east; Joseph Tbs coat, hs said would drop off ot Mancbeater. 5 :8 9 - MANCHESTER (Contmued from I’age^nel Such a move Is strongly opposed sion. - ei-* WCCC—Big Brother Bill. tvn c—Boston Symphony Or­ wlir officiate. ! by Hepubllcan leaders. Belazares, Bast Wl.idsor Hill; Mrs. to *181.655,000 by 19*0, to * 1 V POLISHES -'i CLEANERS ••It does away with toe un­ 291,000 in 1990, and to *1,857.000 4 Himms and hsib with t ad- WTOT—Jack Armstrong. chestra, Dress Ftehesrssl. ked. They said he regards It M Burial will be In the Buckland 1 '••During the last several weeks," Fannie .Smith, 88 Benton street; pleasant factor of compulsion and . WpNS—Captain Midnight. 12:09— Mrs. Mary Henderson. 205 Wood­ in 1995 when World war I ranks dlfhmal osanlalied apatalra Mm admlnlstraUon vlctorj'. 1 the governor told Spellman, sev- political manipulation In the distri­ WTIC—Just Plain BiU. WTIC—News; Dance Music; SHOE B A R MOTOR SALES, Inc. '^*Friends mav visit the funeral land street: Mrs. Gertrude Macom- had been reduced to 2,567. watei beat oil harart Sreplasa. R E ^ r t L to sign It. Rent controls arc I eral tax authorities have been at bution of medical care and leaves WKNB—Request Matinee; Com*, News. ' home from 3:30 thU afternoon un­ ber, 91 Chestnut street: Martin tall lasuhiMtia. coppri end hvass 997 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER force on 14.350,000 dwelling work, at my request, atudjlng in this distribution In* the hands of The VA said that under exUtihg plnmMna. We larile eoar to- munity Sketchbook. Frequency Modnlatioa **Your Oldsmobile Dealer” • BIEN'S SHOPS •a. Mr. Truman wanted a two- til time of funeral. detail the various phases of our Quey. 408 Hartford road. the mcdcal profession where it has regulaUona it U already paying e AOTOMOBUrB FOLIPH. 5:45— WFHA— 198.7 MC. ape^oa. Price fiojiao and op. ^ i^ la stto i pellab far aD 907 MAIN STREET WELDON BLDG. : 1.1X problem. Tliey have «hau.s- AdmItUd today; Lorraine Gar- been and should be.” pensions to veterans with perma- WDRC—Herb Shriner and Ray­ WORT— FM 98.7 MC. Thursday Only! 612 West Center St. Phone 4134 f??,e*&mate'approvcd the bin 78 llvely cross-checked our estimated rity, 28 Highland street: Mra. mond Scott. WTBT-4>M 199.7 .MC. . Formal Wear for Hire , I 11 and the House stamped on a income tax yield. ^The base data Hannah Kroll. 18 West street. WONS—Tom Mix. w n C —FM 4SA MC| 994 MC. REDUCTION ON ^ - t o 143 vote, after weeks of Fuueraig and formula are. attached for your Discharged yesterday: Mra. Es­ Atttinijon • sjasKSsyss: wnC—Front Page FarrelK WDRC—FM Ob the Air rf«*n > Information and assistance. telle Slemlenskl, 25, Ridgewood a PABKIC CLBAN**. Re- 6 :00— P. M. To 1145 P. M. f Sw ii^rs called the leglalaUon Mrs. MInnte ls»inbardo street; Mrs. Avis ttamlltoh and Non Veterans! awvea spats, stalas, graass, WDRC—News. Skme as WDRC. 100 Pairs Women’s Shoes “ vletorv" for the tenant, while Funeral services for Mrs. Min­ pateLgum. WOCC—Concert Hour. WHPA , the sainc time assuring • a fair . asked where was the relief was held si 8:.".0 this morning Crocker. 300 Porter street: Mrs. WTIC—News. from the W. P. Quish Funerel From Philadelpkia fleations. 6:15— 7:00—Organizational News. ■e the landlord,, aaying the new -» a Alice Nelderwerfer and daughter, 7:15—Easy Rhythm. $4.99 Hit i^ ves the rent administrator Home and at nine o c ock at St- Rockville; BeUy Bendall. 33 Lllley WDRC—Jack Smith, Sports Spe­ James' church. A solemn high cial. 7:30—Dane# Uma. , «p to do as he pieces, Douglas Pierce, asaUUnt busi­ street; Julia Chsgnot. Rockville: ROY MOTORS 8:00—Request Time. Values to 1 2 ,9 5 statement from the Rent ad- mass of requiem was celebrated by Mrs. Doris Oowdy. Coventry: Mrs. Jarvis Reolty Co. WONS—Sports Eklltion; News. Rev. Robert Wood, while Rsv. ness manager of the local school Ineorporated WTIC — Musical Appetizer; 9:00—News. atloa said the new bill Mary King and son. 11 Ford stieet: REALTORS WTHT—FM Oa the Air From 8 .old provide a much more George Hughes served as deacon system, who recently returned Mrs. Bessie Wood. Talcottville; ' 241 No. Main St. Weather. Shoes Are On Open Racks For Selection ^ ^ 6:25— P. M. To It P. M. ndtable method of adjusting and Rev. .lohn I»ughran as sub- from the eastern regional meeting Wendy Steuk, 73 Thomas drive: R54 Center Street ^ Tel. 511S Same As WTHT. nta than the one under exlrtlng deacon. Mtsa Jane Nsckowskl sang WDRC—Record Albu.ti. i of toe American Association of Walter SmoienskI, 158 Lenox Tel. 4112 Or 7275 Open Saturday Afternoons 6:80— WTIC—FM On the Air From 5:25 aw” adding: “ It would treat all for the ma.“s. street; Milton Vitriol, 9 Cre.stwood A. 51. to I A. 51. n^ords equitably and would Interment was at .'ll. James School Administrators held in WONS—‘The Answer Man. drive. WTHT — Sereno Gammell; Same As WTIC. nt relief to those lamllords who , cemetery where Father Hughes rhiladelphia, said today that he Television found his trip a most profitable Births yesterday: A son to Mr. Weather. It most because they are In ! conducted the committal services and Mrs.’ Arthur Hohs. 87 F.S3ex WNHC—XT ke worst operating position.” one in securing Ideas that may be P rop erly ChvTiers WTIC—Professor Andre Schenk- 1st toe grave. street: a son to Mr. and Mrs. cr. P. M. 1 Bearfjrs were John, Clem, Ange- 1 utUired In the local school build- 5:00—Teletunes. 1 Ing program. ‘ The convention, Walter Krawlse. 48 Durant atreet. 6:45— 1 to and James Pontlllo, James Births today: A daughter to Mr. Please Take Notice 4:55—Program Resume. Oklahoma Hit i Grosso and Charles Slamond. ' wlilch ends today. Is also being WDRC—LoweU Thomas. and Mrs. Wesley Rivard, 62 North WONS—Evening Star. 6:00—Small Fry au b. i attended by Superintendent of 6:30—Teen 'TlmeTunea. , By Tornadoes 1 Schools Arthur H. lUlng. Street. WTHT—Musical Favorites. Section HI of Zoning Reguia- W n C —Three Star Extra. 6:45—Vincent Lopez. I i 11 I f 'Piil»rn* Kecords While Mr. nUng attended toe tions for the Town of Man­ 7:00— 7:00—Kukla. Fran and Ollie. full four daya of the convention, RUiST CRAfT 7:30—Junior Parade. !. (Oeetlaeed fron* Pa*a One) Mr. Pierce atayed only long chester. ConnM Pertaining lo WDRC—Beulah. 7:45—Magic Show. Warrantes Deeds enough to view the many exhiblU Comer Visibility WONS—Fulton Lewta, Jr. 8:00—Arthur Godfrey. V e flw t struck by the tornado William and Helen Bobyk to of school supplies'. The assistant C a r d s WTHT—News; Hero of the 9:00—Swing Into Sports. ' lire. The frame structure wna FOOD SALE “On any comer lot, no fence or -• Week. 9:35—Kubbs Kornor. Anthony F. and Madeline SquIUa business manager stated the ex­ similar structure shall be erected B rushed. cote, property on White street. hibits provided the best and roost ' W n C —Supper Club. The Arnold hoy was sleeping Given By and no hedge, shrub, tree or other 7:15— William T. Ryan to Jarvis Real­ modern to school accessoriei. growth shall be maintained so u jlirig S i i i g ! ! ^ Jifc .li# A S li^ 'T bedde hla mother In a brick bulld- ly company, property on Lake- , — WONS—TcUo-Test. |bc He was rnished beneath a Si. Margaret’s Circle to cause danger to traffle by ob­ WDRC—Jack Smith Show. SUPER SAVERS! wood Circle north. structing the view.” News. REGAL lor PAMS . ^ e o f bricks. His mother was In- you can't buy a better wnC— Administrator Deed Daughters Of Isabella It U recommended that no FuU Faskloa V A ' ' . Manchester Trust company, ad­ yJ^PT-HeUvpr-Faroe. Regal is giving men what they want in pants. GOOD ( Telephone sendee between Can- i ministrator of the estate of Mary shrubbery, .fence, LINOLEUM VARNISH SEAMFREE NYLONS____ ' Pr. 59c : ton and other towns was restored AT HALE’S THE DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. which oM'cures tHeMdW shall a* WDRC—a u b Fifteen. (SUghtly Irregular) SELECTION . . . PERFECT FIT . . . RIGHT PRICE McClorey to Ellen McCTdrey, over threa ‘(8) feet, to height and ! ht 7 B. m. nropertj* on Church street. ,Vo,7%iS^ WONS—Robert Hurleigh, News . . . FREE ALTERATIONS . . . SPEEDY SERVICE ON Starting At 2 P. M. JEWELERS—STATIONERS cut back fqr a distance of thirty Pittsburgh WTHT—Lone Ranger. Permits (30) feet from the atreet line. 51 GAUGE NYLONS . . . Pr. «1.19 ALTERA'nONS. Herbert Swanson, alterations at wnC—Talk by Gov. Bowles. Thursday, March,, David Chambers. % 4 5 - New Spring Shades. rcraonal Notirps 233 South Main street. *76. HER UP Add these together and you have the reason why you can’t Lo'ils Mackey, dwelling, four ,, WDRC—Edward R. Murrow, BaauUfnl, New top Regal for pants. rooms, lot 77 E.ss'x street, *9,000. CURLED WATERSPAR ' W MI8—Inalde of Sports, In Memorlam David Hendry, application for > W n C —Your Senator from Con­ SUMMER COTTONS...... «7 .8 8 ( ir- iiivli.s memory of Ul<-hiiri1 J. five ro-jm dwelling lot 4 Vernon necticut, An sixes. Reg. *8j68. rioii, > niiv) (lasseU awky itnrch 30. VARNISH S:9»— 1*48. street. *9,600. WDRC—Mr. Chsmelon. Fred Hutt, application for five flic blow was areat, th* ahock sever* dwelling lot 14 Vernon WONS—can You Top This. room WTHT—Amateur Hour. When You Buy Jtlle v** thoufht that death was near. street. .49,900. In Our Downstairs Department Mohs lOO^o W ool i.|y those who have tost esn tell lie * W n C —Blondle. pain of i>arUog without farewell. SPRING I ksa* Its S:S0— Venetian Blinds, saw the road was rettlnc rough, ISew Spring colsrt brlgM WDRC—Dr. Chriatlan. the hills were hard to climb, with ■ 6o* *rs- , ^ WONS—Scattergood Balnea. s m -'Hc gently closed his weary eyes, testWe *•«••«• •• wetee^ear WTIC—Great Gllderaleeve. Be Sure They’re Gabardines .^ d whisiiered Peace be Thine. DRESS Pltttburfh Wofsr»a*r I'"**” " 8:55— IS IN THE AIR! VornUb. H‘s *«*r *• WONS—Hy Gardner. Wlfs and fhughtsr. , .when ehe thought at wbat MATERIALS !•«§h. ••••V 9:09— Made o f Tan, blue, brown, gray. Legal Notices would have missed, had WDRC—County Fair. Sizes 29-42. •im not c o m e to Henry’e. Hava NEW WONS—Gabriel Heatter. I CSBL J. JOHNSON *i. ANNF C. YOtT m a d e our acquaintaaca WTHT—MUton Btrle Show. rOHRSON. Superior Court, St»le of i SPRING CURTAINS [k>niMctlcut. County of Hartford, the ^ When Minulet yet? WTlC—Dutfy'a Tavern; YOUR CHOICE . ims dsy of March. 1849. Heels attached while you wMt. . Order of Net tor Count Arriving dally. Shop Such dean veoetian bliadat Pleated or plain front. Upon complaint In aald cauae brousht Shoes Shined. Store for PRICE . . . ST\LE Dual akids ri^ t off this aatin- Have TOO! dorinr trie- lo aald Court, at Hartford, on the firat Polish—Laces. . . . q u a l it y In tmooth plastie-fiaiidied ahiia- \ : ftwadey of 4pril. 1849, clalmlnc a pb« ie his preacriptina Piques FARM LOAM ■A llrorc*. cualody of minor children. It 4 Open all day Wedaeaday The F. T. Blish inum. Benda for tpiick bmsh- Boara: 8:30 a. m. ta *i9* p. Whipcords CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES ' ippeerlhx to and being found by the to Weldon's over oar pri­ Ginghams SPEClAl—OBOER NOW’ upa, tnapa back into perfect O u r N em I ' ■ mbsertblug authority, that the where- vate profeaalnaal wire for Special values in all styles of 92.50 Per Vard DeUvered • tbouU of the deefndant Anne C. John- Chambrays curtains. Priced to fit every Hardware Co. tnapel Lighter, easier to oper­ M2 « - ton la unknown to the plaintiff. Immedlale , delivery to Rayon In Track Load Lett ate. And the beauty laata! ORDnitGD: That notice of the Inrtl- ronr home. -Gabardines purse. 793 MAIN ST. £ o w P ric e . tutlon arid pehdency of said complaint Bull Dozers, Trucking Fireproof, weaiher;proof. Iball be liven the defendant by pub- Dimities lUhIng this orcer In The Manc-hettrr Crepes and Tailored Power Shovels, Grading Won’ t rust, chip or crack. Bvcnlng Herald, a newspaper published SMOtRIPAIhUiUy Percale Gravel, pill Your quality guarantee it ttot ; In Manchester once a week, for two WELDON'S i ORYatARING^^ Prints RAYON CURTAINS LIGHT AND DARK SHADE Rifceaalve” weeks, commencing on or 901 MAIN STREET Flexalum name on each slatt keforo March 34. 1949. 49N.MM8 ST**MA«CMmm.Cos 72 in. Ixmg Spring Is The CutUMH-tnndtonly. Bring win­ WILIAAM r. FERGl-SON. ALL NEW-^ALL WASHAnl^E Nussdorf Const. Co. dow meaturemenis, rhootc ■ Asalatant Clerk of Said Court. 12 in. Wide Each Side Time To Plan 27 DEBRFIELD d r i v e decorator colors. So .'IIA.NCHESTER. CONN. Gray Flannels Just Received Beautiful Figured Special $ 2 .4 9 Tel. 340S inexpensive! RAYON CREPES^PECIAL 89c Yard Your New Home Regular pries should be 96c ymfd. Paciflic 100';^ wool flannels with pleat.s and zippera. Always a favorite 4.' (iS n s s iis ^ evcr>' season of the year. : fSaa tl ta oar srindowe) A / \Vr are Ifirering the follotv- TRUTH SHEETS hi Ing iirVr-4ioirH*s-to—he,built at Mnnrhcater Green from pin"* SPECIAL TODAY! SCRANTON LACE 81 * 99—72 X 108 which you choose from several IOO70 WCX)L 9 ' TAILORED DOTTED MARQUISETTE qclei'tliiiis which we !!? 1912 CHEVROLET 1 ', Steel, Aluminum and Was Your Face Red? . . . $ 2 .3 5 our office liicludlng Cape C w Wood Blinds COTTAGE SETS and ntany new ranch styl»^ TON PLATFORM TRUCK . Cavalry Price'* ran:;r from *10.006 to Repairint SUTO I *i;:,.'d>0. Down payments Can be registered for 8 tons. Perhape yon have at aome Ume or other Pillow Cases—All Sires 13.000 to *1.000. Dual wheels, fish plated, booster promised yonr children something that they $1.37 brake direction signal. Twills and srantod vary moch and after putting the mat-^ Wc wlli take Into conslder- • PURE WORSTEDS 5 7 c each . I altan yonr present home wlten Findell Mfg. Co. *er off several Unwa ware ptaiuad dawn hy '.I figuring the down ... • PLAIDS them aa 4a when yen ware buying It. T^an had Plastic New 4 room Cape Cod wlin 485 Middle Turnpike ^East • STRIPES Gabardines to admit you didn’t have the ready eush! 2 iinfiimlshetl op. Near W*ai M cCLURE a u t o CO. • S H A ^ K I N S Dainty Dot Middle ’Turnpike, Manchester 50 Wells St. Manchester Tel. 4865 PLACE MATS • CARABINES Brown, bln*; tan. green and It waa embarrasalng and somehow yon had Hot water heat, plaatrr, all NYLON The kind that won’t copper Pletare win­ •SHORT lenL Durablo hard finish fabrics that IMMng that you bad lost faith, to a eer- riirL dows. Immediate oeeunamjf • SHORT STOUTS that will give excelirnt wear. tato extent, with sroar children. HOSIERY Down payment only • LONGS« All have zippers and pleats. Balance abaot *64 per amalll. A Ssxon quality trouser. SIzea V A •REGULARS 29-42. Tou conM avoid this predicanmnt If yon have SI Gauge. 15 Denier In New Spring Shades 2 9 i a Ravings Account. To rreate this Savings Ac- IN XNDOVEB 8Ise« 85-48 Also at S9c, 49c, 59c 4 rooms. Cape Cod. u a l^ eonat, which wOI always bridge the gap to $ 1 .4 9 pr. Ished. new. all Improvementa. eaae* of need of ready cash, iron mast aava and 69c each. good lot, Imroedtat* occupancy. $100-oo Reward $g.98-$7.98 eoaslstently. Try It and And the new peace of Sale price *9.500. Down W - Free mind It wlU give you . . . your face won’t ba EXTRA SHEER ment *2.500. Terms arranged. Will ))c paid tc> anyone providing neces* Alterations lad again. Oakbrook NyM s IN GLASTONBUR;! sary information for the apprehension 54 Oaaga. 1* Pastor 0»rk PUce Mat* New home, 4 rosa** CRETONNES down, t ananlahed op with a h g and conviction of person or persons dormer. ruby tosulated. hat damaging* mutilating and destroying Haw aMppsd pattana a^ $1.59 pr. 2 9 c fiach water h«a». Beady tor l^mW f|yrr*t' Ehat ealar. M iBchea srtda. dtote occupancy. Oood M prop(*rty nr stealing from any o f the Yard t ______75x150. SnIe price C%n he hourht %\1Ui 4 mtren m properties I’onipleteil or under conslriic* I extra land tor *17A00. Term? tion hy the Jarvis enteriirises. NEW PLASTIC RINGS THE TEXTILE STORE arranged.' A MUTUAL SAVinOS BAniC A. L. gLOCOMB, Prop . ALEXANDER JARVIS BIEirS SHOPS MEITS . 89c pair 918 MAIN STREET / , NEAR THE BANK ALLEN REALTYt 907 MAIN STREET WELDOJ4 BLDG. r e a l t o r s I 907 MAIN STREET ^ AB Peasriti la-m aA w ii A n Ouanataad la FM By Yba IM Oeator Sfc PhoaaptoS*** Fapnal Wear for Hire “ Formed Wont for Hha ’ DepeeH Qeenaliy WUud ae Ceaeeethart. lae. -V""'


