中国留美经济学会2014年度北美学术研讨会 The Chinese Economists Society (CES)

North-American Conference March 14-15, 2014


China’s Further Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World Economy

主办单位 Organizers 中国留美经济学会 The Chinese Economists Society 普渡大学 Purdue University 河南大学 University

Conference Committee CES Officers (2013-2014)

Professor of Krannert School of Management PRESIDENT: Dr. John M. Barron Dr. Ni, Jinlan (倪金兰) University of Nebraska at Omaha Associate Dean of Krannert School of Management PRESIDENT-ELECT: Dr. Justin Tobias Dr. Shi, Lizheng Tulane University Professor of Agriculture Economics Dr. Holly H. Wang VICE PRESIDENTS: Dr. Bodvarsson, Orn Administrative Assistant St. Cloud State University Ms. Denise Wilson Dr. Chen, Anping (陈安平) Administrative Assistant Jinan University Ms. Kathryn R. Walters Dr. Song, Bingtao (宋丙涛) Henan University

BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dr. Bai, Yan (白艳) University of Rochester

Dr. He, Jie (何洁) University of Sherbrooke

Dr. Ma, Jun (马俊) University of Alabama

PUBLICATION Economic Review Editor-in-Chief Dr. Fleshier, BeltonThe Ohio State University

ACADEMIC PUBLICATION COUNCIL: Dr. Hou, Jack, Chair(候维忠) California State University at Long Beach

FINANCING COMMITTEE: Dr. YIN, Jason, Chair(伊尊声) Seton Hall University

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Dr. Bao, Shuming(鲍曙明)

CES Advisory Board 学术顾问

Arrow, Kenneth J., Liu, Guoguang, Chinese Academy of Social Bergsten, C. Fred, Peterson Institute for Sciences International Economics O’Brien, Patrick, London School of Economics Cheng, Chu-Yuan, Ball State University Perkins, Dwight H., Chow, Gregory, Princeton University Sachs, Jeffrey D., Columbia University Dernberger, Robert, University of Michigan Woo, Wing Thye, University of California at Hsiao, William, Harvard University Davis Heckman, James J., University of Chicago Wu, Jinglian, Development Research Council Klein, Lawrence, University of Pennsylvania of the State Council Li, Yining, Yu, Tzong-Shian, Economic and Enterprise Lin, Justin Yifu, World Bank Research Institute of Taiwan Table of Contents


Welcome Message 欢迎词 p. 1 Introduction of CES 学会简介 p. 2 Introduction of Host University 主办大学及学院简介 p. 5 Conference Highlights 大会日程简介 p. 9 Keynote Speakers 主讲嘉宾简介 p.10 Program of Sessions 大会分组议程 p.12 Continuing Education Program 继续教育培训讲座 p.30 Appendix 附录 Participants 参会人员 p.35

CES thanks all following sponsors

Department of Economics at Krannert School of Management

Global Policy Research Institute, Purdue University

Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University

Confucius Institute at Purdue

School of Economics, Henan University

Welcome 欢迎词

Welcome everyone to the 2014 CES North America Conference at Purdue!

Hosting the CES conference in North America is of great importance to CES and to its long-term sustainability, in particular. CES was founded in 1985 with a mission to promote China’s economic reform and global scholarly exchange. In the past three decades, while China has experienced dramatic 欢迎各位会 economic growth and social change, CES has 员和嘉宾学者参加 2014 年普渡留美 also grown and is becoming one of the most influential academic bodies for the 经济学会北美年会。 advancement and dissemination of economics 举办留美经济学会(以下称“学 and management research and policymaking in China. I am proud to say CES is part of 会”)北美年会对学会及其长期发展 China’s economic progress and success. 非常重要。学会成立于 1985 年, 承 However, this does not mean that CES’s mission has been accomplished. Instead, we 担着推动中国经济改革和促进全球学 realize that in addition to meeting the 者交流的重要使命。在过去的 30 多 continued demand for promoting China’s reform and engagement in world economy, 年中,中国经历了快速的经济发展和 there is an increasing demand for studying 巨大的社会变革。在中国经济发展的 China by both academia and non-academia in North-America and the rest of the world. 同时,学会成长为促进中国经济学与 With such a demand, CES shall take the lead 管理学发展传播和政策制定规范化的 to make the connection in expanding its mission to promote scholarly exchange 最具影响力的学术机构之一。可以自 among its members in North-America and 豪地说,学会已经成为中国经济发展 around the world.

过程中的一部分。当然,这并不意味 Under the theme of “China’s Further 着学会的使命已经完成。相反,我们 Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World Economy”, the conference covers a 还意识到,北美乃至世界各地的学术 wide range of topics on China’s current 和非学术机构对中国研究的需求日益 economic reform and future development. The conference particularly focuses on the 增长的现实给我们提出了新的目标。 challenges China is facing including rising 在此背景下,我们认为,学会应该增 labor costs, worsening environmental pollution, and delayed institutional reforms, to 强使命感,努力倡导并促进北美会员 name a few. I am pleased to report that this 与世界各地会员之间的学术交流。 year we have received more than 150 submissions and 120 papers were accepted for 本次会议以“中国经济改革的深入 presentation. In addition to the participants 发展及其对世界经济的启示”为题, from North America, we have more than 60 presenters from China. Please join me in 覆盖了当前中国经济改革和未来发展 welcoming them!!! In addition, we have also attracted more than 50 new doctoral student


的诸多课题。这次会议重点关注当下 members, who normally would not be able to attend the CES China annual conference due 中国面临的挑战,如劳动力成本上 to time and budget constraints. Welcome! 升,环境污染加重,制度改革缓慢 They are the future of the CES.

等。在这里,我高兴地告诉大家我们 We are very fortunate and grateful to have 收到超过 150 多份材料,其中 120 this conference jointly hosted by Purdue University and Henan University. In 余篇论文被会议接收。除来自北美的 particular, we greatly appreciate the 参会者之外,有 60 多名参会者来自 Department of Economics at the Krannert School of Management, the School of 中国。请与我一起热烈欢迎他们。本 Agricultural Economics at Purdue, and the School of Economics at Henan University. I 次会议同时吸收了 50 多名新入会的 would like to express my heartfelt 研究生会员。由于时间和预算问题, appreciation to CES Finance Committee members for their generous financial support 他们无法参与学会的中国年会。在此 for subsidizing the travel expenses of some 我们欢迎这些学会的新鲜血液。他们 new student members. On behalf of CES, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to 是学会的未来! all of our sponsors. 我们有幸与普渡大学和河南大学 I look forward to a frank and productive 联合举办此次会议。特别地,我们要 exchange of views and opinions at this 感谢普渡大学克兰纳特商学院经济 conference and wish everyone a wonderful weekend at the beautiful campus of Purdue! 系,农业经济学院和河南大学经济学

院。请让我表达对学会财务委员会成 Jinlan Ni, President of the Chinese Economists Society, 员由衷的谢意, 感谢他们对这次会 March 2014 议一些新学生会员交通费用的慷慨资 助。我在此代表学会向所有赞助者表 达诚挚的感谢。 热切期望大家在本次年会讨论 中,各抒己见、坦诚交流,和而不 同、止于至善,为本次学会北美年会 的成功共同努力。感谢各位的出席, 并祝您在普渡美丽的校园里度过一个 愉快的周末。

倪金兰, 留美经济学会主席,二零 一四年三月


学会简介 Introduction of CES 中国留美经济学会是注册在美国的一个非 The Chinese Economists Society is a non-profit academic organizationbased and registered in the 营利学术团体,于 1985 年 5 月 26 日在纽 United States. It was founded on May 26th1985 in 约市,由一批在中国开放初期留学北美的 New York Cityby a group of Chinese graduate 学子在纽约市发起成立的。学会宗旨在于 students and scholars in the United States and Canada. 推动会员的学术活动、致力于促进经济学 The aim of the Society is to promote scholarly exchanges among its members and contribute to the 和管理科学在中国的进步和传播。 advancement and dissemination of economics and 学会现有数百名活跃个人会员和几十家 management sciences in China. 机构会员。大部分个人会员是在美国和加 The CES currently has hundreds of active 拿大的经济管理学科领域工作或学习的华 individual members and dozens of institutional 裔学者或学生,其中许多来自中国大陆。 members. Most current individual members of the 这些会员在中国的根基加上其现代经济学 CES are Chinese scholars and students of economics 的专业知识,既是本学会在学术领域的独 and related fields in North America. The combination of many CES members’ roots in China and 特优势,也是我们为中国经济改革发展事 knowledge of modern economics gives the CES the 业献计献策的动力和条件。近年来,学会 competitive edge in the profession. It also helps the 也吸引了越来越多关心和研究中国经济的 CES develop channels to influence the Chinese economic policies and advocate market-based reforms 非华裔学者加入参与。 in China. In recent years, the CES has also attracted 历年来共有两千多人加入学会。他们遍及 more and more scholars and students of non-Chinese 北美、亚洲、欧洲和世界其他地区的大 background who are interested in the studies of the 学、研究机构、国际组织、政府部门、以 Chinese economy. 及工商金融业。许多会员在海外完成学业 Over years more than two thousand individuals 或工作一段时间后回到了中国,在各个领 have joined the CES from universities, research 域作出了杰出的贡献。学会的一些资深会 institutes, and other public or private organizations throughout North America, Asia, Europe and other 员和前任领导成员,已经成为一些重要政 regions of the world. Many CES members, after 府部门如中央银行和金融监管当局的主管 studying and working overseas for some years, have 官员,或者在大学、研究机构和跨国企业 now returned to work and live in China. Some of 中发挥着栋梁精英的作用,以及在世界银 them are playing leading roles in important government departments, universities, research 行、国际货币基金组织等国际机构中担任 institutes, multinational firms, and international 要职。由于这些会员的经历和背景,CE institutions such as World Bank and IMF. Thanks to S在中美之间的经济学术交流上起着重要 the links to these members, the Society is probably the most influential group that bridges academic 的桥梁作用。 exchanges in economics and related areas between the

