w. &rn!1h, UPdt. . lolling Pennies ~at"e, 'nfeteSf ~ The Weathe, Toaay OAKLAND, MD. (JP}-Prentlla Porier, Fin, Nat­ iIaaI bank employe, was carT7in6 a uek of pennies-.­ Fair and moderately warm today. Tomor­ ..... 01 the~ver his shoulder lI'heD the, botw. of 1M bac dropped . row partly cloudy and warmer. High today A cro,,'d QulckJy .athered IIDd, with u.e aid 01 75·80. Low tonight 50-55. High yesterday ~m lent by II. I'lel&'hbor, lielpetl &he meu811Ker r~ ­ Ir\eve the coins. owa11 was 80i low 65. Back at the bank. Porter laborloullr C!Ouuted up. .,. TIle &eta1 : 9,H!. Eatabliahed l86S-Vol. SO, No. 202-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, May 22, 1945-Fivo Cents ------~~--~------~--~------~------~------~~ End $trike for Three of Big Four Packers Local --"Hot Potato'l Issue Undecided "olitics - First Arrivals at Waterloo Packing Plant Union Accepls Company Offer; Con Comrriul1;sf Take Early Returns Wilson Balks al (10 Proviso CHICAGO (JP)-The 67-day nationwide CIO meat handlers strike -marked by occasional rioting and bloodshed ond mobilization of ParI in SUI Forum? Give Dewey national guard troops in two states-was called off yesterday againat all of the major meat packers except Wilson and Co. The strike Willi By KELLY RUCKER nded on company terms. Whether or noL a Communist mlttft. They shOVed this kind The United Packinghouse Workers union called ott the work can participate in a campus forum hav~ Oregon, Lead stoppage after the workers voted in favor of baek to work move­ became a "hot potato" yesterday of thing on my committee before. My committee has no authority PORTLAND, ORE. (JP) - Gov. ment at Swift, Armour and Cudahy plants. Nearly 100,000 were 011 and was "tossed' to Prof. E. C. strike- Mabie, head of the committee on to act on a matter of this kind." Thomas E. Dewey wa holding an use oC university facilities. O~tsch, in his "no prohibition" early but gl'Qwing lead over Har­ Union officials said the strike Last night, Mabie apparently vflrdict. asked the three campus old E. Stassen last night in re­ would continue in seven Wilson tossed it to President Virgil M. organization to submit, "for my turns from yesterday's Oregon pri­ and company plants normally em­ mary balloting. Rath Plant Begins Hancher. prote~tion," a wr i tt~n statement ploying about 8,000 workers thil "as to who is sponsoring this." The count from 387 or Oregon's Admi nistrative Dean Allin W. time ot year. Dakin said at 11 :30 last night, Warren Miller, representing the 1861 precincts iave Dewey 15,905, Limited Product,on Wellac~ group, a.nd Henry Allan, Stassen 12,639. The union said the strike also alter a telephone conversation WATERLOO (JP) - While na­ with Hancher, that the president's president of Young Democrats, The New York governor jumped would be ended against Mo~l1 tion I guardsmen stood by, lim­ decision on whether campus fa­ readily Ilgreed to do so. Jim Good­ into a lead at the outset and con­ and other smaller struck packers. win, president of Young Repub­ tinued lo hold it as returns mount­ ited production \Vas resumed yes­ cilities would be made available Back to work arrangements with Ilcans, sjlid that at the YRL's last ed fro,rn throughout th state. terday at the Rath Packing plant to a Communist party spokesman these packers are beini made else­ wou ld be made known today. business meetlT\f it was decided He was show in, his heels to his whlch had shut down alter a Wed­ that there "WOUld be no official nesday night riot in which a picket where, a union, spokesman said. The question was posed to rival for Orelon's Republican Ralph Helstein, union presi­ operation or function in the name presidential preference In Port­ was killed. Mabie's committee after Warren of the organization until next fall." NO ll- ·triklng workers returned dent, Baid plck!!ts would be with­ Batterson of Omaha, chairman of land and Mutlnomah cOllnty, drawn today at 24 swUt, 25 Ar­ the Communist party's Iowa-Ne­ He said a "technical aspect" which rolled up a steadily swell­ to their jobs without incident. was involved, but that he would Hogs were unloaded into kUling mour and 10 Cudahy plants braska district, last. week pro­ ing margin for the New Yorker. throughout the country. The posed that three SUI campus po­ contact the group's executive com­ Up-slate in the non-metropoU­ pens while jeeps and armortd cars patrolled the plant area. workers, he said, will b~ back on litical groups sponsor a forum on mittee for a vote on part-spon­ tan areas Stassen was making 11 the job Monday. the question "Is There a Place for sorship by the executive commit­ horse race of It, with Dewey The CIO packing house union local, whose 4,500 members went Th~ union charged in a state­ Communism in America?" H~ tee of YRL. ahead in the majorJty of the state's asked that a member of the Com­ Jf the university's decision al­ 36 counties but by inconclusive on strike agaInst the Independent ment that WJ!son refused to munist party be included on the lows use ot its facilities for the margins. firm in a wage dispute March 16, recognize the validity of a written platform .. forum, speakers at the forum will Portland, and Mullnomah coun­ said they wo'uld attend tl'\e tuner- contract sHII In effect. There was Following the Batterson sug­ be Robert W. lversen, instructor ty, wl!h 387 precincts in from al oC William J. Farrell eft masse' no immediate comm nt from WIl- gestion, local politicos-Students in the history department, speak­ over the st te, llad given D wey today. IOn. for Wallace, Young Democrats Ing as a Democrat, and Prof. Ber­ a lead of 7559 to 5268 in 216 or Farrell was slain in the picket The action aiainst Wilson Wal and the executive committee of naI'd Baum of the English depart­ its 512 precinct. Palestine --Jerusalem Falling; Ask Release of Jews National - line incident which touched off In line with an earlier recommen­ the Young Republican league - ment, speaking for Students for Lane county. second lnriesi two hours of uncontrolled rioting dation :!rom unlon leaders. Union broached the subject to Dean Wal­ Wallace. county in the state and site ot the Locate Big Bomber outside the plant. leader. said Swllt, Armour and ler R. Goetsch of the office of the name of the Communist state university at Eugene, gave Arab Legion Hems, 'Shells M anUme a secret arraignment Cudahy had oHered arbitration of student affairs. re~resentative has not been of­ Dewey 1760, Stassen 1461, in 30 of Fred Lee Roberts, 55, a non- discharge of workers for unlawful Checking to see if ther~ were ficially announced, Goodwin said of 122 preCincts. Command at Omaha striking Roth worker charied strike acts. administrative objections to the that a speaker for ttle Republlcans Voters turned out in what ap­ w~th mur.d r In . ~arrel1's dtath, Wilson, union leaders added, In­ proposal, Goetsch yesterday, while has not yet been selecled. peared to be an aU-time record Jewish Troops In Holy (ify WASHINGTON (IP)-The air­ w s held 1I1 mUnlclpal court here. , sis ted the company reserve the advising the campus groups Tentative plans, formulated by number under the spur ot the force Is moving the nervc center Rob~rts w~iv d to the grand jury. right to re-employ strikers and against it, said, "I find noth1ng Dewey-Stassen campaign. In CAIRO (IP)-Arab legionnaires He ImmedIately was relurned to refused to rehire strikers charged which will prohibit. (the forum)." spokesmen for the campus groups, of its bil bomber command deep I indicat.ed the Communist would Portland they stood In Ii ne to last night hemmed in Jewish into the midland ot HI United j~il :t an undisclosed spot In lieu with unlawful acts. Herbert He added, however, that the mat­ vote on the Republican presI­ l ter would have to be passed on spe~k for ]5 minutes. He would troops lighting n lost ditch battle U. S. Asks Release States. o $ 0,000 bond. March, strike director, said Wilson, be followed by Iversen, Baum and dential pr~ferenc~. In CI According to a union spokes- by it terms, would rehire anyone by Mabie's committee before the 10-acre on'a of J rusal m's It announced yesterday thul Ul forum would be given the ao­ the Republican speaker Who would Lacking the presidential issue old walled city nnd turned thei .. man, th Ottumwa Morr 11 plant they w sh tilout regard for speak for 15 minutes each. The enllvenlng the GOP primary, ,wadqunrt I'S of thE' litr tcglc wa to hold a vote last nlibt. At seniority rights, Such terms, he ahead OD t.he campus. howitzer. on .1 wt h po,;ltiOIl ou­ Of 4t American .. In this veln, he sent a letter to Communist woUld -then be" permIt­ Oregon DmlOcrats- gllVeih state's side the walls. command-which opel'ates th 1 o. m. there was still no word Ddded. would mean "the destruc- the tacllitles committee askJng ted an additional 10 to ]5 min­ 16 Democratic convention votes An Egyptian communique issued WASHINGTON (JP)-The Unit­ strikJng force of B-29's and oU"r on the outcome of the vote. flon of our union." At the Rath Packing plant, consideration on the use of Mac­ utes for rebuttal. to President Truman, who was late last night said Egyptian mo­ ed statcs y sterday demanded the project d long-rang 1J0mben;­ A question and answer period unopposed. release of 41 American Citizens union and company ortlciols re- The union orIginally asked 29 Bride auditorium for that purpose bile Corers had nt I't'd Hebron, will be trallst rr d from Andrews sumed neiol!Atio ns yesterday, but cents more hourly. Then It aareel!~ng an In,. me." He said he desired a more ruly. publicans were in the majority by lines on Mount Scopus and Mount The 41 Americans, all Jews, lies and iood communications lit Lewis ye Lerday ignored the soft were removed from the Marine qulry board's investJia'tiQn ~fed complete discussion and more in­ Goetsch, in his letter to the 20,000. Zion, an Associated Press dispatch Omaha. coal o~rators' Invitation to re­ lormation on the matter before a committee, said the organizaUons from the ballle an'a sui cl , Carp at Beirut on Wednesday, to hall the walkout. Mr. ~ruman • • • sume negotiations on Q new con­ named a fact-finding board Marcil decision would be announced. would provide a moderator "who Won't Support Anybody The 400 Jl'wi.'h troops on along with 28 p s niers of other • • tract, Qnd the disputinjC parties Ai 9:30 iast night he said) "The would be able to pr~sent its pOint naltonalities. 17 and on the basis of the board's Mount Scopus were given thi~ Uphold Prob Bill V to drifted (urther apart. report the President said ha felt mat!er (is on the President's desk. of view with respect to political CHICAGO (JP)-General Dwight All (,11 W 're of military age and choice -'5urrend l' or be destroyed. The talks collapsed Wednesday there was a ba is for settlement ) think it you will call Dean Da­ principles in a fair manner, and Eisenhower said yesterday he did They hud entrenched n ar the were bound for Haifa in the new WASHINGTON (I£»-By a [our­ night, at their v ry outset. Sub­ kin, you will get a reply. The mat­ to prohibit the meeting trom be­ not intend to SUllO)Ort :my presi­ Jewish state of Israel. Lebanese vote margin, the senate yesterday He asked the principals to meet American-fimmced Hadassoh hos­ sequently the operators sen t with federal conCiliators, but these ter never belonged in my com- coming a rabble-rousing event." dential candidate. pHol and Ihe Hebrew university. officials took the posi tion that they upheld President Truman's veto Lewis a letter urging renewal of might join Jewi 'h fighting forces of a bill which would have let key negotiations in Washington and , A communiqu from Amman, the neiolialions. Chicago bdgied down. capital or Trans-.Jordan, said thc there. be nators order FBI probes ot p r­ Many of the mine owners went International -- Father-Daughter Split; Agreement in Western Germany shclling Lilell~'e d the Jewish posts Yesterday's sharp American so ns nominated to the atomic en­ home yesterday, saying they lear­ The strike was peaceful at first in both the \aniversity and hospital protest WtlS disclosed in the form ergy commission. ed there would be no more talks but violence broke out later in areas and the Jews asked to sur­ of instruchons to Lowell Pinker­ lown's Senators Wil . oll und lTil:­ until the expiration date of. th many clUes. In addition to three render to the International Red ton, U. S. minister at Beirut. kenJooper voted to override the present contr cl draws closer. deaths, scores were injured In Resigns federal " osl;Daughler Tass Worker Cross. Presiden l's vetu. That date is June 30. 