Department of University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 S. Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89154-5003 E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: (702) 895-3709


• I am a behavioral ecologist and biologist and I study the relationship between human behavior and the environment (ecological, political, and social). My work aims to better understand the links between diet, reproduction, growth and development, and maternal, infant, and child health and behavior.

• My current research foci include: of the human diet, human ecology, nutrition transition, evolution of childhood, maternal and infant health and nutrition, child foraging, and co-sleeping practices.

• Most of my research over the past fifteen years has involved work with the Hadza foragers of Tanzania. I recently began a large scale cross-cultural project on maternal-infant co-sleeping practices around the world.


University of California, San Diego PhD Anthropology, 2009.

University of California, San Diego MA Anthropology, 2003.

University of California, Santa Cruz BA Anthropology, High Honors, 2001.


2017 – Associate Professor: Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2019 - Graduate Coordinator: Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2017 - 2019 Adjunct Associate Professor: School of Medicine, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2012 - 2017 Lincy Assistant Professor: Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2011 - 2013 Adjunct Faculty of Anthropogeny: Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego

2011 - 2012 Visiting Assistant Professor: Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Crittenden 1 2009 - 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego, Medical School


William Morris Award for Research Excellence, College of Liberal Arts, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 2019.

Margo Wilson Award for Best Paper, Evolution and Human Behavior (with C. Apicella and V. Tobolsky). 2018.

Barrick Scholar Award for Distinguished Research, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 2018.

Regents’ Rising Researcher of the Year, Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE), University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 2017.

Endowed Assistant Professorship, Lincy Institute, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. 2012 – 2017. , TED Fellowship, Invited Speaker TEDxUNLV, Las Vegas, Nevada. 2016.

Outstanding Journal Reviewer, Liverpool University Press. 2016.

Juan Comas Prize for Best Paper (Co-authored, S. Schnorr first author), American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting, Calgary, Canada. 2014.

Best Paper by a New Investigator (Co-authored, J.C. Berbesque first author), American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2010.


Wenner-Gren Founation for Anthropological Research (A. Crittenden PI). 2019. A changing diet in a changing landscape: Dietary intake, hydration strategies, and food and water insecurity among the Hadza foragers of Tanzania. $19, 987.

National Science Foundation (A. Crittenden Co-PI; S. Schnorr, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, PI). 2018. Relevance of Positive Selection on Human Salivary Amylase Gene. $148,000.

National Science Foundation (A. Crittenden Co-PI; Elizabeth Cashdan, University of Utah, PI). 2016. The Relationship Between Mobility and Spatial Reasoning in Children across Cultures. $199,926.

National Science Foundation (A. Crittenden Co-PI; J.C. Berbesque, University of Roehampton, Co-PI; B. Wood, Yale University, Co-PI). 2015. Time Critical Preservation of Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Ethnographic Data. $75,477.

National Science Foundation (A. Crittenden PI). 2015. Hadza Dental Health and the Transition from Foraging to Agriculture. $16,695.

Leakey Foundation (A. Crittenden Co-PI; Peter Ungar, University of Arkansas, Co-PI). 2014. Hadza Dental Microwear: Implications for the Evolution of Human Diet. $18,000.

Individual Investigator Award (A. Crittenden PI), University of Nevada Las Vegas. 2014. Variation in Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Dental Microwear. $25,000.

Crittenden 2 National Institutes of Health (NIH) General Medical Sciences/Nevada IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence Grant (A Crittenden PI). 2013. Energy Expenditure among Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children: Implications for life history, energy balance, and global obesity. $4,800.

Advanced Seminar Symposium Grant (A. Crittenden Co-PI; Courtney Meehan, Washington State University, Co-PI). 2013. Multiple Perspectives on the Evolution of Childhood, School for Advanced Research (SAR) Santa Fe, New Mexico. $15,000.

Wenner-Gren Foundation Symposium. 2011. (A. Crittenden Co-PI; Courtney Meehan, Washington State University, Co-PI). Evolution of Childhood (awarded and declined).

President's Dissertation Fellowship, University of California, San Diego. 2007. $25,000.

Social Science Research & Travel Grant, University of California, San Diego. 2005. $3,000.

FG Bailey Fellowship, Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego. 2005. $5,000.

Diane Lin Scholarship, International Center, University of California, San Diego. 2004. $1,000.

San Diego Diversity Fellowship, University of California, San Diego. 2001. $36,000.



Meehan, C.L. and A.N. Crittenden, Eds. (2016). Origins and Implications of the Evolution of Childhood. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research (SAR) Press.


* ANC as corresponding author § Includes student author/trainee

54. Dunn, RR., K. Amato, E. Archie, M. Arandjelovic, A.N. Crittenden, L.M. Nichols. (Accepted). he Internal, External and Extended Microbiomes of Hominins. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, section Social Evolution.

§*53. Pollom, T.R., Herlosky, K.N., Mabulla, I.A., Crittenden, A.N. (Accepted). Changes in juvenile foraging behavior among the Hadza of Tanzania during early transition to a mixed-subsistence food economy. Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective.

§*52. Gendron, M., Hoemann, K., Crittenden, A.N., Msafiri, S., Ruark, G., Feldman Barrett, L. (In Press). Emotion Perception in Hadza Hunter-Gatherers. Scientific Reports.

§*51. Lew-Levy, S., Kissler, S.M., Boyette, A.H., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, I.A., Hewlett, B.S. (2020). Who teaches children to forage? Exploring the primacy of child-to-child teaching among Hadza and BaYaka hunter-gatherers of Tanzania and Congo. Evolution and Human Behavior 41(1): 12-22.

50. Crittenden, A.N. (2020) Who owns poop? And other ethical dilemmas facing an anthropologist who works at the interface of biological research and indigenous rights. In: Hewlett, Bonnie L., ed. The Secret Lives of Anthropologists: Lessons from the Field. Routledge.

§*49. Lew-Levy, S., Boyette, A.H., Crittenden, A.N., Hewlett, B.H., Lamb, M.E. (2019) Playing gender, learning culture among BaYaka and Hadza hunter-gatherer children. Child Development.

Crittenden 3 §*48. Lew-Levy, S., Crittenden, A.N., Boyette, A.H., Mabulla, I.A., Hewlett, B.S., Lamb, M.E. (2019). Inter- and intra-cultural variation in learning-through-participation among Hadza and BaYaka forager children and adolescents from Tanzania and Congo. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 29(4): 309-318.

47. House, B.R., Kanngiesser, P., Barrett, H.C., Broesch, T., Cebioglu, S., Crittenden, A.N., Erut, A., Lew-Levy, S.§, Sebastian-Enesco, C., Smith, A., Yilmaz, S., Silk, J.B. (2019). Universal norm psychology leads to societal diversity in prosocial behavior and development. Nature Human Behavior: 1-9.

46. Scelza, B., Prall, S., Blumenfield, T., Crittenden, A.N., Gurven, M., Kline, M., Koster, J., Kushnick, G., Mattison, S., Pillsworth, E., Shenk, M., Starkweather, K., Stieglitz, J., Sum, C., Yamaguchi, K., McElreath, R. (2019). Patterns of Paternal Investment Predict Cross-Cultural Variation in Jealous Response. Nature Human Behavior.

