of the AflIt, , will be ~ On the Inside Tt;.W~th.r American League Past•• Natlonals, II·' ' Generally fair today. Partly cloudy ... PaQ'e 2 wlth acatterecl thowers today and 10- THEATRE SUI HOl pital Gets Generator m.orrow. ~Not m.uch temperature cbCDlge. ••• PaQ'e 5 HlQ'h today. 89; lOw. 6a. Hlqb yestm:lay, Justice XQdlec Se.. the Law Chcmqe 88; low, 64· ••• PQQ'e 6 Est. 1868 - AP Leased Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP Leased Wire Five Cents

British Unions Defy f Stevedoring Action LONDON (UP)- Thousands of defiant labor unionis ts COn ­ fronted the government with the threat of a major crisis la t nigh t ear by refusing to handle 'cioods removed by troops f rom strike-bound ship nnder a royal state-of ,emergency proclamation. n Two thousa.nd meat handlers at the great Sm ithfield market. distributing centel' for greater T.Jondon and all southeast E nglarld, voted to tOll ch no provi sions llO­ Vetoed Truman Wily' Wrens 'Win Winter Wrap loaded by troops. UT The executive 01 the union ,;,f HORTON, MICH. ~ He ~bert Holktos hung an old winter Hawaiians Planning coat out to air in his back: yarq. and then 10r,ot .bout It. LI~htermen . Tug-men a.ttd Ba.rKe­ Offer Ignores Yesterday he d ~scovered a flUnily of wren ~ had mo ved into one Legislation to Snap men decided last JU~ht to in­ of the pockets and were lndustriously build~g a nest. struct Its 3,800 key men not b Holldns deci ded 'to Jet the coat han, on the line un til the last work at any .place where troops T-H labor Act baby wren had flown away. ' , Longshoreman SIr,ike "It's too hot for B coat an)'Way." he-said. are imlployed. WASHINGTON (JP) - Presi­ HONOLULU (U'\ - Territorial Governor Ingram Stainback an­ Hundreds of truck drivers whC' dent Truman tried 10 avert a move meat between ~ h i p and mar­ d nounced yes terday he will call a steel strike without using the ket indicated they would boycott UAW R ·" I!:I ' . R h special session of the Hawaiian (. food , which troops u nl' ~a d ed , ;;eIL~~~tl~iee:c:or~~~~et~~ ~ y fl~~; : et ~,; . I I • ' er legislature as soon as majority l . eets, eut . Fifteen additional ships wen rejected the plan. . \'" f • , leaders can agree on a legis,lative tied up yesterday by tbe strike of program to deal with the 73- day­ dockers who refuse to touch any The P t'esident asked both sides to continue operations for 60 days By Very- '" "· org''.' e Marg,·n old dock strike. Ca,nadian vessel becaus e of 11 ~ ' Stainback retur ned from the stdke of Canadian sramen. beyond the Saturday stri ke dead- ~1llfW1.(\U KEE (A'p)-Walter.!t4:uther crushed a. weak left.- mainland yesterday morning and At the docks. 2,700 soldiers line - or until Sept. 14 - while promptly calJed a huddle with and sal\ors trled h do the work a special board studied lhe dis- wi ng oppon Itt yesterday to .win hill third term 1&8 ClO united legislative leaders. He told them of 13.296 dockers who are now pute and made recommendations. Ilu to workt!rs president. WashlngtDn expects the territory au&. A lew hours aUer "Big S' eel" 'l'he million-membH union's other three top officers wer e to "help itself" and that the le~d ­ Thus Britain's Labor goY"rn­ ~urn ed down that proPQsal . Re- swept back in at tlu: same time by converttion delegates. lalure must exhaust all of its ment was fa ced with its most em­ public S ~eel corporation of Reuthet· jed W .G, Grant, his lone opponent, by a 20 to 1 mar - powers before it can expect fed­ Ibarrassing industrial tie-up in it! Cleveland Jl.lso rejeded It. Re- . .' Igin when: he liit the majocity efal intervention. four years of office. T he crisis be­ public promised "fulJ coopera- HI Ch b ' m~rk of the convention 's 8,780 gan wHen doc k wo~ kers refused Mea nwhile, the Hawaiian citi­ Uon" wHh any board '0 1 inquiry 155- ' am ers vote&. At;- tbat stage, with the ne- ces zens' committee moved to bolster to unlol\d two struck Oanadian which might be named under , . eessary 4,391 votes, Grant had d wind lin~ food supplies by filing ships. Taft-Hartley act provisions, . .• " Dnl y' 2&0, an admiralty sui t against the The Bethlehem Stee! company 1\ Tile fin~ but unofficial count $746,000 cargo aboa rd the Matson followed suit, giving much the Pro b'e Ke lu'sed . was 1I.oeo, to 672- a 12 to I mar- ship Hawaiian Farmer, labled Tokyo Rose Witness same reasons, 8. A. Homer, C9 m- gin. , "hoI" by the striking CIO lon,­ pany president. announced in WASHINGTON ~ _ Tlje ho~~~ • GrfJ't" Is. a fo~mer president of shoremen because it sailed for New York Ile had sent a telegram I A . ' t' t ,"tips' commIttee' 10llal 6OO.at the Ford motor com- . t· tl un· merlCan . ac v~ ~ " .... "v·... · "I, R"do La t D Honolulu three days after the 'Forgets' on Stand Io M r. T ruman relec mg 1e pro- rejected yesterdllY a Jj.ep.lJbli<;ap ...... ~. ; o ..... e . p n near e- strike began May 1. posa!. . bid for imtnediate 're¢periing 01 t1'$. ~-W~ nPmmated by a lef ~- ln Washington the senate labor SAN FRANCISCO (JP) - Did Benjamin Fairless, U.S. Steel 'the Hiss.Chambers, ca.s ~ . ' ~~ l"!..1:W dfacttuonedlethd b~pDe t Tol t commltlee yesterday put oft 'ac­ Tokyo Rose interrupt wartimf . th '. - I ':' , \QUOIWI ... an ca e' rogres- Japanese radio program I ~ an- p:esident, Wifed . e President B u~ Rep. Richard :~! XDD (,R~ slY. ' lfn1~Y' ~ucu s." Most of his tion on emergency legislation to nounce the American capture of that the TaIt- Hartley act l S ap- Calif) still insiSted t)1 at: .:'l.he reQ~ support cam~ t tom left-wing locals end Ihe Hawaiian longshoremen's Saipan- and to blarp out "Starr plica.ble to the pres~nt situation, ord of the mC>St tr ea Ii9nl1b~e- con~ In '-1;)etroit, Cleveland and New strike. It called on its legal staff and Stripes Forever"? that It does not perJ;ut the board to spiracy in history s ho ~ ld ~ ¢o~~ )[orlS ..,' . Instead fo r a ruling on how much . Defense Attorn-eys in ber trea- ~ ake rec o m~~nahons, and that pleted." He IlJlid he .hop)ll/ .. arle{ ~fetl\l'r.-Treasurer Emil Mazey power the territorial legislature son trial attempted yesterday at- we are un~,il li ng to /:,0 outside of believes the cO,tnm i ttee . eveQ ~al1Y. a~(t\ti.t!