'other disorders. • III; • WASHINGTON (I£»-A sorrowing falher, who Arab shells rocked Mount Zion Wei2:mann Visits U. S. broke with his 22-year-old daughter because she In the vicinity of the Dormition WASHINGTON (JP)-Dr. Chaim church, reputed scene of the Vir­ look a job with a Communist news agency,' 'l'eslgn­ Welzmann, pre~ident of the new gin Mary's death, and Crusader Jewish state of Israel, is coming Wallace Groups To Conlinue Aiding Strikers ed a high govefnment post yesterday to spare his hall where the L3st Supper was to Washington Monday as the boss embarassment. believed heid. guest or the United States gov­ As rtlng that the striking Ot­ "My daughter, though a girl of high ideals, is From the church and hall, with­ ernment. tumwa packinghouse workers ar "justified in their stand against only 22 and in my judgment is Simply being ex­ in a few yards of the old city's Weizmonn is now in New York. * * * Zion gate, the Jews again Thurs­ The White House said he wiJI the Morrell company," Hayden ploited," said John C. Virden, head of' the oUice day night launched a vain attempt come hore, as President Truman's Scott, chairmon ot th Wallace for of industry cooperation in the commerce depart­ to free the Besieged Jewish garri­ guest, to talk with the President President group rood committee, ment. son Inside the 400-year-old waUs. about Palestine mallers. last night announced thot the com- The daughter, Euphemia Kirkpatrick Virden, • • • mittee will continue collecting is a teletypist at the Washington office ot RUliSla's rood (or the strikers today. Tass news agency. Her employment had been ex­ Gromyko Demands The ]O-day food drive of the 10- posed by Representative Crawford (R~Mich.) with • cal Wallace groups-Iowa City a request that Secretary of Commerce Sawyer ask Wallace ror President committee, Virden to quit· Stop Palestine War Studcnts lor Wallace, "Babies lor This Sawyer refused to do, but Virden insist­ Waliace"- ends today· LAKE SUCCESS (IP)-Andei A. The (ood contribUtions will be ed that he leave at once because of the publicity Gromyko demanded yesterday "and ·the embarrasement that this is likely to cause taken to Ottumwa tomorrow. that the United Nations stop the Highlighting an afternoon mass you." He later agreed to stay on temporarily to Arab-Jewish war in Palestine train a SUCCetlsor. meeting ot the strikers will ~ a without further ado. speech by Victor Reuther, broth­ Sawyer released a letter from Virden, a for­ The Soviet deputy foreign min­ er of labor leader Wallace R u­ mer Cleveland manufacturer, which sala that: ister spoke after the ll-nation se­ Iher. "It happens that I have been almost violenUy curity council heard a blunt re­ • • • anti-atheist-Marxist for many years, so much so port from its consular truce com­ Iowa City "Babies for Wallace" that it is truly ironical for a member of mY' family mission in Jerusalem that a yesterday sel up a collection bootb to be interested in the Marxist type ot philoso­ strong U.N. neutral force is the (Mi~ky) on the east approach to Old Capi­ phy ... Euphemia Virden only way to end the fighting. tol to collect food and money for Gromyko said the council must "She and I hacl a comple~e break last JanUary, "Simply Beln, Exploited" the Ottumwa workers. _hen she decided to ac~pt this positiotl and I have accept an American proposal lor Students lor WaUace sponsored strong action. not seen or communicated with her in any way the booth . In charge were Mrs. But the council turned briefly since that time." -...':':r"'------.,.------~:.....------:----- Warren Miller, 328 Brown street, in the alternoon Lo the Czechoslo­ Secretary Sawyer, himself the W'·', tAP ··0 al G m RI vak-communist case wi hout any and Mrs. Sol Maloil, 116 Templin father ot two girls and three boys, es grees on rOYISI n er an ue Indication when a decision would park, of "Babies for Wallace." IlOsed a baslc question: to what LQNDoN (11') ~ The United come on Palestine. Two babies were at t\,e display. extent is a father hls' 22-year-old States, Great Br1tain, France and the German government. The security council argued for Lying in baby buggies and clad daughter's keeper? Or, as he wrote the BenelUX countries have reach- However, it was reported that two how's in an attempt to avoid VERN A JEAN PARRILL in djapers, they gave their support (above), lS-year-Dld Elwood, to D_ ed a 'hard-and-fast agr"ment on a tenlative decision had been a Russian veto of a proposal to the drive by wearing itA Wal­ ""presentative Crawford: creation of a provisional lovern- reached by the six countries to set up a commiSSion to hear eVi-1 Ind. high school siudeni Willi lace Baby" streamers and large "Does a man of lood qualities men~ for western . Germany this call a constituent assembly about dence in the Czechoslovak case. held a!I a material witness after "Babies for Wallace" safety pins. and record become unfit for pub­ y e, r, . r"sponsib~e diplomatic Sept. I, which would be granted Finally it. adjourned without a the FBI reported she bad been The babies were Scott Miller, lic service because his daughter, source,s reported last night. broact' powers to draft a constitu- decision and may take up the case Iivin, under an assumed DADle seven months, daughter of Mr. and alalnst his wishes and to his great The soUrces reported oniy tech­ lion for western Germany. again Monday or 'I;'uesday. In Ithlca, N.Y., with Donald R. Mrs. Warren Miller, and ladis Ma­ rearet and dismay, has decided to nice! details stand ,In the way of The occupying powers - the The council wiU meet today on BrDwn, 44-year-Dld E I w II' II' iI loti. three-month-old daughter of "BABIES FOR WAL~CE" , ..erda)' contri,*W tbelr voelf.... associate herself with a Commu­ a ll1l'mal communique which now United States, Britain and France Palestine. hl,b school teacher. Btown Mr. and Mrs. Sol Melofl. prese.nce to tbe local WallaCle ..roups' food drive. PIctured aiop 8W.­ Is expected early next week. -would retain chiefly a veto au- Gromyko blasted a British plea pleaded Innocent to a Clhal'Ke of The booth was a table beaecked nist voup? ents tor Wallaee coUection table.on the eat appnaeb to Old C...... Th'er~Lare aWl . some d~tans to thority over affairs concerning ex- for peaceful mediation as insuf[i­ violation of the Mann act and with stacks of canned goods, baby "To me tbe answer Is c1ear­ be Ironea out 01\ just what proce­ port trade, currency and foreign Icient and accused Britain of was held In defauU' of $5,000 tood and packaged flour contribut­ Is Jadls Maloff, three-mDnth old dan.. hter of Mr. and Mrs. 801 ...... he iJ in no way disqualified." dure will be taken to eatal)llah pollcy, _._____ .. quibbling, bail. (AP WlBEl'BOTO). ed to the drive, 116 Templin Park. (DaD,. Iowan Photo Ibf Berb N..... ' /

, THE DAILY IOWAN, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 19<1.8-PAGE TWO " • Gil BEliAer, Erickson Lead Iowa Over Bu.cke}!es, To Victory ~hoves HawK Nine --::------.1Champion Zollners Face Sports Scores BIG NINE 8ASEBAIJ. Ie Cards Again Tonight Wilkinson, Everett Win Awards Iowa 10 , Ohio Slale 5 I WSUI Versus Iowan in Softball Tomorrow Purdue 9, Minnesota 4 La~ The World's Softball Champion Illinois 10. Indiana 4 c Herb Wilkinson of Salt Lake Wisconsin 10. Northwestern J Gift Into Big Nine 31d Place Tie Remember, sports fans, tomorrow afternoon the softb,all classic Ft. Wayne Zollner Pistons return City, Utah, all-American basket­ erage for his entire university ca- Detroit 14. Mlchl,an 2 will ed of 1948 will take place behind the Iowa fieldhouse. The game pits to Iowa City tonight for their se­ COLLEGE BASEBALL the )9-4 ball guard and track team high­ reer. Bradley 5. Sl. Ambrose • (Special to The Daily Iowan) cond and final appearance against the WSUI "stattc voices" against The Daily Iowan "Scribes" in a jumper, has been awarded the Big Wilkinson, who reeeived his Missouri 8, }(ansaJi State 1 sOoI..a COLUMBUS, OHIO-Lefty Jack the Iowa City Cardinals at Keiley Cenlral (Mo.) 3. Culber-Slocktoo ! victory to asure them a first div­ nine inning contest. Game time is 3 p·m. Nine medal for excellence in dell'ce In denUstrr lui March, COLLEGE GOLF JIOIlDc SI'Uner and Cent~fielder Dale ision spot. Right-Hander Wes Tomorrow morning's Iowan will give the starting lineups of Field. scholarship and athletics, Paul llilnols 17"'. Iowa 9'~ otbe Erickson combined to lead lhe was a reg-ular on the Iowa bas­ COLLEGE TENNIS both teams, the substitutes, managers, coaches and batboys. Ii is Game time is 8:15. The Zollners Brechlel', director of athletics, Northweslern 7. Noire name ! '({ere D UniverSity of Iowa baseball team Demro will go to the mound for ketball teams 01 19<1. 5, 19<1.6 and rum()red over at the radio station that WSUI has more subs than stilled lhe Cards, 7-0, Thursday announced yesterday. AMERICAN AS OCIAtlOJi editor; over Ohio State In the first game Iowa. 1947 aile!: playlnr one year at Columbua 5. St. PauL 2 the Iowan has fans. night and played at Rock Island. Pete Everett of Croydelll Pa., Utah. He wu aU-American each Toledo 10. Milwaukee I of a Big Nine series here yester­ Indianapolis g, ~lInne.J>01lI 2 The lioe I •• ro: &. II. E. WSUI's sports show last nighl placed its team as a heavy favorite Ill., last night. baseball first baseman, also won year. day, 10-5. Iowa ...... 040 002 040-10 Il 5 the Hawkeye athletic cup, Brech­ Kan... Cit v 8. Louisville 0 Ohio Stale ...... 000 .000 O4l- 5 8 3 to win. Both cluhs are undefeated with no games played to date. ----- Everett has been Iowa's regular T UREE-I LEAGUE The victory shoved Iowa into a Bruner and Browne; Brown, Hammett COLLEGE TENNIS ler said. Each athlete had better Quincy 7. Danville 1 ______-'I WisconsIn 9. Iowa 0 first baseman for the last two sea­ Waterloo ~. Terre Haule D third-place tie with Wisconsin in and Ranz. L Purdue 5. Indiana 4 than 11 three-point scholastic av- sons and also won a minor letter Evansville II, Davenport , conference siandings, both with Sprinlllleid 4. Decalur 3 in basebail in 1946. He will receive WESTERN LEAOUE five wins and three losses. The his degree in physical educatton Lincoln IL. Omaha 8 Buckeye dropped to fourth in the in June. Des Moines 7, Denver 2 league race. Dean ' Team Takes Sioux Clly 7. Peu.blo 2 Bruner had the Ohio State batsmen completely In his power Town Crown; Ouad during the first seven tnnblgS. Bresm-ehen' 5 Final Meetloday Over that span only one Buck­ TO· DAY eye runner reached second base Finalists Narrowed while the classy lefty limited * * * * "ENDS TVESD,u" Four important intramural soft­ * * Wildcats Visit the 'Ohioans to four scattered TODAY. SUNDAY. Doors Open 12:15-Flrst Show 12:30 8ln&'Jes. . ball games were played yesterday Iowa Golfers Erickson was the whole show at as one league champion was de­ THOSE ZANY El GOOFOES IN THE the plate so far as Iowa was con­ cided and anoth~r league's two Winless Iowa MADDEST, MERRIEST "ROAD" PICTURE OF ALL! cerned. The stocky centerfielder finalists were determined. batted in five of a possible seven Lose to Illini By HANK ALLAN Dean captured the To~n League runs for the Hawks. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. (JP) - IIli- Iowa's much-bealen track squad In the second inning Erickson crown with a decisive 14-4 win has a good 50-50 chance of break­ started his assault. After First over Thatcher. In the third in- nois' golf team scored a 17112 to ing inf.o the "win" column this. af­ ning, the winners knotted at 4- 9111 victory over Iowa yesterday. lernoon when the Wildcats of all, broke the Ice with five runs • The lilini won two out of three Northwestern invade Iowa City Big Nine Standings and went on to win easily. best-ball matches, and fOur of six [or the final dual meet of the singles. Three Ul1nols goU~rs - season. The meet will ~egin at. 1:30 \V L In Quadrangle semi-finals, Up­ on the track behind the fieldhouse. per A (2) slammed Lower D, 12-3, Captain Art Wyatt, Ray Kimpel illinois ...... , ...... 8 '1 and George Dayiantis - tied for Michl"...... 8 2 and Lower B edged Lower A, 11- Northwestern's hopes sagged 10..,...... 5 a 10. The two winners will tangle medal honors, each shooting a one when Capt. Bill Porter, the 'Cats WI.conlln ...... •.•..... Ii s over par 73. Obi. Slato ...... G f Wednesday for the league cham­ top hurdler, left the squad to com­ Purdue •...... •. •.•. .. • . tS 6 pete in the Los Angeles Relays, Minnesota. •...... ••.. . .. !l o pionship. The summaries: IDdlan...... • ,.". ""'" ., 7 Phi Kappa Psi took a 6-5 victory BOlt nan May 21. Porter captured several Northwestern .... .•. ... ,0 9 Wyatt-lemsek. Illinois. defeated Carl­ from Phi Epsilon Pi yesterday to .on-Campbell 2~-'0.. Big Nine and other major titles Rasley-Graham. Iowa, defeated Tap­ alld is rated among the natl::itls clinch runner-up spot in the Soc­ scotl-Logan 2~-'h . Baseman Pete Everett and Bruner ial fraternity league. Sigma Al­ Klmpel-DaylanUs. Illinois. delealed best. . Mathis-Bloomquist. 3-0. The Hawkeyes will have the had singled, he poled a long home pha Epsilon previously won the Slo"lo. ANDREWS ' run to right-centerfield. In the fraternity crown· by defeating both Wyatt. illinois, detealed Carlston. 3 mora.l edge. Besides tryln&, to SISTERS to O. look good before the home crowd, eighth frame Erickson hammered teams. Campbell. Iowa. defealed Jemsek, 3 out a lriple following an infield Six golf teams will tee oft at lo O. the Iowa cindermen will be out Tapscoll. 1IJlnols, delealed Rasley. 2% I to win this meet for Coach 10 ~~~G ! '(,8RHihJl'iJ;ilii;JI single by Bob Primrose, third 12: 18 this afternoon to compete for lo y.. the all-university golf champion­ Logan. llIinol.. tied Graham, 11'. to I George Bresnahan who retires bas!:man, and a walk to Bl·uner. I I'.. Iowa had a six run lead going ship. The six league representa­ Kimpel, llllnols, deteated Mathis. 2 from active coaching at the end TllRILLING ADVENTURE I fnto thc eighth when the Hawks tives are Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Phi Lo 1. of the season. D.