From: [email protected], To: [email protected], Subject: The Curate: November 2020 Date: Fri, Nov 27, 2020 7:30 pm

The Curate November 2020

In This Issue: A Message from the Rector: Blessing an Advent Wreath Stewardship: A Letter from the Stewardship Ministry, a Stewardship Spotlight Video Music and Liturgy Notes Happenings: Carrie Downey Christmas Food Basket Drive, Movie Night, Feeding Ministry Updates, Christmas Pageant, Advent Prompts: Week 1, Regathering Certification Rector's Virtual Office Hours via Zoom Sunday Compline: live worship on Zoom Flower Memorial: Christmas Memorials and Thank Offerings Form Prayer List A MESSAGE FROM THE RECTOR

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

This Sunday marks the beginning of the liturgical season of Advent, a time of spiritual preparation leading up to Christmas. Advent begins on the Sunday closest to the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle (Nov. 30). It spans four Sundays and four weeks of preparation.

The celebration of Advent has slowly evolved in the spiritual life of the Church. The Gelasian Sacramentary (Altar Book), written in the mid 5th century), was the first to provide Advent liturgies for five Sundays. Later, St. Gregory I (d. 604) enhanced these liturgies composing prayers, antiphons, readings, and responses. Finally, about the ninth century, the Church designated the first Sunday of Advent as the beginning of the Church year.

The Advent season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s Second Coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas.

Advent devotions including the Advent Wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season.

The blessing of an Advent Wreath takes place on the First Sunday of Advent or on the evening before the First Sunday of Advent. The candles represent the four weeks of Advent and the number of candles lighted each week corresponds to the number of the current week of Advent. If a rose candle is used, it is lighted on the Third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday.

When the blessing of the Advent Wreath is celebrated in the home, it is appropriate that it be blessed by any member of the family.

The leader says:

Our help is in the name of the Lord. Response: The maker of heaven and earth.

The leader says:

Lord our God, we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ: he is Emmanuel, the hope of all peoples, he is the wisdom that teaches and guides us, he is the Savior of every nation. Lord God, let your blessing come upon us as we light the candles of this wreath. May the wreath and its light be a sign of Christ’s promise to bring us salvation. May he come quickly and not delay. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The blessing may conclude with a verse from “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”:

O come, desire of nations, bind in one the hearts of all mankind; bid thou our sad division cease and be thyself our King of Peace. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

May each of you have a blessed and joyful Advent! Fr. Keene


Dear Immanuel on the Green Family,

Greetings in the name of Christ!

As we journey through the season of Autumn towards Advent and a new calendar year in the life of the church, one’s thoughts and aspirations begin to focus on the life of our parish and the worship, fellowship, and ministry we all share together. This year it is even more so, as we face the challenges of continuing to worship and gather in a new way as a result of the pandemic that has significantly impacted all of us and those whom we serve.

We are not able to gather and worship as we have done in the past. Our ministries have been severely impacted by the restraints the virus has put upon us. Our Vestry and leaders have adapted the best that they can in these new times. We have also had to suspend some of our most beloved traditions, such as our Holy Week observances, congregational and choral singing, social gatherings, and “Seersucker Sunday.”

But, in spite of all the challenges we face, the work of the church must go on. We have learned to use technology to gather together, and we have welcomed new worshipers via the broadcasting of our weekly services. We have found new ways to reach out to each other and care for those around us.

Someone most famously said that “God will not give us more than we are capable of handling.” Our witness for Christ, here in this space these past 331 years, is a testament to that! In its lifetime, this congregation has faced pandemics, a Revolution, the birth of a new nation, financial struggles, a Civil War, two World Wars, civil unrest, and a devastating fire, to name just a few challenges. We will face whatever comes today and tomorrow because we are Immanuel… “God with us!” We know this because the commitment of time, talent, and treasure of all our brothers and sisters in Christ and the leadership of both the and laity have seen us through our darkest hours and greatest joys.

We know that God has a purpose for us here in this place and his work is never done. We have been and remain an important witness to our city, state, and the world—there is nothing that can stop us from proclaiming the word of Christ. We live our Baptismal Covenant and proclaim the Great Commission that Jesus left to us; “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20)

We have entered into another new reality this year—stewardship in a time of pandemic. It is now time that we express our gratitude for all that God has given us. It is a time in which we ask ourselves: what has God asked me to do in carrying out my ministry? It is a time to express support for that which we are asked to do by generously giving of our time, talent, and treasure. Given the challenges we face, there is an even greater urgency to our commitment.

