International Conference on the Alliance Between South Africa and Israel

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Alternative title Notes and Documents - Centre Against ApartheidNo. 19/83 Author/Creator United Nations Centre against Apartheid Publisher United Nations, New York Date 1983-10-00 Resource type Reports Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa, Israel Coverage (temporal) 1983 Source Northwestern University Libraries Description This issue, published at the request of the Special Committee against Apartheid, contains the Declaration of the International Conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Israel as well as the concluding statement by H. E. Dr. O. O. Fafowora, Chairman of the Conference, and a list of participants. The Conference was held in the Vienna International Centre from 11 to 13 July 1983 with the participation of representatives of the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity, the League of Arab States and other inter-governmental organizations; representatives of Governments and of non-governmental organizations; and several experts. Format extent 18 page(s) (length/size) UNITED NATIONS

UNITED NATIONS CENTRE AGAINST APARTHEID $-TESAND DQOCUMENTS :JUN - 1984 = '/-_: ,_.!...... October 1983 I MMEMNATIONAL M CN MM ALM BUE SOMl AFRICA AND ISRAEL (Vienna, 11 to 13 July 1983) /,"IE: This issue, published at the request of the Special Committee against Apartheid contains the Declaration of the International Conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Israel as wii as the concluding statement by H. E. Dr. 0. 0. Fafowora, Chairman of the Conference, and a list of participants. The Conference was held in the Vienna International Centre from 11 to 13 July 1983 with the participation of representatives of the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movmnt, the Organization of African Unity, the League of Arab States and other inter-governmental organizations; representatives of Govrrents and of non-governmental organizations; and several experts./ 83-26333 *All material in these Notes and Documents may be freely reprinted. Acknowledgement, together with a copy of the publication containing the reprint, would be appreciated. United Mations, New York 10017 19/83

Declaration of the International conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Irael. 1. The International conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Israel met in pursuance of resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly condemning the growing collaboration by Israel with the racist regime in South Africa, which requested the Special Comittee to publicize the situation, and authorizing it to organize, co-sponsor or pro conferences in order to intensify the international canpaign against apartheid. Its main purpose was to analyze the relations between Israel and South Africa and consider necessary action in order to ensure that the authcrities in Israel desist forthwith from such collatoration. 2. Wile the General Assembly and the Special Coumittee have emphasized the primary responsibility of the major Western powers for the perpetuation of apartheid in South Africa, they have drawn attention to the particular responsibilty of Israel which has, in defiance of numerous resolutions of the United Nations, increased its collaboration with the racist regime in South Africa, especially in the military and nuclear fields, and has developed an alliance with that regime. This constitutes a grave menace to peace and stability in Africa and the world, and a serious challenge to the United Nations. Nzlear and military collaboration 3. The Conference focussed primarily on all aspects of military and nuclear collaboration between Israel and the racist regime of South Africa, and its wider ramifications and expressed its grave concern. 4. Despite the grater secrecy about these aspects of Israel-South Africa-Western co-operation, and certain ambiguous denials, evidence of Israel- South Africa collaboration has increased. At the same time overwhelming and onclusive evidence about the United States of Anerica and certain Western powers encouraging and assisting both countries in their nuclear and military collaboration was presented to the Conference. 5. The solemn declaration of the Organization of African Unity in 1963 that the African continent remain a denuclearized zone - endorsed and supported by the United Nations - has been undermined by the development of South Africa's nuclear weapon capability.

-2- 6. The racist regime of South Africa has developed its nuclear capability in order to threaten and blackmail African States in its futile efforts to subdue the forces of liberation in utter violation of international law. It is prepared in its tspration to cummit any crime in order to perpetuate racist domination. 7. The nuclear capabilities of both South Africa and Israel, therefore, pose an enrmus danger to peace in Africa, the Middle East and the world. 8. Rile the entire international ciUnmit is gravely concerned with the danger of nuclear war, and the United Nations has launched a World Disarmament Campaign, the inplications and danger of nuclear weapon capabilities of these regims, insensitive and defiant of world opinion, require the most urgent and serious consideration by the United Nations and all Governments. 9. The conference urges that the United Nations and its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), in all their activities of international cooperation in the nuclear field with the countries of Africa, should not extend such cooperation to the racist regime of South Africa. 10. The Conference also urges the international cammity to take steps to stop the illegal exploitation by the South African regime of the uraniun resources of Namibia, in which it has received assistance and encouragement from the United Kingdom, particularly in respect of the Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation. U1. The Conference urges the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Director-General of the International Atamic'Energy Agency to consult, and take action within the letter and spirit of the Charter of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency Statute, to end all cooperation with the South African regime, except with regard to inspection of nuclear facilities, by taking necessary measures ensuring that the decision-making organs of both organizations focus on these questions. It demands that South Africa submit all its nuclear installations and facilities for inspection by International Atomic Energy Agency. It also urges that both the General Assently of the United Nations and the General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency be requested to keep this matter under continous review for effective action to ensure that this threat to world peace and security is removed.

