Foreign Rights 2020/21

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Foreign Rights 2020/21 MARJUN SYDERBØ KJELNÆS SYDERBØ MARJUN Foreign rights 2020/21 Hvussu langt kunnu vit loyva okkum Hvat gert tú, tá fólk látast sum einki, meðan heimurin Ein sigandi og rørandi ungdómsbók at fara fyri at vinna og røkka rættvísi? verður týndur? Og hvat gert tú, tá ein sjúka hóttir við um fýra tannáringar, ið ynskja at varpa Millum annað hendan spurning við­ at taka tína bestu vinkonu frá tær? Tú hugsar kanska ljós á veðurlags broytingar, hóast tað ger rit høvundurin í nýggju ungdóms­ sum Pax: hygg her, eg eri 16 ár, ókey, chill, men tá tú til tíðir kann kennast nyttuleyst. Rit­ skald søguni Sum rótskot. Søgan snýr veruliga, veruliga hevur fingið nokk av bullshitinum? høvundurin leiðir okkum ígjøgnum seg um at vera eitt ungt menniskja í Hvat tá? lív teirra, ið er fylt við kenslum sum einum stórum, løgnum og fløktum vón loysi, sorg, forelskilsi og gleði. heimi. Hon við ger týdningarmesta Kenslur, ið øll kunnu kenna seg aftur evnið í nýggjari tíð: um hvørvis broyt­ í. Vón loysi, tá ið vit ikki kenna okkum ingar og um hvørvisaktivismu. Bókin Ein bók, sum skrivar seg so beint inn í tíðina. Endiliga hoyrd og einki eydnast; sorg, tá ið er áhugaverd fyri ættarliðið, sum eru umhvørvis trupulleikar og um sorgan fyri fram tíð ini vit missa ein góðan; forelskilsi, tá ið vit kunnu nevna Gretu Thunberg ­ av álvara á bredda í føroyskum bók ment um. Væl og vit kenna okkum elskað; og gleði, tá ættar liðið. Men eins og í ungdóms­ fang andi skrivað, og eg fekk ikki slept bókini. ið okkurt endiliga eydnast. Bókin er skald søguni Skriva í sandin viðger — Sanna A. Dahl løtt at lesa, og tá ein er byrjað, er rit høvundurin eisini onnur evni, sum tor ført at sleppa henni aftur. Ein bók eru viðkomandi fyri ung, eitt nú vina­ Eg bleiv góður við tey ungu í bókini, sum sam tíðis pro­ um veruliga lívið og um ein sera rele­ lag, familja og seksualitet. Ein góð og vo kera meg — og tað er ein dygd í frá søgnini. Og so vantan og álvarsaman trupulleika, gevandi bók! er tað eisini poet iska orðalagið, sum støð ugt peik ar út sum er umráðandi at varpa ljós á. —Tráin Petursson Nónklett um tað, sum vit fata; út (ella inn) til okkurt meira, sum SUM RÓTSKOT —Linnéa L. Petersen Steffan eina stað ni sigur. Her er ovmikið at njóta, um­ hugsa, greina og kjakast um. Les! — Jákup á Lakjuni ISBN 978-99972-0-603-9 9 789997 206039 BÓKADEILD FØROYA LÆRARAFELAGS About Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags Bókadeild Føroya Lærarafelags (BFL) is the Faroese Teachers’ Association’s Publishing Company and specializes in children’s and youth literature. BFL was founded in 1956. We publish around 90 books a year. We publish books for children and teenagers; additionally we also sometimes launch works in special formats and books for adults. In addition to editing our own publications, we also sometimes edit and manage print- ing for others. We can take care of the whole process through to printing, in cooperation with the publisher, naturally. In most cases this means managing layout, proofing, images and printing. Every year BFL joins the international book fairs in Bologna and Frankfurt am Main, as well as the Forum book fair in Copenhagen. We participate to make sure that we keep up to speed with the most recent developments on the book market and new trends in children’s and youth literature. Such fairs are great opportunities for us to raise our profile as publishers, as well as to showcase the work of Faroese authors and illustrators. Niels Jákup Thomsen Marna Jacobsen Turið Kjølbro Managing director Editor Editor Beinta Johannessen Sanna A. Dahl Kristianna Poulsen children´s magazines Editor Proofreader Helena Lamhauge-Mortensen Silja Aldudóttir Marketing Marketing (on leave) BÓKADEILDIN Anna Mari Egholm BÓKIN UM TEG BÓKIN HVUSSU SÁ EG ÚT, TÁ IÐ EG VAR LÍTIL? NÆR SMÍLTIST EG FYRSTU FERÐ? NÆR FÓR EG AT GRULVA? The Book about you NÆR FÓR EG AT GANGA? NÆR FEKK EG FYRSTU TONNINA? HVAT DÁMDI MÆR AT SPÆLA VIÐ? HVØR VAR MÍN YNDISBÓK? This book is for parents and relatives to note down the milestones from a child´s birth. BÓKIN UM TEG er ætlað foreldrum og avvarðandi at skriva alt um teg. Her ber til at savna stuttligar og minniligar hendingar og smá gullkorn frá fyrstu árunum. Upplýsingar um mangt og hvat – nær, hvar Its pages are intended to immortalise funny and og hvussu – sum annars er so lætt og skjótt at gloyma. Her er pláss at skriva niður ymiskt um barnið, frá føðingini til fyrstu fetini, frá yndissøguni til fyrstu skúladagarnar. Í bókini er gott pláss at seta myndir inn. memorable moments, little gems from the early Henda bókin er ein dýrgripur, tú fert at fegnast um alt lívið. years. There is room to write about everything from birth to the first steps, favourite bedtime ISBN 978-99972-0-464-6 BFL stories to the first day at school. And plenty of space for photos. This is a treasure to cherish forever. The Book about you ISBN 978-99972-0-464-6 64 pages Published: October 2019 Ann Mari Egholm is an artist born in 1979. She is educated as a graphical designer. Her work is mostly illustrations and poster prints. 