~ J?residents Richard T. has to handle the situation. ternoon to get the Japanesr pro- that statute wil) cnange its mind. '.'. GOss.e ~ aD;'. ~allfornla a~line ' oru ll Is ,Iven It,. U~ e 18",el1. alcr~ rd Oovernment officials had nurs- to ' oall anf wlt~et.I~ ',"a', l.h. is ~ 'Cl.ty' "1' ('... k SUI 15 In ERP Is Risky TIre witness in the federal court Harnett, pastor of Our Ladl of the VaHer ch'!foh or Cano~a Park, Callf. wr~ka(e , ol the plane 'is in the ed bigh hopes that the CIO steel- ibneJ' ,., '~~ ," I ~ 0 , JC8 ' trial of Mrs. Iva Togurl (Toky. backKround. ' , '. ' worker" union and the major As !.or demands by NJ>iO}l.' and • ' WASHI NGTON (JP) - Paul G, Rose) D'Quino is Former Ll. Col . . -- , ., steel compani!!s would agree to Rep. Ht ' LOS liNGELES {JP) -..: Minutes . ---- er It would decide to postpone the on un-American a ~ fiv\tles, and, of the' "-wntown street lighting ' ty ft ' t'.. , f uv o! Ute economic cooperation ad- Reye s, a war pn.so ner wor kIfl' g on t0 cu t 0 If SUpP Iies l 0 the FI ... a er,; ne,' pi1 0 t Nlu.oe..., d wor d 0 men, away from each 'other. strike regardless 01 the com- none h as bed'"een propos cr r<=- s~m o~ university property ministration, he replled: the programs, and a man named The food convoy of 60 vehicles a: . ttirrlfic" tllJhr. aboard, a ' non- Pollee and clvJJ aeronautics pany's attitude. Philip Murray, quested by any ~ember theIleor. d th t3k f ' th "I'm slill on the job." George Oza sa were not summon- escoled by military !lalit.e left schedUled P -i6 airliner ' crashed investigators were que s tlonin~ president of the union. had said If any such investigation was un- ao __ e~. e ac lon to repair e PRICE Hoffman had previously told ed immediately for questioning. Giessen in the American .zci.ne allo . exP1Qtb~ d ' :i n, · llames yesterday secretly a woman pa S8en~er earlier lhal the steelwqrkers dertaken by the cODrress. It would pr ;tt Incandescent system. congressmen during ECA hearings TsuO'eishi said he didn't remember. while allie(i commanders . P.l'o.- ilt . ~~ ! t llgged , 'santa Susana they would not Identify. : " would decide today whether to be within the province of th" :J'his I<:'ioo came after the th at if the fund were cut below tested the latest SQ v ie~ r estJ;i~ llIP.un ~'; 'ns . ~ ill\ng' 34 'persons. Standard ' Airlirres . of' Long accept the President's plan. Judiciary committee." . , council h,eard the repo r ~ of Ald ~r- th e fi gure he considered naces- NEHRU STONED ff ,j il ' 'Y" , ' Nixon said.. too ~ nobolly l ti.. .ro!n Wilber J. Teeters llllhtlng 6ary 10 do Ihe job, ll e would quit. tions 9)1 truck tra ; ie. " A s/~~ at ' ",?~rl~eet:l ' ; Qtlter p'ersons mira. Beach, !>perator of the pl!\ne. re- -.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;; prapoled &hat tile ';u"-AmerleaD " co~rriittee which noted repalr of 'The multi -m1llion-dollar reduc- CALCUTTA (lI') - At least 20 convoy will be sent eac/l Tue~:~ : c410}Ul . y. ~ w ~te 'l · s.ru ~live nine cent!y had been ordere.p ·by the • actlv.ltles commtUee "do the 18_ the lI.res~nt system w~ s Ia.;s ex- tio n L'n s p ~ ndin g for the Marshall persons were injured and 22 ar- The Russians /lave restrlc""", iho.u1;s ,'ajter t~ big , two-engine .civil aeronautics. bQard to get out pe' n I" e'" i tall t· f ' te ' , , ReslOdent MIOsslOng vestl~a"nc, Be a,reed U. would, . , II :: .... l\n ns a Ion 0 a new plan was recommended Monday ested in a clash wi1h police yes- all truck traffic from We ~ rn ,pl,ane p~o\\4e 4 into a ~ pea.lt at about of busi ness next week. for regu- be up to the Judie....,. coUllDlt- ' syswro. by the senate appropriations com- terday aftet Indian Prime Minis- Germany at one route along ,the the ' 1 ~ 8 ,op loot level: 'latlqn violations. Glen Graper. Z4, 624 S. Lucas tee. . • ''I...... repel" also recolll- mittee, which ignot ed President ter Jawaharlal Nehru's open car !\utob&hn b'om Helmstedt and . PlIMenrers' n ive Vullo; ac- Bits of bodies, baggage and t • ed mi I .:...... 1_- 'h Ii I . t I 't • . .,. 5 ree •• waa report 55 n~ bl Hiss has just been tried before m'Jl,~ , ~,,_ • e ,ht n~ wir- Truman's admonition thllt a cut was stoned as h'e drove into Ca l- were doing their best Q s ow I COUll" of &be ,,,Itt IJehvl!en two aircraft were strewn over B 400- police late last nl--hi. tn ...... a I dult t Id would be "economic fQUy." cutta from the airport. up there. JUen which .• &!U1ed abOut a'll foot II rea on the b6uld.er anti • Judge Kaufman on charies he ....' ... ., u. oon 0 avo , - ______~---~~~- ~~&h~~~ ~~~. ~~~~a~~j~~ ~~~~n~n~~ Itour aad a half befo~ tile plane mesquite - roughened mountain er. sa. ld Graper. who was con- never gave secrets to former ~,It, uo& hav~ under- wai due to IlInd .~ Lon~ Beach. slope. Another 175 fe ~t and the valescln, from a tonslUectomy, Communis! courier Whittaker ...... "riD« Insulated. ,What happened during 25 hec- plane would have cleared the top left for a walll about 12:30 p.m. Chambers. ' Special , assessment ' of the KLM Airliner Crash in Indip tiC; minutes between the pilot's of th e peale Yesterday and never returned. llbuUi,n, proPerty owners was call for police ,aid and the crash Removing the bodies was' a The young man, s'x feet taU su«,este4 IS the method of pay- was a ~ s tery that civil aeronau- sloy.' process. Burn~d conditions and weighing about 135 pounds, HYDE DIES ment 'fqrtbe rel'Qirs. 'tics . inve~ tlgato ;s ~ere probing made. identi.ficaticn dilticult. Only haa dark brown flair and blue !>UBLIN (JP)-Dr, Douglas Hyde, A, public hearin, on July 28 at Kills 14 fl S. Correspondents la,~i~~~~,,~ was jl,lIllPY, because [~ ~~ ~ I e ~ had been definitely iden- eyes. formet president of Eire. died at 7:30 p.~. was scheduled to hear .BOMBAY, INDIA !1lI-Forty­ oJ W' his home last night. He was 88. objectiollS to the proposad con- \l(e haq ,a very' roug!) trip, very ,_ . fi v~ persons, Including 14 top­ bU\1lPY,': sa,id a survivor, Mrs. . I • ere", pavrng. of Madison street ranking American newspaper cor­ Beardsley, · Marlin,:'· Judy, Fto~t. She said the light did A.','I'ln· e* Burns after Californloa Crackup' from 'Jefferson to Market streets. reSpOndents, were kUled yesterdllY not ~a st long e,nd was !>topped by I Cost o( ~pe paving was estimated when a Netherlands KLM airliner a stewllrdess wh, Q . reS'ea~ed the " ' at '. ~7 , 05S . 70, which will be paid tlying in a blinding rain. plunged Others to Dedicate. " , . " • by specl~ prope;ty owner assess- at full speed intD a hill~ide near • I. :; -,; ' . : me.cit. unl~s objections are he!rd Bombay, • . ... .' .~, " , • at

