Senate 14807 A
1963 C0NGRESSI0NAL RECORD- SENATE 14807 A. James D. Mann, 839 17th ·Street NW., A. Sessions & Caminita, 917 15th Street Washington, D;C, NW., Washington, D.C. SENATE B. National Association of Motor Bus B. Floyd A. Segel, 215 West Oregon Street, Owners, 839 17th Street ·NW., Washington, Milwaukee, Wis. T UESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1963 D.C. A. Clifford Setter, 55 West 44th Street, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, A. Morison, Murphy, Clapp & Abrams, the New York, N.Y. and was called to order by the President Pennsylvania Building, Washington, D.C. B. United States Plywood Corp. pro tempore. B. William S. Beinecke, 114 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown A. Laurence P. Sherfy, 1102 Ring Build Harris, D.D., offered the following ing, Washington, D.C. prayer: A. Raymond Nathan, 1741 DeSales Street B. American Mining Congress, Ring Build NW., Washington, D.C. ing, Washington, D.C. B. Associated Fur Manufacturers, 101 Our Father God, bowing at this way West 30th Street, New York, N.Y. side shrine where spirit with spirit may A. Gerald H. Sherman, 1000 Bender Build meet, we thank Thee for the ministry A. Raymond Nathan, 1741 DeSales Street ing, Washington, D.C. of prayer through whose mystic doors NW., Washington, D.C. B. Association for Advanced Life Under we may escape from the prosaic hum B. Glen Alden Corp., 1740 Broadway, New writing, 1120 Connecticut Avenue NW., drum of "day-by-day-ness" and, lifted to York, N.Y. Washington, D.C. a wider perspective, return illumined and empowered.
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