
Elizabethan : Part 1 – Elizabeth’s Court and Parliament

Family History Who had power in Elizabethan England? Elizabeth’s Court Marriage The Virgin Queen Why did Parliament pressure Elizabeth to marry? Reasons Elizabeth chose Group Responsibilities No. of people: not to marry: Parliament Groups of people in the Royal What did Elizabeth do in response by 1566? Who was Elizabeth’s father and Court: mother? What happened to Peter Wentworth? Council Privy What happened to Elizabeth’s William Cecil mother? Key details: Elizabeth’s Suitors Lieutenants Robert Dudley Francis Duke of Anjou King Philip II of Who was Elizabeth’s brother? Lord (Earl of Leicester) Name: Key details: Key details: Key details: Religion: : Key details:

Who was Elizabeth’s sister? Justices of

Name: Peace Nickname: Religion:

Early Life 1560 1570 1580 1590 1600

Childhood 1569 1571 1583 1601 Preparation for life in the Royal The Northern Rebellion The The ’s Rebellion Court: Key conspirators: Key conspirators: Key conspirators: Key people:

Date of coronation: The plan: The plan: The plan: What happened? Age:

Key issues faced by Elizabeth: Key events: Key events: Key events:

What did Elizabeth show in her response to Essex?

The Catholic Plots Elizabethan England: Part 2 – Life in Elizabethan Times

Elizabethan Society God The Elizabethan Theatre The Age of Discovery Key people and groups: New Companies: New Technology: What was the ‘Great Chain of Being’?

Key details: Explorers and John Hawkins

Position Income Details

Nobility Reasons for opposition to the theatre:

Gentry 1577‐1580 1585 1596 1599 Drake Raleigh colonises ‘’ in Raleigh attacks The Globe Circumnavigation North America. Spanish ships in Cadiz Theatre is built

1560 1570 1580 1590 1600

Causes of Poverty in Elizabethan England 1601 The Poor Law

What did the law do? How did rich people show off their wealth?

Categories of poor people in Elizabethan England. What was the impact? The Deserving Poor The Undeserving Poor

The Elizabethan ‘Golden Age’

Evidence For: Evidence Against:

How were the poor treated in: York: Ipswich: Elizabethan England: Part 2 – Troubles at Home and Abroad

Religious Tension before Elizabeth Actions of Catholics Against Elizabeth Actions of Mary Queen of Scots Religion & Key Actions Jesuits Puritans: Early life and Imprisonment er IIEwr Mary I Edward I Henry VIII



Elizabeth’s response to the Catholic threat. How did Elizabeth respond?

Trial, Execution, and Outcomes Why was there religious tension when Elizabeth became Queen?

1550s 1600

1559 Causes of English/Spanish tension 1588 The Religious Settlement The Long term causes: Summary: Key Features: Leader:

Act of Supremacy: Plan: Dutch Protestant Rebels Drake, Hawkins & Cadiz

What was the Armada? Act of Uniformity:

Why did the Armada fail? Response from the : New Sailing Technology:
