China's Further Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World

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China's Further Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World 中国留美经济学会2014年度北美学术研讨会 The Chinese Economists Society (CES) North-American Conference March 14-15, 2014 中国进一步经济改革对世界经济发展的意义 China’s Further Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World Economy 主办单位 Organizers 中国留美经济学会 The Chinese Economists Society 普渡大学 Purdue University 河南大学 Henan University Conference Committee CES Officers (2013-2014) Professor of Krannert School of Management PRESIDENT: Dr. John M. Barron Dr. Ni, Jinlan (倪金兰) University of Nebraska at Omaha Associate Dean of Krannert School of Management PRESIDENT-ELECT: Dr. Justin Tobias Dr. Shi, Lizheng Tulane University Professor of Agriculture Economics Dr. Holly H. Wang VICE PRESIDENTS: Dr. Bodvarsson, Orn Administrative Assistant St. Cloud State University Ms. Denise Wilson Dr. Chen, Anping (陈安平) Administrative Assistant Jinan University Ms. Kathryn R. Walters Dr. Song, Bingtao (宋丙涛) Henan University BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Dr. Bai, Yan (白艳) University of Rochester Dr. He, Jie (何洁) University of Sherbrooke Dr. Ma, Jun (马俊) University of Alabama PUBLICATION China Economic Review Editor-in-Chief Dr. Fleshier, BeltonThe Ohio State University ACADEMIC PUBLICATION COUNCIL: Dr. Hou, Jack, Chair(候维忠) California State University at Long Beach FINANCING COMMITTEE: Dr. YIN, Jason, Chair(伊尊声) Seton Hall University EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: Dr. Bao, Shuming(鲍曙明) University of Michigan CES Advisory Board 学术顾问 Arrow, Kenneth J., Stanford University Liu, Guoguang, Chinese Academy of Social Bergsten, C. Fred, Peterson Institute for Sciences International Economics O’Brien, Patrick, London School of Economics Cheng, Chu-Yuan, Ball State University Perkins, Dwight H., Harvard University Chow, Gregory, Princeton University Sachs, Jeffrey D., Columbia University Dernberger, Robert, University of Michigan Woo, Wing Thye, University of California at Hsiao, William, Harvard University Davis Heckman, James J., University of Chicago Wu, Jinglian, Development Research Council Klein, Lawrence, University of Pennsylvania of the State Council Li, Yining, Peking University Yu, Tzong-Shian, Economic and Enterprise Lin, Justin Yifu, World Bank Research Institute of Taiwan Table of Contents 目录 Welcome Message 欢迎词 p. 1 Introduction of CES 学会简介 p. 2 Introduction of Host University 主办大学及学院简介 p. 5 Conference Highlights 大会日程简介 p. 9 Keynote Speakers 主讲嘉宾简介 p.10 Program of Sessions 大会分组议程 p.12 Continuing Education Program 继续教育培训讲座 p.30 Appendix 附录 Participants 参会人员 p.35 CES thanks all following sponsors Department of Economics at Krannert School of Management Global Policy Research Institute, Purdue University Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University Confucius Institute at Purdue School of Economics, Henan University Welcome 欢迎词 Welcome everyone to the 2014 CES North America Conference at Purdue! Hosting the CES conference in North America is of great importance to CES and to its long-term sustainability, in particular. CES was founded in 1985 with a mission to promote China’s economic reform and global scholarly exchange. In the past three decades, while China has experienced dramatic 欢迎各位会 economic growth and social change, CES has 员和嘉宾学者参加 2014 年普渡留美 also grown and is becoming one of the most influential academic bodies for the 经济学会北美年会。 advancement and dissemination of economics 举办留美经济学会(以下称“学 and management research and policymaking in China. I am proud to say CES is part of 会”)北美年会对学会及其长期发展 China’s economic progress and success. 非常重要。学会成立于 1985 年, 承 However, this does not mean that CES’s mission has been accomplished. Instead, we 担着推动中国经济改革和促进全球学 realize that in addition to meeting the 者交流的重要使命。在过去的 30 多 continued demand for promoting China’s reform and engagement in world economy, 年中,中国经历了快速的经济发展和 there is an increasing demand for studying 巨大的社会变革。在中国经济发展的 China by both academia and non-academia in North-America and the rest of the world. 同时,学会成长为促进中国经济学与 With such a demand, CES shall take the lead 管理学发展传播和政策制定规范化的 to make the connection in expanding its mission to promote scholarly exchange 最具影响力的学术机构之一。可以自 among its members in North-America and 豪地说,学会已经成为中国经济发展 around the world. 过程中的一部分。当然,这并不意味 Under the theme of “China’s Further 着学会的使命已经完成。相反,我们 Economic Reform and Its Implications for the World Economy”, the conference covers a 还意识到,北美乃至世界各地的学术 wide range of topics on China’s current 和非学术机构对中国研究的需求日益 economic reform and future development. The conference particularly focuses on the 增长的现实给我们提出了新的目标。 challenges China is facing including rising 在此背景下,我们认为,学会应该增 labor costs, worsening environmental pollution, and delayed institutional reforms, to 强使命感,努力倡导并促进北美会员 name a few. I am pleased to report that this 与世界各地会员之间的学术交流。 