*45. Ungar, P.S., Livengood, S.V.§, and Crittenden, A.N. (2019). Dental microwear of living Hadza foragers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 169(2): 356-367

§*44. Crittenden, A.N., Samson, D.R., Herlosky, K.N.§, Mabulla, I.A., Mabulla, A.Z.P., and Mckenna, J.J. (2018). Maternal sleep quality and infant co-sleeping among Hadza hunter-gatherers. Sleep Health

43. Samson, D.R., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, I.A., Mabulla, AZ.P., and Nunn, C.L. (2018). Does the moon influence sleep in small-scale societies? Sleep Health

§*42. Froehle, A.W., Wells, G.K., Pollom, T.R., Mabulla, A.Z.P., Lew-Levy, S., and Crittenden, A.N. (2018). Physical activity and time budgets of Hadza forager children: Implications for self-provisioning and the ontogeny of the sexual division of labor. American Journal of Human Biology.

41. Hoemann, K.§, Crittenden, A.N., Msafiri, S., Liu, Q., Li, C., Roberson, D., Ruark, G., Gendron, M., and Feldman Barrett, L. (2018). Context Facilitates Performance on a Classic Cross-Cultural Emotion Perception Task. Emotion. doi: 10.1037/emo000050.

§40. Benito-Calvo, A., Crittenden, A. N., Livengood, S. V., Sánchez-Romero, L., Martínez-Fernández, A., de la Torre, I., & Pante, M. (2018). 3D 360° surface morphometric analysis of pounding stone tools used by Hadza foragers of Tanzania: A new methodological approach for studying percussive stone artefacts. Journal of Archaeological Science (20): 611-621.

§39. Schnorr, S. L., Candela, M., Rampelli, S., Turroni, S., Henry, A. G., & Crittenden, A. N. (2018). Comment on" Seasonal cycling in the gut microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania". bioRxiv DOI:

§38. Gendron, M., Hoemann, K., Crittenden, A. N., Msafiri, S., Ruark, G. A., & Barrett, L. F. (2018). Emotion Perception in Hadza Hunter Gatherers. PsyArXiv DOI: 10.31234/

37. Samson, D.R., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, I.A., and Mabulla, AZP. (2017). The evolution of human sleep: Technological and cultural innovation associated with sleep-wake regulation in Hadza hunter- gatherers. Journal of (113): 91-102.

36. Samson, D.R., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, I.A., Mabulla, A.Z. and Nunn, C.L. (2017). Chronotype variation drives night-time sentinel-like behaviour in hunter–gatherers. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biology 284(1858): 20170967.

35. Ungar, P.S., Crittenden, A.N., and Rose, J.C. (2017). Toddlers in transition: Linear enamel hypoplasias in the Hadza of Tanzania. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. DOI: 10.1002/oa.2586

34. Crittenden, A.N., Sorrentino, J., Moonie, S.A., Peterson, M., Mabulla, A., and Ungar, P.S. (2017). Oral health in transition: The Hadza foragers of Tanzania. PLoS One

Crittenden 4 33. Crittenden, A.N. and Schnorr, S.L. (2017). Current views on hunter-gatherer nutrition and the evolution of the human diet. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 162(S63): 84–109.

32. Samson, D.R., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, I.A., and Mabulla, A.Z.P. (2017). Hadza sleep biology: evidence for flexible sleep-wake patterns in hunter-gatherers. American Journal of Physical Anthropology DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23160

31. Apicella, C.L., Tobolsky, V., and Crittenden, A.N. (2017). Hunter-gatherer males are more risk seeking than females, even in late childhood. Evolution and Human Behavior DOI: Winner of the Margo Wilson Award, 2018.

30. Crittenden, A.N. (2016). To share or not to share? Social processes of learning to share food among Hadza hunter-gatherer children. In Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives, Eds. H. Terashima and B.S. Hewlett. Springer.

29. Crittenden, A.N. (2016). Children’s foraging and play among the Hadza: towards a biocultural understanding of the evolutionary significance of “work play”. In Childhood: Origins, Evolution, and Implications, Eds. C.L. Meehan and A.N. Crittenden. Albuquerque: School of Advanced Research (SAR) and the University of New Mexico Press.

28. Crittenden, A.N. and C.L. Meehan. (2016). Multiple perspectives on the evolution of childhood. In Childhood: Origins, Evolution, and Implications, Eds. C.L. Meehan and A.N. Crittenden. Albuquerque: School of Advanced Research (SAR) and the University of New Mexico Press.

27. Crittenden, A.N. and C.L. Meehan. (2016). Emerging issues in the evolution of human childhood. In Childhood: Origins, Evolution, and Implications, Eds. C.L. Meehan and A.N. Crittenden. Albuquerque: School of Advanced Research (SAR) and the University of New Mexico Press.

26. Crittenden, A.N. (2016). Ethnobotany in evolutionary perspective: Wild plants in diet composition and daily use among Hadza hunter-gatherers. In Wild Harvest: Plants in the hominin and pre-agrarian human worlds, Ed. K. Hardy and Lucy Kubiak-martens. Oxbow: Oxford, United Kingdom.

§25. Turroni, S., Fiori, J., Rampelli, S., Schnorr, S.L., Consolandi, C., Barone, M., Biagi, E., Fanelli, F., Mezzullo, M., Crittenden, A.N., Henry, A.G., Brigidi, P., and Candela, M. (2016). Fecal metabolome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers: a host-microbiome integrative view. Nature - Scientific Reports.

24. Samson, D.R., Yetish, G.M., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, I.A., Mabulla, A.Z.P., and Nunn, C.L. (2016). What is segmented sleep? Actigraphy field validation for daytime sleep and nighttime wake. Sleep Health: Journal of the National Sleep Foundation 2(4): 341-347.

§23. Turroni, S., Rampelli, S., Centanni, M., Schnorr, S.L., Consolandi, C., Severgnini, M., Peano, C., Soverini, M., Falconi, M., Crittenden, A.N., Henry, A.G., Brigidi, P. and Candela, M. (2016). Enterocyte-associated microbiome of the Hadza hunter-gatherers. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 865 doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00865

§22. Schnorr, S.L., Crittenden, A.N., and Henry, A.G. (2016). Impact of brief roasting on starch gelatinization in whole foods and implications for plant food nutritional ecology in human evolution. Ethnoarchaeology 8(1): 30-56.

21. Barrett, H.C., Bolyanatz, A., Crittenden, A.N., Fessler, D.M.T., Fitzpatrick, S., Gurven, M., Henrich, J., Kanovsky, M., Kushnick, G., Pisore, A., Scelza, B., Stich, S., von Rueden, C., Zhao, W. and Laurence, S. (2016). Small-scale societies exhibit fundamental variation in the role of intentions in moral judgment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

20. Berbesque, J. C., Wood, B.M., Crittenden, A.N., Mabulla, A., and Marlowe, F.W. (2016). Eat first, share later: Hadza hunter-gatherer men consume more while foraging than in central places. Evolution and Human Behavior doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2016.01.003.