North America and China. 自从成立之初在普林斯顿举办第一次 To promote scholarly exchanges among its members, the Society holds the CES Annual Conference, with its 学术研讨会以来,学会每年举行 CES first held in Princeton, N.J. in 1985. It launched its


年会。学会在1989年创办的英文期 English-language journal China Economic Review (CER) in 1989. Just in a few years the journal achieved 刊《中国经济评论》,很快成为在中国 worldwide circulation and became a highly influential 经济研究领域具有高度影响力的国际专 academic periodical on the Chinese economy. CES became a member of the Allied Social Science 业期刊。学会于 1992 年加入美国社会 Association (ASSA) in 1992 and has sponsored 科学联合会(ASSA),并每年在美国 independent and joint sessions with other associations at annual ASSA meetings ever since. 社会科学联合会年会暨美国经济学年会 上举办数场专题讨论会。 In order to promote market-based economic reforms in China, the Society has since 1993 organized its annual 为了促进中国经济的改革开放事业, conference very year in China, often jointly hosted by a 自 1993 年起,学会的年会每年在中国 Chinese university or research institute. The CES conferences have been widely attended by internationally 举行,通常由一家国内高校或研究机构 renowned economists (including Nobel prize laureates), 联合承办。历届年会邀请诸多国际著名 senior government officials and business leaders and have had profound policy impacts on China’s market-oriented 经济学家(包括诺贝尔奖得主)、高级 transition and reforms as well as economic development 政府官员和知名企业家参加,对中国经 strategy. Many of the papers presented at these conferences have been published in special issues of 济的改革和发展产生了积极影响。许多 professional economics journals and in dozens of 年会论文在经济学期刊的特刊上发表, academic volumes by internationally esteemed publishers. Every year since 2005, two outstanding 或以专集形式由国际知名学术出版社出 papers presented at the CES annual conference are 版发行。自 2005 年以来,年会每年颁 selected to receive the Gregory Chow Best Paper Award.

发两份邹至庄最佳论文奖。 Our Society has endeavoured to make contributions to 学会致力于推动现代经济学和管理科 the advancement and dissemination of economics and management sciences in China. In the early 1990s, it 学知识在中国的普及、传播和发展。早 mobilized its members to write a 14-volume Market 在九十年代初就编写并在国内出版了中 Economics Book Series (1993), a three-volume Frontiers of Modern Economics(1989, 1993, 1998), and a 12- 文的《市场经济学普及丛书》十四部 volume Modern Business Administration Book Series (1993 年版)、《现代经济学前沿专 (1995) in Chinese. These publications pioneered the introduction of modern economics and managerial 题》三卷(1989,1993,1998)、《现代 science to the Chinese readers. The Society has also had 工商管理丛书》十二部(1995)等系列出 dozens of its conference proceedings, research reports, and collections of papers published in China. 版物,在传播介绍现代经济学和管理科 学开了国内出版界之先河。历年来,学 会还在国内出版了数十本中文的学术专 集和研究报告。


自 1990 年以来,学会每年选派数名 Since 1990, the CES has run short-term teaching programs every year to support its overseas members to 在海外工作学习会员到中国高校讲授经 teach economic courses in Chinese universities. The 济学课程。这个项目早年由福特基金资 programs were first funded by Ford Foundation and later 助,近年则由邹至庄基金赞助。 have been sponsored by Gregory Chow Foundation. 历年来,CES 还举办过各种专题学术 Apart from its annual conferences, the CES has also 研讨会和论坛活动,并组织会员在中国 held ad hoc forums, symposia, conferences in North 内地、台湾省以及周边邻国如韩国、新 America and China on various themes. Over years, the 加坡、俄罗斯、东欧等地进行学术考察 Society has organized field studies in various places of mainland China, Taiwan province, and research trips to 和交流活动。 Singapore, South Korea, Russia, East Europe, etc. 学会的机构会员大多数是中国的高校 和研究机构。进入新世纪以来,CES Most of the CES institutional members are universities 已经成为中国高校和其他机构招聘留美 in China. Since the turn of the century, the CES has become an important platform for Chinese universities 经济学人的重要平台。每年都有不少优 and institutions to recruit economists from North 秀的留美青年经济学人通过 CES 组织 America. Every year through the CES-organized events 的活动和网络应聘回国工作。 and membership networking, many young economists are recruited and employed by universities and institutions in 学会从成立之初就是一个由会员按民 China. 主原则制衡管理的学术团体。学会章程 明确学会宗旨、运作程序和会员权利。 From the date of its founding, the CES has operated on 每年由会员选举产生任期一年的理事会 democratic principles of free election and check-and- balance. It holds annual elections to let its members 和会长,负责常年学术活动和会务。 choose a President-elect and the Board of Directors for a 1999 年开始实行网上选举。 one-year term to manage the Society. Since 1999, the 从 2003 年起成立由资深会员组成的 election has been conducted online. A Finance Committee was set up in 2003 to supervise financial 财务委员会监督学会资产的管理和使 affairs of the Society, enforce accounting regulations, and 用。2006 年成立学术出版委员会,负 manage the Society assets. The CES Academic 责制定学会的出版方针和指导出版业 Publication Council was set up in 2006 to initiate and 务。2007 年成立由前任会长轮值组成 execute policies governing the Society’s academic publications. Since 2007, a decision-making governing 的董事会,负责学会中长期发展的规 body, the CES Regents, has been set up to oversee 划。此外,学会的顾问委员会由若干诺 matters affecting the growth and future of the CES. The 贝尔奖获得者和著名经济学家组成,咨 CES continues to benefit from a distinguished advisory committee consisting of Nobel laureates and renowned 询理事会的工作。 economists. 经过多年来的发展,CES 已经从当初 由中国留学生组织的经济学学术团体发 Since its founding, the CES has evolved into an 展成为一个国际性、研究中国经济的专 international professional society for Chinese scholars of economics and all those who are interested in studies of 业学会,并将与时并进,继续壮大发 the Chinese economy. The CES will continue to renovate 展。 itself in the coming years.

(请访问 了解更多 详情)




我代表普渡大学热烈欢迎学会 2014 北美研讨会在此召开。今年会议主题“中国 进一步经济改革对世界经济发展的意义”非常及时,而且在这两天的交流将会对 中国经济的学术讨论有所贡献。事实上,这个议题对所有国家和所有高等教育 机构都利益攸关。谢谢大家来此参会,普渡大学很荣幸作为主人招待大家。

很遗憾由于日程原因我今天不能和大家在一起,但从学术探讨和知识交流角度 我精神上与大家同在。我鼓励每一位都有最大的收获,与远道而来的同行建立 关系,交流意见,互相学习。 祝大会成功,祝大家享受在校园的时光,并祝现在和未来一切顺利。




About Purdue University

普渡大学是位于美国印第安那州的公 Purdue University is a public university in Indiana. Founded in 1869 and named after benefactor John 立大学。成立于 1869,我们是美国享有 Purdue, we are one of the US leading research 盛誉的研究型大学,拥有包括诺贝尔奖和 institutions with a reputation for excellent and 其他奖项得主的世界一流师资。 affordable education. Our first class faculty team includes Nobel Laureates and other award winning 普渡大学主校区在西拉法叶市,并在 scholars. 周内有另外四座分校。 Purdue University’s main campus is located in West Lafayette, Indiana. It also has branch 仅主校区就有 200 多个本科专业,七 campuses in other four cities in the state. 十余硕士和博士专业,以及药学和兽医专 Our West Lafayette campus offers more than 200 业学位。另外我们还有 18 个校级运动队 majors for undergraduates, over 70 master’s and doctoral programs, and professional degrees in 和 850 多学生社团。 pharmacy and veterinary medicine. In addition, we 普渡大学主校区有近四万学生来自美 have 18 intercollegiate sports teams and more than 850 student organizations. 国 50 个州和世界 130 多国家和地区。其 Purdue main campus has near 40 thousand 中四分之一是研究生,约五分之一是国际 students coming from all 50 states in the US and 留学生。 over 130 countries in the world. About one quarter of them are graduate students, and near one fifth are international students.



