Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-08-01

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-08-01 Wally Ris Wins 100-M~ter Free Style; Shatters Olympic 'Record The Weather Today Fair and moderate. Tomorrow slightly OWtlJll warmer. High today, 86 degrees; low 60. at Yesterday's high was 84 degrees. Established 18SB-Vol 80. No· 261- AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Sunday. August I. 1948-Five Cents Allied Envoys Give 's py' 0 Proposals to Russ Names 2 More l\lO" W (A')-Envoyg of the thl'e big western powers were grant d unexpect d interviews with Ru ian Foreign Minister' V. Ex-Treasury Man, FDR Aid M. Mololov la~t ni~hl IIlId gave him their late t proposals for set­ tli()g east-IV t differ nc s. Say Truman's The American embll. y announced o[ficially thal ll. Amblls­ sador Walt r B dell. mith!law {olotov for mol' than.1n hour Told Secrets, Bentley Claims La. t night. Ru i:>ian 8.utl1Otities aid Friday Molotov was" not in Demands Fail Moscow" and the speed with \VA HI Grr N (A')-A woman who confc, d gh spied for which he returned to the Russian By JACK BELL Russia told lImazed congressmen yesterday thai one or the late capital surprised U.S. spokesmen. Pr sident Roo evell . confidential aides and a form!'r a. i tant Tndy's 'Resignation' Tbey hardly expected him to re­ WASHINGTON (A') - Republi­ ,ecr ctary of the treasury gave out wllrtime secrets which t·eacbed turn so soon. cans contended yesterday that the oviet. Helps Communists Frank Roberts, Britain's special President. Truman's demands for he named them as: LONDON (/p)-The sudden resi­ envoy. said he also had been price control and rationing auth­ .L Lauchlin urrie, Nova Scotia-bom admini trative assistant to gnation of Hungary's President granted a seParate intervJew with ority have failed to gain public Roosevelt from 1939 to 1945, and * * * ( Dally 10"'0 Pholo by Jlerb NIPSOD) Zoltan Tildy gave the Communists the Soviet foreign minister, and Harry Dexter Whlte, former assis- I ...-- THAT MAN WALLY .- That's Wally Ris crawlln, out of the Iowa support. tant secretary of the treasury. I fltldhouse pool recently. Wben he emerred from Wembley pool In a chance t.o strengthen their po_ French sources Indicated that In support of this view, Senator The testimony came from Eliza- Landon yesterdaY. he was wearlnl" the smIle that goes with an sition in still another Soviet sate­ their representative, Ambassador l ' beth T. Bentley, 36-year-old Vas­ Olympic victory. Rls took the tOO-meter free style crown with a llite. Yves Chataigneau, likewise had Capehart (R-Ind) told a reporter sar graduate, who appeared before record breaking performance of :57.3, two-tenths of a second faster Tildy held his post for more conferred with Molotov. that despite an open inVitation by Ihan Ihe previous Olymplcorecord. (See story pa,e two.) than two years because of his Nellher Smith, nor Robsis Chairman Tobey (It-NH) the the house commlttee ()n un­ would comment on the nature American activities. willingness to "cooperate" with the senate banking committee has not Communists in every political cri­ of the conversations. HARRY Simultaneously, a senate sub­ received even one request for per­ sis. He was the last important It was considered probable that Former A l. Treasury Secretary committee headed by Senator Fer­ following last nigh t's talks, there mlssion to lestify on the anti­ ---------- --- guson (R-Mich) was questioning leader of the once-powerful con­ inflation question. 'Accept or Leave,' Vishinsky servative Smallholder's party to would be no new developments William W . Remington, 30-year­ leave the government. in the latest approach of the The committee will resume Krupp Heir Given old commerce department official, Some European newspapers and western powers to RussIa on the hearings tomorrow with Paul Por­ whom Miss Bentley named Friday politiCians immediately drew com­ German and Berlin questions until ter, lormer OPA administrator, as a Communist who supplied her (hallenaes Western Powers parisons between TUdy's resigna­ early this week. Expel'ienced Mos­ before it lor an explanation of 12· Year Sentence with secret information during the BELGRADE, YUGO LA VIA (IP)-Antlt-ei Vi"hinsky, the tion on Friday and that of Presi­ cow observers felt the Russians Mr. Truman's program. war. would give careful thought to NUERNBERG (IP) - Allred Soviet uelegale, challenged the westel'll powel'S YCllterulIY to 11('(, pt dent Benes of Czechoslovakia. But beyond that Capehart, act­ Remlnrton hu denied that he First reports, however, led London their reply. ing as chairman in Tobey's Krupp Von Bohlen Und Halbach, ever beJonred to the Communl!lt easter'n blo' decisions in the Danube ('onferrl1ce 01' take a w/llk. Both Smllh and Roberts were 41-year-old heir to the vast Krupp 'fhe take·it·ol·-leave-it choice to Britain, Francl' IIlId thl:' I lIited observers to believe there will be absence. said the committee has party, or that he ever rave Min few immediate political repercus­ reported to feel that the Rus­ munitions empire, was sentenced 'tates ill thE' lO-nation gatbering was offl'rt'Cl in thps(' w(mls: no witnesses booked except for Bentley any secret or conrlden­ sions, either in Hungary or else­ sians "are not In .. hurry." possible t stlmony by some mem­ yesterday to serve 12 years in pri­ tlal Information. "The door (to the conference) was o[)cned for YOH to ('omc in. son for exploiting slave labor and where in eastern Europe. (In London, a responsible Brit­ bers of