~i.nll •• Dlinois. deCealed BloomquIst, In some events the Iowans look WILLIAM BOYD As nOPALONG scored fo ur times to give them Delta Phi, Upper C, Loyola, Riv­ 2'1a lo ~. a lead of 10-0. But loose field­ erdale, and Hillcrest H. ------good. NorUnvestel'n will have a ing, which has plagued Iowalon Paul Sawyer and Robert 8hris­ Zollners Win, S-O tough time winning the high and "HEART.. OF THE WEST" its road trip to Western l\licbj­ loph, North Grand, won the all­ low hurdles, the 440-yard run, fne gan and here to Ohio state, let university badminton do ubi es RO CK ISLAND-The Fort mile, lhe two mile and high jump, Wayne Zollners, World's softball while the 100-yard dash and 220- the Bucks face by pushinr competition yesterday, crushing STARTS across four rUlls in the last of Moreshwar Nadkarni and Chandra champions, defeated Rock Island yard run could gQ either way. TO.DAY here last night, 8-0. The Zollners DICK ERDENBERGER, UniversHy of Iowa's star high-jumper who Hawkeye Russ Merkel is shap­ the eig-hth and a single tally in Saran, Hillcrest D, 21-2, 21-14. - ENDS TUESDAY - the ninth, The Hawk committed are scheduled to play the Iowa will compete against Northwester 's tracll team here today. Erden­ ing up into one of the conference's five errors--these combined to City Cardinals at Iowa City to­ bcrg-cr Is less than one inch under ,the all-time Iowa. high-jump ree­ hest hurdlers and is favored to 16 at Western Michlran gives Cards Lose to Spahn night. ord 01 6-feet. 4-illches. He jumped 6-feet, 3 3/ S-inches last week. capture both high aIld low events. the mIor 23 for three contests. BOSTON (JP)-Warren Spahn's Dick Erdenberger and Jack Weik Bruner was helped considerably rainy-night sou t h paw slants have been betering their Pll,st during the opening innings by checked the victory surges o.f the . .. 11 '-5 marks in the high jump, and Eric three snappy double plays. The st. Lours Cardinals and their Har­ . Ions, Wilson Jr., is a threat to the Wild- Red Sox Swarn In d cats in the middle-distances. H~wks outhit the Bucks, 11-8. ry (ThE' Cat) Brecheen last night f5 It is probable that Ohio will as the Braves, without an earned CLEVELAND (JP) _ The long Track fans should see a lulu send its ace , and one of silent bats of the Boston Red Sox of a racc in the dashes when run, gained a 3-1 triumph over the Dick Washington and Rex Ploen the best in the conference, Pete National league leaders before a boomed out yesterday in an la- of Iowa line up with Jim Hol- Perini, against Iowa today, '111e well-soaked 22,917 crowd. Stan Local Prep Teams in Aclion barrage and SWlImped the league- land and Ed T1jnnlcllff of North­ Bucks, although definitely out of Musial ruined Spahn's shutout leading , 11 to 5. western. Holland is a former Bi&' the championship running, need a hopes with an eight-inning homer. City high and University high track men travel to Ames today Paced by Ted Williams' Nine sprint champion and scor- eighth home run, a tremendous ed 12% points ill a triangular where they will compete in the teams into the meet. They will clout Into the upper deck In mcct last week. state track meet. enter in the mile, two-mile and I light field, the Sox erased an The Wildcats are a powerhouse Major League .' City high will go all out for re­ medley relays. I early Cleveland lead 31ld turned in thtl field events. Ed Sewell has lay points as they are entering Meanwhile. Bill Jenlla, City the game Into a rout. cleared over 13 teet in the pole teams in the 440, mUe and med­ high tennis sinK'les champion, Rookie Southpaw Bill Kennedy vault, Mike Orlich has heaved the Standings ley. relays. They are defending started Cor the Indians but was shot over ~6 feet and tossed €he champions in the medley. Virgil will meet Hegan of Fort Dodge NATIONAL LEAGUI! Ibelted out in the second when the dISCUS 142 reet, an~ Jim Holland, W L PCT.08 \If L PCT. GS Troyer will run the open 440 dash In the OPening round of the state Sox tied the score at two-all. AI- who does everythmg but carry 81. LouIs ...... IG ~ .IIM Cleveland ...... 10 7 .G96 whUe Bill Reichardt will toss the tennis meet ill Des Moines to­ Gettel, his replacement, fared lit- wate~' for t.he 'C.ats, cleared 23 New Y.rk ...... 14 It .~G O 2\~ Philadelphia ...... n 9 .6:\4 II PIC •• burrh ., .•..••.• . I G J'! .Uiro ::'~fI New York ...... Hi If) .000 2 football and shot. day. Itie better and he left the mound fcct III lhe broad Jump. B .... on f ...... 1i.1 I:! .aas a Del,oll ...... 14 H .411i1 ~ University hlrh will compete Phlladolphla ...... 14 13 .r.!9 S\~ St. Louis ...... Il 1~ .478 1'i Henry Rat.e and Keith Boyle, in I.he fourth when Boston tallied Chlca,o ...... 11 14 .440 G\~ Bodon ...... '" ... 12 l4 .46~ 5~~ In class B comJ)etltlon. This Is three times. and Ends Tonite • Late Show Br." "lyn ...... 1I 1'6 0407 Ol~ Wuhlnrton ...... 11 l~ .423 Glio &he first year there has been a doubles champions, will [a c e ClnclnnaU .•...... '0 19 .345 8~~ Cblea,...... , ...... " 10 .208 IHio Ed Klieman finished for lhe In- . Ye.lerday'. aeoult. separation of the two classes. Holmberg and Loblin of Red Oak dians. Comedy Cartoon Show , . , Cblca,. H, New York a Yellerday·. R.. . lIs Plltl bur"h 8, Brookl,n t Chlea,o 3, Now Yo,k 0 Denny Hagler will run the 220- in the doubles opener. Williams had a perfect day at DOUBLE WESTERN "oalan 8, St. Louis t l'hlladelphla 9, Dotrolt 6 yard dash, while Bob Cl'Um and Jenna and Teammates Rate and the plate, collecting foul' hits and !il nc~ nnall a t PhiladelphIa (po.tponed, Bo.lon ll. CI... laod 5 rain) St. LODI, 4. W.lblnclon 3 Dick Reichardt are entered ill. the Boyle gained the statc by winning two walks in six trips. Larry Today', Plteher. Today'. Pllcber. 880 run. John Carson wUl run the the district tournament here last Doby clouted a homer for the In­ St. Loul. at BOlton-Dloklon (~-I) VI. New Yorl< at Chlu"I>-Embree (t·O) mile and Harold Larew the 120- Salurday. Matches will begin in ( I • ".\'7.:J Saln (3-2) n. Jud •• n (1.1) dians in the seven lh with Thur- Pill.bur,h III Brool­ Two down after 16 !Joles. Fer­ Star of ids. Michel Simon, Panic rier ~nk a 16 foot putt to win the 17'" willi a par three as Harmon The game was played under n).illRd • shorter putt. Then on lights at Kelley fietd, Iowjl City. Rossand Brazzi, SIal' of Furia the last hole Jim fired an Irlln With two outl and a three and ~tIl' '11 ••,. shot that stoPJ.»ed dead within 18 two count 01\ her, Mrs. Goidbei'l NOWI Last Time " 8E~T DIRiCTORJA&. JOB SO FAR THIS YEARI EXCEL_ belted tbe nen pitched ball over luehes of the pin. It looked like LIN-T PHOTQGlAPHY ••• ADULT ENlERT allUre thlllg, but Harmon. win­ the rl~ht fielder's head al'd ~INM&N"I" ner of the AulUHl.a. Master tour­ scored to break a 3-3 ball game. - H"G/d Tri""" . ney, drove in a beautUul 10-foot Virginia Maudsley, RUssell's =- puU, halving the hole.. In birdie speed-ball hurler, fanned 11 bat­ &'brees aDd wlnnhl' the match. ters and gave up five scattered the s\ushing 1 a\e ."b BORIS KARWFF Hogan, the lath-like, long-driv­ hits for Russell's first victory in from the Sc.ar\et liAY BAINTER· ANN RUTRUFORO ing Hershey, Pa., pro who is a gal­ its first game of the season. Co-Bit lery favorite, had two very close The Iowa City girls will play Pages of \nfamv See How Crooked Gamblin, calls. He was carried to the 23rd a team from Lucas at Kelley field Joints Ta.ke A C~ump hole in his mOl'l1ing mat.ch against Sunday night at. 8 p. m. Jock Hutchinson, Jr., of Glencoe, "SUPERB ••• MAGNIFICENT" IlL, and t.hen haq to rally in the A', Crack Streak -PM I PlUM afternoon to gain a I-up triumph WAvr-j}JSNln"s over Johpny Palmer ot Badin, DETROIT (JP)--Getting aU their ,lUng'_ ~tttt "P '\lto · ~ Blue ~ole" N. C. runs in clusters 01 three, the Phil­ STAaTS TUESDAY Footll,hl RbJUua Going into the thirii round of adelphia Athletics cracked a three­ Jamn HUtoD'. ""Iieo ,... C_~.I' · r.,li.lt ' ~I .. _ "MuIJcal In Color" 18 toda,y with Harmon in the up­ lame losing streak by llcklne the 'SO WELL R~MEM8ERED' Mlohel Simon as RIGOL£TTO Worlds ""t~ Nen per half o~ the draw were HeRI'Y ,Detroit Tige1'8, 9 to 6, yesterQay.

_ _ _ _ l _ _ _ • • -. .. .. --~ - - - TIll: DAILY IOWAN, UT1JlU)AY, MAY 12, INS-PAGE .....n

Gifford Vieth Announce Wedding Meetings, Speeches Information First Of Mabel Baldwin Lists 8Chairmen To Edit-Iowa To loren Vilmer Town 'n' Eight sub-chairmen for next year's Information First commH­ Mrs. Grace 'Barrough, Seattle, tees were announced ye terdBY by Wash., announces the marriage of Suzanne Gronna, general chair­ I Law Review her sister, Mabel Baldwin, 923 Campus man. Gifford D. Vieth, Davenport, Iowa avenue, to Loren Vilmer, son Workjng under Flora Mae will edit the Iowa Law Review lor of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Vllmer, Jerry ATHENS HISTORY CmCLE - Plans Robinson, pubUcity chairman, will the 1948 tall semester, Dean Ma­ Pitts burr, Kan. Members of the Athens History be Barbara Anne Smith, Gales­ son Ladd of the college of law an­ The double ring ceremony was circle will hold their annual spring burg, Ill., posters; MYra Niemann, nounced yesterday. performed Saturday, May 15, by Jones luncheon at the home of Mrs. C. June9 Quincy, Ill., radio; Jean Strong, Others appointed to the staff the Rev. F. R. McClanahan in the Woody Thompson, 1119 DiU street, Cedar Rapids, newspapers; Helen were Donald Wine, Oelwein, noles Evangelical U nit e d Brethren Monday a~ 1 p. m. Mrs. H. J. Hansen, Glen Ellyn, Ill., housing editor; Charles Harris, Willlams- church, Pittsburg, Kan. Mr. and Thornton will present a program unit contact, and Connie Polasky, Mrs. Ted Moody, Pittsburg, Kan., ToWed following the luncheon. Wedding Cedar Rapids, blackboard publici­ attended the couple. ty. Mrs. Vilmer is employed at CANTERBURY CLUB - Mem­ Beverly Christianson, Albert University hospitals and Mr. Vil­ bers of the Canterbury will meet City, will b hostess chairman. mer is employed by The DailY for a supper and social evening Shirley Thompson, F'ort Dodge, Iowan. The couple will live at at the Episcopal parish hoUse, 320 will be the special contact chair· man. 1317 Rochester avenue, Iowa City. E. College street, tomorrow at 5:45 p. m. Sponsored by the UW A, Infor­ mation First consists of a series DIZZY DOZEN - The final of lectures on current national and Plan Funeral for spring meeting of the DIzzY international problems and events. , Its purpose Is to give students the MR. AND MllB. H. MARSDEN JONES, Des Moine.. announce the Dozen will be held at 8 tomor­ ANNOUNCEMENT I BEING MADE of the enca~emen' anel row evening at the home of Mrs. op\:lortunity to Increase their Mrs. Cora Mulcahy en.. ~ement and approacblnc marrtue 01 theIr bucbter, Jerry, to apPJ'Oaehln~ marrla~e or Eclith Plncel, buchter or Mr. and Mrs. knowledge and underslandlng of Jack A. Smith, IOn of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sml~, Berwick. Miss Jones Everett Diehl, 532 S. Dubuque Anton Plncel, Alden, to Dean L. Terwllll~er, son of Mr. and Mrs. street. Plans will be made for th world situations. Mrs. Cora M. Mulcahy, 72, Is a. senior In the unlvenU:r collen 01 llberat art anel Is • member Lewis TerwUllcer, ectar Rapid . Mis Plnnl wa craduated from annual summer picnic. Route 3, died at Mercy hospital of Theta Sicma Phi, honor.,.,. joul'll&lIsm fraternity tor women. Her the unlverslt, school of nunlnc and Is now emplo:rect at Unlvenlt:r yesterday at 11:50 a. m. follow­ fiance Is a junior In. the university eollere 01 commerce. Be Is atfU­ hospltaill. Mr. Terwllllnr Is employed at Hunters Flyln .. Service, DAV Eleds E. Benson lated with Ph) Kappa Slama, IIOCIaJ frateruny, and Delta Slcma PI, SADDLE CLUB - The Iowa Cedar Rapids. The weddln,. wlU be June 9 in Alden. • ing a long illness. , Saddle club will meet Monday at To Head Old Gold Unit Born in Sharon township Aug. honorary commerce Iraternlty· The weddln~ will be helel June 6 In The LlUle Chapel of the Conlre.. alJonal church, Iowa City. 8 p. m. at the home of Mr. and Earl Ben on was elected com· 18. 1875, she was the daughter of Mrs. S. A. Filzgarrald and Mr. John R. and Emily Hughes. mander of the Old Gold chapter, and Mrs. Dean Fitzgarrald, 335 Disabled American Veterans at ita She was married to David Mul­ S. Dubuque street. cahy Feb. 15, 1905. The couple meetin, Wednesday night at the established their home on a farm Church Calendar DAV hall. ST. THOMAS MORE - Mem­ GIFFORD VIETH in Union township and have lived Other officers ejected were Les­ Personal Notes bers of the St. Thomas More Guild J'\JtST .. aE Bl'TJ!IUAH Cit acIt Sliver tel sPOnlO red by tbe Lad I Aid on the same farm for over 40 ter Norton, senior vice command­ burg, and Thomas Lynch, Decor­ auxiliary will hold their annual E . .. arlle• • treet IOClety. Friday. 0:30 p.m. Monthly meet­ years. P. B ewlJoII Palloelt p ••tor er; CI~eni Hess, junior vice ah, cdmments editors; and John familY pIcnic at pavilion No. 1 f Ine 01 Ih" Jlome·Bullde.... Potluck, ,up­ Mrs. Mulcahy was a member of Members of Canterbury club, former university student, is visit­ Sund.y. 9:30 ' .m. Church ..,hool. 10:(5 per, bu.ln ss meelln, and devotional. commander; Dr. Karl E. Frederick, Moodie, Waverly, article and book in City park tomorrow at 3:30 a.m. Momlnl wonhlp. Sermon: "Sources the Welsh Congreg, tional church, Episcopal student organization, ing the Zeta Tall Alpha chapter 01 Goodn_." Nursery. 5:)/) p.m. HI adjutant and treasurer; Wllliam review editor. and Ball and Chain club, Episcopal house this weekend. p. m. All families In the parish club meetln, In the loun,,,. TuMd.y. P IllST BAPTIST caU&CH Jelly, chaplain, and Robert Hess, Ladies Missionary society, Daugh­ are Invited. Mrs. Richard C. Mar­ 4:15 p.m. Genev. choir rehe..... 1. Wed· Cllato. on. B.,lIo,I.. .,•••• Frank R. Kennedy, faculty advi­ married students' group, picknick­ n"sd.y. 12:30 p.m. Group 11 potiuek Elmer E. Olull., pulor service ofticer. ters of Union Veterans and a char­ lin will be In charge. Assisting SLlnday, 9:30 0 m. Church ..hool. 10:30 sor, said thBt appointment to the ed yesterday at Lake McBride. Mrs. C . Haehnel, Phoenix, Ariz., luncheon at th~ church. 