UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA HEALTH SYSTEM Jefferson District 9 Intergroup CrossTalk AA NewsLetter June/July 2012 Charlottesville, VA Area Volume 1 Issue 2 Hand Of When Sharing in Meetings is Not Enough… “CrossTalk!” AA
[email protected] 24 Happy Founder’s Day, AA! Seventy-Seven Years! Hour A stock down the bottle (June 10, up more than a Christmas b r o k e r 1935), never to pick it up Turkey. So just what do you from New York, Bill W. had again. The bond formed think you, a man like you, Help traveled to Akron, Ohio on between the two men could do for me”? There was May 12, 1935 for a share- would grow into a move- a still pause while Bill W. just holders' meeting and proxy ment that would literally stared at Doctor Bob for a Line fight, which did not turn affect the lives of millions. moment. It seemed he had a out his way. At the time, Bill sense that he would be cut This is a transcript from W. had been sober for off again if he spoke. As the the Hallmark Hall of Fame 434- about five months. silence and pause continued, Movie titled, “My Name Is he simply replied to Doctor Drawn to the Bar Bill W.” in which Bill W. Bob; “Doctor Smith, I didn’t 293-6565 and Doctor Bob have their After losing the proxy fight, come here to help you. I very first conversation: I am Responsible. he found himself alone in a came here to help me”.