About Henan University

河南大学坐落在历史文化名城、七朝 Henan University is located in Kaifeng, a famous historic city which used to be the capital of China 古都开封。100 年前,这里是河南贡院的所 during seven different dynasties. Imperial 在地,1903、1904 年全国会试曾在这里举 examinations were held in this place 100 years ago; the last two imperial examinations held here 行,上千年的科举制度在这里划上句号。 in 1903 and 1904 marked the end of the thousand- 1912 年,以林伯襄为代表的一批河南仁人 year-long imperial examination system. In 1912, Lin Boxiang and a group of people with lofty 先贤在这里创办了河南留学欧美预备学校, ideals founded the Preparatory School for Further Study in Europe and America, then one of the 成为当时中国的三大留学培训基地之一。后 three major schools to prepare students for 历经中州大学、国立第五中山大学、省立河 overseas study. It was later renamed Zhongzhou University, No.5 National Zhongshan University 南大学等阶段,1942 年改为国立河南大 and Provincial Henan University. In 1942 it 学,成为拥有文、理、工、农、医、法等 6 became the National Henan University and had developed into an influential comprehensive 大学院的综合性大学,是当时学术实力雄 university with 6 schools, namely, the School of Liberal Arts, School of Science, School of 厚、享誉国内外的国立大学之一。新中国成 Agriculture, School of Engineering, School of 立后,经院系调整,河南大学农学院、医学 Medicine and the Law School. As one of the National Universities then, Henan University was 院、行政学院分别独立设置为河南农学院、 renowned for its brilliant academic strength. After 河南医学院、河南政法干部管理学院,水 the founding of PRC, the School of Agriculture, the School of Medicine and the School of 利、财经等院系也先后调入武汉大学、中南 Administration were separated from Henan 财经政法大学等高校,校本部更名为河南师 University and became Henan College of Agriculture, Henan College of Medicine and 范学院。后又经开封师范学院、河南师范大 Henan Administrative Institute of Politics and Law. The schools of water conservancy, finance 学等阶段,1984 年恢复河南大学校名。 and economics and others were transferred to 2008 年 10 月 17 日,河南省人民政府和教 , Zhongnan University of Economics and Law as well as to other 育部签订共建协议,河南大学正式进入省部 universities. Henan University was renamed 共建高校行列。 Henan Normal College, Kaifeng Normal College and Henan Normal University. The name Henan University was restored in 1984. In 2000, Henan 建校百年来,河南大学严守“明德新 University merged with Kaifeng Normal College 民,止于至善”的校训,在一代代学人的精 and Kaifeng Medicine College to become the new Henan University. In 2008, the Henan provincial 心铸造下,逐渐形成了“团结、勤奋、严 Government and the Ministry of Education signed an agreement to jointly support the development 谨、朴实”的优良校风,在推动社会发展、 of Henan University therefore allowing Henan 科技进步、经济建设和教育振兴的过程中实 University to formally enter the list of the universities which are jointly developed by the 现着自身的价值。在以范文澜、冯友兰、董


作宾、冯景兰、罗章龙、郭绍虞、罗廷光、 provincial government and the ministry. 萧一山、樊映川、毛礼锐、姜亮夫、嵇文 As a member of the World Association of Universities and the Association of Universities of 甫、任访秋、党鸿辛等一大批专家学者、院 Asia and the Pacific, Henan university has the 士为代表的名师执教下,河南大学已培养了 School of Arts, School of Journalism and Communication, School of History and Culture, 40 余万名各类专门人才。在河大校友中, School of Philosophy and Public Administration, School of Economics, Law School, School of 有院士、学部委员 73 人,省部级以上领导 Business Administration, School of Education 干部近 150 人。校友中包括侯镜如、袁宝 Science, School of Foreign Languages, School of Mathematics and Information Science, Institute of 华、王国权、赵毅敏、尹达、邓拓、白寿 Physics and Electronics , School of Chemistry and 彝、杨廷宝、高济宇、姚雪垠、周而复、吴 Chemical Engineering, School of Computer and Information Engineering, School of Environment 强、马可、赵九章、梁光烈等社会名家。 and Planning, School of Life Science, School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, School of 河南大学现设有 34 个学院(部),拥 Arts, School of Physical Education, School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of 有 12 个学科门类、83 个本科专业的综合性 Nursing, the Clinical Institute of the Huai River, 大学。学校建立了从本科生教育到博士后培 the Dongjing Clinical School, the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education, the People’s 养的完整人才培养体系,设有 12 个一级学 Armed Force College, the College of International Education, College of Software Engineering, 科博士学位授权点、42 个一级学科硕士学 Minsheng College, International School of 位授予点、18 个专业学位授权点、 10 个博 Chinese Studies, Eurasian International College, Department of Foreign Language Teaching, 士后科研流动站。学校现有教职工 4000 余 Department of Marxism-Leninism and Moral 人,其中专兼职工作的院士 12 人,教授、 Education, Department of the Teaching and Research of Physical Education, Department of 副教授近 1300 人。现有全日制在校学生近 the Teaching and Research of Computer Science. It runs 79 undergraduate programs, 24 primary 52000 人(含独立学院),其中本专科生 discipline Master’s programs, 174 sub-discipline 44800 多人,研究生 5600 多人。 Master’s programs, 18 professional Master’s programs, a primary discipline doctoral program and 18 doctoral programs and has 10 doctoral 学校建有国家重点实验室(河南省高校 research centers. Henan University has a strong 唯一)、国家人文社科重点研究基地、教育 working staff of more than 4000 individuals. Among them, there are 11 full-time and half-time 部重点实验室、教育部工程中心、国家体育 academicians as well as 1100 professors and 与艺术师资培养培训基地、国家体育总局体 associate professors. Now there are more than 41,000 students receiving a full-time education 育社会科学重点研究基地等国家和省部级科 here; among them there are more than 6000 postgraduates and nearly 200 overseas students. 研创新平台 20 个,图书馆藏书 455 万册。 学校实行多校区办学,校区总面积 4000 余 亩,目前正在郑东新区征地建设国际学院。

2011 年 9 月 29 日,国务院下发的《关 于支持河南省加快建设中原经济区的指导意


见》明确提出,支持河南大学创建国内一流 大学。河南大学的建设和发展被提高到前所 未有的高度,迎来了历史性重大机遇。


A Prosperous School of Economics at a Centenarian University

河南大学经济学院具有比较悠久的发展历史。 The School of Economics in Henan University has a proud history. Its 1927 年就开始设立经济系,著名经济学家罗章 predecessor, the department of 龙、关梦觉等先后在此任教,并培养出了邓拓(云 economics, was founded in 1927. In its early years, the department had a faculty 特)、王毅斋等一大批著名的学者与社会活动家。 of eminent economists and social activists 罗章龙 1978 年恢复高考后,是国内第一批招收经济类硕 including Luo Zhanglong ( ), Wang Yizhai (王毅斋), Guan Mengjue 士研究生的十二家培养单位之一,三十多年来先后 (关梦觉). Among its alumni were many 培养出一大批活跃在中国改革第一线的知名学者与 outstanding scholars and social activists. 政界精英,他们正在成为国家发改委、商务部、工 After 1978, Henan University’s graduate program in economics was one of the 商银行总行、中央党校等部门的业务领导与中流砥 earliest twelve such state-sanctioned 柱。 programs. Since 2000, the department of economics entered a new rapid development period led by the Professor 经济学院正式成立于 2002 年。近十年来,在上任 Zhou Shouzheng, Xu Xingya and Geng 院长耿明斋教授的带领下,经济学院又走向了新的 Mingzhai, who are famous economists in China. 辉煌。学院目前拥有应用经济学、理论经济学、统 The School of Economics was founded in 计学三个博士后流动站,应用经济学、统计学两个 2002 and its dean now is Professor Song 一级学科博士点以及政治经济学二级学科博士点, Bingtao,who is a professor with


集中了河南省所有的经济类高层次人才培养平台, international and historical sight. Under his leadership, the School has been 同时还拥有工商管理硕士(MBA)、金融学硕士、保 making its best efforts to improve its conditions to contribute a favourable 险学硕士专业学位硕士点。 academic institute in the soon future.