7 pm. West­ ter member of the South Union her will be Mrs. William Arn tt m1nlter TRINITY El'l OPAL C lIllR II Mrs. Stromsten Given to spend the weekend at his home. weekend at her home in De s Dubuque and Market _treeb ollele and Q IIber" .treetl altar linens. sors, judges and gradlJates and Other officers elected were John Ralph M. KrlJerer. pa t.r lfar.ld F. NrOee, redo, Photography Recognition Moines. Tyson, Mt. Ayr, vice-president; SUnd.y. 8:30 a.m. Milin rvlce with Sunday, 8 a .m . HOly Communion. 11 :30 book. reviews comprise the balanr\) Students spending .the weekend 2:30 Lo 7 10 7:110 week­ Pat Van Llew, Des Moines, secre- Sacnoment oC Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m . Momlnl prayer. 11:30 a.m . Church at 5:30 and p.m.; ot each issue. . Mrs. John Stromsten, 30 Rocky at home are Bill Ayers, Evanston, '.m. Sunday ..,Mool. 10 :4' ' .m. Momlnc oonool 10:45 •.m . Nu ..ery Ind lower dOlla durin. Ihe 7:25 a .m. mBis .nd .n". Members of the retiring statt Pat' HuH, Humboldt, js visiting wo... hlp with communion Tu.sIlay, 6:30 church .chool III the porlsh hous.. 10:45 the Novena lervlc~ .• Shore drive, recently received Ill.; Daryl Slamp, Perry; Richard friends in Chicago this weekend. p.m. M and M club potluck l upper at the I .m . Mornl".. prayer and rmon: are Donald Shaw, Oelwein; Robert honorable mention for one of six Phillips, Pleasant Valley, and Bob chun:h. Thurlday. e:30 p,m. Luther "Guldepottl lor Llvln.... 4 p.m. HI,h T. WE C£ LA 8 tJU&CH Mahoney, Boone; William Hollen, leolue meetlnl at the church. ..,hool hour In pariah hOlile. Wednetd.y. ae9. dwar4 W. Nea_lI, Plltor prints she entered In a photo­ Clark, Ames. Ottumwa men spending the 8:45 and 10 a.m. Holy Com~U11lon. 2:30 ROY . Jo •• pb W. IIln ..! uo't putor Winterset; Harry Slife, Hawarden, graphy contest at the state con­ COMMUNITY CDUaCD CI\NTEIl p.m. St. Kolherlne'l Guild tea wllh M .... aa E. nllvenpor Itre." and Kenneth MYers, Quincy, Ill. weekend at home are Robert (Cburtb 01 brl.1> I. P . Irwin. 7 p.m. J unior choir reh...... 1 Sund.y, 0:30 • . m. Low m.... 8 '.m. vention of Professional Photo­ Porter Burrets, Mason City, and Kaufman, Everett W. RJchards, Sund.y. 8:45 a.m. Chrl.llan I'IIdlo hour In parllh hou • Saturday. ?·e •. m. Con· Low ma... OIUy m ...es at 7 .nd t :30. over WMT. 9:30 am. Church ..,hool. 1.... lon. In Ihe rector'. study. II •. m . ' .m. Saturday conlealonl, 3 10 5:30 p .m., graphers of Iowa in Des Moines. Blair White, Burlington, are William W. Toole, James Lester 10:30 a.m Momlnr wOl'llhlp and com­ Junior choir rehur.. 1 111 the chureh. 7 to 8:30 p ,m. Child Club Picnic To Be The print was a portrlUt of her spending the weekend at home. Wishard, John Glentzer, Frank R. munion Sermon: "Our Lol'd saves:' 7 p.m. Senior d\olr ...,h .. rsal In th.. father-In-law, Dr. Frank Strom­ Nurury. Wed neoday. 7:30 p.m. Wom· church. . T. PATal K'S C HUIlC H Held'ln City Park Today Jordan Jr. ar.d Jim Osgood. .n'. CommunUy club w11l meet with Rt. Rov. Mor'. r.t,l.k 0 '&0111" .....t.r sten of the zoology department. Maxin\! Hayes is visiting this Mra. Howlrd Lucky. 1810 MlI~.Il"" Dve· ST. TIIOMA8 ~IOa , IIAPEL The Rev. aaymond J . Patha,. I taoa. in nue. ThuJ'lday. 7:30 p.m. Home Blbl" 405 N. II.lv.nlde drive putor The Child Study club will hold A graduate of SUI, 1'1rs. Strom­ weekend at her home Musca­ Spe.nding the weekend at home study wllh Mr. Ind M .... Jake Kobe., Rev. Leonar. J , Brulman. pas lor 8:30 "m. Low m.... ' :30 '.m. HIt" lis annual picnic for mothers and sten also gave a lecture and Hne. 205 Oollvl ..w. It.,. J. Walter Me leney, al 't p .... or m •••, 8;30 '.m. Low ma"j d.U;y rMn~s are James Friend, Harlan; Ra,er Rev. R)'an Belnr, ••' t palto, at 8 a.m. Saturdoy m ...... at 7:!O I .m. childrdn today at 12:30 p. m. on demonstration on "Expression in Diekmann Jr., Richard G. Luman JEIIOVAIJ' S WI1NE88 8 Sunday m ...e.: 5:45. 8. 9. 10 .nd 11 :30 III \~ 8. Dubuqui tr•• ~ tile upper level at City park, near Portraiture·" James J . Reding, MonticelJo, ls and Robert J . Taylor, Fort Madi­ a.m. W kday m....,., 8:30. 7•• nd 7:30 METJlOIII'r 11U&C1I the playground area. Sunday . • :30 p.m. Watchlnwer Indy. . .m. Holy day ma.. a: 5:45, 7, 8, 1\ and Jeff,noA and Dubuque street. Visiting this weekend at the home son· ~'rld.y. 8 pm, Blbl !Jrudy. \2;15 a.m. Conre.. lon~ heard from 3:30r.to t.. L. Dunnlurt.on and R. R.. Saok., Planned games will be provided of Mr. and Mrs. Georfe Wllklnson, 5 p.m. and 7 10 8:30 p.m. on all SaL r­ mlnl.lera W. Johnson To Teach FIR T IlIUSTI N eflVa II dlY.. d.y, before hOly d.y, .nd ! rat Sunday. 11:30 am" Church school. t:30 fo r the children following the pic­ Anamosa. . Ottumwa men who wi11 spend ' 11 low. avtnue Friday.. AllO Sund.y. Crom 10 mlnUl .nd 11 .m. Identical momlnl worshIp' nic lunch. Those attending will Fraok Nel•• n aardner, .,utor before mau to 5 minutes beror rna. 5. ""rvlceo. Sennon: "Cltadel ot the Soul. • Speech at USC, UCLA tomorrow at home are Edward SUnday. 8:30 •.•n. Church ..,hOOI. ID :3O Newman club ach Tu Iday or school Nu....,ry. bring their own table service and Prof. Wendell Johnson, director Spending the weekend at home Jr., Richard G. Luman and Gene a .m. Mornlnl worshIp and communion year at 7:30 p.m. In Ihe "udent center. ,food. The club will Iurnish ice of ,the speech clinic at SUI, wlll are Beverly Barger, Des Moines, rvlee. Sermon: "The Voice or Our EVANGEL) AL FREE CHUaCII Wallace Glenn. Brothers' Blood," WedneJlday. ll am. ST. MAav' Han 0,.1.111. cream. teach at the University of South­ and Clara Ann Falk, Washington, W.M.B. wUI rvlce. publk lunchcoll. JelteriGn Il.n d Linn . 'rerd. Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Sunday ",oo\. 10:50 In case of rain, the picniC will ern California this-summer, it was Towa. 8:30 p.m. Choir rehea ...1 .~ Ihe church. RI. at• • Mlrr. C. )1 . Melabtr,. , ..tDr I.m. Momln, wonhlp. Sermon: "Tribal Visiting at home this weekend Ret'. 1. W. e.bmlil, a I't ,. \or Marks." 7 111m. Junior lellowlhlp 7: •• be held in Fellowt;hip hall at the FIRST CJlURcn OP IIRIST, announced yesterday. are Marijean Peterson, Nevada; Sunday rna at 8, 7:30. 9. 10: 15 and p.m. Pr... Hrvh, .. Pl'llyer meetlllir rollowed Methodist church. J'vlrs. A I an Johnson will teach two courses Virginia Vega left yesterday to S IE TI T 11:30 a.m. Weekday m. .t 8:30 am. by evenlne ervlce t:15 p.m. Sln(l'J>lr­ Roger Willey, What Cheer; Jarl 7:. E. Coli... . 1'001 In the convent .nd at 7:25 .nd 8 • .m. In aUon. Thurocl.y. 8 p.m. ~. C . Y .F. meeUnlt Graves and Mrs. H. H . Hiett are in speech pathology He will lec­ spend the weekend at her, home Sunday. 9 '.m. WHO radio broadca.t. Ihc churCh. Noven. service. Thurocl.y In church basemenl. 8 p.m. Prayer me.t­ Osmundson, Radclilfe; John Ditt­ FRANK C. BARRETT 9:4' • . m. Sunday ..,hool. 1I a,m. Lel­ a, 3 and 7:30 p.m. Conleiliona: SaturdlY lnl. 9 p.m. Choir rehe.rlli. in charge of arrangements. ture on psychological problems re­ In Mason City. IOn·sermOn: "Soul and Body" Nursery. mer, Elkader and Delores Geral­ Wedn sday, 8 p.m. To.timonlll me linl. lated to speech and hearing dis­ di, Davenport. iary, and Jack Smilh, Jackson, Engineers Elect Officers orders and on research problems Senior members of Zeta Tau Mich., treasurer. ZION LUTIIEJlAN /I II.CIr Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor­ and methods in speech pathology. CAmnlt-an Lutheran ~o"futnte) Alpha to be honored at dinner at Members of the board of direc­ Jehnlon .nd 81oomlnl'lth alre, •• aTY, recently elected new officers. He will also be at UCLA from the chapter house tomorrow are Mrs. LeVois Eleded tors for the comIng year will be 1\. C. Proehl. pula, Give the perfect June 21 ,to July 31. SundlY. 8;15 am. SundlY ochool. 9:30 Those elected were Robert Car­ Carol Clark, Wheaton, Ill.; Shirlee Mrs. C.J . LeVols is the 1948-49 Roland Bellefeuille, Paul R. Lange, a.m. Bible class. 10:30 • . m. Dlvlnf' rv· michael, president; Earl Carlson, Johnson Is chairman of the Ferrell, Benton Harbor, Mich.; president or the Child Study club, Robert L. Sweeney. Cuy L. Ames, Ice Sermon: "A Unlv ...... 1 Klnldom." :& p.m. Serylce ut St John Lutheron Vice-president; Martin Golden, Foundations Committee of the Gayle Everett, Conesville; Lenpre it was announced recently. Mary Lou oels and I1ean Wilson. church. Sharon. Wednesday. 2:30 p.m. record in g secretary; WlUiam Speech Correction Foundation, a Morford, Dexter; Jean Dahl, 'Fair­ Other officers are Mrs. W.P· GraduationP Gift Chantry, treasurer; Ray Krekel, ~tional organization. ~' )onsored field, and Ann Koons, ·Bloomfleld. Edgell, Vice-president; Mrs. A.E. correspondent secretary, and by the American Speech Correc­ Wicks, secretary, and Mrs. D.E. Douglas Dowell, cataloguer. tion association, Helen Wood, Chicago, Ill·, a Metzler, treasurer. Exclusive at DUNN'S

.New "Spi'rkie" For Your LivIng Room • "A'''ri unusu1f''SUndress wirh' a.~ ",SWirling , . g1rhere d Sk Irt' , long torso and short, short~ .J bolero jacket to give . I you figure flartery, Sofely

I tailored of pastel \ \corton broadcloth . WI['1\ " 'deeper color border trim; I ~ COMBINING tne latest in smart lamp styling with ]u nior sizes 9 (0.) )~' I unequaled lighting performance-Certified Lamps ·hit a new high in the portable ~p field. The heart of these remarkable new lamps is the uniquely shaped diffusing bowl and metal reflector-SCientifically /~{&~- " designed to give you from 50% to 100% more light NEW, COMPlEn WRITING ENSEMBLES : than ordinary lamps, What's more, you get light . BY at Its best ••• a wealth of soft, gJareless illumination Don't foil to see 1M sltilc. " lng, new Threesam .. by BII\~ that's easy on the eyes •• ,flattering to the surroundings. Sheaffer'" Including SH EAFFE IU Make it a point to stop and see them-tomorrow. Sheaffer', n.w.sl color cr.ations. D.sign.d for .very writing person', wery writing n.. d, the popular Sheaffer's Threesome indudes.Q !'TRIUMPH" pen with Three... , 0 er' II Ie t1 tabla U·K, cylindrical point, matching fineline pencil and At, tWou' .lie ",Ide mriety oJ .tylel aM lamp "UII lIIa.ural bruI ..... matching boll·point Writing Instrument, Stratowriter. 1 .IUI lovel, parcluDeDl .!wI.... We have the new Threesomes now, in many different JinUhet in Cer.ified floor lamp., .nuU. anUque ,reeD or III&I'OOIl. models, at prices to suit every budget. See tMm whil. - dontJl IGbl. lamp. and pinoup lamp•• 118.10 stocks are complet .. '/, -""'''' Three.... , fteer Iaa, Ie ...Jc1 or brense wlUa .....,...... flallh. "ClreUDeH ft...... ,..t 10WA·ILLINOIS lAS I"be aDa love" IIIk ...... AID ELEGTRIO 00...... DUNN'S to DAIU' IOWAN, SATURn Y, ~fAY 22, 19t5-PAGE FOUJt Violence in Strikes Debate-GOR Style Letters I'D RATHER BE RIGHT To the Editor Violence ueb as ha boken out on tbe laool' [l"(lllt, i' inc\'itably the bitter {mit of repI'e i e labol' legislation. The patt I'n h~ Maybe Just a Student Gmd ~h;Ags JCCll A . Garden, repeated over and over again. IWhen labor finds tll court· are tacklld against him, that man­ TO THE DAILY IOWAN: agement wjth it advocate. hold the rcin of government, that It's very debatabre whether I By SAMUEL G&MTON (New York Post 8)'Ddlcate) more and more r estrictive laws arc the ol'der of thc day, that cle­ did more griping in the ... navy or here at Iowa U. mental {Ql'lllS of union security are outlawed by. ]('gislntion SllCh I have been trying to start a as tile "Blue" law, when troops in tervenc to break stl'ik s, when Now I've got a gripe that I'd personally like to tell every prof,­ garden, put this is postwar weath­ house, but thc .llh I start toward A man just told me that a Ii management in this climate is out to break a union-when all these er, always a little wetter each day I all theso add up to tbc labol'er's f ling that society is on a mad instructor or teacher. Why ... do It in bright sunshine, it rains be- of people in the nei(jbborbooc you lay it on so heavy during final than you expect it to be. The patch Lore I reach it. want to build, but they're waIIq 'ampage to cru h hi. movement, hi blind fury.and impul to exams? has been half-dug for a week. It strikc back is inevitable. is only twenty-five yards from the Back in the house, the radio for prices to &0 down. "Tbf7'lt What are we supposed to be, a Of course violence will not win a trike. Re pon iblo labor mentions that the Jews have start- ready. but they're stopped, ~ it group of memory genuises or mass ed 'a new state, which seems good. said, I knew what he meant. Icaders know that and usually h'Y to pr vent it-as they did in Phi Bela Kappa members? SUI Organizations - But then it say~ that the invading A funny kind ot a year; a '" Waterloo once tlley were allowed to 11 e a l()ud-spcaking y. tt'm. GRIGGROSZ Arabs are in. Somethlng like the in which something See/III t Irollically,.IJus one mea ns of quieting the riot!; }lud beell denied 1128 E. Rochester rain that is pelting the garden. come along to stop al)ythlDllhII UlOm previollsly by sel'ic - of eOllrt iujunctions. This is the year of the automatic Itries to start. Like tile RuIIiaI 'rhe eonfusiOlJ' oC cause and eff ct is "ident at every tlll·n. 'l'hc Sentenced for Contempt Morlar Board stop, 11 hard year in which to trying to slart a peace IIIOWIII!II conr~lsion is not dispelled by a governor's emotiunal poLirayal ol start anything. a couple of times there last w!ll; WASHINGTON (JP)-Two of the (This is the 12th of a series of a man's l'igllt to wOI'k without a word 6£ condeU11lation 101' n InUl"­ One day the sun shone bright, It rained belore they gDt bICk ~ Hollywood writers who defied the articles dealing wIth university that right. the and by staying away from the the house. dcl' committed in trying to carry out Docs right io house un-American activities com­ organizations. Others wllI ap­ work carry with it the right to kill 'I Pear on this pa.