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:‘ .*-*' ■■r -i- ^ ■■ : '■ :.• V ■■ ■ , . -•: ■ f •1. TUESDAY, JULY SI, 195R ■ x ' - PAG* TWENTY iiattrijf0tfr EiiJning Bloodmohile Visits Center Congregational ChurchiTomorrotv 10:4Sa.;fn.-^^p. m, and Mrs. Clldyth A. Johnson, 183 Mancheater Grange meet Chief Acceplinj Wadsworth St. Wednesday at S p.m, sft Orange I- .1. A b o u t T ow n DISCHARGED TBSTERDAT: Hall. A musical progism will be WilliS'Sweet AveraR:e Daily Net Press Run The Weather presented , in whiqh/the Hlllstown ig Job Applications cs. Madeline Dellale, New Bed- For the Week Ended Foreoast of U. B. tVoathor 1 . The DUworth-Ojmell-Quey Poet, Bel-Airs. a group. Of yoiuig people, foWsMass.; Murphy Waite, Wind June 16, 1956 N a 102, Atfierican Legion, meet- will participate. ' "rhe Home'Eco;^ Applicallona are now being ac sor Ldeks; Mrs. Selma Carlson.' I ing ^acheduled for tonight hae been nomics Committee will h a v e /a cepted by Chief tA. Police Herman 126 FalkntKDr.; Miss Eats Orcutt,' Fair, eool toaigbt. LOw-aeac M. canceled due td the Lej;ion Junior white elephant table. Thursday O. Schendel for supernunjerary 50 GlenwoodNM.; Waller Grabow-| 1 2 ,0 6 5 * championship baseball came to be night, the' Manchester/tJrange i poaitions on the police force.’Clos ski. 376 HartfomRd.; Peter Pan-1 Tbnreday partly riondy, ennWaaod Hobo Band will plaj^jrt the Cov- | taluk, 40 Foster/S^: Loyal B. Member of the Audit c J cool. HIgti In mid 70S. plajred in Bristol. The next Post ing date is Aug. 11. ' Bureau of drcnlation ' meeCiBg will be held Tuesday, Aug. entry Grange, Rt. North Cov- | Forms may be secured st Police Aiihlgnd, Coventry; Mt|. Dorothy entry. Manchester— A City of Vili^e,Charm It.. Headquarters. Eddy and son, Worcester Rd., Appliesnts must meet the 'fol Rqckyillf; Mrs. Jean Hultgtteo and The LodfM Auxiliary of the; lowing qualifications: son. 19 tliisseil St.; Mrs. DoIOcm , The American Iteglo" Band u-ill VOL. L X XV , NO. 257 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) MANCHl^STER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AU.GUST 1, 1956 (ClaaSlfled AdverUebig on Pnge 22) PRICE r iY E CBNTR bold Its next regular rehearsal Manchester Chapter, No. 17, Dis They must be st least 5 feet-9, Brookman and son. 17 McCann Dr^- V-----S!clday night at 8 o’clock in the abled' American Veterans, w ill! weigh at least 140, and have a Mrs, Geraldine Anderson. New - r r - L«gion Home. • meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. In the high school diploma or Its equiva Britain; Mrs. Ann.Bra.v, Hartford. VFW Home. ; lent. I DISCHARGED TODAY; Clement 1 ' ^ f ' • -------------- ... ,4- Lupacchlno. 64 Birch St.; Kathleen Mrs. Bilan Burr of WKNB,.yiiU T h e Hartford County Council, 1 J>e the guest speaker at f i g h t 's DuBaldo. 5 Irving St.; Susan 1^ VP*W and Ladies Auxiliary, will | Spafford, 31 Edison Rd. of ■ Manchester' Wates, hold Its annual outing Sunday at! Hospital Notes lied for, 7:30 at the Italian Connecticut Packing Grove. Cot-j V. American Club on.Eidridge St. tage Grove Rd., Bloomfield. ■ b e-, \islting Hours: Private rooms, ginning at IT a.m. Tickets may be I on 10 a.m., to 8 p.m.; maternity and 9%. Mrs. Bari iH ^ a n Bills whose obtained from Mrs. Helen Beebe. I / marriage to Ea^K>S. Bills of 49 semi-private- wards, 2 to 8 p.m.; ^ t Coolidge St. Saturdays^'ss carried, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Wetherell. children’s ward, 2 to 7 p.m. TOWNE GLEANERS in last night’s Herald. iSv^ployed 114 Hawthorne St., and !iir. and Patienta Todav: 149 AND l-Al'N-DERETTE % at the office of Dr. "rNiloyer, Mrs. Francis Mannise and chil 848 MAIN STREET 'not Dr. W. T. Moser. dren, ^ Iton Notch Rd., have re- ADMITTED YESTERDAY: jLumed from a week in Chicago. Christopher Leber, 105 Holl ,St.; Britain H eltl^etidy to U se Force to K eep Suez Candl Open tere they visited Mrs. John Conlon, Andover; .Mr.s. Loret ell'iNson, James Manise ta lUmmell. South Coventry; Mrs. * Dry Cltoning •famll^ Dorothy Parker. 420 Summit St.; Mrs! Jean niliasoh, 22 Franklin St.T * Shirts Loundtrtd _....t,'“- "fS' Cecil Adams. 88 Union St.. Rock.- PICNIC Mr. and Mrih'.Charles■8 Herberger' East Chief vllle; Mrs. Jennie Cole, 198 ;E. ■ - • > of Bell St., Glastoqbu:ry have re- Middle Tpke,; Carl Noren, .Marl * Laundtrttt* S«rvie« Not U.S. W ouI9"T^e Nixon; turned home after a>i^'eeks visit borough; Mrs. Grace Bishop, Ver- J . CHESTS to Bngland, Germptiy, France, and ruiy. While In ItSly, K nojtn. Linda Watrous, Vernon repeated Hits Abuse ger visited with hir aon , Johl Trailer C o u r't, Rockville; Mrs. Pick Up emd D«liv«ry Asks Open Sessions Spencer, ho ia stationed with tir Edith Peterson. Andover; Mrs. eh ell services ^ove U.S. Air Force. In Bngland, ahe Louise Crooks. 