-3- 12. The Comference also draws attention to the extensive collaboration by Israel with the racist regime of South Africa in the conventional military field. This collaboration is directed against the oppresed people of South Africa, Namibia and Palestine, and against the independent States of Africa and the Arab world. 13. The Conference urges the United Nations Security Council Committee on the anms erbargo against South Africa to give urgent consideration to the matter and take effective action to stop such collaboration forthwith. Role of other Powers 14. The Conference expresses grave concern to the Governments of the United States of America and certain other Western powers as regards their attitudes towards this col ation which is not in accord with the United Nations General Assembly resolutions. 15. In this cormexion, the Conference considers that the so-called policies of "strategic cooperation" with Israel and "constructive engagement" with the South African racist regime, adopted by the United States of America, represent support for the alliance of Israel and South Africa against the aspirations of African States to keep their continent free frcm nuclear weapons, to complete the process of decolonization and to maintain regional peace and security. 16. The Conference expresses it serious regret at the opposition of many other Western powers to any condemnation of the collaboration by Israel with South Africa. 17. The Conference considers that all governments-that assist or condcue the collaboration between Israel and the racist regime of South Africa are undermining the cause of freedom and peace in Africa. 18. It urges all governments and organizations, especially in the Western countries, to condemn the collaboration between Israel and South Africa, and exercise all their influence in order to ensure that the Government of Israel desists fram such collaboration. 19. The Conference expresses the hope that no State would resune relations with Israel so long as it continues collaboration with South Africa, especially in the military and nuclear fields, and so long as it does not implement United Nations resolutions in this regard. 20. The Conference also expresses concern over the relations of the present Governments of Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay with South Africa, especially in the military field, and over any moves for a South Atlantic Pact with the participation of the racist regime of South Africa.

-4- 21. The Conference, in urging concerted international action against apartheid, calls upon the Western Permanent Mefbers of the Security Comcil to co-operate. in effective action by the Council under Chapter VII of the Charter in respect of the racist rei~me of South Africa. Need for wider dissemination of information on the collaboration between Israel and South Africa 22. In view of the deceitful propaganda by Israel and South Africa on their collaboration, and the attitude of the United States of America and several other Western countries, the Conference emphasizes the importance of dissemination of all relevant information, especially in the Western countries. 23. The Conference urges the United Nations, the Non-aligned Movement, the Organization of African Unity and other intergovernmental organizations, non- governmental organizations and the information media to co-operate for urgent and effective action towards this end. 24. The Conference also appeals to world universities, research institutions and similar academic bodies to plan, carry out and publish substantive, detailed and scholarly works on the subject, utilizing the evidence presented in this Conference. Conclusion 25. The Conference strongly condenis the Government of Israel for its collaboration with the racist r6gime of South Africa, especially in the military and nuclear fields, in flagrant defiance of United Nations resolutions. 26. The Conference commends those organizations and individuals in Israel who have declared their opposition to Israeli collaboration with the South African racist r~gine. 27. The Conference, taking note of the just struggles of the liberation movements of South Africa, Namibia and Palestine, urges all States, organizations and individuals to intensify their moral, political and material assistance to them. 28. The Conference ts the Chairman of the United Nations Special Committee against ' to address letters to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Director-eral of the International Atomic

-5 Energy Agency, the Chairperson of the Nar-Aligned lovmebnt, the Chairman of Organization of African Unity, the President of the Security Council, the President of the General Asseably and other appropriate international organizations, forwarding the text of this Declaration. The Oonference also requests the Special OQumittee to omtinue nnitoring developments in this field and overseeing impemantation of specific requests for action cotained in this Declaration.