mAironsmat preta»o hetiald. MAWcHnmm. co w , w t o n e t o a t , m a« c b so. i m » mlUee, the oarriare wan net ready sioner John J. Egan reported to- Schumacber Heads or wUllhg to negotiate.” Beiiefit’claims irfr-et work an allowance of $5,-loicott street project will ^ e He quoted a eounell rspfeaenta ^^euaftta totalUng $676,6U ware Oonstructlon of . New Britain, paid to clatmants during tha week. fered both on tho Princeton atrect State Ibwn Glei;kB Uve aa eaylng. "due to clreum- Again Increase •1694.000; Bartlett-Bralnard com- Dr SEYAVOUR NELEBER atances beyond our central we Idle pay .claims for tha eame lob. and tho clfOra made ycstcr- p4ny of Hartford, successful bid- can’t advise you aa to ijew con­ weak a yaar ago totoDad 84,881, alao Indlcateo that contrac- ^ for the Princeton •t^.job. EASTER FASHIONS Hartford, March S0~(ffV-Faul tract arrangeraenta.” Hartford, March 80—«y have 1 Frouge Construction Companyal managairM ^P'lSws: FunUsh- * ingforf. “the union wlir give you one. We ings, V ^ m '. . afidlWtecU future ’Thu Wedt’s Specials Aleo named as offlcbta at the an­ y yesterday. The Frouge bid was are not prepared to talk.” CoBtnetor* B ld l^ ^ **??. %i^ou .t“.t| paymena.- Sao.OOOr"landscape ar- 100 EAST VENTER ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. nual meeting of the aaaoclatton START AT TOTS ,’N TEENS rhltect, $1,125; inspector. $5,000; 4,000 for **“ lSu % «rly half ot the ^ ‘ *‘*^'0^ven Bids Submitted here last nufht- wara TUrma Vai­ 6AM CHcks DIa la FIra highway, :stdrin sewers, walk and All Repairs Guaranteed ling. of Plan Hampton, Mcratary, »lt St. Stfuctore to bmld • Only seven bids were submitted curb, iaWW; deferred water as- H ave it C oke Am i G o yesterday although Interest hM and-Osorge Close, of Itamtord, CMcbaster, March 80—(F)—Fire sessment/^755iO: sanitary sew- treasurer, Lowest' Offered "XnSZV pubuc ^en shown by several other er, $1.50tf} lire hydranU and serv­ STEERING AND - destrdyed a two-story frame Fine Quality ■ Virgin Wool builders. Besides t*** Schumechsr was appointed to brooder houM end 6,600 week-old P ------^iSfd'^rfor^theTr.Zr^Jtrl ice $2,7wf hre and windstorm in- , Pea-slce and Frouge bids oU>crs ^ surnace, $2,500, Oi‘ jk,toUl of $129,- PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW head a committee aesined to fol­ chicks on the poultry farm of Isa­ A long W ith R efioshm ent p'OairtrMt for tho oonolnicOtm of I »924,000 for the O - the running were Earl C.Wh^lr FRONT END ADJUSTMENT low the progress of bills effecting dora Brouiuteln. It was the second Superbly Tailored of Hartford, $689,317; D * .580.25. I „ . . AMESITE DRIVEWAYS town clerks now psndlng In ths ■ertous blase on Brounsteln’a farm MW Vorptaack grammar ^ «chool. . On this job, as on the Pi^inceton Adjust steering gesir and stMriiig on CMcott otroet wao let to i n,,tea ehow that Structlon Joining with New Haven Wc Spccialixe In Gsntral Asssmbly. within a year. Last June anothec TIfftiteR gteeplRg, Rtniee Set fiURt wheel to^ w . largb chicken coop burned to thtf, Pack front wheel bearings. Cross change tires, All Types Hard Surface Areas. ”S '*” .j; ■gf ”* gnwnd, causing a $10,000 loss. Fire' fta to^4S ‘dder end what might further fj?” Hartford, March 80—(F>—Con­ m bm of-toe town school bulld- the $50,000 planning semble and rJean rocker arm shaft nasemblles. Laali ynlves. Adjust carburetor and Install new CALL 2 - 9 2 1 9 ANYTIMK tract negotiations betweem the ' groups. «,* for the Broad street and street school projects. ■ gasketa: TIghtem alt bose conneetlMis. *86 lo '48 New Englahd Motor Oarrieni coun­ tM tH U R M t TODDLERS .. Siget 2 to 4 ;Wlth an apparent l«w ^ ld of been esUmated the Broad street Cfeevti^t: cil and repreaentatlvea of IS New 124,000 on the new Verplanck school will be on “ Cost par with England locals of The AFL-Team- Xn 1M% wool SaanU er oovwt.... bool on Oloptt street, the •>«'^* the Princeton atrect building. aters union were at a standatlU to­ In maixe, aqua, navy, powd«r and pink tructlon^mpsnjf yestenlay Building Costs Dropping . RELINE BRAKES day. eom m ....fully Uaod... .with aata‘ to match. to 1 3 ’98 I IOWSS0 BV C0U98) noon unB*cut the A. F. Peas- Actually, it brand n ew Talke will be resumed April 6 at i PmewBed I there Is strong Indication ^ t Remove and replace Ifaika and lli^gn to brake __ company, of aheca. ARJunt foot and pnridng brakes. Adjust Providence, R. I.,, a: union epokee-! nnnoets•aaruam mutt be good .when [UlfWeat bidder, by $M.|81. The building costs are falling now. T^e man said. dxniaandB e i f Doctors pnscilbed It LITTLE GIRLS Sizes 3 to 6X contractors’ bid Indicate that, wheel benttags dnd pack with grease, ('ll! master SINGER ELECTRIC tor yaaia.ysaia. rmwaanirptoseni aouacts et omo dee bid wa$ $656331- brake cylinder. Bleed system. Tklks between reeprcfentatlvea to iw era saiih eoughbiB It actually ,AS the flftires wore read off ararod cost of the Princeton HEAVY WEIGHT CONGOLEUM o f the two greupe eeletlaoeed hare lOBIfB f l . - In navy cavarta and triootbw. .100% rtrort school ran to $13.01 per ncoasuanoossus op'pblagmup* phlegm aDd_makm ft wool wonted---- tweeds., houndstooth I tho opening o f Wds ^ Gen* yesterday because, aaldUd C. C.C Ftts-Fits- aaalarliar to ralaa. 6 6a a/e. M/teeUve. Manager George H. Waddell square foot, while the Verplanck SEWING MACHINES petrick of Worcester, Mass., chair­ r V e ..eeml-atted or owing etylea___ with. TO*®® to 10-98 ^ at, 4 p. m., ft became school cost 18 $13.01 per square f l o o r c o v e r i n g I Overhaul Clutch Awsrmhly j man of the union Negotiating com- ’ * ’nd ypUBd 1 DELIVERED rlags aad wrist pIna. AUga and adjust connMt- | TWEEN TEENS By “ Nolan" Ing rods and main bearings. New gaskets. Tune £x/> 8T—Black and white kitten, Size* 10 to 14 Friday, vicinity of Elro street. INLAID LINOLEUM Motor. New oil. '86 to ’4* Cbevrolel. Conn. Vall<6y RemodoHng Co. For the Fiadar please call 8289. PINE styled in the grownup look..fitted or . Little Miss ST \ND.\RD,-ARMSTRONG, NAIRN’S, PORTABLES Is completely equipped to finish attics with such fea­ awing-----In navy, red, kelly or tweed 2 2 ’®® to 2 6 ’®® _08T—Fuller, Service pin with 2 PHARMACY PABCO, BIRD’S, SIX)AN’S Sq. Yd. ep I * # ^ . .fully lined. diamonds. Lost in vicinity of Don't Forget! at loto as tures as oak floors, recessed bookcases, sheatrock or pine U — W nkins. Harrison’s and 664 Center Street Bale’s, Tel. 2-9814 paneled walla. Open dormers. Super Market. Uberal reward. , Our complete body and paint shop offers expert work­ 1 .0 9 Fboae 2-2698. FELT BASE RUGS manship at low prices. $35.00 small cars and up. FIRST QUALITY $ 8 9 -5 0 Finish carpenters do our work. Easy financing or • OVER 25 STYLES IN A Tremendous Selection of A'nnauiiCfiweHf mortgage additions. Estimates freely given. Multiple 6 X 9, $4.93—9 X 7' i. $5.95—9 x 10'j. $6.7.i Ask About Our No Money D ow n - STRAWS OR FELTS ' RKNT A Johnson Waxer for $1 9 X 12, $7.7.5— 9 X 1.5, $10.95— 12 x 12, $14.95 tomie uNMt AuiNouTv or tmi coca-cou comsamv iv par day. We will give you absol­ Liberal Time Payment Plan 1221 Forbes Street East Hartford TeL 8-5944 Coca-Cola Bottling Company of East Hartford, Connecticut utely fret one pint of Johnson’s Electrolysis 12 X 15, $16.95 Complete Home Dressmaking Course given without GmiS’ HANDBAGS ------p 1*4f, n» C w -C * Ceweer LITTLE GIRLS TO TEENS urax. valus 69c. Blectrlcal Dept. J. Snperfinoas Hair Removed - ■ r«‘ ' ______—— charge with purchase of new Singer.' W. Hale Corp. ___ Safely. Qukkiy and In every wanted * EASY TERMS ARRANGED Permanently E a s t e r ' ^ color or style 1.29 to 1.98 Penonalo Appolntmeuts strictly private Jones F urniture Ftai T n Free Coneoltatioo RIDERS Wanted, to and from Office Honm: 9:80 h.ld. to 6 p.m. Kelley’s Service Center State Capitol. Phone 6846 after I r. 3ingof Sevwg Madune Co. Closed Wednesday Aftemoone and F loor C oyering .» 16 BRAINARD PLAC^^ TEL. 7255 6 p. «• ______Mary Croasen. R.N.. Prop. 832.L MAIN.. . STREET TEL. 888 BONNETS DEAR DAN; You come home, but 869 Main St., Tel. 2-2667 36 OAK STREET JUST ARRIVED! skip the MyeUc Foam. F a lre^ y . Oyer Marlow’s Lovely "Luann Spun” have it. I was In J. W. Hales Corp. Housewaret Dept, m y s ^ EASTER DRESSES —and our place.already looks like wonderland. Huriy, hutryl Mary. to From toddlers to girls 14 WANTED—Riders to and from LET US SHOW YOU WHY Pratt and Whitney’s, 7 to 3:S0 Youl’U fw'amaatd at the shift, from Northwest Section. unuaual aelcctlon. .pokes, Phone 2-4173 after 4:30.______rollen, scotties, wlda and . 2-98 to SEWING Machines expsrUy re­ narrow brima, velvet trlma paired or a Justed. ..feltr in every wanted rates Work guaranteed. Cau I color. Soft peatel combinxtiema 6171, or evenings 2-9419.______k 3 9 with lace trims, ruffled or 4 t e flare bottom.. 2 piece bo­ WANTED— Ride to Aircraft. lero aad draaa in 7 to 14. ■ Hours 8 to 4:30, or have room Any day now comet one o f iprini’t biggett for two passengers. Pali 2-1400. We want you to get the most out of thia affair, thrillf—that first oarefiree cruiee into the because we've been around Buicka to much Healthy growing m a g a z in e Specials — L^leif country on the wtngi o f your Bukk-witb the Home Joumai or Woman’s Homo we have a deep and loving interest in them, feat need Companion, SO months, $5. John air warm and full of prodiife, and you falling too-8o we’ve got everything all let in our MiwHehs 140 Summit street FROM TODDLER ' in love with your Buick all over agsini •hbp to get your car alt set for the tcason. QUALITY SHOES Phone 4698.______■ TO JUNIOR SIZE 12 ' AntomobOw For Siile__ 4 8 Beautiful Models 1941 PONTIAC sedanette. Radio, PRO-TEK'IW for Quality beater, plus gas heater. 1948 Now Priced From motor, lisss than 4,000 miles. Can be seen at Lise’a Easo Station, Canter street______'______MODERN AGE for Value BOYS’ COAT SETS and 1 DE SOTO, Custom 4-door $ 2 2 9 » 5 ...dan, black, radio and heater, ' 'V' clean condition. Private owner. Tel. 2-4498. All With The CHAM JUMPING JACKS. , . 1987- DODGE 4-door sedan with S h elv ad or •rofk alnsa dtortowr. cer- JUNIOR LONGER SUITS radio and heater. 364 BldweU torMw,f«dlalw and ceeSns 6oft fihoefi for hard wear atreet. Phone 7405.______V, snNm heaery lemUeK f o r d 1942 ’iudor. Very soimd, $34.49 Expertly Fitted clean body. 1946 engine, radio, Tailored Just Like Dad^s heater. CaU Hartford 6-8717 col-1 •park eli/gih toiMm iMns, lect,______' ______' Down ''•ke^rm* Jneronce, car* by X -R A Y hwWor, smwWor.dM^inf 1947 FORD Sedan, heater, defrost-! 'I'--.. mlw fon-toS tindwi. In Stock 160% XIBGIN WOOLS BY er excellent condition. Reaaon- Widths A to E NATIONALLY PAMOfJS M.AKER8 aUe. Private party. Can be flnanc-1 ‘ lUCAtCArC ■ ad. Manchester 2-1069.______j .-.T- cranhcCM, tranMiMon, Sizes IMO CHEVROLET convertible dlffwMSnt mMh ftw*. Modern ♦COATS SETS coupe, in good condition. Phone •tori toeilnsMiMrfns— Age Patent or Oonegals, gabardine, coverts, grey i T184 after 6 p. m. flannel, fly front, plain and belted White 8Vi lo IJ 5 .5 0 / '5S' \ \ m H W f modela, navy regidation. - W*ndw tomi, al Iwtn N o t i c e Wo hove everything you need to cultivate " 12H to 3 5 .9 5 IMAOINII Up to 12 more fmt of "fro*- to 1 8 - 9 8 five, beautiful garden, and maintain a bright, green row" space—twice a> much food at your disc ’ t To Coutraclors fingertips—thanke to tba marveloua Sizies attractive lawn. Shelvador, an exclusive CroaWy Csatura towwk Npeel Am brakn • isf-ai-ir-n Pr 6 p 08A1>S wiU be, thxt no other rofrigwator can boaat! And rtoelved by the WMr. M toltwy * Eton and Longer Suits that’a only one of tha llna convonienom eadoMwmar.' 8.V8 to 12 g ^ 5 f l tit the Town o f M an diest^ at hla hanging your oil—flushing oul your cooling 5)fw«- In the Municipal, Building, Don’t overlook nece.«try Dormo^t Spraying that n ^ t to be done now. you'll thrill to in the new ’49 SW vato. Drop ih this wmlik and let ui (it a time Tweeds, donegala, leisure combina­ Ifaadieater, Conneclieut, ®P_^ Use ScalecifU. We hav^ Sprayers^ top. , You’ll aee world’s most obliging too* system —ibete are only starting points for its I for bringing your Buick beauty up to its tions, 100% w'ool flannels and many Bve o’clock in the aflMwoph. April Any mschine ss fine ss your Buick deserves other fabrtca. 16. 1949, for the ecuMructlon or ’ trays. You’U aae a big naw Creaaer coo^ new-car tbrilMevel. For that magic ProteeUva 12V$ to 3 7 , 5 0 ra.«onatructlon of approalmauiy partiDBnt thfft holds up to 50 lbs. And s complete check-up and lunc-up-and-we Saturday morning, sometime soon, when Brown aad White ,16,000 worth of ooneret* walka, Saddle you’ll aee style and beauty to graca tha have the men, the,tools, the experience, to do there’s a beady mvitotion in the air oooerete and granlta euxhlpg, ra­ AGRICO FERTILIZER si.y il,as no one else quite cant 12-98 to 19-98 dius and drive conien. . concrete GARDEN AND FLOWER proudest kitchen . . . Come in arid banr to get under way someplacc-fis ready! gnttera, et0„ JK «*o#danM LAWN ROLLERS the whole story of tho long, troubla-ftaa *DepeBding on aize rango ffith apedOcationa^ 'dle ta, the SEEDS eervice a new Croeley will give you. IWqy' JUMPING JACKS oEOee o f the TowAxJUegineer. LAWN RAKES Bach bid la tPhe seaW and ONION SETS la White, Itod, ZrowB aad Tha -B U fo r Construction and FERTILIZER SPREADERS R».-Z m at the above address and ac­ L-VWN AND GARDEN companied with Contractor's eer- l a w n m o w e r s fiiiick ca ie chock in the amount of FERTILIZER— ^UME 4-49 $800.00 paj'able to tho Town of MantAaster. OonaecUcuL Tha amount of work above men­ P otterton ’s Sizes 6V^ to 9 TOTS ’ N TEENS, Inc. tioned la approodmately only. The General Manager reserve* Fadiioa Cmtor for Tozag Miaclmtfir ’ the right to reject any and all GORMAN MOTOR SALES, Inc. . i bWa, and an biddara are rcqneated LARSEN'S ’ oonault with tha Town Rtagl- MANCHESTER’S LARGEST RADIO TELEVISION, RECORD AND APPLIANCE STORE 285 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER 956 MAIN, FACING OAK and look over tha ground I. "lil oonstructlM iand ra- f e e d a n d h a r d w a r e AT THE CENTER PHONE 3733 S394I41 MAIN ST. it, betcrai ' .'-S" a la to bo 4m< TEL. 5406 Wd.L S4 DEPOT SQUARE GGoorgo o o m H.H WaddaU...... wOitnec.wOSm*lerai Menag er »tlJ ’ . -• V " '\ A'*.'-; MAMCHlBin'KiC SVICNINO MEKAlaiJ.‘MAMUHl!»yiKK, UONN.* WEUNEMDAY, AlAKCH 30, 19 49 PAGE S lV Iir^

