University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-25-1972 Sandspur, Vol 79 No 04, October 25,1972 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol 79 No 04, October 25,1972" (1972). The Rollins Sandspur. 1427. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/1427 "The OTHERS" ' ^ r ,+ ~m_ fr<HI* h m See page 2 and page 4. From The We Get Letters Basement Dear Editor: campaign. And, if they did knowaboui- A national poll, taken in early September, they did), they were and are just asbmi It is my hope that Peter's feature on the Scho­ claimed that 64% of the American electorate devious as many people believed them1 ol for Continuing Studies will shed a bit of light want to re-elect the President for another four on the "other" Rollins-who the people are, why year term. This is a sad situation indeed. Finally, we still have the terriblep^ they are here, how "we" regard them. It seems Surely the American public must understand Vietnam. What it comes down toistfe to me that the Rollins administration has adequ­ that the President is constantly lying to them tinuation and escalation of a policy j;, ately defined their existence and their program about the national and international scene. His destroying a tiny country halfway 1 (fees, degrees, class times, etc.), but they really record is a black one. As black as the caves of globe because that small country isvfo« have not defined their relation to the regular un­ Laos in which the survivors of that country have agreement (the Geneva Accords) thatfe dergraduate program. Dr. Riva refers to his scho­ spent their days over the last five years, as black even party to. This Administration hast ol as a "meaningful appendage"-but do we see as the despicable chumminess of the Sammy over 2J4 million tons of bombs on tliii; it that way? Have we been given reason to see it Davises and the Democrats for Nixon who since Nixon took office. Most of thek in that way, or in any way at all? I think not. patronize the place of death (the White House) was done in the South, ironically, Wet It must be noted that Rollins undergrads may because that's where the power is. nearly 20,000 men in that war since Nit take courses in the SFCS, but things get pretty After four years of negotiation, the only office, created hundreds of thou sands off muddy when one looks for any well-defined set prisoners from the war who have returned home spent billions of dollars, and furthered of rules applicable to credits, grades, or the num­ are the ones the North Vietnamese release for the rise of an immense drug industry thiii and abetted by members of the CIAs; ber of courses one is permitted in the evening pro­ propaganda reasons or are freed because of the gram. Should a Rollins undergraduate be able to efforts of peace advocates in this country. How can the American public returnu office who is more directly responsiblefc take as much as one-half of his degree require­ The President's domestic record is almost non­ atrocities? ments in a program which, among other things, existent. I suppose most of his domestic policies operates under a different grading scale? For could be limited to busing. And, he is still in favor So, a vote for Nixon means thisjn some, these courses are needed to complete a cer­ of an amendment to the Constitution to ban that legians: 1) the continuation of thet; tain "special" major which requires more than program of integration and desegregation. The won't go away in Indochina 2) discrin what is offered in the day program; for others the President's stand on that issue shows us that he against all minority groups in our owni night school offers simply a convenient way to is still an expert in political side-stepping. 3) more prisoners of war and men us action 4) more inflation and wageandpi fit one more "gut" course into a schedule that Nixon's unavailability to the press is another trols that favor big business 5) an ex was beginning to get rough. weak point in his administration. Why should he branch of government that is ignorantai' There will always be people who fit into both be afraid of the press when the Republicans own needs and wants of its own people, li categories. My point is that there should be a set most of the printed press media? As many news­ words, an isolated President. of rules and policies governing interrelations with papermen still say, "the Republicans own the our "appendage" that is now of nearly equal en­ newspapers, the Democrats just work there." Hemingway once wrote, "Whateverisfi rollment to the day school. Both schools do the That's why nobody should be too surprised to is moral, whatever is unnecessary isimi community many services, and the SFCS does see national polls telling of Nixon's formidable Richard Nixon, as well as Charles Colson, the undergraduate program a service in offering lead over McGovern on the front pages, and all Choitner, Bob Haldeman, John Elichma additional curricular options. But the inequities the McGovern stories on the inside pages. Mitchell, Maurice Stans, Spiro Agnew, Rodgers, and Melvin Laird are not n: between the two programs are obvious. In ad­ And, as usual, the President and his surrogate dition to those I've already mentioned, the fact That's why we need George McGovern campaigners are trying to scare the American more than ever." is that the respective fees are hardly comparable, people into voting for the Nixon administration. the student body makeup is radically different, They are still peddling the garbage politics that even the admission policies are, of necessity, this country was exposed to in the early 1950's. quite different. That's when Nixon was running for the Senate Sincerely, If there is an official Rollins document that and was apparently doing a darned good job con­ Michael C. Del Coli specifies rules and policies regarding relations and vincing people that his opponent in that Senate Dear Editor: interconnection between the respective schools, I race, Helen Gahagan Douglas, was a "red" sym­ Perhaps Alvin Toffler touched upon) haven't seen it-and it certainly has not been tac­ pathizer. Certainly, Nixon was not the originator which might affect every student hereat ked up on a wall in the Union. Are we a small of the anti-communist drive in those days. But, when he wrote Future Shock. liberal arts school of about 1200 or are we a cam­ he was awfully dramatic about it. I believe that I have found in my experience,thai pus of 2000+ that could easily expand further? the President hasn't changed too much on that person may exhibit a superficial desirefor I am using the term "campus" rather loosely score, at least as far as campaigning goes. Even here, but it is a fact that over 1000 students de­ Senator Muskie was trying to appeal to people's deep down inside he doesn't want tocl scend in the early evening on several occasions homes and dreams instead of their fears. No all. In other words, it looks far easier during the week. I think it is wonderful that the matter, though, the White House cabal will keep with serious problems rather than soh SFCS exists, but PLEASE, let's address ourselves on trying to scare the American people out of This is because to affect a solution a pers to the task of fully codifying the relationship^ their wits right up to the election. reorganize his thinking. A process wlj fortunately, is too exhausting or exasper. this "appendage" to the small institution called And how can we forget Watergate, probably the "average" person to attempt. Rollins. The task is not accomplished, or even be­ the biggest political scandal since the Teapot- George Orwell is probably correct gun, by naming Dr. Riva the Dean of Continuing Dome Affair under the Harding Administration. Education. The redefinition of his title is fine; There is one important political difference be­ "Freedom is Slavery" and "IgnoranceisSt now let us define for the first time the relation­ tween Harding and Nixon, however. Harding was After all, we have the freedom to affect ship his "other" program has with Rollins ignorant, Nixon is not. Nixon, Mitchell and in this school, or for that matter, thisi Maurice Stans all knew about the bugging of yet we are literally slaves to our own i» of f|fe Democratic National Headquarters. If they didn't make effective changes in our way - know about it, they were all running a sloppy our ignorance of the "laws" of humajj our strength in survival, for, I think i » (Continued on page 3, column 1) These thoughts barely scrape the surface of The Senator's first justification seems to stab iew how the mind of the animal "man" func- all that I remember—but my desire to share even at the heart of his candidacy-credibility. The Eagleton affair blasted George's honest, non- Tnldour ideal of human superiority would soon these stems from my wish for everyone who is still down there to realize what they have and to political, straight-from-the-heart image into a (speaking for myself, I hold true to the belief make the most of it.
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