f PAGE TWO - TIlE DAILY IOWAN. WEDNESDAY. JULY U. 194. American Leaguers Paste Nationals Again~ ' I1.-7 Across 7~

Unearned Runs, Loose Fielding * * * ...----- ...-B7 Alan Moy.r---....-- ... Joosl's Single 'Weill Win One,' Say National Leaguers Mar Till; Musial, Kiner Homer At the raie the is going it won't bf' many yean until Ford Frick's boys wl11 say in whispered tones, "We won ill By JACK BAND Won il: Lou all-star game, once, back in 1944, and we're gOing to win another BROOKLYN (AP)-,Jolting Joe DDIaggio carried his ting­ one, someday." i ling comeback throu~h the 16th all-star game rest rday as the By AUSTIN BEALM:EAR. The victory the Senior loop (and that name Is beginring to sound American league ruff1ans pummeled their cousins from the Na­ funny, too, with the so-called Junior lengue bouncing o~d Senior tional, 11-7, in Ebbets field. BROOKLYN, July 12 (AP) around) would like to have was put oU at least nnother "year yet­ While a sweltering crowd of 32,- by of St. Louis, -Eddie Joost's fourtb-inning terday when the American league WGn its fourth straigh ' 11-7, ill 577 squirmed through three hours Johnny Mize of New York and single "was tbe turning point in 12Lh in 16 games. Eddie Kazak of st. Louis add up and four minutes of sloppy action the ball IP'Ime." said Manager Lou But If National learue fans are disappointed over 10810, ond two rain showers, Manager to two scores. Boudreau after his American lea­ the rune they should take cover, but quick, over tile ne", record Lou Boudreau's Americans boosted The loss, charged to Don New­ gue all-stars had wallGped the their game edge to 12-4 in the Na­ combe of the Dodgers, one of four NatiGnal leaguers. 11-7 yesterday. their boy. e.tabllshed. In 15 mid-season classics no eollectioD tionals' annual nightmare game. Negro players to appear in an "That was the break," the of all-stars had been able to JR&Jce more than tour err,ors, ba' They now have won four in a row, all-star game lor the first time, Cleveland pilot grinned, "that put the NatIonal le .... uers did beUer than that yesterday: they com­ a new high in the compeiition was nailed down In the seventh. us in Iront again and we went on mitted fIve mlsplays. dating back to 1933. Newcombe had long departed but from there." 'Ilhe errors hurt, too, to the tune of giving ihe balt game away Btr Joe D., picked for the the two runs he yielded in ,the Joost's crucial ,blow couldn't in the first inning. Warr~n Spahn, Boston who started fol team by BOudreau after be fourth did the dnmage. have had more english on it if he Lhe Nationals, struck out the Side, but an error by St. Louis Dardin. mlsaed the flrs~ 65 pmes of Am ••I.... leal'llo AB R BOA had shot it with a ibllliard cue. al Third Baseman Eddie Kazak opened the flood gn tes and let four tbe lleason with a lOre heel, D. DIMa8l10, Booton, rt..,f 5 2 2 2 r The ball landed in front of First Raschl. New York. p •..... 1 0 0 0 I unearned runs cross the plate. drove In three blr runt that Koll. Detroit. 3b ...... 3 2 ~ 0 I Baseman Gil Hodges and toolo off Dlllln&.r. St. Loull. 3b .... I 2 I 0 , at such a sharp angle the Dodger .. .. o proved to be ihe cUncher willi Williams. Boslon. It . . . . 2 I 0 I C a slxth-Innlnr double and flrst- Ml~hell. Cleveland. If .... 1 0 I I r star attempted unsuccessfully to Peewee iReese, Brooklyn shortstop, was the" goat" ot the game, It J . DIMoaelo. N w York. cf 4 1 Z 0 ( field it with his bnre hand. there wns a real "goat." Playing in his home ball park a d .before the Innlnr slnrle. . Doby. Cleveland . r(-:f .... 1 0 0 2 f D spite five errors by the Na­ JOOlt, Philadelphia. s...... 2 1 I 2 2 Cominl' wlih two out, It home fans Ree ~e mutted a doubleplay ball nnd into a c\Gubleplay, tionals in a poor performance that Slephons, Boslon, IS ••...• 2 0 0 2 C !leored Georre Kell and Ted then made the last out of the game. E . RobInson. Washlnllon, Ib 5 1 I 8 ( WlIIiams and .ent the Amerl. ~Pt an all-star game record for Goodman. Boston. Ib ...... 0 0 0 1 I · .. The sixth inning really turned intO' a Nntional league nigh\. Mlohael •. Chlc8(/0. 2b ..... 2 0 0 I ~ boots, it was touch and go until can leapers back In front, 6-5. J . Gordon. Cleveland. 1b .. 2 1 I 3 : FriIm then on, they never were mare. The American league scored two runs, on JO! DiMaggio" Joe DiMaggio's double oU the lett Tebbetts. Boston. c ..... 2 0 Z 2 ( Berra. New York. c ...... 3 0 0 2 1 behind. double, then Catcher Roy 08mpanella lost the bnll at home plate for C'en terfield wall drove home two Parnell. Boston. p ...... I 0 0 0 I the fifth National league error, then it begain to rain. liig runs in the sixth. When Ralph Truckl. Delrol!. p ...... 1 0 0 0 C DOM DIMAGGIO SLIDES sarely Into third baae In the sixth innln.- 01 the all-star rame. The Ameri­ "r hit the bali on the end ot Brlule. PhiladelphIa. J> •• •• 1 0 0 0 ( can leaguer advanced on Teammate Ted WllUams' tly to Andy Palko, National learue outflelder. Na- bat," eXlplained Joost, the Phila­ B, the time Stan Musial came to bat in the bolj.on baJr of Kiner's two- homer regained Wert •. Detroll. rl ...... 2 0 0 0 0 those runs in the lnst of the sixth, 1I0nal Leane ThIrd Baseman Sid Gordon (center) takes the the throw. UmpIre Lee Ballanfant (rlrbt) delphia shortstop. "The pitch was tbe Innlnr the rain was reaJly coming dOwn, so after a quick lDeet­ Tol.l. 41 II IS U I I calls the play. The game was played ,ellterday at Ebbets field, the Alnerlcan learuers winning, 11-7. a slider, just call it a weH-placed II1&' of the live umpires play was halted. It got underway ag-aln alt­ the Americans lashed away at N.lloDal lea«u. AB RHO A single." for n three-run Roese. Brooklyn. U ...... 5 0 0 3 ~ er a 12 minute period 01 scampering tor shelter •.. Last year 'In 81- J. RobInson, Brooklyn. 2b ..