MANCHESTEK EV?.mNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- WEDNE8 PAT. MARCH 30. 1 9 0 Summer Spread Trnt W o f m n I M ... lo mm or wobmO Vilga Hero, As Laurels Turn Back W illieV 47 to M ^ m im for o l vrortliy jorpoiM. »*$YISfo4ootof5 ■■wtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii’i— '' ...... - m s M € j^rgains Listed by Now you St ttws.1 utm. K to' pay whot you Cages Basket in La^ "ewo . . . txir what yoanooS. Phoop or Broad Street Motors Win Rec Bowling Title ritit tho YES MAN today. IM tl tIN MM nO.«t e*W rw o *! jf". - « 1} motOMp omoou»s< The Inquirer $*S la $3M on rltnarino atwie WIWNwM Nine Seconds of Pkii llllli LO.nrM.on, ^^^MiiBXiiMManMa ** I St« Bridget's THE Twi Leaguers tomramrBt Pagani’s Gain First ^|,,||||j,.miiiiiimilllllllllllllllllllim^^^^^^^^^ Overcome 1] Cop Honors HERALD ANGLE Grand Finale Meet Tonight Point Deficit to €ai slump, the belt will become un­ manufacturer. Using m w than! Shoutder ClOBlUg lad Hoae • STATI TMATM MlllOINO To support • trmy or plmtter lor la recommended U wasteful and o • r tonraia ($7) bearable. r$» MAIN t m n . m a n c n iu u . co nn. Two Games, Lose Three ture Third and ivill not get dlshaa any clearer. DM >4M • DavM Navay, Vi$ MANaosr,^ EARL W. YOST B. tpmporS^ duty u UWe y®“ Church Bowling League F. PU. CM us« w> Jn«*p«nilve foldl.ig Player Contracts to Be Mason<. rt . c i d i n g P l i I f you hurry, you can still “make k Km iMIN CMh UM( aka oNotlr nyM *• » OMl»h twroWt*. UiMIO^ d VIM wO. • ‘ throughout tha playoff, plied up a Spofta MItor 4-8 10 •layoff Tiltl p IS t Sy SHOe r » NorU, tu7..«. tic** Something nsw for lltUa tota tMM osM W «wMoHi •« in wnwMl Mw______Ends Successful Year; Issued; All Members Kosakohrakl, 1-1 1 money by saving It” at the big that Jooka very cunning and will Jaaz Fuller realurcs low acom to win handily by $5 Vilga, it SPRING S A L E which closes this w r . rm . 1 I plM. Thty continuad the fine pln- 1-3 17 Eddie Vllga’s high archl|)g3 O R A ^ e ' ^ ^ Y K R i The LARIAT ^A IN J *. ve^ save Mother work are Jersey Playoffs' Next Week WetMTs Orsalsst D eg HooSlar athlrd and daddlng gams of the Burke, c ... week, at the MANCHESTER For W inners; Zarick i ning with a i prohait th« top acor- Said to Be Stronger 3-5 5 DRESSES AND ROMPERS WITH One o f the hast known and re-. I playoffs last night. Wllkle, c .. basket from past m ld - c o ^ l FTX)0R c o v e r in g COMPANY, 2-4 8 WJ-™?: Is-rSuSSSf,? 3 RUBBER LINED PANTS. You’ll If twh Wwat ^ **P • team toUI but In winning 47to 45. tha Laurels. Conran, rg HB Cottage Street. Among the tiign lor wett slues uotom with f u i- Top honors were won by St. dog h a n d le in the ne- y ,, 77>a Twilight Baseball beague 6-7 8 climaxed a Frank MerriweU finish'' find them st MARt.OW’8—the Bridget's No. 1 Tueaday night at Brooks, ig , 0-0 0, last night by the Lauiels and sq- ’ many exceptional bargains ore: dresses, at $2.08, ornamented with In Playoff Finals ler leading with his 147 soore post­ tlon is Manchester’s own chief of . to 15, dropped In 17 of 2S charity will meet again tonight at the liilald linoleum at $1.89 a ed a terrific 507 total to win. ManchestSr Bowling Green in the pollee, Herman Schendcl. “Gold- ! toasea. The Grill was able to con- West Side Rec a t 7:30. It ia pos­ shied the North Enders'to t>ost s ' contrasting colored applique and Manchester Church Bowling 17 Totals IS at M ATHER’S at the yard; felt base In the fourth game both teams wood Michael," without any doubt. ; sible that playsr contracts will be 17-28 47 matched with separate rubber- Jazi FuUar got, a triple atrike League, The team consists of the WUUa’e Orill ( 4 5 ) 47 to 45 win over Willie’s Orill la 9 X 12 linoleum nigs at $7.95; fell lined pants and the rompers at dropped below the averages they Leat nlfht’a game was decided Issued to managera at thl* meet­ ^ S u B ^ tm e n t for dr.wing out Center. following rnen; Dick LatJhspelle, Is the bast obcdlancs dog In the 1 Diakon, rl the third and deciding final play-^ base linoleum remnants at $4$ a $1.98 with built-in rubber protec­ In tha third game and tha Broad had heen bitting snd the Motors at the foul line— the spot where ing, and .before too long It will be 1-3 5 captain; Maurice MeKeever, Bill nation. Cep. as tha chkrf law an- 3 Rubacha, rf . off gams of Uis Rec Senior Lsigu o-i por«*cloggtng______ImpurlUes and atlm -. The COIN COLLECTORS square yard; and Congowall at tion. In sixes 1, 2 and 3. There ere . Street Uotora, never to be dented eked out a close win. 549 to 538. many close games are settled. poasible to else up the six clubs for 0-0 6 Arckivy, - Cuaton Abraltis. Vic this year's race. Rumors have been 1 Kooak, rf .. 0-1 sesson. Vllgs connected with out 1 uiaUn* the *WnaWn to^gto^PBto 1 c a r d s for which enthualaaU of $ 09 a square foot. This Is all knitted rompers, too, of nice pastel went on to win the next two The fifth game saw Keeney, whose forecr is best kM wn to frisnda. Following in the footsteps of the 2 regular stock of the best natlonaUy previous high single was a mere Abraltis, John Jamroga and Hen­ going around about several chang­ 4 Wlerzblckl, !i 1-2 1 nine seconds Of‘ playing tlmrf r s - % that hobby have been wools at $1.98. And we saw darl­ gamaa defeating Pagani’a Wcat and “ Mike” fon.i a splendid pair. Manchester Exchange club In fe t­ - « • « hobby h.™ b.™ . . h . b j . . T know'n grades—and goes back to ry LaCJhapelle. es to some clubs, but all point to 2 Jarvis, If . 0-0 maining. The Grill held a 45 to 44 if azain available at the DEW EY- ing CH ILD REN’S H.ATS of nat­ |i^ Jitdaa at the Waat Side Rec lazt 105, slam the pins for his 157 Yet, very few people In Manches­ ing the ktanchester High basket­ 0 regular prices at the end of tje gams. A t the end of the eighth Final Htaadlags ter and this vicinity realise just ball team, the Meriden Exchangers a tighter race' with lower clubs 5 Gryzb, c . . . 2-8 10 lead when the chunky forward rs» '' RICHMAN c o m p a n y . 767 Main ural straw, trimmed with flowers night In a thrilling bast out of W. L. 3 21amalUs, rg cslved a pass and let fly. 171# larg­ • t the Street. There are cards for Indian week. and ribbons, in sizes 19 to 21H at five match. MX the Motors were leading by how good a handler and dog the feted the Silver City high cagers strengthening considerably. 3-4 9 only a few pIna and It waa any­ dget .69 35 two aro. Jeff Koelsch has promised new 4 Parclak, Ig . 0-5 est crowd of the season wttaswtd ,PANY Head or Uncoln pennies; Shield. $2.40 and $2.08. M ARLOW ’S FOR Ia .the fifth game it waa Cliff Cor .67 37 last night. . . New England winter 18 Footwear should be given a body’s match but here the Motors Onter Congregational Mike,’’ a Golden Retriever, end talent, and expects to rfse up from the finale. Ubertv Head, or Buffalo VALU ES! » Keanay o f the Motors who finally St. James N a 1 ...... sports suffered a snow-leas beating day's rest between wearings to applied the pressure and got five .66 38 the bottom of the league to be­ 23 Totals . .. . 19 The Laurels siartcd off exactly y Velvet ribbon maUes a pretty Roosevelt. Buffalo or Seated Lib­ came to Ufa after aoma tough luck St. James No. 2 ...... 64 40 Cap thrilled lOJMW spectators in . last winter that may well exceed 7-21 45 permit them to air out thoroughly marks to ice the game by 34 pins, come a distinct pennant threat. W k l.e e from which to hang an erty dimes; and many others. . In h dance-floor cru«h. a cor­ and led the Motors to a well earn­ Zion Lutheran ...... 56 48 the IntemdtlonarKennel Club Show $8,000,000 . . . (Joach Tommy Mon- to win the playoff champloruRilp.v. None of the managers are ready Referee, Yost. Umpire Bogginl. ' "'Hh an 8 to 1 lead with but a fSw : old'fMhloned brooch, locket or nie- sage on the hand Is worth two on ed-victory with a slzallng 157. In North Methodist No. 1 .53 51 itagita at the International Am- ahan had his Bristol High baseball Tbs new champR>ns also wori the phitb'aater, Chicago, last Ssturdsy to reveal their plans for the com­ minutes to go in the first quarter ; W iion . ______/ The new P L A S T I C ETLM POTTED PLANTS, In bud and the shoulder. Attach a wire loop . oolhpUlng this soore. Keeney rag- Emanuel Lutheran .,. .51 03 candidktes out last week. More bloom for Easter, are lovely at 5952 regular league play oy 10 games. anti Sunday. than 60 youngsters took part In ing season, but all seem to think | when Mike Diakon tossad in the t a b l e MATS. Just received at wrapped with velvet ribbon and la t a ^ marks, tnoluding n double Second (Congregational .50 04 McCONVILLE'S. 302 Woodbridge By Mrs. Anne Cabot A large crowd of 100 people saw The team of Cap and "Mike” the conditioning session . . . Local they will be. stronger at every po-1 only tWin-polnUr for ths Orill There’, .till time to make ont- 7he J W HALE COMPANY, vill slip your hsnd through. Now that unbleached muslin Is atrika In every frame except tha St. Mary’s ...... 49 55 malt . atrtking Easter outfit from Street. And they have very nice the match. eombined thair extraurdinary tal­ beMketball fans who witnessed tha sltion. when the period ended with the delight those home-mskera who available again, my budget-minded fevanth and ninth. South Methodist ...... 48 56 tSe drSs^engtha and bim.ae bouquets of SPRING FIX9WBRS ROSARIES and BRACELETS Paganl’a with BUI Oqaa ahowing North Methodist No. 2 .48 56 ents once again to gain a perfect Bristol Tramps—Wallingford Vets I The B A ’s are expected come I Local Sport Laurels in thv lead, 8 to 8. have discovered how much wmrk and CORSAGES at prices begin­ readers *can make this lovely sooM o f 206 points In the Utility up with practically the same team ; iM lthsrf SPRING PRINTS- the mats save In laundry, whether OF RELIGIOITS MEDALS are spread for a few dollars. Instruc­ 'the why, won the firot game with Pro Basketball at a Ulanrr St. John’s ...... 44 60 second playoff game last 'niursday Tns Rec League winners in first ning at $1.00. Phone 5947 for de­ Class. ' In the Open B Class the that dropped but one contest in ' nn»rt. new designs In *J"' they are used In place of a table very lovely gifts for this’ season tions are Included for applique and a'673 team toU l while tha Motors Lnat Night’s Besiilts St. BrtdiKt’s No. 2 ...... 35 69 night In Bristol claimed the game (Shutter quarter had tough luck as they a*lnaWe color in fabrics that livery of fresh blooms. from M ATH ER’S %t the Center. put together a poor score of 495 AsNOelalloa of American Playoffs. Temple Beth Sholom . . . . 28 76 following day. a score of 199 *i was "bagged.” Eastern League Season play last year, only to lose; kept rimming the hoop time and cloth or over a cloth. 'Ihere a « embroidery and also dlrecUons for points was attained. 77ie perfect drape beautifully and There are rosaries o f gold. Ster­ and It looked aa though raganl’a Washington . 77, New York 71. High Individual of 166, Banks, President Lou Black was far from out In t h s playoffs to; „ . . again with nr day offs,'whereas three new pattema In lace pat­ New. non-caking dstergenta malrihg the spread and plllOw- score was the thirteenth registered Moriartys. Vlv Pagan! will 1 R'chy Morlconl won the indlviU- very low In price at the ^E Y ling. or crystal, rosaries for men, sham. If It’s a "dress up” cover ware going to win In a walk. The (Washington leads best of three South Methodist; high individual satisfied with the playoff arrange­ Vilga with his deadly set-Shota b r o t h e r s r e m n a n t s a l e s ­ tern mats and two have been developed for use In in competition and re,presents a agaln head Moriartys. who will be ‘ scoring championship In rosarlea for children, at prices I'ou’re after, use lovely glazed Motors put together a fair 540 In iertez, 1-0). three string, 413, Pete Aceto, St. ment between Bristol and the Vets and hook-shots kept swishing the colored fruit pattema at 1.29 e^ch household electric dish-washers. figure far greater than any ever the Y Junior Basketball League r o o m . starting at $8.50. Caaea for ros­ chintz for the spread and applique. the second game While Paganl’a, Minneapolia 67, Rochester 55. Janies No. 2; high tesun Indlvid- and Is expected to take action at eking a second leg on the tro­ cord for the winners. Going Into When using any detergent In a compiled. by any handler or dog. the April 4 meeting In West Ha­ phy. The Aircraft could be the during the past season with 179 If you need a reminder to aries Include s wee sliver cas-i on Pattern No. 6952 consists of hot- who kept hitting with the ahma (Minneapolia «in a beet of three j ual, 625, St. Bridget’s, Team No, points. Runnerup was Jimmy Far- the secondsevonu period,per Willie’s shots Old-fashioned china fcr\-ing midriff, wear home dlah-washei. use only the s ring for a child and a larger high consisteney * they showed ' 1: high team three string, 1782, In addition to the thirteen perfect ven . . . Kenny L^ffler, fomer team to beat, If their strength Is straighten up your iron transfer for motifs, applique terles, 2-0). rell with 161 tallies. CbmpltUng f* " with the results platters can be brought out . f minute you i.mount recommended by the case in jewelers’ bronze for adults, and embroidery directions, stitch : St. James Team No. 2. scores, Cap and "Mike” have Yale cage coach, has__ resignM as__ as great as rumors. Nothing has a tight belt. The the top ten were: Stave Millard that they outscqred their oppon- Retirement to seia-e as a table top. each at $1.25. Bracelets, at $7.25. ilhistratlons, material require­ Vic Abraltis of St. Bridget’s No. scored 199',* poliiU on three sep- head mentor of ' the ITovidenee been heard from the Silk City or 151, Harold Ca'rlson 145. Dave Ba­ ento. 17 to IS and cut ths sssirgin may have all the medals or a cen- ments and making dlrecUons for Com posite Bowling Score i 1, compiled the best aversgs of arate occasioAs. another feat en­ Steamrollers of the BAA. Loeff- P A ’S as yet. vied by able and capable handlers. Practice sessions will probably ton 139, Ray MlchaeU 128. Ralph down to three points at tha half- trai St. Christopher surrounded by spread and sham. 1115 plus for the season. ler’s contract had two more yeara way mark with, the score being 28 Broad Street filetora I Most amazing about the perfect to run .... Already the midget get underway within a week by ' Chase IIS, Norman Vlttner 112, rose medallions. Bend 20c In coins, your name, RoU-off of six top teams will be to 20. address snd the Pattern Number Nowickl ___ ...... 