Crittenden 5 *19. Crittenden, A.N. and D.A. Zes. (2015). Food sharing among Hadza hunter-gatherer children. PLoS One 10(7): e0131996.

§18. Schnorr, S.L., Crittenden, A.N., Venema, K., and A.G. Henry. (2015). Assessing digestibility of Hadza tubers using a dynamic in-vitro model. American Journal of Physical Anthropology.

§17. Rampelli, S., S.L. Schnorr, C. Consolandi, S.Turroni, M. Severgnini, C. Peano, P.Brigidi, A.N. Crittenden, A.G. Henry, and M. Candela. (2015). Metagenome sequencing of the Hadza hunter-gatherer gut microbiota. Current Biology 25(13): 1682-1693.

16. Apicella, C.L. and Crittenden, A.N. (2015). Hunter-gatherer families and parenting. Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, Ed. David M. Buss. John Wiley & Sons.

15. Crittenden, A.N. (2015). Commentary on “Children as a reserve labor force”. D. Lancy. Current Anthropology 56(4).

§*14. Herlosky, K.N., Brogdon, E.M., Franco, C.Y., and Crittenden, A.N. (2015). Allomaternal care and the significance of naturalistic observations among contemporary foragers: A commentary on Denham’s “Alyawarra kinship, infant carrying, and alloparenting”. Mathematical Anthropology and Cultural Theory 8(2). doi:

13. Samraj, A.N., Pearce, O. M., Läubli, H., Crittenden, A.N., Bergfeld, A.K., Banda, K., C.J. Gregg, A.E. Bingman, P. Secrest, S.L. Diaz, N.M. Varki, and Varki, A. (2014). A red meat-derived glycan promotes inflammation and cancer progression. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(2), 542-547.

§12. Schnorr, S.L., Candela, M., Rampelli, S., Centanni, M., Consolandi, C., Basaglia, G., Turroni, S., Biagi, E., Peano, C., Severgnini, M., Fiori, J., Gotti, R., De Bellis, G., Luiselli, D., Brigidi, P., Mabulla, A., Marlowe, F.W., Henry, A.G., and Crittenden, A.N. (2014). Gut microbiome of Hadza hunter- gatherers. Nature Communications 5(3654). doi:10.1038/ncomms4654.

11. Gray, P.B. and Crittenden, A.N. (2014). Father Darwin: Effects of children on men, viewed from an evolutionary perspective. Fathering 12(2): 121-142.

10. Marlowe, F.W., Berbesque, J.C., Wood, B.M., Crittenden, A.N., and Mabulla, A. (2014). Honey, hunters and gatherers, and human evolution. Journal of Human Evolution 71: 119-128.

9. Lemorini, C., Plummer, T., Braun, D.R., Crittenden, A.N., Ditchfield, P.W., Bishop, L.C., Hertel, F., Oliver, J.S., Marlowe, F.W., Schoeninger, M.J., and Potts, R. (2014). Old stones’ song: Use-wear experiments and analysis of the Oldowan quartz and quartzite assemblage from Kanjera South (Kenya). Journal of Human Evolution 72: 10-25.

8. Crittenden, A.N. (2014). Commentary on “Allomaternal nursing in ”. B.S. Hewlett and S. Wynn. Current Anthropology 55(2).

7. Crittenden, A.N. (2014). Ancestral attachment: How the evolutionary foundation of attachment informs our understanding of child maltreatment interventions. In Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution: Culture, Childrearing and Social Wellbeing, Eds. D. Narvaez, K.Valentino, A. Fuentes, J. McKenna, and P. Gray. Oxford University Press.

*6. Crittenden, A.N., Conklin-Brittain, N.L., Zes, D.A., Schoeninger, M.J., and Marlowe, F.W. (2013). Juvenile foraging among the Hadza: Implications for human life history. Evolution and Human Behavior 34: 299-304.

*5. Crittenden, A.N. and Marlowe, F.W. (2013). Cooperative care among the Hadza: Situating multiple attachment in evolutionary context. In Attachment Reconsidered: Cultural Perspectives on a Western Theory, Eds. N. Quinn and J. Mageo. Palgrave & MacMillan Press.

Crittenden 6 4. Cashdan, E., F.W. Marlowe, A.N. Crittenden, C. Porter, and B.M. Wood. (2012). Sex differences in spatial cognition among Hadza foragers. Evolution and Human Behavior 33(4): 274-284.

3. Crittenden, A.N. (2011). The importance of honey consumption in human evolution. Food and Foodways 19: 257–273.

2. Berbesque, J.C., F.W. Marlowe, and A.N. Crittenden. (2011). Sex differences in Hadza eating frequency by food type. American Journal of Human Biology 23(3): 339-345.

*1. Crittenden, A.N. and Marlowe, F.W. (2008). Allomaternal care among the Hadza of Tanzania. Human Nature 19 (3): 249-263. Cover Photo, Hadza Allomothers, by A.N. Crittenden.


9. Gray, P. B., A. N. Crittenden, C. L. Apicella, C. Berbesque, D. N. E. Stibbard-Hawkes, and B. Wood. (2019). In Memoriam: Frank W. Marlowe (April 17, 1954-September 25, 2019). Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective.

8. Crittenden, A.N. and N. G. Blurton Jones. (2019). Culture Summary: Hadza. New Haven: Human Relations Area Files.

§*7. Crittenden, A.N. and Dorne. M.E. (2015). Allomothers. In The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, Eds. P. Whelehan and A. Bolin. Wiley Blackwell. DOI: 10.1002/9781118896877.wbiehs021

6. Crittenden, A.N. (2014). Etnografía de los Hadza: su importancia para la evolución humana. English translation: Ethnography of the Hadza Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania: Their importance for human evolution. In La Cuna de la Humanidad (Cradle of Humanity), Ed. E. Baquedano. Pp. 209-220. Instituto de Evolución en África (IDEA) and Museo Nacional de Antropología, Madrid, Spain.

5. Crittenden, A.N. (2014). Evolutionary studies of childhood. Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies, Ed. Heather Montgomery. New York: Oxford University Press.

4. Crittenden, A.N. (2011) Hunter-Gatherers. In Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, Ed. Bernard Wood. Wiley Blackwell.

3. Crittenden, A.N. (2011). The Hadza of Tanzania. In Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, Ed. Bernard Wood. Wiley Blackwell.

*2. Crittenden, A.N. and M.J. Schoeninger. (2011). Entries in the Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (MOCA): Food Handling; Food Preparation; Home Base; Organized Gathering of Food; Sharing of Food; and Use of Containers. Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego (

1. Crittenden, A.N. (2011). How honey helped to make use human. Hadza: Last of the first (


Hadza foraging and food collection in a shifting ecological and socio-political landscape. Department of , Cambridge University, London. 2019.

Continuity and change among a community of East African hunter-gatherers. Radical Anthropology Group (RAG), University College London. 2019.

Crittenden 7 Evolution of Childhood and Child Rearing. Part of Symposium: CARTA 10th Anniversary: Revisiting the Agenda. Public Lecture Series, Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego. 2019.