-6- oclin address by H.E. Dr 0.0. Fafora, Chairnan of the International Conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Israel The International Conference on the Alliance between South Africa and Israel - with the participation of representatives of the United Nations, the Non-aligned movement, the Organization of African Unity, the League of Arab States and other intergoverninntal organizations; national liberation movements; and experts - has been a most businesslike,purposeful and action-oriented conference. We have been able to pool all available information on the nuclear and military collaboration between the Government of Israel and the racist regime of South Africa; to analyze the evidence; and to consider all the implications and ramifications of the unholy alliance which has emerged in recent years. We have focussed on the nuclear and military collaboration between Israel and South Africa . We have noted the involvement of the authorities of Taiwan. We have considered the attitudes of some major Western Powers which have condoned and supported this dangerous phenomenon in disregard of the United Nations resolutions and of the interests of international peace and security. We have formulated a Declaration which will be a guide for more effective action by all those truly committed to freedom in Africa and to peace. The Conference has been primarily concerned with the effects of the unholy alliance of Israel and the South African racist regime - which has replaced the Pretoria-Lisbon-Salisbury Axis that was destroyed by the heroic struggles of the peoples of Angola, Mozambique and Zixbabwe - to the oppressed people of South Africa and Namibia and to African States, and the menace which this unholly alliance presents to the oppressed people of South Africa and Namibia, as well as to all African States. In South Africa today, the oppressed people and their national liberation movenmt are waging a difficult struggle against a racist regime which continues to torture and kill patriots and to implement its plans to deprive the African majority of its citizenship. The Pretoria regime has intensified its war against the Namibian people for whom the United Nations has assumed special responsibility. It is occupying large areas of Angola and has conducted criminal raids against Lesotho and Mozambique, as well as numerous acts of terrorism, subversion and destabilization against neighbouring States.

-7- In this context, Israel and its friends have made a choice against the oppressed people and the forces of freedom, and against the indepeznt African States. They have allied themselves with the oppressors and of African people, indeed against the United Nations. This is a very serious matter, especially for Africa. We in Africa have a sacred duty to lend all necessary support to the freedam fighters of South Africa and Namibia until they attain freedum, and to assist the Front-line States in their defence against South African aggression. We cannot but denounce and fight the actions of Israel in support of the racist regime in Pretoria. The Western Powers have bestowed on South Africa the status of a regime with special responsibility for the defence of Western interests in Africa. This responsibility includes: (a) destruction of all liberation movements; (b) destabilization of Front-line States, particularly those committed to the liberation of Namibia and South Africa; and (c) defence of perceived Western interests in southern Africa. The actions of Israel are related to this Western strategy. The alliance between racist South Africa and Israel presents Africa with enornous security problem with very serious implications for the liberation struggle in Namibia and in South Africa itself. Just when the world thought that it was on the verge of getting the racists to abandon their obnoxious and inhuman doctrine, Israel's intervention in support of the racists has created new obstacles for the liberation struggle in Namibia and South Africa. Israel bears a heavy moral responsibility for this gross and unparalleled betrayal in the annals of mankind. That is why the Assenbly of Heads of State and Goverrment of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), at its recent session in Addis Ababa last nnth, denounced the collaboration betwaen Israel and South Africa. The work of this Conference, therefore, reflects the concern of the entire continent of Africa. As the chairman of this Conference, as the representative of the United Nations Special Oimiittee against Aprhid, and as an African, I wish to thank all participants and all others who have helped make this Conference successful. I thank particularly nmy colleagues in the Bureau and the members of the Drafting Committee; the Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations; and all the staff of the Conference including the interpreters, conference officers, and other meeting service staff. I cannot but say a few words again about the detractors of this Conference.

