Extensions of Remarks Hon. Harold T. Johnson
January 6, 1969 '.EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 247 REPORT OF TELLERS of the United States, as delivered to the 2228, New Senate Office Building, before Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, on behalf President of the Senate, is as follows: the Committee on the Judiciary, on John of the tellers on the part of the Senate, The whole number of electors ap N. Mitchell, of New York, Attorney Gen I wish to report on the counting of the pointed to vote for Vice President of the eral-designate. vote for President and Vice President. United States is 538, of which a majority At the indicated time and place per The state of the vote for President of is 270. sons interested in the hearing may make the United States, as delivered to the SPIRO T. AGNEW, of the State of Mary such representations as may be pertinent. President of the Senate, is as follows: land, has received for Vice President of The whole number of electors ap the United States 301 votes. EDMUND s. MUSKIE, of the State of ADJOURNMENT UNTIL THURSDAY, pointed to vote for President of the JANUARY 9, 1969 United States is 538, of which a majority Maine, has received 191 votes. Curtis E. LeMay, of the State of Cali Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, if there is 270. fornia, has received 46 votes. is no further business to come before the Richard M. Nixon, of the State of New Senate, I move, in accordance with the York, has received for President of the previous order, that the Senate stand in United States 301 votes.
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