• , He Probably Mint Wen The Weather Today- CBEYENNE, WYO. (UP)-Ha)'1 W. IUnr, a W),omln&' miner, wall arre ted ,esterda, on a eharrll of produdn, Cloudy and warm today with thunder­ 'SOt worth of fake IIlJver doll.ra, quarte... and 50-cent showers tonight. High today 94; low 68. ,tee.. Yesterday's high 89; low 70. Pollen count "I Jult. ",anted to beat thOle slot. machines and ret at owal1 tome or m, money baek," Klnc" told atrlllllnr oUlcers. 353. Est 18SS-Vol. 80. No. 284-UP. AP News and Wlntphoto Iowa City. Iowa. Saturday. August 28. 1948-Five Cen.. Death Takes Giant Flying Boat on 4,264-Mile Nonstop Flight Retired Chief French Cabinet Quits Justice Hughes OSTERVILLE, MASS. UPl­ Charles Evans Hughes, 86, retired cbItf jusUce of the Un ited States died last night of a heart ailment. Over Economic Issue He had been in a coma sInce lite alternon. Hughes' son, Cha rles Evans Not Much Paradise in Paradise May Dissolve HUlhes Jr., and two daughters, Charge Two Mrs. William '1'. Gossett of Bloom­ DETR IT ( 'P)-Paradise W8 only 6 degr cooler than field Hills, Mich., and Mrs. C. A. n II ~. 'it rday. Assembly r Call . Waddell of RIverdale, N. Y., were Th~ IV ather bur au said the thermometer r to 8 weltpring .t tbe bedside when he died. In Des Moines 09 at H II, ~li ('h .• haml t of 100 population in Wa htl'naw Death occurred at 7:35 p. m. c unt,\", which r corded 96 Thu1'bday. Tht' 70 reo idtnt of Para- (Iowa time) in the annex of the cli . p. in Ihe IIppf'r p ninula' 'hipPl'wa COllllly, W 93, 8 ris New Elections i Wianno club to which Hughes had Payoff Probe of :! t!pl!n.·e' from Thul'lIday. come on Aug. 5 to convalesce from • '\l uii Id, Mich ., Ii" d up to it reput ti n with 9 but Vul· PARIS (JP) - The Qlonth-old J an Illness that had confined him DES MO INES (J1»-5afety Com­ coaLition government of Premier ran, nllmed after thr mytbologi~1 bla('ksmilh, fell down to a Andre MarIe resigned early yes­ \0 bls Washington home for sever­ missioner M. J. Bennett and Jack ('001 O. al months. Wolte, owner and publi her of terday over the Issue of wages and prices. Most observers beLieved Lived In Seclusion the Welch-Iowa Printing Co .• were charged yesterday wIth cri­ the new crisis to be one at. The former chIef justice, twice minal oonsplracy. F rance's gravest post-'t'ar poll tical • ovemor ot New York and secre­ The charges were filed in the Sqviets Charged with tests. tary of state in the Harding and form of a special county attor­ President Vincent Auriol imme­ c00lldge cabinets, had lived in se­ ney's information by Polk county diately went Into conference with clusIon in Washington sinCi! his Attorney Carroll O. Switzer. political leaders, Indudln. Paul retirement from the U. S. supreme The Informatloll eha.rred that Injuring U.S. Soldier Reynaud, MarIe's Ilnance minI­ court July I, 1941. Bennett and Wolfe entered Into ster, and former premier Rober t crtucal IIIne.. be­ l AP W lr ' pho' ol an unlawful COlUJpirae, wUh she BEr r,l''-l {t'P)-l'.. authoritir chRrgtd la:1 nil{ht that Sov. Schuman. "l1(li"' LARGEST OPERATIONAL FLYING SHIP In the world J the arollne Mara, the navy's 8Z n ylnr boat. CADle known oolY yesterday. Des ~In lavern operators i'l ,nldi"l in It sj)r ding j p kilO 'ked down and Il;pd 10 run ovrr ReynaUd saId, as he left Aur lol'. 'I'IIe IOn no'trled supreme court The plane took off ye terda, trom Honolulu on a noo. toP m , M to Chlcaro. Its scheduled course wtII (lnd others IIn.kl'lOWn , with maU ­ 1111 AIl1l'rit'llI1 militlll'Y (1olil,t'Il1Rn in w('Stern B rlin. .ovi t of­ office: "ConSUltations have be­ .utehes tthat h\lf rather ·w. take It over Iowa. The plane Is eXPected to land Oil Lake Mlrhlcan about noon today. AlthoQh formal clous &nd wronr ful Intent to gun. I have just been received by christening eermonies are scheduled In Chlca,o. Mr . D. C. RaIMeY chrlstened th air r lant with an 18- Ii 'jllls ill tllJ'll char~rd that 1\1) M.P. Nhol and wounded onr of Ihe '1lIIdnr froln & "padual weak­ "accept a P" otr" (rom these the president of the republic." foot leI In Honolulu Thul'lJday. WUh Mrs. Ram e1 a bove I Fllr ht uperv!