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Read Now (PDF) CONTENTS SPRING 2012 03 Editorial Erlend Osland Simensen 04 The Controversy on Anders Behring Breivik’s Mental Health Sissel Myklebust 08 Wine will Save the World Economy! Christian Guttormsen 10 Going Green - Why Sometimes, Beauty is Only Skin Deep Chris King 13 Networking - A Necessary Evil? - An InterESST Event Siren E. F. Hole 14 Academic Spring? The Elsevier Boycott Ruben Soler 16 The Nuclear Renaissance Anders Rindal 17 Cured and Disease Free? Katrina Davis 20 When to Stop Saving a Life? Anina Bjørnhaug 23 The Junk Food Generation Ane Hagtvedt 26 Five Blades to Rule them All? Andreas Dopplemayr 29 Confessions of a Lecturer Kristin Asdal 30 The New Munch Museum in Oslo - Lamda ‘screams’ back Jeta L. Andreassen 32 Travelogue: Maastricht Edith F. Akerø and Espen Karlsen 34 3 at TIK Marianne Austheim Teknovatøren is a semi-scientific magazine published by the master students at the Centre for Technol- ogy, Innovation and Culture, Uni- versity of Oslo. Teknovatøren seeks to illuminate issues on technologi- cal development, innovation and knowledge production. EDITORIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS The word controversy originates from the Latin word “controversia”, whereas “contra” can be trans- Chairman: Stefan Jøines lated as against, and “vertere” (or versus) to turn. Executive Editor: Consequently is the mythological meaning of con- Erlend Osland Simensen troversy “to turn against”. For those of us that are Head of Finance: Simen Enger interested in what happens when technology and Head of Marketing & Innovation: society meet, controversies often get significant Marianne Austheim attention. The thing about controversies is that they Art Director: Katrina Davis show clearly the dynamic interactions between dif- Webmaster: Andreas Doppelmayr ferent social groups. It displays that scientific facts, cannot be directly transformed to technical solutions CONTRIBUTORS in society. The social and technological uncertainties of controversies lead to a situation where a dispute Layout: Katrina Davis no longer can be resolved on the sole basis of sci- Graphics Consultants: Sara Øiestad, entific results. Vidar Bakkeli, Huyen Tran Nguyen Ho Illustrations: Veronika Hansen At a first glance it could probably be hard to Cover Illustration: Ulrikke Nordseth identify a recurring theme in the articles in this Logo Design: Ulrikke Nordseth issue of Teknovatøren, but the first part of this edi- torial and the cover should provide the reader with some clues. This issue goes into the broad term of Published May 2012, 1000 copies. controversies, and there is a wide span between the different subjects. The objective is to show the diver- Print: Allkopi sity of science and innovation studies, as well as how essential it is to analyze controversies in society. Our partner and sponsor: Grønt Punkt Norge In Norway, right now, this is pertinent. Teknovatøren is published twice a year with funding from Grønt Punkt, the TIK-Centre and the Student Welfare Organization in Oslo. Please visit our new website at - Erlend Osland Simensen 3 TEKNOVATØREN 3/2012 Sissel Myklebust Professor, TIK UiO The Controversy on Anders Behring Breivik’s Mental Health The question of jail or forced have contributed to more reli- in court, the diagnosis means that psychiatric care for Anders able and reflexive points of view he cannot be sentenced to prison Behring Breivik has created among the experts, and in the but will be detained in psychiat- disturbance in the Norwegian public discussion. The last point ric care. This was difficult for the judicial system in a way that is of special importance since one public to accept. “I am so angry I has brought some typical TIK- aim of studying public intervention could weep,” wrote one woman on issues in the forefront. in science-based controversies is a Facebook site. ”A man who can to build a more reliable science plan his misdeed in such detail The Controversy on Anders anchored in a more explicit nor- and carry it out in cold blood is Behring Breivik’s Delusions mative and reflexive discourse. answerable for what he has done.” What should the role of scien- Under normal circumstances, tific expertise in court be? Should Conflicting Expertise the 243 pages expert report filled the court be ruled by its own laws Following his arrest on 22 July with technicalities and compli- or should it be ruled by scientific 2011, Breivik underwent exami- cated vocabulary would not have expertise? Three of the most rel- nation by two court-appointed been questioned by the public. evant processes for us to study in forensic psychiatrists who In this case, however, the report this context are the following: 1) diagnosed him with paranoid was leaked to the media and well how conflicting views have con- schizophrenia. According to the informed journalists started to tributed to the opening of the report he was in a psychotic state question not only the conclusion discussion on the role of forensic during