Hardly had the Special Committee annoced its intention to organize this Conference, than Israel began a virulent campaign to discredit it. The Penmanent Representative of Israel wrote to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and net with him, in order to exert pressure on the Secretariat to curtail normal services to this Conference. Senator Patrick MynihM from New York wrote to the Secretary of State of the United States to take action to stop the Conference. Soon after, the Permanent Representative of the United States of America at the United Nations also tried to exert pressure on the Secretariat. On the very eve of this Conference, the spokesman of the United States Department of State condemned the Conference. As I mentioned earlier in the Cnference, the Press e parnt of the 3ibassy of Israel in Vienna printed and circulated a scurrilous release on the Conference. All this propaganda is intended to convince people that Israel has only some miniscule trade with South Africa, and that this Conference is intended for other purposes. Anyone who has followed the proceedings of this Conference will know that this allegation is false. We have heard How only a few days ago, a consignment of pistols went from Vienna through Israel to South Africa in violation of the mandatory arms enbargo against South Africa. Israel and its mentor, the United States of America, have also claimed that this is not a United Nations conference and attacked the cosponsors - the Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO), the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OAJU) and the (kWC). Let me mtake it clear that the Special Committee co-operates in all its activities with numerous n.n-gove mental organizations, irrespective of their ideological and other differences, since we seek to unite all the people against the crime of apartheid. Afro-Asian Peoples' Solidarity Organization (AAPSO), the Organization of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU) and the World Peace Council (WPC) have always lent full co-operation to the Special ommittee and we appreciate their support, without any reservations whatsoever. We do not need the advice of collaborators with racist South Africa On our co- operaticn with non-vgowrnental organizations.

-9- Finally, Israel - with the collaboration of its mentor, the United States of America - has sought through their contentible propaganda to create the impression that African opposition to military co-operation between Israel and South Africa is inspired by the Arabs and by the . This is arrant nonsense. It is racist propaganda and it fully confirms Africans in their opposition to Israeli policies. We, Africans do not need anyone to teach us about freed=m. We value it as much as anyone else, and we do not need any lessons on the struggle for freedcmn, and on who our friends should be. The struggle for freedom in South Africa began well before the Rtussian revolution. Africa knows its friends and enemies in its struggle for the liberation of southern Africa. We shall not spurn the support of the socialist States or the Arab States in this struggle, in order to please the racists or their collaborators. Fifty years ago the Nazis came to power in Germany with their doctrine of a master race. They unleashed racist persecution against even Europeans - including the Jews - and millions of people perished in the Second World War. Africa, which suffered racism for centuries, shed its blood to defeat Nazism. Africa and people of African origin had hoped that, after the Second World War, and with the birth of the United Nations, the peoples of the world would unite to destroy racism all over the glcbe. It is shocking that instead, we are faced with new difficulties such as this alliance between Israel and South Africa. We appeal to the decent people of Israel to recognize the folly of this alliance with a criminal racist regime doomed to extinction. We appeal to all governments and peoples to exert their influence on Israel so that it abandons its confrontation against Africa. I am sure I speak for all the participants in pledging that we shall take all necessary action in pursuance of the important Declaration of this Conference.

-10- LIST OF PARTICIPANTS UNITED NATIONS ORGANS Spea 0unittee against Apartheid H.E. Dr. 0.0. Fafara (Nigeria) Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Mr. Sayed A. Fadzillah (Malaysia) Counsellor, Permnent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Gerhard Sdwreter (German Dnocratic Republic) First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Bassy Camara (Guinea) Attadc, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Special Cammittee on the Situation with regard to the Iplementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Mr. Mohamed Farouk Adhami (Syrian Arab Republic) Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York United Nations council for Namibia Mr. Tamm !knthe (United Republic of Cameroon) Second Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Antonio Jean-Poix (Haiti) First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York cmnittee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People Dr. Ferenc Scmogyi (Hungary) Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York Mr. zehdi Labib Terzi Permannt Observer of the Palestine Liberation Organization to the United Nations, (See also delegation of the PLO) -11- OTIHERIM Y1RE~A O1R3ANIZATIOtIS Mr. A. El Amad, Head of the Arab League Mission, Vienna Mr. K. Wail Arab Labour Organization Mr. A. El Telawi, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva mvent of Non-aligned Countries H.E. Mr. S.K. Singh () AnTdassador to Austria, Representative of the Chairman of the Conference of Non-aligned 0ountries Organizaticn of African Unity H.E. Mr. Tadesse Terrefe (Ethiopia), Representative of the Chairman of the OAU Mr. M. Daar, Assistant Executive Secretary in Geneva GOVE S Algeria H.E. Mr. Abdelaziz Benhassine, Ambassador to Austria Mr. Rabah Kerouaz, First Secretary, Embassy in Vienna Byelorussian SSR Mr. Victor Borovikov, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Cuba Mr. Jorge Morales, Alternate Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna H.E. Mr. Mohamed El-Taher Shash, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. Issam Eldin Hawas, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna

-12- Mr. Hawed Ali, Coumellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Ethiopia H.E. Mr. Tadesse Terrefe, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva and Vienna German Demcratic Republic Mr. Siegfried Nitzsche, Acting Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Greece (Cbserver) Mr. Douvos Eleuthere, Secretary of Embassy in Vienna India H.E. Mr. S.K. Singh, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. Shivshankar Menon, Alternate Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. Dinesh Kumar Jain, Alternate Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Indonesia Mr. Dalindra Aman, Chargd d'Affaires, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. I. Isnaedi, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Ms. Sulastri Soengkowo, Second Secretary, Embassy in Vienna Iran, Islamic Republic of Mr. D'hauiad Keiarishi, Charg6 d'Affaires, Embassy in Vienna Mr. Farhad Shahabi-Sirjani, First Secretary, Penmmnt Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Hamid Sadighi, Third Secretary, Erbassy in Vienna Iraq H.E. Mr. Hisham Ibrahim Alshawi, Anbassador to Austria Mr. Mahnxud Suror, Scientific Attachd, Embassy in Vienna

-13- Wory Coast (Observer) Mr. Sylvestre Aka, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Tebamn Mr. Amine Assi, Counsellor, Alternate permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Malaysia H.E. Mr. Ajit Sirrxi, Ambassador to Austria and Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. Seeyen Lee, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Mbrocco H.E. Mr. Abderrahmane Baddou, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. Moulay Lahcen Aboutahir, First Secretary, Embassy in Vienna Nigeria H.E. Mr. Jonathan Kabo Umar, Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. S.A. Owoeye, Counsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. A.S. Ojerinola, Senior First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Philippines H.E. Mr. Domingo L. Siazon, Jr., Ambassador to Austria Mr. S. Apolinario Lozada, Alternate Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vienna Syrian Arab Republic Mr. Muhsen Sayadi, Counsellor, Permanent Missicn to the United Nations, Geneva Tunisia H.E. Mr. Ahmed Ghezal, Ambassador to Austria Mr. Mohzend Benredjeb, Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy 'r Vi'

-14- Saudi Arabia H.E. Mr. n Albaiz, Amabassador to Switzerland Mr. Saad Mubarak, Embassy in Vienna Ukrainian SSR Mr. Nikolay Makarevitch, First Secretary, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Union of Soviet Socialist Republic Mr. Anatoly Shaitukhov, Coumsellor, Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Vienna Mr. W.W. Midzev, EXqert. Zinba1we H.E. Mr. Eubert Paul Mashaire, Abassador to the Federal Republic of Germany NATIONAL LIBERATION MDVEMENT African National Congress of South Africa Mr. Solly Smith, Chief Representative in the United Kingdom Mr. Thami Sindelo, Representative in Rome Pan Africanist Congress of Azania Mr. Ahmed Gora Ebrahim, Observer at the United Nations, New York Mr. Count Pieterson, Representative in Stodcholm Palestine Liberation Organization Mr. Zehdi Labib Terzi, Observer at the United Nations, New York Mr. Daoud Barakat, Representative in Vienna Ms. Deena Abu-Lughod, Office of the Observer to the United Nations, New York