109 Holl St:; Kath Of Justice 4>enl som e. time with acveral leen DuBaldo. 5 trying St.; Guerino by insistent coualns. lamonaco. 24 Eastfleld St. Ceil ^ Id)ndon"sAlW. 1 \/P)— A n • Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Washington, Aug. 1 (iT^President Ejsenhower a«id 1 BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A M l 9 -9 0 8 4 Berlin, Aug. 1 {/P) — The day Vice President Nixon is perfectly acceptable to hiin but LakoLa Council, No. 61, Degree! daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred demand " 'B T t h b s K 'J f u n i t t S ' States Bsrhero. .83 Doane St. gain toaa.\ Biqtai|i^i.s leady to has balked at indorsing decisions chief of the Ekst German he is not going to foreclose Republican convention action on of Pocohontas, will meet tomorrow i Communist party .said today night. 7:30 at Odd Fellowa Hall PWTHS TODAY; A son to Mr; Use force i f nece.sfiary, includ- which It feels might lead to a some other possible vice presidential candidate. ing tlie reoccupation of the shooting war. “cold - snouted'bureaucracy” Eisenhower declined at a news conference to state any Suez Canal Zone, to keep the , The talk of force probably con- and abuses of justice have preference for a vice presidential nominee. tains some element of trial bal- canal open to world shipping..,^ pregaui-e py the Eden govern- prompted the mass flight of Eisenhower said he himself has not been renominat«d and FOLKS PAST 40! The informant'is an official of pienl on Britain'il western allies refugees from East Gemany he is not going l^yond what he already has said about Nixon Prime Minister Eden's govornment.' on Egypt. to the West. ; as a member of the administration team- Mainfain your good health and Bu't^e declined to be identified by Party Boss Waller Ulbrlclit vigor with “ Forty-Pine.” It's But Eden personally is being; In previous exchanges oh hia name or position. pushed by a large group of his | called for improvement of condl^ subject Eisenhower has said h e, . c? . i* a sugar-free mixture of impor He .said Britain ha.s not aaked— tions in 'the Soviet Zone of Ger tant vltamhiB and minerals. In own supporters in parliament to ] woiiid be "delighted” to, have i h i s e n h o w e r d t a t e s and does not Ihlfnd asking -the many in a speech to his party's Nixon on any ticket with him. w ^ , o cluding iron and vitamin B13. "'1 ■' stop what they call the, scuttling | DO TOP NOTCH United States to. join in any mili of British interests In the Middle | Central Committee. It was printed has praised Nixon’* contribution A l l H O H S u e Z in a dellcioua liquid form. Ask ■ • Wlcrablcki rhoto tary measures which tliia country In the official Communist' organ for a bottle at Weldon's, onlv ‘^ENCHANTED NIGHTS^* MATTRESS East. In France, too, there is strong { to the administration. I-* MRS. ROBERT KEENEY AVILLIS niay take as a re.stilt - of Egypt's pressure for action against Nasser | Neues Deutschland. Todqy Eisenhower said there i --------- tlA9, or phone MI S-5S3I for I ■■ nationalization of the canal. Washington, Aug. 1 i/Pi — C00LIN8 JOB Imm^iate delivery. llinTON-FRU TOP...No Buttons, No Bumps, No Lumps! because of his support of the Arab-; In line with the current <^am- can he no doubt ahoqt hia aatisfac- | bliss Diane Leona Sweet, • A reception foi approximately Britain has Jiowever, called upon rebels In Algeria. paign in the Soyiet satellites to tion w-ith Nixon as a running mate. ! President Eisenhower said to HoM 32 A*pi. lef^M daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William 75 guests, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. the United States to give political The British group is commonly allay public unrest, Ulbricht said Rilent' on Herter I day the U.S. atm in t'he Sues N, -Sweet Sr., 62 Starkweather was held in t'-e VFW'Home. Man support in the event military known, as the “Suez Rebels." TTiey conditions should be bettered to He declined specifically to say i Canal criiris is to make cortitin or 24 12*es. lotHos St., and Robert Keeney Willis. 38 chester Gvecii. action ia taken, he said. France opposed the Anglo-Flgyptian Ac Bobo Relaxes attract “youths, members of the W’hether Goy. CThriatian Herter of of the continued use o f that Starkweather St- were . married When leaving for a wedding and some Brittsh Commonwealth Mrs. Barbara (Bobo) Rock intelligentsia and skilled laborers” Massachusetts 'w'ould; be as sc- i waterway in spite of its Overall dlmenaiona I t " leag.