Mr. Truman's cabinet. Ex·pressing astonishment at the The door is open fot· you to go out." ish diplomat said the U.S., Britain plundering countries under the American sources in Berlin said The Indiana senator said he former spy's testimony, Chairman That was his defiant answer to ---------- - -­ and France had given to Russia Nazi regime. (AP Wlropbolo) Tildy's resignation was not expect­ had made a check of other key J. Parnell Thomas (R-NJ) of t.he the stand taken a few minutes be­ in writing their terms for enter­ ed lo haVe any reaction on the Republicans and they reported the An American mJlitary court con­ house committee demanded that LAUCH LIN CURRIE fo re by France against commi f­ Strikers Agree to ing into four-power negotiations latest. weslern power approach in same lack of response. victed Krupp and .10 high Krupp a special grand jury be summoned •• and FDR Aid Named ling herself to any recommenda­ to end the east-west cold war. Moscow. 'rhe west is seeking a ofClelals of war crimes In a 50,- In Washington to look into lions which disregard her existing Confer in 87-Day (He said when Smith, Roberts At the same lime, however, the way to end the dispule with Rus­ Democratic national committee 000 word judgement handed down "espionage in government". Sec­ at the lime by the U.S. farm and "acquired" rights in the Dan­ sia over Germany. and Chat8igneau saw Soviet Dep­ by a three-man tribunal. said in Its weekly "Capital Com­ onding the demand, Rep. Rankin security administration. He no ube, Europe's l,BOO-mile interna­ Uni.vis Co. Dispute A British foreign orfice spokes­ uty Foreign Minister Valerian A. Sentences ranging from 34 tional waterway. ment" that "many" of the "plain (D-Miss) declared that the grand man viewed the Hungarian de­ Zorin Friday night, they left aide months to 12 years were meted out longer is with the government. DAYTON (A') - Defiant union people" of the country had writ­ jury's inquiry should be broad Adrien Thierry, chief of the velopment as "another step in the mernoires with him.) to the other 10 defendants. Of Queried by Reprcscn taU \Ie French delegation, had declared members, still angered over ten and wired to President Tru­ enough to take in state, county threats to call out the national gradual consolldation" of Com­ the 12 men tried, only Karl Hein­ and city employes too. Nixon (R-Ca\lfl, the former his country Intended to reserve all TO PLAY FOR HOOVER man and Democratic leaders in guard in the strite-ridden Univis munist power among Russia's support of the program. rich Pflrsch, 71-year-old dean of spy said the Information obtaIn­ ill rights under past Danubian neighbors. He expected little im­ CEDAR RAPIDS (A')-The Vet­ the Krupp board of directors, Miss Bentley told the committee conventions and "will not consider Lens company strike, agreed yes­ that although Currie was not a ed '''rourh Currie generall y was terday to confer with Gov. Thom­ mediate change in the Hungarian erans of Foreign War band Post Senator Whel'fY of Nebraska, was acquitted on all counts. herself bound by any recommen­ 788, Cedar Rapids, will pe the of- acting GOP leader, told reporters Communist, he "gave us some channeled through a George dations" at th.is one. as J . Herbert and company offic­ situation, saying that Tlldy al­ The judges, who reached a vcr­ Silverman to Silvermaster. She ways had favored "cooperation" ficial band for the Herbert Hoover Ihe will file a petition to limit the diet that the convicted men were information, he had inside Infor­ This was a few hours after ials in an effort to seLUe Lhe 87- birthday celebraUon at We s t anti-pOll tax debate early this mation on government policies." said she understood Silverman day old dispute. with Communism. guilty beyond "a reasonable went to Harvard with Currie Vishinsky had served notice that Branch, Aug. 10. week.
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    1948 NCAA MEN (Minneapolis, Minnesota—Memorial Stadium; June 18–19 (final-day attendance 15,563) TEAM SCORING The meet was scored 6-deep on the 10-8-6-4-2-1 system: 1. Minnesota .............................................................................46 2. USC ......................................................................................41½ 3. Texas ....................................................................................35 4. Illinois ....................................................................................34¼ 5. Cal ........................................................................................19¼ 6. tie, Michigan & Ohio State 18; 8. Stanford 17¾; 9. Colorado 17; 10. North- western 16; 11. Rhode Island (Rhode Island State) 15¾; 12. Texas A&M 14; 13. Villanova 12; 14. tie, Tulane & Yale 11; 16. tie, Arkansas, Kansas State, Harvard, San Diego State, South Carolina & Wisconsin 10; 22. tie, Notre Dame, NYU, Oklahoma & Oregon 9; 26. tie, Auburn, Indiana, Michigan State, Maine, Penn & Penn State 8; 32. tie, Army, Dartmouth, Ohio Wesleyan, UCLA & Wayne State 6; 37. tie, Mis- souri & Washington State 5; 39. Kansas 4¼; 40. tie, BYU, Columbia, Franklin & Marshall, Fresno State, Texas College & UCSB 4; 46. tie, Butler, Marquette, Miami/Ohio, New Hampshire, Princeton & San José State 2; 52. tie, Carleton, LSU, North Carolina & Seton Hall 1. 100 METERS 1. Mel Patton (USC) .............................................. Jr ................10.4 2. Donnie Anderson (Cal) .....................................
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