-15- NON-GVERNMTAL OWANIZATIONS AFRD-ASIAN PEPLES' SLIDARI ORGANIZATICN, CPO= H.E. Mr. F. Ban9gura, Deputy Sedretary-General Mr. Dan Cindi, Secretary Dr. Asim Qier Elrayah, Secretary Mr. A. Issakhodjaev, Deputy Secretary-General ORANIZATICN OF AFRICAN TRAE UNICN UNITY, ACRA Mr. Dennis Akumu, Secretary-General Mr. Ismaile Diagne, Deputy Secretary-General of the Conference of Senegalese Trade Union Federation WOIUD PEACE a~%xL=, mEsiNKI Mr. Romesh Chandra Mr. Sana Abu-Chakra (Lebanon) Mr. Diaz Uribe Alfonso (France) Dr. Katebawiz--Amati wa iruuba (Uganda) Mr. Acie L. Byrd (USA) Dr. Vasoo Cabral (Guinea-Bissau) Mr. Apolinar Diaz Callejas (Colombia) Mr. Josef Cyrankiewicz (Poland) Ms. Helena Grabinska (Poland) Ms. Elfrieda Grundbock (Austria) Ms. Ms. Mr. Dr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ellen Hanerschlag (Austria) Eva Karska Vladislav ornilov (USSR) Otto Kreilisheim (Austria) James Lamond (United Kingdom) Peter Lautiahr (Austria) Mac Makarchuk (Canada) Bilal Msa (Austria) Bahig Nasser (Egypt) President Secretary of WPC Interpreter Uganda Peoples' Congress Nuclear Freeze, Washington, D.C. Member of Political Bureau of PAIGC and of Council of Ministers Former senator, member of Executive ommittee of Latin American Association for Human Rights President of Polish Peace Comittee; former Prime Minister Mber of WPC Member of Presidium of Austrian Peace Council Assistant to WPC President Interpreter Secretary of Soviet Peace (zmitteA President of Austrian Peace Counci , Member of Parliament and President of British Peace Assembly Secretary of Austrian Peace coun .. Aldenan Austrian Peace Council Secretary of WPC

-16- Mr. Qm Prakash Paliwal (India) Mr. Patrick A. Rogan (Australia) Mr. Patrick Tobin (USA) General Secretary of All India Peace and Solidarity Organisatian Member of New South Wales Parliam MDnter of National Coordinating Committee of "Jobs with Peace"; former vice- president of local 10 San Francisco, of International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union AiTRIAN ANTI-APARnMEID M04N, VI Mr. Peter Fleissner Mr. Adalbert Krims Dr. Walter Sauer Dr. argit Sdierb Mr. Walter Stach Ms. G. Stoeger Dr. Vivian Wolfgang INEATIONAL CONFEDERATION OF ARAB TRADE UNIONS, Chairan Member o Member o Member o Member o Menber Member DAMASCUS the Council Board Board Board Mr. Taha Wagih, Assistant Secretary-General I WIOtL OrcANIZATIcN FOR THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (EAFOID) Dr. A. Al-Qasem, Secretary-General Prof. Dr. T. Ataov (Turkey) Prof. M.O. Beshir (Sudan) Dr. A. Moleah (USA) ImTEFNAMctAL PROGRESS OR1ANIZATICN Dr. Hans Koechler, President ISRAEL/PALESTINE POLITICAL REPORt, PARIS Mr. Richard David Sdwartz (Also representing the International Jewish Peace Union) NIGERIAN IC= AGAINST APARTEID, LAGOS Ms. Anjorin Funlayo, Secretary

-17 PAN AFRICAN YOUTH MD VME~r, AIGIElS Mr. Oumar Diarso SCLART "M ITI'EE PALESTInE/LEBA"n Mr. Peter Reichert SOOTH AFRICAN CCNGRESS OF TRADE UNIONS (SACTU) Mr. 7hozzmile Botha SOOTHI AFRICAN TRADE UNION CO-OOINATIN COMMITIE GABOROM Mr. Frank Mzizi, Cairman TRADE UNION CONFEDERATICN OF CONO Mr. Alfonse Cndonda WORLD ASSOCIATION OF PO R UNITE NATINS INTERNES AND FELLCMS (WAFUNIF),NEW YORK Ms. Helen C. Ranuel, Director, International Ommwnications WORLD CAMPAIGN I EINST MITITARY AND NUCLEAR COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA, OSIO Mr. Abdul Samad Minty, Director WORID EDERATION OF DMCRATIC YOUTH, BUDAPEST Miklos Barabas, General Secretary Mr. Hannu Ohro, Secretary WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNICNS, PRAGUE Mr. Mazen Al-Hussaini Ms. Susi Anderle Dr. Wolfgang Benedek, Institute for International Law and International Relations Ms. Annick chedeville Mr. Konrad Ginther, University Professor, Graz Ms. Eva Hagen Mr. Peter Hellyer, London Mr. Azim Husain, London Dr. John Mayer, Former expert of IAEA Dr. Sharel Sharaf Mr. Hans Steinmann Prof. Chalotte Teuber Mr. Khalil Toana