学院有本科生、硕士生、博士生以及外国留学 The School of Economics has three post- doctoral programs of the theoretical 生和在站博士后人员共 3100 余人,有教职工 140 economics, the applied economics and 人,其中专任教师 123 人,国家级教学名师 2 人。 statistics, 17 PhD. programs, 22 Master degree programs including MBA, MF and 专任教师队伍中 70%以上都具有博士学位;其中有 so on, 6 undergraduate programs which are economics, international economics 来自国际知名大学的海归博士 8 人,有在日本东京 and trade, public finance, finance 大学、丹麦哥本哈根大学、香港大学等国际著名大 insurance and statistics. The School has a big faculty which is mainly constituted by 学做客座教授与访问学者经历的 19 人,教授 21 young and middle-aged staffs, most of 人、副教授 70 余人。同时,我院还拥有双聘海外 them with PhD degree. There are 21 professors and more than 70 associate 教授 13 人,双聘国内导师 15 人。 professors. The School now has a total of over 3200 students, including 学院高度重视科学研究工作,近五年来,学院 undergraduate, graduate students, and PhD candidates. 教师先后承担国家重大社科招标项目 1 项、国家社 The School promote scientific research 科重点项目 2 项、一般国家级研究课题项目 21 and create strong academic atmosphere, 项,横向课题经费近千万元。在 SSCI 收录的国际 unique culture was formed and the academic reputation has been earned in 学术期刊发表论文 8 篇,在《经济学(季刊)》 some areas. In recent five years, 24 《中国社会科学》《经济研究》等杂志上发表的论 national level social science fund projects including significant tendered projects 文 7 篇,在学术界产生了一定影响,先后引起了美 were approved; many achievements have been published at some famous domestic 国耶鲁大学、伦敦政经学院、日本东京大学、香港 or international journals on social science 大学等国际知名高校与研究机构学者的关注。 like Economic Record, China Economic Review, Journal of Social 更为重要的是,学院高度关注地方经济社会发 Science, which have earned some reputation for us. 展中所面临的重大现实问题,组织力量,进行攻 The research on economic policy in 关,完成的应用性研究成果对地方经济建设产生了 school is also stressed on and has been 巨大的社会影响。以省特聘教授、前任院长耿明斋 considered as one of important thinker- tanks in China, their working papers and 教授为代表的学术团队,近年来先后完成了数十个 reports, especially, are appreciated by provincial government and the new 区域发展和改革红利研究报告等政策研究,并得到 government of China, for their significant 政策制定部门吸纳,已经在国内产生了积极的社会效 impact on society.

益与经济效益,产生了重大影响,并得到学界及教育 The economics faculty started enrolling 部领导的高度赞扬,该团队已被国家智囊机构中国国 graduated students and Ph. D. candidates as early in1987, as the first team in China. 际经济交流中心接纳为理事单位。 Now it has cultivated high quality researchers over 1000. The graduates are


河南大学经济学院有着一批高水平的科研教学 spread out colleges, research institutions, government departments, financial 平台。目前学院拥有教育部人文社科重点研究基地 institutions and enterprise across the country. —黄河文明与可持续发展研究中心制度变迁与经济 发展研究所,河南省人文社科重点学科开放研究中 The School of Economics puts great emphasis on international cooperation. It 心国民经济研究所,省人文社科重点研究基地—— has set up close academic relationship with Cardiff University (UK), University 欠发达地区经济转型与发展研究中心,以及经济研 of Windsor (CA), Kyoto University, 究所、金融与证券研究所、产业经济与农村发展研 Hitotsubashi University and Nihon University and has run many international 究所、国际经济研究所 4 个校级重点研究机构。特 cooperation projects together. 别是 2009 年 10 月与省政府研究室、省发改委共建 的中原发展研究院,由时任省长郭庚茂书记亲自揭 牌,该院多位老师参与了河南省“十一五”、“十二五” 发展规划的调研和论证,为中原经济区的建设提供 了理论支持,为新一轮体制改革提供政策建议,目 前该院已经成为中原地区、甚至国内知名的经济社 会发展的高端智库。

学院高度重视对外学术交流与国际合作。2010 年成功举办了中国制度经济学年会、中日工业化比 较国际研讨会、2012 年举办中国留美经济学会年 会等重大学术活动。从 2011 年开始,学院每年都 派人来北美招聘海归,先后聘了包括意大利、德 国、加拿大及台湾多个国籍的 8 位海外博士做全职 教授。同时,每年派出 3-5 人出国做访问研究,同 时还先后与英国卡迪夫大学商学院、加拿大温莎大 学奥德商学院、日本大学国际关系学部建立了正式 的联合培养与学术合作关系。


大会日程简介 Conference Highlights

March 14 Event March 15 Event 8:00 – 10:00 Parallel Sessions: RAWL Opening Ceremony am 08:30-9:00 Venue: Fowler Auditorium 1057, 1062, 2077, 2079, (FA) 1011, 1071, 2058, 4054

Plenary Session: FA 10:00 – Tea/Coffee Break: RAWL 09:00-10:00 Keynote Address I 10:15 3011 (Yao, Yang) 10:15 am – Parallel Sessions: RAWL 10:00-10:15 Coffee/Tea Break (STEW) 12:15 pm

Plenary Session: FA 12:15 – Lunch: Krannert Draw Room 10:15-12:10 Keynote Address II 13:30 pm (Guijun Lin, Neng Wang) 13:30 – Parallel Sessions: RAWL 12:15-13:30 Lunch (STEW302-306) 15:30 pm

Roundtable Forum I: 15:30 – Tea/coffee break: RAWL Urbanization (STEW314) 15:45 pm 3011 : 13:30-15:15 Roundtable Forum II China Economic Reform and Development (STEW322)

15:45 – Parallel Sessions RAWL Coffee/Tea Break 15:15-15:30 (STEW302-306) 17:45 pm Plenary Session: FA 18:00-21:00 Keynote Address III 15:30-17:00 (Edward Prescott) Continue Training Workshop: RAWL 3082

Group Picture, 17:00-19:15 Welcome Dinner (PMU North Ballroom) Chinese Dance Show (FA) Presented by Confucius 19:30-20:30 Institute at Purdue Performing Art Troupe

Notes: Registration will start on March 13 afternoon and continue on March 14 at PMU.

Keynote Speakers



Guijun Lin is a professor of Economics and Vice- President of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). He holds bachelor degree in economics from UIBE, a MA degree in economics from Carleton University, Canada and a PhD degree from UIBE. He was a senior Fulbright Scholar in the Department of Economics Columbia University. His research interests are in international trade policies and international monetary economics. He has published in the Review of International Economics,China Economic Review, and a number of domestic journals on China’s trade and foreign exchange police etc. He is a chief editor for Boao Forum for Asia Annual Report Progress of Asian Economic Integration and China-Arab Expo annual report China-Arab Trade and Economic Relations. He is also an editor of International Trade Journal in China. He has been involved in various government research projects related China-Israel, China- GCC, China-Japan-Korea FTA studies and the future of US-China trade relations. He is a chairperson for the Degree-Conferring Committee in applied economics under the State Council of the People’s Republic of China, member of China’s social science committee, deputy director of All China International Trade Association and secretary general for the consortium of all China international trade programs, a chief member of the Committee of the Professional Program in International Business under the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Education and a member on advisory board of the Ministry of Commerce.


Edward C. Prescott is Professor of Economics at Arizona State University and is the W. P. Carey Chair in Economics in the W. P. Carey School of Business. He has previously held faculty positions at the University of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Minnesota, and The University of Chicago. He is a Senior Monetary Analyst at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank. He received his B.A. in mathematics from Swarthmore College in 1962, his M.S in Operations Research from Case-Reserve University in 1963, and his Ph.D. in economics from Carnegie Mellon University in 1967. He is an aggregate economist theorist who develops and applies dynamic economic theory to problems in financial economics, economic fluctuations, public finance, growth and development, and international economics areas. He and Finn Kydland were jointly awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Economics "for their contributions to dynamic macroeconomics: the time consistency of economic policy and the driving forces behind business cycles.”

Neng Wang is Chong Khoon Lin Professor of Real Estate and Finance at Columbia

Business School. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and the Honorary Dean of the School of Finance at University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). His research interests include private equity, hedge funds, asset allocation, corporate finance, risk management, entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance, investor protection, household finance, wealth and income distribution, macroeconomics, real estate finance, and the Chinese economy. His work has been widely published in leading economics and finance journals. Among other awards and honors, he won a Smith-Breeden Distinguished Paper Prize awarded by the Journal of Finance in 2008, and the Bettis Distinguished


Scholar Award from W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University in 2011. He is also a recipient of the “Thousand Talents” Program, one of the most prestigious awards granted by the Chinese central government. He serves on editorial boards of various finance, economics, and business journals including the Journal of Finance. He received B.S. in Physical Chemistry from University, China in 1992, M.S. in Chemistry from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in 1995, M.A. in International Relations and Pacific Studies from University of California, San Diego (UCSD) in 1997, and PhD in Finance from the Graduate School of Business at Stanford University in 2002.