Paleolithic or Paleomythic? What modern hunter-gatherer diet composition and gut microbiota can tell us about human evolution. Keynote Speaker: “Our Brains are Not Our Own: the role of guts and germs.” International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS). Paris, France. 2019.

Evolution of human nutrition and what we can learn from the gut microbiome. STEM Workforce Development and Education NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy, Water, & Environment Nexus, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. 2019.

Learning from 21st century hunter-gatherers about the evolution of the human diet. Evolution and Human Adaptations (EHAP) Speaker Series. Departments of Psychology and Anthropology, University of Michigan. 2019.

From behavioral ecology to action anthropology: How long term fieldwork changes research questions. Presidential Address. Annual Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research. Jacksonville, Florida. 2019.

Hadza Women’s Foraging and Food Collection in a Changing Nutritional Landscape. Plenary Speaker: Northwest Evolution Ecology and Behavior Symposium. Boise State University, Boise. 2018

Paleolithic or Paleomythic? What modern hunter-gatherer diet composition and gut microbiota can tell us about the evolution of human nutrition. Plenary Speaker: Lillian Fountain Smith Nutrition Conference. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 2018.

The Nutritional Significance of Red Meat. Part of Symposium: The Role of Hunting in Anthropogeny. CARTA Public Lecture Series. Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego. 2018.

The Significance of Meat and Honey in the Diet of the Hadza Foragers of Tanzania. CARTA Private Lecture Series. Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego. 2018.

Hadza nutrition in transition: a changing food economy and its impacts on child health. Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego. 2018.

Paleolithic or Paleomythic? What modern hunter-gatherer diet composition and gut microbiota can tell us about the evolution of human nutrition and life history. Mind Center for Outreach, Research, and Education (MindCore), University of Pennsylvania. 2017.

What the Hadza can tell us about human evolution. Department of Anthropology, University of Utah. 2017.

Evolution of the human diet and the gut microbiome. STEM Workforce Development and Education NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy, Water, & Environment Nexus, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV. 2016.

Foraging, food sharing, and distributed care among the Hadza: The role of children in cooperative breeding. Plenary Speaker: Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) Pre-Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia. 2016.

Hunter-gatherers, Human Diet, and Our Capacity for Cooperation. TEDxUNLV, TED Event, Las Vegas, NV. 2016.

Hunter-gatherers and the Evolution of Human Nutrition. Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group (CNO SSG), US Naval War College, Newport RI. 2015.

Crittenden 8 How Hadza Diet Informs our Understanding of the Evolution of Human Diet. Department of Anthropology, California State University, Fullerton. 2015.

Food Sharing among Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children. Pennsylvania Laboratory for Experimental Evolutionary Psychology (PLEEP), Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania. 2015.

Hunter-gatherers, Cooperative Breeding, and Human Evolution: Are foragers a practical model for evolutionary reconstructions of human behavior? Plenary Speaker: 11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS), University of Vienna, Austria. 2015.

What Hunter Gatherers Can Tell Us About the History of the Human Diet. Plenary Speaker: Lillian Fountain Smith Nutrition Conference. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 2015.

Foraging and Processes of Social Learning among Hadza Forager Children. Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego. 2015.

Foraging, Food Sharing, and Social Learning among Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children. Evolution of Social Complexity Colloquium Series, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University. 2014.

Hunter Gatherer Diet Composition: How the Hadza of Tanzania Inform our Understanding of the Evolution of the Human Diet. Department of Anthropology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 2014.

Food Sharing and Social Learning among Hadza Children. Workshop on Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter- Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives, Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan. 2014.

Current Hunter-Gatherer Diets. The Evolution of Human Nutrition – CARTA Public Lecture Series. Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego. 2012.

Evolution of the Human Diet: Data from the Hadza. The Evolution of Human Nutrition – CARTA Private Symposium. Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA), University of California, San Diego. 2012.

Hadza Juvenile Foraging: Implications for Human Life History. Advanced Seminar: Multiple Perspectives on the Evolution of Childhood. School for Advanced Research (SAR), Santa Fe, New Mexico. 2012.

Hadza Diet Composition and the Evolution of the Human Diet. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany. 2012.

How Does Hadza Diet Composition Inform Evolutionary Models? University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) - Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 2012.

The Ontogeny of Prosocial Behavior: Food Sharing Networks of Hadza Hunter-Gatherer Children. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles. 2011.

Cooperative Care among the Hadza: Situating Multiple Attachment in Evolutionary Context. Lemelson/Society for Psychological Anthropology Conference: Rethinking Attachment and Separation in Cross-Cultural Perspective. 2011.

The Hadza Foragers of Tanzania. Academic Connections, University of California, San Diego. 2010.

Cooperative Child Rearing among the Hadza Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania. San Diego Museum of Man. 2010.

Crittenden 9 Allomaternal Care and Juvenile Foraging among the Hadza: Implications for the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Humans. Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada Las Vegas. 2010.


Ages and Stages: Child learning, exploration, and helping behaviors in foraging and transitioning populations. Co-chair and Co-Organizer with Helen Davis (Harvard University). Invited Status Awarded. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), San Jose, California. 2018.

Hunter-Gatherers in the 21st Century – Economic and Social Dimensions of Foraging in a Changing Landscape. Co-chair and Co-Organizer with Karen Kramer (University of Utah). Annual meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Las Vegas, Nevada. 2018.

Conversation Hour: Fieldwork and Family. Co-chair and Co-Organizer with Bonnie Hewlett (Washington State University). Annual meeting of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR), New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017.

Evolutionary Perspectives on Attachment: How Anthropology Can Inform Contemporary Parenting Models. Co-Chair and Co-Organizer with Courtney Meehan (Washington State University). Invited Session. Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Executive Session, Washington DC. 2014.

Perspectives on Childhood Economics. Co-Chair and Co-Organizer with Jennifer Thompson (UNLV). Annual meeting for the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Las Vegas, NV. 2012.


All play and no work: (Re)defining play and work among forager children. Annual meeting for the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Washington DC. 2017.

Women and Children of the Congo Basin. Annual meeting for the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2015.

Nature Conservancy sponsored event for indigenous land rights: The Hadza: Last of the First. Quad Cinema, New York. 2014.

Visions of Future Earth: The Hadza: Last of the First. International Colloquium on Global Environmental Sustainability. School of Global Environmental Sustainability, Colorado State University. 2014.

Smithsonian Environmental Film Festival, The Hadza: Last of the First. 2014.

Parental Views on Teaching, Children’s Acquisition of Critical Life Skills and Their Contribution to the Domestic Economy. Society for Psychological Anthropologists Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. 2013.


Workshop on Long-term Field Site Management in Evolutionary Anthropology. Invited attendee. Sponsored by Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Evolutionary Anthropology. Held at MPI in Leipzig, Germany. Organized by Robin Nelson, Michelle Kline, and Katie Starkweather. 2018.

