The Journal of Kentucky Studies Volume Thirty-one 2014-2016 Volume The Journal of Kentucky Studies Northern Kentucky University The Journal of Kentucky Studies Editor Gary Walton Northern Kentucky University Assistant Editor Donelle Dreese Northern Kentucky University Contributors The Journal welcomes articles on any theme—art, commentary, critical essays, history, literary criticism, short fiction, and poetry. Black and white photography is also accepted. Subject matter is not restricted to Kentucky. All manuscripts should follow the University of Chicago Manual of Style, be double-spaced, and be submitted in triplicate with S.A.S.E. Please include e-mail address. Also, please visit our website: The Journal is published yearly by the Northern Kentucky University Department of English. Statements of fact and opinion are made on the responsibility of the authors alone. All articles and other correspondence should be sent to: Northern Kentucky University, Gary Walton, Editor, The Journal of Kentucky Studies, Department of English, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099. Phone (859) 572-5418. E-Mail:
[email protected] Subscriptions Subscriptions are $20.00 per issue, pre-paid. Send checks or money orders to: Gary Walton, Editor, The Journal of Kentucky Studies, Department of English, Northern Kentucky University, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, Kentucky 41099. Cover Photo Front cover photo: by Nelson Pilsner ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Northern Kentucky University © 2016 Northern Kentucky University ISSN 8755-4208 This publication was prepared by Northern Kentucky University and printed with state funds (KRS 57.375). Northern Kentucky University is committed to building a diverse faculty and staff for employment and promotion to ensure the highest quality of workforce and to foster an environment that embraces the broad range of human diversity.