Improving health and wellbeing in hospital through greenspace The Health Promoting Health Service (HPHS) aims to support the development of a health promoting culture and embed effective health improvement practice as part of quality healthcare delivery. This contributes to the delivery of NHSScotland’s Healthcare Quality Strategy which puts people at the centre of quality delivery and encourages NHS Boards to share and spread their exemplars of high quality healthcare, pursue their local commitments, take new action to improve quality and consider different ways of working. To read other HPHS case studies please visit and for more information on the HPHS support package please contact:
[email protected] number The outcomes The Forestry Commission’s Branching Out hphs case study NHS Forth Valley developed the Royal initiative evaluated activities they held at 10 Hospital’s local woodlands into greenspace hospital grounds through a questionnaire. recreational facilities for staff, patients, visitors, This questionnaire captured the state of health NHS Forth Valley shares an example local schools and the community. The project for each client who took part, both before of working in partnership to develop involved engaging people in physical activity and after activities. This evaluation provided a programme of activities using courses (bushcraft, walks and tai chi) as well evidence of benefits, not only for staff but also hospital grounds for physical and as encouraging hospital staff and visitors to the