&or J llmH G. Lanr, a nual R ll""illil soldif'N. elllJII of the hean." operatora .nd to viol ate the At tIII' . anl(' lim, official. of Brrlin'. prrdominanlly nOIl­ The cabinet's downfall left officer. cit! ordInance on d Oling hoors His death foll owed a lengthy OTlUlHlIl i~t gu\'!'rnml'nl . It i Ii France technically without a ror­ of beet tavem-. I JUness, resulting from general de­ I hpj" might 1111\' to mO\'l' thrir eign affairs mmlster at a momen t The operators named were Dave bill~ of age. He went from War h odquart rli trom the Soviet sec­ of crucial conferences In Mos­ Fidler, Tony Critelli, Irvin, Shul­ i/lington to the Wianno club on tor to the ruins or the historic Hurricane Slows Up cow, but Schuman wlll conUnue Dr. Mildred Throne Western Diplomats Meet Again mlln, Tony Sestinl, Ro co Russ n Aug. 5 in hopes of improving his Reich ~tag (parliament building) to to lulfill his functions as forel," Brown and James Critelli. Brown health, but hIs condition gradually escape ommunist allac.kJl. affairs minister during the in· and James Critelli are connected But Florida Is Wary became worse. Appointed an Editor. •• Amcrlran authorities said that terim period. with the same lavern. MIAMI, FLA. - A pocket-sized WIfe Died In UU Neither Bennett nor Wolfe ap­ Pfc. Jamcs R. Petcrgal, Pitts­ The criSIs which brought about Of Historical Society With RUSSians In 3-Hour Talk bWllh, Pa., wos threatened with 'but severe hurrIcane lashing the Upon the death ot his wile on peared in OGurt' but $2,000 bond the v rnment'. coLiap e was a MOSCOW (UP) Roviet Forrilnl MilliRtrr V. M. Mo lolov RIl(l a revolver Dnd knocked from his AUantic with llS-mlle wInds alo­ two-day struggle to draft a ser­ Dec. 6, 1945, Hughes w ithdrew Dr. Mildred Throne has been for each was post d by William wed Its rorward pace last night his depuly, Allch'ri Y. Vi. hincky-, mrl with thl' wI' trrll t'nvoys for motorrycl when he trl d to .rre t ies of economic and financial re­ entirely from activlties of official named to succeed Ruth A. Galla­ Strunles, a professional bonds­ and its future movement became almost th1'[,(, hOIll"ll 10 t nit:(ht in .vel Rllllther of thr series or ('on· man. thre Sovl t soldl rll who wer forms. Wasblngton society. His last public her as associa te editpr 01 the racing throuJ(h the U. S. sector In uncertain. appearance was at fu neral ser- state Historical SOCiety. fel'l'nceS aiml'd at pndill~ th(" nerlin cl'isis. Raymond Rosenbur" attorney Informed IIO\Iree aid 'he cab­ an amphibious j p. Storm-wise Florida made prep­ Ind fell bee_use Reynalld want­ vi ces for the late Miss Gallaher accepted a poslt­ U. S. Ambas."lHlor W. Rrc! II ,'milh, French Ambo. Radol' Yv('. tor WoJ(e, told District Judge C. ~h i ef J u~tic~ M ,lItary polic rs saId the aralions just in case it should ed to raise many prlees. The So­ Harlan Fiske Stone .m WashIng.. ion in July to teach polilic I hataignl'!lu /llld Britlt'!l l';IlYoy Fl'llnk Ilobrrts wl'nl to thr Krl'm­ EdwIn Moore that Wolte uld ollie RUB 11m "drnv dir cUy at (Pe­ head more direclly towards th d all t.s were nervou about ton ca thedral in April, 1946. science at Asbury coUege at Wi!- lin lit ;; p .m. Wl1rll Ih('y appear tor arraignment at )0 a.m. ergal) in an a t mpt to run over coastline from 700 miles out. It worklnr cia reaction and Nine rrandchUdren also sur- more, Ky. C'l1lPl'g d !\, 7 ;il:i p.m.. nnn(' today. AUorney Wallet' Malcy, rllpre­ him" as he lay In the str t. The was due east of MI mi at night­ wanted thc cablDd to qree to a ,Ive Hurhes. A daughter, Helen, Miss Throne also will serve as would say that further meetings fall. were scheduled. Church Group Talks e DtJn~ Bennell. saId his d lent mjul" d Am 'rican wa taken to a eo t of II vln r bonu . ReYllilud 'Ied Ieve ...1 yeara aro. associate editor of the Iowa Jour- Grady Norton. chief of the wea­ and the oelalilits tell out over Smith, with the other envoys, would Ilppur (or arralr nmeot military ho. pital, where atten- A marble bust 01 th& retired nal of History and Polities, a ther bureau's storm warnln, ser­ the amount of luch a bona.­ d fove [rORJ the Kr m Ii n in a t 2 p.m. n t Til u- lit aid II Will uffering {rom dlltf Justice WilE; plaCi!d in the qua terly publication of the soc­ On Palestine, Races vice hel , said confiictlng aircr rt then the cabinet fell (lllart.
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