'!'be Uvea ..... Lov. 01 &be 01'. In nab COMPANION nnTlHH Monte tRle "ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL" - I. lIal ...1 0010' • "hIE DAD.Y IOWAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, Uti - PAGI TmLn University- Students - Frosted Salad Is Hot-Weathe~ Treat SUI Sets Record Take Top Honors Town 'n' Campus Society Icecl Melon, Filli!'g 'fIJ~ As 2,960 Graduate A record number of 2,960 de­ W,S.C.S, cmOLE NO, 6 - Cir­ Malees Tasty DISh .. , grees were awarded by SUI dur­ At Iowa Art Exhibit cle 6, W.S.C.s. will meet tomor­ Heading the list of cool summer ing the 1948-49 academic year, An article In the July Issue of row at the Gucnnette cabin at Assistant Registrar J . Harvey Croy Miss Loan to Wed Aug. 15 dishes for Mrs. Dewey B. Stuit, 9 a.m. tor breakfast. Members the Art Digest magazine praises 220 Koser avenue, is a frosted said yesterday. are asked to meet by 8 a.m. at lTbe largest class graduated in the sm art students who won melon salad which she finds is the church. most of the prizes in the four­ excellent for luncheon menus or June 1949, when 1,623 students dessert bpidge refreshment. received degrees. Graduates at the week Des Moines aM. center ex­ Combining in - 5eason fruits, IOWA CITY REBEKAH August, 1948 com men c e men t · hibition which ended last Satur­ cream cheese and a jello filling, LODGE NO. 416 - Iowa City numbered 709, while 628 received day. the salad is a treat for summer Rebekah 104ge No. ~1l will meet degrees in February, 1949. Top honors were shared by appetites. tomorrow at the Odd Fellows hall A total of 2,617 degrees were

Richard. Rompot, G, Cedar Either cantaloupe or honeydew for a joint installation .of officers awarded during 1947-48, Croy_ . saLd7 . with the Carnation Rebekah l{ldge Rapids, and Elliot EI,an, AS, melons may be used for the salad No. 376 at 8 p.m. A social hour Chelsea, Mass. Rompo& won the "mold." First peel the melon, cut a slice from one end and Temove in charge of the retiring officers Births $100 EdmundSOb Trustee Plize the seeds, then cut a small slice of the Lowa City lodge will fol­ for hlB 011 painting, "Snow low w;th Mrs. Virgil Bowers, no­ from tlte opposite end so the Mr. and Mrs. John Schaus, 732 Scene," and Elrut won tbe melon will not topple over. ble grand, as chairman. $100 Younkers prlle for his FIJI the eenier 01 the melon Bowery street, are the parents of palntlnr, "RI&O&I." with. fruit relatln such a8 IJme EAST LUCAS CLUB - The a boy born Monday at Mercy hos­ pital. Ed m u n d S--- ~n appoipted to public relations positions at Iowa State Teach­ The recent Kiwanis interna­ "Best of all," she sard, ''It can in the music department, an­ menls in the making of mouth had won the cate, the judge told trs college/ Cedar Falls, effective Sept. 1. tional convention in Atlantic City be made the night before com­ rtounced Yesterday. pieces for brass instruments. him, "I really didn't need those Robert McGranahan, who re- .------­ was a "fine demonstration of ag­ pany comes and will be thorough­ Topic for the afternoon speech letters \0 reach a decision, but my ...., ..".,,- ly chilled when served." ceived his master's degree in IIlA' eourse during the summer gressive American citizenship," will be "The Physics of Sound as Nursing Students Plan son collects autographs." joUrnalism here in June, began session. W. J . Jackson, Iowa City Kiwanis Applied to the Manufactul'er of • • • work there July 1 as assistant ih From 1941 to 1943 he was area president and convention del. ­ Junior Farm Bureau Wind Instruments." Bach will Fireside Sing Tonight Among gambling stories Is the Charge at . information services, researcher for Time and Lite mag- gate, said yesterday. To Hold Picnic Sunday discuss "Th Technique of Brass SLudents in the SUI school of one of the canny life-insurance 1S'OC oUicisls said. Jackson presented a report on fnstrument Playing" at the even­ nursing will hold a "fireside sing" salesman who sold a policy to a azines. prospect that exhausted compe­ Mren will He has worked as a photogra­ the convention at the, Kiwanis The Johnson county Junior farm ing lecture. this evening in honor oC Myrtle titors had dismissed as "untouch- 111 _Istant In pher for the Honolulu publication meeting yesterday. bureau will hold its annual picnic Bach received his musical E. Kitchcll, new director of the able" by reducing his propoSition to wagering terms. I've got 01U! cbarre of the of Yank; magazine and as photog­ Held from June 19 through 22, training in Vienna, and came to dinner at Macbride state park at school. million dollars to your twenty thousand-50 to I-tha.t says you'll alumni service rapher and researcher for a free it was the 34th annual interna­ 2 p.m. Sunday, County Extension the U.S. as first trumpeter with Miss Kitchell will begin. her drop dead within the next twelve months," he challenged. "Why you Ind Miss Sho- '1.1.". lan~e writer for six months in tional meeting and was attended Director Emmett C. Gardner said the Diaghilet Ballet orchestra, duties as director this morning. _" exploded the pro!.pect, and before he recovered his- equilibrium, tulst waS ap- • Mexico. by 12,000 persons and 2,500 dele­ yesterday. Gower said. Later he held a The sing, starting at 8:30 p.m .. he had signed for a whopping policy. pointed assu· gates, Jackson said. Members of the bureau and similar position with the Boston will be held on the lawn cast of Copyrlllht. 1949, by Sennett Corf. Dlstrlbuted by 1I:Inll l'~,,,or~. "v~~I ••I • . Iut 10 charre Theme of the convention was their guests are invited, and are Symphony orchestra and the the nurses' home. Arrangements __~ ______Dr prote88lonal WSUI to Present citizenship, both the developing asked t.o bring two covered dishes, Mctropolitan Opera orchestra. are being made by Lois Gutz, te 0 r D I1meot Third Round-Table and responsibilities ot it, Jackson a pint


_I to the Music of New ahlpment lust rec:el ..cL Bold $1.95 ; DICK TRIPP and his Orchestra One Lot of BOWLING OXFORDS .tripes. checb cmd aollda. many .. In laequard lmlta. All ala ... I, AMVETS HALL One Lot of GYM SHOES small sizes $1.95 112 So. Capitol VISIT OUR LARGE SECOND FLOOR SHOE DEPARTMENT To $6 To $2.50 ELEVATOR SERVICE AND AIR CONDIJIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT FRIDAY NIGHT IS 'BAND NITE' ALSO Sport Shirts Men's Ties SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT 299 $1 GIGANTIC FLOOR SHOW LoD9 caul. Mort ...... plain EWERS MEN'S S1, "ORE BeautUul IIIb and 8UI*b and fcmc:y pat..,., cdI .... rayons iD MW patterns Gad .. Always A. Good Time At flu Am1Jela" • Expertly tailored. Full cull plain colon. ~ ~ . Your Favorite Beverage - Shuffleboard 28 South Clinton IIIJk lIUIIly colon. lIDed; pcateatM..putruclolal ' .Al1~POtJJl' - ftm DAD..Y IOWAN, WEl)NUDAY, J11L1' U,t'" -C;:hina's New Wall-Building - I'D RATHEl BE RIGHT Dul The Daio/ Iowan Wit ESTABLISHED 1888 ------=- Door Siammea in Face WEDNESDAY, JULy 13, 1949

.._. bUy ••".' •••••, " ..hlnl, le " .... r.r r.,.IIU.U...... , ••'UMli ...... &.M Ie... A .... aU Ia ItiO ...... Sec IA. Iooal ".... ,ria,,' ...... CUr. lewa...... , ...' .....U III aU ~ ...... ,.aell" . _ oaaIl _&ler at ,~ ...... ,. ... 1 ..... CII" I ...... or ~ .d .r ...... r Tr...... , _~. 01••• There is one short English he reluctantly signed the bill, on ciary committee, whiCh, up II tI'- .r •••0 I. m •. O ••r.. au,... D.. 0 ....,.., III .... phrase which is used when one the ground that most Jewish and now, hasn't bothered to do 1111...... LeoU. Q. ."U.', P ..I 0 ..... 1._"'.. rat_., eotrltt .. I ••• ...,. 8...... """. Ilaltlt. wishes, in the clearest possible many Catholic refugees had thing about it. 00,.. II ...la .eellJ,. .r I' ..r ,au I. manner, to give &xpression to the reached the displaced persons ..y .... , as •••~ A.II: IU.. _.&lIo FUD )(. tOW"'ALL. 1'.~UU.r It's time to say it! "Come iDlI ...... , aaU I. le... n.M ..r JIOr: AaTBlIa WlllICa spirit of friendship, and it is, sim­ centers after the limiting date, 4lhe 'house" - the one phflll ob ._111...... ; Ill... • ••". p. Aa~ ~I le I~. ..IIUU., ply, this: "Come into the houSe.' and were therefore automatically which is proof of iriendlhip II -.r aaU •• ~sorI,II...... r , ... BAaG..., B. AaKOFF ob _~ M.U; au..... 111 ....u. ..81 ••• lb.... ' This, it seems to me, sums up barred under this law. itself, and needs no ornamentiJq. 