94 99 120 118 123—563 ; hyld 'ruesday, April .5, st Man- scores recorded is the fact they auto racing war has started In some clubs. The league opener is and Mickey McGuire 90. Shea Stu- Keeney ...... 83 104 91 105 157—540 I cheater Bowling Green for the have been awarded by thirteen dif­ this neck of the woods between at least five weeks away with th e; ® f*?™,,??®/**** honors for Here playing (Joach Wally Paf- Try squaring back your shoul- to Anne Csbot. The Manchester clak sparked tha drive with four By SfN< Bnmntt Surty ...... >•••••••••«••••##••#•*••• 91. 124 115 97 117—544 Alexander Jarvis Trophy at 7 p. ferent Judges, and ten of these had promoters with Cherry Park and tentative date being May 9. I the seaaon with 691 points. Shea A 1 ders and watch the bosom rise, the Evening Herald. 1150 Ave. Amerl twin-markers to keep the OrUl Easter Neckwear 11 wsistllne taper down and a stom- This chsrmlng yoked style hM Sander ...... J04 101 125 123 106—550 I ni. never M fora given any handler-dog Stafford Speedway both opening w as second with 590 whUe the Ro­ cas. New York 10, N. V. team's hope alive. Returning froqs I ach become miraculously flat. a cool low neckline and four n i ­ wonder Fuller ...... 123 117 147 106 92—585 ______team a perfect 200 score. Sunday afternoon. The top drivere vers were last with but 186 mark­ tons to close each shoulder. You Baclag Chief Schendel and "Mike” have will appear at the best- paying Park Depurtiiieiit ers. their rest period the Grill, atOl can make this eaJtlly and quickly of congesting living conditions Is eg.”) 545 607 549 695 2791 performed at various local events hot. kept their drive on irith big 1 NECKTIES FOR EASTER are forced to live In smaller quartets | track and In this case It will be Ed with your well lllu-strsted sew I‘aganl’« West Side Albany, N. Y .—’The New Voik Including Infantile Paralysia Fund Otto’s at Cfiierry Park in Avon. . . Announcement was made yester­ Stan Gryzb. Hogan Zamaltls and the sort that rouse a man’s en- ch art-w h y not sew acveral In takes such handicaps In stride. raising campaigns at the armory, Coiidilioiis Fields Max Rubacha. who played a grtat thiislaam with the sniagtest of hew Taggart ---- ...... 117 A* IIS- 94 126—534 Assembly approved a bill to cre- Dan Parker, sports editor of The day that the Dilworth-Comell- different fabrics T If she has to live with in-laws, Frelheit .... ••••#•###••#«••••••«•••• 108 148 182 105 and sportsmen’s shows but their Quey Post, 102, American Legion game for the time that he was $ik 1 designs and a wealth of color com- she doesn't make their live.s, her 93—586 ate a committee to study legaliaa- New York Dally Mirror, says Dan­ Pattern No. 8158 cornea In sizes Uess ...... gg 124 113 138 skill- and ability have never been Work w'l^ started this week will again sponsor an American doing the scoring that change' Add A Dash of Color! I btnatlona -all at hugely reduced own or her husband's miserable | 117 —680 tlon of oS-track pari-mutuel bet- ny Finn, after being dropp^ from 1 2 , 14, 16. 18 and 20. Size 14, 3 3-4 of wallpaper Anderson ... • ••••* •seee*-« 113 108 105 103 96—525 ting in the state. fully appreciated. It has been, St. John’s college in Brooklyn has conditioning the baseball diamonds Legion Junior baseball team this the picture of the gams os WURt'a I price.s because of slight. Impenep- by complaining about her difficul­ yards of 39-lnch. .'«wlck ...... ; ...... 140 J16 110 98 129—593 Bowie, Md.— Apprentice Benny however, at Yankee Stadium in turned up at City College of New at Mt. Nebo and the West Side season. Last year the locals were held a four-point lead at ths and t l b l e Irregularities - at the For this pattern, send 25 cents. ties. on the walls of your home is the only fully satisfy­ New York before 70,000 fans, as CHENEY BROTHERS REMANT ------Cfivltello rode four winners at the York. Local basketball fans know Oval by members of the Park De­ coached by Sugar Hugret. of the period, 40 to 88. Hers again Featuring Bold, Sparkling In coins, your name, address, size well as Madison Square Garden partment under the supervision of i Willie's outscored their opponents I SALESROOM. ing answer to your largest decorative problem. No 566 580 573 538 561 2818 Bowie race track. Finn as "A I SklfC’ of the Walling desired, and the pattern number NYLON MARQtTI8ETrE;S make with 18,000 looking on and the ford Vets . . Pat Mozzarella, well i Supq^tendent Horace Murphey. Saturday night the South Man- I 20 to 18. to Sue Burnett. ’The Manchester window curtains that are delicate- ] other wall covering gives you a more thrilling v a r­ Prints, Stripes, Solids most recent trip to CTilctgo befi e know-n professional basketball The Ml. Nebo field was ready I cheater fir# department wUl honor In the final period with fiv « min­ If your stone or brick fireplace F.venlng Herald, 1150 Ave. Amer- ly lovely in appearance but arc ten thousand. is smoke-smudged and dirty from iety. more superlatively created designs, more true player, will head the New Britain for uae this afternoon and CX>ach members of the police dspsrt- utes gone it hsd sU tha sormaffes 1 leas. Now York 19. N. Y. stronger than any other fiber for Manehester cafi'well be proud of Teachers Oollege golf team this Tom Kelley’a Manchester High ment's softball and basketball of a Grill victory as with but fiva winter u.se. It can be cleaned by Don’t miss the Spring and Sum­ artistry, than w’allpaper. I the purpose. They take a little or Cap Schendel and “ Goldwood season. Pat Ls one of the leading nine took advantage of the Ideal teams at a dinner at Hose Com­ minutes .emaining W illis’s had ths acnibbing with a strong soap and mer Fashion—a complete sewing no pressing after laundering. And | Michael” aa they form tl:e grea’.est Wonderful. wrlnkU-reglntant, nhape-holdinpr hot water. To remove Ktuhborn Oar wall»a»ai •altcUtna laaliZa »*• aratotla af tka amateur ( 7) players In the itate. weather to Umber,.up at the area. pany No. 1. The Coppers whipped Laurels by eleven points but hero guide for your spring wardrobe the cost Is amazingly low when obedience team in the United The-West Side Oval will not be i stains, cover with a paste of pow. llaa’a MM SeaUxMa al »fMa ft»m •* W »ar rtB. THE WINNERS - . - Doggie Julian, ex-HoIy Cross the Firemen In both sports. 'Tls it happened. tics____ to give your Easter iind Spring out­ plans. 64 pages of style news, spe­ one buys the marquisette at 50 ■ Statea. ready for use by teams for prac­ dered pumice and con?entmte' , 3—The Infield is better. tirement, figures to be our best captain, has been nam ^ one of "Prelude” or “ Minuet” pattern, record ekangtr. Just RCA Vielar iaatruoMata Klingle round out .-the stron g, the many things one can make, the I epro tbe door and the rec­ eiceoit aoioolha oiH tub- 4— The Hub hns ndded power. hitter. He will be In right. Pm hta assItanU Head Coach Herm ia I like the adult silver. And the«* have it...tba fineet taae Burnside quintet from East Hart­ Here Is the way the 42-year-old Hickman announced t o ^ . are matching three-piece Junior $is9.50 price of the'portable can ord rJiangar glidae out— face ooiee. Even old rec­ ford. Naaaiff Arnia (I) sticking with Gil Ooan in center. ayatem in ell RCA pilot sizes up the Senators’ pic­ aancy, a former Holy Croat seta at $8.50. (Prices Include fed­ be saved In a single season gkdm in again tmtuMy, ords lehr oo new beauty! ...... 81 80 92—253 He's fast and a good lead-off hit­ Victor biatory. Included among the Eagle’s vlc-j ture: orrer jars your records. Beat it in artioa! lories this season are two Suto ...... 87 59 80—226 ter. Ed Stewart wUl move to left. captain, takas on the fr e s h n ^ V lth tbt gay, bright Iraei of eral taxi. ■'* season are two wlnsTHuia "The trades we made with CHex e- ft>qrhing assignment after zenrtng , ’ncimriu"—T. a. too. o. a rat. e*». over the St. Cyrils, first place w in -' ...... 81 93 66— 240 Just compare this outfield writh The Inquirer ■mvt tea ncToe Bases ta t vieteoaa Gouln land and St. Louis have dehnltely as Junior varsity coart, 'T b s ^ Today’s charmer who becauM nets in the State Polish I-eague...... 100 TO 85—275 last year’s. We opened vrith Leon helped us. We gpt Eddie Robinson polntment of James 3. ( « b ) Mol- ■ftiit’t palettt... colon to For the*n>cals. It will be Norm Culberson, Tom McBride and Earl Total ...... 349 322 S23-4I94 for first base Ir. exchange for Wooten. All are gone now.” gate, former Michigan, plo rtfi ^ Burke, and Uus Oaudlno at for­ Mickey Verpon. Robby not only ia bamoalM with poor ogw toit Trade-Ins Accepted wards. Brilliant Bobby Knight will E. A. JohnaoB Paint C« (8) Kuhel plana to go along 'writh the JV spot w s* announced lost Miller ...... 77 89 89—355 the better hitter, but is a cinch to Rae Scarborough, Walter Master- Here's why mors and more man ora making They'e handsomely tailored from truly start at center with Ed Wlert- drive In more runs and hit more night. ... colon to complctBcnt Smith ...... 82 105 121—308 son, M ickey Haefner, Sid Hudson Kemp*B Record Department Suggests: All service work guaranteed and all sets sold carry Dari and Dale a must in Ihaii while shin luxurious fabrics. Wckl, and Jerry Williams In the home runs than Vernon did for us. backcourt. . 1 Nielsen ...... 66 78 72— 218 and Haynes os his starting five. wardrobe: They're Sanforized—shrink less then 1%. He’ll hold his own with Mickey in Klieman, free agent Paul Osivert Hockey V H y t U n$ a 0 | m m 5 joar apring print. Be First W ith the Latest Hits Coach Russ Cole heads the N aa-' .... 101 99 77—277 our personal service guarantee. Their coHori ore periect-ond they never the field. and Southpaw Forrest Thompson you like if" See them here: AwowDART...... $3.65 xlffs* reserves which include Ike wihl "Joe Haynev one of the two will be hts relief brigade. Dick U u t Night’s MefiaMi “CANDY KISSES” ...... Elton Britt Ne starch Is over needed Aitow DAIE...... $4.50 Cole. Tommy Conran, Wlllla Ole- Totals ...326 ^1^59 1036 we got for , Welk, a fast freshman righthand­ NnNeMi LsfiW Figure flattery! Chambray sunback dress “IT’S A BIG, WIDE. WONDERFUL WORLD . f ■ senskl, Mickey Murphy, and Jackie won more games than. Wynn did Toronto 8, 100100 1, (Toronto Robb. Banlly Oil C « (3) er from Chattanooga, has made a with clever self-adjusting bra I Over-jacket Larry Green last year. Ed Klieman; the other fine imprcaalon on Kuhel. leads beat o< seven asrt^ t-t). Open Evenings Until 9 Hleatand ...... 92 1Q4 91—287 A large crowd ia expected for , la one of the best niUef The regular infield wlU consist of Detroit 8, Montreal 1. (Doit of in complimentary stripes with pert back in­ “REALLY AND TRULY IN LOVE” Larry Fotine Hammon ...... 76 72 78— 226 terest and eye-catching pearl buttons. In this eontest which will atart pitchers in baseball. Robinson at first, holdovers A l Ko- otven aories tlod. $-$). “ALL RIGHT. LOUIE. DROP THE GUN” .... promptly at 8 o’clock. There vrill Govang ...... 85 98 93— 271 “ Sam Dentc. whom wc got from 9 1 7 zar and Eddie Yost'St second and Red. Blue or Green with White. Sizes to . Arthur Godfrey be no preliminary game. Boom ...... 102 73 95—270 the 8t. Louia Browns In exchsmge third, respectively, and Dents at 8t Ixiula S, I Z « 9 o fo r Johnny Sullivan and Tom Fer- short. A l Evans, Jake Early and o t seven eeclaa tied, S-t) tHi tnea Baseball Briefs ToUls ...... 355 342 357 1054 rick, figures to be an improvement young A l Okrls will do tha eoteh- Herohey .1. Caevelead 9, J. D. A. RADIO Manch at Short over Sullivan and Mark 799MAIN STRRB'T tag. ovecUoMX n en h ey I5ifl5.-I WITH TN$ Joa DlMagglo, ailing New York Rohrbach /97 85 81-263 Chrlstmen. We’ve been after him John Simmons, a graduate from thrM leriaei -1*0). MANCHRSTRRjrnbihl* Yankee star, was slated to maks McPartland k 86 84 98— 253 VBUfNVVh f i l l '■f. olnee 1945. He Is young, aggres­ Montreal; Clyde Voumsr, Bjrraeuae ■’5 and TELEVISION his first start o f the season twlay Hartaog ... '*1 81 $5—883 sive, a good double play man and product and hoMever Bhetry MOB- against ths Reds. . . . Manager Ruddell . 5d 110. $8-885 w l l ^ t lUAshars o f bossMts. erteon. win bock up tha rs^ ir A R R O W ttn tt Lao Durochsr and RooUe Catcher "ws’fe 100 per cent improved outfieM trio tad serre os piaeS hit­ t Ineorporated Jos^|»h'A. Dubanoski, Frt>P| 8sl Yvars engaged In a brief flare- Totals . . .345 360 342 1048 5 80 In our cutflefd. Buddy Lewis, ters. M« 76fl MAIN STII|:ETITREE 7 T E U B GUSTAFSON’S Funiilure and Mttsir Home of Frigldlllre 189 Gienwood St. ' Tel. ^^6^ 705 MAIN STREET

J MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHKS;|;ER. CO.NN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 194t F A d B E V E N IN G h e r a l d : HANUHEHrER. «> «"- WEDWERDAT. MARCH IW K A N C H E 8 T E R Hs m s s fer ask Tt •| , «* » K H M KS BY FUNTAtNE FOX Psrfsction Is net e f this worid. Carden—Fsrm—0«lnf WUkoEi Bosrl i* Two old SMli Help Wsniedj-fiPtWial* *;^ a3 So when you feel that you haven't men: Millinery ^l»re*!«nmlitnK 11* W E O F F E R ' Basificw Servire* tiered IS Frodurla ' PLBASANf, Clean, Bunny furnish­ Sense and Nonsense any faults. Just add that one to First—Which wouM M ID D L E -A O ^ woman n«*d«d ed rodpi, on bus line. North End. ^ a m I You must come out here and your present Hat. Automobiles For Sals * W ELtrRO rnBb oow manure,' M 38 w e l u n q iIOn kOAk$...>, m ost In a hushand VBTERAN reiurjng chimney DRBSSMAKIMU. CbaU and eulU for temporary period a* bompan- caU 87iig.______FYm ’* Faa, B at' The new stenographer was woe­ per S-yd load.^ Excellent top eoU. A choice property of T moms. SPEAK TO ETHERIDGE ! or appearanesT work. Taking advance order*. don* r*a*onably. Call 3676. ion to an up-an-about eooval**- Thcre'a nothing quite to equal It; fully Inefficient, but such a lovely A woman, checking over her 88 per load. Aleo OOrrenco fertU- ROOM Por Rent. Private family, Becond— Appsfaaest DeCORMIER Chimney* cleaned. >*P^'*‘*’ ..r** cent. V*ry HtUe to do; hour* 7;M CHUICUH STREET You feet that you're. In clover: creature that the bosi could not grocery bill, fouqd this Item: "one sooner the better. built. l/Owe*t rate*. Tel. 2-0348. DKB8S1IAKINU. B*tter dre***a to 8, but can *le*p In, U dealred iMr la bag or ton lot#. Delivared. bathroom floor, modem conven­ Vacant 7 room einglo..A Mai Your party was e greet eucceas, find it in hia heart to be harsh tom cat—IS.ceata.” Buita. coat*, wedding gown* and Write Box Q. Herald. can Mancheater 7083. Leonard U iences. Gentleman preferred. choloo location with many poaslr And, better atilt. Its over. *6101 her.- Right now she was bur­ Indignant, abe called up the gro­ MOTOR SALES SAYS a i x APPUANtSCS eenrlced and Easy to acquire, hut — rertisem eots alteration*. ‘ Jail a-3®0S. OlgUo, Bolton. Phone 7888. bSltlea. ^ —Frances Greenwood CJraza rowing midly in the files, a trou­ cer and demanded an explanation. difficult to get rid eg la • J repaired, burner*. refflgeraUir*. bled frown creasing *her beautiful Grocer (explaining)—Oh, that's utetlon. -SU rt yen* sprins off to » rangea waaher*. *tc All Hel|i Wanted— M a to * * DUltANT ETRBET BIU—I often wonder why par­ brow: all right, that's an abbtevlaUoii Xtwil'ilcb AiivT. guaranteed Metro Service Oa. Movlnit-r-Tr»elil«t— H onehoM Gsads SI Apsrtnenta, Fists. Brand new four rooBser, phis two rtsrt. Trest WANTED— ReUible young' man ents take so much trouble to teach Boas (quite needleaaly)—Lost for tomato catsup. ^I>EHT WM'RR! ^ car, and «nJoy thf beauurui Tel Mancheater 2-08S8. StoruK* t o Ts— Hits______W unflnlahed. Mhvo In .today, children to talk. something? Fanner’s Son—Dad, X w. for full time work, with shod Sell­ USED THOR waaher with Ironer, go to college end learn to be b weather ahead!”' Joe—Me, too. Especially when Stenographer (in an exasperated ffM A. M. !• 4:4» P M. UtWN Mowers, hand and power, MANCHESTER Package delivery. ing^ experience. Apply Endleott Oaa water heater. Camp cook RENT Seskera Do you want a TWO FAMILY Mr*.. Bucks—Do you save much Think rUTKljdy 0b#tetri*h stove, never used. Call 3-0883. they spend the rest of their lives voice)—Yes! by doing your own cooking? sold, sharpened. ■ repaired. Pick Lfocal light trucking and package Johnson Shoe Store, 950 Main rsntt See us today Raatal SOrvlca One o f the best hunt la Mgariies- trying to keep them quiet. Father—Ukely youH he w e*' "We have the organization teat ter, IS rooms, on* hot watov, on* / / Bosaq^Well, it can't be that Ura. Trucks—Oh. ye*. Now my your time, son. Boon a* ymt up and delivery Key* made. Saw* delivery. Refrigerator*, waehere street. MAPLE High chair, $10; kitchen Bureau, 841 Main etrset Man- serious. 5 T brings you the best transportaOon Hied. Capitol Grinding Co.. 38 and etove moving a specialty. cheater Phone 3-4379 asyUmc. steam system, tw* kuraer*. husband eats only about half what ell about thla ohatetriow PAGE FOURTEEN cabinet $20; club chair, $4; hall Stenographer—But It 1*. Thi# he uaed to. your money can buy. Main. Mancheetei. Phone 7988. Phone 3.0782. RADIO MAN—Must have a com­ BxesUont condition. body’ll find a cur* for It. plete working knowledge both Uble, $4. 2-P892. Come on ! You’ve simply got to speak to Etheridge! time its .my lunch. ^ fv Automobiles lot Sole 4 Every one of w. these----- cars would | q , jj^^h x NTBEP repair eervlc* on UAV^LL'S Bvprsse light trocklng theatrical and practical radio- BiMrinvaa fxwatlons ARTHUR A. KNOPLA Luke—What two kinds of wood Didn’t Vote for Wsihhigten waahera. irona. toaatera. elecllic electronic* plU3 ability to train CJHEST of Drtwera. stovea, ml* It seems that the only thing the constitute 8 special anywhffre else and delivery. Weekly or monthly esUansous > . local mation In your application for an Modern fa,:Ultlea Basement In­ BstsMtskad IM I a vote, since it had not yet rat JOSEPH MciXJOE. refrigeration, movmg. packing and* atoraga has everything byt John’s other InteUlgent appraisal. Apply Per­ WE B u t and sen 'good quire Bedard'a Floor Ooverlng, 86 Homs U sU iw Wanted o * , ^ Back to Woodsheds fled the constltuUoh. . •guarantee!!! - wife." ^ washing machines and appliancea Domaitlr and overseas crating manent, Box H. Herald. fumitOm. combination ranaee. School atreet Phone 8-0868. Succusful Man: One who earns ; If juvenile delinquency continues serviced. Poor gaaketa replaced. FOUR-ROOM houas, on Spruce and ahlpping nSzceiieni van serv gas ruigee and haate'ri. Jones' Gian hia wife can spend. , to gro.v maybe we'll have to bring Free estimaUs. Pickup and de­ tc* to West Oiaat and all parU WANTED—Reliable man for out­ street. All improyaments, $8,688. Many persona seem to be '1948 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan. Ba­ mitufV\Store. 8fc Oek Phone 6k Successful Woman: One who i back the old woodshed.—Chatam ing to make week-ends mee< 1948 WILLYS JEEPSTER livery. rJall 3-2318.______of U.8.A. and Canada. Telephona side work and car* of lawn*. Must Wantrd to Rnit Terms. B xcln^e. Burton Flam- finds such a man. I Ont. Can .New# u d hedter. Extra clean all mer. Agent. 17 Spruce strast, ( k Grit. IT. New car guarantee 21 The Holiywour tea from them. Wq -ANO THEYSENT tRaininb/ 1947 KAISER SEDAN gomery Ward need* several men U 8TIN 08 Wanted — elty, farm, 1848 Plymouth 4-dr. sedan. Ra- VENETIAN Blinds. AD types and mattrexe. Reasonable.X Call select for yod only reliabi* ten' buslnese and homee. Have HIM DOWN HERE TO- Heater. An Inuuaculate car—to­ for outside conUct work. No cold 2-2788. ______\ - A o and heater. Well taken care of. mad* to order, also recondition Paintinff—Paperink 2i ante with good credit references ellenta waiting. Stop in and nee N#w ear guarantee. tal price $1,295.00. canvassing. Liberal commissions Our aervioe to you'ofor renting ing Best quality Findell Menu, PROTECT YOUR good blankets me. Burton Hammer, Real Es­ V, CHARBONNEAU. House paint paid. A greatly accelerated pro­ your property i# free Rental ;M41 Plymouth 4-dr. aedan. New facturing .'JO. 488 Middle Turn gram that assures volume bual from moth# for 25c a year Oiie tate Agent 17 Spruce street Irfg, Interior, exterior. Paper Service Bureau 841 Main etreet Manchester 2-2494.' twn lone green paint. Radio and 1939 BUICK CONV. SEDAN pik* East cab 4868. ness for good men. Apply Mont fpr^srini? of B«rloi. i#6w Radio, Htr. A sharp unit hanging, floor sanding and refln damage for 5 years of 'Berlou Phone Mencheeter 2-4279 any­ bdater. r a d io need nxin«T Hev# It re- 'Ishlng. Call 2-9575 or 2-2805. gomery Ward. 838 Main atresL time. Open Thursday evening# MANCHESTER—SlX-rooin kou8^ ’throughout. oaired by experts Pick-up eerv paya for the damage. Watklna with garage. Located In bualnfaa 1940 Plymouth coupe. Radio and Brotbere. Mancheater. ‘ 7-9. iHater. One owner car. Good con­ rce. guaranteed work. Set* check- FOR PROMPT and courteous SHuslinna WkntHi— Bone. 8 rooma down, S up: OH 1988 PONTtAC >DR. ed ’tn the homo. Car radio# i service in painting and decorat­ ateam heat Immediate occupan­ dition. Male 39 BLACK Glenwood range with SEDAN specialty. Mancheater Rad i o ing call Eddy Theriault. 3555. Lynn oil burner. Alao meUl Ice Rnshiess Property for Sale 7« cy. Aeklng $9,000, $1,800 down. Service. 73 Birch street. Phone Theodore T. LaOace,. Agent. Radio, Htr. A well cared for car FULL OR Part time job. aj.^nlght box. Call Rockville 1677W8. ^ i P X xMaKatht fysdltaW. Ut. . ’nransportation SpociAlI 2-0840. INTERIOR.. AND Exterior paint­ lIX-RdtOM Single, oil burner, two- Phone 8471.^- you'd enjoy. ing. paperhanging, ceilings re- by sober, dependa^'-'^arried man. Will consider Wythlng. Call SMALL Buck kitchen range with car garage. Corner of West Cen­ FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER 19 9 0 Perd a-dr. sedan. Radio r a d i o Servicliig Dependable low flnlshed. Full" Inaured. Expert ter end McKee. Excellent business WELL BUILT older home) I bHght B U G S B U N N Y BOOTH AND HER BUDDIES ______Again u d beater. — Plentar ' V of mimile# left. 8204. oil burner 310! Excellent condl BY E D G aIIl BIARTIN 1940 BUICK 4-DR. SEDAN cost and gtiaranleeu A.B.C. Ap­ work. New 1949 wallpaper books. pqaalbHlt^s. Call 8876. rooms, oil heat, pleasant ve#ai>d#i Open Mon. and Thiura. Evenings. pliance, 21 Maple street 3-1878 Edward R. Price. Phone 2-lOOS. tion. Call 2-4070. garden lot with ahrub# and psrsn- irM A9KAT»^ erC-CARtPUU 1 Oy#K WWLt. voh vaiRCA'. fe o iA W o o y Special. Radio, Htr. A beautiful ntalr. New copper plumbing, 6 U G «.' Poultry snd SuppHfs 4S CRAWFORD CJomblnatlon gas FOaKV.' l^OWN-BEAUPRE, Inc. original car. $12 00 REPAPERS ordinary room and oil range. Black. Sink and Faraig andJ.^wd for 8alo 71 combination screen end storm SOtAt »\Kva VOHOPPtO 150U5 ; RooschoM Services Including paper Window screens aver- set tub. IS Anderson atreet after windows. Venetian blinds and '.'^99 IHeeitll BL Phone 7191 1939 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN ' Offered 13A painted Interior and exterior BROILERS for sale, 3 Ibe. LARGE Tract 8f6f ferUlefi farm land Bendtt waaher Uicluded at only painting. Reasonabl*. Raymond Sge. CJall 8082. 12 noon. on main highway Good develop­ Heater. A clean economical lit­ why $18,000. Mlsa Neville, 84 SUU WEAVING of buma, moth holea Flaka Phone 2-0237 20-GALLON Coleman automotlc ment poaalbllftleabllRI Madeline atreet, Hartford 7-7992, 7-7840. «gli9 l^ 'n iO U T H deluxe four- tle family car. and bom clothing hosiery run*, Rsdlo Mid heater. Wanted— Pels— P ou ltry- on hot water heater with mag Smith, Realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. bandbage repaired, zipper re­ SPECIAL Price for April only. neaium rod. Five year guarantee, MANCHESTER—8-room house, 8 Save now on painting. Inside and I ^ » - 1 0 0 0 - ______TRUCK SPECIALS , placement umbrellas repaired, Stock 44 $84.95. Watkins Bros. Phone 5171 year* old 4 booms down, tvbo up, outside. Oiltngs and paperhang­ Houm# for i k k 7* Ipej'pniPQE BEDAN. A-1 condl- 1940 FORD H-TON PICKUP men's shirt collars reversed and bath on llrst.-lavatory on second. nplaced. Marlow's Little Mending ing. Workmanship guaranteed. WANTED— Cows, calves and beef RADIOS Rf'duced. 18th century Radio and heater, Very clean. cattle. Also horaea. Call Plela SIX-ROOM home. Living room Fully Insulated. Now vacant owned. Price 3880. Call Shop. ■ Free eatImaU* Call Burk, 8346. mahogany combination radio AM Asking $10,200. Theodora J. La - Privately Brothers for the top dollar. Phone FM aild-ehort wave. Push button with flrcpiace. dining robm, kitch­ G. R. FICKETT. Inside and out- Qace, Agent. Phone 84Tl. MM. 1980 FORD MODEL A H-TON SAVE ON your laundry bUls. In­ 7405. 364 Bidwell street. tuning. Built IB aerial, deluxe en, 3 bedrooms, sunpofeh. Oil 2 ^ PONTIAC two^oor, 1940 PICK-UP dividual service in Manchester's aidepalntlng. paperhanging. Free record ch a n g eW a a $219 95, now heat Excellent condition., Made­ FOUR-ROOM single, .two unflnleh- only automatic, eelf-servlc* laun estimates given. Workmen insur­ $179.95. Montgomci-y Ward, 828 line Smith, Pealtor. 2-1642 or ed. oil hot water heat, fireplace, sedan. 1989 Dump body. ed. Public UabUity Insurance car- Articles for Sale 45 aedeii. 1988 Plymouth sedan. dry. You load your wash Into our Main StreeL 4679. tile bath. Insulated, ope* Stair­ new Bendlx machines and we do rl^ . Phone 4208. K v €. PAT err . INC. Baatan, radios, guaranteed. Easy FOR SALE —8 prarUcally new MANCHESTER -Cspe Cod, way. Large lot. 80>-day o o cu p m ^ ■T SEE THESE TODAY AT SALE of 1948 PhUco refrigerators 7HAT6 WHAT I usually a l l e y (NIP tanna. Col* Motor*. 4184^____ the rest. Wash done in SO mUi' PAINTING AND Paperhanging Anderson house window sasem Charles Ls#per*ne%^21 fit Job* HEU'6 Youa Bluntly, Yes! BY V T. HAMLIN utes while you wait or ah<^. 30c Big 7 7 cu. ft. deluxe model. Re­ years old, 6 flnished rooma. oil Q u A R je a ,, EOCY you FOR. Free estimates. Prompt service biles 2’4'' I 3'2" and 3'4''*8'10’ street Phone 8820, ’* w WHERE BUT MVlgTARS./ I . Bu t W AT OF TVE 1988 PLYMOUTH eedan delivery per waaher load (up to 9 Iba.) We duced to $209.50, reg. $249.50 heat copper olumblng, Insulated, 6 (906/ 6WUFINA.MV Reasonable prices. Phone 7630, with acreena. Apply MarloWa open sUirway, screens, storm J AR5 EVERY MOON'IAN filRL W O ; Must go at once. No reaeoMble DeCORMIER MOTOR SALES also damp dry and fluff dry. Save $40, 21 month# to pay, Ben TOLLAND ' 'TU RN Pnn^ P«L, 6 IM W A U C .' D. E. Frechett*. windows and garage. Lot «W ^ 6C*\S AREN'T 'fCli TH'SS IS TO s = y- IS'SO , see the following; motora. Frank X. Dion. 2 Ridge­ 9624. SIX ROOM streeL wood atreet Phone 7779. street cated. SI* and four '•He makes me do it— I’ve got a yen for cutting off his 1941 Plymouth 4 door. OLD EASY washer. Fair condl-1 «i8 Sa S , i i w i 19311 Plymouth 4 door. RiiYAL Portable typewriters and t CAPE COD apartment vacant. hsp.dlebf. ('"istache!" 1941^ OLDSMOBILE 79. Four-door BuHdinir— Contracting 14 tion. Reasonable price. 15 SUas ■ cash required. T. J. Crockett • 3-10 1940 Olderooblle 4 door (2). sedan. Radio and air conditioning, j adding machmea Used typewrit 1 room unfinished SIDE GLANCES 1940 Plymouth 4 door. Private InatmctionB 28 era and addliig machtoea sold oi ro&d, or 2-2591. j Broker. Phm»* 8416. j _ BY GALBRAITH 00#6, I aey iv lae^ aa^Kl New motor. Call 7239. ALL TYPES of remodeling and Oil burner CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER In *xo*l|lcnt- condition and fully alterations, garages, dormers, rented. Repair* on *1> make#. 20-GALLON Coleman automatic I WOULD like to talk to reliable j Metal tile bath NINE-ROOM atogl# «» FREtM.hS AM) Hl.s I KIKMiS Coming In Fine ______BY MERRILL C. BI.OSSBR equipped ^ offer: new and tile ceilings, quality men who would like to train in Marlow** i gas hot water heater with mag-1 ter etreet. Ideal W t l « f®r Pro­ r 1947 -78 Oldamoblle Club Sedan 68,700 ’ AN HOURSiSCe OW, / ,'^OuiCie! fowee? Aoto Aceeomrtc workmanship. Free eatlmatea. apare time to learn welding, RADIO TEST in^tnimenta, used: | neslum rod. Five year guarantw, fessional buUdlng or h V 1 A MOANIN'O SOUWO about 1947 Bulck Bedanette. $84.98. Watkins Bros. Phone 51T1. 1 S4N&. AND not suof: WMO wiaS! C o' TuEVvE AN hCOO AisC WAY8E A ; 1946 Chevrolet Stylemaeter Se­ U rea Tel. 7594. metal work, apraj painting as re­ suitable for beginner. Reasonable. nus. Large coraer A call ! TUE- I PB09*5LY occupancy. T. J. Crockftt, broker. / MAO BURNF3-OC.T Tu8E IM dan. . 'I lated to auto body and fender re­ Phone Hartford 32-9939. NEW ELEtrrROLUX vacuum ’ Exclusive with wlNES VMJ5T *r *Y Od m a&'NTS Cut TeAMsMITTE^ * MOTOR OIL and greaae sal* pric- I CARPENTRY, Alteration*, rabl- pairing; should be mechanically CUT* 'HOfeTlLe , 2941 Huldr Special Sedan. ed now during Ward# big drum I nets, tUe celllnge, Ule bath». or ‘ cleaner. Can be aeen at »40 5416. 