Yang Yao is the director of China Center for Economic Research (CCER) and the dean of the National School of Development (NSD) in Peking University. He obtained Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1996. He is the editor of CCER’s house journal China Economic Quarterly, an associate editor of World Development and serves in the editorial boards of several domestic and international journals. His research interests include economic transition and development in China. He has published dozens of research papers in international and domestic journals as well as several books on institutional economics and economic development in China including Economic Reform and Institutional Innovation (Gale Asia/Cengage Learning, 2009), China’s Economic Reform and Growth (co-editor, Routledge, 2010), Globalization and Economic Growth in China (co-editor, World Scientific, 2006), and CSR and Competitiveness in China (co-author, Foreign Languages Press, 2009). He is also a prolific writer for magazines and newspapers including The Financial Times. He has won many awards including the 2009 Sun Yefang Economics Award --- the highest economics award in China, the 2008 and 2010 Pu Shan Award in International Economics and the 2008 Zhang Peigang Award in Development Economics.



March 13 (Thursday)

1:00 – 6:00 pm Arrival and Registration

Venue: PMU Union Club Hotel lobby

March 14 (Friday) 8:00 – 8:30 Registration (Fowler Auditorium)

08:30 – 09:00 Opening Ceremony (Fowler Auditorium)

Moderator: Orn Borvarsson, Vice-President of CES, Saint Cloud State University

Speakers: CES President Jinlan Ni, Purdue President’s notes, Chris Earley (Dean of Krannert of School of Management), Justin Tobias (Associate Dean of Krannert School of Management), Bingtao Song (Dean of School of Economics, Henan University), Ken Foster (Department Chair of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University)

09:00-10:00 Plenary Session: Keynote Speech I (Fowler Auditorium)

Speaker: Yao Yang (Peking University)

10:00-10:15 Coffee/Tea Break

10:15- 12:15 Plenary Session II

Moderator: Jun Ma (University of Alabama)

Speakers: Neng Wang (Columbia University)

Guijun Lin (University of Foreign Trade and Business)

12:15 – 13:30 Lunch (STEW)

13:30-15:15 Round Table Forum and Parallel Sessions

Round Table Forum I: Urbanization in China (STEW)

Moderator: Ding Lu (University of the Fraser Valley)

Panelists: Shunfeng Song (University of Nevada at Reno), Joyce Man (Indiana University), Zunfu Zhang(Clark University), Zhichao Yin (SWUFE), Gene Chang (University of Toledo)

Round Table Forum II: China Economic Reform and Development (STEW)

Moderator: Jack Hou (California State University at Long Beach)


Panelists: Shuanglin Lin(University of Nebraska at Omaha), Jason Yin (Seton Hall University), Guan Gong(SUFE), Lizheng Shi (Tulane University), Bingtao Song (Henan University)

15:15 – 15:30 Coffee/Tea Break

15:30 – 17:00 Plenary Session III (Fowler Auditorium)

Moderator: Holly Wang (Purdue University)

Speaker: Edward Prescott (Arizona State University, 2004 Nobel Prize Laureate) “The Revolution in Aggregate Economics”

17:00 – 17:30 Group Photos

17:30- 19:15 Dinner Banquet (Purdue Memorial Union, North Ballroom )

19:30 – 20:45 Amazing China Dance Show (Fowler Auditorium), presented by Confucius Institute at Purdue Performing Art Troupe, and sponsored by Confucius Institute at Purdue.

March 15 (Saturday) Session Number: E1 Session Title: Government Debt and Fiscal Policy Venue: RAWL 1057 Chair: Yan Bai, University of Rochester

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Population Aging and China’s Social Security Reforms, LI SHIYU. School of Finance, Renmin University of China, [email protected], Shuanglin Lin.

2. Maturity and Repayment Structure of Sovereign Debt, Yan Bai. University of Rochester, [email protected].

3. China's Sovereign Debt: A Balance-Sheet Perspective, Zhang Xun. China Center for Economic Research, Peking University, [email protected], Jianguo Xu.

4. Debt Maturity Management, Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions, Jin Hao. Indiana University Bloomington, [email protected].

5. Optimal Government Debt with Consumer Bankruptcy, Hu Jiao. University of Virginia, [email protected].


Session Number: E2

Session Title: Chinese industry studies Venue: RAWL 1062 Chair: Schneider Henry, Swiss Federation of SME

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Reforming China's Banking System: An "Austrian" Proposal, Schneider Henry. Swiss Federation of SME, [email protected].

2. Financial Frictions and Agricultural Productivity Differences in China, Wang Wei. Washington University in St. Louis, [email protected], Junmin Liao.

3. Technology Shock, Agricultural Productivity, and Son Preference: the Long-term Impact of Textile Production in Ming China, Xue Meng. George Mason University, [email protected].

4. POT Model for Operational Risk: Experience with the Analysis of the Data Collected from Chinese Commercial Banks from 1995 to 2012, Han Jinmian. Northwest University, [email protected], Wang Wei.

Session Number: E3 Session Title: Economic analysis of social movements and capital Venue: RAWL 2077 Chair: YUAN YICAI, University of California at Berkeley

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Luxury Show-Off and Social Conflicts Coefficient: A Comparative Analysis between China and U.S. from a Political Economics Perspective, Fu Hongchun. Dept.of Eco., School of Business, East China Normal University, [email protected].

2. An interpretation of Democracy, Autocracy and the “Chinese Way” in Economic Perspective, YUAN YICAI. University of California at Berkeley, [email protected].

3. The Long Term Impacts of the on Economic Performances of Urban Residents in China, Dong Zhou. University of California, Riverside, [email protected].

4. Social Movement and Scaring Effect: Evidence from Sino-Japanese Dispute over Diaoyu (Senkaku) Island, Hou Linke. Center for Economic Research, Shandong University, [email protected], Yuxia Lv, Huanguang Qiu.


Session Number: E4 Session Title: Organized Session: Recent Developments and Reforms in Chinese Financial Markets Venue: RAWL 2079 Chair: HO KIN-YIP, THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Transaction Costs, Mispricing and the Value Premium in the Chinese Stock Markets, An Jiyoun. Kyung Hee University, [email protected], Kin-Yip Ho.

2. Volatility and Correlation Dynamics of the Mainland Chinese Stock Markets: Evidence from the A-, B-, H- and Red-Chip Markets, HO KIN-YIP. THE AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, [email protected], Yanlin Shi, Zhaoyong Zhang.

3. Public Information Arrivals and Foreign Exchange Volatility: Regime-Switching Evidence from the Chinese Renminbi Currency, SHI YANLIN. The Australian National Univeristy, [email protected], Kin-Yip Ho, Wai-Man Liu.

Session Number: E5 Session Title: FDI and outsourcing Venue: RAWL 1011 Chair: Zhang Cong. University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Location Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Services. Do Agglomeration Economies Matter?, Yin Feng. School of Economics, Shanghai University, [email protected], Ye Mingque.

2. An Empirical Analysis on Chinese Outward FDI Development Path -Based on IDP and IPI Models, Kun Ma. Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, [email protected], Wang Yinan.

3. Outsourcing to China and U.S. local wage Inequalities, Zhang Cong. University of Illinois, at Urbana-Champaign, [email protected].

Session Number: E6 Session Title: Health economic research on China, Taiwan, and USA Venue: RAWL 1071 Chair: Nathan Dong, Columbia University

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. The Reputation of Primary-care Physicians and Information Dissemination among Patients: Evidence from China, Li Mingqiang. Harvard University, [email protected].


2. Diffusion of Drug-Eluting Stents in PTCA Procedures, Yu Yang. Lehigh Univeristy, [email protected], Mary E. Deily.

3. The Intergenerational Transmission of Low Birth Weight: A Large Multigenerational Cohort Study in Taiwan, Qian Mengcen. Lehigh University, [email protected], Shin-Yi Chou, Lea R. Gimenez-Duarte, and Jin-Tan Liu.

4. Social Networks and Health Service Demand: Evidence from Chinese Consumers, Nathan Dong, Columbia University, [email protected].

Session Number: E7 Session Title: Industrial policy in China and Japan Venue: RAWL 2058 Chair: Jason Yin, Seton Hall University

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Place-based Industrial Policies and Local Economic Development: Evidence from China’s “Third Front” Movement, Zou Ben. University of Maryland, College Park, [email protected], Fan, Jingting.

2. Research on the Brand Economy of the Chinese Comedy Industry, Sun Yueyao. School of Economics of Shandong University, Jinan, China, [email protected], Song Xianhua.

3. Corporate tax competition among Chinese provinces, Chen Yang. Xi'an Jiaotong- Liverpool University, [email protected], Paulo Regis.

4. Study of Cross-border Investment Risk of China’s Enterprises----Comparison between China’s State-owned Enterprises and Private Ones, Zhiyuan Zhang. Jilin University of Finance and Economics, [email protected], Yu Fan.

Session Number: E8 Session Title: Special topics in industrial organization Venue: RAWL 4054 Chair: Gene Chang, Professor, University of Toledo

Time: 8:00 – 10:00 am

1. Does China's WTO Accession Reduce labor share: Empirical Evidence from Firm- level Data in Manufacturing Sector, Liang Zhonghua. Peking University, Columbia University(Visiting Scholar)[email protected], Miaojie Yu.