Stewardship is a time, especially now, to focus on the responsibilities of our Baptismal Promises through the worship, mission, and ministries of this church. It is a time to pray, work, and give of ourselves for the spread of the Kingdom of God. Make prayer with a gathered community (however that may be) a part of your spiritual practice by participating in Sunday and weekly worship whenever and wherever you are able. Look for ways, however modest or ambitious, to work by offering your time and talents in God’s service as we seek the love of Jesus Christ with each other and the world. Give by prayerfully committing a portion of your personal budget to the common life and ministries of Immanuel on the Green by making an annual financial commitment. In closing, we leave you with the following meditation about giving back to God from the Christian Apologist, C.S. Lewis in Mere Christianity; “Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to God’s service, you could not give God anything that was not in a sense God’s own already.” On behalf of the entire Stewardship Ministry, we are yours in Christ,

Jonathan Barrett Stewardship Spotlight - Bob Irwin

God is everywhere. We celebrate God and his love each time we meet at Immanuel on the Green.

Listen as our junior warden tells us what he has learned about his relationship with God and what he misses about our church.


Music for Thursday, November 26th 2020 - Thanksgiving Day

Organ: "Sing praise to God who reigns above" - Ernst Pepping Hymn 397: "Now thank we all our God" Offertory: Jubilate Deo - Leo Sowerby Organ: "Now thank we all our God” - J. S. Bach

Singers: Jeannette Burnam & Michael Westman

Music for Sunday, November 29th 2020 - The First Sunday of Advent

Organ: "O come, O come, Emmanuel" - Gerald Near Hymn 59: "Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding" Offertory: Benedicam Dominum - Leon Leoni Organ: Plein jeu - Pierre duMage

Singers: Hayley Collins & Bob Davis PARISH HAPPENINGS

Carrie Downey Christmas Food Basket Drive


We have been contacted by the guidance staff at Carrie Downey Elementary School to help with their annual Christmas Food Basket Drive. I spoke with staff there had hoped that we could help out again this year. The message from Carrie Downey was that the need is greater this year than it ever has been in the past due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Carrie Downey also recognized that we may be experiencing the same stresses but were hoping that they could get 10-15 food baskets from us. This request was brought up at last week's Vestry meeting and there was an immediate response from Vestry members and a commitment of seven baskets was realized. We are now sending out this request out parish wide as a plea to help the many people who are struggling in our community.

We are tentatively planning on collecting the baskets over the weekend of December 12th-13th, 2020 with delivery to Carrie Downey on Wednesday, December 16, 2020. I am in the process of finalizing the delivery schedule with school staff. If you are absolutely unable to drop off on these dates, please contact me and we can work something out.

I am going to ask that anyone who is interested in providing a basket please e-mail me to be added to the list. The things needed for each basket are:

FOOD BASKET MENU 1 Ham (observe refrigeration requirements) Applesauce or Canned Pineapple fresh fruit at least 3 lbs. of potatoes canned vegetables 2 loaves of bread bag of candy & or cookies large jar of Peanut Butter (good source of protein

As in years past, we will be storing the baskets in the Parish House and the hams in the PH refrigerator. With our office staff working remotely, we will have to organize specific drop off times for the baskets and I am still working through those details. Stay tuned. For those who have already offered to support this with a basket, thank you. For anyone else that may be able to help out by providing a basket to these families in need, please reach out to me by e-mail at [email protected] or call or text me at 302-354-4636.

I wish everyone continued good health and a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving.

Bob Irwin

We hope you will join us for Immanuel's next Movie Discussion Night on Zoom.

Date & Time: Saturday, January 9 at 7pm Movie: Judy (2019) Zoom leaders: Glenn Rill and Suzanne Souder

RSVP to [email protected] if you plan to participate so he can send you the link to join the Zoom meeting.

Judy is based on the life of singer/actress Judy Garland, who is portrayed by Renee Zellweger (Best Actress Academy Award). How did Judy get started in show business, and how did she handle it? The music is great!

Watch the movie ahead of time and join in a discussion about Judy's opportunities, trials, and triumphs. It is currently available on Netflix (DVD), Amazon Prime, Verizon On Demand ($4.99), and from the New Castle Library (DVD).

If you want help getting started with Zoom before Movie Discussion Night, please email or call Glenn (302-322-1692). He will set up a time to talk you through it. Rest assured, it's very easy. News and Updates from Immanuel Feeding Ministries

During the pandemic, Immanuel has maintained our feeding ministries, providing nourishment and comfort to many in our community who need it most.