't. ABCXJT 2948 -76 Oldsmobile Club Sedan. inclined and willing to train in MEN'S Rehuili am- relaated shoes Delmont Realty Co. • 4 ' AWCHES/ IHTfKFr.R-:nCe 7. lot sale. Wards premium grade kitchens Jobbing a specialty. High and low Better than Cheap die Turnpike East. iJall 2-4012. 16 RUSSELL Street— V WITH WOO 1947 Oldsmobile 76 Sedan. Also new construction. Phone spare time; will not Interfere with Phone 2-0632 V * vitalized oil now 66c a gaL In 881 your Job. For information about new ones. Sam Yules, Shoe Re­ gle, ,fully insulated. reception / 1948 Hudson Sedan. gal. or 2 SO gal. drums. .8 5 gal. 8862. i.______f o r s a l e . Magic Chef gas 198T Studebaker Commander this training write at once, giv­ pair Shop foi Malr. a t r e e t ___ range, almost new; vanity and A fter 6 P. M. steam heat, garage. 1 i cans 4.28 each. Include#' federal | ing name, address, age and work­ Reduced for quick sale. ® va Sedan. tax. No drum deposit Free de­ CXINCRETE Contractor, mason ELECTRICAL Haw*aiian gxiitar. bench, walnut waterfall. Phone work and landacaping. V. Bel- ing hours. Auto-Crafts Trainings 29 ALEXANDER Street—7-room Tyler, Agent 2-4469. livery. Montgomery Ward, 8281 speaker and amplifier. Good con­ 2-3258 or 6 2 7 6 . ______lucci. Phone 2-1601 or 5042. Box G, Herald. MANCHESTER Main atreet. dition. Phone 7847 after 5 p. m. colonial, attached garage, lava­ WASHER-S. Mangles, refrigera­ tory down, den, living room 15X 73 I #• MOTOR SALES $65 1947 Motorola radio. u T e EXPERIENCED Carpenter wishes AUTO DRIVI.'^U. dua. control tors, wood and oil heater*, end Ia)U fo r Sale W ALL WOOL Gabardine piece# for 23. •nie bath up. Terrace, awn­ \ 613 West Center Street with head and aerial. $30.1 carpentry work, slteraUons, re- AAA certified instructor Bal- tables, imitation fireplace, com­ ing*. lot . 91x150. Open to offers. new. lard'a Driving school 'Jal! 2-2245 pedal pushers or shorts $1-®? ONE LARGE corner lot, 8ff * Phone ,4184 Can be jeen at Lee's Esso SU- modellng, kitchen cabinets and plete, mlscellaneoua furnitura. Elva Tyler, Agent 2-4469. located on Middle Turaplk# East, , ■ 4 Show room open evenlhge Tues­ each Fine woolens for childrens Uon, Center street general repairing. Telephone Biamber's Warehouse Sales. M l $1,200. Inquire Burton Flammw. day through Saturday 'tU 9. Rockville 976J3. outfits, $2.!f0 to $4.95. Corduroy Musical—DraraaHe 29 remnants. *l 20 yard. CJolonial Middle. Turnpike East. Tel. ^87. MOVING OUT of state. Will eac- 17 Spruce street Mancheater. 2- CJJJ _ ^ UK,Id. we. 2-1 SNOW Cap tires Recapping Remnant Shoppe. 115 Center riflee for quick sale, 9-room jt e w.##«T.fl»r, and vulcanlzina one day eervlca CARPENTER 'York of aU klnda house. All Improvements. Steam 2494. Roofs, aidlnga. additions and al­ PIANO TUNING, repairs, recon­ Marhinerv and Tnols 52 PRISCILLAS 1‘0‘P Perila Of Fatherhood______BY AL VERMEKB 1948 WE8TINOHOUSB 7 cu. f t Truck tire eervlca, guaranteed ditioning. etc John Cocherham. etreet heat. 3-car garage, chicken coop, TWO DESIRABLE lot*. Obvsatn refrigerator, $150. Used gas workmanship New Kelly Spring- terations Alao new conatruetlon. one acre land some fruit trees i.ir» 80 X 100. One on main road- I REMEMBER WHEN AM) \ Sleffert Phone 2-0283 28 Bigelow street Phone 4219. USED C7LHJTRAC with bulldoier. r rang*. Very clean and efficient field and Rlcb.land Urea Man­ HAND VACUUM cleaner. Call 2- CaU 4607. ______Reasonable. OaU 4604. ______THE BOVS USED NOW M3U PIANO TUNING and repairing Silver King, Ferguson $90. CaU 4540, or 2-4043. chester Ttre and Recapping, 298] Ca r p e n t e r work of an kind#. 1556. and equipment,., Dublin Tractor TO HANG AROUND DON'T SEE Broad street Phone ‘J-422A Leonard Eccellente, 113 CJenler SINGLB^^ rooms flnished. Space ANO PESTER MY THEM ANY 1841 P L Y M O im club coupe, radio Attics flnished. cabinet work, al­ f o r s a l e - 20-gallon automatic Co., WlUimahti*. terations and alao colorful plaa- street Tel 4757. for 2 more. Built in 1948. Hot Suburban for Safe 7* OAUGHTER, TOO/y M d heater. Good condltUm. gas hot water heaters, good con­ water heat oil burner. Tile bath. Phone 2-0488. Trailers for Sale 6 A tic tile bathrooms and kitchens. dition. Marlow'S Dormers. Occupancy on complo- 18 ACRE FARM, seven mile# from Charles Davis. Phone 2-0294L 7PRIGHT Piano for sale. 4 Drive Help Wanted—Female 35 Uon of sale. Insp^tlon by Manchester. Ha* 8-room dwell­ 1841 FORD. Make an offer. Can TRAILER—4 x 8, 2-wheel trailer] D. Silver Lane. Phone 4980. ing. large barn and chicken coops. with removable front, back, side ALTERATIONit and additions. STENOGRAPHER for switch­ Boals nod Acesssories 16 pointment only. Prici $11.0M. be seen between 12 and 1 and GARDEN TVaotore Bready Planet James J. Rohan A Son, Realtors. Immediate occupancy. <>nsroua after 8:30. 84 Hackmatack atreet racka Excellent condition. Call [ New ceilings. Also roofing and board and receptibnist work. siding. A. A nioiirf Inc. Phone Jr, Beaver riding with attwh- Phone 7433. L , ____ ^ mortgage avallabls. T- *•■ 2-0325 between 6 and 7 p. m. Knowledge of shorthand eaaen- Crockett Broker Phon# 8418^___ 4860. 299 Autumn street USED MARTIN 40 outboard menU. Porver lawn pto" 1641 Plymouth tlal. Prcvlqua experience not nec­ SIX ROOMS, complete, two full r essary. Phone 4119. Mrs. Clough, motor. Uke new. Phone 3322. ston chain sawe. Capitol Grind­ VERNON-4-room house and gs^ 4 Convertible Garaires— Services— ing Co., 38 Jlaln street. CaU 7968. baths, fireplace, recreation rrom, A real sharp car Florists— Norseriea -15 The Carljrle Johnson Machine Co. storm windows and screens. C o^ rage. Near new highway. WW®- Storage 10 JOHNSON r.EA Horae outboard Madeline Smith, Realtor. 9-1842 Mcchhnlcally perfect , Motor Sales and Service We also per plumbing. Sunporch, complete POTTED Hyacinth, daffodils and SALESLADY part time. Exper­ 58 or 4679. FRANKLIN s MOTORS ience preferred. . for Carroll's repair the others Capitol Grind- Wanted—To Boy awnings, oil hot water Karo^* 63 Benton tulips, in bloom, $1.50. Pqnsles ing Co., 38 Main street. Phone Priced for quick sale. Quick r«- 3-30 ” ■ .y s ’ 653 Center GARAGE For Rent, apd hardy plant*. Woodland Gar­ Children*# Shop, No high school WANTED ^ Bric-a-brac, furni­ VERNON—Duplex, 8 room# ry l-lo street. Phone 4587. cupanc'y. CJharie# Lesperance, 2i iM* »r MA Msnet. me. T. M. *M. u. # »at. Phone 2-9981 dens. 168 Woodland street Phone students. Come in for Interview 7958, ture antiques Old Mill Tradii^ side, excellent eondlUoa, au^eon- VIC n . i . M S t John street. Phone 8620. . venlences, double garag% IM ^ .ee.T.»aesss#«T.e». Evje On A Rampage BY MICHAEL O'MALLEY AND RALPH 8474. No phone calls please. CJarroU'a, BOTTOM ply-wood boat. 44-lnch Poet, 17 Maple street. Phon* 2- 1987 PACKARD ConverUhle lot, on bus line, route 18. fjsw GARAGE For Rent. Garden street j corner Main and Birch street beam. 19-Inch depth. Price 375. 1089 FERNDALE DRTVF.-Attractlve ’’Will you pl8gse thil the manager to ahow more waaterns /sHWHATlMIAIiMR. COM thatY thi ifST^, |7^CA#I| wmt AW^OlANNtl i coupe. Model 120. Excellent con­ 6-rooro single, many attracUra “ You’d navar think, to look at him, that ha just mads five OUNNEirvOOtGKL 0N,IVi. HEWS IVI HAD YH/1/ reueeaMiviMvasMitlimRIM M IOIY.MAVN i Tel. 2-4210. 16 ARB YOU a woman who wants to Used two seasons. 383 Keeney pre-war six-room single, one-car or all hia important customera will awiteh to talaviaion?” dition. Radio, heater, a^tllght Koofing— Siding aarage. Hot water heat, oil burn­ feature#,, large lot. ^ grand at hia share of .the pura*!’ ’ ntmto «kiA08D w m iWHO IVCR HIASO WITH TMML CAN YOU OfiOF make mfiuey to realize tome am street. Phone 2-1487. Rooms Without Board 59 l^lfiO U BU . M OH M W 7MI M0RNM& VK r Oall at 95 School atreet er. Storm windows. Must e ^ miles freim bus line. ROOFING — Specializing in re­ bltion? You can be a coraetlere on bus line. TelsphoB# ftowvlU# UU’l UUR w a y BY J. R. WII.I.I.XAIS OUR BOARDING HOUSE with lIMNg 1 HAVf A J08 fOfiYOO. Motorcycle*— Bicycles 11 immediately. Asking 5IAJOR HOUPL pairing roota of all kinds, also have a business of your own as a Diamonds— Watches-— ROOM For ■ Rent for marridd 1368W1. John Ellison, AgSPt. 1938 DODGE 4-door sedan. $375 new roole, Gutter work. Chim­ dealer In Spencer individually de couple or middle-aged women, Reasonable terms, o j ^ e t e ^ BAAO/ NO railroad TO TMk railroads LADY'S Balloon tire bicycle. In Jewelry 48 GfiAO WHCQE 2-9219. ______good conduit^, $20. .Inquire 284 neys cleaned and repaired. No signed a’jpport*. Profit* good with or without kitchen privi­ may purchase with 37^®® MiMK 3l)NCTlON.fWHAT AAl A R » T im id — SOMBSOY J lob too small or larga. Good Write or call Mr# Theda Johnson leges. Call 198 Spruce street Immediate occ^P*"®^* WantPd—Rtal Butatff 77 INDlCTMENfr AGAINST tH iS, TWeyge h b l d OPENED A 1 1947 (98) OLDSMOBILE 4-dor sedan, $795. sballow well pumps, gas and BhAttA to show and write order# for SEASONED Hardwood for atove. from post office. 8583.______^ street. Phone 3620, CON8IDERINQ BELUWO 7/ Fully equipped and in top ahape. FURNACES Tailored to 8t your electric automatic water beater* y o u r p r o f e r t t beautiful Maisonette dresses. No furnace and fireplace. Delivered. Prirats owner. Phone 9-1236. home. Van Camp Bros. Phona avaUable. Prompt service. Ed' REFERENCES, Oentleman pre­ FIVE -R(X)M Bungalow. OB'heat, witiioat oWUntlo* te troij. Sto canvassing necessary. Commla- Phone 8676. WASH II HKS 5244. ward W. Johnson. Phone 6979. alon. Writ* Box F, Herald. ferred. Double room, comfortable, two sunporches. will appraise « mara arara Failoro POB BAXJ:—Model A pickup, good heated; near CJenter. Phone 2-^ tion room in bailment, ^ c e l ^ t tlxra. Call at BO Glenwood offer for asepsrtt. •## u# 9 8W » KN CAM r r « taiwiMa cot to the r awelli i i l NCUEUT eYMPATUY RADIO — Electrical Appliance EFFICIENT Plumbing and beat WAITRESS Wanted. Apply in per­ Garden— Farm—Dairy condition, $11,000. Charlee Ira '«tr*s«. 2176. ____ TELL YOU ( OIL FIELD LATEK TODAY. ( HAVE TIME TO row HER lAMMT H Ss.-vtce. repairs picked up and Iqg. Plugged drama machine son. Silk City Diner. 641 Main perance. Call 8620. ■“ " S u . r m e , m . . Product* 50 l a r g e Room, private entrmice. HOW TO \EA*Y. lU atue YOU A UFtA TALK TO CATHf T)C F »»T •TEPl AND' delivered promptly 20 years cleaned. Tarl. J-. Nygren. Phone street I M Chevnlat Convertible Coupe, Semi private bath, ^rotahed ot BRAB.BURN REALTY UE'U NEED PLENTY Just Uke new. experience. John Maloney«J%one 8497. CJOW Manure delivered by truck­ FOUR-ROOM, furnafte »eaL ^ OF MBlFl 3-1046. 1 Walnut street. GIRLS or women as telephone unfurnished. Quiet. Call 2-1920 mediate occuoancy. PLUMBING. All satlafled custom­ load or by bushel at farm. Little, IF y o u want tr buy or aell. - JMT Pontlae Sedan, fuUy solicitors from own home. Call after 5. ers, free esUmatek, work guaran­ 195 Spencer street Phene 3787, cataries Lesperance. la M taUi it ovar. W8 can help LINOLEUM — AaplSlt tile, Wall Hartford 2-8433, or write Bo* W. you reach a aound oooclnrira. covering. Done by reliable, well- teed. Very reasonable rates. Nas- Herald. COW Manure for aale. Delivered 8% ROOMS, fieldstone « * ■ * ? * : f u r n i s h e d room for rent. Green Madeline Smith. 843 1686 H ymsnth two-door trained men. AU Jobs guaranteed. ■etta Plumbing Oo, Glastonbury anywhere In town. $6 for a pick­ ilon, fireplace, 2S2.\,Sl*^fiZlea msrisl^ delux*, deluM HaU Unoleum 0>., 32 Oak atreet 3-3149. section. Phone 2-4408. Mato street. 9-1849 or 4879^_____ AMAZING Money-maker! Sell new up load. Call 5962. insulation. Lot 9 0 * ^ . I right Phone i-4022, evenings 8168. "Charmettea” 30 name-imprinted Lesperance. 21 St. John street w - LARGE Room for gentleman. l e t ANPUC^HMlto 70" notes. Fast seUer pays you big COW m a n u r e for sale. For Im­ I thlB w *dt ear washing Rooflut— Repuirifit 17 A Clean, comfortable. One mlnuto Phone 3990. ______to the awrket buy er eolIT Why AtxXJUNTANT to handle books] profit! Also 81 assortment of 15 mediate dWlvery call 7408. *84 not let • oompeteat aetoto wan tlrse, $1-80. and tax raturas fui todlvlduala or j from Mato etreet. Gorman, '27 fifll everyday greeting eaids, gift Bidwell street. ■ ■ i small oonwgiu. Call 2-3329. ROOFING and Repairing of aU Brainard Ptao*. Biaa. World war H ktode. <3ilmaey work, gutter wraps, name-tmprinted napkins; eolY* your sltito««* GREEN MounUto potatoes. Mealy, W ,0«) ^ 5 LC, Inc. ANTIQtiEa Henniabed. Repairing work. Expert repairs. Honest peraonslised sta^nery. Send for r o o m IN pri/ata home for work' , Frank Andie. *W'Adame. Phone _ « Back- workmenshlp. Satisfaction guar­ $1 saaortment on epproval, also good tasting and coOktog. Amelia 8-1613 Evenings g-to dona Oil any furniture. TMtoasn.l Jarvis. 87i Parker street. Phone ing girt. With or without kitchen 1 «» « • , . YARO Ad£< 189 Boatk Main street. Pbonel anteed. Ca'1 Loiighlln. Mancheq- Free Imprint samples now! Artla ^ v lla i^ . OaU 2-2988. 1268-J8. jJUEJi tsr n o r . Ue, TW Way, Elmlia, N. Y. 7026. 7 ., A,, vhnDKESDAY, MARCH 80, 1949 • Average Dally Net Praw Run Tkt Wdfftbdr FtnaaM nl 0. B. Wentoat W Fer the Meatb eC Febraanr. 1M9 Light rein Bksly T’-q-glniK to ■nia Youth of tha ■ah rattoh A w naict nMOting eg the 9 e ^ Tomenow eta ^ J.4S a rDireeton wtU be. held Tuesday. 9,713 or beeeming ndxad wtth anew and ■nw nacond In a aarlaa wUl Sponaor an adueatleoal pictara union Lenten 'servlca WlU be held Member e f tbe hmlk, toStng Into tanlght) retker eoM MaasbaiB a< tha W B « a* ^ card partlaa sponsor^ ^ ^ In thaYoiM Paoj^s n u ^ el^ ' B. South Matbodlat at tha Bottoo C e n s ^ H o ? ** this afteraeen and tonight. Bwadand-Oakland Club win ^ church with the Q u a r r y ^ Math- tonight a t T ilA Yha technieolw Bweaa e« It Town miadad that bandapa iSotara. pioduoad by tins ^ A change In lS e itoaetiM ...... held Prlday avanteg. AprU i, at odist ehurc}>. for S t Moolca’a Mothare o ie la la Mmu0te»ter—^A City of yiUage Charm ad lor tha hospital on Wadnaadi^ tha school auditorium. American -Airlinaa, la aatlU^ Letlwrsn clrardK wtU evoilng‘v^ b a itav.Tuies F. Eng- announced for tonight The BMas- night, at • p. m. and agate « » ___ „uperintandentsrintenoa^ of ^ the the “Wings to Irstand’* and presents I tti w«rtrty L«>t®n Qiritt Hoon TMrsday aftamoon lish, aUta aU section of Sraland, Ita people and teg wUl bo held at tha homa of Adverthlqg ea !■) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1949 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS Becrult Gary B. Hilton, a » eg, CMigiugatUmal churchy ^ i j e - Mt a Foatar WlUiams, 6S Fairdaw VOL. LXVin„ NO. 153 - M»tT;15.lnU» «* A hurga *■ Mr. and Mra.Wchard Hilton of « culture. AU interested, young yifiiUJUttf ■ OtMUi JoteMpn mambara ara invited to bring clal music wUl be p w i d ^ ^ atraat and not at tha homa o f Mra. Walker street, has been recently Volouardsaii, tenor aoloiat, with Mopla and adults, are bordiaUy , IB frianda. ~ nviud to attand. Anthony Kocum na pradouMy an­ t o t h e ’ Pbunt^nawaau James W. McKay at tha organ. nounced. Ordinuca Depot of the Amarlcw (D m o L-J u u l Morning After Tornado Hit Nancy C. Cljwke. Hiort raaatteg of tha study I dbIU Ch»pt*f Ho. B1 * 2 S O r a v a a Registration Command, After m o m Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Clarke the evening *®! croup of tha North Mathodiat Mie. A; FOUgna, 4S Bircb atraat J i f eh H wUl Truman Insistent European Area, at Fontainebleau, night at St. Mary’s Bpl^ ^ I it!»,ii, UWM' ■V15 Bowles Names Group “ ■ ' : NlBht" thto .evBBln* « t • of 31 Lancastw road, t e a m w - WSOI wiU be bdd Friday at the has dimatsd thies buahsi bsafctte S n b U M iA t IB Ow ttouwrto-ginp^ ber of the Orphean Oub rt l^ U France. c h ^ the church after tha weakly lenten fuU otjcanned goods to tbs Salra- wUl meat to discusa Uon Army for Its roUsf work. i t High PrtBit, ChAlM K- Junior College. Aubumtole. M ^ . Oommunlon and Christian Ra Fallowahlp Hour which starts at haa wnnad an evanlnf of which recently presented a J ^ t There will be a prayer meeting 7 r « T n ! Rev. W. J. McLaughlin Congress Provide M ainm ant Rafraahmenta win concert with » • and Bible Study in tha church of union." WlU redaw tha last chapter of I ncrrad. Ail membera and tb«ir Institute of Technology Glee Club- tha Naanrane at 7:80 this evening. "On Our Own Doorstep.” To Study ^Re va ilin g Tha theme f o r ^ a Wednesday ‘ r ffianda ara inrlted to enjoy An official board meeting will fol­ rENDF*? AND BODY , aodal gat-togathor. low at 8:30, night Lenten servlca at the Z i^ $18-98 The Sacred Heart Circle of the Lutheran church 7:80 odock The monthly maate«K;'.og the Full Funds Sought Mothers* Oub wlU meet at wlU be "Hla Triumphant Soul Woodland Park A s s o c ii^ wUl ba WORK r.Mra. Ddwin Brown, ot t « l home of Mrs. George N t e » of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Joa^h held F rld ^ in the F lr e p l^ room ^Ttraet. waa elacted as w e rf HiUs street in Bast Hartford on Now York City were guests of taken from tha tbe Lftrgt Upp«r Room With Our at the Community T at S o clock. alx MembaraHit-Large the T^rsday at 8 p* »• Mf. and Mrs. Aaron Cohen of W Fool’s night wttl be "Fun SoUmens sad Ffaunt, lac. Operation of State Ucut CJouncH of Church Saviour*’. Tha senica will be pre­ April Seaman Circle yesterday. Mr. Nlta" after tha buakiaBa meat- 6S4 jCcBtor StrsM Trand of the eeBsoat Declarea All] ,nn-., Wadnaaday, at the annual seph, the travel e: callci Frsm (/P) Wires Sought there will be a rehearsal for tha Woods Plans After Both Houses Youth Demonstration. ing. ropean Recovery Pro* ’ ------SPIRELLA Prealdeat Truman declarea he la Unanimously Approve gram; dahn Votes confident Atlantic pact wlU be rat­ Study First O ther Sutu To Defeat EGA Cut ified by S^Mito . .. Two UtUe New Bill Creating Com­ ^ GARMENTS , REPRODUCTIONS Jersey boya dialUuaioned when bur­ mission to Study liuttrUuMy Fitted t n $ 4 9 M ied treasure they found turns out O f Incomes Washington. March 31,— to be loot of modem day robbers. Reorganization; At* (/P)— President Truman in­ . . . Iteportotion of union atroag- • 4 . and Deeigned At HALE'S t f kl§k$r pritid arm mea la charged as ownera..,pf kins Nominated to sisted today that Congress Rent Boosts Under New provide the full $6,680,000,- New York’s Uggeat taxicab fleets OAIX declare they will run aa many cabs Housing Act May Be Re Survey Chairman MBS. EUUB MlKlCrCCI More of Those Practical 000 sought by the adminis­ I poasibla despite impending ra o N E n r t tration for the European re­ strike. Delayed for Several . State Capitol, Hartford. MBS. BCTH dXLEN covery program. The presi-^ Mrs. Anna F, SulUvaa, mother W'eeks; Tmman Signs March ,31.— (JP).— Governor rHONB 2<1M4 dent declared at his news of Boston’s captive boy. appears In U District court to answer charge of Bowles today named a fivy- HATS EASTER conference that this, amount MBS. KADINE BEAUCHAMP Plastic neglect . . . Drug resembling one B u lle tin ! I man commission to study re- PHONE s-om is nesessary to run tha European used by Afrlcaa witch doctors to Washington, March 30—tJ*) I organization of the state gov- recovery program. He aald ft had kill or esure bewitched tribesmen After a tomade atmek la the middle e f the alqbt,' realdento of BlackweU, Okie., woke up to And the' BEBMICE CHAPPELL been worked out very csrafuUy. soatk aide of thetr tonw a shambles. The roof and walls of this home were blown off. Other toma- ; — Homing Expediter Tighe jernmont shortly after receiv- PHONE S6M In crKKcliy swIss sfrnw developed by American scientlsta W nnda today ordered a survey Table Cloths SbaoM Nat Ba cut to treat certain nerve dlseasea . . . does, kitting thro^hout nortkweat Oklaboma, killed two, injured 25 and caused heavy damage. (XE.4 j ing legislative authority to Tha European recovery pro^ telepboto). , of landlord inromes. The find­ Valentina A. Gubltcher, Russian ings will determine what rant 1 do so. Tlie governor sent in gram, he aald bluntly, ahotild not engineer accused of spying, has no i the live names minutes after be cut at aU. Increases are to be granted B O N N I T f dlpkMBatlc Immunity fr6m prose­ under tbe new control law. I Ijoth houses, ending a long dia- Reg. ?"1.49,54x54...... *1710 praaident made hia obaar- cution, according to briefs filed te j pule, over the issue, had unani- vation whan ha waa quaationed Three Deaths Annoiincing/the order in a New York Federal courL New England Power statepient. Wood* declared the I liiously approved a bill creating FOR SALE CLOCHIS about afforta of Sanatora Taft (R- ■ the coniimssion. Robert MItebnm, free after serv­ l.S month extension te a "con- Ohio) and RuaaaU (D-Oa) to cut ing SO-day Jail term on marijuana j .N'smed to the commission aub- the amount aoUght by tha admin- Storms’ Toll Hidersble xtrcnglhcning" of HOMES Reg. S1.98 ...... $ X - S 9 conviction, offers some sugges­ the previous law and doen not Richard H. Crowe (above). 41, confirmation by both; iatratlon. tions for improving life In prison. Program on Agenda asHlsiant tiianuger of a National i , 4 sod 6 Rooms AdminiatrUtlon forcaa in Oon- mean “a general, rent Increase Save laundering tableclothSr-a smart Wrap Her In . . . Although eastern European for all tenants.” City bank branch at 19.1 Broad-j t-arter W. Aikins of Weat Hart- Tiie Baths B R O m i S graaa olalmad they had anough delegates have been ordered out-of Seven Oklahoma Com­ way, New lork city, te the object ; ^°'d, executive director of the m SkdeelJns in all white lieavy 4-gauge plastic. Buy votaa to "break the back’’ of a Full Insulation country “ World Peace" rally, plana munities Picking Up Wa.shinRUjn. March 31—'/Pj — of a IS-Mtote grand tarceny alarm, t oimecticut Public Expenditura Republi6an-led driva for an EGA to go on cross-country tour with­ Breach bank where Crowe worked ' ® private research organl- 2 Fireplaces them for gifts also. Luxurious cut. * w«er Spring Snow Rent boosts under the new housing Automatic Heat out them . . . Senator Danger (R- Pieces After Tornadoes la aiiaaiiig S199.9M ia cash and i nation- He was nominated to be TbU firat real teat waa due to NB), promisea desk peuadlng re­ act may be delayed several weeks, chairman. comb — pethapa today — on an $590,900 la bonds, some of them Hot Water Extra Special! 18” » 56” ply to Winston Churchill’s state­ Pollution' Abatement Ends Today while Housing Expediter Tighe | uilecotlable, Poliee Lieut. Grover .fames Lee Loomis of Granby, aa amandmant by Senator Taft (R- panton, Okla., March 31—I/P) — insurance executive. Al&o ment that Langer uttered untruth' Woods makes a survey of land­ C. Brown Mid. Oblo) and Senator RuaaaU (D-Ga) when he said Churcliin fought for The terror that tornadoea brought Also to Be' Discussed ____ lord insome. Oliver B. Ellsworth of HartfoWL Furs to cut tha 15-month aid program to seven Oklahoma communities a hanker. President . Truman s.gned the Win build, contract, .according to $5,037,000,000. Spain te Spanish-Amerlcan war. tp yauT o«B plsD» and specifles- Couaeleaee-Btrickea Ntlaens of gave way today to the dreary and Washingto'inilarch 31.- 23-Inch Deluge in Ne- 15-month extensi':>n of ceilings last' G. Keith Fiinston of Hartford, "Wa’U baBt tL" DamocraUc president of Trinity college. Uoaa. Cannon Very flattering for minote senda government S1.730 heart-breaking Job of picking up (A’)— Development of power, braska Whips Into night. He called it an "effective” Controls Need LaadarLucaa (III) told raportert. James C. Rogers of Pound *’And when wa beat the Taft in cash to pay for tuiaollcltod tax­ law, well equipped with enforce­ aqjirinf, flnest quality. es . . . CpL Loiense Gamboa, who tbe piece! and starting over. flood control and water pollu- p i^ e |o 15-Foot Drifts ment teeth, and a "i rushing defeat Ridge, N'. Y., whose post office ad­ ERNEST A. RITCHIE amendment, than they know the tion abatement on a coordi­ Now Removed dress ia New Canaan, Conn., a for­ jig te up. ’That will break tha already baa General MacArthur on There were three deaths to learn for the real estate lobby.” SaMa squirrel jackets or to forget, and more than a dozen mer business associate of the gov­ 15 l.lbcrty Street Turkish Towels back of tha move to cUt tha totaL” hia side, aaka U. S. State depart­ nated New England-wide | Hayes Center, Neb,, March 31 — Through its home-rule provision. ' ment to help him rejoin his wife victims are atill te hoepitals with scale was up for discussion it could ease the government out of ernor and at present an aaatstant Phone 8172 CaaBBUy Alaa Caafldeat fCj—A spring snow storm thst on his executive staff. capes. Ideal to wear over and two children te Australia . . . serious Injuries. here today. Possibility of es­ the rent regulation business by the Key Democratic Sena- LucaF confidanoa waa echoed by CTiteese Nattonaltet peace dele­ ’The twisters, probably Just two rivaled the already famed blizzard process of olty-by-city decontrol. Passed By Voice Vote Banator Connally (D-Tex), chair­ your Easter suit or dress. gatee, prepared for long negotia­ of them, churned froin Oklahoma tablishing a New England of ’49 spent itself in western and Meantime it guarantees landlenls tom Agree ‘Healthv Re- The reorganization measure was man of th« Foreign Relations com­ tions on three of 0>mmunlstF to Kanaaa along the diagonal face power authority similar to mittee. ^ central Nebraska today. a "fair net operating income.” .,j;...s.xx.x.xt' R.xx^xxlxx. P.asaed by a voice vote^ firat In tha 3 for $1.00 eii^t conditions for paaea, leave of a atatlonary oold frapt. the *rVA waa among matters be­ By teid-momteg only a light Does Not Mean GeaerSl Jump B d ju s tm e n t K l i n n i n g RepubUcan-controlled House and Connally cbneaded that tha vote Nanking for Peiping tomorrow. Reading from southwest to fore', is closed Capitol hill confer- ttien in the DemocratiC-eoAtMUai ■VlU ba c ) ^ " But be aaid aq ■nowfall^at Grand Island clintinued Tbia will bring about numerous $ 2 4 9 .0 0 Three rebel gradpa .combine northeast, tha Brat one U t Canton, ence;-(ly>. m..-e».fc). » as the afterpiece of a 23-inch rent Increases. But President Tru­ B u lle tin ! I Senate. teforraal pBf-lmMaBiaa tha Senate Representatives of New Eng­ ' The bill, third major pieca of Jackets foroea to aet up admintetration Longdale, Homcatead and Isdbella. deluge of wet snow that was whip­ man emphasized that it qoes net Washington, March 31— STS. Plus Win approve the full total by a land governors were to present — eracted by the Leglala- 'ity cannoiL*n all-oYer checked pattern in gold, red, blue H$ifB msrgiiL over 300 square pUIea e f territory The second tornado, headed the ped into drifts five tohl6 feet high "mean a general iiu rcaie” ^or the —President Truman deelaretf in mid-western Burma, says Ran­ same way but farther north, proposed legislation which would j ture sines It Convened in January, But both Taft and RusseU in­ give consent of Congress for by 60 mile pei hour winds.' country's 14,000.000 renting famil­ today that a Federal deficit and green. goon report . . . Topt state and na­ passed close to Enid and Medford Slate Highnxya Blocked ies. • represented a compromise between m o f i ,$22 9 -0 0 stated ttaalr amendment had “a tablishment of a New England au­ would be much more danger­ j Republican# and Democrat#. tional leaders of A.F.L. meet in good chance.’* and raked Blackwell en routs to At North Platte 15 inches 'o f The number and size of the in­ ous to tbe country’s, economic Capes Washington to gear their political Kansas. Each did up to half a mil­ thority which would survey natu- As originally drafted, it pro- fvH o'evooK. More of Those Flret QnaUtF Plus Tex Hie Eebnoihic cooperation ad- i ral resources with a view, of mak- snow remained on the ground this creases is in doubt. Because he is health than a tax inerease. ' mintetration la aaeking 11,150,000,- machine for powerful drivp In lion dollars damage. ^ morning, and at McCook 13 inches ' posed a commission comprteinff 1950 eiertions . . . Earl p. Stareve. The first wiw tte worst. It tore «commendaUons on power uncertain at the moment what a Mr, Truman told a news ron- j five electors of the state, but both 'T & ^ s p o c m 000 for tha next three months; $4,- development, flood damage and were recorded. In northeast Ne- “fair” income would be. Expediter frrenre that he dors not agree '280,000,000 for the 12 months fol- president of U. S. Chamber of part of Canton down and killed braka the snowfall was estimated | : houses amended it to read "five $ 1 9 9 .0 0 Commerce, says unemployment water pollution. Woods is considering a survey of with Senator Georgf (D-Ga), ' persons. at lea.st three of Gape Stole 1 lowing; and 1150,000.000 in long- Charles Stowers, 32. and Mra. C. ■- The propoied authority also at 18 inches. Main highways were : landlords’ costs and income before chairman of the Senate Fi­ ¥ fSange contract authority. rompenaatton can lower American W. Godfrey, about 80. Then it hop­ Plue Tex blocked in western Nebraska and 1 nance committee, that a lax Moor Face Cloths standard of living . . . Son-in-law would study electric power rates announcing the government’s new (CXintiniied on Page Fmirtesa) The pending Senate bin would ped seven miles to Longdale—and in New England, importation of j »onie power lines were temporarily' yardstick of ' fail ne.ss." inerease at this time might I authorise this aid plan but would of Emperor Hirohito becomes or- Killed Ji"year-oi(i LArry Arnold. It ' natural Ran by pipeline and d^el> ' dov.Ti. Between Cambridge and In- Reg. 17c and 19c dlnary-Tokyo bank clerk tomor- naxae, r,n „ fir, nnan h/.,.,,.. .