Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-05-22

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1948-05-22 w. &rn!1h, UPdt. lolling Pennies ~at"e, 'nfeteSf ~ The Weathe, Toaay OAKLAND, MD. (JP}-Prentlla Porier, Fin, Nat­ iIaaI bank employe, was carT7in6 a uek of pennies-.­ Fair and moderately warm today. Tomor­ ..... 01 the~ver his shoulder lI'heD the, botw. of 1M bac dropped out. row partly cloudy and warmer. High today A cro,,'d QulckJy .athered IIDd, with u.e aid 01 75·80. Low tonight 50-55. High yesterday ~m lent by II. I'lel&'hbor, lielpetl &he meu811Ker r~ ­ Ir\eve the coins. owa11 was 80i low 65. Back at the bank. Porter laborloullr C!Ouuted up. .,. TIle &eta1 : 9,H!. Eatabliahed l86S-Vol. SO, No. 202-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May 22, 1945-Fivo Cents ---------------------------------~~--~---------~--~-------------------------------------~----------------~------ ------------------------------------------------------~~ End $trike for Three of Big Four Packers Local --"Hot Potato'l Issue Undecided "olitics - First Arrivals at Waterloo Packing Plant Union Accepls Company Offer; Con Comrriul1;sf Take Early Returns Wilson Balks al (10 Proviso CHICAGO (JP)-The 67-day nationwide CIO meat handlers strike -marked by occasional rioting and bloodshed ond mobilization of ParI in SUI Forum? Give Dewey national guard troops in two states-was called off yesterday againat all of the major meat packers except Wilson and Co. The strike Willi By KELLY RUCKER nded on company terms. Whether or noL a Communist mlttft. They shOVed this kind The United Packinghouse Workers union called ott the work can participate in a campus forum hav~ Oregon, Lead stoppage after the workers voted in favor of baek to work move­ became a "hot potato" yesterday of thing on my committee before. My committee has no authority PORTLAND, ORE. (JP) - Gov. ment at Swift, Armour and Cudahy plants. Nearly 100,000 were 011 and was "tossed' to Prof. E. C. strike- Mabie, head of the committee on to act on a matter of this kind." Thomas E. Dewey wa holding an use oC university facilities. O~tsch, in his "no prohibition" early but gl'Qwing lead over Har­ Union officials said the strike Last night, Mabie apparently vflrdict. asked the three campus old E. Stassen last night in re­ would continue in seven Wilson tossed it to President Virgil M. organization to submit, "for my turns from yesterday's Oregon pri­ and company plants normally em­ mary balloting. Rath Plant Begins Hancher. prote~tion," a wr i tt~n statement ploying about 8,000 workers thil "as to who is sponsoring this." The count from 387 or Oregon's Admi nistrative Dean Allin W. time ot year. Dakin said at 11 :30 last night, Warren Miller, representing the 1861 precincts iave Dewey 15,905, Limited Product,on Wellac~ group, a.nd Henry Allan, Stassen 12,639. The union said the strike also alter a telephone conversation WATERLOO (JP) - While na­ with Hancher, that the president's president of Young Democrats, The New York governor jumped would be ended against Mo~l1 tion I guardsmen stood by, lim­ decision on whether campus fa­ readily Ilgreed to do so. Jim Good­ into a lead at the outset and con­ and other smaller struck packers. win, president of Young Repub­ tinued lo hold it as returns mount­ ited production \Vas resumed yes­ cilities would be made available Back to work arrangements with Ilcans, sjlid that at the YRL's last ed fro,rn throughout th state. terday at the Rath Packing plant to a Communist party spokesman these packers are beini made else­ wou ld be made known today. business meetlT\f it was decided He was show in, his heels to his whlch had shut down alter a Wed­ that there "WOUld be no official nesday night riot in which a picket where, a union, spokesman said. The question was posed to rival for Orelon's Republican Ralph Helstein, union presi­ operation or function in the name presidential preference In Port­ was killed. Mabie's committee after Warren of the organization until next fall." NO ll- ·triklng workers returned dent, Baid plck!!ts would be with­ Batterson of Omaha, chairman of land and Mutlnomah cOllnty, drawn today at 24 swUt, 25 Ar­ the Communist party's Iowa-Ne­ He said a "technical aspect" which rolled up a steadily swell­ to their jobs without incident. was involved, but that he would Hogs were unloaded into kUling mour and 10 Cudahy plants braska district, last. week pro­ ing margin for the New Yorker. throughout the country. The posed that three SUI campus po­ contact the group's executive com­ Up-slate in the non-metropoU­ pens while jeeps and armortd cars patrolled the plant area. workers, he said, will b~ back on