'two I ...... _.1_. (AI') ... (UI' CIIA&L1CB F. CAaaOLL the entire issue behind the dis­ • • • IC.II •• placed persons bill. We protest IN ADDITION other complica- • • • IlICIlBICa OF rHIC AllOClATID .alll: JOBN. II. DAVE",.oar A NATION which otfers Itse~ TlIo ,,-.Ia...... 10 ..lit... • • . CkealaU.. Dk.... r our interest In and our sympathy ting requirements were set uP. for Europe's refugees. such as the provision that a cer­ to the world as the cltadel ~ But unless we are willing to tain percentage of refugees ad­ freedom must be willing to admit say, in a forthright manner, to a mitted had to be farm workers, at least a few of the world's dU. III reasonable number ot them: "(X)me and that another percentage !had tressed Into its home, to show editoriaJ.s interest is not lim~ted 'to the glviDe into the house," then our rela­ to be of Baltic origin. Gf first aid on the street tionship with them is of that That law did an almost unfor­ Chiang & Quirino: New BaHle Order - awkward and streined and in­ giveable thing. "Come into the To be afraid ot this is to be complete sort which marks a col­ house," it said, and then closed afraid of the ,process that IIts lcquy on the sidewalk, a cup of the door. "Come right in," it said, made us great. How better CIa In a refreshing burst of vitality. the non-Communist far east America show that it has some. stopprd acting helpless last 'week and began buDding its defenses wnter brought outSide, rather shoving a chair under the door­ than a man led within. knob. thing splendid to offer than bl againBt the Black Dragon of Communism. Europe's refugees have been It invited 205,000 refugees to reviving the oOne symbol of whklJ Chiang Kai Shek, retired president of Nationalist anna, flew waiting on the international side­ enter In two years, but in the tlrst the world has almost lost the from Formosa for a two-day conference with Philippine President walk for a long time now. And year of operation only 35,000 'have memory - the openef door? Elpidlo Quirino. , the issue of getting a decent dis­ made the grade. placed persons 'bill through con­ • • • Student YMCA Se{retary For Ute ImmediIJe ~nt, Chlaae probably arraaced I-Dr gress is an old issue. ThE HOUSE early this month, a PhlUppille reUea, to bull: up h" ....nel buUOD of Formota, • • • passed a bill Uberalizing this act. To AHend Study Seminar ~ oil the lOuth Cbln& coaaL THERE IS a displaced persons H Isn't the 'best displaced persons For the future, Ohlang and Quirino laid bolder plans. They law now on the books, and It bill conceivable, but it does change Ralph Schlomiog, executive sec­ called upon fellow far cdsterners to form a union of nations pledged does ·us little honor. the "cutoff date" from December retary of SUI student YMCA, 22. 1945, to January 1 01 this to stop communism. The only other nation expected to re­ This is that curious measure we will attend a two-weeks' statt passed a year ago in which we year. and it removes the ~ther re­ study seminar at Estes Park, Col, spond to the call promptly is battle-torn south Korea. Dr. Syng­ strictions mentioned above. invited 205,000 refugees to come beginning July 18. , man Rhee's westun-backed republic Is living on the southern halt here, and then threw in so many n would allow 339.000 refugees of the divided Korean peninsula, faced with a Communist north arbitrery restrictions, as effec­ to come here by July I, 1951, The seminar is a trtenoill Korea across the 38th parallel. He can use allies. tively to bar many of those who including the number who have meeting of YMCA-YWCA offici .. already arrived. 'But that bill Is who are In charge of organlzatiolll Rope wall expressed by Cblane anel Qulrlno that the U.S., most needed' our help. now waiting, like a kind qf legis- on (;ollege and university CIIII­ ,Auatralla, Inella and Japan miCht later enter tbe alliance. A refugee, for example. had to have entered Germany, Austria, lalive refugee, in the senate judl-. puses, SChloming said., As for the U.S., Secretary of State Dean Acheson has publicly , or Italy on or berore December chilled the Idea of American participation in a Pacific pact. Aus­ 22. 1945. to qualify as a real, sure tralia, as part i)f the British Commonwealth and as a nation as­ enough, official refugee. Cities Plan to Ask Aid Under Housing Law ' piring for PaciIlc leadership, might be a likely candlt!ate In any If he came even a day later OHIICAGO nPl--Do!ens of major hc wasn't a refugee under this slum problems. anti-Communist battle order. American cities are ready ,for im­ Of the 73, 37 cities are readl India's participation is less certain. Premier Nehru has ambi­ law. not though he had lost home and livelihood under the weight mediale action ~n asking Uncle to 'seek immediate !h~p, either Il tious plans lor leadership in non..c;ommunlst Asia. alsO. He has shown of war and persecution. Sam for money for slum clearance adv·anee funds for planning rede, under the new national housing an Inclination for playing a lone hand. This provlsivn was sharply at­ velopment programs or for actuai bill, the American Municipal as­ Japan is ruh!d out on a technicality: she is still at war with tacked by President Truml:ln, when clearance operati()ns, or both. her Pacific neighbors until a peace. treaty Is signed. But Gen. sociation reported last night. 01 the 73, 37 cl ties ar~ rea4, But c.he Itranre lact iI thal to seek Immediate help. either Douilas MacArthur may yet steer Japan into a Pacltic union. Many JDlny otber cities wm be unable in ~vance funds lor plannlJal ~la sta~~ resent American interest in building up Japan. Mac­ Government, Labor Interpreting the News - to jl8rtlcipate in the slum clear­ redevelopment prorrall1ll lor f. o(\'~tbur may want to shove the island nation out of doors to play inee proerant, because they aetual clearanoe operation, " W;ith the gang and smooth ruUled feelings. lack adeQuate ltate enabllnl' bOth. . The 1~3f!tant thlll&" II that the far east hU elecic1ecl 10 mOve Oppose Business, lerislatlQIIo The bill provides that cities' '101' ltielt. If tbe UnltedJ states 1II1Ist. 4)n walUnr unUl the "elust East-West Trade to Be Stalleel The association said that only must have definite ,plans draWl Ile.We&," ille onenlal must realOn, then the wise thlnr to elo II Financial Man Says By J . M. ROBERTS JR. But she was Vitally interested in Ru sill. is rearming and remill­ 22 states, plus the District of before they oan receive ciearlllft All Forel," Artaln An.lyd money, while at the same timf tack clown the landaeape by o~lves. defending what she holds. tn.rizing eastern Germany. Columbia, Hawaii >and iPuedo Riro CHldAGO M _ Emil Schram. Andrei Vishinsky is claiming Some mem'J( rs of the Rus­ On the Russian side, a sudden now have la~s permitting cities oftering them advance money ~ If only psychologically, things in the far east have changed in resumption of tour-power con­ sian delegation have been describ­ influx ot western supplies would to accept federal funds for slum helP map plans. Flfty-four of l!lt the last few days. It is not the west against Russia in a total va­ president of the New York s tocl~ rerences in control of Berlin and exchange. charged last night that on trade between eastern and ed as "visibly terrified" over be tacit admission of what the olearance. reporting cities alreadIY have d90t cuum. It's the west backil'g a non-Communist tar -east against "all of the forces . TEN and SIGNED " a ....lIOuibl. penon. J were ...... over U1e whole , dnHl aDd p .... &0 IIeIDa- a ~ \Of~~ /(t.!lJ ,very faint voice comlne from , ~....---..."-- ~) U1e contraption. JItn1e elHna. MaD, line done JaR tIaat __ &b. war ell.'" I PHD. n~N C", • E A DIN o . pm DELTA KAPPA, "'3 Byrnes and Marshall are just a few of the .polley-makers who teet itself. The dials refuse to It said scmetbing about life be­ J:XA.M will be , 1ven ~ttU"da,., lional education fraternity have found it more expedient to seelt private Ute than to stay and respond to manipulation of any ing beautiful. Tbat I couldn't take. luly 30, In room 221 Schaeffer ' . ,I • baU from II to 10 a.m. J,falN ap- hold its mltlatlon dinner at , put up wj&h Ute headache. of I JOvernmeot MrVlIlt. . kind. If &hey should happen to At that moment. there was • • • respond. It is u9Ually in reverse. nothing 'beautiful about lite, anrl pllcatlon ' by .I.ninl sheet posted In the Union River Room. Speaker; • • • I was not going to let someone on bulleUn 'board outside room Dr. Artbur L. ,Benton, Proflllll' or courte, ,Ilere'. atDl the chance that eoJllftII wlll restore the The other day, quite by acci- try to tell me there was. I lorgot 307 Scbaetfer hall, before July 27. of Psychology. Subl,ct: 1'111 lIlutaed 10 ~t and JDCA wU1 follow OIl its merr)' W&)'. But, the dent, I managed to get a station about the game and started check­ l'{ext exam wlll.be liven in early cholo,lcal Investigatlo~ Jut IeVIIl monflil of the Illt cooateaa leav. ODe DOlle too opUmiati.c. ~, aner recovering ffQm the Ing up on the price ot radiol. ~tober. Injuries. .'