«.! Such s sampling of co.st« and bring about a depression. not provide the actual cash. This passed on to rip open homes and textile indus-'' dianola in southwest Nebraska an rental income would take some Closing Out All Our buildings in the villages of Home­ must be don« by appropriation. tries. estimated 75 to 100 cars were time. No immediate rush of land­ Washington. M.sich 31 A',— Fur Coats, S0% 00 Original Prices WiB Get Stroug Support stead and Isabella. Representative Woodhouse (D- stalled. lords for rent bcxists la expected, Only Olanring Blows Hit Key Democrat ir senator b agreed TO INTRODUCE { All the algna were that the Taft- Conn), who with Representative But according to the Omaha therefore: meantime the old rules today that the nstion ia n a period I 6 for 75c iBussaB amendment would get the The second twister hit only : Lane ID-Masat, called the meet- Weather bureau, the storm doesn't governing “hardship ” increase.s of ‘‘healthy resdj’istnieut” that HOLMES (EDWARDS Flashes! atrongaat support of any of the 27 Buying Caution glancing blows. It struck rural j ing, told a reporter that the pro- even qualify as a blizzard —tem­ ' will Continue to apply. ' probably hae renioved .suv piesent amendawnta offered to the ECA buildings near Medford, partly de­ posed|^ authority would make its peratures -did not reach the zero need for the Atamihy controls (Ixtc Biilictins ot U f j r , W in ) stroyed an airport near Enid, and Some Lilrerallzation Intended bUL Seen ^Healthy’ KUryeya' and then, report its rcc- ______levels required..______to meet blizzard_ re­_ Tlie rent agency understands a.sked by Pre.si«nt Truman. N elly Don Senator Wherry (R-Neb) aald he did ita worst damage at Blackwell, ommendatiODs as to apecific pro-1 qulrements. The low waa 14 de injuring half-a-dozen, and tearing ' that Congres# intended some lib- '“^here can be no don’ot that re­ X3o OR* beUeved the Taft-Russell amend- jecta. greea at Sidney. jVralization of ceilings, a apokes- cent price decrease.s have reduced Five Die as Bridge FalUi down a school and several homes. Hinton. W. Va., March 31— , Heayy weight solid colors with colored borders In noent will pull more votea than his Bills tjien Could be Introduced Streams Rising .again raan said. There is no ground, he demand for controls.” Sonatoh COTTONS own. Merchants Taking Cue It apparently crossed the Unc for authorization and construction The wet sno^' started northeast Five men were killed today wbeN into Kan.sas, and injured three per­ indiijated, for the belief voiced by O'Mnhoney (D-Wyoi told a re­ peach, green, dusty rose, blue and yellow. Wherry’s amendment would re- From Customers; Re­ of the specific projects but tbe en­ Nebraska streams rising again. some Republicans during the de- porter. a partly built bridge coUpfawd In sons on farms near Winfield. tire plan would be coordinated for Some minor lowland flooding was As chairnian of the .loint Sen- a high wind nnd plunged them IS# EMBROIDERED (UMtlanad on Page Fourtcea) sults in Loans Drop As with all tornadoes, there was New England. reported along a 10^-miIe stretch (('ODtlnaed on l^|ge Fonrleca) a t e-House Economic vomhiittee feet Into Bluestnne river. Fovr Reg. 12V2C and 15c MADRAS freak damage. A brick cqurph was Projects To Be Discussed of the Elkhort .river. O'Mshoney previously had urged otbere arc In a boapltal here, tore ------'v~l--- — with critical lajurien. C. C. Ste- With the line .look of b The snow also reauited in clos­ the st;ahdby authoritv for the Wuhington. March 3131—(4’>— ( ^ i the; alley a flimsy frame garage Among projects expected to be venfeld, erection eupertetendent hiand mede banderchlef, MerchanU, Uking a cue from their i untouch-d. discussed are tbe St. Lawrence ed schools in at least five towns president tb invoke selective price delicate embroidery end SeekQodies and brought a new threat to cat­ and even wage controls to meet for the Virginian Bridge company Correct for tfter- cuatomera. are going light on ( 6-months-old baby girl waa seaway, the proposed Merrimack Living Costs of Roanoke. Va., wan oa the Boea tea, ice-creem, 6 for 49c laM yoke on pastel woven buying. set i *'*''*'■ .authority, similar to TV A, tle which are now in the calving dangers of inflation. md many desaera. madras. (matched from her home and season. . a few minutes before tbe eellapic. ) _ “Very conservative inventory down gently in a field several hun­ 'which has been asked in a bill by Senate Democratic Leader Lu­ He eald he could not deterniiae ' Uae them, too, for . In Air Crash Mud rather than snow plagued cas. of Illinois, said the presidential and buying policies” were cited by dred feet away. | | Lane, the Connecticut valley au­ Decline Seen why It fell. He Ideatlflcdi tbe wonderful prizaa and government Officiate today aa the •loine Nebraska communities. A controls bill is not on a list of SOLITAIRE SUIT One house was unmarked oi«t-j. thority and the unfinished Passa- dead as Haul Sanders,' 39, and gifa! Limited oder / 9c ea. chief cause of a drop in business moquoddy project fn Maine. delegation\)f citizens from gumbo- I measures now being pushed. side—^but the inside was cra^nmed John Albert, 39. of Rndford, Va.i ■(. . . buy your tea | Hale's Self Serve SUken Siie sanforised cot­ Small Cattle Pon'd loans since Christmas. This drop Mrs. Woodhouse said she te plan- botind Bl(iomfleld. Neb., planned Drop of About 10 Per' now. Buy plenty i t this especially low price, all colors and ton chambray with eir- ■has outdone anything of the sort with debris carried through the windows by-ithe blast. ning to Infrp^ce later a bili for, ' Une tuck skirt. *' ipg Drained to Get in previous post-war yearii. cxtBislve____ _J2._po^er developmentJ__ .______. in ; .state offictetls in Lincoln today. | ...... patteme. ^ THE ORIGINAL IN NEW ENGLAND The house of Charles Stowers They expected to make part of the ! Cent, During Coming | ‘^ote 1 ^,‘;^.fvSTnrE^.u;’^ o ^ .^ : At Plane’s W ^kage 'Faying Off Old Loans was taken apart almost nail by Year U Foi^eeaftJ'ffiTZ ** va.^ DRAWSTRING These loans are used in large ^ S h e ^ d e d " L te pHmarUv inter- | the lack of other ' part to finance purchases of nail and spread over ten acres. .f.,1 I. -V,,..— 'i- the “ *caus* of th ------_ j“ *ge n a t o i- McClellan (D-Ark), • • * Extra Fine Quality Downproof aAd DRESS The body was found 200 feet means the town. . Ouster Action Barked Edgar Springs.,, Mo., March 3l stocks of goods. Officiate said Philadelphia. March 31. ■\JP'— Young silhouette, done In from the foundation. f ^ At Winside. Chamber of Com- (Onj^niied ttn Page Fourteen) ! B rid g e p o rt. M a rc h # I — <(f) — Featherproof tmd Health Market —(JF) — The amall cattle pond merchants not only have cut back \ decline of about 10 per cent in, Judge .Otto H. LnMacclile ef Oty sanforized pin check. 1 mercc President Hicks, de-scribing where >• an Air Force C-47 plane buying for .inventory — lest they Hurt we are little states, tucked off i -town's plighC said, ” \Ve’re the Cost of Uring can be expected I court today rendej^ n decision . craahed te a rainatom last night get caught In a phase of declining " V, transportation „ „ thw wV# were v^hen we in the coming year “ barring wars I le fgvor of the Bridffeport Housing WOVEN prices— but also have been pay­ and weather," .says the U. S. com­ waa drained by dynamite blast­ West Berlin ^ ... .x " .. e. 1 snowbound during the win- ' authority in an action tnkto by SEERSUCKER ing today to clear the way for a ing off old loans as fa-t as pos­ The .invitations said the off- , | •phen you could move around missioner of labor statistics. Aid to Seieiiue I the BH.V to oust John Dniy, of Pillow Ticks THURSDAY SPECIALS search for bodies. sible.” the-record** conference was being j b y p-ane. Now yoU can't move at But there ia little reason tp an­ f a i -r -|s,w ’ g ; VcUowV cU o w Mill5III 1 vUlivUlnge, the flnb legnl Slimming dtegonel stripee Two bodies were taken out be­ The business loans drop, as called tor discuss ”a plan of coor-1 gu '• ticipate a greater decrease. Dr. to evict qn nver- In a soft spring classic. Citizens Held Evan Clague told a meeting of the rlea Is Made GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASH SALES fore the draining waa begun. Four measured te Federal Reserve board dlnated action” on power develop- ; ______the-Unit income tomU.^. In n ■ ' I , othbga were believed to be in the reports from members banksTin ment, flood control and "other International Association of Pub­ memornniluni. Judge $1.19 ea. RAYON WTSekage. If anyone parachuted the liatlon’a leading cities, has conaervation legislation affecting Ttco States HU lic Employment Services teat snid the BH A uma within Its right run unbroken fog the Jast ten night. , . MAGIC CHEF mm CORD SUIT before the crafh he hadn’t turned Hundreds Seized by Rus* New England.” * Compton Urges Assist* nnd complying with the Iqw In the - Several pattern stripes in each color— blue, green and REG. SSe OLD FASHIONED weeks. It carried the volume of Lane said the meeting was "to By Snow Storm Food price# shopld continue up. downward unless bipoyed up b>- tan Guaranteed down proof as well ait featherproof. COOKED EGG NOODLES Well made cotton, cord Army and Air Force police held business loans down $670,000,000 sian and German Ptf* Minneapolis. March 31— ance Under jllarshall tUagonslIy worked In from the Dec. 32, peak. last-day-of-March snow atcA-m the international alUtation or cli­ Hnvings Bank Itobbed Heavy featherproof A C A stripe ticks 79« each. RICHARDSON MINTS back a crowd of about 600 ci- lice in Sudden Raids (Oohtiiiiied M Page Foarteca) Plan to Foreign Seienee jacket. vlllana while a crew worked at the Dne to Lack of Demand swept across parts of Sduth Da­ matic conditions, he said. I Leicester, Mhsn„ Mnreb S I — Oh Reg. 15c. Siwclel Can 7 C Should Not Expect Too Much . i BpwUI *i U . 2 1 c pond. » ’This drop of merp than four per kota and Minnesota today, alo'sr- ! — ^Tne L e lc e sto r H n v in g n b n n k w nn cent in three months ia due to Berlin, March 31—(F ).— Hun- Treasory Balance ihg highwhy traffic to a near- Cautioning that the public Cambridge, Mass., March 31 — ! held up nnd robbed by ton men Beautiful New Sanforized cottons. F ^ - The plane dropped out of a cloud should not expect too much in the tallorteg. Sizes 10 to 40. and hit the pond—about 40 feet lack of demand ^rather than to droda of west Berlin Germans were atandstill. j iA‘;--*Dr. Karl Taylor Compton todny. necordlng to reports tele- seined by Russian military police 'Wssbingten, March 31—(/P)— ' The heavy, wet snow covered way of adjustment. Dr. Cldgue f r e s h , l o n g OEEEN — -, r wl(le and 85 feet long—like a bullet newly-tightened bank lending I caHed today’for Marshall plan aid phoned to tbe etote pollen. Tbn and Sovlet-coptrolled German po­ The position ' of the Treasury power and communications lines, saiil consumer prices neither rise two armed men entered tbe bnnk HONEY PEANUT on a bullaeye, in water about policies, officials said. They added as rapidly nor fail as far as '■ to foreign science. CUCUMBERS 3 Fe, 25c aeven feet dMp. that report# reaching here show no lice Jn sudden raids on Berlin March 29: in some cases breaking them. late in tbe foreneen, poMto m M. suburban railroad stations and Net budget receipts. $241,171,- Mitchell, S. D.. wa# cut off from wholesale prices. I He said it te "more than tragic” Ihere were no pntrone la tbn bnnfc Plastic BRITTLE $8-98 Ah Air Force spokesman at sign of unusual calling-in of loans Dr. CHague said rente today are Scott Air bkae, 111., originally aaid by the banking aystem. trains last night. 929.08; budget expenditures. ail wire communication, aa were ' that "any nation should seek” to , nt tbe time. T b ^ toreed hank aai- *11)6 roundups were conducted for $162,229,654.96; cash balance, about 26 per cent above their 1924 ( interfere with the world’s flow of ' ployee to torn over nn «nd««er- 2 5 c f r e s h ha understood secret documenta Buying cauUon by merchants iwak. If controls were to be re- ; Jmowledge. Eeg. 49c Spcciel 1 Lb. Can were aboard the endt but later de­ waa rated a "healthy" sign. The the ostensible purpose of checking $5,881,341,517.66. (Centiaiied on Page Fearteen) nilned nmonnt of money, and toon nied the statement after talking official poalUon 1s that the coun­ Identification papers. But only m ov^ now, he wumed, j Now chairman of the Research Irie d . Place Mats d a n d e l io n s 2 ^e 29c to $ residents of the blockaded west­ would rise aubatantially Md re-1 ,nd Development commission of I • • • • VfefnCE MAH> _____ 13-98 to Patterson field authorities. The try would be better off If business­ ern sectors were grabbed. ' main high for a number : the national mllltaiy esttbllsh- In three new lace patterns and two colorful prints. duty officer at Wright field, O., de­ men guard against building up big To offset this, he xald, tl.e I Five Die in Finn# CMah COOKED SPAGHETTI clared: "We’ve been told not to Inventoriea Such heavy atocka Moet of the west Berliners seized ment, Dr^ Compton returned to London, OnL, Mntck fll were returning from the surround­ Nation’s-Traffic Deaths average weekly earnings of wage- Massachusetts institute. of Tech- give out any: Information ragard-. of gooda might later have to be camera also reached their all-time Dr. WUtotd ■ . Onw. FRESH CARROTS nee. 8c ing Soviet zone where they had nology, which lie headed for many tke.vant_De« 18VI Oe. Can. Beg. MVie. Speciel 7 C ing the subject of .documents dumped in forced selNng. some­ high of soo$55 last December.-ijecemner. This- i n » as keyriote speaker at a aboard.’’ conducted barter with' farmers. wife wad MD*n vl thing that has accentuated trouble Increase Four Per e, in ralgUoa to current | conference of weetom world leed- 29c ea. Take the Army Takes Oampleto Charge in past "boom andiiuat’’ c y ^ . They were waylaid by the heavlly- X killed today la toe'snNfl) ed hurmed (?ommuntet,.p^ice at the prices, $av«i wage-earners the moat ere. Practical aU plastic place mats that lave laundering Highway patrolmen left the *1116 Insurance provided against effective putohaeing ppwer they pffvato ptonn m Elevator to scene around 2 a.m. (e. a. L ) ana a happening of ttiat kind by tbe Potadam and Babelsbeig stationa T o n i^ t the conferenre heart T k n $2>y s n r ai d tabledotha. and on traina on the, city’# out­ Chicago, March 51—