year we have received more than 150 submissions and 120 papers were accepted for 本次会议以“中国经济改革的深入 presentation. In addition to the participants 发展及其对世界经济的启示”为题, from North America, we have more than 60 presenters from China. Please join me in 覆盖了当前中国经济改革和未来发展 welcoming them!!! In addition, we have also attracted more than 50 new doctoral student 1 的诸多课题。这次会议重点关注当下 members, who normally would not be able to attend the CES China annual conference due 中国面临的挑战,如劳动力成本上 to time and budget constraints. Welcome! 升,环境污染加重,制度改革缓慢 They are the future of the CES. 等。在这里,我高兴地告诉大家我们 We are very fortunate and grateful to have 收到超过 150 多份材料,其中 120 this conference jointly hosted by Purdue University and Henan University. In 余篇论文被会议接收。除来自北美的 particular, we greatly appreciate the 参会者之外,有 60 多名参会者来自 Department of Economics at the Krannert School of Management, the School of 中国。请与我一起热烈欢迎他们。本 Agricultural Economics at Purdue, and the School of Economics at Henan University. I 次会议同时吸收了 50 多名新入会的 would like to express my heartfelt 研究生会员。由于时间和预算问题, appreciation to CES Finance Committee members for their generous financial support 他们无法参与学会的中国年会。在此 for subsidizing the travel expenses of some 我们欢迎这些学会的新鲜血液。他们 new student members. On behalf of CES, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to 是学会的未来! all of our sponsors. 我们有幸与普渡大学和河南大学 I look forward to a frank and productive 联合举办此次会议。特别地,我们要 exchange of views and opinions at this 感谢普渡大学克兰纳特商学院经济 conference and wish everyone a wonderful weekend at the beautiful campus of Purdue! 系,农业经济学院和河南大学经济学 院。请让我表达对学会财务委员会成 Jinlan Ni, President of the Chinese Economists Society, 员由衷的谢意, 感谢他们对这次会 March 2014 议一些新学生会员交通费用的慷慨资 助。我在此代表学会向所有赞助者表 达诚挚的感谢。 热切期望大家在本次年会讨论 中,各抒己见、坦诚交流,和而不 同、止于至善,为本次学会北美年会 的成功共同努力。感谢各位的出席, 并祝您在普渡美丽的校园里度过一个 愉快的周末。 倪金兰, 留美经济学会主席,二零 一四年三月 2 学会简介 Introduction of CES 中国留美经济学会是注册在美国的一个非 The Chinese Economists Society is a non-profit academic organizationbased and registered in the 营利学术团体,于 1985 年 5 月 26 日在纽 United States. It was founded on May 26th1985 in 约市,由一批在中国开放初期留学北美的 New York Cityby a group of Chinese graduate 学子在纽约市发起成立的。学会宗旨在于 students and scholars in the United States and Canada. 推动会员的学术活动、致力于促进经济学 The aim of the Society is to promote scholarly exchanges among its members and contribute to the 和管理科学在中国的进步和传播。 advancement and dissemination of economics and 学会现有数百名活跃个人会员和几十家 management sciences in China. 机构会员。大部分个人会员是在美国和加 The CES currently has hundreds of active 拿大的经济管理学科领域工作或学习的华 individual members and dozens of institutional 裔学者或学生,其中许多来自中国大陆。 members. Most current individual members of the 这些会员在中国的根基加上其现代经济学 CES are Chinese scholars and students of economics 的专业知识,既是本学会在学术领域的独 and related fields in North America. The combination of many CES members’ roots in China and 特优势,也是我们为中国经济改革发展事 knowledge of modern economics gives the CES the 业献计献策的动力和条件。近年来,学会 competitive edge in the profession. It also helps the 也吸引了越来越多关心和研究中国经济的 CES develop channels to influence the Chinese economic policies and advocate market-based reforms 非华裔学者加入参与。 in China. In recent years, the CES has also attracted 历年来共有两千多人加入学会。他们遍及 more and more scholars and students of non-Chinese 北美、亚洲、欧洲和世界其他地区的大 background who are interested in the studies of the 学、研究机构、国际组织、政府部门、以 Chinese economy. 及工商金融业。许多会员在海外完成学业 Over years more than two thousand individuals 或工作一段时间后回到了中国,在各个领 have joined the CES from universities, research 域作出了杰出的贡献。学会的一些资深会 institutes, and other public or private organizations throughout North America, Asia, Europe and other 员和前任领导成员,已经成为一些重要政 regions of the world. Many CES members, after 府部门如中央银行和金融监管当局的主管 studying and working overseas for some years, have 官员,或者在大学、研究机构和跨国企业 now returned to work and live in China. Some of 中发挥着栋梁精英的作用,以及在世界银 them are playing leading roles in important government departments, universities, research 行、国际货币基金组织等国际机构中担任 institutes, multinational firms, and international 要职。由于这些会员的经历和背景,CE institutions such as World Bank and IMF. Thanks to S在中美之间的经济学术交流上起着重要 the links to these members, the Society is probably the most influential group that bridges academic 的桥梁作用。 exchanges in economics and related areas between the North America and China. 自从成立之初在普林斯顿举办第一次 To promote scholarly exchanges among its members, the Society holds the CES Annual Conference, with its 学术研讨会以来,学会每年举行 CES first held in Princeton, N.J. in 1985. It launched its 3 年会。学会在1989年创办的英文期 English-language journal China Economic Review (CER) in 1989. Just in a few years the journal achieved 刊《中国经济评论》,很快成为在中国 worldwide circulation and became a highly influential 经济研究领域具有高度影响力的国际专 academic periodical on the Chinese economy. CES became a member of the Allied Social Science 业期刊。学会于 1992 年加入美国社会 Association (ASSA) in 1992 and has sponsored 科学联合会(ASSA),并每年在美国 independent and joint sessions with other associations at annual ASSA meetings ever since. 社会科学联合会年会暨美国经济学年会 上举办数场专题讨论会。 In order to promote market-based economic reforms in China, the Society has since
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