4 Jenny Kjærbo Jenny Kjærbo Jenny Kjærbo ÁH ÓH Uh oh the Moon The pufflings, Big chick and Little chick, are – Mánin! playing by the seashore when they spot the ÁH Lundapisurnar spæla í fjøruni, ÓH – og knappliga er mánin har og MÁNIN! moon. Big chick knows what the moon is, flýgur av stað við lítlu. but Little chick just cannot resist touching it, Nú eru góð ráð dýr! and suddenly it flies away with her. Big chick manages to stop the moon. And together the pufflings help the moon to get back up to the sky where it belongs. ISBN 978-99972-0-346-5 BFL 9 789997 203465 > BFL 026-2017_Ah-Oh2-Cover_FO.indd 1 Uh oh the Moon 10/01/2018 22.20 ISBN 978-99972-0-346-5 20 pages Published: 2018 Uh oh Published: 2015 Rights sold to: Denmark, Chile and US Jenny Kjærbo (1976), grew up in Sumba and is now living in Copenhagen. She is a graphic designer and is working at the design company Stelton. 5 Elin á Rógvi 112 Fuglafjørður Granny and granddad are exhausted from babysitting. So they decide to go on a holi- day and get a little break from children. They think! Soon unexpected visitors come knocking, one with a red crest and a flock of little ones in tow, of course. This is a stand-alone sequel to Og mamma/ And mother Picture Book. ISBN 978-99972-0-521-6 46 pages Og mamma Published: October 2019 Published in 2014 Nominated for the Nordic Council’s Children and Youth Literature Prize on 2015. Elin á Rógvi is an author who also creates and hosts children’s programmes for Faroese radio. Elin made her debut as an author with the book Moonlight, published in 2007 and won a Nordic children’s literature contest. The contest was arranged by authors’ associations in the Nordic countries. The book was pub- lished simultaneously in Danish, Greenlandic and Sami. Marjun Reginsdóttir is an illustrator. She started drawing when she was a little girl. She loves tales of fantasy and adventure (dragons and such things) and mostly draws in that genre, but is now challenging herself to explore more realistic illustrations. Cartoons inspire the style Marjun aims for. 6 Rakel Helmsdal Rakel Helmsdal Rakel Helmsdal Will you catch me? Ein blíð søga um deyðan A gentle story about death. After dinner they are Aftan á døgurða verða tey send út í garðin: lítlibeiggi, systir og stóribeiggi. sent out into the garden: little brother, sister and Lítlibeiggi uppi í trænum, systirin við Loftar tú mær? drekanum og stóribeiggin við brunnin. big brother. Little brother up in the tree, sister Trý børn, sum á hvør sín hátt syrgja langommuna, sum ikki er til longur. with the kite and big brother by the bridge. Three Burtur er tað heita klemmið, tann glaða røddin og tað tryggasta brosið. children each in their own way mourning their Men tey hava hvørt annað … great grandmother who has passed away. Gone are the warm hugs, the happy voice and the most ISBN 978-99972-0-531-5 comforting smiles. But they have each other… 9 789997 205315 The book has been nominated for Nordic Coun- BFL cil Children & Young People´s Literature Prize Loftar tú mær? 2020. Nominations and awards: Picture Book. ISBN 978-99972-0-531-5 2016 IBBY Honor List for The girl who rowed 32 pages for the rainbow Published: September 2019 2016 The Children and Youth Literature Award from The West Nordic Council for The girl who rowed for the rainbow 2019 Nominated by The Children and Youth Literature Award from The West Nordic Council for Miljuløtur/Milja´s stories 2020 Nominated by The Children and Youth Literature Award from The West Nordic Council for Will you catch me? 2020 Nominated by The Nordic Council Chil- dren & Young People´s Literature Prize for Will you catch me? 2020 Faroese Cultural Award. Rakel Helmsdal (1966) is a well known author who has won several awards for her literature. Rakel has taught creative writing and drama, she has written plays for theatre and produced plays with young people.
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