>> This is the April 2015 issue containing the May Bible Study Lessons Dean Smith broke the rules on race in Chapel Hill 38 baptiststoday.org Beyond the Blaze Biscoe Baptists known for warm, wide embrace 4 A conversation with Scott Willis about worship, BIBLE music and more 32 STUDIES for adults 17 FA TH™ BAPTIST PROFILES IN CONSCIENCE John D. Pierce PERSPECTIVES Executive Editor [email protected] Politicized pronouncements of faith Julie Steele present problems 7 Chief Operations Officer By John Pierce [email protected] Jackie B. Riley But are they really Muslim? 11 Managing Editor By Tony W. Cartledge [email protected] Tony W. Cartledge A tribute to Eldred Taylor 16 Contributing Editor By Robert F. Browning [email protected] Bruce T. Gourley How “ill” are you? 30 Online Editor/Contributing Writer [email protected] By Bill Wilson David Cassady Church Resources Editor [email protected] 28 FEATURE Vickie Frayne TRANSFORMATIVE EXPERIENCES: Art Director A new William H. Whitsitt A conversation with Scott Willis about Jannie Lister Heritage Society Series worship, music and more 32 Customer Service Manager [email protected] ! Kimberly L. Hovis Nannie Helen Burroughs Marketing Associate [email protected] BY BRUCE GOURLEY THE FINAL COLUMN! Lex Horton Baptists and the Nurturing Faith Resources Manager [email protected] IN THE NEWS American Civil War Walker Knight, Publisher Emeritus Understanding Islam’s Sunni-Shiite divide 10 BY BRUCE GOURLEY 36 Jack U. Harwell, Editor Emeritus Todd Still appointed dean of DIRECTORS EMERITI Baylor’s Truett Seminary 12 Thomas E. Boland R. Kirby Godsey Report finds anti-Semitism on Mary Etta Sanders Gifts to Baptists Today Winnie V. Williams U.S. college campuses 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ‘Bishop Bling’ makes a soft landing IN HONOR OF Donald L. Brewer, Gainesville, Ga. (chairman) in new Vatican post 13 JACK AND MARY LIB CAUSEY Cathy Turner, Clemson, S.C. (vice chair) Edwin Boland, Johns Creek, Ga. Myanmar’s religious noise pollution From Kim and Robby Ray Mary Jane Cardwell, Waycross, Ga. annoys locals 13 Bob Cates, Rome, Ga. Jack Causey, Statesville, N.C. Young Brits reject religion, IN HONOR OF Anthony D. Clevenger, Pensacola, Fla. Kenny Crump, Ruston, La. approve of atheist politicians 14 JOHN PIERCE and Doug Dortch, Birmingham, Ala. DRAYTON SANDERS James M. Dunn, Winston-Salem, N.C. Court finds Applebee’s not liable for man Jack Glasgow, Zebulon, N.C. burned while praying over fajita skillet 14 From Dr. Virginia Connally Frank Granger, Athens, Ga. Cynthia Holmes, St. Louis, Mo. Evangelicals find that affirmation David Hull, Watkinsville, Ga. Becky Matheny, Athens, Ga. of gay members can be costly 15 Tommy McDearis, Blacksburg, Va. Andrew McGill, Chattanooga, Tenn. BWA host: “Come over to Africa!” 34 William T. Neal, Stone Mountain, Ga. Roger Paynter, Austin, Texas Rwandan Baptist to receive Kathy B. Richardson, Rome, Ga. Human Rights Award 34 Charles Schaible, Macon, Ga. Charlotte Cook Smith, Winston-Salem, N.C. Online atlas “heat-maps” views Sarah Timmerman, Cairo, Ga. David Turner, Richmond, Va. on social issues 42 Clem White, St. Petersburg, Fla. Vickie Willis, Murfreesboro, TN Who’s watching all that Christian media? 43 Cynthia Wise, Birmingham, Ala. Donna Wood, Macon, Ga. Cover photo by John Pierce. Story on page 4. READERS SERVICES Mission Statement or Baptists Today serves churches by providing a reliable TEACH source of unrestricted news coverage, thoughtful analysis, helpful resources and inspiring features FACILITATE? focusing on issues of importance to Baptist Christians. Advertising GREAT BIBLE STUDY in combination is in YOUR HANDS right now! Individual and Gift Subscriptions Baptists Today, P.O. 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Well, it did until an electrical fire COMMUNITY in the early morning hours of July 22, 2014 Wilson, however, was never one to hole up turned the sanctuary into a pile of charred within the church walls. His pastoral presence rubble. throughout the community — personally and Atypical, however, is the congregation. through his writings in the local newspaper — While many churches claim diversity, Biscoe crossed familiar economic and racial divides. Baptists just live, worship and serve with a That approach to ministry is now comfortable mix of people from a variety of reflected in the congregation. ethnic, economic and social backgrounds. “The diversity of our people is our great- est strength,” said lay leader Dwight Saunders, WARM AND WIDE who grew up, left and then returned to the Congregants come from various Baptist back- area. grounds — Southern, National, Independent Rebecca Blake, also a local who grew Top, left to right: — as well as other church traditions including up in a more rural Baptist church, directs - AME Zion, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, the music ministries that members and visi- Church of Christ, Quaker and Pentecostal. tors rave about from the choir to the youth Above: There are educators, business profes- handbell ringers. Her husband, Jimmy, is sionals, political leaders, potters and painters, the town’s mayor and advocate for economic chicken farmers and more. You’ll also find a development. beekeeper, a banjo picker, a member of a beach “We’re held together by love,” she said of band and two taxidermists in the mix. the church’s unusually diverse mix, “and Larry they’ll come around,” he said. “And there are These assorted church members are quick has modeled that.” some really good people here.” to say that the wide, warm embrace of long- He’s also been a prophetic voice from the While the church has its problems like time pastor Larry Wilson is most responsible pulpit, in print and in person. all others, said Larry, there is a positive, caring for the atypical First Baptist Church family. “Most Baptist preachers preach like Jesus approach that prevails. He pointed to longtime And Wilson said he’s received a warm embrace lived six hours from his birth to crucifixion,” member Betsy Crisco as one of the “church in return. he said. “But what Jesus said mattered.” moms” who “gets things done without com- “I love the people here,” he said. “It’s not With pastoral sensitivities, he has urged plaining” and shows deep concern for persons big, but one of the most gifted churches.” the Biscoe community toward Jesus’ calls for in need. Neither is it typical for a young pastor to justice, grace and unconditional love. “My dog was sick and she called me,” come to a small, mill-town church and stay “If you show them what the Bible says, Larry said with an appreciative smile. 4 OPENNESS SPIRITUAL HOME the smaller room has its benefits. “We’re closer now,” said Rebecca Blake. Nancy Ruppert was recruited from Florida to Florence Cagle is one of several African- “And we wanted to go about the business of a health care job in Biscoe in 1991. She didn’t American members who’ve found a spiritual being church.” expect to be there long — and she sure didn’t home and a place of service in First Baptist Any temptation toward self-pity was think she’d ever be a Baptist. Church. She is a deacon and serves on the thwarted. Church members took meals to the But that was before she met Larry, whose committee charged with finding a new pastor. fire department in appreciation for the quick pastoral style she called “more open.” “Larry has touched lives all over this com- response — and the firewood cutting crew got “The community grew on me,” said munity,” she said of her friend and pastor. back to work quickly. Nancy, now a leading beekeeper and key vol- “Larry is everybody’s Larry.” The retirement of a longtime pastor fol- unteer in carving up firewood that the church She and her family visited the church for a lowed by a devastating fire were a lot for the makes available to people in need. And she while before becoming members 13 years ago. church to handle at one time, lay leaders admit. found First Baptist to be “warm and welcoming “I liked what I saw,” said Florence.
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