Social Learning and Innovation in Contemporary Hunter- Gatherers: Evolutionary and Ethnographic Perspectives. Invited attendee and presenter. Sponsored by RNMH (Replacement of Neanderthals by Modern Humans: Testing Evolutionary Models of Learning) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Crittenden 10 Innovative Areas. Held at Kobe Gakuin University, Kyoto, Japan. Organized by Hideaki Terashima and Barry Hewlett. 2014.

Multiple Perspectives on the Evolution of Childhood. Co-chair and Co-organizer with Courtney Meehan (Washington State University). Advanced Seminar sponsored by the School of Advanced Research (SAR). Held in Santa Fe, New Mexico. 2012.

Attachment Reconsidered: Cultural Perspective on a Western Theory. Invited attendee. Sponsored by the Association for Psychological Anthropology, American Anthropological Association. Held in Spokane, WA. Organized by Naomi Quinn and Jeannette Mageo.


* indicates first author/presenter at conference

Crittenden, A.N.*, Samson, D.R., Herlosky, K.N., and McKenna, J.J. Co-sleeping practices among Hadza hunter-gatherers: towards a cross-cultural understanding of maternal sleep quality among habitually co-sleeping mothers. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: Jacksonville, Florida. 2019.

Herlosky, K.N., Benyshek, D.C., and Crittenden, A.N. Birthing Practices among the Hadza Foragers of Tanzania: What brings happiness and unhappiness for mothers during pregnancy and in the postpartum period? Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: Jacksonville, Florida. 2019. Awarded best poster.

Pollom. T.R., Cross, C., and Crittenden, A.N. Rethinking agriculture and childhood growth trajectories: Lessons from the Hadza of Tanzania. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: Jacksonville, Florida. 2019.

S. Lew-Levy, Boyette, A.H., Crittenden, A.N., Hewlett, B.S., and Lamb, M.E. Playing gender, learning culture among BaYaka and Hadza hunter-gatherer children in the Republic of Congo and Tanzania. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: Jacksonville, Florida. 2019.

Crittenden, A.N.*, Herlosky K.N., Pollom, T.R., Davis, H.E., and Cashdan, E. Harm avoidance and spatial anxiety among young Hadza foragers. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: San Jose, California. 2018.

S. Lew-Levy, Boyette, A., Crittenden, A.N., Hewlett, B.S. and Lamb, M.E. Who teaches children? Investigating the primacy of child-to-child teaching among Hadza and Mbendjele hunter-gatherers of Tanzania and Congo. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: San Jose, California. 2018.

Crittenden, A.N.*, Conklin-Brittain, N.L., Berbesque, J.C., Wood, B.M., Mabulla, A.Z., and Schoeninger, M.J. Hadza hunter-gatherer diet: chemical composition of foods and estimate of food type contribution. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: Austin, Texas. 2018.

Herlosky, K.N., Benyshek, D.C., and Crittenden, A.N. Postpartum Maternal Health and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale among the Hadza Foragers. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: Austin, Texas. 2018.

Pollom, T.R., Herlosky, K.N., Mabulla, I. Cross, C., and Crittenden, A.N. The effects of early nutrition transition on growth trajectories and child productivity among the Hadza of Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: Austin, Texas. 2018.

Pollom, T.R., Mabulla, I.A., and Crittenden, A.N. Foraging motivations among Hadza juveniles. Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, Nevada. 2018.

Crittenden 11 Lew-Levy, S., Kissler, S., Boyette, A., Crittenden, A.N., Hewlett, B., and Lamb, M.E. Egalitarian social learning in two hunter-gatherer societies: A social network analysis of learning to forage among the Hadza of Tanzania and the Mbendjele of the Congo. Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, Nevada. 2018. Awarded best poster.

Herlosky, K.N. and Crittenden, A.N. Maternal breastfeeding patterns and infant colostrum consumption among the Hadza foragers. Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR), Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, Nevada. 2018.

Crittenden, A.N.*, Tobolsky, V.A., and Apicella, C.L. Risk taking among Hadza hunter-gatherer children. Cognitive Development Society (CDS), Annual Meeting: Portland, Oregon. 2017.

Crittenden, A.N.*, Moonie, S., Sorrentino, J., and Ungar, P.S. Oral health among the Hadza foragers of Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017.

Ungar, P.S., Crittenden, A.N., and Rose, J.C. Linear enamel hypoplasia incidence in bush-dwelling and village Hadza from Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017.

Herlosky, K.N., Benyshek, D.C., and Crittenden, A.N. Postpartum maternal mood among the Hadza. Society for Cross Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana. 2017.

Crittenden, A.N. *Social learning among Hadza forager children. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: Portland, Oregon. 2016.

Schnorr, S.L., A.G. Henry, and A.N. Crittenden. Lipid metabolism and nutritive factors of the gut microbiota in human foragers. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: Atlanta, Georgia. 2016.

Livengood, S.V., A.N. Crittenden, and P.S. Ungar. Dental microwear turnover rates in a modern hunter- gatherer population. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: Atlanta, Georgia. 2016.

Crittenden, A.N.*, D.C. Benyshek, and G. K. Wells. Foraging, Energetics, and Play among Hadza children. 11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS): University of Vienna, Austria. 2015.

Schnorr, S.L., S. Rampelli, S. Turroni, E. Biagi, C. Consolandi, P. Brigidi, A.N. Crittenden, M. Candela, and A.G. Henry. Insights on the Lipid Metabolic Potential of the Gut Microbiome in Different Human and Animal Groups. 5th International Human Microbiome Congress: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg. 2015.

Crittenden, A.N. *Paleolithic or Paleomythic? How Hunter-Gatherers can Inform the “Paleo Parenting” Movement. Paper in AAA Executive Session: Evolutionary Perspectives on Attachment: How Anthropology Can Inform Contemporary Parenting Models. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: Washington DC. 2014.

Crittenden, A.N.* New Insights on the Role of Tubers in Hominin Evolution: Data from the Hadza Hunter-gatherers of Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting: Calgary, Canada. 2014.

Schnorr, S.L., K. Venema, A.N. Crittenden, F.W. Marlowe, and A.G. Henry. Assessing Diet Specialization of Hadza Microbiota through Activity and Composition. American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting: Calgary, Canada. 2014. Awarded Juan Comas award for best paper.

Wells, G.K., A.W. Froehle, and A.N. Crittenden. Activity Budgets and Energy Expenditure among Hunter-Gatherer Children: Results from the Hadza of Northern Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting: Calgary, Canada. 2014. Crittenden 12

Giordano, C. and A.N. Crittenden. The Colostrum Taboo in Evolutionary Perspective. American Association of Behavioral and Social Sciences Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, Nevada. 2014.

Schnorr, S.L., K. Venema, A.N. Crittenden, F.W. Marlowe, and A.G. Henry. Negligible Effect of Cooking on Nutritional Value of Hadza Tubers. European Society for the Study of Human Evolution Annual Meeting: Vienna. 2013.

Schnorr, S.L., A.N. Crittenden, F.W. Marlowe, and A.G. Henry. Nutritional Impact of Cooking on Hadza Tubers. Tenth Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies: Liverpool, UK. 2013.