&'e from time &0 garden I managed to keep it like Maybe it's sun spots. TheJ 11/ , mittee in its communism quiz got that. It was fine, driving on the there's a twenty-some year C7dI Noither is the confullion diRpeUed by the classic NAM charge of the news yesterday: a year in jail time-The Editor.) By PAT McDERMOTT back roads. I came around one in sun spots, and that this year i "radical~ and agitators" 'hell the co mpany itself had congratu­ and a $1,000 fine. turn, past the quietest meadow in the top of the rise. The tw.(), Dalton Trumbo and Nine graduating mempers and lated the ,union on its peaceful methods-distul'bed by the mur­ the world, and there was a man Must be sun spots. For eve!)'. John Howard Lawf'n, were per­ 10 members-elect compose the del' of one of its pickets which touched off thc rioting. sitting on an old stone wall, just thing seems so easy, rea1iJj )1111 mitted to remain at liberty under SUI chapter of Mortar Board, na­ Where to pin the blame for violence is a prel1y difficlllt task sitting. reach out. The world wanta OIIl,k bond, pending appeals to higher tional senior women's honor socie­ in any given situation. While ma picketing and intimidation ty. But I had the car radio on, and plow It!; acre. It wants PtMe; h by strikers is slu'l'ly pfll'tly to blame, th in tigation or motivation 'Tis So 'Tis Not courts. The organization is comparable as I passed him it began to burble has just finished a war that WI! to violence by the !luthoritie and management emmot be ignored. explosively about the Mundt bill about peace, among other to Omricon Delta Kappa, senior thinal for con t l' 0 11 i n g unorthodox Peace, not long ago, didnlt i0oi WllCn management openly tl'ies to break u strike-and appears men's organization, according to thoughts, ideas and actiolls. I won- as if it was more than 25 Yard! to have the full hacking of the local po]jcc nnits-wllen police Yugoslavia Today - Betty Dickinson, C4, Newton, , dered what the man on the wall from the housej and now we hal'! t'aid l~nion headquarters and have orders to crack kuLIs, when president. was thinking, ano whether it was a war going on in the heat iii "cstrietiYe injunction al'O i 'sued cnmasse, the'o mov s ca n also Membership in Mortar Board be the causes leading to violcn(le and bloodshed. legal. He must have been think- a city sacred to three faiths. I4wt is based on scholarship, leader­ ing about something. be cosmic rays of some sort. WJ1Pn our national policy cJlanges from one of hampel'iug She Is Trying Desperatel., 10 Industr ialize ship and service. Memilers are Maybe he had a letter from Just had a call from an old bl(!J unioni m at every 111rn to a "policy of pI'omolil1g better wag s, ex­ By OSGOOD CARUTIlERS chosen from the junior class tensillll (If social secullity, protection of union security, e. tablish­ each spring by the retiring Mor­ some organization in his pocket, school friend, who says our db provement. tel' and plenty of eggs and bread, and maybe the organization, under is going to skip next yean It­ ment of annulll wages and profit slraru).O' as 11 f01'1I1 of minimum BELGRADE, YUGOSLAVIA (IP) tar Board members. -When I came here, thc first Railroads still are mostly single Improvement Noted , Junior women vote each spring some interpretation of the bill union, and concentrate its ... security for the worker-then we can look forward to a dimil]lla­ traele Tired old engines drag long Thia should indicate that the would soon be illegal, perhaps on a 25th anniverJjary get-_ tion of violence. words, I learned were, "nema for 29 women for membership in nishta, druzhe!" That means trains of overloaded cars, defng distribution system has improved Mortar board. The election this making the pocket and the man er in 1950. "If there isn't a n;' Republican Senator 'Wayne l\forse wm-ncd ill debate on Ule something like, "We ain't got no­ their best for Yugoslavia's huge -that the peasants are getting a .year was held "\Pril 20. and then the meadow illegal. he said. Tait-Hartley law that the anti71abol' climate that nurtured tllis thing, pal!" It cllmaxed my deal­ new import-export pro g ram. little mora than their customary The Mortar board then consi­ You wouldn't think it possible to Have to quit now. Got to PI ll\gisla',:ol1 would f01'oe battl on tho picket lillcs. ings with almost every shopkeeper, Many roads are murder to any­ cornbread and cheese and onions. ders tIIis vote In selecUnr Quali­ interfere with anything so slight lift to a young fellow I knowwhl His plea for constructive rather than dcstl'llctive labor legis­ headwaiter and pharmacist in Bel­ t)l ing but an ox cart. Well, distribution is better. Now fied women for membership. in the way ot action as sitting on has just found himself a new ~ lation was ignored by ilic promoters of that and other anti-labor grade. Incoming gooda.-mOltiy mao nearly everyone is Oil a "bare ne­ Those selected must have a a ,stone wall beside a quiet mea- :FIe isn't exactly planning a CII!II legislapon. And so they mnst hare the responRibilily for the That was nearly two years ago­ chinery for new industry-pUe cessity" diet. grade a.verage above the aV~e dow and thinking, but, as I say around it, though, he sayaj be ex· violence that inevitably grows out of t.heir hatred and blindnes .. about six months before Yugo­ up on the docks of split, sllSbak The peasants slm are work­ of their cl¥!> accordlnr to MillS this is a funny year; the year of peets he'll have to drop. it irI slavia nationalized most industry andlrljeka. (onee fhone). TReks Ing on the promise that within Dickinson. the automatic stop. military service. and commerce and started her from the united Tlatlons relief five years they wllJ have elec­ In accordance with the national first fivc-year plan. and rchabUltaUon actmInistra· tricity, betler roads, home in­ constitution, each rocal chapter Though I have had lo spend lion, once ,In good supply, are dustry, higher wages and better may have no less than 5 nor more IN'TERPRETING THi NEWS -- most of my time in Belgrade, I've wearhl, out fast. IIvlnf conditions. They can sur­ than 30 members. OFFICIAL DAltY BULtmtt been able to watch the slow and But little by little, new freight vive on their presen' meager New Members labored dcvelopment almost from cars are appearing, new trucks-are fare, because they have been ikI­ Ten junior women were tapped Differences Between Britain, U. S. the beginning. arriving from Czechoslovakia. The Ing It for centurIes. for membership in next year's III Five Years shops along Belgrade's Marshal All people who work belong to chapter at ceremonies in Macbriae By J.M, ROBERTS JR., AI' Forelgll Affalill j\lIalY~t In fi"e years, these people wanL Tito street. are showing things syndicntes. The syndicate brings to auditoliumMother's day, May 9. to plant the roots of all the econo­ most people haven't! seen for sev­ the tack all who do not answer the The new members are Jeanne Relations between the United · plan is to be seriously hampeted. mic .and social development neg­ en years. There isn't a luxury call oI their own moral obliga­ MacDonald, Lima, Ohio; Jean Slates and Great Britain are badly I The British, ot course, are Iight­ lected in 500 years. They are out item, though, within several hund­ tions. Gavl'onsky, Centerville; Carolyn strained over the Palestine matter ing that. to industrialize a predominantly red miles. It pledges, after an election by Ladd, Iowa City; Jean Gallaher, and there are other issues in the agricultural country. Last year, except for UNRRA its members, lo give so much work Appleton, lVis.j Janet Lauderdale, UNIVERSITY CALENDAR Ano I' serious difference is So thcy have tied Uleir over· goods. you could get nothing but toward building a railroad, fac­ Tama; Lucill~ Dean, Valparaiso, air to indicate that the situation over the British plans for nation­ 4:30 p. m. Regular meeting of mas E. Martin, Dr. Arthur ReI; will get worse beJore it gets ~ize agriculture irrevooalily to the poorest eloth and only one tory or cooperative home. Univer­ Ind.; Claire Stoltenburg, Daven­ alizing the steel indust.ry. Amer­ University Council, Senate Cham­ erts, ~r. ~obert Hunt, and Mode­ better. a newborn industry. To the peas­ pail' of clumsily made shoes a sity students volunteer in much port; Dorothy Myers, Quincy, Ill.; icans, opposed to such experi­ ant, they have guaranteed sup­ year, and those only on ration cou­ the same manner. Tito is exploit­ Valorie Dierk.!i, Iowa City, and ber, Ol? Capitol. rator, Professor John Haeffller, This is not to suggest that things ments at a time of economic crisis ply--vf industrial goods from Saturday, May 22 F'irst Methodist Church' are critical, or tha t they lire likely pons. ing every potentiality of the coun­ Jaclyn Fitch, Clinton. l (and very suspicious or socializea clothing to farm implements; to try's youth. Monc1ay, May Sl to become so, but if the differences New Goods Advisors for the university­ 8 p. m. Univ.erslty play, Uni­ industry anyway), don't like the the industrial worker, morc food Today the stores are bright with Thtre are. youth in Belgradc Memorial Day Observlllltt­ become too great they will have chapter are Helen Reich, assIs­ versity theatre. idea. at low prices. new cotlons and woolens from and Zagreb and other large cen­ Classes suspended. an inevitable effect on world tant dean of student affairs, Eu­ Thursday, May 27 Many officials think Britain Now the peasant has this choice: Yugoslavia's own mills, some on ters-chiJdren of the well-to-do genia Hoffert, Ourrier'haJJ soc· Wednesday, June 3 atta irs in general. 3-5 p. m. Tea and eJection ot 7:30 p. rn. Campus Band Coo- squandered a lot of the original Selling his food surpluses for free sale. Fairly decent looking 15 percent of before 'he war­ iai director, who was a mem~r officers, UniversitT club. cert, Union campus. The United states government, American postwar loan on social­ "lower un'iform prices" and get­ shoes are showing up. who are not falling In line with of Mortar bpard at Iowa State long-time supporter of Jewish ist experiments when she should ting coupons entitling him to buy Last Year the food sl","lon the masS movement. These are college, and I\Irs. John Green­ 8 p. m. A. A. U. P. Forum: Thursday, June 3 aspirations in Palestine :from the have been tightening her belt as industrial products at equally was spOUy. Pari of the cCNUltry being arrested daUy. They are leaf of Iowa City, former SUI "Civil Liberties in the Condon . 7:30 p. m. Campus Band COn­ pure!l humanitarian standpoint, is she finally did alter the loan ran "lower u.iform prices." faced a famhlc, yet In Belfrade sentenced to a few weeks of Mortar board member. Casej" speakers: Honorable Tho- cert, Union campus. now subject also ~ presidenlial­ out. Or sclling at the "fl:ee market steak and other foods above the forced labor "for not worldng, Forerunuel' (For lnformaUon regardlDr dafN Myond ~. sehedale, yeat· pressures in which the Jew­ He This socialization problem also price," about fivc limes as much. "bare neee sib" line were no~ participating In the upbuUd­ The Stalf and Circle honorary reaervaUoIIS III the offJce of tbe PrelldeDt. Old Ca,..... ish vote is involved. plays its role in efforts to rehabili­ In this case, he gets no coupons available. Ing of your country and for liv­ society for senior women was Last week's recognition of the tate German industry for the and so must pay an equally high This year there's almost no meat ing a high life." a forerunner of Mortar Board on GENERAL NOTICES state of Israel nit the British so beneIit of the Marshall plan. The price for the things he needs. in Belgrade and environs except The wOl'k of the Yugoslav peo­ the campus. Organized in 1912, hard theit· officials wouldn't even British hjive partially backed The Need a little pork and veal, sold on the ple is killing. Demands for more .this loc.fll · group petitioned for UNlVEKSITY GOLF COURSE nor the Journal club will meel believe first press dispatches re­ a way from theit· plall to socialize All this depends on a distribu­ "open market" at high prices. work will continue until the plan membership in Mortar Board and Golfers wishing to avoid con­ again this semester. porting the action. the, Rllhr industries, but Ule issue tion system still struggling for im· There are some chickens and but- is realized. was accepted in 1926. gestion on the first tee of the urti­ venlty golf course should arrange The British, too, have favored is still in the ai 1'. The purpose of the orfanlza­ PERSHING KULIS a national home for the Jews in Uon is "to provide for the coop­ for starting time every afternoon Britain's pride has been touch­ In a Scientific World -- All Pershing Riflemen arutked Palestine, but they arc also bound ed, too, as the lion's roar becomes eration between societies, to and also Saturday and Sunday to protect their long-standing pos­ less and less audible a t points promote colleg6 loyalty; to ad­ mornings. The gol! course will to turn in their dress blue uni. ition among the Arabs. Trans­ distan t from the "tight little isle." vance the spirit of service and open at 6 a.m. Saturday and Sun­ forms and all other equipment to Jordan, particularly, is a British This' has helped develop, at least fellowship amonlf unIversity day and aot 7 a.m. other days. Call S/ Sgt. Winborn a1 the balcon,r of baby, whose legitimacy has not to some degree, a feeling of. fear The Need IQr: Sc;ehtifi€ .RepQrtimg womelf. to maintain a high