2. Endogenous Product Cycles in Heterogeneous Industries and Intellectual Property Rights: Theory and Evidence, Shao Yuchen. University of Colorado at Boulder, [email protected].


3. Expanded Hotelling Model Based on Customer Conformity Behavior, Huang Hao. Wuhan University of Technology, [email protected], Yu Qian.

4. Influence of Ownership on Hospital Performance: Model and Empirical Evidence, Chang Kathryn. Sonoma State University, [email protected]. Gene Chang, Professor, University of Toledo.

5. Human Capital, Innovation and Imitation in Chinese Manufacturing firms, Sun Xiuli. Georgia Institute of Technology, [email protected].

Session Number: E9 Session Title: Corporate Finance Venue: RAWL 1057 Chair: Rong , Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. Real Activities Manipulation versus Accrual-Based Manipulation: Evidence from the Emerging Chinese Market, Gu Yan. School of Economics, Fudan University, [email protected], Li Zengfu, Lian Yujun.

2. Financing decision between debt and equity: evidence from China’s industries data, Wang Dalin. Econ Department, College of Business, University of Nebraska, [email protected], Jinlan Ni.

3. Corruption News and Corporate Performance: Evidence from China, Ramirez Carlos. George Mason University, [email protected], Yi Huang.

4. The Collateral Channel: How Real Estate Shocks Affect Firm Innovation, Zhao Rong, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE), [email protected], Jinlan Ni.

Session Number: E10 Session Title: Microeconomics Venue: RAWL 1062 Chair: Guan Gong, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. Child Gender, Parental Labor Market Outcomes, and Intergenerational Transfer of Childcare, Wang Qing. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, [email protected].

2. How to design the optimal intergovernmental transfer scheme with perfect mobile labor under asymmetric information, SONG WEIWEI. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, [email protected], Yang Chen.


3. Patent statistics: A good indicator for innovation in China? Patent subsidy program impacts on patent quality, Patent statistics. University of Tokyo, [email protected], Jianwei Dang.

Session Number: E11 Session Title: Migration in China Venue: RAWL 2077 Chair: Shunfeng Song, University of Nevada at Reno

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. Intergenerational educational and occupational mobility in China, XIE yuanyuan. University of York, [email protected].

2. The impact of migration on marital instability: evidence from China, Du Fenglian. School of Economics and Management, Inner Mongolia University, [email protected], Xiao-yuan Dong.

3. Can Contact Help to Improve the Attitudes towards Migrants? Evidence from Urban China, Sen Xue. Research School of Economics, Australian National University. [email protected].

4. Migration and the Left-behind:Does the Migration improve the Elders’ well-being in China?, Li Fan. LICOS-KULeuven, [email protected].

5. Occupational Information Acquisition, Occupational Mobility and Urbanization of New Generation Migrant Workers in China, Yuan YAO. Province Science and Technology Development Strategy Research Institute, [email protected], Guangsheng Zhang.

Session Number: E12 Session Title: Research on human capital: The role of education Venue: RAWL 2079 Chair: Lizheng Shi, Tulane University

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. Can We Stop Half The Sky From Falling? The Effect of Parental Education on the Sex Ratio, Chen Cheng. Lehigh University, [email protected], Lea Giménez, Shin- Yi Chou, Jin-Tan Liu.

2. Effect of Schooling on Cognitive Abilities and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Compulsory Schooling Laws (CSLs) in China, Huang Wei. Department of Economics, Harvard University, [email protected].

3. The Impact of Stricter High School Math Requirements on College STEM Attainment, Jia Ning. University of Notre Dame, [email protected].


4. The Peer Effects on Academic Achievement in the Computer Assisted Learning Classes: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Rural Primary Schools in and Qinghai Provinces, Weiming Huang. Freeman Spogli Institute, [email protected], Di Mo, Scott Rozelle.

Session Number: E13 Session Title: Organized Session: Education and Health of Children in China Venue: RAWL 1011 Chair: Yan Yuan, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. Who are Left behind: Children Left in the Village or Migrated to the City with their Parents?, Yuan Yan. SWUFE, [email protected], Yanhong Jin.

2. Do Physical Activity Contribute to Children’s Nutritional Status? Evidence from China 1989-2009, Gong Qiang. SWUFE, [email protected], Yan Yuan.

3. Is Maternal Employment Related to Childhood Obesity in China? Evidence from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, Ruizhi Xie. [email protected], Titus O. Awokuse.

Session Number: E14 Session Title: Organized Session: Term Structure Model of Interest Rates Venue: RAWL 1071 Chair: Wu Jing Cynthia, University of Chicago

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. A Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Yield Curve Model with Markov Switching, Levant Jared. University of Alabama, [email protected], Jun Ma.

2. Term Structure of Interest Rate Volatility and Macroeconomic Uncertainty, WU JING CYNTHIA. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, [email protected], Drew Creal.

3. Measuring Monetary Policy Uncertainty, Wu Shu. University of Kansas, [email protected], Shangwen Huang.

4. The S-factor and Bond Risk Premia, Ma Xuyang. University of Washington, Economics Department, [email protected].

Session Number: E15 Session Title: Organized Session: The Environment and Agriculture Venue: RAWL 2058 Chair: Carnegie Rachel, Purdue University

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm


1. Flood Insurance in Rural China: Are Farmers Willing to Buy?, Jinzheng Ren. College of Economics and Management, China Agriculture Universtiy, [email protected]. Longling Li, China Agriculture University, and H. Holly Wang, Purdue University.

2. An Empirical Analysis about Effect of Agricultural Insurance on Farmers’ Income: Results from Inner Mongolia, Zhao Yuanfeng. Inner Monoglia Agricultural University, [email protected], Chai zhihui.

3. Agricultural Suitability and Urbanization: China 1000 BC to 2000 AD, Li Xiaofei. Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, [email protected], Raymond Florax, Brigitte Waldorf.

4. Water Scarcity and International Agricultural Trade, Taheripour Farzad. Purdue University, [email protected], Jing Liu; Thomas Hertel; Tingju Zhu; Claudia Ringler.

Session Number: E16 Session Title: Economics of the agricultural sector Venue: RAWL 4054 Chair: Jinlan Ni, University of Nebraska at Omaha

Time: 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

1. Heterogeneity in Estimation of Total Factor Productivity in Chinese Agriculture, Yu Bingxin. International Food Policy Research Institute, [email protected].

2. Industrial output fluctuations in developing countries: General equilibrium consequences of agricultural productivity shocks, Lee Hyojung. Purdue University, Economics, [email protected].

3. Land acquisition, labor allocation and income growth of farm households: evidence of Xingwen County in southwestern China, Qingjiang Ju. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, [email protected], Jinlan Ni, Debing Ni.

4. GMO Regulations and the Food Self-sufficiency Rate, Shao Qianqian. Technische Universität München / Technical University of Munich, [email protected], Justus Wesseler, Maarten Punt.

Session Number: E17 Session Title: Research on problems in rural China Venue: RAWL 1057 Chair: Junfu Zhang, Clark University

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Text Messaging and Its Impacts on the Health and Education of the Poor: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Rural China, MO DI. Stanford University,


[email protected]. Renfu Luo, Chengfang Liu, Huiping Zhang, Linxiu Zhang,Alexis Medina and Scott Rozelle.

2. Ordeal Mechanisms and Information in the Promotion of Health Goods in Developing Countries: Evidence From Rural China, Ma Xiaocehn. University of California, Davis. [email protected]. Sean Sylvia, Matthew Boswell, Scott Rozelle.

3. Managerial Incentives in Public Service Delivery: Evidence from School-based Nutrition Programs in Rural China, Sylvia Sean. University of Maryland, [email protected]. Renfu Luo, Grant Miller, Scott Rozelle, Marcos Vera-Hernandez.

4. The Evaluation of Migration’s Effect on Farmer Welfare, yang guotao. Ningxia University, [email protected], liu zihe,duan jun.

Session Number: E18 Session Title: Trade Venue: RAWL 1062 Chair: WANG QIANQIAN. Henan University

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Non-Homothetic Gravity: The home-market effect and comparative advantage in international trade, XIE Weisi. Department of Economics, University of Colorado at Boulder. [email protected].

2. Productivity ,Product Quality and the Choice of Export Destinations, Fangjing Li. School of Economics and Management, Southeast University of China, [email protected], Bin,Qiu.

3. Exporters in Cross Section: Direct vs. Intermediated Trade, WANG QIANQIAN. Henan University, [email protected], Mark Gibson.

4. Product Varieties, Extensive and Intensive Margins of China’s Exports: Evidence From US Imports, Islam Sadequl. Laurentian University, [email protected].