Meals on Wheels has seen a change in leadership as long term coordinator, Gina Tarburton has stepped away after seven years of coordinating this ministry. The new coordinator for this ministry is Camille Foster. We are always looking for people to help with this ministry, that brings meals to shut-ins in New Castle. Meals are picked up at the New Castle Senior Center and then driven around to our neighbor’s residences. The pickup and deliveries are done in a safe manner consistent with the times we are living in. Camille is always welcome to assistance in this ministry. If you are interested, reach out to her at [email protected] or 302-322-3707 to volunteer or get more information.

Our other feeding ministry is Emmanuel Dining Room in which we provide hot meals to people at two locations. to the pandemic, we would take food to the location, prepare it, and then serve it to folks that came into the dining room. For many people this was the only time that they were able to come into a dining room, sit at a table with other people, and be served a meal with dignity. Since the pandemic, the protocol has been different. We are now simply taking the food and transporting it to the dining room, where EDR staff prepares the food. Folks are no longer permitted to come inside and eat, but instead receive a take-out container with the hot food. The food deliveries have continued to Emmanuel Dining Room at 2nd and Jackson in Wilmington on the 18th of each month and to Rogers Road in New Castle on the third Monday of each month. If you have an interest in serving or want additional information, reach out to Mara Gorman at [email protected] or leave a message at the parish office at 302-328-2413.

These are difficult times and it is a joy to know that Immanuel is keeping up the commitment to help those in our community who are on the margins and need our help. This is how we live out our Baptismal Covenant as we seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.

“Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep.”’ (John 21: 15 – 17) That is precisely what we are doing.

Above: Meals on Wheels cooler with food ready for delivery; Food ready for delivery to EDR South

Volunteer Opportunity at the Food Bank of Delaware

The Food Bank of Delaware is always busy in the holiday season, and it is exceptionally busy during the pandemic. They need volunteers to staff warehouse shifts at the Newark site, and we’d like to organize Immanuelians who are interested in this opportunity for fellowship and outreach. The Food Bank is following strict COVID safety protocols to ensure the safety of volunteers.

If you’d like to participate in a weeknight or Saturday volunteer opportunity, please let Jeff Meadows know by email at: [email protected].

The Parish Office is currently functioning remotely, please email [email protected] with any needs.

Immanuel’s Christmas Pageant is On!

The challenges of the present time will not keep us from continuing the tradition of a pageant relating the story of the Nativity. It will be a virtual pageant and we are looking for volunteers to take a part in the drama. We will film the pageant in short segments, outdoors as much as possible. Adults and children alike are invited to participate. There will be speaking parts, singing parts, and acting parts. Very little time will be required of each participant. Those who would like to join the fun, please respond here:

Immanuel Christmas Pageant 2020

The Regathering Certification document has been sent to the office of the Episcopal Church in Delaware for review and approval. Once the permission is granted to regather, we anticipate that the first service will be Sunday, December 6, 2020.

While we have submitted the certification documents and await the response, we have noted the increase in COVID cases in Delaware, the surrounding region and across the nation. As this correspondence is being drafted, we realize that there have been 1,266 new deaths nationwide on Saturday, November 14th according to Johns Hopkins University. This is a stark reminder that we are still in the grips of a pandemic. We also note that on Tuesday, November 17, 2020, Governor John Carney has issued new guidelines that will shape how we are able to regather. These are all issues that weight heavily in our decision on how best to proceed.

While we are making every effort to disinfect our space, maintain safety guidelines, and stay current with this pandemic, this certification to regather should in no way be seen as certifying that this space will be safe. There will be risks in every public gathering and it will be incumbent on each individual to weigh those risks and choose the right path. We will mitigate the risks as best as we are able and we call upon all to review the Regathering Covenant as a way to live out your own Baptismal Vows as we regather.

We are also aware that circumstances outside of our control may dictate the suspension of public worship again, if a second wave or local outbreak occurs. Although, there will be great disappointment, we will follow the guidance of the and or the civil authorities. We all have a responsibility to stay informed through the parish communication channels (Facebook, website, weekly newsletter, and email. This will help with staying informed and keeping our parish community safe.

The certification document has been placed on the Immanuel website for review. We will begin to send out additional information, so that you may be prepared for how the service will be conducted. A few changes that you will notice and experience: There will be no use of the Prayer Book or hymnal; If you are able, print the bulletin prior to coming to service. This will allow for minimal person to person contact; You will be asked to register prior to coming to the service either by an online tool or calling the parish office; Greeters/Ushers will seat you in open pews – “your pew” may not be open or available; Masks will be worn throughout the entire service and they will be no communal singing; We pray that these restrictions are temporary and will be lifted when conditions change. We pray that a vaccine is developed and deployed to make us all safe and provide a greater degree of protection against this virus. Until that time, we will continue to work collaboratively to praise God and do the good works to bring about his kingdom.

