Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, July 29, 1948-Five Cenls Cartiide Was Treated for Possible Fractured Ribs

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Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, July 29, 1948-Five Cenls Cartiide Was Treated for Possible Fractured Ribs Was That Trip Necessary? The Weather Today ' GIUNSBURG, PA. (JP) - Mrs. Linda. Carnllne, 65, Showers and thunderstorms today and to­ nIII't huri last night when an airplane bJt her house. I,t she was hospitalized a few minutes litter when she night. Tomorrow party cloudy with show­ IrIfIIM aDd fell while runnln.. out Ide to Ii e wbat ers and cooler temperotures. High today, lIa"eaed. ne plM of the plane went to the same ho pilat all at OWQI1 90; low, 60. Yesterday'S high, 86; low, 58. )In. caroline. He sustained cuts and brul s - Irs, Established 186B-Vol 80,No· 258-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, July 29, 1948-Five Cenls CartIiDe was treated for possible fractured ribs. Allies Ready Blasts Shaffer German Chemical Plant To Negotiate Senate Truce Attempt With Russia LONOON (IP)-A responsible British o[ficial said yesterday Britian, France and the Uni ted On Civil Rights Fails Slates are ready to present Russia their conditions for new talks "on a general European settlement" of east-west quarrels. Blue Names Three Wherry Says He'll Introduce Greek Opposition This report that proposed dis­ cussions on German problems miaht be broadened to an all­ Iowa City Men for To U. S. Military Ew'Opean basis was not comment­ Anti-Poll Tax Measure Today ed upon by state department of­ Proposals Fades fiCials in Washington. Secretary Draft Board Duties W HINCTON (JPJ--Congress last night plunged into a civil oJ State Marshall said for his Gov. Robert D. Blue yesterday right baltte ct'rtain to po tpon I if not wipe out, any lingering ATHENS (A") - I n to l' m ed part the British-French-Ameri­ recQmmended three Iowa City chance o( action on cost-oC-living and other major legislation at sources said last night opposition ean agreement on next steps in the sj)fcial session . apparently hod collapsed in the dtaUng with the Berlin crisis was men for IlPpointment to the dra1t board that will handle selective Senator Wh erry of ebra ka, acting Republican leader, an- Greek supreme defense council !tefet and be hoped the British service for Johnson county under nounced he bring up today an anti-poll tu bill-~me of the to changes in the Greek military Ind French would be equally re­ will the peacetime conscription law. key items in President Tru­ set-up recommended by American tictnt. He said there already had omcers. been too much speculation about The men nominated were An­ man '8 PSl'ty.spljtting civil rights cher hristensen, 924 Iowa ave­ program. These sources said the U. S. what the western powers were u. S. B-29 Crashes military mission to Greece, headed nue, op rat or of a farm west of to do. And southern Democrats de­ pn, Iown City; Glenn F. Houston, 11133 by Lt. Gen. James A. Van Fleet, The formula for unraveling the E. Court street, secretary of the clared they would debate tile asked that Lt. Gen. Panos Kalo­ Berlin tangle will be set before Off Arabian Coast; Johnson County Abstract and measure righl down to the ground. geropoules be replaeed as com­ lIl1SSia's foreign minister, V. M. Title Guarantee company. and One of them, Senator Hoey (D­ mander of the second Drmy corps Jfolotov, during the n~t few days William R. Hart, 730 E. Burling­ Believe 16 Perished and that other changes be made. b, British and American di plo­ ( I' lbdlow'rf!phGto) NC) said flatly there was gOing RES UE WORKERS PROBE EXI'LOSION-SIfATTERED PLANT of the I,G, Farben chemical works ton street, attorney. Kalogeropoules will be replaced. JIl.!ts hurrying back to Moscow to be a filibuster. ADEN (JP) - One of three B-29 In Ludwigshafen, Germany, Blasts rocked the plant y t rday and araln last night, klllin .. al least 300 the sources said, by Maj. Gen. and by the French ambassador Grabl Named Head All-Day Debates Superfortresses on an around-the­ people and injnring at least 6.200. rooke and flames towered miles In Ihe Ir around the ('tllf'. German Stylianos Kitrilnkes, deputy chief who is already there. Brig. General Charles H. Grahl, world 1light crashed In the sea Senator Taft (R-Ohio), chair­ of staff who plonned the Gram~ officials said the disaster was the worst since the war. head of Iowa's llelecti ve servi ce within sight of this port on the The British informant satd the mos mountain operation against program during World War n, man of the COP policy commit­ south coast ot Arabia Tuesday. At tdea In