litical groups sponsor a forum on mittee for a vote on part-spon­ tan areas Stassen was making 11 the job Monday. the question "Is There a Place for sorship by the executive commit­ horse race of It, with Dewey The CIO packing house union local, whose 4,500 members went Th~ union charged in a state­ Communism in America?" H~ tee of YRL. ahead in the majorJty of the state's asked that a member of the Com­ Jf the university's decision al­ 36 counties but by inconclusive on strike agaInst the Independent ment that WJ!son refused to munist party be included on the lows use ot its facilities for the margins. firm in a wage dispute March 16, recognize the validity of a written platform .. forum, speakers at the forum will Portland, and Mullnomah coun­ said they wo'uld attend tl'\e tuner- contract sHII In effect. There was Following the Batterson sug­ be Robert W. lversen, instructor ty, wl!h 387 precincts in from al oC William J. Farrell eft masse' no immediate comm nt from WIl- gestion, local politicos-Students in the history department, speak­ over the st te, llad given D wey today. IOn. for Wallace, Young Democrats Ing as a Democrat, and Prof. Ber­ a lead of 7559 to 5268 in 216 or Farrell was slain in the picket The action aiainst Wilson Wal and the executive committee of naI'd Baum of the English depart­ its 512 precinct. Palestine --Jerusalem Falling; Ask Release of Jews National - line incident which touched off In line with an earlier recommen­ the Young Republican league - ment, speaking for Students for Lane county. second lnriesi two hours of uncontrolled rioting dation :!rom unlon leaders. Union broached the subject to Dean Wal­ Wallace. county in the state and site ot the Locate Big Bomber outside the plant. leader. said Swllt, Armour and ler R. Goetsch of the office of the name of the Communist state university at Eugene, gave Arab Legion Hems, 'Shells M anUme a secret arraignment Cudahy had oHered arbitration of student affairs. re~resentative has not been of­ Dewey 1760, Stassen 1461, in 30 of Fred Lee Roberts, 55, a non- discharge of workers for unlawful Checking to see if ther~ were ficially announced, Goodwin said of 122 preCincts. Command at Omaha striking Roth worker charied strike acts. administrative objections to the that a speaker for ttle Republlcans Voters turned out in what ap­ w~th mur.d r In . ~arrel1's dtath, Wilson, union leaders added, In­ proposal, Goetsch yesterday, while has not yet been selecled. peared to be an aU-time record Jewish Troops In Holy (ify WASHINGTON (IP)-The air­ w s held 1I1 mUnlclpal court here. , sis ted the company reserve the advising the campus groups Tentative plans, formulated by number under the spur ot the force Is moving the nervc center Rob~rts w~iv d to the grand jury. right to re-employ strikers and against it, said, "I find noth1ng Dewey-Stassen campaign. In CAIRO (IP)-Arab legionnaires He ImmedIately was relurned to refused to rehire strikers charged which will prohibit. (the forum)." spokesmen for the campus groups, of its bil bomber command deep I indicat.ed the Communist would Portland they stood In Ii ne to last night hemmed in Jewish into the midland ot HI United j~il :t an undisclosed spot In lieu with unlawful acts. Herbert He added, however, that the mat­ vote on the Republican presI­ l ter would have to be passed on spe~k for ]5 minutes. He would troops lighting n lost ditch battle U. S. Asks Release States. o $ 0,000 bond. March, strike director, said Wilson, be followed by Iversen, Baum and dential pr~ferenc~. In CI According to a union spokes- by it terms, would rehire anyone by Mabie's committee before the 10-acre on'a of J rusal m's It announced yesterday thul Ul forum would be given the ao­ the Republican speaker Who would Lacking the presidential issue old walled city nnd turned thei .. man, th Ottumwa Morr 11 plant they w sh tilout regard for speak for 15 minutes each. The enllvenlng the GOP primary, ,wadqunrt I'S of thE' litr tcglc wa to hold a vote last nlibt. At seniority rights, Such terms, he ahead OD t.he campus. howitzer. on .1 wt h po,;ltiOIl ou­ Of 4t American .. In this veln, he sent a letter to Communist woUld -then be" permIt­ Oregon DmlOcrats- gllVeih state's side the walls. command-which opel'ates th 1 o. m. there was still no word Ddded. would mean "the destruc- the tacllitles committee askJng ted an additional 10 to ]5 min­ 16 Democratic convention votes An Egyptian communique issued WASHINGTON (JP)-The Unit­ strikJng force of B-29's and oU"r on the outcome of the vote. flon of our union." At the Rath Packing plant, consideration on the use of Mac­ utes for rebuttal.
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