Schnorr, S.L., A.N. Crittenden, and A.G. Henry. In-vitro Analysis of Nutrition in Hadza Tubers Using Hadza Simulated Cooking Techniques. American Association of Physical Anthropology Annual Meeting: Knoxville, Tennessee. 2013.

A. Samraj, A.N. Crittenden, K. Banda, C.J. Gregg, S. Assar, S.L. Diaz, N. Varki, and A. Varki. Diet- derived Xeno-autoantigen Sialic acid Promotes Inflammation-Evidence for "Xenosialitis". Annual meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. 2013.

Crittenden, A.N. *Hadza Juvenile Foraging: Economic Contributions. Society for Cross-Cultural Research, Annual Meeting: Las Vegas, Nevada. 2012.

Diaz, S.L., A.N. Crittenden, K. Banda, C.J. Gregg, D. Ghaderi, H. Yu, Z. Guo, X. Chen, and A. Varki. Improvements on the DMB-HPLC Method for Sensitive and Specific Detection and Quantitation of Bound and Free Non-ulosonic Acids. Society for Glycobiology, Annual Meeting. 2012.

Crittenden, A.N. *Growing up Hadza: Alloparenting by Peers. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana. 2010.

Crittenden, A.N.*, D.A. Zes, and F.W. Marlowe. Juvenile Food Sharing among the Hadza of Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Annual Meeting: Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2010.

Crittenden, A.N.* Hard Working Hadza Children: Implications for the evolution of cooperative breeding in humans. Society for Cross Cultural Research/American Anthropological Association's Anthropology of Children and Childhood Interest Group, Annual Meeting: Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2010.

J.C. Berbesque, F.W. Marlowe, A. Mabulla, and A.N. Crittenden. Sex Differences in Dental Attrition and Consumption in Hadza Hunter-Gatherers. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana. Awarded “Best Paper by a New Investigator”. 2010.

Crittenden, A.N.*, R.W. Wrangham, F.W. Marlowe, N.L. Conklin-Brittain, and M.J. Schoeninger. Foraging Strategies and Diet Composition of Hadza Children. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois. 2009.

Schoeninger, M.J., P.M. Masters, C.M. Kellner, J.L. Bada, J.J. Peck, and A.N. Crittenden. Subsistence strategies of the early inhabitants of southernmost California. American Association of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting: Chicago, Illinois. 2009.

Crittenden, A.N.* Cooperative Child Rearing among the Hadza. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: San Francisco, California. 2009.

Crittenden, A.N.* Cooperative Care among the Hadza Foragers of Tanzania. Society for Anthropological Sciences, Annual Meeting: New Orleans, Louisiana. 2009.

Crittenden, A.N.* and F.W. Marlowe. The Helping Behavior of Hadza Children: Childcare and the Evolution of Cooperative Breeding in Humans. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting: San Jose, California. 2006.

Crittenden 13 Crittenden, A.N.* and F.W. Marlowe. Alloparenting among the Hadza of Tanzania. American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Annual Meeting: Anchorage, Alaska. 2006.

Crittenden, A.N.* and M.J. Schoeninger. Diet Composition and Differential Foraging Strategies of Hadza Men and Women. Graduate Research Symposium, University of California San Diego. 2004.

Crittenden, A.N.*, M. Richardson, M.J. Schoeninger, H.T. Bunn, and T.R. Pickering. Differential Foraging Strategies and Diets of Hadza Men and Women. American Anthropological Association, Annual Meeting. 2003.


2019 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • A changing diet in a changing landscape: Dietary intake, hydration strategies, and food and water insecurity among the Hadza foragers of Tanzania • Cross-cultural exploration of the relevance of positive selection on human salivary amylase gene: analysis of chewing times (Co-PI with Stephanie Schnorr, Postdoctoral Fellow, UNLV)

2017 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Spatial Cognition and Navigation (SCAN): towards an understanding of sex differences in mobility, navigation, and spatial cognition among juvenile Hadza foragers (Co-PI with Elizabeth Cashdan, University of Utah)

2016 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Sleep patterns among the Hadza hunter-gatherers: towards an understanding of the evolution of flexible sleep (Co-PI with David Samson, Duke University) • Cross-cultural emotion perception (PI Lisa Feldman Barrett, Northeastern University)

2015 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Hadza dental health and the transition from foraging to agriculture (PI – in collaboration with Peter Ungar, University of Arkansas) • Hadza Dental Microwear: Implications for the evolution of human diet (Co-PI with Peter Ungar, University of Arkansas)

2013 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Testing the Cooking Hypothesis: the nutrient availability of cooked versus raw tubers • Characterizing the Hadza gut microbiome (Co-PI with Amanda Henry, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology)

2012 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Cross-cultural Studies in Cognition – Arts & Research Council (AHRC) Culture and the Mind (PI Stephen Laurence, University of Sheffield)

2011 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Cross-cultural Studies in Cognition – Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Culture and the Mind (PI Stephen Laurence, University of Sheffield)

2006 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Allomaternal Care and Juvenile Foraging among Hadza Foragers: Implications for the evolution of cooperative breeding in humans (PI)

2005 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Oldowan Use-wear Experiments and Analysis: Wild tuber processing by Hadza women (PI Thomas Plummer, City University of New York) Crittenden 14 • Sex Differences in Spatial Cognition among Hadza Foragers (PI Elizabeth Cashdan, University of Utah)

2004 Lake Eyasi, Tanzania • Macronutrient Composition of Hadza Diet (Co-PIs Frank Marlowe and Nancy Conklin- Brittain, Harvard University) • Foraging, Food Sharing, and Family Formation among the Hadza (PI Frank Marlowe, Harvard University)


2009 - 2011 Postdoctoral Fellow: Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine/Center for Academic Research and Training in Anthropogeny (CARTA) University of California, San Diego, Medical School • Evolution of the human diet; non-human sialic acids (N-glycolylneuraminic acid) in western diet; foraging and food sharing among the Hadza of Tanzania

2006 - 2007 Visiting Graduate Student Researcher: Department of Human Evolutionary Biology, Nutritional Ecology Laboratory, Peabody Museum, Harvard University • Macronutrient analysis of Hadza diet



2019 • Past President of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR) – final year of four year service term • Elected member of the Executive Board, Evolutionary Anthropology Society (AAA) • Associate Editor, Evolutionary Psychology • Consulting Editor, Evolution of Human Behavior

2018 • President of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR) • Consulting Editor, Evolution of Human Behavior

2017 • President Elect of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR)

2016 • Vice President of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR)

2013 - • Ad hoc grant proposal reviewer for National Science Foundation • Ad hoc journal referee: American Anthropologist, American Journal of Human Biology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Nature Human Behavior, Current Anthropology, Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective, Hunter Gatherer Research, Journal of Archaeological Science, Journal of Human Evolution, Journal of Hunter Gatherer Research, PLOS One, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

2013 • Book reviewer: WW Norton and Company; Cambridge University Press

2012 • Chairperson of the organizing committee for the annual meeting of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR), Las Vegas, Nevada. • Faculty Judge – Annual meeting of the Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR), Las Vegas, Nevada. • Guest Editor, Matrix of Comparative Anthropogeny (CARTA). Crittenden 15 • Book reviewer: Yale University Press


University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2019 • Member – UNLV Graduate Council • Member – UNLV Women’s Council

2018 • Committee member – College of Liberal Arts, Diversity and Inclusion • Member – UNLV Women’s Council • Committee member – Online Education Faculty Advisory Board

2017 • Chair – Online Education Faculty Advisory Board • Committee member – College of Liberal Arts, Diversity and Inclusion • Member – UNLV Women’s Council

2016 • Committee member – Online Education Faculty Advisory Board

2015 • Committee member – College of Liberal Arts Financial Aid & Scholarship Committee • Faculty presenter – Academic Achievement Gala. • Faculty panelist - Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA): Mysteries Unveiled: Logistics of Academic Job Interviewing, Negotiating an Offer and Transitioning into a Professorial Position.