the minds of the western Communist-led guerrilllls. From was selected by the governor to tee, said the southerners probably least 16 American crewmen were powen is to broaden a projected another Q.uarter came word that hold the same position under the would "debate" the poll tax bill believed lost. lour-power discussion of all Ger­ Marshall Names 3 the fifteenth division commander. new draft program, according to man problems to embrace out­ New Explosions Rip all day today and tomorrow, with One man was rescued but It Maj. Gen. Laios, would also be standing European differences be­ The Associated Press. the daily sessions winding up was not learned immediately the relieved, tween east and west. To Scan UN Laws Gov. Blue's recommendation of exact number men aboard the about 4 p,m, Iowa time, ot Ka)oieropouleli was commander The British oflicial emphasized draft board members is the same giant American bomber. Author­ of six divisions which started the that the basic conditions insisted F~r German Plant as an official appointment. How­ Taft said he didn't know what ities here imposed restricHons on Spy L90pholes West Crammos drive more than five upon by the United States, Britian ever, President Truman will make the Republicans would do it the outgoing dispatches concerning I,UDWIGSIIAF'E (IP) New bill ts I'ip]ll'c) th.' wI·p,·kp(1 1. O. weeks ago and which now is far and France remain the same; the formal appointments. Dixie forces still hold the floor the crash. W ASHINCTON (IP)- Secretary Fa1'bl'l1 Chrmi('ul company h('1'(' I'l1l'1y this mOr))lll ll' in till' walt(' of bebind schedule, I. Russia must recognize that of Stnte Marshall yestcl'dllY No Notlce next week. He conceded that Jt Five bodies were recovered ye terda)" s explo~ioll Whj('jl killed mort' than and illjll!' cl The Americans also asked tor the western powers will not quit launche·d an inquiry to find out aoo The three men recommended for WOuld be "very diCficu1\" to beat from the sea during the day and 6,200, according to a lI.K Ill'my I.' !ltilnotl'. Opl'lIlnn pulit'!' f;lIid be­ a shakeup in the air ministry. Berlin and will not negotiate con­ whether Communist agents or the Johnson county draft boa I'd a filibuster with 21 senatars tak­ were burled with full military twerll IIml ~OO \{illl' d. informed sources said, The Amer­ cerning problems of that city or other aliens dangerous to Ameri­ 500 wet' had received no official notifica­ ing part in it. honors in a funeral attended by icans regard the ministry's direc~ on broader pro~lems while under ca security ore entel'ing the United 'fllt' fIrmy Ruid ther'!' WH(, aoo knoWIl d'>lId , JlI'I'Slllllllhly from 11 tion yesterday. of To All mpi l'a sare the crews the two remaining tion as inerfecti ve, some circles Soviet pressure. States through the United Nations ('011111. of boclil'll dUrin' rescue Two of them, however, said they B-29s. Recalling President Truman'!s said. The air minister is Athan~ 2. Russia must lift her food organization, op rations, and I hat an lLn(ll'­ will accept the appointment "when iIld fUel blockade of Berlin. termin d number of dead s till statement that the Republicans The crash occurred at 10 a.m. asios Bakalbasis, a Liberal party Marshall named three private lind if it comes through." Earlier, a British official had remain in the blazing wrecknge. Filipino Student Dies can pass an anti-poll tax bill it Iowa time, Tuesday, shortly alter member, citizens to I'ccommend measures Houston said, "Yes, I will ac­ they wont to, TaCt told reporters: the three planes took off for Cey­ forecast that the western powers Ass 0 c I a ted Press dispatches to plug loopholes if any are found. A U. S. army statement said cept the olppointment, Ibu" of "VVe'U xhaust every parliamen­ lon, wU! put in "cold storage" tbeir 2,700 persons wcre trea ted fol' In University Hospital course I have heard nothing def­ dealing with til r e que s ted The three are B. M. McKelway, tary effort 10 do it." Cause ot the disaster still is plans to set up a west German lI1]uries suffered 'in the plant inite yet." changes were held up by mllitary government if Russia agrees to editor of the Wa Shington Star; Perfecto M. Va squez, 38, SUI Peace hopes, raised briefly unknown. Eyewitnesses said lhe James H. Rowe Jr., a formel' as­ when the first blast occurred yes­ Would oUicials ov r the past 36 hours these conditions and thereby opens graduate stud nl fl'om the Phil­ Accep~ when a compromise poll tax: pro­ plane was airborne when the sistant at\ol'Dey genel'al who is a terday. At least 3,500 others werl' for alleged "security" reason!;',.
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