
Y10 History Early Elizabethan 1558-1588 Topic 3: Society & unemployment. causes trade cloth wool of the : with the situation in 1572 and 1576. and 1572 in situation the with the relief that of poor increasing cost and rising vagabonds of numbers about concern such wasThere ease. dis- possible fear and spreading land the roamed bers Vagabonds of num- that mean population agrowing jobs from fewer for competition prices High and unemployment. risein was the 1550s meantthere in trade woollen the collapseof the and farming sheep to farming crop intensive labour from Changes in farming inflation. to contributed his and poor sickand the relief for was no VIII Henry predictable, year wereun- each Harvests increased. poverty when time a was also leigh and the world circumnavigate to English man was first the of exploration. age wasthe it and times past other many enjoyed people built, were first the era, Elizabethan the expandedduring Education happy. and when people were prosperous I Elizabeth Summary

paved the way for the colonisation of America. However, it it However, America. of colonisation the for way the paved

Collapse Collapse ’

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other food stuff up. stuff food other and of price the pushed which shortages food meant of harvests : ’ s closure of the monasteries meant that there that meant monasteries the of s closure A bad sequence sequence bad A

‘ ‘ Poor Laws Poor

Golden Age Golden ‘ debasement cution for persistent offend- persistent for cution exe- and prison offence ond Sec- ear. right the on burned and whipped be would guilty 1572: ’ were passed to deal deal to were passed ’, a period of time of period a Vagabonds Act stated stated Act Vagabonds ’ of the coinage coinage the of Walter Ra- TIMELINE Key Vocabulary The Curtain & The Rose & The Curtain The and Eton and Winchester Citizens/Burgesses Paris/Petty School Paris/Petty Grammar The Fourth Sort Fourth The refused, sent to prison. to sent refused, able forthe work provide towns must that stated Poor of the 1576: Poor Deserving The Idle Poor Idle The Private Tutor The The Gentlemen Vagabond Yeoman

The Act for the Relief Relief the for Act The


bodied poor, if poor, bodied

tronomy and geometry. and tronomy as- theology, logic,music, rhetoric, grammar, degrees involved all where university to on going before tutor private a by home at educated be would daughters) some (and the of Sons quette. eti- and courtesy conduct, on emphasis an with also but Schools for were independent earliest the These were arithmetic. and Hebrew Greek and Latin, study here go to would yeoman and merchants , the of The sons as such writers by written play a watch pitand the in stand could people penny a For theatre. loved the classes all of People 1587. 1577and in built theatres Elizabethan by 1576 in built theatre The first ‘ as known Also to. not chose but work could who people Poor not. could but work to wanted who people Poor crime. to turned often who beggars Wandering class. social this to belonged people Most bricklayers. and carpenters , shoemakers tailors, as such craftsmen and shopkeepers servants, labourers, Farm land. own their owned who framers were They society. in class A lawyers. and craftsmen master as Merchants, such townsmen including society A class in gentry. and lords nobles, including society in class A

Local schools for children aged four to seven . seven to four aged children for schools Local sturdy beggars. sturdy

knighted on hisreturn. on knighted Hind wasship called His flag globe. the gated 1577 ‘ ruling class boys class ruling - upon which he was 80: Early Elizabethan England Elizabethan Early ’

Drake circumnavi- Drake The Golden Golden The

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JamesBurbage ‘ fee paying of the latter latter voyage. of the was result the Roanoke of Thelost ca. Ameri- to voyages two & 1587: 1585 Christopher


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Y10 History Early Elizabethan England: 1558-1588 Topic 1: Queen, Government & Religion G7TZ elizabethan https://www.tutor2u.net/history/collections/edexcel https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/z3nqsg8/revision/1 Extra resources 2020 was whether the Queen was still alive. stillalive. was Queen the whether was 2020 September on 26 reached he when question His first Africa. the West of coast up and Hope Good of Cape the past Ocean, Indian the sailed across island, wasering it an discov- Java of coast uncharted the followed then Drake spices. its Ternate for onto sailed then and Islands Molucca the he reached months two after New Albion, it ing call- Queen the claimedfor it and California in landed He men 55 left). and ship one (hehad route his return decide to had Drake in Guatulco at began Stage 3 ofthe the capturing and in settlements ofSpanish cessful plundering the followed Success with suc- oftheofthe inhabitants island Mocha. by attacked wasthen and ship another lost Drake Ocean. Pacific the in weather stormy by hit being before islands pf group a was Fuego Tierra del that discovered ships. Drake five the of two burning and treason executed for Doughty) (Thomas his friend ing hav- Drake , in people local with fights involved stage second The Brazil. Ocean Atlantic across the Africaand of coast west the sailing down of voyage consisted ofthe 1 Stage Queen. the new for lands find voyage and this with Empire Spanish weakenthe to wanted and Puritan) was (he a Spain and Catholicism hated Drake 1. Drake    exploration. of growth the for Reasons

- RC98G and nobility were willing to fund the voyages. the were fund to willing nobility and Elizabethan exploration. motivated trade cloth woollen ofthe collapse the after new markets Finding longitude. and latitude showing charts voyages. E.g. make longer sailors could meant instruments navigational ships and faster of stronger, Development ’ s circumnavigation of the world 1577 world of the s circumnavigation - england — Schoology Code

s felt it was their duty to spread and Christianity and the Queen the and Christianity and spread to duty swas feltit their - 1558 The Voyages of Raleigh and Drake and Raleigh of Voyages The - 1588

Gerardus Mercator - 80

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introduced sea introduced - Cacafuego. biography for both them.of Drake and .Produce a Find out aboutthe lives of Francis Challenge -

Roanoke had vanished with just a message saying saying message a just with vanished had Roanoke settlers allthe 1590 at in When Whitereturned forneededdefence. allships the Armada and get to more supplies England to returned White were hostile. natives the seeds and plant to late wasit too but Island Roanoke at tablished was colony es- A second in 1587. took families settler White, John by led tion, expedi- his second and voyage first fromthe learn to determined was Raleigh 1586. in Island Roanoke abandon to forced was Lane tileand hos- became tribes local with relations crops, seed and supplies waterdamaged sea- and hitsrocks ship The 1584. in mission reconnaissance a favourable after Grenville Richard Sir with America sailed to Lane Ralph of command the under settlers 108male 1585 so in leave court favourite lether not would The Queen Raleigh of Voyages 2. The Key Words Cont... Lost Colony of of Colony Lost Cacafuego Astrolabe Roanoke Plunder Caravel

island of Croatoan, could have split up or died. or up havesplit could Croatoan, of island nearby the to havegone they think Historians peared. disap- Roanoke at colony second the settlers in All the £140,000. worth treasyure gained Drake 1577. in ofthe world navigation his circum- during Drake by plundered ship treasure Spanish force. using typically To stealgoods as Elizabeth years. many for England in religious turmoil to leading of Aragon divorce Catherine to order in church Elizabeth 25. Queen 1558 age the in at of She became Boleyn. Anne and VIII ofHenry The daughter

‘ Bloody Mary Bloody

’ ’ s elder half sister who ruled 1553 to 1558. Known Known 1558. 1553to ruled who sister s elderhalf Catholic Roman fromthe broken had swho father Y10 Schoology page Y10 Schoology ’

she made female monarchs unpopular. monarchs she female made ‘


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