j • • nn DAILY IOWAN, WlmNUDAY, mLY is, tNa - PAQK ~ Dulles Clashes $20,000 Power Onit Produces25 Kilowatts House Demos Claim PeClaler's Visit Fa rm Support Plan Travels 1,900 Miles With Tafl on On English Bike Classified .' To Get 'Trial Run' Jim Derby, a 15-year-old high WASHINGTON IlPI-House Dem­ school boy. reached Iowa City ocratiC leaders yesterday claimed Monday night atter pedaling his *urily Pacl enough votes to pass a bill which English bike about 1,900 miles would provide a generally high­ from San Francisco. Section WASHINGT_ON IlPI-Sen, John er level of farm price supports ,.ter. Dulles (R-NY) revealed and authorize a "trial r un" of Jim is visiting his aunt Mrs . •"======4.~1 ======,esterday that U.S. delegates to David Deaton, 414 N. Gilbert Apartments for Bent the administration's new farm street. In a week he will go on WANT AD RATES tilt recent Paris big four meeting program. "Corne iDIt to Chicago. Derby said he will • ______• Small furnished apartment. stu- deba~ but rejected the idea ot Chairman Harold D. Cooley, have to give up his plan to cross For consecutive InsertiollJ dent couple or graduate lady. one phrtat kalPing inteJnational tension "ar­ friendship It (D-NC) of the house agriculture the whole country because he rd Dial 9681. tificially" hIgh to Insure senate committee, made the optimistic must be back at school in Rich- One Day ...... , ...... 6e fer wo ------ornamen~ appN99:\' ot the north Atlantic se­ predktion following {1 Democratic Three Day. ... __.. _... lOe per word One-room apartment. Phone 3447. mond, Calif., by Sept. 10. Six Da ISo word • curity pact: caucus called to chart strategy Through the four weeks' jour- yl ...... per Wanted - to Rent 13' offers I~ In his first speech to the sen­ on farm legislation to replace the ney, including a week at Denver One Montb...... 3ge per word citadel OJ ate, he.Jllid ratification of the 12- Republican-written Hope - Aiken to visit his relatives, he averaged Classified Display Apartment, turnished or unturn-· to achnit naUOO anti-Qornmunlst treaty is bill. 100 miles a day. In Nevada and One Day ...... 75c per col. Inch ished, responsible graduate world's ella. still urg~1ly needed to' hold Com­ The bill Is scheduled to be Colorado, he caught a few short Six Consecutive days, student, one child. Summer or per- to show lb munm" aggression in check, de­ take.n up in the house on Mon­ spite the lull in cold war hostili­ ridE'S on trucks. per day ...... _. 60c per col. inch manent. Phone 3652. the giVilic day. It pl'Dbably will require at Derby has an English hard-tire One Month 50c per col inch least. three or four days of de- ' ·t·· ) . Small house tor University instruc- tIfJ. bike with three speed gears. He (A ve. 26 mser IOns . &ep171nc polnt-by-polnt to an bate. . is to bt slept in a sleeping bag and bought Check your ad In the tInt I.. U8 It tor and wife. References. No a1IIct on the treaty Monday The present law obligates the cooked food from grocery stores appeBn. The Dally Iowan can be reo children. Would be Interested lD that IJts StD. Robert A. Taft (R-Ohlo) government to support the prices for his meals while on the jour- I»Onllble tor on1)1 one Incorrect In ... ruon. large house with rooms to sublet. better eta 'J Deadlines W'll . 1 W it. Ih aewly-appolnted New York of some two dozen farm crops ney. I Sign one-year ease. r has some. _lor said it will reduce, at a tull 90 percent of parity Weekdays ...... -I p.m. Daily Iowan, Box 6-M. than b1 ralller than Increase, the risk while the Hope-Aiken law, sche­ Saturdays ...... Noon of white ., a War with Russia which at duled to take effect Jan. 1, would Friley Lauds State Brln, Advertisements 10 Apartmen t, furnished for graduate lost the 11M haa been "perlously near." permit the support level to dip The Dally Iowan Buslness ottlee student and school teacher wife door? SeD. Arthtir H. Vandenberg (R­ as low as 60 percent under cer­ Board of Education Basement, East Rail, or pbone for Sept. I. Phone 3106. Michl, like Dulles a top GOP tain conditions. Iowan Pholo bT Jim RoblolOd) The Democratle bill would DES MOINES «A- Charles E. Male student wants quiet singl' l)lOke~all, on foreign policy, sid­ room for fall. Call 3356. ed with the New Yorker In the THE NEW EMERGENCY POWER UNIT for SUI's General hospital ill shown In 'he process of belJlr hUlorporJte a. section of the ad­ Friley, president of Iowa State 4191 Installed. The unit, Do 90 bonepower enPne with Do reneratin, capacity of 25 kilowatts, will be used only ar~Dl ,and Taft, red-faced with mlnlstratlon procram which college, said yesterday that a • • A. "'KD10 Responsible medical student and Irritation at times, found an ally 1~. <.Jt.cf,ency purposes In the event of Do power tallure. It ill a war surplus unit orl,lnally built for army would lI'uarantee a ,eneraUy centralized administrative system 01_111.. M.... ar wife desire three-room apart­ III Senate Republican Leader Ken­ sl,llal corps field ~ ervlce . hlll'her level of farm price sup­ has provided "wise development" ment. Write Box 6-L, Daily 10- neth ~. Wherry of Nebraska. POrts.. It wlluld ,ear the parity of the state's educational pro- Autos for SOIe . Used (Cont.) wan. I'be. four-way clash of lea{l­ * * * * * * formula to a. recent IO-year gram. IIIlepobUCans was touched off averace Instead of the present He told the Des Moines Ad 1930 Buick 4 passenger coupe. Real EState 9i wilen Dulles sud it was "pre­ SUI Hospilallnslalls Generalor Three, MO.re ,Polios base period 1909-14. club that "economy and elfi· Good condition. Cal l Ext. 2490. ------.; _roOl" to lntel'pret the an­ The Democratic ,b ill would per­ ciency" have resulted in the state For sale by owner: completel, board of education's direction of 1941 Nash 4-door with heater and modern 5-room residence, well II·CoJlllllllllist pact as a U.S· SUI's General hospital is installing an emergency power mit Secretary of ' Agriculture "blank cheek" to provide arms Enler Active Ward ' Brannan to select three crops to SUI, Iowa State college and Iowa seat covers; 1940 N::Ish club iocated. Cabinet kitchen, automllt- unit to supply CUT I' nt in the event of a power crisis University fer Europe. Three new polio patients were test his program 101' 1ettlng farm­ State Teachers college. coupe, radl0 and heater; 1938 ic oil furnace, venetian blinds, etc. Engineer George R. Parizek said yester·day. The board, DCtIDg as a single Ford sedan; 1937 Ford pick-up It's got everything! Large lot, ga­ Taft,' wno' had assailed the admitted to the University hos­ ers sell perishables for whatever The gen rator, a war surplus unit, was originally built for price they would bring. The gov­ authority over all three institu- truck. Cash terms trade, Ekwall rage and gardens. 