Adversus Paganos: Disaster, Dragons, and Episcopal Authority in Gregory of Tours
Adversus paganos: Disaster, Dragons, and Episcopal Authority in Gregory of Tours David J. Patterson Comitatus: A Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Volume 44, 2013, pp. 1-28 (Article) Published by Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA DOI: 10.1353/cjm.2013.0000 For additional information about this article Access provided by University of British Columbia Library (29 Aug 2013 02:49 GMT) ADVERSUS PAGANOS: DISASTER, DRAGONS, AND EPISCOPAL AUTHORITY IN GREGORY OF TOURS David J. Patterson* Abstract: In 589 a great flood of the Tiber sent a torrent of water rushing through Rome. According to Gregory of Tours, the floodwaters carried some remarkable detritus: several dying serpents and, perhaps most strikingly, the corpse of a dragon. The flooding was soon followed by plague and the death of a pope. This remarkable chain of events leaves us with puzzling questions: What significance would Gregory have located in such a narrative? For a modern reader, the account (apart from its dragon) reads like a descrip- tion of a natural disaster. Yet how did people in the early Middle Ages themselves per- ceive such events? This article argues that, in making sense of the disasters at Rome in 589, Gregory revealed something of his historical consciousness: drawing on both bibli- cal imagery and pagan historiography, Gregory struggled to identify appropriate objects of both blame and succor in the wake of calamity. Keywords: plague, natural disaster, Gregory of Tours, Gregory the Great, Asclepius, pagan survivals, dragon, serpent, sixth century, Rome. In 589, a great flood of the Tiber River sent a torrent of water rushing through the city of Rome.
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