Session Number: E19 Session Title: Urban development and policy Venue: RAWL 2077 Chair: Shuming Bao, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Rationality Evaluation on the Planning Scale of High Speed Rail Towns, Yexi Zhong. Regional development and Planning Institute of Jiangxi Normal University, [email protected], Shuming Bao,Jie Huang.


2. A Spatial Analysis of New Development Zones in China, Shuming Bao. University of Michigan China Data Center, [email protected], Jianxun Rui.

3. Are Rising College Premiums Capitalized into House Prices? Evidence from China, Shen Leilei. Kansas State University, [email protected], Tracy Turner.

4. Optimal contribution rate and bookkeeping interest rate of public pension, Yang Zaigui. Central University of Finance and Economics, [email protected].

Session Number: E20 Session Title: Organized Session: Economic Growth and Food Market Demand Venue: RAWL 2079 Chair: Holly Wang, Purdue University

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Dietary Diversity in Urban and Rural China, Liu Jing. Purdue University, [email protected], Gerald Shively, Purdue University, and James Binkley, Purdue University.

2. The Market Power of Chinese Wine Industry, Zheng Qiujie. University of Alaska Anchorage, [email protected], H. Holly Wang, Purdue University.

3. Quality Demand in the Food Service Industry in Urban China, Carnegie Rachel. Purdue University, [email protected], H. Holly Wang, Nicole Olynk Widmar, David Ortega, Jinshan Liu.

Session Number: E21 Session Title: Organized Session: Empirical Macroeconomics and Finance Venue: RAWL 1011 Chair: Jun Ma, University of Alabama

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Understanding Housing Market Volatility, Ma Jun. University of Alabama, [email protected], Shu Wu.

2. What Drives Housing Dynamics in China? A Sign Restrictions VAR Approach, Bian Timothy. Georgetown University, [email protected], Pedro Gete.

3. Measuring the Macroeconomic Impact of Monetary Policy at the Zero Lower Bound, Xia Fan Dora. University of California, San Diego, [email protected], Wu, Jing Cynthia.

4. Macroeconomic News, Monetary Policy and the Real Interest Rate at the Zero Lower Bound, Zhang Ji. PBC School of Finance, , [email protected].


Session Number: E22 Session Title: Organized Session: China’s Environmental Economics Venue: RAWL 1071 Chair: Jie He, University of Sherbrooke

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Pollution from the Manufacturing Industries in China: the Role of Technology, Domestic Consumption and Export, lu xiaodong. Sun Yat-sen University, [email protected], Luodan Xu, Anping Huang.

2. Environmental comparative advantage of china: An investigation based on bilateral trade data and carbon dioxide emission embodied in trade, Anping Huang. Sun Yat- sen University, [email protected], Jie He, University of Sherbrooke, [email protected].

3. Shale Gas Development in China: A Comparison with the US Experience, Zhongmin Wang. RFF, [email protected], Lei Tian, Energy Research Institute, China, Zhongmin Wang, Resources for the Future, Washington DC, Alan Krupnick, Resources for the Future, Washington DC, Xiaoli Liu, Energy Research Institute, China.

4. Luck or Reality? The Hypothesis of Environmental Kuznets Curve Revisited via "data snooping, Haisheng Yang. Sun Yat-Sen University, University of Sherbrooke, Jinan University, Jie He, University of Sherbrooke, [email protected], Shaoling Chen.

Session Number: E23 Session Title: Industrial Organization Venue: RAWL 2058 Chair: Yong Yang, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific, Corporate Economics and Strategic Issues, Ford Motor Company

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. Industrial Structure and Energy Use-- A Model and Empirical Evidences, Feng Junxin. Renmin University of China, [email protected], David Daokui Li, Jin Wang.

2. Identication and Estimation of Entry Games Under Symmetry of Unobservable, Zhou Yu. University of Michigan, [email protected].

3. A Model of Advance Selling with Consumer Heterogeneity and Limited Capacity, Zeng Chenhang. RCGEB, Shandong University, [email protected], X. Henry Wang.

4. China’s Telecommunications Service Sector and Its Implications for World Economy, Kanungo Anil. Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, [email protected].


Session Number: E24 Session Title: Trade Balance and International Economics Venue: RAWL 4054 Chair: Zhang, Kevin H., Illinois State University

Time: 1:30 – 3:30 pm

1. What Drives Export Competitiveness? The Role of FDI in the Chinese Manufacturing, Zhang, Kevin H., Illinois State University, [email protected].

2. The China Puzzle: Theory and Evidence on the Behavior of Chinese Exports during the 2008-2009 Global Financial Crisis, Hao Hang-Wei. University of California, Davis, [email protected].

3. On the Relationship between Exchange Rates and External Imbalances: East and Southeast Asia, Regis Paulo. Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, [email protected], Juan Carlos Cuestas.

4. Tax Evasion through Trade Intermediation: Evidence from Chinese Exporters, Xuepeng Liu. Kennesaw State University, [email protected], Huimin Shi, Renmin University of China, Michael Ferrantino, The World Bank.

5. Global Imbalance, Income Inequality and Saving Nexus: A New Theory with Evidence from OECD and Emerging Asia, Dong Baomin. Henan University, [email protected], Xinhua Gu, Bihong Huang.

Session Number: E25 Session Title: China's spatial policies: Land leasing, development zones, and Hukou Venue: RAWL 1057 Chair: Yuan Yan, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. Human Capital Investment, Endowment and Social Mobility in China: 1989-2009, Qian Xuechao. The University of Hong Kong, [email protected], Yuan Yan.

2. Residents’ Sense of Place with the Development of Development Zones---Based on Survey in Communities around the Minhang Development Zone, KONG XIANG. The Center For Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, [email protected], yufei ZHANG.

3. Study on Local Governmental Land Leasing Choice under Financial Gap: Collusion with State-owned Firms, Zhao Wenzhe. School of Economics, Central University of Finance and Economics, [email protected], Jidong Yang.

4. The Effects of Education Restrictions on Rural-Urban Migration in China, Liu Lihan. University of Wisconsin-Madison, [email protected].


Session Number: E26 Session Title: Environmental and Agricultural Economics Venue: RAWL 1062 Chair: Wuyang Hu, University of Kentucky, [email protected]

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. Visibility has more to say about the pollution-income link, YUAN JIA. University of Macau, [email protected], Bin Dua, Zhigang Li.

2. Adaptation to Climate Change and Their Effects in Reducing the Crop Yield Risks in China, Wang Yangjie. Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, [email protected].

3. How Dark is the Environmental Side of China’s Economic Growth? An International Comparative Evaluation, LU Ding. University of the Fraser Valley, [email protected].

4. Chinese Farmer Participation in Hog Insurance, Hu Wuyang. University of Kentucky, [email protected], Ping Qing, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wei Wan, University of Kentucky.

Session Number: E27 Session Title: Political Economy Venue: RAWL 2077 Chair: Orn Bodvarsson, St. Cloud State University

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. Social Security in a Two-Country Model with Myopic Agents, Wen Xue. Laboratory for the Analysis of Complex Economic Systems, IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies, Italy, [email protected].

2. Collapse of filial piety and elderly welfare in rural China, Ouyang Yusi. The University of Tulsa, [email protected].

3. Income Distribution, New Consumers Margin and Variable Markup, Liu Yue. Tsinghua University, [email protected].

4. Entrepreneurship: Productive, Rent Seeking and Rent Extraction - An Expansion of Baumol’s Theory with Evidence from China, Zhang Yongjing. University of Ottawa, [email protected], Zhiqiang Dong, Xiahai Wei.

Session Number: E28 Session Title: Economic Growth in China Venue: RAWL 1011


Chair: Liu Xiaoguang, China Center for Economic Research, National School of Development, Peking University

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. EKC Analysis for Economic Growth and Water Quality:A case of Pearl River Basin, Jing Lu. Sun Yat-sen University, [email protected], Anping Huang.

2. Total Factor Productivity and China's Growth Miracle: An Empirical Analysis, Jiang Chunxia. Middlesex University Business School, [email protected], Jianhua Zhang, Peng Wang, The People’s Bank of China.

3. "Climate Change and Economic Growth in China-Evidence from Spatial Econometric Analysis", Jr-Tsung Huang. National Chengchi University, [email protected], Tsun-Feng Chiang.

4. The Puzzle of Rising Capital Return in China, Liu Xiaoguang. China Center for Economic Research, National School of Development, Peking University, [email protected], LU Feng, Professor of National School of Development, Peking University.

5. Migration, Agglomeration and Growth-Evidence from China, Shen Kunrong. School of Economics, Nanjing University, [email protected], Jixiang Yu, Desu Liu.

Session Number: E29 Session Title: Household Saving and Investment Venue: RAWL 1071 Chair: Lugauer Steven, University of Notre Dame

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. Demographic Patterns and Household Saving in China, Lugauer Steven. University of Notre Dame, [email protected], Nelson Mark, Chadwick Curtis.