2014 • Faculty marshal – UNLV Commencement. • Committee member – College of Liberal Arts Financial Aid & Scholarship Committee

2013 • Faculty organizer – Lambda Alpha undergraduate and graduate CV building workshop

2012 • Faculty panelist– Graduate & Professional Student Association (GPSA) undergraduate and graduate student CV building workshop. • Faculty participant – Disability Resource Center Annual Evaluation.

University of California, San Diego 2010 • Alumni Representative Fellow, Department of Marketing and Communications, University of California, San Diego. 2009 • Graduate Student Representative Fellow, Division of Social Sciences Development Department, University of California, San Diego.


University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2019 • Graduate Coordinator • Chair – Graduate Curriculum Committee • Chair – Website and Social Media Committee

2018 • Member – Scholarship Committee • Member – Undergraduate Curriculum Committee

2017 • Chair – Scholarship Committee • Member – Website Committee • Member – Faculty Retreat Committee

Crittenden 16 2016 • Chair – Faculty Retreat Committee • Chair – Website Committee • Member - Scholarship Committee

2015 • Member – Website Committee • Member - Scholarship Committee • Member - Faculty Retreat Committee

2014 • Webmaster and Chair of Website Committee • Member - Scholarship Committee • Member - Faculty Retreat Committee • Member - Academic Assessment Committee • Rebel Preview Day presenter • Chair of faculty judges, Anthropology Research Forum

2013 • Webmaster and Chair of Website Committee • Member - Scholarship Committee • Member - Faculty Retreat Committee • Member - Academic Assessment Committee

2012 • Member - Faculty Retreat Committee • Member - Academic Assessment Committee • Member – Website Committee

University of California, San Diego 2010 • Colloquium Organizer, Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego. 2008 • Consultant - Folklore and creation narratives of the Kumeyaay, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Working Group, University of California, San Diego. COMMUNITY

2019 • Keynote speaker, STEM Workforce Development and Education NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy, Water, & Environment Nexus, Las Vegas, NV

2016 • Keynote speaker, STEM Workforce Development and Education NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy, Water, & Environment Nexus, Las Vegas, NV • Keynote speaker, General Assembly, The Meadows School, Las Vegas, NV

2015 • Guest, UNLV Research Files ( December 2015

2014 • Guest Scientist, UNLV Studio G • Panel Scientist, Nevada Public Radio

2013 • Panel Scientist, Nevada Public Radio

2012 • Participating Scientist, “Ologist Day” – Nevada Science Week, Las Vegas Natural History Museum. • Speaker, “By the Light of a Million Fires – Hadza Land Rights”. Nature Conservancy Fundraising Banquet • Panel Scientist, Nevada Public Radio

2010 • Speaker, “Meet the Scientist”, San Diego Museum of Man


Courses Taught: Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2011 - present) • Introduction to Biological Anthropology • History of Anthropological Theory • The Anthropology of Women & Men • Ethnographic Field Methods • Cultures Through Film • Food and Human History (College of Liberal Arts First Year Seminar) • Research Design, Professional Ethics, and Grant Writing (Graduate Seminar) • Evolution of the Human Diet (Graduate Seminar) • Hunter-Gatherers (Graduate Seminar) • Evolution of Human Life History (Graduate Seminar)

Courses Taught: Department of Anthropology, University of California, San Diego (2004 – 2007) • Human Evolution • The Fate of the Neanderthals


POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS Stephanie Schnorr Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress

PHD COMMITTEE CHAIR Kayleigh Meighan Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress Kristen Herlosky Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress Trevor Pollom Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress

MA COMMITTEE CHAIR Kristen Herlosky Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2018 Postpartum Maternal Mood among the Hadza Trevor Pollom Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2018 Nutrition Transition of Hadza Foragers: Implications for Juvenile Behavior

PHD COMMITTEE MEMBER Michael Isaacs Life Sciences, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress Sheina Lew-Levy Psychology, Cambridge University, Cambridge UK – Fall 2019 Michael Moncrieff Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2018 Timothy McHale Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Fall 2017 Stephanie Schnorr Archaeology, University of Leiden, Netherlands – Spring 2016

MA COMMITTEE MEMBER Lyndsey Craig Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress Alex Straftis Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – In Progress Virginia Smercina Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Fall 2019 Emilio Jacintho Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Fall 2018 Carol Franco Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2018 Alecia Schrenk Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2016 Antoinette Izzo Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Fall 2015 Laura Gryder Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2015 Sun Yuehzu Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2014 Crittenden 18 Dana Foster Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas – Spring 2013


Spencer Holmes Research Internship, Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Fall 2019. Documenting the diversity and functions of music in Hadza life.

Mariah Clanton Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions Program (AANAPISI), University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Summer 2018. Project title: Keep calm and carry on: Infant carrying practices and motor development.

Elle Ford Dr. Ronald E. McNair Scholars Institute at UNLV, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Fall 2017. Project title: Anthropometric measurements of physical growth among Hadza hunter-gatherer children.

Deidra Dilworth NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy, Water, & Environment Nexus Summer Research Experience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Summer 2017. Project tile: GPS foraging data among the Hadza: Implications for understanding the sexual division of labor.

Regina de Castro NSF EPSCoR Solar Energy, Water, & Environment Nexus Summer Research Experience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Summer 2017. Project tile: GPS and Heart Rate Monitor data from child foragers among the Hadza of Tanzania: Towards a better understanding food production among hunter-gatherers.

Kara Osborne Dr. Ronald E. McNair Scholars Institute at UNLV, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Fall 2013. Project title: Evolution of the human diet: What we can learn from Hadza hunter-gatherers.

G. Kilian Wells National Institutes of Health (NIH) IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence Undergraduate Research Opportunity, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Summer 2013. Project title: Activity budgets and energy expenditure among hunter-gatherer children: Results from the Hadza of Tanzania.


Society for Cross Cultural Research (SCCR) Elected positions: Past President (2019), President (2018), President Elect (2017), Vice President (2016) American Anthropological Association (AAA) Evolutionary Anthropology Society (EAS) Elected position: At large Board Member (2019) American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA) Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) American Association of University Women (AAUW)


In Defense of Food Crittenden 19 PBS ( ) Featured researcher and production consultant in PBS documentary on Michael Pollan’s bestselling book, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto. Film premiered at the International Life Sciences Film Festival (Prague, Czech Republic) – recipient of the Grand Prize – October, 2015. Screened at Mill Valley Film Festival and Austin Film Festival. Aired on PBS, December 2015.