As we begin to prepare to regather, the Regathering Committee have prepared a note about our regathering covenant:

On All ’ Day, we renew and reaffirm our Baptismal vows. These Baptismal Vows represent a covenant that is a statement of belief that we as Christians are called to live out. This covenant or commitment guides our relationship with others in our community. It is through this lens of Baptismal Covenant that we regather at Immanuel to worship and celebrate the Eucharist. We offer this covenant.


There may be a short waiting time before you are able to enter the Virtual Office, but please stay online in the waiting room. If you have any problems, or need to arrange a longer meeting with Fr. Keene, please email [email protected].

TUESDAY - 5:30pm - 6:30pm Join Zoom Meeting pwd=MStTOVdsSFNOaGlkMDFOdkZtdmpYdz09

Meeting ID: 878 7152 0134 Password: 330952

THURSDAY - 11:30am - 12:30pm Join Zoom Meeting pwd=ZHp0aDZRR21MVDlPVHBHViszbWFRdz09

Meeting ID: 899 2562 2637 Password: 175568


Immanuel services listed below are available on the website and Facebook, with links to a downloadable bulletin. We encourage you to "like," "follow," and turn on notifications from Immanuel on Facebook during this time so you won't miss any news or posts (we promise we won't inundate you).

Services are posted: Virtual Holy Eucharist - Sunday, 11:30am Midweek Meditation - every other Wednesday, 6pm Evening Prayer - Thursday, 6pm

Compline is held live on Zoom, Sunday at 7pm - See new details below.

Please join us, and share with family and friends!

Virtual Sunday Compline - Zoom Details Sunday Evening Compline continues online using Zoom. Please log on as early as 6:45 to say hello to everyone, then mute yourself at 7 p.m. in order to say the responses and prayers. Trust that you are still praying with others at this time; it's just a problem with audio lag that prevents us from saying them with everyone's audio enabled. Here is the link to join Compline: Join Zoom Meeting pwd=Y1F4VGUxQ2xhRktpNWloRXJVdG1NQT09

Meeting ID: 857 9330 0932 Password: 784732 Accompanying bulletin here.

The flowers at the altar are given to the Glory of God in loving memory of all faithful departed.

Flower Memorial Dates are Available

Memorials can be scheduled for a Sunday closest to a particular date (such as a birthday, anniversary, or passing), or a specific Sunday in the month (such as the 1st Sunday in October), and can be arranged on a recurring or one time basis. Please contact the Parish Office on (302)328-2413, or Mark Bacher on (302)654-2562 or at [email protected], if you would like to discuss an offering.

Christmas Memorial and Thank Offerings

Please complete and return the Christmas Memorial and Thank Offerings form along with your contribution to the office by Monday, December 21st. The Vestry is directing that Christmas Memorial and Thank Offerings received may be designated by the giver in one of three ways:

For Christmas Flowers and Greens in the Church Emmanuel Dining Room Outreach No Preference

Please choose one of the three options above. All names and other designations for Memorial or Thank Offerings will be listed together – without note of the offerings’ designation.

Names can also be sent to the office by email, but please do not give online for this memorial.


The Sick Kerstin Almquist, Betty Bacher, Shayla Benoit, Steve Boone, Jared Brito, James Cheney, Nancy Davison, Terry DeGroat, Jackie DiGiallonardo, Priscilla DiGiallonardo, Robert DiGiallonardo, Thomas DiGiallonardo, Charles Wesley Evans, Debra Thaïs Evans, Imelda Hamilton, Steve Hoyt, Mary Elizabeth Mayer, Michaela (Mickey) Merrill, Sandy Richardson, Sharon Robinson, Georgia Shinn, Mike Sylvina, Steven Updegraff, Joyce Wells, Devon, Holly, Jennifer, Michael, Michelle, Rebekah, Sophia, and Stephen.

December Birthdays Week 1 - John Monaghan, Kay Bartlett Week 2 - Allison Tobey, Camille Foster, Week 3 - Thomas Tear, Liz Plant, Jo Harney Week 4 - Hank Behringer, Judy Upshure, Dianne Meyers Week 5 - Thomas Plant

December Anniversaries Week 4 - Jago and Liz Plant


The FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) struggle is real. If you haven't already, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for news and memes.

Stay up to date on all the latest happenings by visiting our website.

Immanuel on the Green | 100 Harmony Street, New Castle, DE 19720

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