extension 2311 for starting time. the ROTC supply departmeat it been recognized by the U.S., while and distrust such as often exists standard of scholarship, and to the British do not recognize Israel. (The following are excerpts the armory at one of the tollowin/ r between debtor and credilor. stimulate and develop a finer LANGUAGE ACHIEVEMENT Ordinarily, when two great The great saving factor in all from an article in the "Bulletin of much of this is tarred with the po­ will want thatj but let him avoid type of colle&'e woman." TESTS periods: powers are supporting opposing this is that the leaders and the the Atomic Scientists." The au­ litical brush. trying to cajole the scientist into Present officers, besides Miss The foreign language achieve­ Saturday, May 22, 9:00-1l :00 sides in a civil \tar, there would great majority of the peoples in thor since 1938 has been jOint edi­ In the United States leading prognosis. The good man of sci­ Dickinson, are Patricia Seymour, ment tests will be given Saturday, a. m. ,be immediate talk of the possibil­ LaSalle, Ill., vice-presidentj Mar­ both countries recognize with tor of the British periodical "Na­ newspapers have their own science ence is usually too wary for that. May l!2, 9-12 A. M. For particu­ Monday, May 24, 3:00-5:00 p. m. ities that they would eventuallY editors, others take advantage of gery McDonald, Lakewood. Ohio, lars (rooms, etc.) see bulletin equanimity lhllt disputes will ture"-The Editor.) The good journalist, with tbe Tuesday, May 25, 2:30-5:30. be <:found figh ling each oUler. arise, and approach them in full lhe splendid opportunities of ScI­ help of the lIcientist, should secretary; Phyllis Teasdale, Wilton boards of the foreign hlllguage de­ Mimeographed rosters with By L. J. F. BRThmLE There is, of course, not the confidence that they will be ironed ence Service and there is also an choose the most Important and Junction, treasurer, <,,'ld Phyllis partments in Schaeffer hall. summer addresses of all Pershinf slightest danger of such a denoue­ out. Few laymen appreciate the ex­ Association of Science Writers. IClence news and report U Im­ Oltman, Oak Park, Ill., historian. Riflemen may be picked up at the m~nt in this case. The Iriendship Between the English-speaking ten t to which their individual and In Britain thero is little of this. partiallY but in the attractive New Ofrlcers ROTC STUDENTS Pershing Rifles or ROTC offlcesm Officers for next year Miss Mc­ between Americli and Brit.ain is peoples, difference is not a syno­ thefr social life depend on the ad­ Advancemen) and. compelling. style which we Military science freshmen and the armory. such as to stand stl'ains which Donald, presidentj Miss Dean, sophomores must tW'n in their WI­ nym for intransigence. vancement of sciencej few of ~hem Meanwhile, the puesenlaUon t of lUI60ciaie with a good newspaper would almost certainly prOVe fat.al seem to realize that whether 'they the facts of scientt.ic discovery \vriter. vice-president; Miss DieJ'ks, trea­ !forms this week. The ROTC surer; Miss Fitch, secretary, and OIVIL LlBIIB'I'IB8 AfW. THI to the relations of almost any like it. or not science has so tele­ and advanoement, tq say nothing He should avoid so far as possi­ SVpply room will be open from other countries. College Grads To Be scoped lhe world that now we aU of the true impact of science on ble expressing h!.s own opinion, for Miss Ladd, historian. 8:30 to 11:30 a. m. and 1:15 to CONDON VM£ FOIWM The United St.ates has kept both Interviewed By Navy live in one house, and a house di­ society, in most countries outside he is usually wrong and then he Other graduating members this 4:45 p. m. daily including Saturday "Civil Liberties Bnd the Condon letter and spirit of the prewar vided against itself must fall. the United States is little short of does more harm than good. year are Janet Gutz, Hamptonj this week. Ca'se" will be discussed in a thret­ Carolyn Anderson, Mallard; Doro­ promises of Cordell Hull and Ii. navy recruiting team will be But to achieve all this must be a deplorable. And even in the Opinions should be left to those man forum Thur$iay, May 27 to, Franklin Roosevelt .that, il Britain in Iowa City next Tuesday and States itself t.,here is room for ex­ men of science (and there should thea Davidson, Kirkwood, Mo., FIELDHOUSE LOCKERS p. m. in the First Methodist long-term objective, an\! it must. and Nancy Green, Cedar Rapids. Ii stood up to Hitler, we would not Wednel>day to interview college pansion and improvtment if sci­ be more of them) who can be per­ All students are requesled to church. Those participating in also be recognized that most of the Although a small group, Mortar take advan\.age of her position to graduates interested in entering world's ,'W zens are not university ence is to be presented to a wide suaded to write newspaper feature please check in their lockers by the AAUP sponsored forum are: board takes an actlve part in steal her foreign trade. But there the navy's flight training progratn. lrraduates. ' pubic in its true persPective. articles. May 29. Otherwise, the contents Hon. Thomas Martin, 'Rep. fin! sponsoring several campus activi­ will be removed and des~royed. congressional district; Prof. Arthur already have beeJl hitches in inter­ Headqual'lers for the two-day It is the opi nion of this largc n I,!l clelUi t,ba&. more ICle_e TIle Front Door , national trade programs because lies. , Robcrts, ' physics department, and recruit drive wi11 be jn the offi~e majority which also has to be edu­ journalists are required, JUJd Finally, a good science joul'lla­ Acli"itics sponsored by the or­ of her fear of what OUI' indust.ry P H Y SIC S CQJ.LOQUIUM, Prof. Robel·t Hunt, college of lall'. of student affairs, room 111 Ulli­ cated in things scientific, and the that theso joumaJJsis must be list should always del1land to en­ may: do ,to hers whlle she is strug­ ganization include the following: JOURNAL CLUB John Haefner of the history de­ versity hall. means of so doing are mainly ex­ men and. WClmen JIIbo flnt and ter his o!Iice by the front door. gling to recover. 1. Panacea, all-ca~118 musi­ Neither the physics colloquium partment will be D1ode~tor. AccDJ'ding to H. William E. tra-mural to thc universities. foremost ~ve a IClentific iralll­ He needs a forceful character bas­ cal sho'w. (In connection with • 1 Aside from Palestine, one of the Copland, 'office o[ naval officcr Hew To Eduea.te? lnr and backrJ:OUllll and a sct.u.­ ed on his belief thllt science news Omricon Delta Kappa and Student Uric method 01 approach. l chief issues today re'lolves around procurement in Kansas City, can- How, thal'efore, are we to get the is as important ' in the 'newspaper council.) th al 0 th B 1'1't'sh I poun d . 1t ov uo t e didates accepted by the navy tor printed message of science to this They must also be fOOd journa­ world as any other branch of jour- 2. Mother's dlL)' weekend, in­ WSUI PROGRAMrCAlENDAR is pegged to the' dollar at a rllte flight training must sign a con- enormous, powerful, yet unscienti­ lists, of course; but this Is not the nalism. • cluding the May Frolic dance and far above what .it brings in tree tract agreeing to remain on active first qualification, for time after This is more' Important than S.lurda,. I May 2!, 19.8 2:30 p.m. Volce of the A.rmy fic, public? We have our general the president's tea lor students 8:00 a.m. Mom In. Chapel 2:45 p,m. Lat,ln Amerl<;jln 8lIriIm currency markets. There is a duty with the na"y for ,two years scie'ntilic journals. time good journa~ts without a might superficially appear, for his and their mothers. 8:15 a.m. New. 3:00 p.m. Muolc. Hell Vlrt~ growi ng belief ,that it will have after completing the training scientific training have fallen bad­ profound belief in what he is do­ 3. S--'Y Pany for wo­ 8::!ll a.m. Golden Cate Quartet 3:30 P.m. News , But to the layman these journals Tb"e 8:4~ w,m. Children'. Album 3:311 p.m. MU8~ Hall Vadlltlee · to be devalued unless the Marshall course. l\y when dealing with things scien­ ing will stimulate him to laction in men receiving a grllde average of 9:00 a.m. MUsical Interlud" 4:00 p.m. Musically You,.. ar~ quite unreadable. In fact, tific. putting across his material to the 9:02 a.lJ'I. Iowa State Teachers Assoc. 4: 1 ~ p.m. Cancer P10llram I through their very unreadabiHty 3.0 or higher. • 9:~ a.m. Piano Melodies .:30 p.m. Tea TIme Melodlel H the science jOUMalist has most important person-the edi­ 4. The all-eUllPUI carnival 9:30 a.m. The B ooksh~l! ~:OO P.m. ChUdren's Hour do they perform their main func­ 9:45 a.m. AIter, 'Breakfast CoUce \hese attribUtes then "Ie willrbe tor-in-chief. which was held this year for the 5:30 p.m. Up 1'0 The JlbIWe ...... , lion, for they are forums 0 10:l5 a.m. Week In The Mllazlnes Sports '. able to pick Out from tbe spate of In particular during these days first time. (In connection with 10:30 •• m. Forward March 6:00 p.m. The Dinner Hour science-research and opinion­ 11 :00 a.m. RepOrter'. Scrapbook 7:00 P.m. NewlI-Evenlnl RevJew I Tbt DodJj IavaH piesen t-day ~cieJitlfJc research of paper shortage and small news­ Omricon :Qella Kappa.) 11:20 a.m. Johnson Cut, and if crowded out of an actual edition 12:30 p.m. News 8:30 p.nl. A Look At AUII~ newspapOn, eVen more impor­ ii a good ;oumaliat tJe will pre­ than gets into the final make-ul}. ''' .. ~ """...., .,.., .. r"'n ..... nl Invader 8:45 p.m, Hannony F",", WlY JIadI SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1948 tant from the pOint of view now h, Five-Yeari'0tct G~rl 1:00 p.rn. MUlical CUb • 8:00 p.m. CamOU& ShoP , , sent his material in II palatable It is no dpubt depreSSing to a 1:00 p.m. lohnaon County News 9:45 p.m. News under,col18lderaUon for De,...,. . , I" ...... , . b ...... ~,.Y tipeakl 10:00 p.m. SIGK, OF!' • PubUlhed dally except Monday by Stu- months~; ~_ month•• 2.25. fo'l'ln. reporter to find his ma"terial omit­ Str~ck by Automobile , . pers peWl~&&e In&o 8~eVery dent PubUcatloDl, Inc. Ente..... as lie<> MEMBER 01' 'I'HE ASSOCIAT&D PRESS Pi&IaIIJ ted thpe after time "for lack of Karen Louise Kobes, 5, Iowa ond en mall matter al the ~toW.. 'The AMoclated Prell Ia enlitl~ exdu- home and thus Ihould form tIte Thus he wlll aVDld the pitfall of space," and I believe that science City, was reported uninjured when at 10. Ity. Iowa under the act of con- lively to the use for ,repubUcatlon of most elfecUvMnedi. for.Ute dis­ ~, Of Mareh 2, 1878. all tbe loea) new. printed In this news- looking for 'hot news' or 'hul1l8n news is more frequently rejected she was struck' by a car driven WHO Calendar WMT CaleQdlr paper. as well as all AP new. cSlapat~ semination or sclenUllc Imow­ stories' in Science, tor science Sel­ than any other, sometimes no by Robert W. Daasch, 523 E. Bur- (NBC Outlet) I'JUlD ".-POWNALL, Publuu. ledfe aud appreclaUon of sel­ 1 (Clili OU~) WALLYBTRINOHAM, Bu""- Board of Tru.te_ LeaU. C. Moeller, dom offers these,thingf_ He wlU doubt because the editor-in-chief 7:30 a.m. News. Len Howe Kirk H. Porter. A. Cral, Baird. Poul R. lington street, at 5:30 p. m. yes. , 1:00 8,m. Theallr 01 T.,.., ence. always bear in n1Ind 'the DId edi­ lerday. ' 11 :15 a .m. Governor R. D. Bluo \I :90' a.m. StaR Ovu \lolI3I"00II It. BftUOll~ .. , SdIIM OllOn. Dorothea Davldlon. Jack O'Bd~, himseJ! does not aPPreciate sci- 11 :30 a .m . CoUee wiU. Conirellll Lata Brook8, SteYe DlnnJIlI, WIUJam "'. Hcre again the United ::Illites is torial adage about news: 'If It's ence. ' , AOl;ordlng' to a repol'l filed with I~ :, IJ p.m. News. Jock Shelley SlatlOll ,u=t: ~~a, .-mer In Iowa Miller. IN; ::~: ~~n'\i ~!~~ ~_ ..,.. kl¥ qr " pel' year ·1n to be congratulated on being very new iL isn't truej if U's true it iSh'l The A._ '" l' t ,wl Ii ' D '" h d I . g 1:30 p.m. Salute to VetoHn. .:00 p,m. Cornell eon ... Sc,..nce Jvurna IS , mu'; po ce, aaBc was r Vlll on 3:00 p.m. The Iowa RouMt.able 4:30 p.m. Campus all< &/).I ...... "'_ rnqnlha T~ much in the vanguard. The new'. lIa*' .L•• Iowa 'UO per yea1'; BUlln_ OH1ce ...... , ...... 111 press and press hard to get his Johnson street, near College 0:00 p.m. PubliC Aftal.. 8:1~ P.m. O.",hnoT !III. ... _ =r marinf3 .... th .... mnnlha tJ. And U. S. S. R. Also allocates much. 'By a means let him look for news f i h . g H h th I I t ~:OO p.m. Life of Riley 6:~ p.m. H. Cannlchael I:dltnrlal Of""" ...... 41 .. . n A r ellrm. e owes avenue, w en e g r ran ou 8:00 p.m. YO\" Hit Parad" o~ ..w..rlpU_ .. per~: &Ix 8oo1e1;y OUIGe ...... 41 .. 8:00 P.m. Joan navts SlInw newspaper space to science news soclnl implications In the discover­ that muoh to his l'ead~l's as weU as from behind a parke/! cnr. She 10:90 p.m. Kay Kys"r'8 Collclttl 8:30 p.m. Vaullhn MonrOe and featut'e articles, bul alas, so ies he S~I__ tO ~ re.P.O!:..t;_~s rea~s him-It . bo th f 1'1 :00 p.m. RIviera Ballroom 10:45 p.nl. Tommy Done)' .... . WaS thrown a ut ree eet. 11:00 m. MIdDtrht Rhythm Parade II: 15 p.m. OU th, Reconl PASSENGEBI WANTED Publish Student's Poem PASSENGERS------wanted Lo Nprlh- Two Damage Suits IF IT'$ NEED·ABlE, ,,'SWANT·AD·IBlE! USE DAILY IOWAN WANT ~ ADS A short poem written by Mich­ Central Oklahoma leaving June ael Flach, A4, Prague, Czechoslo­ 4-5. Phone 5~09. Ray Talley&. vakia, has b~n aceepted for pub­ TolaUng $6,241.64 WANTED lication in the summer iJlsue of a.ASSIFIED RATE CARD W~TORENT SERVICES FOB BENT I WHERE TO GO "Perspective," a quarterly liter­ FHed Yesterday CASH RATE ary jOUJ'bal published by the Uoi­ versity of Louisville. Two damage luits, totaling $6,- 1 or Z ~ZOc per Une per ---- 241.64 were filed y terday in the I dlY. S c.