The Hadza: Last of the First Journeyman Pictures ( Featured researcher, co-host, and production consultant in documentary film on the importance of the Hadza hunter-gatherers for studies of human evolution and cultural survival. Three weeks of filming on location in Northern Tanzania, East Africa (August 2011) and one week of filming in California, USA (June 2011). Film premiered at the Smithsonian Environmental Film Festival, March 2014. Showed in limited engagement in Los Angeles and New York, November – December 2014.

The Origins of Us British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) ( Production consultant and featured researcher in BBC documentary on how research among the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania can inform our understanding of the evolution of human life history and the sexual division of labor. One week of filming on location in Northern Tanzania, East Africa (January 2011). Aired on BBC Science – UK and USA. 2011.


2019 Interview: The Wilderness and Wellness Podcast – “The Hadza of Tanzania and Human Evoutionary Biology”. alyssa-crittenden-the-EGTrse4_WNA/.

Research coverage: Livekindly – “Is Honey Vegan? Why bees need it more than we do”.

Interview: Great Courses Daily – “As Food Waste Adds Up, Ideas to Reduce Costs and Maximize Value.” to-reduce-costs-and-maximize-value/.

Interview: Great Courses Daily – “Diversifying Restaurant Menus Suggest Taking a Look at What the World Eats”. restaurant-menus-suggest-a-look-at-what-the-world-eats/.

2018 Interview: Science – “Farmers, tourists, and cattle threaten to wipe out some of the world’s last hunter-gatherers”. tourists-and-cattle-threaten-wipe-out-some-world-s-last-hunter-gatherers

Research coverage: Popular Science – “Ancient hunter-gatherers didn’t all eat paleo.”

Research coverage: Restonic – “Night Owls VS Early : Which Sleep Style is Healthier?”.

Research coverage: The Splendid Table – “The nature of bees and honey is key to plant and human development”. honey-is-key-to-plant-and-human-development

Research coverage: Coach Nine – “The hunter-gatherer tribe revealing everything we need to know about human health”. tribe-health-insights Crittenden 20

2017 Research coverage: Science – “In surprise, tooth decay afflicts hunter-gatherers.”

Interview: Nautilus - “The caveman guide to parenting”. caveman-guide-to-parenting/

Course taught: National Geographic course “Food, Science, and the Human Body”

Interview: Science History Institute – “Grandmothers matter: some surprisingly controversial theories of human longevity”

Interview and research coverage: New York Times – “Living another day, thanks to grandparents who couldn’t sleep” evolution.html

Interview and research coverage: CBS News – “Bad sleep may be an evolutionary survival tool” survival-tool/

Interview and research coverage: Popular Science – “Grandma’s insomnia might be a product of evolution”

Interview and research coverage: The Guardian – “Restless development: bad sleep may be evolutionary survival tool, study finds”

Interview: KUNV radio – “Health and the Hadza”

Research coverage: Dentistry Today – “Gender and residence may play a greater role in oral health than diet.” news/item/1808-gender-and-residence-may-play-a-greater-role-in-oral-health-than- diet?highlight=WyJkaWV0Il0=

Research coverage: Decisions in Dentistry – “New study challenges long held notions about caries development”. long-held-notion-caries-development/

Research coerage: Dental Tribune – “Study challenges understanding of oral health in the Stone Age”. g_of_oral_health_in_the_stone_age.html

2016 TEDx – “Hunter gatherers, human diet, and our capacity for cooperation”

Interview: The Scientist – “Gut microbes need fiber, too” Fiber--Too/

Interview: Research Files –local Las Vegas access television

Crittenden 21 2015 Featured researcher: “In Defense of Food” (

Interview: Nautilus magazine – “Our ancestors were babysitters”.

Interview: Paul Kirtley’s Wilderness Bushcraft – “Hadza, Honey, and the Human Diet”

2014 Featured researcher: “The Hadza: Last of the first” Journeyman Pictures (

Interview: Nevada Public Radio – “Gut Feeling: What we learned from the Hadza about digestion”.

Interview: Inside Higher Education - Academic Minute. “Microbiota of the Hadza” tribe/

Interview: Misadventures Magazine – “Hadza: Last of the First” benenson-filmmaker/

Research coverage: LA Weekly Film Review – “The Hadza, Last of the First”

Interview: International colloquium on global environmental sustainability – visions of future earth, Colorado State University

Highlighted scientist: Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember. Cross-Cultural Research Methods. 3rd ed. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

Highlighted scientist: Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember. Cultural Anthropology, 14th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

2013 Interview and research coverage: National Geographic – “Evolution of Human Diet”

Youtube: “The Evolution of Human Nutrition: Hunter gatherer diets”

2012 Interview: National Public Radio – “Honey: The sweet secret to evolution”

Interview: Las Vegas Review Journal – “Honey’s effects on human evolution excite UNLV anthropologist” excite-unlv-anthropologist/

Interview: Long Island Pulse – “Liquid gold: For the love of honey”

Interview and research coverage: Last Word on Nothing Science Blog

Interview: UNLV Innovation – “Extreme Jobs: With machete in Hand” Crittenden 22

2011 Interview and research coverage: Smithsonian – “Humans, the honey hunters”

Youtube: University of California, Los Angeles – “The ontogeny of prosocial behavior: Foraging and food sharing behvavior among Hadza hunter-gatherer children”


2017 Photo: Hadza women return from digging tubers. In New York Times, Science, “Living Another Day, Thanks to Grandparents Who Couldn’t Sleep”, July 13, 2017.

2016 Photo: Hadza women digging tubers. In Massendinghaltung in der Archäologie. Germany: Sidestone Press.

2014 Photo: Hadza boys target shooting. In The Anthropology of Childhood (2nd edition) by David Lancy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2010 Photo: Two girls babysit and carry their young siblings. In The Hadza Hunter-Gatherers of Tanzania by Frank Marlowe. Page 206. Berkeley: University of California Press.

2009 Photo: Thirst Quencher – Hadza hunter-gatherers dig tubers for water. In "Of Tools and Tubers" Science 324: 588-589.

Photos: Hadza Babysitters and Research among the Hadza. In Finding Our Tongues: Mothers, Infants, and the Origins of Language by Dean Falk. Page 67. New York: Basic Books.

2008 Photo: Hadza Allomothers. Human Nature 19(3) Special Edition on Kin Investment. Cover Photo.

2007 Photo: Wire, Animal Hide, Glass, and Plastic - Body art from the Maasai of Tanzania. In The Point, The Quarterly Journal of the Association of Professional Piercers 39. Page 6.

Photo Exhibit: The Hadza Foragers of Tanzania, East Africa. Invisible Children Gallery Walk, Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Center, San Diego, California.

2006 Photo Exhibit: The Hadza and Maasai of Tanzania. In Body Ornamentation: Artistic Representations of Self, San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego California.

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