Psychological Issues in Escape, Rescue, and Survival in the Wake of Disaster
2008 Psychological Issues in Escape, Rescue, and Survival in the Wake of Disaster Report Submitted to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Pittsburgh Research Laboratory George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP Paul Perrin & George S. Everly, III Contents INTRODUCTION THE PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPACT OF CRISIS AND DISASTERS The Nature of Human Stress Physiology of Stress Psychology of Stress Excessive Stress Distress Depression Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Compassion Fatigue A Review of Empirical Investigations on the Mental Health Consequences of Crisis and Disaster Primary Victims/ Survivors Rescue and Recovery Personnel “RESISTANCE, RESILIENCE, AND RECOVERY” AS A STRATEGIC AND INTEGRATIVE INTERVENTION PARADIGM Historical Foundations Resistance, Resiliency, Recovery: A Continuum of Care Building Resistance Self‐efficacy Hardiness Enhancing Resilience Fostering Recovery LEADERSHIP AND THE INCIDENT MANAGEMENT AND INCIDENT COMMAND SYSTEMS (ICS) Leadership: What is it? Leadership Resides in Those Who Follow Incident Management Essential Information NIMS Components 1 Psychological Issues in Escape, Rescue, and Survival in the Wake of Disaster | George Everly, Jr. The Need for Incident Management Key Features of the ICS Placement of Psychological Crisis Intervention Teams in ICS Functional Areas in the Incident Command System Structuring the Mental Health Response Challenges of Rural and Isolated Response Caution: Fatigue in Incident Response Summary CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS REFERENCES APPENDIX A – Training resources in disaster mental health and crisis intervention APPENDIX B – Psychological First Aid (PFA) 2 Psychological Issues in Escape, Rescue, and Survival in the Wake of Disaster | George Everly, Jr. Introduction The experience of disaster appears to have become an expected aspect of life. Whether it is a natural disaster such as a hurricane or tsunami, or a human‐made disaster such as terrorism, the effects can be both physically and psychological devastating.
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