-ulive da,I-15o per Johnson county district court. line per day. W ANTED: Ride to Minot, orth Mary C. Bums filed suit against JIELP wAlf1'EI) Dakota or vlclnity. Can leave • CODI8Cutive daTl-lOo per ----~ ----- W. E. Burkett of Washington evening of June 2. Will share ex­ liDe per da,. PART-TIME shoe JT¥Ill with ex- county, and Edith Hiatt, 1305 S. College Inn perience. Class schedule can be penses and help drive. call X3244, J'Ipre 5-"OI'd aver.,e per Une Lino str~t. She a*ed $6,134.15 ask for Bob. Minimum Ad-2 LiDea. arranged to working hours. Yet­ for injuries she said she sulIered quart of cream. For that lee Iter's. WANTED: 1tfc!e to South Texas March 23, 1948, when struck by a car driven by Burkett and owned CLASSIFIED DISPLAY loaf of bread. or quart 01 COOK summer employmenl Call June 1 to 4. Share driving and by Edith Hiatt. She said she was 850 per CollUllll Incb milk. 3763. expenses. Dial 9981. Or S8 for a Month ------walking across the intersection at Pop SLOO per case. RIDE to .New England or New Clinton and Burlington streets I CaocelJatloll DeadUne 5 p. m. 6 Bottles 2Sc. WANTED York alter finals for 2 male when the car hit h",...... ulble lor One Incorrect students. Share expenses. Help The plaintiff said she suf(ered a I insertion Only U you can't drop In and see lIS Woman drh·e. Call:F:xt. 4305. fractured vertebra, severe wounds BrIq Au to DaU, Iowan just call In your order (over For WANTED: !tide to WlIl5hlngton, and cut on her head and face, and BIIIIn_ Office. East BaU. or $1.00) and we'll deliver It free. bruises. D.C. or vicinity June 4. Share DI4L 4191 Bookkeeping Work expenses. Call Jim Showers, 6785. The plaint.iff asked judgment [or .. hospit'll bills and treatment, $207.­ Dial 4363 Typinq AbWty RIDE to Dayton, Columbus, or I; doctor's f~s, $286.50; pain and w.ntial FOR SALE Pittsburgh about June 4, share sutfering, $2,500; ~anent in­ expenses. Phone 8-0053. Juries, $3,000; replacement ot eye ilasses broken in the accident, RIDE to San Francisco, Calif., will FOR SALE: Used easy spindrier SIDWELL $27.50; salary lost by her inability I share drilling and expenses. wasbing -machine completely LOST' Parker "51:' maroon on to work, $113. overhauled. $50.00. Will fit bar­ MAHEIlO0&11WfSFIB :· CHUK-L-ETS. ICE CREAM CO. Contact H. Q. Skowbo, 520 E. racks kitchen. Larew Company r1ver bank north or Universlty Jack C. White and Glen R. Bo­ rOi BIIdeDI FIIIDIt•• • High School. Reward. Ext. 3117. ROOMS for men (or summer ses­ :======Cqurch or call 454L wen are her attorneys. across from City Hall. sion close in. Dial 3169. MO'ftDQ LOANS WANTED TO BUY Johll C. Nunn, 1120 E. Burling­ pOR SALE: '1937 Ford. Good ' AJIII LOST: Shaeffer founlain pen, bot­ tom half. Call evenings. 8-0986. ..,...... loaDed on eameru, 2 SINGLE or twin beds, head Ion street, a~ed judgment for condition. Best offer over $375. IAGGA.GE TIlAKII':Q PHOTOGRAPHY clothJJl(, JewelJ'7, .tc. boards preferred. Phone 3204 $107.49 tor damages to his auto- Phone 8-0959 after 5. IUD', ------DIAL - "91 _ DIJU. LOST: 1 pair sunglasses in vicin- Reliable LoJ\.u. 101 Eo Bw-liDItGa after 6. mobile re ulUng from a colLision 2 WHEEL. trailer. Ideal for mov- ----..;;,..------Ity of Union Tuesday. Reward. Our Fiae Quality - Retoachea -======, Feb. 12, 1946, on Lower Muscatine ing household goods. Electric Phone 2405. APPLICATION PORTRAITS .- road. .NOTICE C. P. HiUs, Lower Muscatine oven $10.00, iron and board $5.00. LOST: Lady's Bulova watch be­ WUJ Get You The Job 506 S. Linn, 2839. BROTHER can you spare SO min- TRANSP0RTAtiON TROUBLES 1. road, i. the defendant in the ac­ tween North Clinton and Capitol tion. utes to clean your 9x12 rug with Theater Wednesday night. Call GRECIE STUDIO '32 PLYMOUTH sedan. 322 N. J.2'7 S. Dubuque Dial ta85 Be Wise-Use the WANT ADS for Attorney for Nunn is Jack C. Van BureIL Fina Foam. Yetter's Basement 3407. Store. White. PORTABLE electric player. Al- LOST: Glasses In black leather - RIDES AND RIDERS - most new. Contact Max, 411 E. SECURITY, Advan~t, HiP case. Phone 8403. Reward. Washington 8-0991. pay, four weeD vacation I V. Meade Posts $5OC" , year. Work In the )'OU like. FOUND: (Jold filligree bracele\ on KENT PHOTO Servfe. ,ob 8eIw I'tcturM bt fte _ Tell aU the Don'& drive LIVING room suite and occasional These are the h1gbUf'lta in the river bank. Owner may claim at Waives to Grand Jury the Daily Iowan Business Office WeddlDl ...... student. home In a hall chair and studio couch. Call New U. S. Army and U. S. AIr 91 Vernon Meade, Parnell, charged by paying for this ad. ,,"Ucatl_ PJctarw where JOU are 4278 after 5 p.m. Force career. See M/Sgt. O. A. empt, car. with operating a molor vehicle McClung, Room 204 POIIt Office. ----- QuJIb 15Dml DeY. .. Dluw­ "Mr wlf. c.uldn't mike It • . . I'oinl' and .eet while intol{icatocl, posted a $500 GOOD 1939 Chev. with '41 motor, LOST: Gold ball-poinl Shaeffer .... ou... ~ AdvertIM for pen. Name H. P. Hemmingson. 1JM'l"I...... I'm IUppo"cI to .Ik, her ,1"1: a ride via bond in police court ycsterday and radio and heater. Can be s~n IftJQ Call Nadme Hemmingson Thorn­ student rfden wnived to the grand jury. at Bob & Henry's Parking lot or Does 11M ..... An. DIal IaI1 Two persons r ceived jail sen­ call 5717 artlernoons. ton Ext. 2453 . Daily aod make ,our Your tences on intoxication charges. FOR SALEl 1937 Packard in very WHO DOES IT Iowan trip cost leu. They were Raymond Woods, 11 Cherry Lane, sentenced to 30 days good condition. Call 7747. Car I I • A7'e You mcluating or I Classified in the county jail, and Conrad Mc- WARDROBE trunk. Dial 5438. I Ilrce, 519 S. Van Bur,," street, re­ Act Up? Leaving iowa City? HELP THE ceived a eight day jail sentence. DAVENPORT & chair. $25.00. Elmer M. Jones, 2117 Mu scatine Call 2460. Summerile Your SAVE Car At THOMPSON'S for STUDENTS avenue, and Edward N. Carter, '32 CHEVROLET-clean, depend-I PERSONAL SERVlC&9 TIME & 326 S. Madison street, were fined able. Best oiler. Dial 8-1084. George/s Standard $2 each for falling to observe a RADIOS, appliancel, lamp" and G no-turn sign. THOR WASHING MACHINE i Service SlORAGE ilIl3. Electrical wl.rlni, repair- MONEY ET HOME Vince Malloy, Williamsburg, with. pump, used six months. 102 E . .BurUnrLon Ing. Radio repair. JacDoD Electric forfeited a $10 bond for laHure to White bookshelves. Phone 4478. Clean • Safe • Economical a~dGut . Pho~n_._5_4_65~. __~~ __~~~~==~=;=.===;;======~======~ap~p:e:a~r~i:n~p:o:li:c:e~c:o:u r~t~. ~---­ WHERE TO BUY IT '37 FORD 4-DOOR, '42 Mercury POPEYB motor. Good condition inside i~"iii~iiiiii~iiiillli!~.IJI-.i Free Estimate and out. Dial 8-0450\. Typewriters and Without obligation THREE suits, size 39. Excellent Addinl Machlnea condition. Call Grant Eastman, both 7947. Standard & Portable Thompson Transfer & Storage Co. 28 FT. 1945 TANDAM Trailer now house. Furnished in mahogany. 'AvaDabie DIAL 2161 Must sell by June 5th. Call Frobwein Supply 00. 8-0824. I Phone 347i MOVING-SHIPPING·PACKING-STORAGE We Repair AU Makea 1936 FOUR DOOR Plymouth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Good condition. Goo d t.irea. .=- SPECIAL SERVICES Reasonable. Trailer 53 Dinty's .==::====:======::' Trailer Park, Coralville. PAIR of men's tan------BostOnian ox- Quick. Courteous fords. Size 10 C. Dial 7816. Complete Service at

Fine, hla'h quaHty, 1nQIo~, baacl made Unells alld hallklN. DUNLAP'S MOTOR Band carved woodeD he.... BLONDIE CHIC YOUNO "ad dOlI. For dlItlneU'le quam, • rut.. SALES, IN€. MARGARETE'S GIFT SHOP 51/Z S. Dubuque Dlat 9'73' ED;~y a delicious piece of - • Motor Analysis and TUDe up 1936 STUDEBAKER. Call 6795. homemade pie after a DOur- , • Brakaa and Liqhts TWO wheeled trailer for hauling. • LubricatiOD. Wash and Polish iahinQ meal at • I Phone 8-0l8S or 706 Finkpine. • Wheel Balcmce cmd Front End Alignment ARVIN Radio, Spalding tennis MYER1S ' DEPOT LUNCH • Goodyear TIres CODOCO Gas and Oil racket, both almost new, Call I 3159. ACI'OII from Rock kiana Depot A Complete S.rvice at ODe Stop "More for your monei" Corner of Dubuque and Burlln.eton Phone 4127

·KEEP COOL with WHO DOES IT CLEANING & PRESSING HERB'S pick up. Baggage, light an Electric fan hauling, rubbish. Phone 5981 6 !Deh blac:\e • • • throws a or 7725. Let U. ----~------lot of breeze. Get yOunl DOW ASHFS and Rubblah haullil"l K.ep Your Cloth .. , cuid be ready for hot weath­ Phone &623. • HENIlY CABL ANDEIlSOn er. They may be scarce thell. Looking Like New only $4.89 Bouah&-Rentecl-8old C. O. D. Cleaners Fluorescent Desk Lamps - REPAIRS no PICIWP AND DBUVAY BDVIOII A WoDderful Buy at y FacLor, TraIned MecllaJlJC!I. DIAL 6411 1" 8. CAPITOL $5.95 SOLD Trw OV AI...... De'" • By ExcJullve ROYAL Dealer Steel Frame Card Tables WIKEL TYPEWRITER ROOM AND BOARD By GENE AI(IERN $3.95 EXCHANGE 124 Eo Coil ere DIal 8-1t51 TIl'· EARL SAYS 'IOU'VE INVESTED VERilY, ROBIN, IF IN AN OiL WELL!' "I'LL BE THE WELL COMES IN ROQrING FOR. 'tOll ON THIS ONE, 4OCX> BARRELS " ~ECAUSE WHEN" GUY GETS DAY. yO(J CAN CIIECI( Morris Furniture Co. It-! TH' GILT ON OIL HE'S OUTONTHEF~ CIGARETTES ABLE 10 SEAT ..... LL HIS TIME CLOCK WITH 21'7 S. CllnLon AHBl'&Jlda REL,4.TIVES oN TH' GRAVY A FIREMAN'S AXE / ,LS5 pw eartu TRAIN· .•. ·AND I'M WEAP::fOF • SUPERIOR OIL 00, • ' WORKING/ 'A11L aOBINSOR JHSmUCTlON ooaALVILLB I

SUTl'ON IlADIO SERVICE Guaranteed Repain For All Makes ~EW CLASSES Home and Auto RadlOl CommeDciDQ in JUl1It We Pick-up and Deliver COMl»LETE COURSES 331 E. Marke& Dial 2239 . or udar INDIVIDUAL SUBJECTS ) • Fully Accredited NEW AND "USED BIIfli ~ood Iowa City .'or Imdl'edlate Delh'er, ;lalk1ll Repalnl rot Art' IHakes Commercial CpUeg. Key. Duplicated 2"" B. Waab. Phone 711U Novotny Cycle Shop 111 S. Clinton . . TIlE DAILY IOWAN, 9ATUltDAY, MAY !I, 19tt-PAOE SIX o. Anderson Bond Honored 'at (ily To Inslall -'rasfi 'Cans Receives Intramural Trophy Anti-Fly Campaign Suggests Bonj Alderman William H. Grandrath To Start Tonight Farewell Banquet; yesterday announced locations for that merehants will make use of The main event of the Iowa City witb 14 self,closing trash cans which the cans' by depositing in them Issue To Buy ny contrOl campaign will begin. (harged With will be placed on downtown side­ trash swept from their business Plans Retirement tonight at 6 p.m. with the spraying walks early next week. houses. of the business. area alleys and Prof, Perry A. Bond, reUrlng Purchase of the cans was auth­ Lobo food-handlJng establishments. I -- head of the inorganic chemistry orized by -the city council last De­ Parking Lois Murder Inten,l division, was honored at a fare­ cember. It is hoped that placing of Chairman Charles Schindler announced yesterday that approx­ By 'l'O1\[ MAHONE!' County Attorney Jack C. White well banquet in the Iowa Union the trash cans will discourage Reject Unit A Dan C. Dutcher, chairman at yesterday filed an information in last night. persons from scaUerJ.ng trash and . I imately 85 business establishments Lal waste paper on downtown streets. wm be sprayed with five percent the parking commlttee, suggested Johnson county district court The 70-year-old chemist receiv­ Thursday night thnt the city float charging Oscar Anderson, 58, with ed several gifts from friends and The words, "Help Keep Our City DDT during a 24 hour period. Clean" and "Deposit Papers Here" a $250,000 bond issue lor the pur. assault with intent to commit associates before 100 members of Library Bids ' The spraying tonight will be chase 01 oCr-street parking lots. murder. the faculty, student body and the will be .stenciled on eacn can. The the first of two sprayings ror tli SUI Iowa seetion of the American cans will be placed in the center All bids on construction of the slore interiors during the summer· Dutcher made the suggestion In And e r son Is charged with of city blocks rather than on street first unit of the new $3.7-million a meeting of the parking commit· assaultlng CliCCord Kelly, April chemical society. Prof. George, E. / A Cedar Rapids firm will use ,two corners. They will be. secured to SUI library were rejected yester­ unils in the work, commencing in lee, Mayor Preston Koser aM two 22, 1948, wilh intent to murder the sidewalks and will probably day a<; "too high" by the state co.uncilmen. him. business places Lhat have early Ell be installed on Monday and Tues­ board of education's building and The bond issue was introduced The information transferred the day of next week, Grandrath said. business committee, University closing hours. The second spraying will take for further study by the commit· Inl case from Iowa City pOlice court, Present plans call for two cans Architect George Horner announc­ tee and the city council. where preliminary hearings have in each of these blocks: College ed. place sometime in August. Lo If such bonds were issued b, been held, to the district court. street between Clinton and Du­ Bids on the first unit, known as Alleys and the city dump will buque streets; College street be­ be sprayed live times during the the city they would eventually be As No date has been set for Ander­ "Unit A," were opened Thursday paid off with revenue from tbt son's arraignmeo t in district court. tween Dubuque and Linn streets; afternoon, Low bids totaled $2,- summer. eHII Washington street between Clin­ parking meters, according 60 Dut. Judge Harold D. Evans who is 811,948, or $1,231,948 more thim The total cost of the program cher. handle presiding at. the May term of court ton and Dubuque streets, Wash­ the legislative interim committee is approximately $1,699; Funds for plants said yesterday the case will nol ington street between Dubuque approved spending last February. • the