2. Financial Availability and Households' Consumption in China: Evidence from CHFS Data, Yin Zhichao. Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, [email protected], Quanyun Song;Yu Wu.

3. Consumption risk sharing under changing trends in household-head earnings: evidence from Taiwan, Gao Bin. University of Houston, [email protected].

4. The Extensive and Intensive Margins of Equity Home Bias: Theory and Evidence, Liu Yuan. University of California Davis, [email protected].

5. Government Size, Trade Openness, and International Business Cycles, Jiang Mingming. University of California Riverside, [email protected].

Session Number: E30 Session Title: Empirical Macroeconomics


Venue: RAWL 2058 Chair: Hou Jack. California State University, Long Beach

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. A Markov Switching Phillips Curve for China, Egan Paul. University of Limerick, Ireland, [email protected], Dr. Anthony Leddin.

2. A DSGE-VAR Model for Forecasting the Chinese Economy, Bing Tong. Economic School, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, 475004, China, [email protected].

3. Dual-stickiness and alternative monetary rules —— A Bayesian DSGE Approach to China's Economy, Sun Zexi. China Aerospace Industry Investment Fund, [email protected], Nan Hu, Shantou University.

4. Lewisian Turning Point and Adjustments of China’s Employment Structure, Hou Jack. California State University, Long Beach, [email protected], Xingming Fan, SWUFE, China, and Xiana Han, Henan University, China.

5. Can Complete Sterilization Sterilize Completely? Cun Wukuang. Rutgers University, [email protected], Jie Li.

Session Number: E31 Session Title: Financial Economics Venue: RAWL 4054 Chair: Ding Lu, [email protected], University of the Fraser Valley

Time: 3:45 – 5:45 pm

1. Research on the Linkage and Spillover Effects between China’s Stock Market and Real Estate Market, Jianhua Guo. Department of Economics and Management; Shaoyang University, [email protected].

2. Realized Range-based Betas Based on High Frequency Data and Its Application in Shenzhen Stock Market, GUO MINGYUAN. College of Management and Economics, Tianjin University, [email protected].

3. Venture or Safety? Retirement and Portfolio Choice, Chen Guodong. University of Michigan, [email protected], Tong Yob Nam.

4. Imapct of Unconventional Monetary Policies on East Asian Asset Prices, Xie Taojun. Nanyang Technological University, [email protected].


Training Workshop on Spatial Social Science (RAWL 3082)

6:00 – 6:50 PM Introduction to Spatial Social Sciences: Theory, Methodology, Data, Technology and Applications

Dr. Shuming Bao (Director of the China Data Center at the University of Michigan)

6:50 – 7:00 PM Break

7:00 – 7:50 PM A Spatial Study of the Chinese Religious Market

Dr. George Hong (Professor of Economic History at Purdue University Calumet and the Co-Director of the Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University)

Mr. Jiamin Yan (Graduate Assistant at Purdue University Calumet)

7:50 – 8:00 PM Break

8:00 – 8:50 PM Spatial Statistics of Chinese Religions: Explorations

Dr. Fenggang Yang (Professor of Sociology and Director of Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University)

Mr. Miao Li (Graduate Student at Purdue University)

8:50 – 9:30 PM Discuss



LlastName FfirstName Email Organization ABDULRAHMAN BARRIE 27 Lumley street BARIERHAMAN ENTERPRISE An Jiyoun [email protected] Kyung Hee University Ayuningtyas Prima Georgia State University Bao Shuming [email protected] University of Michigan Bian Yang [email protected] Georgetown University Bodvarsson Orn B. [email protected] St. Cloud State University Chang Gene Hsin [email protected] University of Toledo Chen Cheng [email protected] Lehigh University Chen Yang [email protected] Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Chiang Tsun-Feng [email protected] School of Economics, Henan University Cun Wukuang [email protected] Dang Jianwei Dong Baomin [email protected] Henan University Du Fenglian [email protected] Inner Mongolia University Egan Paul [email protected] University of Limeirck FADEBI OLALEKAN SOUTH AFRICAN ECONOMIC CONSULTANTS Faisal Yusuf [email protected] Georgia State University Faisal Yusuf [email protected] GSU Fan Li [email protected] LICOS-Center of Institutions and Economic Performance, KU Leuven Fu Hongchun [email protected] East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Gao Bin 8450 Cambridge st, apt 3228 University of Houston Gong Qiang [email protected] GUO MINGYUAN [email protected] Han Jinmian [email protected] Northwest University Hao Hang-Wei [email protected] University of California, Davis Ho Kin-Yip [email protected] The Australian National University Hou Jack W. [email protected] California State University, Long Beach Hu Jiao [email protected] University of Virginia Hu Wuyang [email protected] Huang Wei [email protected] Harvard University Huang Weiming [email protected] Rural Education Action Program Huang Anping [email protected] Universite de Sherbrooke 800 West Marietta St, NW Westmar Lofts #511A, Atlanta, Husein Muchsinin GA GSU Islam Sadequl [email protected] Laurentian University Jia Ning [email protected] University of Notre Dame Jiang MingMing [email protected] University of California, Riverside jianhua guo [email protected] Jin Hao [email protected] Indiana University Bloomington Ju Qingjiang [email protected]


KONG xiang [email protected] East China Normal University Kun Ma [email protected] Le Grand Etienne [email protected] Stanford 403 West State Street, Krannert Li Xiaofei 689 Purdue University 8 Peabody Terrace, Apt 21, Li Mingqiang Cambridge MA. 02138 Harvard School of Public Health Liang Zhonghua [email protected] Peking University Liu Jing [email protected] Purdue University Liu Xiaoguang [email protected] Peking University liu desu [email protected] School of Business, Nanjing University Liu Jing [email protected] Liu Lihan [email protected] University of Wisconsin-Madison Liu Xuepeng [email protected] Kennesaw State University Liu Yue [email protected] Tsinghua University Lu Ding [email protected] University of the Fraser Valley Lugauer Steven [email protected] University of Notre Dame 800 Ivydale, Ann Arbor, MI luo hao 48103, U.S.A. university of michigan Ma Jun [email protected] University of Alabama Ma Xuyang [email protected] MO DI [email protected] Ni Jinlan [email protected] University of Nebraska at Omaha 800 W Marietta ST NW Atlanta Purwanto Agung Hidayat Georgia 30318 Georgia State University Putra Rifki Mamura Georgia State University Qian Mengcen [email protected] Qian Xuechao [email protected] Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Ramirez Carlos [email protected] George Mason University Regis Paulo [email protected] Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University REN JINZHENG [email protected] CHINA AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY Rui Jianxun [email protected] Univ. of Michigan Schneider Henry [email protected] Shao Qianqian [email protected] Technische Universit?t M??nchen Shao Yuchen [email protected] University of Colorado at Boulder Shao Renli [email protected] Xianyang Normal University Shen Kunrong [email protected] Nanjing University (Stanford University) Shen Leilei [email protected] Kansas State University Shi Lizheng [email protected] Tulane University Song Shunfeng [email protected] University of Nevada, Reno Song Bingtao [email protected] Henan University Mahamukut Buddhist University Sramon Ananda Priya Sirindhorn Student in Mahamukut Buddhist University in Bangkok Thailand Sun Xiuli [email protected] Georgia Institute of Technology Sylvia Sean [email protected] University of Maryland-College Park Tang Yao [email protected] Bowdoin College Wang Holly [email protected] Purdue University


Wang Jing [email protected] University of Notre Dame Wang Wei [email protected] Wang Xinghe [email protected] University of Missouri-Columbia Wang Dalin [email protected] The University of Nebraska at Omaha Wang Qing [email protected] University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Wang Qian [email protected] Henan University Wang Zhongmin [email protected] Resources for the Future Wu Jing Cynthia [email protected] University of Chicago wu weiwei [email protected] University of Missouri-columbia Wu Shu [email protected] University of Kansas Xia Fan Dora [email protected] University of California, San Diego xie yuanyuan [email protected] university of york Xie Ruizhi [email protected] University of Delaware Xie Weisi [email protected] University of Colorado at Boulder Yang Zaigui [email protected] Central University of Finance and Economics Yang Yong [email protected] Ford Motor Company Yang Ziyan [email protected] University of Maryland, College Park You Wen [email protected] Virginia Tech Yu Jixiang 22 Hankou Road, Nanjing University Yu Yang [email protected] Lehigh University YUAN YICAI [email protected] University of California, Berkeley Yuan Yan [email protected] Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Zeng Chenhang [email protected] Shandong University Zhang Cong [email protected] Zhang Ji [email protected] Tsinghua University Zhang Xun [email protected] Peking University zhao wenzhe [email protected] CUFE Zheng Qiujie [email protected] University of Alaska Anchorage XiSanLu, DaXueCheng, Zhiqiang Dong GuangZhou South China Normal University Zhong Yexi [email protected] Jiangxi Normal University Zhou Dong [email protected] University of California Zhou Yu [email protected] University of Michigan Zou Ben [email protected] University of Maryland