1008 E. Bloom- lItat,y Monday on grounds it pitals "active" ward yesterday would. commit this country to a the army igllal corps for mo·' ernment then would pay farmers tions, has gained "the elimination Motor Co., 627 S. Capitol. Ington. Phone 8-1568. cosUy leljd-lease program, ifn­ bile field duty. It has a 90 horse· emergency plants were installed according to hospitals officials. the difference between the price of conflict and duplication," Fri- MlS' cellaneous for Sale ley said. Iowa's program in high- 1937 Oldsmobile 4-door. Best of- 101 mediately l'9se to the challenge. power engine with a gl:'nel'8.ting would not be adequate to serve. the Listed as in "serious" condition they actually received and the support price. er education ranks with the best fer before F:iday. Call Ext. Enlarger, Sunray, Mastercratt, 2';4' In a 'olclt rising with emotion, capacity of 25 kilowatts Parizek cO",'lplete needs. of the. ~ospltals were Kenneth Schug, 5, Straw­ he demanded to know whether . d ' whIch now requIre a minImum of berry Point, son of Mrs. Norma in the nation, he added. 3775. x 314. $30. Robert Thomson, 144 DullES would vote for a reserva­ sal . 1,000 kilowatts for normal op- Schug, and Robert Waddell, 5, Stadium. 8-0389. The unit is for emergency peration. AUTO ACCIDENT 1948 Chevrolet convertible, 10,000 tion spedfying that ratification of Washington, son of H.B. Waddell. University to Sell Automobiles driven by J oseph miles. Excellent condition. $1590. Tuxedo, 38. Child's victrola. Cro- th~ pact catries "no moral or purposes only and because of Its Installation of the new unit will other obligation" to arm Europe. very limited ca pacity will be cost about $20,000, according to BQth boys were admitted io the Corso, 225 N. Madison street, and Phone 5575. quet set. Kitchen chairs, rug, Mrs. Merrill J. Fiola, Cedar Ra- I 2218 Dalles, who remalne{l unruf­ connected to only those clr- Parizek. hospitals Sunday for diagnosis. Co1fages, Trailers 1946 Chevrolet clull coupe. Ex- amp. . cuits that are vitally Important, Bids tor the purchase of six pids, were involved in a collision 11 t d ·t· $995 C 11 -,------n~ throorhout the exchange, The condition of Judith Ann Saturday in the 100 block on 64Oc3e. en con I IOn . . a Webster wire recorder. f4 .5 Ko- reftled slowly that he "would he added. metal cottages and three trailers Parizek said it would be some Francis Hamon Fined Kinny, 2%, daughter of Carl on the SUI campus will be re- Qapitol street, police said. No dak Bantam. 48-bass accordlan. 1101" vote for luch a reservation Kinny, Dubuque, was listed as ceived at 2 p.m., July 20, in room in'urie,s were reported. 1933 De So to sedan, 4-door. Good Phone 3159. _use It probably would force time before the unit will go into $7.50 for Intoxication ftDerotlaUon of the treaty. ::Ictual operation due to the ne­ "rair" by hospitals officials. She 310 of the old dental building, ;r-...,...--r___ --r----- ~.;...... mechanically, sound body. Ra- 4- 5-r-p-m-.-r- e-c-or-d- c-h-a-n-g-e-r;-r-e-co-r-:d ,Vandenberg stepped in with the cessity of modilying it to make Francis Hamon, 519 S. Capitol was admitted to the hospitals George L. Horner, university ar- LOSt and Found 11 dio and heater. Priced for quick cabinet; Linguaphone co de rec- chitect, said yesterday. sale. Phone 5782. observation that the treaty lang­ it suitable for the work. street, was fined $7.50 in police Monday. Found on North Dubuque street: ord set; code practice set; Budd ua(e fixes a "common responsi­ "This Is the first ot several court yesterday for intoxication, The addition of the three child- The trailns, two at Hawkeye General Se;"'';ces 31 metal cabinet ra<:k, 35 inch space. units reg uired to s~rve the Gen­ village and one at Riverdale, g l ass~, plastic-rimmed. Owner ••• 76 bility" on :ill pact members to Police said. ren brings the total number of housed married students until re- may claim at Daily Iowan Busi- A. V. Donnelly, Ext. 22 . build I up their military strength. eral hOsPital and other medical Monday's police docket indi­ Portable sewing machines for rent Dulles, also defended the $1.45- structures," Parizek said. "Oth­ cated 43 persons were fined a io­ polio patients at the hospitals cently. They are being sold be- ness office. ,by month, $6. Singer Sewing Woodstock standard typewrjU!r. blll(Ql) mps-for-Europe program ers are planned when lunds be­ tal of $46 for parking and, meter listed as "active" to eight. Thre( cause they have reached the Found: Shaeffer fountain pen. Center 125 South Dubuque Phon Like new, good price. A. V. Don­ state where cost of repair pro- ,. e 10 back up the treaty, which come available." violatiOns. Four cases were dis­ llatients were added to the \ lists Owner may have by identifying ~413 nelly, Ext. 2276. . :.'" Taft particularly denounced. He said, however, whatever missed. Monday also. hibits their future use, Robert J . at Daily Iowan Business Office. . Trailer house for sale ·'or trade. , . Cotter, manager of married stu- Bendix sales and service. Jackson's dents housing, said. Autos for sale _ Used 21 Electric and Gift. Phone 2749 . POPEY.E The cottages, located on the ASHES and RubbiBh haulinl. Used Voss washer, $35. J ackson law commons, housed single men 1948 Plymouth business coupe. Electric co. Dial 5465. students until last February. They Excellent condition. Ph 0 n e Phone 5623. are being sold because the em- 8-1584. B & L microscope; C/)SUe sterlli- ergency need for this particular ------­ Clean, wallwashing and painting zer, cabinet model. 8-0962. group of cottages has passed, V. Sale or trade: 1948 Crosley station Dial 4448 or 9262. " S. Copeland, manager of dormi- wagon, good condition. Dial Help Wanted 41 Baby buggy, other baby equlp- tory operations, said. 8-0891. ;...;...L,--.;...;;..._:..:..:.;.. ______-=- ment. DESk; rug, 8 x 10, sani· tary cot. Cheap. Leaving. town. ROOM AND BOARD By GENE AHERI Wanted: men for furnace cleaning and servicing ot stokers. Larew 906 E. College. YES, SIR., MAKING $450 Co. 9681. 