“The Sitrep”. a Final Edition, for 2019, Is Planned for December – Perhaps to Include a Bit More Humour and News Before the “Silly Season” Reaches Its Conclusion
A collection of some of the Rolls of Honour from various Rhodesian High Schools Welcome to “THE SITREP” – your RLI RA-Africa newsletter – Volume 9, November 2019. Salutation Greetings all ouens and crows, from various Africa branches, to another edition of “The Sitrep”. A final edition, for 2019, is planned for December – perhaps to include a bit more humour and news before the “silly season” reaches its conclusion Rhodesian Forces Memorial Service – Sunday 10 November 2019 Hearty congratulations must be poured upon the Rhodesian Forces Memorial Committee who organised, and ran, an outstanding show at Dickie Fritz the day before Independence. This was not the first of such gatherings and particular attention had been paid to ironing-out past “niggles”. It was the third invitation for Rhodesian High Schools to lay a wreath on behalf of their school, in honour of those fallen during the war years. Twenty-seven schools were represented this year, whereas, only 17 were present at the 2017 ceremony – a sure sign of the increasing popularity of the event. Wing Cdr Bruce Harrison, Alan Strachan and Padre Bill Beer. MC for the day was none other than Wing Cdr Bruce Harrison whose sense of presence never fails to instil an atmosphere of relaxation and family unity, despite the formalities about to unfold. The Rhodesian Forces Memorial Committee is chaired by Alan Strachan who delivered the welcome – followed by prayers, led Lt Col Bill Dodgen, lesson delivered by Alf Herbst and the sermon conducted by Padre Bill Beer. Steve Prophet (RhAF) showed us how to sing “Amazing Grace” – properly, before Marcus Main-Baillie (RhAF) “turned the pages” to read random snippets of those who fell, whilst serving with various units, during the bush-war – not forgetting members of the general Rhodesian population and the animals that perished in the conflict.
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