campaign were soliciled from The committee also suggested terclay be set for trial until civil cases and Linn streets; Clinton street ,the businessmen whose establish­ that the city take action soon on cast tl between College and Washington Ther/! were indications the state slated for hearing have been board may appropriate more mon­ ments w ill be sprayed. converting city-owned property on wives: finished. streets, and Dubuque street 00- College street Into a parking area, tween Washington street and Iowa ey. I MI Plans call for a three-story A two-block area on Col/ege Anderson has been held in the avenue. Chemistry Staff Visits start s: county jail under $10,000 bond building, containing a lecture au­ street was purchased by the city livestol One can will be placed on Dubu­ ISC Department Today fo)' $40,000 last fall. It contains since his arrest April 22. Kelly, que street between Burlington and ditorium, small private conference fal'MS i rooms, administrative offices and an apartment house with nine who eye witnesses said was shot College streets and another on Fourteen members of the chem­ 2. Tl in the chest after an argument in lounge on each floor. units. The city receives $256 in Clinton street between Washing­ istry faculty will be guests of the tent from the property each result the Strand cafe, was moved to 'the ton street and Iowa avenue. Last February, when the sum ot Ther money was approved, Des Moines ADMIRING THE WOMEN'S INTRAMURAL TROPHY, Janet Leigh Iowa Stale college chemistry de­ month. Veterans hospital in Des Moines Additronal cans may be pur­ partment at Ames today. ouUoo~ from University hospital . last Architect Earl Jones told the com­ (ri,ht), Des Moines, receives It on behalf of Chi Omega sorority The matler was~ererred to the chased and installed in the future The call will be a continuance hOw stl week. if the present set-up proves suc­ mittee it would take from a year from Frances Falck, Decorah, intramural chairman. Chi Omega city attorney to see if the citY can velops. PERRY A. BOND of the I5-year-old tradition of legally conUnue to collect rent on Both of Kelly's legs were para­ cessful, Grandrath said. to a year and a half to complete coUec&ed the hl,hest total ot poir/ts In Intramural games spon ored stock r the structure. by the Women's Recreation association. This is the tlrst time the visits between the chemistry de­ property being pUt'chased with • will bJ lyzed by the bUllet which is still Glockler, head of the chemistry Grandrath also expressed a hope partments of the two schools. lodged in his spine, according to deparlment, was toastmaster. "Unit An will be located at the traveling trophy has been awarded since before the war. parking meter funds. these relatives. corner of Washington and Madison Those attending are Professors Other. committee recommenda. reach Bond has been on the university streets west of the engineering .' George E. Glockler, Edward Bar­ Edward L· O'Connor and Will­ staCf since 191B. Born in Storm Len Everett To Head tions included one for an ordi. in valli building. tow, Clarence P. Berg, Walter F. nance amending the building cit iam R. Hart are representing And­ Lake, he is a SUI alumnus, having Student Art Guild Group Building Construction .Gefs Underway Edgell, George Kalnitsky, James The erson. received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. to require off-street loading {adl. and on O. Osburn, Joseph 1. Routh, Lo­ ities to be prqvided lor busin!l degrees here. Len EVerett, Kirkwood, II!., was throp Smith, Ralph L, Shriner, been t elected president ot the Student T~e ~:~~t!1es~~~~i!rEn- On Brown Street Playground Program buiidings constructed in the fu, tions He plans to leave Iowa City at Stanley Wawzonek and instructors ture· the end of the semester and join Art Guild at a meeting held yes­ gineering recently elected Mark I Construction of a b u i I din g Robert E. Buckles, George E. March Announce Athletic, The group also acted to spon. prices his wife in New York City. His terday in the basement of the art Meier president of its organization. which will include relltrooms, stor­ playground area was accomplish­ Evans and Walter Smith. building. Other officers elected were Mor- age space and a shelter area is sor a meeting ot property own· ward L wife, the former Helen E. Judy ed this spring by the city engin­ ers in the business block nOlllh of Scholastic Awards of Iowa City, is head of the home Other officers elected were Mar­ ris Nelson, vice president; Robert now underway at the Brown street the car [ , eer's staff. The city council ap­ Dean Mahan Attending Washington street between Clin· butche) economics epartment at Columbia jorie Donnelson, Logan, vice-pres­ Newton, s~retary; Charles Laz- playground, according to an an­ propriated $600 for the drainage I ident, and Yvette Wright, Rich­ enby, treasurer, and Robert Stook- nouncement yesterday by Kenneth ton and Dubtlque streets. The creased At Universi,ty High university, New York. work. • National PTA Conclave meeting would be to discuss open. field, Conn., secreta~-treasurer. er, Union board representative. Cline. Cline is president of the industr Asked what he intends to do, The overall playground program Dean Bruce E. Mahan, extension ings in the block since there are prices I Jim Berg, University high Bond replled, "I'm just retiring. ------city playground and recreation this year will include the Brown commission. division director, left yesterday no alleys or openings at the pres· becausl school senior, was awarded the I'll live in New York with my and Benton street playgrounds, a ent time. A wading pool and softball field for Cleveland lo attend the annual the sm. Emil Trott traveling trophy award wile and spend the summers at SUI Host to Child Development Conf,erence temporary playground at the convention of the National Con­ plies. our home at New Hope, Pa':' are also included in the construc­ for higll. scholarship yesterday at Longfellow school yard, a swim­ gress'of Parents and Teachers. Alth( the annual University high award Before coming to sm, Bond The 21st Iowa conference on tion program now underway. The ming program at junior high Swanson Named Head project is sched.uled for comple­ Mahan is the group's national cd an'{ assembly. taught at Armour institute in child development and parent ed­ sociology; Allison Davis, professor school and regular activities at the chairman of visual education. He The trophy is presented each tion by June 14, opening date Community building, Cline said. The local chapter of Kappa Tau thraugl Chicago and Iowa State Teachers ucation will convene here June 16 will be in charge of a film forum Alpha, national journalism honor. year to lhe gradua ting senior boy college. He is the author of a and 17, it was announced yester­ of education, University of Chi­ of the playground program, Cline Illeat J The swimming program was program which will show how ary, recenlly named its new of· 75 to I with the highest grade pOint for textbook "Fundamentals of Gen­ day. cago, and Ruth Updegraff, asso­ said. very successful last year, accord­ films can be used effectively in ficers. They are Charles Swan· How, four years. Berg also has been eral Chemistry" and "Laboratory Conference meetings will be ciate professor of preschool edu- Two concrete tennis courts, a ing to Cline. He said 645 children local PTA meetings. awarded a four-year college Manual of General Chemistry." son, journalism instructor, presl· look ( held at Old Capitol. No admission cation. volleY-l:iall court, off-street park- were registered in the 1947 pro­ Mahan will also disCllSS how a dent; Prof. Arthur Barnes, radio scholarship by the Pepsi Cola com­ Bond is a charter member and fee will be charged for the ses­ Also participating in the con­ ing lots and a driveway are in- gram. children's film library may be bright. pany. former secretary, councilor and sions. eluded in the commission's long- About 28 parttime employees journalism, vice-president, and slumps ference from SUI will be John used in a community. Oarroll Coleman, typography in· Fritz Harshbarger won the chairman oC the Iowa section of Ohild training experts who will range program, CHne said. How- supervise the city's overall play­ He will return May 28. The m, Bausch and Lomb science award, the American Ohemical society. lecture a t the conference this year Haefner, head of social studies at ever, work on these projects will ground program. J. Edgar Frame structor, secretary-treasurer. o( Carn a plaque and certificate, for ex­ He is also a member of the Amer­ are Orvis C. Irwin, research asso­ University high school and as­ probably not begin until next is superintendent of the program, 1------~----~------11111 'IP by celling in science and mathematics. ican Institute of Chemists, the ciate professor of pychology, child sistant professor of history; Man­ year. for which approximately $15,70() runnin American Association for the Ad­ Winner of the Carpenter award welfare research station; Dr. Ben­ ford Kuhn, assistant professor ot Cost of the present construction is provided each year. or thrr. was Bob Ojemann. The award vancement of Science, Phi Lambda jamin Spoc~, associate professor is estimated at $5,500. Money for ______goes each year to the letterman Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma and 01 psychiatry, Mayo foundation, sociology; A. H. Moehlman, pro­ the project has been donated by N . f - , with the highest scholarship. Sigma Xi. Universty of Minnesota, and John fessor of education and R. H. Oje­ the Elks, Eagles, Moose, and Vet-I ame Engmeer 0 flcers 3peech .honors went to John W. M. Whiting, assistant,professor mann, associate professor of edu­ erans of Foreign Wars, Donations The college of engineering's Grou Carson, Dale Irwin, Dick Larew, -Student Council Names of anthropology, child welfare re­ cational phychology and parent have iallen a "little short" of the senior class officers for 1948-49 Nancy Penningl'bth, Tom Brown, search station. education. $5,500 cost, Cline said, but he ex- were named yesterday, Dennis Hagler, Karl Harshbarger, Library Advisory Group Robert R. Sears, research pro­ Alan Lomax, director of the pressed the hope- that additional They are Richard Kidd, presi­ food and Curtis Miller. fessor of child psychology and di­ Decca Records folk music series gifts would make up the balance. dent; Alan Nichols, vice president; A student library committee to rector of the child welfare re­ and formerly curator of archives If no!, the balance will come out Jerry Clancy, secretary, and Mor­ Threl John Carson, Bob Crum, Doug advise Prof. Ralph Ellsworth, 'search station; Harold W. Saun­ of American folk songs at· the li­ ot the recreation commission's ris Nelson, treasurer. slrikin ~ Dierks, Dennis Hagler, Fritz director of university libraries, Harshbarger, Curtis Miller, Jack ders, associate professor and brary Cif congress, will also attend operational fund. They will take office at the Ottumv was formed yesterdaY as a sub­ chairm,an of the department of the conference. Drainage of the Brown street beginning of the fall semester. FASIER Kill Neuzil, Bob Ojemann, Bob Rasely at ]0 a, committee of the Student council, ana Dick Lierle received baseball according to council member Jean They letters. Gallaher. Roaches, Ants, Waterbugs, Moths by the Track letters were presented to Representing the colleges in Rpbert .Aikin, Kenneln Alberts, Presid(' Larry Ashlock, Frank Baker, Bob which they are enrolled, commit­ than any insecticide you ever used Wallacl . Ballantyne, John Carson, Ronald tee members are as follows: Lib­ in their Coldsnow, Bob Crum, Do u g eral arts-Julia Ferguson, Philip yestel'd, Dierks, Merritt Ewalt, Bob Ewalt, Dandos and James Holbert; STOP THOSE FLIES! OR YOUR MONEY BIll Hayd Dennis Haglfr, F'ritz Harshbarger, Education-Peg Thompson, and commerce-Ralph Blunck. ·Extane: A secret activator exclu­ strikel's Karl Harshbarger, Harold Larew, sive with COOK-KILL. Non·toxic termed George Meier, Curtis MiIlw:, Bob Engineering-Harold Grunsky; GIBBS GIBBS GIBBS GIBBS to humans. Safe. Yet makes miracle the dri1 Ojemann, Dick Reichardt, Arnold pharmacy- Harvey Coontz; grad­ uate-Carl Leiden. COOK·KILL kill hardest·to·klll Schnoebelen, Jerry Squier, Bob RO~IChl~s in one-third time of 10 e8 Over Medicin~David Ivie, and den­ Turkal and Dick Lierle. or Chlordane. coods u PrinCipal Murray Martin anJ tistry-Harry Schott. • l'Olltribt nounced that the senior class won Mone the spring clothing drive to col­ SttQI; used 10 lect garments !dr needy European PiNt~ ·~19 IIQUAAT' • 'I,;' ned vel children. 69 ned mi and lfiO Scott Virginia Anderson easy way will nol Help wa," b RY SWAnER ! Awarded Fellowship , morai to gel rid of those flies their 5t Virginia Anderson, Harcourt, Nine has been awarded a $1,350 Lydia lives, it C. Roberts fellowship for graduate Let us help you "to make Iowa City aafe for you cmcl Kill tholt . the aid trip to 'study at Columbia university, our YOUDlpten:- pes ... H.ve Fight the one h.ndy i. ACCOI New York, N.Y. ev"y '00111, Baum ( The fellowship is given on the dent co basis of ~cholarship, seriousness Dur.... We Use The. bl.de. the foot of purpose and moral character. PESTROY ler. Th, Students from every college in • wa, rna Iowa compete for the yearly Finest Equipment Flies iowa C awards. 6% DDT .. • • . in the repair 0' 10ar car· bUtions, Miss Anderson will graduate Get after those flies in a iiffy with The ' lrom the college of liberal arts when you. brio, It 10 the Peder­ Liquid CO

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