the attacks and also during and the conduct of the two experts expertise in the judicial system, the 13 interviews the two experts but even the scientific knowledge 2) how different groups of actors held with him. Mental health dec- and methodology it was based on. inside and outside the psychiatric larations made by court-appointed After a while most of the report, profession have contributed with psychiatrist are routinely accepted withholding minor personal details important knowledge to under- by the judiciary, and this report was known to the public. What fol- mine the scientific results from was approved by the Norwegian lowed was that actors inside and the first court-appointed experts, Board of Forensic Medicine with outside the psychiatrist discipline and 3) how these processes may no significant remarks. If upheld intervened in the debate with the 4 TEKNOVATØREN 3/2012 Illustration: Veronika Hansen result that the legal system and the defense attorney, Geir Lippestad, district court in Oslo less than a use of expertise which it is based declared their agreement with the week before the trial, contradicted on, was put under tremendous report, many observers no lon- the first. It concluded that Breivik pressure. ger believe the situation could was not psychotic when he car- change. However, after much ried out the attacks or afterwards, Public Pressure public pressure, the Oslo district and that he was not suffering from Despite the fiercely articulated court gave up its resistance and paranoid schizophrenia. The new critic of the report, prosecutor ordered a second expert panel to report gives the judges grounds to Svein Holden concluded in a letter evaluate Breivik’s mental condi- sentence him to prison, but before to the court that he would not seek tion and to deliver a report before that, the court must determine another evaluation. When public the trial started on April 16.The whether he was sane or psychotic prosecutor as well as Breivik’s second report, submitted to the at the time, based on two contra- 5 TEKNOVATØREN 3/2012 “One of the weakest points in the first report was the lack of documentation on Breivik’s “bizarre delusions” in a clinical sense” dicting reports and four expert became of special importance. the first report was the lack of doc- witnesses. When the report for instance umentation on Breivik’s “bizarre argues for the diagnosis by char- delusions” in a clinical sense. New Actors - acterizing many of the concepts Many of the thoughts described Aternative Knowledge in his Manifesto as “neologism” as “bizarre delusions” did not ful- Many mental health experts (a criteria for the diagnosis) which fill the criteria according to other expressed surprise that Breivik are made-up words that typically psychiatric experts because was found to be paranoid schizo- have only meaning to the individ- even if they were strange, they phrenic without any evidence of ual who uses them, people with were fully possible. This is also hallucinations or other uncon- online activity experience argued the point which has the closest trolled impulses. During a few that these words were in frequent connection to Breivik’s political weeks, the Norwegian popula- use. tion was educated in symptoms It was important that the decla- for this diagnosis. Even techni- ration by the first court-appointed calities like the criteria in ICD-10 psychiatrists was challenged and DSM IV, and the working of by colleagues within the disci- the GAF score became household pline and also by other mental knowledge. With hallucinations health experts like psychologists. lacking, the documentation of In addition, victims, and law- delusions became most impor- yers representing the victims, tant and words like “bizarre” and reported that Breivik had acted “grandiose” crept into the Nor- in a very controlled and strate- wegian language. However, the gic manner on the crime scene. lack of diagnostic precision and However, comments from peo- cultural contextualization of the ple with knowledge on Breivik’s concept “delusion” became obvi- online activities and his politi- ous and the case suggests strong cal universe seem to have been limits to psychiatry in dealing with of special importance in the political crime. process of opening the contro- According to one definition versy because they contributed “a delusion” is a belief held with with important information that strong conviction despite supe- was unknown to the first court- rior evidence to the contrary, and appointed psychiatrists. Journalist that this conviction is so fixed that and others contributed in news- it is pathological (the result of an papers and on the Internet with illness or illness process). As experience and knowledge on pathological, it is distinct from a different topics with relevance for belief based on false or incom- the political universe and for the plete information, dogma, poor technical preparation of the crim- memory, illusion, or other effects inal act.
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