50 FAR. ON THE SALE OF Music and Radio 1M 'tOUR. CORERS IS PR.ETTY Where Shall We GO T~ICK GRAVY / .... UM"AH ... Guaranteed repairs for all makd I 'M ON A FINANCIAL Jim sez: Masseurs who keep Home and Auto ~adios. We pick­ AND \\IOULD YOU LQt<.N things well in hand, manage to up and deliver. Sutton Radio Serv­ ME $50 AS A SORT live off the fat of the land. You ice. 331 E. Market. Dial 22311. OF CANE FO~ ME 10 LEAN have a fat chance not to enjoy ON? yourself at SUI's friendly place, Dependwble radio repairs. Pick-uti the ANNEX. and deliver. Woodburn Sound Service, 8-0151. ID8truction 81 Ballroom dance lessollJ. Youde Wuriu. Dial 9485. KEEP IN STEP DURING SUMMER MONtHS Tutoring in Mathematics and Phy­ sics. Phone 8-1697. Get out last year's summer JIboet ilyi Rooms for Rent 91 and bring them down to ROler'L :=:.::;;:::...::::::...:.:.::.=:~-'-____=:: They'll put them in lood ahape- Three double rooms for boys. Op­ with new soles and heels. Let posite Woolworth's, 115 Clinton. Rogers put you in step with thelI ./ !. N. , 3rd Floor. expert shoe repair. , NO~ MI Aparlments for Rent 92 ROGER'S RITEW AY Basement apartment. Quiet pe0- Across from the Strand ple. Non drinkers. 815 North Dodge. USE THE WANT ADSl · CASH FOR YOUR CAR All makes and models For high readership and fast CARL ANDERSON THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL action, you want to U&e Dall, 1939 Ford Tudor $525 LAFF-A-DAY Iowan Want Ads! I EHRKE AUTO SALES 1132 S. LInn JJ1al 8-1521 Daily Iowan Want Ads gel.sucll> fast action because they are part of the best-read eection of the MAHER BROS. TRANSFER paper. Students have a tremen­ For efficient furniture dous interest in the Want Adi, Moviq to find goods and services at and prices that fit their budltlts. Baaeale Transt.. It you have 80metlUna to sell.' Dfal - 11898 - Dill or want to 'buy 8Omethin., 1A you have a room to rent, or wanr TYPEWRITERS to do some work that folks need· done, you should use Dally lowaJI Stop in and see the new Royal Poriable. Want. Ads. We repair all makes ot type­ writers. Vietor Addln. Machlllel Call 4191 today tor immediate deliver. UUI£ll'T PAUL ROBINSON WIKEL Daily Iowan Want Ads TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE The People's Marketplace 114 ~ E. Coli.,. Phone 8-1011

Good Cleaning Pays Off You feel better, look better, work better, when 10ur cloth. are ~OD-cleaned. Fast, thorou.h cleanlna muea COD cleaninl top. iD town. Call t.od871 COD Cleaners 'The Court Fines You $5' Sch'ool Board Grand Jury Calls Glockler Explains No Slate Decontrol Ad INeeded: Larson Atomic Application deco ntl~ - Unification Bill DES MOINES 111'1 - Gov. Wll- of lh decontrol law, • Alabama Klansman The energy necessary to furnish Ham S. Beardsley said yesterday actions willi the consent of Ibt that Atty. Gcn. Robel't Larson has governor wC"u ld "nol be incoll. . . Budget Raised ne!l=~~~~~h~:ed ~ ;ea~ heat for a house or to power a c up the mob violence investigation, advised him no I gisla tivc act is sislent" WIth any Iowa sLatutt. $idetracked turbine may some day come from by needed to permiL Iowa communi- L,u'son said th at ufl dcr the 114 . During the coming fiscal year, yesterday summoned Ku Klux approximately $70,000 more than Klan Director William Hugh Mor­ an atomic pile, Prof. George tics to decontrol renl.s un rle r the li enal ac t lo ra l !(ovcrnilJg bod i!s Ii last year will be spent operating ris from his jail cell to testify. Glockler of the SUI chemistry and decontl'Ol ac t passed by congrcss were merely "making a Iindi ll& B·36 Inquiry the city's schools, according to tile He was kept waiting outside the chemical engineering department this year. of f act" whr 11 thcy submi tted tit. Bearslcy madr th e Announce- conlrol Trqucsts to the govern &!. budget proposed at the school grand jury room for several hours. said last night. IF.... I.e WIre 8erylfot,C' haw' 1'011 Sf' f' n slI!'h 0 wo nderful selection another. Pl'1s1nc" • joumaUII1Il student, I. DES MOINES IIP1 - The state of blouses at su ~ h unbrBrd of low prices. Buy Den John Anderson, as the journa­ equally entertaln.ln,. RIa ....- bonus board said yesterday that IOWA UNION several NOW - lism 'Professor and Irene Fosness, matlc dlllClUIIlon of "voree deN unless a surprise legal aelion de­ IHI his wife, are responsible a Ofl tor no' reaU, belon, In this pla" velops it will mail 10,000 bonus ,ood deal of the merriment. They 1S6 Fall and Winter Styles but he Ia quite able to briDI It checks to Iowa's World war II DESK W~ ;play their roles with an abund­ off convlnclnrl,. yeterans on F:iday. minlsh ance of ease and charm and keep . Early Spring and Fall Fabrics and Styles run" 0 eyents on a fairly even keel, des­ The entire group seems to h~ve an immensely good time in "Par­ were c pite sevel'ai momentous problems eral In they must lace. lor Story", and last night's audi­ ence entered Into the fun. Except D1embE '!be pro t e.1 0 r, It appeanc. demanl for a few spots, "Parlor Story" COATS and SU ITS 'DRESSES woald IDle to be preliident of is light, fast-moving, and ought VALUES TO 29.95' the PI the anJverub'. To rd the JOb, to appeal to nearly everyone. , &ystem UM·M TRY Rep. BUY NOW Rep, E Reduced to Chall1lr IT'S SOME SAVE ofthe I AND the III CLEARANCE SAL'E. admini . GOOD 00 EXTENDED TILL JULY 16 TODAY Wool. crepe, gabardine, covert 500 and 7 - Special Discount on Used Machines and many others Moiros, Wools, Faillos, ClOPOS , Rayons, Silks SaTlpQS up to 50% OD lIOIIle m 0 cI.l .. Th... STORE HOURS: Daily 9 to 5 macblDM are ill qood. cODdition cmd are a NCd DELICIOUS FROZEN DAIRY. PRODUCTS 469 Better Quality Saturday 9 to 6 bur. Aa em added feature. a cmlplete SiDqw MwiQQ WAS c:oune Is qt.eD FREE with e.err purchCIM of a SUNDAES - SUNDAES - SUNDAES Shop and Save at of SIal the pr The Biggest and Best in Town COTTON DRESSES UMd MWiDq machlDe. or-Eul the ab Our SUNDAES are freezer fresh to :1/0u. You can choose Val~e. to 29.95 Reduc.d to caD Mn'8 you lime aDd Money. W. conr llren&1 w. buftou trom Strawberry. Ra8)lberry, Honeymoon, Oherry, Pineapple, ftnses cmd balta cmd a1ao make bu.ttoDhoiel caac:l do ...... Chocolate, Butterscotch, Marshmallow, and Cold Fudge. lit aKi • tlteb1Dq. Be ALL FRUIT FLAVORS 25c Others20c .1/4 1/3 '/2 u_Ute .. lb.... SINGER SEWING, ' CENTER West or Iowa Olt, Achl . at a n, 115 So. Dubuque 116 E. WASH'INGTON DIal 1413 :.::,. ,ZESTO Oil Hlpwa, • 10 an I ttrnu ~In: