
Protocol vakantieparken

8 mei 2020

De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft grote gevolgen voor de volksgezondheid en de economie wereldwijd. Onze leefomgeving is er in een paar weken tijd compleet anders uit gaan zien. De veiligheidsraad heeft afgelopen maart verregaande maatregelen getroffen die verdere verspreiding van het virus zo veel als mogelijk moet beperken en de gezondheidszorg moet ontlasten. Nu de eerste periode van crisis en onzekerheid achter ons ligt, breekt er een periode aan om vooruit te kijken. De kernvraag van deze periode zal zijn: hoe brengen we onze economie en bedrijvigheid weer op gang, zodanig dat ook de veiligheid van consumenten en inwoners gewaarborgd blijft?

Gezondheid, veiligheid en bedrijvigheid gaan in dit protocol hand in hand. Dat betekent dat er in dit protocol scherpe keuzes worden gemaakt. Zo richten we ons in de marketing primair op de binnenlandse en niet op de buitenlandse gasten. Wij geloven dat recreatie een wezenlijk onderdeel is van onze samenleving. Het verbindt mensen, het biedt ontspanning en kan een wezenlijke bijdrage leveren aan een gezonde leefomgeving voor jong en oud. Het implementeren van dit protocol biedt dit gezonde perspectief.

Social Distancing Het spreiden van gasten gedurende het bezoek is het uitgangspunt. Het voorkomen van het contact tussen gasten onderling en medewerkers. De richtlijn i.v.m. de afstadsregels, 1,5 meter, kan goed ingevoerd worden. Veiligheid staat ten aller tijden voorop. Er kunnen echter situaties zijn dat contact tussen medewerker en gast niet te vermijden is, zoals bij een reddingsactie om lichamelijk letsel te voorkomen of levensbedreigende situaties. Voor groepsvorming en het samenzijn van kinderen en jeugd worden de aangepaste maatregelen door de veiligheidsraad strict opgevolgd.

Preambule 1. Deze afspraken gelden voor vakantieparken 2. Voor specifieke maatregelen wordt verwezen naar de adviezen van de veiligheidsraad en de sectorgidsen van het FOD WASO 3. Het uitgangspunt is dat de voorwaarden en maatregelen waarop gasten de vakantieparken bezoeken helder en hanteerbaar moeten zijn voor zowel medewerkers als gasten. 4. Vakantieparken en gasten houden zich aan de wettelijke richtlijnen. 5. De vakantieparken en overheid communiceren over deze afspraken en de genomen maatregelen. 6. De vakantieparken maken de afspraken zichtbaar op publicatieborden op de parken, via websites, social media en nieuwsbrieven.

Protocol Bepalingen

Voor de vakantieparken: 1. Communicatie aan gasten en medewerkers heeft de hoogste prioriteit. Hygiëneregels hangen bij de ingang van de parken en worden bij alle aanwezige voorzieningen en accommodaties herhaald. 2. Regels voor gasten staan voorts op de website (pop-up en/of homepage) en worden gedeeld bij aankomst. Zonodig worden tussentijds updates van regels uitgedeeld. 3. Zorg er voor dat iedereen “gasten en medewerkers” 1,5 meter afstand van elkaar kunnen houden (uitzondering families en volgens de opgelegde maatregelen). Zorg dat stoelen en werkplekken op anderhalve meter van elkaar verwijderd zijn. 4. Markeer 1,5 meter-vakken rond faciliteiten op het bedrijf, zowel de faciliteiten bestemd voor gasten als voor medewerkers. 5. Communiceer vooraf af met de gast over de maatregelen op het bedrijf, waarin gezondheidsregels worden besproken. 6. Zorg voor hygiëne, zeep, desinfecterende middelen en wijs gasten op het belang van handen wassen (bijv. ook regels ophangen in de toiletten). Maak regelmatig schoon. 7. Beheers het aantal gasten dat tegelijkertijd op een locatie mag zijn, afgestemd op naleving van de 1,5 meter afstand en de opgelegde m² per persoon. In de achterliggende protocollen zijn daarvoor nadere regels opgenomen (aantalen m2). 8. Werk zoveel mogelijk op afspraak en/of tijdslots, zodat de contacten met gasten gedoseerd kunnen worden en verspreid over de dag. 9. Maak afspraken met gasten over de verplichte route en looprichting zoals de entree en de belangrijkste voorzieningen op het park. 10. Voor een eventuele winkel binnen het park geldt het protocol en sectorgids die opgesteld is. 11. Geef medewerkers de instructie dat zij gasten aanspreken bij overtreding van de regels en geef hen de bevoegdheid om waar nodig de gepaste actie te ondernemen om de veiligheid van gasten en (andere) medewerkers te waarborgen. 12. Indien mogelijk worden ‘shifts’ ingevoerd met andere werktijden om contacten tussen medewerkers zoveel mogelijk te beperken. 13. Organiseer lunch- en dinertijden van medewerkers zodanig dat onderling contact op die momenten zoveel mogelijk wordt vermeden. 14. Medewerkers krijgen een uitgebreide instructie over het protocol met daarin meer uitleg hoe ze dit kunnen naleven en opvolgen. 15. Stel voldoende medewerkers aan als corona-verantwoordelijken. Zij kunnen collega’s ondersteunen bij de naleving van de maatregelen en kunnen hier ook actief op controleren. Zorg er voor dat er altijd tenminste 1 van die medewerkers op het vakantiepark aanwezig is. Instrueer deze corona-verantwoordelijken over hun rol, bijhorende taken en verantwoordelijkheden. Geef hierbij ook aan welke bevoegdheden zij krijgen binnen het vakantiepark. 16. Als er updates komen op deze afspraken worden die zo snel mogelijk gecommuniceerd met de medewerkers op de vakantieparken en worden waar nodig aanpassingen gedaan in de gegeven instructies aan de medewerkers. Alle info is steeds terug te vinden op de officiële website: https://www.info-coronavirus.be 17. Blijf voortdurend in gesprek met de (lokale) overheid i.v.m. relevante zaken en ontwikkelingen en stem af als er twijfel is over de interpretatie van de maatregelen.

Voor medewerkers: 1. Schenk bijzondere aandacht aan medewerkers met een kwetsbare gezondheid. 2. Kleedruimtes worden extra schoongemaakt. Bij de inrichting (kapstokken, lockers etc.) wordt rekening gehouden met de 1,5 m afstandseis. 3. De onderlinge afstanden van 1,5 m gelden op het terrein, maar ook achter de schermen, op kantoren, magazijnen, technische ruimten, parkeerplaatsen etc. 4. Bedrijfskantines worden zodanig ingericht dat de onderlinge afstanden steeds gerespecteerd worden. Pauzes worden verspreidt om te voorkomen dat er veel personen gelijktijdig in de kantine aanwezig zijn. Daarnaast wordt aangeraden zoveel mogelijk op de eigen werkplekken pauzes te houden om onderlinge contacten te vermijden. 5. Er worden geen handen geschud. 6. Hoesten en niezen geschiedt in de de elleboog en er worden papieren zakdoekjes gebruikt. 7. Handen worden minimaal 6x per werkdag gewassen, volgens de instructie. In ieder geval voor het eten, na toiletbezoek, na het reizen met het openbaar vervoer, na het schoonmaken. Daarnaast worden op diverse plekken op het bedrijf en in de gebouwen desinfecterende middelen beschikbaar gesteld. 8. Indien noodzakelijk worden voldoende persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen (PBM’s) beschikbaar gesteld, die voldoen aan de eisen opgelegd door de overheid. 9. Werkbenodigdheden, materieel, gereedschappen en PBM’s worden niet met anderen gedeeld, dan wel bij overdracht schoongemaakt of gedesinfecteerd. 10. De werknemer blijft thuis als hij een van de volgende klachten heeft: neusverkoudheid, loopneus, niezen, keelpijn, lichte hoest, koorts.

Voor de gasten: 1. Houd 1,5 meter afstand. 2. Blijf thuis als je een van de volgende klachten hebt: neusverkoudheid, loopneus, niezen, keelpijn, lichte hoest, koorts. 3. Blijf thuis als iemand in jouw gezin koorts heeft en/of benauwdheidsklachten. 4. Schud geen handen. 5. Lees vooraf de aangescherpte maatregelen van de vakantieparken. 6. Volg altijd de aanwijzingen van het personeel op. 7. zoveel mogelijk cashless (bancontact of mobiel).

Voor de gemeente: 1. Handhaaf de gemaakte afspraken, voorkom samenscholing buiten parken. 2. Zorg voor een open en goed contact tussen de (lokale) autoriteiten en de vakantieparken

Voor leveranciers: 1. Leveranciers melden zich voor aankomst. Anderzijds probeer leveringstijden af te spreken met je leverancier. 2. Er wordt duidelijk gecommuniceerd waar de spullen geplaatst mogen worden. 3. Persoonlijk contact tussen leveranciers en medewerkers wordt vermeden de social distance van 1,5 meter wordt steeds gerespecteerd. 4. Overweeg bezorging tot aan de deur. 5. Na aflevering dienen leveranciers direct te vertrekken.

Specifieke protocollen vakantieparken

Uitgangspunten Onderstaande uitgangspunten zijn de basis voor Social Distancing binnen de vakantieparken. • Veilige omgeving bieden voor alle medewerkers en gasten. • Het bieden van een gezond recreatief verblijf • Naleven van de 1,5 meter maatregel • Er is géén sprake van rechtstreeks fysiek contact tussen gast en medewerker. • Aanvullende hygiëne maatregelen

Om de uitgangspunten na te kunnen leven zijn de maatregelen in onderstaande 5 clusters verdeeld: 1. Beheersen bezoekersstroom naar de vakantieparken toe 2. Beheersen van de bewegingen van gasten op de parken 3. Veiligheid en hygiëne voor medewerkers 4. Veiligheid en hygiëne voor gasten 5. Regels voor de individuele gast De uitwerking van deze maatregelen zijn in de aannvullingsprotocollen opgenomen.

Branchegewijze invulling vakantieparken

Vanaf het moment dat de vakantieparken weer opengaan voor gasten staat veiligheid voorop voor de gasten en medewerkers. We vinden het belangrijk om in de periode waarin vrijetijdsbesteding buitenshuis weer mogelijk wordt, een kwalitatief en veilig toeristisch-recreatief verblijf aan de gasten te bieden. Daar lenen de vakantieparken zich erg goed voor vanwege de natuurlijke spreiding van de woningen op de parken, de inrichting van de publieke gebouwen en de inrichting van de personeelsruimtes.

De eerste periode vanaf opening zal het aantal gasten beperkt zijn. Vakantieparken zetten bewust niet in op marketing buiten België. Duitse en Nederlandse gasten zullen de eerste periode slechts beperkt naar België komen voor een toeristisch-recreatief verblijf. In eerste instantie zal het binnenlands toerisme en recreatief verblijf weer op gang komen. De vakantieparken zullen in hun marketingactiviteiten rekening houden met afspraken rondom grensoverschrijdend toerisme.

De vakantieparken zullen hun managementteams nadrukkelijk rekenschap geven van de (nieuwe) voorwaarden van een 1,5 meter samenleving, door middel van de protocol bepalingen zoals hierboven opgenomen. Binnen deze bepalingen zullen aanpassingen gemaakt moeten worden voor het openstellen en het gebruik van de voorzieningen op het vakantiepark. Hierdoor kunnen we iedereen weer op een veilige en prettige manier ontvangen en gasten een prettig verblijf bieden op onze parken.

De vakantieparken adviseren en ondersteunen hun managementteams om hiertoe een Social Distancing procedure met aangescherpte hygiëne- en veiligheidsmaatregelen op te stellen. De vakantieparken houden zich eraan een procedure op te stellen die de managementteams kunnen implementeren. Deze procedures worden steeds aangepast aan de nieuwe adviezen van de veiligheidsraad en zullen steeds uitgevoerd en opgevolgd worden. Door de parken met de bijbehorende beperkende maatregelen weer te openen en hun bedrijfsmatige activiteiten te terug te laten uitvoeren, kunnen we naast een vertrouwde en veilige recreatieve omgeving voor gasten tevens continuïteit bieden aan onze medewerkers. Daarmee creëren we de continuïteit voor vakantieparken in deze onzekere tijden. Dit is een investering in de toekomst! Wij zijn er klaar voor om open te gaan! Een vakantiepark beschikt over de volgende voorzieningen:

1. Receptie 2. Bungalows 3. Zwembad 4. Indoor/outdoor speelvoorzieningen 5. Winkels 6. Horeca 7. Animatie/sport en spel 8. EHBO/BHV/Hulpverlening 9. Sanitiare voorzieningen in centrale gebouwen 10. Kantoren en magazijnen 11. Overige activiteiten en faciliteiten

De volgende maatregelen worden genomen op het niveau van deze voorzieningen:

1. Receptie • De receptie is geopend maar er wordt een beperkt aantal gasten (1 per 5 m2 vloeroppervlakte) binnen gelaten. • Plaats extra beschermingsmiddelen zoals wanden en schermen. • Er wordt een actief beleid gevoerd om te voorkomen dat er teveel gasten aanwezig zijn in de receptie. • Er zijn op de vloer looplijnen en afstandslijnen aangegeven en er wordt gewerkt met verplichte routes en looprichtingen. • Er wordt een desinfecterende handgel voorzien aan de ingang van de receptie met daarbij de nodige instructies • Bij aankomst: Gasten wordt gevraagd zich volledig online te registreren om de wachttijden te verminderen voor het verkrijgen van sleutels e.d. • Motiveer gasten om hun vragen telefonisch of via social media door te sturen naar de receptie • Per reservering wordt gevraagd dat maar 1 persoon bij de receptie aanschuift (m.u.v. jonge kinderen tot 18 jaar) • Wij schudden geen handen. • Boeken van accommodaties vinden online plaats (eventueel telefonisch of per mail). • Betalingen vinden zo veel mogelijk online plaats. Indien dit niet kan, wordt gevraagd zoveel mogelijk cashless te betalen. • Reserveringen voor activiteiten en worden zoveel mogelijk digitaal aangenomen.

2. Bungalows/vakantiewoningen • Vakantiewoningen worden verhuurd conform de opgelegde maatregelen van de veiligheidsraad (zoveel mogelijk per gezin met mogelijke uitbreiding van de voorwaarden van de veiligheidsraad) Dit wordt gecontroleerd bij de reserveringsaanname. Zonodig wordt aangeboden om meerdere woningen te huren. • Alle woningen bieden de garantie dat de social distancing t.o.v. de andere gasten gewaarborgd is. Indien de afstand van 1,5 meter niet gegarandeerd kan worden zal er voor gezorgd worden dat deze locaties niet verhuurd worden. • Ook bij appartementen en wordt de social distancing op de terassen t.o.v. de buren gerespecteerd. Indien dit niet mogelijk is wordt er steeds een kamer overgeslagen in de verhuur. • Na elk verblijf is er extra aandacht voor schoonmaak en worden alle hand-contactpunten ontsmet. Hiervoor krijgen de medewerkers een extra instructie • De gasten wordt gevraagd om bij vertrek de ramen te openen zodat de bungalow kan verluchten voordat de schoonmaak uitgevoerd wordt. • Medewerkers krijgen de nodige PBM’s aangereikt (conform richtlijn en schoonmaakmethodes) om op een veilige manier te kunnen werken.

3. Zwembad Het openstellen van recreatieve zwembaden vindt plaats conform de voorschriften van de overheid inzake zwembadinrichtingen. • Zwemwater brengt geen extra risico met zich mee voor de verspreiding van het virus. Dit omdat het water steeds met chloor ontsmet wordt volgens de geldende Vlarem richtlijn. • Er wordt op toegezien dat de 1,5 meter richtlijn overal nageleefd wordt. • Bij de glijbanen zullen markeringen aangebracht worden om de afstand van 1,5 meter te respecteren. Hierop zal gecontroleerd worden door de aanwezige redders. • Extra maatregelen voor schoonmaak/desinfectie sanitaire ruimtes en omkleedruimtes. Er wordt minimaal 1 keer per uur gereiningd/gedesinfecteerd. Indien aanwezig wordt gebruik gemaakt van privé-cabines. • Gasten wordt aangeraden om zich in de eigen bungalow voorafgaande aan het zwembadbezoek om te kleden (zodat alleen de bovenkleding uit hoeft) en zich na het zwembadbezoek in de eigen bungalow te douchen. • Er zullen looproutes gecreëerd worden. • In de kleedcabines worden maatregelen getroffen om de 1,5 meter richtlijn te kunnen garanderen. • Schoonmaakschema’s worden aangepast. • Er wordt voor gezorgd dat er steeds voldoende afstand is tussen de redders en gasten. • Speciale maatregelen worden genomen om bij een noodsituatie (redding) in te grijpen conform de voorschriften.

4. Indoor/outdoor speelvoorzieningen • Openstelling zal gedaan worden conform de richtlijnen overheid. Indoor: • Beperk het aantal personen tot 1/5m² • Er wordt toezicht voorzien in de speelruimte zodat de social distance gerespecteerd wordt • Beperk de tijd dat gasten aanwezig mogen zijn in de speelruimte (voorbeeld 1 uur) • Laat gasten reserveren voor het gebruik van de indoor speelwereld. • Communiceer de hygiëne richlijnen aan de ingang van de speelwereld. • Voorzie op diverse locaties de mogelijkheid tot het ontsmetten van de handen. • Reinig/ontsmet regelmatig de contactpunten. • Zorg ervoor dat er minstens 1 keer per dag een volledige schoonmaak/desinifectie uigevoerd wordt • Ouders zijn niet toegelaten in de speelruimte. • Ouders houden toezicht buiten de speelruimte. Dit wordt zo georganiseerd dat er steeds 1,5 meter afstand is tussen de verschillende ouders. • Controleer en reining indien nodig tussen 2 reserveringsperiodes de speelruimte. Outdoor: • Volg de regels van de veiligheidsraad bij vrijgave van de outdoor speeltereinen Om voortijdig te kunnen openen voorzien we volgende maatregelen: • Beperk het aantal personen tot 1/5m² • Baken het speelterrein af • Er wordt toezicht voorzien op het speelterrein zodat de social distance van 1,5 meter gerespecteerd wordt • Beperk de tijd dat gasten aanwezig mogen zijn op het speelterrein (voorbeeld 1 uur) • Laat gasten reserveren voor het gebruik van het speelterrein. • Voorzie op diverse locaties de mogelijkheid tot het ontsmetten van de handen. • Zorg ervoor dat er minstens 1 keer per dag een volledige schoonmaak/desinifecite uigevoerd wordt • Ouders zijn niet toegelaten in het speelgedeelte • Ouders houden toezicht buiten de speelruimte. Dit wordt zo georganiseerd dat er steeds 1,5 meter afstand is tussen de verschillende ouders. • Controleer en reining indien nodig tussen 2 reserveringsperiodes het speelterrein.

5. Winkels • De winkel is open onder de bepaalde voorwaarden conform het sector specifieke protocol. • Ook hier geldt: 1,5 meter afstand voor zowel personeel als gasten. • Er zal extra schoonmaak plaats vinden voor opening. Met de nodige aandacht voor de materialen gebruikt door de medewerkers en gasten. • Aan de ingang van de winkels wordt communicatie voorzien voor de gasten met daarop ook het maximaal toegelaten aantal gasten. • De richtlijn is: per 10 m2 één bezoeker. En dit voor 30 minuten per gast. • Er zijn op de vloer looplijnen en afstandslijnen aangegeven en er wordt gewerkt met verplichte routes en looprichtingen. • Boodschappen dienen alléén gedaan te worden (uitzondering kinderen tot 18 jaar), er is toezicht door de medewerkers • Bij de kassa’s worden wachtstrepen op de vloer gemaakt. • Betalingen zoveel mogelijk contactloos (telefoon) of via de betaalterminals (geen cash). • Er zal regelmatig worden schoongemaakt op plaatsen waar veel hand-contacten zijn, kassa’s, deur-klinken, betaalterminals. • Voor de medewerkers wordt er handgel voorzien en eventueel PBM’s. Aan de kassa’s kunnen er kuchschermen voorzien worden. • Gebruik van een winkelwagentje of mandje in de supermarkt is verplicht. Deze worden steeds ontsmet. • Desinfectiemateriaal voor gasten wordt zichtbaar aangeboden bij betreden van de winkel.

6. Horeca • Vakantieparken volgen altijd minimaal de richtlijnen van de veiligheidsraad wat betreft het openen van de horeca. • Voor de vakantieparken zijn er 3 scenario’s uitgewerkt: Fase 1: waarin alleen cottage delivery en Take away van toepassing zal zijn Fase 2: waarin horeca met beperkende maatregelen van toepassing zal zijn Fase 3: laaste fase waarin horeca zonder beperkende maatregelen zal zijn • De vakantieparken hebben voor iedere horeca outlet (inclusief personeelskantine) protocollen opgesteld. Deze worden, indien nodig continue aangepast, als gevolg van o.a veranderingen van de richtlijnen van de veiligheidsraad. • Hierin zijn opgenomen : 1. een specifieke risk analyse per outlet 2. de procesaanpassingen 3. extra maatregelen/instructie voor medewerkers 4. extra maatregelen/instructie voor gasten 5. schoonmaak/desinfectie/gebruik/plaatsing van beschermende materialen 6. communicatie naar staff en gasten

Voor de operationele uitvoering van de horeca , zijn meerdere maatregelen genomen, zoals: • Gebruik van restaurants door gasten kan alleen op basis van reserveren plaatsvinden • Reservering tafel kan alleen op basis individuele gezinssamenstelling (of volgens maatregelen veiligheidsraad). • Gasten worden naar hun plek begeleid. • Er zijn op de vloer looplijnen en afstandslijnen aangegeven en er wordt gewerkt met verplichte routes en looprichtingen • Er is per outlet een maximale capaciteit vastgesteld, waarbij voor gasten en medewerkers minimaal de 1,5 meter afstand regel is voorzien • Gasten betalen zoveel mogelijk contactloos (geen cash). • Bij de kassa’s worden wachtstrepen op de vloer gemaakt. • Het bestelde eten/drank wordt aangeleverd op een bijzettafel, zodat de gast dat daar zelf vanaf kan halen. Vergelijkbare oplossingen zijn mogelijk. • Er zal minimaal 1 keer per uur worden schoongemaakt/gedesinfecteerd op plaatsen waar veel hand-contacten zijn, kassa’s, deur-klinken, betaalterminals. • Desinfectiemateriaal voor gasten wordt zichtbaar aangeboden bij betreden van de outlet.

7. Animatie/Sport en spel • Het animatieteam organiseert alleen activiteiten waarmee de 1.5 meter afstand tussen personen is gegarandeerd voor medewerkers en gasten • Organiseer activiteiten via social media • Individuele activiteiten kunnen doorgaan zoals Geocaching, bike tours, boogschieten. Gebruikte materialen worden achteraf gereiningd/ontsmet • Het aantal deelnemers van de toegelaten activiteiten wordt indien nodig verlaagd om de 1.5m afstand tussen personen te kunnen garanderen. • Er is geen contact tussen instructeurs/animatoren en gasten. • Er worden enkel activiteiten georganiseerd die toegelaten zijn door de veiligheidsraad.

8. EHBO/BHV/Hulpverlening • De hulpverlener houdt zich aan (beroeps)richtlijnen zoals die door de betreffende relevante organisaties wordt opgesteld (bijv. Rode Kruis, RedFED). • Extra PBM’s worden voorzien voor de medewerkers die de E.H.B.O. verlening verzorgen.

9.Sanitaire voorzieningen in centrale gebouwen • Er wordt steeds rekening gehouden met de richtlijnen van de veiligheidsraad. • Het aantal gebruikers per sanitaire unit wordt beperkt conform de 1,5 meter richtlijn. • Er worden duidelijk voorschriften gecommuniceerd naar de gasten en er wordt met regelmaat gecontroleerd, gereinigd/gedesinfecteerd door medewerkers. • Naast de aanwezige wasbakken wordt er ook desinfectie voorzien. • Minstens 1 keer per uur worden deze voorzieninge gereinigd/gedesinfecteerd.

11.Kantoren, magazijnen • Alle medewerkers in de betreffende ruimtes houden 1.5 meter afstand. • De kantoren worden zo ingericht dat de social distencing steeds geborgd is. • Telewerk wordt steeds toegepast indien het werk dit toelaat. • Er zullen in de kantoorgebouwen en magazijnen looproutes aangebracht worden. • Communicatie i.v.m. hygiëne wordt voorzien voor alle medewerkers • Er zal een training voorzien worden voor de medewerkers met daarin instructies over het schoonmaken/desinfecteren van gebruikte materialen. Dit moet minimaal 1 keer per dag uitgevoerd worden en bij overdracht naar een collega. • In de magazijnen zal er steeds 1,5 meter afstand gehouden worden t.o.v. leveranciers

12.Overige faciliteiten en activiteiten • Zaken zoals fietsverhuur, (midget)golf, kunnen open zijn, mits rekening wordt gehouden met de 1,5 meter eis. • Gebruikte fietsen en materialen zullen steeds gereinigd/gedesinfecteerd worden na gebruik door een gast. • De medewerkers zullen voorzien worden van de nodige PBM’s om dit veilig te kunnen uitvoeren. • Kinderboerderijen kunnen geopend worden onder voorwaarden: o Beperk het aantal aanwezigen o Maak regelmatig contactpunten schoon o Zorg voor toezicht op de kinderboerderij die kan ingrijpen als de social distancing niet gerespecteerd wordt. • Op de parkeerplaatsen wordt via signalering aangegeven dat men verplicht is 1,5 meter afstand te houden. • Voorzie op diverse locaties de mogelijkheid voor gasten om hun handen te wassen/desinfecteren.

Bronnen: Website Fod Waso Generieke gids Sector gidsen Operationele manual Centerparcs: FPA-03-05 COVID 19 operationele manual CPE (in bijlage 1 procedure als voorbeeld toegevoegd) Covid 19 CPE manual for Labeling CPE (omschrijving in bijlage 2)

Bijlagen Bijlage 1 Operationele manual CPE. De operationele manual is opgesteld om de parken en de medewerkers te ondersteunen in hun werkzaamheden. Deze manual helpt hun om steeds aan alle voorschriften te voldoen. Hierin zijn de maatregelen opgenomen maar krijgen zij ook de nodige informatie over het inrichten van de afdelingen. Als voorbeeld hierbij de algemene maatregelen en het voorbeeld voor de receptie.

Bijlage 2 Covid 19 CPE manual for Labeling CPE. Deze manual is opgesteld om een audit te laten uitvoeren door een extern bureau op alle maatrgelen die door Centerparcs genomen zijn. Dit om een veilige omgeving te garanderen voor onze medewerkers en gasten.

De COVID-19-handleiding voor labeling is ontwikkeld om een toelichting te geven aan de inspectie- instelling. Het geeft meer informatie over hoe CPE de regelgeving met betrekking tot COVID-19 heeft omgezet in CPE-operaties. Deze handleiding is in eerste instantie ontworpen voor de volgende doeleinden: • Aantonen dat aan de wettelijke eisen wordt voldaan • Voor gebruik bij onderzoeken door onafhankelijke keuringsinstanties.

En ook • Om continue verbetering in de prestaties van ons bedrijf te tonen. • Voor input in de contractuele afspraken in onze relatie met leveranciers en officiële partijen. • Om derden te verzekeren dat een door COVID-19 gecontroleerd beheersysteem aanwezig is. • Als middel om aan de eisen van verzekeringsmaatschappijen te voldoen. • Om ervaringen op te schrijven die zijn opgedaan tijdens de implementatie van de COVID-19 operationele handleiding. • Om onze inzet te tonen om de gezondheid van werknemers en gasten te garanderen • Om de huidige procedures en activiteiten snel aan te passen, zodra de wetgevingen en omstandigheden veranderen.




1. Front 2. Index 3. General Health & Safety Measures for all departments/outlets/processes 4. General Communication tools 5. General Communication tools 6. Scenario I - Leisure & Arrival 44. Scenario I - Maintenance & Green 60. Scenario I - Cleaning / Housekeeping 104. Scenario I - Guest service 119. Scenario I - Catering & Foodstore 125. Scenario I - Other / Back Office

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 2 GENERAL

General Health & Safety Measures for all departments/outlets/processes Guidelines to follow - Always keep 1,5m distance - Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds - Create one entrance and one exit - Minimize sharing of materials, tools and equipment and if necessary disinfect before sharing with others - Cashless payment only

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Clean microfiber cloths - Foresee hand gel - Disinfection wipes (some departments disinfection spray) - Create walking lines (e.g. airport-lines) - Provide hand gel if they are not able to wash hands nearby - Cashless payment only(finger cots or stirrers for putting in the - Cashless payment only PIN-code) - Plexiglass screen - Block in front of desk to ensure 1,5m between guest and employee Communication For guests: For employees: - 1,5m signing on the floor - General ‘COVID-19’ poster at back-office locations - Cashless payment only - -Matters questions on ‘how to...’ regarding personal hygiene - Adapted instructions for work processes - Toolbox-meeting(s) with Department Manager


Use this slide for pictures of the general H&S measures that apply to all departments/outlets/processes (delivered by Inge Zwaagman - deadline 8th of May)


Standard “Branded Blanco Branded Standard “Branded posters/TIOS” to be posters/TIOS to be posters/TIOS” to be Pictograms made on 1.5 meter made for different made on sanitary rules signing purposes


Use this slide for pictures of the general H&S measures that apply to all departments/outlets/processes (delivered by Inge Zwaagman - deadline 8th of May)


8-5-2020 Center Parcs 5 SCENARIO I - LEISURE & ARRIVAL

• Arrival Lodge • Check in - E-ticket • Check in – reception • Reception / E-ticket check-in / PDA check-in • Disinfection of bracelets / Keys • Reception • Cottage reservations • Welcome cleaning package for guests • Adventure desk • Booking Kiosk • Cycle center • Boat rental • Shops • Mini golf (outdoor only) • Sports hall • Hang Outs (only soccer wall) • Geo Caching

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 6 ARRIVAL LODGE

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Display the updated national regulations / recommendations regarding COVID-19 - At each shift take-over: clean the computer, keypad and other contact points. - Check if key-procedure (employees) is executed accordingly - Max. number of 2 persons present in the divided spaces Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - (Room) dividers - Steering sticks or - Plexiglass screen Finger cots - Clean microfiber cloth

Communication For guests: For employees: - Updated regulations - Updated regulations - Floor signing - Max. number of persons present



1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 8 ARRIVAL LODGE - Q&A

1. Q: What do I do with contact points?  A: Minimize the number of contact points. E.g. fix doors open so guests and / or employees do not need to touch the door handle.

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 9 CHECK-IN E-TICKET

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Guest receives extra COVID-19 information at home - Use single use gloves - Wear a face protection mask (visor and/or FFP(1/2/3) mask) - Disinfect keys etc. before preparing the Welcome Package

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - (Closed) Trash bin for - Clean microfiber cloth documents - Table or tray - Barriers/screens - Single-use gloves - Masks (if mandatory)

Communication For employees: For guests: - Use of PPE - Signing remain seated - Disinfect / clean Disinfection instruction keys


1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 11 CHECK-IN / RECEPTION

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Ask guest to use telephone, WhatsApp and CP-app in stead of coming to reception in person. PLEXIGLASS - Do not take documents from guests (let the guest show SCREENS the documents and advise them to throw it away). ON DESKS - Use table or tray to hand out keys/materials. - Clean desk between each guest. - Max. 1 guest per booking can enter reception (and small kids if they cannot stay alone). Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - (Closed) Trash bin for - Clean microfiber cloth documents - Table or tray - Stirring sticks or finger - Single-use gloves cots - Masks (if mandatory)

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing - Instruction for PPM’s


1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 13 E-TICKET CHECK-IN / PDA CHECK-IN

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Guest receives extra COVID-19 information at home - Wear single use gloves - Wear a face protection mask (visor and/or FFP(1/2/3) mask). - Disinfect keys etc. before preparing the Welcome Package - Box on table to enable guests to put their arrival documents - Pack only disinfected or single-use materials. - Do not take documents from guests (let the guest show the documents and advise them to throw it away) - Put tables next to the road to enable both guests and employees to hand over materials on the table. - Clean desk between each guest Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - (Closed) Trash bin for - Table or tray documents - Single-use gloves - Stirring sticks or finger cots - Masks (if mandatory) - Clean microfiber cloth

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing remain seated - Use of PPE - Signing not taking - Disinfection instruction keys documents


1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 15 E-TICKET CHECK-IN / PDA CHECK-IN - Q&A

Q: What if there is only one door?  A: Make working arrangements with your colleague to keep the distance of 1.5 meters  B: Make waiting line outside building 1. Q: What do I do with contact points?  A: Minimize the number of contact points. E.g fix doors open so guest and / or employees do not need to touch the door handle 2. Q: Who can I ask for advice on the park?  A: Ask the Safety and Pool manager on the park


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Disinfection 5 min. of every bracelet / key after handing in by the guest in bucket with disinfection product - See instruction on the right - Let guests put their keys in key box

Materials & Means • B: Huwasan- For employees: Kitchen - Large box / bucket - Kitchen towel - Gloves - Disinfection product: • NGF: Panox 300

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing where to put keys - Use of PPE - Disinfection instruction see beside


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Ask guest to use telephone, WhatsApp and CP-app in stead of coming to reception in person. - Do not take documents from guests (let the guest show the documents and advise them to throw it away). - Use table or tray to hand out keys/materials (to guests and employees) - Clean desk between each guest. - Max. 1 guest per booking can enter reception (and small kids if they cannot stay alone). PLEXIGLASS - Max. 1 guest per 10 m2 SCREENS - Guest must remove payment receipt from printer - Cleaning of (materials on) the desk every 2 hours ON DESKS - Close kids corner - Regular cleaning of toilets

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - (Closed) Trash bin for documents - Clean microfiber cloth - Provide hand gel - Table or tray - Single-use gloves - Masks (if mandatory) Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing walking route - Instruction for PPE’s - Only one guest per booking - Clear instructions walking routes



1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 19 RECEPTION - Q&A

Q: What if there is only one door?  A: Make waiting line outside building 2. Q: What if the reception in inside the central facilities?  Create one direction waking lane to reception with social distance 1,5 meter 3. Q: Who can I ask on the park for advise?  A: Ask the Safety and pool manager on the park 4. Q: What do I do with contact points?  A: Minimize the number of contact points. e.g Fix doors open so guest and / or employees don’t need to touch the door handle.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - 1 household per cottage (no visitors) - Guest receives extra COVID-19 information at home - Cottages & apartments with terraces & balcony’s that are too close to the neighboring cottage/apartment are closed (in NL only at HB a few apartments) - Group reservations will be cancelled and are not allowed - Offer extra cottage to bookings with mixed households

Materials & Means NA

Communication For guests: For employees: - On website COVID info - Work instructions country - Pop-up in reservation


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - E-ticket check-in: give every booking a welcome (cleaning) package

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Single-use gloves - Door handle signing - Toilet banderole

Communication For guests: For employees: - Safety instructions and - Instruction how to hand how to use materials out


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Mandatory use of fingertips glove - Create walking lines (e.g. airport-lines) - 1 household per kiosk - Min. 1,5M between kiosks - Cleaning of cash machines, handhelds, touch screen monitors, totems, kiosks, keyboards, mouse, etc. every 2 hours

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Hand gel - Disinfection wipes - Clean microfiber cloth

Communication to wait until kiosk is free For guests: - Instruction to keep For employees: distance from other guests- Work instructions - Floor sticker which shows




1. Q: What if there is not enough space between two kiosks to keep 1,5 meter distance  A: Close/turn off some kiosks if necessary 2. Q: What if it is busy and I need to clean the kiosk?  A: Temporarily close the kiosk and clean it, even if there will be more waiting guests

Center Parcs 25 SHOPS

Health & Safety Measures Entrance/exit shops & supermarket Guidelines to follow - Maximum of 1 guest per 10 m2 floor space - Best situation: create 1 entrance and 1 exit PLEXIGLASS - Clean cash-register and contact points every 2 hours SCREEN - Create wider lanes or one way lanes in the shop - Mandatory use of shopping cart in supermarket - Disinfect shopping cart after use - Supermarket: one person per household inside - Outside product presentation is not allowed Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Plexiglass screens - Hand gel - Disinfection spray, green 1,5m microfiber cloth and disinfection wipes - Hand gel - Gloves Communication For guests: For employees: - Waiting line signing on floor - Work instructions before desk- - Disinfect / clean instruction - Mandatory use of shopping cart - Signing general rule



1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

27 SHOPS - Q&A

1. Q: What if the lane in the shop is less then 2 meters wide and it is not safe to pass each other?  A: Make it a one direction lane, clearly signed on floor and entrances. Or temporarily remove some of the products / racks out of the shop to create wider lanes.

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 28 CYCLE CENTER / E-CARS / NIJLAND

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 guest per booking goes inside - Max of 1 guest per 10 m² inside shop - Guest collects own rental - Cleaning of brakes, handles, steering wheels and saddles after each rental and before rental (in sight of guest)

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Clean microfiber cloth - Single-use gloves - Plexiglass screen

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing wait outside - Work instructions - Signing collect own rental - Clear routing signed, also on floor



1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit


Q: What if there is only one door?  A: Make floor signing with a 1,5 meter block on the inside and a 1,5 meter block on the outside of the door. Put clear signing that guests have to give each other space 2. Q: What if the saddle or something else on the rental object needs to be adjusted?  A: Ask the guest to step 1,5 meter back, put on single-use gloves and fix or adjust the rental 3. Q: Where do guests and their families have to wait?  A: Outside on the square, keeping their distance and waiting for the employee to invite one of them inside

Center Parcs 31 MINIGOLF

Health & Safety Measures Adventure Minigolf outdoor Guidelines to follow - Spread start- and finish times (every 10/15 min), keep a list. Only one rental point for sticks/balls - See reception/action desk for rental point measures - One family (household) a lane - Keep 1 free lane in between households - Clean sticks, balls, scorecards, etc. before hand over of materials - Return balls by guests in box with liquid disinfection - Return of sticks by guest in a box that is disinfected before staffs takes them out of the box - Max. 50% of the holes to be used at the same time - Organize spot checks of guest service

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Disinfection wipes / clean microfiber cloth

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing entrance and repeat - Work instructions every 2 lanes


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Reduce seats and/or places to sit - Plan supervision or regular checks during opening hours - Clean all materials after return - 1 guest per 10 m² / 1 household per court/lane - Clear entrance and exit

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Disinfection wipes / clean - Single-use gloves microfiber cloth

Communication For guests: For employees: - Instruction to keep - Work instructions distance from other guests


Example 1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit Dispenser against the wall


Q: What if there is only one small door?  A: make floor signing with a 1,5 meter block on the inside and a 1,5 meter block on the outside of the door. Put clear signing that guests have to give each other space.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Create waiting lines (e.g. airport-lines, ropes) - Distance of 1,5M in waiting line - 1 household at the same time - Frequently clean of plexiglass elements and game change touch screen

Materials & Means For guests: For employees:

Communication For employees: For guests: - Work instructions - Instruction to keep distance from other guests - Sticker that shows to wait until soccer wall is free.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 family/household a booking - Spread starting time at least 30 minutes apart - See reception/action desk for rental point measures - Clean all the materials after each rental - Clean lock at the treasure-point after each rental

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Disinfection wipes / clean microfiber cloth - Single-use gloves

Communication For guests: For employees: - Instruction to keep - Work instructions distance from other guest


Health & Safety Measures KIDS HARBOUR Guidelines to follow PLEXIGLASS - Create waiting areas SCREEN - Guest collects own boat - Max. 1 family (household) a boat - Max. 1 family at the jetty a time - Employee gives instructions on 1,5 meters - Cleaning of contact points boat and keys after each rental - Spread start- and finish times (every 10/15 min)

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Hand gel - Barrier tape - Disinfection wipes / clean - Fences microfiber - Single-use gloves - Plexiglass screen Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing - Work instructions MAX 1 FAMILY AT THE JETTY A TIME - Clear routing signing, also on floor



1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit


1. Q: How do you explain the working of the boat?  A: The employee stands on the jetty on 1,5 meter distance of the family in the boat 2. Q: What if one family wants to return and at the same time someone is getting into another boat?  A: The returning family should wait on the water in the boat at a safe distance

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 40 (ADVENTURE) DESK

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Create a fixed routing, so guests are not able to cross lines / waiting guests - Best situation: create 1 entrance and 1 exit - Create waiting lines (at least 1,5m) - Only 1 guest per booking may go to the desk - Clean desk between each guest

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Plexiglass screen - Queue system - Blocks/tables to create - Hand gel distance - Clean microfiber cloth

Communication For guests: - Queue system For employees: - Max 1 guest per booking - Work instructions to the desk

41 (ADVENTURE) DESK - ROUTING Seating Example area


1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 42 (ADVENTURE) DESK - Q&A

Q: What if there is only one door?  A: Use a traffic light model, regulate so people will wait on other (crossing) guests 2. Q: What do I do if we have kiosks and no desk?  A: See below for instructions/guidelines: – Mandatory use of fingertips glove – Floor sticker which shows to wait until kiosk is free – Create walking lines (e.g. airport-lines) – Foresee hand gel – Communicate 1 household per kiosk – Communicate distance of 1,5M (turn off some kiosks to ensure minimum distance of 1,5m) – Min. 1,5M between used kiosks – Every 2 hours cleaning of cash machines, handhelds, touch screen monitors, kiosks, keyboards, etc. 3. Q: What if the building/room has a combined destination of use?  A: Determine if the other purposes of use are needed. If not, close those parts of the building/room. If they are needed; use room-dividers (or likewise) to create multiple, separated rooms.


• Maintenance / Green • Maintenance transportation • Solving incident reports • Preventive maintenance • Legionella cottages • Legionella Central facilities • Renovation • Green • Green, guest complaints (vermin fight) • Playgrounds Indoor • Playgrounds Outdoor • Kids Farm

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 44 MAINTENANCE / GREEN

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 person / driver per vehicle during the day and at a time. Clean car for new driver - Incident reports should be solved by one employee per cottage. Keep 1,5m distance from guests, use PPE - Provide supervision at playgrounds if opened

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: NA - Extra vehicles/e-cars - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory) - Use your own toolbox as much as possible

Communication For guests: For employees: - Max. number of attendance - Use of vehicle/e-car at playground procedure - Instruction ‘How to..’ on - Instruction ‘How to..’ on solving incident reports solving incident reports


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - E-car with only 1 employee - 1 person a day in the same E-car - Clean E-car after use inside for other driver, clean contact points

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: NA - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves Contact points - Masks (if mandatory) - Hand gel - Use your own toolbox as much as possible

Communication For guests: For employees: - Work instructions


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 person / driver per vehicle during the day and at a time. Clean car for new driver, clean contact points - Disinfection of hands after leaving the cottage - Use gloves - Use mask - Cleaning of used materials Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves and mask (if mandatory) - Hand gel - Use your own toolbox as much as possible

Communication For employees: For guests: - Work Instruction - Keep distance 1.5 meter - Indicate to guest at reporting point to keep a distance


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 person / driver per vehicle during the day and at a time. Clean car for new driver, clean contact points - Disinfection of hands after leaving the cottage - Use gloves - Use mask - Cleaning of used materials Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - NA - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves and mask (if mandatory) - Hand gel - Use your own toolbox as much as possible

Communication For guests: - Keep distance 1.5 meter For employees: - Indicate to guest at - Work instructions reporting point to keep a distance


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Flush all drinking water systems in all cottages - one employee per cottage - Clean contact points with spray after leaving the cottage - Use gloves

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves - Hand gel

Communication For guests: For employees: - Work instructions


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Flush all systems - Clean contact points with spray after leaving the facility - Use gloves

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves - Hand gel

Communication For guests: For employees: - Work instructions


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Keep working with appropriate distance / guest separation - Follow the national guidelines (NL: RIVM, Bouwend Nederland)

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Additional fencing

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - N/A

51 1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross RENOVATION - ROUTING each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter Example 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

Clustering employees refurbisment near the construction zone

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 52 RENOVATION - Q&A

Q: What if it is not possible for the staff of the refurbishment team to stay in cottages close to the construction site?  A: Search for the best possible solution, so you can keep the staff of the refurbishment team apart from the guests 1. Q: Are there special quarantine bungalows when employees have COVID-19 symptoms?  A: Yes, there are quarantine bungalows for employees when they have or are suspected to have COVID-19 3. Q: Is there a checklist/action plan COVID-19?  A: Yes, there is a checklist/action plan

Center Parcs 53 GREEN

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 person / driver per vehicle during the day and at a time. Clean car for new driver, clean contact points - 1,5 meter distance of guests, and ask guest to keep distance - Clean equipment for other user

Materials & Means For guests: - NA For employees: - Clean microfiber - Gloves and mask (if mandatory) - Hand gel


For guests: For employees: - Work instructions


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Only 1 person / driver per vehicle during the day and at a time. Clean car for new driver, clean contact points - Disinfection with hand gel after leaving the cottage - Use gloves - Use mask (visor and/or FFP(1/2/3) mask) - Cleaning of used materials

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfiber cloth - Gloves and mask - Hand gel

Communication For guests: For employees: - Keep distance - Work Instructions - Indicate to guest at reporting point to keep a distance


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Provide supervision - Max. number of persons allowed (10 persons) - Maximum 1 hour in the playground (register times) - Clean the playground after 1 hour, before the next group can play - Parents stay out of the playground as much as possible, unless they come with young children - Work with reservation list - Clean contact points

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Barrier tape after opening times - Clean microfiber cloth - Building fences

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing - Max. number of persons - Via park Allowed (20) information/mail/app

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 56 PLAYGROUNDS OUTSIDE

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Playgrounds in cottage zones closed (barrier tape & signing) - If allowed open central playgrounds for part of the day - Provide supervision - Max. number of persons allowed (20 persons) - Maximum 1 hour in the playground (register times) - Clean the playground after 1 hour, afterwards the next group can play - Parents stay out of the playground as much as possible, unless they come with young children - Work with reservation list - Clean contact points

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Barrier tape after opening times - Clean microfiber cloth - Building fences Communication Allowed ( 20 ) For guests: - Signing For employees: - Max. number of persons - Work instruction

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 57 KIDS FARM

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Limited opening hours with supervision regulations/recommendations regarding COVID-19 - Max. number of persons allowed, depending per park, 1 person per 10 M² - Farmhouse closed - 1 entrance and 1 separate exit - Stop activities, for example, hugging rabbits

Materials & Means For guests: - Hand gel For employees: - Clean microfiber

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing - Work instruction - Max. number of persons allowed , depending per Entrance Exit park, 1 person per 10 M2


• Employee transport • Planning of cleaning the cottages • Collecting cleaning materials in satellite (LCP) • Collecting cleaning materials in central HSK building • Cottage check before 1st arrival • Cleaning cottages (insourced) • Cleaning cottages (outsourced) • Instruction disinfection touch points • Disinfection of bracelets / keys • Hotel service during stay of guest • Permanence service cottages (complaints, extra services) • Lunch break cleaning employees • Logistics linen by bus • Logistics large & small inventory by bus • Storage / Cleaning cloths • Stocking satellites by LCP • Stocking satellites by linen supplier • Launderette • Cleaning Reception - Supermarket - Cycle Center • Permanence service toilet group • Instruction dispensers disinfection hand gel / wipes

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 59 Needed materials DISINFECT / CLEAN INSTRUCTION

Sprayflacon disinfection Green microfiber Gloves Health & Safety Measures 1. Fold the microfiber in 4 stepsNeeded materials Guidelines to follow - Disinfection of contact points (Central Facilities & departments) - Disinfection in cottages, see instruction cleaning cottages 1. 2. 3. 4. - See instruction beside. You have 16 flat surfaces now, so that you can be sure that you will affect the totals surface you need to disinfect Materials & Means 2. Spray 1 spray on 1 side of the 3. Disinfect the surface by touching every For employees: microfiber part with the microfiber - Disinfection spray, green microfiber cloth and disinfection wipes - Gloves

Communication 4. For the next surface you turn the microfiber to another side, you spray again and repeat. For guests: For employees: - Use of PPE


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Determine if employees who need the bus are necessary - Discuss and secure the measurements to be taken by the bus company - Keep 1,5m distance from each other (e.g. eliminate the possibility to take a seat within 1.5m for each other - Add more buses to spread the income of employees - Avoid the use of contact points (do not use stop-signs, etc.) - Use (plexiglass) screens in order to make several compartments within the buses (for ascending/descending within the ‘own’ compartment) - Spread the working schedules as much as possible Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Face masks (if mandatory by legislation)

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Instruction on ‘how to..’ use the bus, in accordance with bus-company



1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 62 EMPLOYEE TRANSPORT - Q&A

Q: What if there is only one entrance?  A: Use ‘airport-principle’: back seats enter first, front seats exit last (LIFO) 2. Q: What if there are too many employees who need the bus?  A: Spread the working schedules of the employees according to the bus schedules 3. Q: What if the costs of the bus are higher than the ‘income’ of the people coming to work?  A: Try to arrange shuttle-buses to decrease the costs 4. Q: How to plan and arrange the occupation of the bus?  A: Let employees register themselves on the buses, accordingly to the max. occupation 5. Q: What if the bus is not only used by CPE-employees?  A: Try to arrange preferred buses (CPE-employees only) or arrange taxi’s as an alternative (with, of course, the legislation in mind)


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Try to plan as much as possible from home - If at the park: only one FM per office / work in shifts - Share the planning digitally with employees to avoid crowded locations - FM’s can use their tablet to complete and/or adapt the planning - If possible: try to install the Leviy-app on the personal phones of the employees Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - (Smart)phone to receive planning - Workstation for FM to prepare planning - Plexiglass screens Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Max. 1 person per office


Q: What if there is only one office for multiple FM’s?  A: Use other (unused) workspaces, work in shifts or take home a workstation and work from home 2. Q: What if the employees do not have a smartphone to receive their planning digitally?  A: Use Leviy to present planning trough their work-phones


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Prepare the bike trailers incl. all needed materials, chemicals and linen before start - Installation of bike trailers with a minimum of 1.5m distance in between - Maximum 1 employee + FM present at satellite for keys, phone and briefing. Set up queue system for picking up keys etc. Use desk/tray for handover - Clean the bikes, bike trailer and other materials after each shift (or after each use when sharing equipment) with a clean microfiber

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Clean microfiber - N/A - Bike incl. prepared bike trailer - Tape - Desk or tray - Hand gel in dispenser Communication 1,5m For guests: For employees: 1,5m - N/A - Maximum number of employees present


Example 1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind Employee 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other preparing 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter Biketrailers 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit


Route to cottages


Q: What if there are multiple employees present for the briefing?  A: Spread the starting times and perform the briefing several times. If possible: share briefing digitally 2. Q: What if materials are missing in the bike trailers?  A: Ask employees to call you, so that you can deliver the missing materials. Minimize the movement by employees 3. Q: What do we do if one bike trailer is not enough for the whole shift?  A: Prepare multiple bike trailers, when needed: deliver the bike trailer to the employee, take the ‘old’ one back to the satellite after disinfecting it


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Prepare the bike trailers incl. all needed materials, chemicals and linen - Installation of bike trailers per zone on 1.5m distance - Each zone has a separate room/office/space - Maximum 1 employee + FM per zone present at office for keys, phone and briefing. Use desk/tray for handover. - Clean the bikes, bike trailer and other materials after each shift (or after each use when sharing equipment). with a clean microfiber Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Clean microfiber - Tape - Bike (+ bike trailer) (appointed to employee) - Hand gel in dispenser

Communication For guests: - N/A For employees: - Maximum number of employees present


Example 1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross Employee each other preparing 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit Biketrailers


Route to cottages


Q: What if there are multiple employees present for the briefing?  A: Spread the starting times and perform the briefing several times. If possible: share briefing digitally 2. Q: What if materials are missing in the bike trailers?  A: Ask employees to call you, so that you can deliver the missing materials. Minimize the movement by employees 3. Q: What do we do if one bike trailer is not enough for the whole shift?  A: Prepare multiple bike trailers, when needed: deliver the bike trailer to the employee, take the ‘old’ one back to the nearest satellite or central building after disinfecting it


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Maximum 1 employee per cottage - Use gloves (and mask if mandatory by legislation) - Avoid using unnecessary contact points - Walk ‘LEAN’: visit each room only one time, no unnecessary crossing - Use Leviy-app in order to maintain the overview of finished cottages

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory) - Printed instruction tasks

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Printed instruction tasks


Example 1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Minimum of movement 4. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 5. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 73 COTTAGE CHECK BEFORE 1ST ARRIVAL - Q&A

1. Q: What if the cottage is not clean (yet)?  A: Check your planning if the cottage is a check or cleaning: - If cleaning follow the cleaning method incl. measurements. Do not enter any further, alert the FM and wait for instructions - If check, inform Floor Manager that cottage needs to be cleaned and go the next cottage 2. Q: What if any anomalies are discovered during the pre-arrival check?  A: Depending on the anomaly, first try to fix it yourself. If not possible, alert the FM, make sure the guest does not enter before the anomaly is fixed. Examples of anomalies that can be fixed immediately: - Lightbulbs - Missing inventory - Missing / not executed services (linen etc.) - Materials left behind


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Max. 1 employee per cottage - Pay attention to touch points in normal cleaning method - Personal bucket with cleaning materials & products - Separation of clean and dirty microfibers & sponges - Disinfection of kitchen plate, diner table - Disinfection toilet seat & push button & door handle & light switches - Disinfection door handle outside cottage

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - In addition to normal - N/A materials: BE: Huwasan Kitchen NL/F: Panox 300 - Microfiber cloth green per cottage - Mask per cottage Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Adapted instructions / Albatross - Disinfect / clean instruction


Q: What if we have 3rd parties who help cleaning?  A: See instruction ‘Cleaning Cottages (Outsourced)’ 2. Q: What if the needed materials are not sufficient for the amount of cottages?  A: Alert the FM and make sure the needed extra materials are delivered to your cottage


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Max. 1 employee per cottage - Pay attention to touch points in normal cleaning method - Personal bucket with cleaning materials & products - Separation of clean and dirty microfibers & sponges - Disinfection of kitchen plate, diner table - Disinfection of toilet seat & push button & door handle & light switches - Disinfection door handle outside cottage Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Materials via cleaning companies - Mask per cottage Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Adapted instructions - Disinfect / clean instruction


Q: What if the outsourced employees need to get their timesheets signed?  A: Employees have to report to their floormanager when the work is finished 2. Q: What if an outsourced employee does not perform his/her work according to our rules?  A: Alert the CP contact person to contact the third party.

Center Parcs 78 Needed materials DISINFECT / CLEAN INSTRUCTION

Sprayflacon disinfection Green microfiber Gloves Health & Safety Measures 1. Fold the microfiber in 4 stepsNeeded materials Guidelines to follow - Disinfection of contact points (Central Facilities & departments) - Disinfection in cottages, see instruction cleaning cottages 1. 2. 3. 4. - See instruction beside. You have 16 flat surfaces now, so that you can be sure that you will affect the totals surface you need to disinfect Materials & Means 2. Spray 1 spray on 1 side of the 3. Disinfect the surface by touching every For employees: microfiber part with the microfiber - Disinfection spray, green microfiber cloth and disinfection wipes - Gloves

Communication 4. For the next surface you turn the microfiber to another side, you spray again and repeat. For guests: For employees: - Use of PPE


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Disinfection 5 min. of every bracelet / key after handing in by the guest in disinfection product. - See instruction beside. - Let guest / employees put there keys in key box

Materials & Means For employees: - Large box / bucket - Kitchen towel - Gloves - Disinfection product: • NGF: Panox 300 • B: Huwasan-Kitchen

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing tot put keys - Use of PPE - Disinfect / clean instruction


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Hotel service (rooms) only with personal protection equipment (mask/gloves) - Only when guest(s) is not in the hotel room - 1 employee per room / 1 employee per floor or side

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - NA - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory) - Prepared cleaning carts

Communication For guests: For employees: - Information regarding - (lunch) break 1 per room cleaning or usage of canteen conform measures


1. Q: What if there are multiple employees present for the briefing?  A: Spread the starting times and perform the briefing several times. If possible: share briefing digitally 2. Q: What if materials are missing in the cleaning carts?  A: Ask employees to call you, so that you can deliver the missing materials. Minimize the movement by employees 3. Q: What if the needed materials are not sufficient for the amount of hotel rooms?  A: Alert the FM and make sure the needed extra materials are deliverer to your hotel room


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Introduction day in meeting room with 1,5M distance - Training in cottage: briefing in 8P cottage or larger, max. 1 tutor + 3 new employees incl. masks - Briefing = movie Albatross per room - Cleaning = own cottage visited by tutor

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Gloves - Mask - 8P cottage or larger

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Albatross movies in Leviy / App@Work


Q: What if the outsourced employees need to get their timesheets signed?  A: Employees have to report to their floormanager when the work is finished 2. Q: What if an outsourced employee does not perform his/her work according to our rules?  A: Alert the CP contact person to contact the third party.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - 1 Employee per bus/e-car - Loading & unloading busses on 1,5 meter distance - If more employees are needed for large items, the 2nd employee transports by bike to the location

- Clean contact points (steering wheel, handles, etc.) between Example users - 1 Employee per cottage - Keep 1,5m distance from guests / ask guest to wait outside - Disinfection hand gel after leaving the cottage

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Face masks - N/A - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory) - Clean microfiber cloth - Vest 1,5m Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Work instructions


Q: What if the whole cottage is full off guests?  A: Ask the guests to take place in a separate room or wait outside  B: Explain to the guest that he / she must keep a distance of one and a half meters  C: Have all employees wear a vest that says 1.5 meters away. 2. Q: What if Logistics needs to bring material to a cottage?  A: The employee puts this in a bag and places it in front of the cottage  B: The employee asks the guest to wait in the living room so that the employee can put it in the hall


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Individual lunchbreak - Maximum 1 employee per cottage - NO coffee cottage

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Instant coffee/tea for employees. Make sure there is enough.

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Instruction for lunchbreak


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Maximum 1 employee inside the bus/vehicle - Maximum 1 employee at 1 side of the trailer - Loading & unloading buses on 1.5m distance

- Loading & unloading trailers done by max. 1 employee, Example if not possible wear masks - Clean contact points (steering wheel, handles, etc.) between users - Use gloves. If mandatory by legislation: use mask as well Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Clean microfiber cloth - Hand gel - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory)

Communication unloading For guests: - Signing: vehicle to be - N/A used by 1 person only For employees: - Instruction for loading &


1. Q: What if the materials are too big or heavy to load & unload by 1 person?  A: Try to use equipment (like a table or desk that you can use as a slide). If not possible: ask if a colleague can take over the loading & unloading. Dot not execute works with two or more persons! 2. Q: What do I do when we the vehicle is used by more than one person per day/shift?  A: After each use, make sure the vehicle is disinfected.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Maximum 1 employee inside the bus / E-car - If more employees are needed for large items, the 2nd employee transports by bike to the location - Loading & unloading busses on 1,5 meter distance

- Clean contact points (steering wheel, handles, etc.) Example between users - Gloves - Mask in case 2 employees need to carry large inventory items Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Clean microfiber cloths - N/A - Hand gel - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory)

Communication For employees: For guests: - Instruction for loading & - N/A unloading - Signing: vehicle to be used by 1 person only


Q&A 1. Q: What if the inventory has to be assembled at location?  A: Use all provided PPE’s (gloves, mask, etc.). Maintain 1.5m distance and ask (demand?) the guest(s) to leave the room during the works.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Separate storage for clean and dirty materials - Cleaning with a temperature more than 70C

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Gloves - Washing bags

Communication For guests: For employees:


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Done by maximum 1 employee per bus/e-car - Clean wheel and handles at start, between and at end of the day/shift

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - Clean microfibers - Gloves

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - Max. 1 person per LCP


1. Q: What if there are more people at the same LCP?  A: Use a sign / remark so that you can indicate that you are present in the LCP  B: One person picks things up for the employees and the employees wait outside at 1.5 meters


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Individual deliveries Cleanlease - Use gloves - Use instruction

“Rules and instruction” Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - N/A - N/A

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A - N/A


1. Q: Is contact with our guest service employee necessary when registering?  A: The guest service employee can register the standard supplier himself at 1.5 meters

Center Parcs 96 LAUNDERETTE

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Distance 1,5 meter - based on this distance the max. number of employees is allowed - In case of small launderette decrease number of employees, start working in shifts - Use gloves - Masks for handling dirty wash/materials - Cleaning of handles washing machines and tumble dryers before and after use - Immediate washing of cleaning materials at arrival in the launderette - Minimum temperature of washing process 60 degrees Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Gloves - N/A - Masks (if mandatory) - Stickers floor - Clean microfibers

Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A


Example Only 2 employees from laundry service allowed with a distance of 1,5 M

1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other Not allowed for other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter employees 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 98 LAUNDERETTE - Q&A

1. Q: Are you be able to work with max. 2 employees in the launderette?  A: Yes, if they adhere to the RIVM rules, wash hands, 1.5 meters away, cough in the elbow, etc. 3. Q: What if employees have specific requests?  A: Employees can leave what they want to have washed at the entrance at 1.5 m (which has been closed off)  B: Employees could make an appointment by telephone in advance or let them know what they want


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Cleaning before opening outlet - Max 1 person per outlet - Cleaning of cash machines, handhelds - Open max. 1 toilet group in Market Dome, signing on other toilet groups

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Standard cleaning - N/A materials - Gloves - Mask - Signing closed toilet groups - Vest 1,5M distance Communication For guests: For employees: - N/A


Q&A 1. Q: Is it possible to clean after closing time instead of before opening?  A: Yes, that is possible


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Max. 1 employee per outlet - Cleaning and disinfection every 2 hours of open toilet group & entrances - Close toilet group during cleaning because of 1,5 meter - Check and change flacon hand gel disinfection dispenser - Sign off control checklist toilets

Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Disinfection spray, green - Hand gel at entrance toilets microfiber cloth and disinfection wipes - Gloves - Mask (if mandatory) - Signing standard - Vest 1,5M distance Communication For guests: - Signing Use other toilet For employees: - Information when cleaned - Work instruction employee toilet - Signing during cleaning - Disinfect / clean instruction


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Clean dispensers at the entrances - Clean dispensers at the outside of toilet groups - Disinfections wipes at cash machines, cash registers, handhelds, handle bars bikes etc. - Before changing flacon clean dispenser - Provide same signing at all entrances

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Hand gel - Disinfection wipes - Hand gel - Gloves

Communication For guests: For employees: - Same signing to disinfect


• Guest service lodge/entrance control • Check-in for guests at guest service lodge (late or non-changing days when reception absent) • Information to guests and suppliers • Safety and security rounds • CV rounds (new)


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Wear PPE (gloves) - A maximum of two employees at the same time in the lodge respecting 1,5 meter distance - Clean work equipment with a minimum of twice a day and with every change of user (keyboards, mouse, headsets, phones, visitation button, other office supplies, keys) - Check temperature of each person entering the park Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Single-use gloves - H&S measures flyer - Clean microfibers - Village map - Hand gel - Thermometer - Plexiglass screens at locations with a counter - Stick for mobile wireless payment equipment

Communication - H&S measures flyer For guests and suppliers: - Signing “stay in car” For employees: - Signing park specific and national - Instructions on how to use PPE regulations / recommendations regarding - Instructions on how to take temperature H&S measures - Signing cashless payment


Example 1. Insert map / building plan 2. Draw desired routing with legislation in mind 3. Separate the flow and do not cross each other 4. Minimum of movement 5. Use Green lines & arrows to enter 6. Use Red lines & arrows to exit

1,5 meter



Guests arrive by car and stop in front of barrier 1. Guests stay in car 2. Guest service employee welcomes kindly and takes temperature from all guests 3. Guest service employee asks for purpose of visit or validates parking ticket and allows access or not 4. Guests access or leave the park

Guests arrive by bicycle or foot 1. Guests take place in line (1,5 meter between) 2. Guest service employee welcomes kindly and takes temperature from all guests 3. Guest service employee asks for purpose of visit and allows access or not 4. Guests access or leave the park


1. Q: What if a guest or supplier asks about information on how Covid-19 is handled at the park?  A: Direct guest or supplier to the information signs at the park, use the general Q&A provided by head office to answer most questions. If no answer is available at the time, ask for contact information and let the guest or supplier know you will find out and contact him at a later time 2. Q: What if a guest has a fever on arriving date?  A: Kindly request the guest to return home and contact a doctor. Guest is not allowed on the park 3. Q: What if a guest has a fever noticed during stay?  A: Contact Duty manager. Duty manager will ask guests to leave the park and contact a doctor, also notifies Operations manager to keep in contact with the guests and HSK manager to take extra cleaning measures in the cottage 4. Q: What if a guest cannot pay with creditcard (pin)?  A:Put the money in the cashier box with minimum contact and wash your hands immediately after


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - See protocol “Guest service lodge/entrance control” - See protocol “E-ticket check-in” - Distribute check-in documents with PPE and on a tray Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - NA - Clean microfibers - Tray - Thermometer - Single-use gloves - Stick for wireless payment

Communication For guests: - NA For employees: - Use of PPE - Instruction of implementation protocols “Guest service lodge/entrance control” and “E-ticket check-in”



1. Guests arrive by car and stop in front of barrier 2. Guests stay in car 3. Guest service employee welcomes kindly and takes temperature from all guests 4. Guests show documentation from car 5. Guest service employee hands over information and keys via tray 6. Guests continue to cottage


1. Q: What if a guest or supplier asks about information on how Covid-19 is handled at the park?  A: Direct guest or supplier to the information signs at the park, use the general Q&A provided by head office to answer most questions. If no answer is available at the time, ask for contact information and let the guest or supplier know you will find out and contact him at a later time

2. Q: What if a guest has a fever on arriving date?  A: Kindly request the guest to return home and contact a doctor. Guest is not allowed on the park

3. Q: What if a guest needs to pay and cannot pay with credit card (pin)?  A:Put the money in the cashier box with minimum contact and wash your hands immediately after.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Keep social distancing (1,5 meter) - Wear PPE (gloves) - Remind H&S measures in time

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Village map - Single-use gloves - H&S measures flyer - All-round Q&A about - Entrance singing at the Covid-19 park with H&S measures

Communication For guests: For employees: - Village map - Regular work instructions. - H&S measures flyer - Instructions on how to use - Entrance singing at the PPE park with H&S measures


1. Q: What if a guest of supplier asks about information on how Covid-19 is handled at the park?  A: Direct guest or supplier to the information signs at the park, use de total Q&A provided by head office to answer most questions. If no answer is available at the time, ask for contact information and let the guest or supplier know you will find out and contact him at a later time.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Clean equipment before starting round (tagger, transceiver, keys, bicycle, flashlight) - Keep social distancing (1,5 meter) - Wear PPE (gloves) - If using vehicle disinfect cabin after use to have it ready for next person to use

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - NA - Clean microfiber - Single-use gloves - Regular work equipment

Communication For guests: For employees: - NA - Regular work instructions. - Instructions on how to use PPE

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 114 SAFETY & SECURITY ROUNDS - Q&A

1. Q: What if I encounter a physical disturbance between guests during my rounds?  A: First make sure of personal safety, try to stop the disturbance verbally. If not successful contact local police department

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 115 CV ROUNDS

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Ensure H&S measures are all in possession of and known by all people entering the park - Wear PPE (gloves) - Check the correct implementation of H&S measures - If not respected: immediately remind kindly and resolute - If still not respected or repeat offence: • Guests: inform Duty manager. Duty manager ask guests to leave the park • Employee: inform HR and Duty manager. Duty manager takes action • Supplier: ask supplier to leave the park immediately. FM GS informs the company. • Partners: inform partners representative Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Single use gloves - H&S measures flyers Communication For guests, employees, suppliers, partners: - H&S measures flyers


No routing plan needed.

Employees making these rounds should pay extra attention (when opened) on high traffic locations like: - Supermarket - Park entrance - Shops - Reception - Pool entrance - Pool changing rooms - Restaurants & bars - Game town

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 117 CV ROUNDS – Q&A

1. Q: What if guest or supplier does not respect, repeats offences and/or does not listen to instructions of Guest Service employee and Duty manager?  A: Duty manager gives guest official last warning. If still not complying start procedure to remove guest from park (if necessary with help from local government).

2. Q: What if guest or supplier becomes physical after made aware of violation of H&S measures?  A: First make sure of personal safety, contact Duty manager and start procedure to remove guest from park (if necessary with help from local government).

3. Q: What if partners continues with violating H&S measures after representatives are informed?  A: Inform Duty manager to take action.

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 118 SCENARIO I - CATERING & FOODSTORE

• Supermarket • Delivery • Take Away

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 119 SUPERMARKET

Health & Safety Measures Entrance/exit shops & supermarket Guidelines to follow - Only electronic payments (no cash) - Waiting line signing on floor before desk (one line) PLEXIGLASS - Maximum of 1 guest per 10 m2 floor space SCREEN - Best situation: create 1 entrance and 1 exit - Clean cash-register and contact points after each shift - Mandatory use of shopping cart in supermarket, cleaned after use

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: 1,5m - Hand gel - Plexiglass screens - Clean microfibers - Hand gel - Gloves - Masks (if mandatory)

Communication - Signing general rules For guests: - Mandatory use of For employees: shopping cart - Work instructions


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Contact free and cashless payment only (pay up front) - Usage of single use gloves - Only 1 person / driver per vehicle during the delivery and at a time. Clean E-car/bike for new driver after shift (daily) - Contact the orderer and leave the delivery at the front door - Keep 1.5mtr distance of guest(s) Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Possibility online menu - Single use gloves - Possibility online payment - Masks (if mandatory) - Clean microfibers - Hand gel - E-car, Bike

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing - Use of e-car procedure - Whatsapp - Instruction ‘ How to - PIN only deliver….’


1. Q: What do I do when we have to share vehicles because there are not enough for everybody?  A: After each use, make sure the vehicle is disinfected. Do not share without disinfecting or make use of the vehicle with two or more persons! 2. Q: What do I do when the door is not opened by the guest to collect the ordered food?  A: Call the guest and inform him that you are waiting outside. 3. Q: What do I do when the guest is not at the cottage to collect the ordered food?  A: Call the guest and inform him that you leave the ordered food outside, hanging at the door. 4. Q: What do I do when the guest can only pay by cash?  A: Inform the guest that the order can only be processed using online payment.

Center Parcs 122 TAKE AWAY (ACP)

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Plexiglass screens - Contact free payment - Waiting line signing on the floor before desk - Cash registers 1.5meter apart or extra plexiglass screens - Check space behind counter - Availability of a spray or disinfection or box disinfection wipes - No contact with guests (1.5meter) - Daily cleaning of cash machines & handhelds/tablets Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Plexiglass screens - Gloves - Signing - Clean microfiber - Hand gel

Communication For guests: For employees: - Instructions


Q: This is the scenario on 30/04/2020 by ACP, not yet further elaborated…  A: At this point, only delivery known by ACP


• Instruction disinfection work equipment / tools • Back Offices • Break rooms / Canteens • Employee restaurants • Meetings (External)

8-5-2020 Center Parcs 125 CLEANING BACK-OFFICE

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Max 1 employee per outlet - Inventory back office in use (+ office toilets) - Cleaning preferably on Saturdays when most offices are not in use - Cleaning of keyboards, mouse, handhelds and headsets are done by employees themselves - Use single use gloves - Use disinfection wipes for cleaning of contact surfaces Daily cleaning by employees themselves Materials & Means For employees: For guests: - Clean microfibers - Disinfection wipes - Single use gloves

Communication For guests: For employees: - Use of PPE


1. Q: What if there is someone working in the office I need to clean?  A: Ask if there is a moment when the employee is not in the office anymore and check if this fits in your schedule. If not, ask if the employee can leave the office for a moment now or on a later moment that fits both your schedules.

2. Q: What if I run out of cleaning materials like disinfection spray?  A: First refill your stock of cleaning materials before continuing cleaning process.

3. Q: What if I run out of PPE?  A: Do not continue working, first refill your stock of PPE before continue working.

Center Parcs 127 BACK OFFICES

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Take your break at your workspace if possible - Max three persons pro canteen pro shift reminding 1,5 meter distance - If necessary make walking lines - Take care of basic hygiene rules - Provide signing - Ensure good ventilation (ventilation is not the same as air- conditioning). - If mechanical ventilation is used, put the ventilation settings higher during normal occupancy. With minimum occupancy, the normal ventilation setting is sufficient. - Start the ventilation system earlier and let it finish later than usual. (For example two hours before and after working hours) - For indoor climate systems where air is recirculated, contact with the installer is advised. The installer can check whether additional measures are desirable, to avoid droplets from entering the recirculation system. - If the building is ventilated in a natural way, more frequently ventilation than usual is recommended. - During breaks open windows when possible. - Ensure a minimum air exchange of 30m3/hour per person - Appoint a CORONA coordinator in place to finetune measures on location and regularly check measures after implementation. - Use your own office materials. Think of using a personal pen - Keep conversations short and avoid long talks in shared facilities


Health & Safety Measures Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfibers - Hand gel

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing max people and clean your own workspace and basic hygiene rules - Work instruction back office Wpa-03-01


1. Q: What if there is only one door?  A: Make waiting line outside office 2. Q: Whom can I ask for advice on the park?  A: Ask the Safety and Pool Manager on the park 3. Q: What do I do with contact points?  A: Minimize the number of contact points. E.g fix doors open so guest and / or employees do not need to touch the door handle.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - If necessary make walking lines - Take care of basic hygiene rules - Provide signing - Waiting queues need to be structured with lines - Make a schedule for leaving offices or desks to avoid exceeding the social distance - Wash crockery and cutlery with soap and water. Preferably at a high temperature (in the dishwasher) - Maximum off 3 people in canteen (NL) - Breaks are taken at the workplace so that the social distance is always respected

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfibers - Hand gel - Dishwasher

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing max people and clean your own workspace and basic hygiene rules


1. Q: Whom can I ask for advice on the park ?  A: Ask the Safety and Pool Manager on the park 2. Q: What do I do with contact points?  A: Minimize the number of contact points. E.g fix doors open so externals and/or employees do not need to touch the door handle.

Center Parcs 132 EMPLOYEE

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Adjust seating plan in employee restaurant/ canteen with 1.5 mtr distance between each other - 1 entrance / 1 exit . Use arrows on the ground - No crossing/crosslines with other employees. - Make a path in the middle - Clean table before use - Make useful lunch/dinner breaks (not all departments at once, or all department colleagues) for NL no more than 3 employees at the same time

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - Clean microfibers - Hand gel

Communication For guests: For employees: - Signing 1.5mtr distance - Protocol “ how to use…”


1. Q: What if there are too many colleagues having lunch/dinner breaks?  A: Spread the break schedules of the employees according to a timetable

2. Q: What if there is only one door for entrance and exit?  A: Make sure to use the “arrows” and do not cross each other. Uphold the 1.5mtr distance. If necessary wait at the appointed waiting line.

3. Q: What if there is no disinfection or microfiber cloths present to clean the table(s)?  A: Contact the PWD, Duty so the appropriate cleaning materials can be delivered.

Center Parcs 134 MEETINGS (EXTERNAL)

Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Take care basic hygiene rules - Cancel all unnecessary appointments until the virus outbreak is under control. - Maintain contact with clients (and colleagues) preferably by telephone, skype or email - Meetings are held online as much as possible - The number of employees participating in a necessary meeting should always be limited. Max 1 participant per 7m² meeting room. Always respect the social distancing - Create walking routes so that there is always 1.5 m distance between participants. - Draw up regulations describing the hygiene measures for the participants and provide the necessary signing. - After each meeting, the tables and contact points should be disinfected. Materials & Means For guests: (External) For employees: - Hand gel - Clean microfibers - Hand gel

Communication For employees: For guests: External - Signing max people and clean - Signing same staff your own workspace and basic hygiene rules - Work instruction offices WPa- 03-01


1. Q: What if there is only one door?  A: Make waiting lane in front of meeting room 2. Q: Whom can I ask on the park for advice?  A: Ask the Safety and pool manager on the park 3. Q: What do I do with contact points?  A: Minimize the number of contact points. E.g fix doors open so guest and/or employees do not need to touch the door handle.


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow - Keep 1,5 meter distance, walking, biking - Clean bike after use

Materials & Means For employees: - Clean microfiber cloths

Communication For employees: - Central communication to all employees


Health & Safety Measures Guidelines to follow: follow Redbook protocol - Ask the person if he or she wants (and are able) to go home. - Ask them to go to their cottage or to a cottage meant for quarantine. - Let them call the local health authorities. - Contact the company doctor. (employees)

Materials & Means For guests: For employees: - PPE package and/or food - Disinfection spray, green package for the way microfiber cloth and home. disinfection wipes - If first aid provide follow the Redbook procedure

Communication For employees: - Central communication to all employees involved - Disinfect / clean instruction


8-5-2020 Center Parcs 139 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling


A protocol for inspection body to check compliances towards COVID-19 regulation.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

Contents 1 Introduction ...... 4 1.1 Company’s profile ...... 4 1.2 Policy: ...... 5 1.3 Scope: primary, secondary operational processes ...... 5 1.4 Stakeholders analyse ...... 6 1.5 Tasks and responsibilities ...... 6 1.6 Interaction of this manual with other manuals ...... 7 1.6.1 CPE ISO manuals ...... 7 1.6.2 COVID-19 operational manual ...... 7 1.7 Framework ...... 8 2 Plan...... 10 2.1 COVID-19 Risk assessment ...... 10 2.1.1 Operational risk assessment ...... 11 2.1.2 Leisure activities risk assessment ...... 11 2.1.3 Catering risk assessment ...... 12 2.1.4 Cleaning risk assessment ...... 12 2.2 Verification of completeness of the inventory of all COVID-19 risks in the organization .... 12 3 DO ...... 14 3.1 Training ...... 14 3.2 Operational manual ...... 14 3.3 Executing KEY processes to manage the COVID-19 virus...... 15 3.3.1 Cleaning ...... 16 3.3.2 Supply of materials ...... 16 3.3.3 COVID-19 training ...... 16 3.3.4 Internal communication ...... 16 3.3.5 5: External communication ...... 16 4 Check ...... 18 5 ACT ...... 18 6 Attachments ...... 19 6.1 Terms and definitions ...... 19 6.2 Abbreviations ...... 20 6.3 Reference overview of docs and revision list ...... 21 6.4 Document types ...... 22 6.5 Bibliografie ...... 22


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

1 Introduction

The COVID-19 Manual for labelling is developed to deliver an explanatory note for the inspection body. It gives more insight information how CPE has transformed the regulation related to COVID-19 into the CPE operations.

This manual is primally designed for the following purposes:

• To show compliance with legal demands • For use during investigations by independent inspection bodies.

And also • To show continuous improvement in the performance of our company. • For input into the contractual agreements in our relationship with suppliers and official parties. • To assure third parties that a COVID-19 controlled management system is present. • As a means to satisfy demands from insurance companies. • To write down experiences gathered while implementing the COVID-19 operational manual . • To demonstrate our commitment to guaranty the health of employees and guests • To quickly adjust current procedures and activities, as soon as the legislations and circumstances change.

This manual has been presented and validated on the executive committee on the ……DATE

As situation & legislation is changing rapidly the revision updates later than DATE….will be coloured marked in GREEN? RED?……….. 1.1 Company’s profile is a subsidiary company of Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs Groupe(PVCP- groupe).

Center Parcs is the European market leader in the provision of short break holidays, operating in the , , and . Sunparks is a brand that operates in Belgium under Center Parcs operations.

Center Parcs is targeted primarily at the family market, and caters for all ages with the provision of ample facilities for babies and children. Its location in relation to significant population centres is extremely important to ensure that the villages are easily accessible for the short stay periods which comprise its main business.

Center Parcs Europe counts 24 villages and 3 Sunparks villages. It serves as an actor with a big social responsibility in various areas across Northern Europe, employing more than 15.000 people.

Center Parcs supports communities by providing careless free leisure in the area. Making it a place where guest and employee can feel safe.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

1.2 Policy: Why is Safety and hygiene so important to us?

Holidays at last… Just us, at last! You have been looking forward to enjoy care-free time with your family and friends, to share unforgettable moments with each other in the heart of nature. We want to offer our guests this unique experience. Day in and day out. Our villages are located in areas of natural beauty, with 90% of their area consisting of woods and lakes. Nature draws people closer together and encourages enjoyment. Since our establishment in 1967, re-connexion between humankind and nature has been central to the design of our villages. Sustainability has been imbedded in our corporate culture from an early stage: all our villages are ISO 14001 certified since 2002 and all villages recently are ISO 50001 certified as well.

Just as all other tourism operators, we do face a major challenge due to the outbreak of the COVID- 19 virus. The society expects us to take our responsibility. This will necessarily imply adapting our processes and means to preserve health and safety of our guests and employees. We absolutely want to ensure that our activities resume in safe health conditions. The health and safety of our guests and employees are our absolute priorities: we are implementing everything necessary to ensure it. .

Signature of CEO CPE PF ( validated on 4/05/2020) 1.3 Scope: primary, secondary operational processes Chart 1 gives an overview of the primary operational process reflecting all guest related interactions with CPE with the main purpose to deliver a careless enjoyable holiday with the family and Friends.

The secondary operational process describes the supporting process to realise a unique experience for our guests is healthy and safe environment .

It’s also the scope of this manual and the labelling audit.

Chart 1 describes the primary and secondary processes within our organisation


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

1.4 Stakeholders analyse The purpose of the stakeholders analyse is to determine the key persons or organisations impacted by the COVID-19 virus in relation to the CPE operations, and on which we have to manage their expectations. This will be taken into account in the internal and external communication

Internal stakeholders

Employees and families Staff representatives and bodies ( Be: CPBW, Ne: AAC, Ge ASA, Fr CHSCT) P&V business lines ( Adagio, Maeva…) External stakeholders

Guests CPE Owners Media: press, social media Partners ( Areas, Deep Nature, Alrecrea, Fun shop…) Authorities and Governments Emergency services ( medical, police, fire brigade) Travel Agencies Suppliers and providers Insurance / Assistor (World Assistance)

1.5 Tasks and responsibilities Table 1 gives an overview of the tasks and responsibilities to manage the COVID-19 threat. This is fully in line with the ISO14001 manual.

Function within the Tasks and responsibilities operational organization General manager Ensure that managers are in compliance with the described procedures within their job responsibilities, provide trainings, motivating employees, communicating COVID- 19 subjects and showing commitment The GM is responsible for being in compliance with Acts and Regulations at their village. All managers Be in compliance with the described procedures within their job responsibilities, provide trainings, motivating employees, communicating COVID-19 subjects and showing commitment with the overall policy. All employees Be in compliance with the commitments of the operational COVID manual. Respect social distance and personal hygiene measures. Communicating ideas, following S,H&E instructions, participate in necessary trainings Responding properly to non- hygienic situations Report unfit for work when suffering from COVID-19 symptoms and do not go to work. Safety & Pool Manager He is the so called COVID-19 coordinator on village level. Follows up local legislation. Checks the compliance towards the operational COVID manual on village level. Experts Give advices to manage the COVID-19 risk in their specific area of expertise. Like: Cleaning, maintenance, Leisure and Catering. They check if their advice is in line with governmental regulation. Operational Risk Department Following country , state or regional regulations. Gives advice. CPE


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

Owner of the COVID-19 manual for labelling. Coordinates the implementation of the COVID-19 preventive measures. Monitoring progress and performance CPE Executive Board Validates the COVID-19 manual for labelling. Make resources available and evaluate regularly the implementation of the manual Gives recommendation to improve performance. Table 1 tasks and responsibilities of the CPE operational organization 1.6 Interaction of this manual with other manuals 1.6.1 CPE ISO manuals This COVID-19 manual describes all processes, initiatives and actions taken to comply to health and safety legalisation related to Covid-19 and related risks.

Figure 1 shows that this COVID-19 manual has a direct link with the ISO14001 manual, as all related processes to manage the environmental aspects are also applicable to manage COVID-19.

Also the Emergency preparedness as described in the recovery plan for head-office managers and the RED BOOK for village managers gives support to manage crisis situation.

As our village were long time in a lockdown situation, the legionella procedures and adapted working instructions avoid the development of the legionella bacteria.

Pool manual was the guideline to develop the working instructions for taken out of service the pools and preparing the start up.

Figure 1 interaction of the new COVID-19 manual with ISO 14001.

1.6.2 COVID-19 operational manual The FPa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual is the main guideline for the villages to implement the different protocols. As figure 2 shows it is based on the risk assessment performed in de four main working groups of experts. In each working group operational risk is present and checks if the protocols are in compliance to regulation.


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Figure 2 flow chart describing the process of the content of the operational manual

1.7 Framework Our business is significantly impacted by the COVID-19 threat and the active participation of our employees and business partners is needed to manage the risks. This is the main reason that the principles of the DEMING circle is used to:

• define clear working instruction in compliances to health regulations and the risks assessments as taken up in the Planning part. • execute the working instruction by well trained and informed staff as mentioned in de different protocols is described in the DO part. • control and monitor if the planned working instructions are respected and effective is treated in the check part. • take corrective and preventive actions which can lead to adapt instruction, improve our training …. and guaranties a continuous improving process.

This manual describes the different parts of the Deming circle.


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Chart 2 managing the COVID-19 risks based on the DEMING circle.

Content of the COVID-19 manual


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

2 Plan Main objective of the planning is to determine which processes related to employees and guests are impacted by the COVID-19 regulations and risks. It also describes how the risk is managed

Register of COVID-19 regulations

The overview of all legal demands that are relevant for the Center Parcs Europe organization and that are related to the COVID-19 are summarised in the Fpa-02-01 Register of legislation COVID-19 BNGF.

It’s the base for the compliance check and it’s kept up to date by the ORD for each country. It’s up to the S&P managers to adapt and fine tune the protocols if local authorities imposes regulations on top of the country, state or regional authorities.

2.1 COVID-19 Risk assessment The risk is assessed based on three main scenarios. These scenarios are based on the phasing approach of the government to move step by step to normal situation. They will be adapted accordingly as start-up directives are becoming clear.

OPENING SCENARIOS Scenario 1 Re-open only with accommodation, no public places with exception of supermarket, reception and food delivery and if possible extra activities. Scenario 2A Re-open accommodation and some public places and activities. (with restrictions) (Aqua Mundo closed) Scenario 2B Re-open accommodation, Aqua Mundo, and some public places and activities. (with restrictions) (Aqua Mundo open) Scenario 3 Re-open fully with usual business as before CV.

A group of experts ( internal and external) has been assigned to assess the risks and to determine the resources and means to manage the risk of the primary and secondary operational processes.

Figure 3 gives an overview of the four main groups that have been installed to perform the risk assessment: Cleaning, Operational, Catering and Leisure.


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Figure 3 risk assessment performed by four main working groups

2.1.1 Operational risk assessment The document FPa -03-01 Health and Safety measures pro process, summarises the risk assessment related to the process:

- Cottage limitations - Leisure and arrival - Leisure partners - Maintenance & Green servise - Catering & foodstore - Cleaning - Guest service - Aqua mundo.

And determines the H&S measures, the collective protection and personal protection equipment, disinfection materials. 2.1.2 Leisure activities risk assessment The FPa-03-02 overview re-opening leisure, gives an overview of all leisure activities and its related risk level estimation. Determines in which scenario the activity can take place

COVID-19 RISK SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 SCENARIO 3 LEVEL of activities or services HIGH x

MEDIUM x x LOW x x x

A lot of new activities are developed in compliance COVID-19 preventive measures. Figure 1 is respecting the regulations. Figure 1 is an overview that is presented to the executive committee for validation. ( status 6/05/2020)


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Figure 4 overview of new activities are developed in compliance to the COVID-19 regulation

2.1.3 Catering risk assessment The FPa-03-03 overview re-opening catering summarises the risk estimation of the exploitation of catering. This is applicable of our internal catering ( F.e.: Sunparks) but has also been reviewed with our catering partners like Albron and Areas.

2.1.4 Cleaning risk assessment All cleaning activities are coordinated on central level. Although we have a very experienced cleaning expert, the executive committee took the decision to involve an external consultant ‘ ALPHEIOS’ very experience in hospitals and healthcare institutions. We expect to get the updated cleaning protocols on the 13th of May. The protocols will be integrated in the cleaning manuals for the villages. The cleaning protocol has be selected as KEY process and will be explained in detail in 3.3.1. 2.2 Verification of completeness of the inventory of all COVID-19 risks in the organization As of today ( 22/04/2020) no " COVID-19" international standard is available, we propose to make use of the standard published on the 16/4/2020 by the ' bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales"

The goal of this document is to verify if our CPE COVID_19 plan is complete and dealing with all 17 measures as mentioned in this document.

Fpa-02-02 framework based on the SARS_Co2_2 Arbeitsschutzstandard


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

The outcome of this overview is taken up in the FPa-04-02 Register of corrective measures. It’s an actionlist describing the corrective and preventive measurements to be undertaken to resolve the recommendation or shortcoming. Figure 5 shows the lay-out of this register by means of example

Center Parcs Europe COVID-19 manual Date: 5 May 2020 FE-04-02 Register of Preventive and corrective measures coordinated by Operational Risk Version 1 Page 1/1

NR date of recommendations/ advised Corrective and preventive Priority date ready Action State detection shortcomings by, measurements taken by 1 28/04/2020 Ventilation in central facilities, SK,detected HKK, SH IPC1 air threatment: focus and refresh Edwin S. 0 1 2 3 4 2 28/04/2020 Formalizingtechnical workplaces procedures ans external SK, HKK, SH set up a working instruction for CMO SK 0 contractors. and Maintenance department 3 28/04/2020 Usage of company vehicles and SK, HKK, SH check if included in the protocols? Scott H. 0 bicycles. 4 28/04/2020 Protocol for the stay of interns, SK, HKK, SH proposal to be made: advice for HRM SK 0 construction workers and long stays.

5 28/04/2020 Protocol to isolate suspected SK, HKK, SH to be made and integrate in red book SK 0 guests. 6 28/04/2020 Check signing plan maintenance SK, HKK, SH check if included in the protocols? Scott H. 0 and store rooms for sufficient protective distances.

7 28/04/2020 Waste stream of used PPE's. SK, HKK, SH to be made SK 0 8 28/04/2020 Storage and distribution of PPE's. SK, HKK, SH to be made SK 0 9 28/04/2020 Signing on non guarded SK, HKK, SH to be checked in workgroup SK 0 entrances and for day visitors. signing???? Ilse 10 28/04/2020 Minimize mental stress; to be SK, HKK, SH advice to be written, involve company SK 0 implemented RI&E (HRM). doctor 11 28/04/2020 Instructions and active internal SK, HKK, SH internal communication matrix or plan Mark G. 0 communication to be of approach to be made with HRM implemented in the CV manual.

12 28/04/2020 Preventive measures and SK, HKK, SH discuss with HRM PascaL? 0 protection of particularly endagered persons discussed with HR and the company doctor. Figure 5 an example of the register of corrective measures.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

3 DO

The DO part consist of 5 main elements. 3.1 Training The training department of Centerparcs is coordinating all relevant trainings for employees and managers. The training process is KEY as it’s crucial for successfully implementation of all COID-19 protocols. Refer to 3.3.3 for more information.

3.2 Operational manual It’s the translation of the outcome of the risk assessment into practical protocols for the employees to be implemented on the villages. Figure 5 describes the process how the ‘ CPE group ‘ operational manual is tailored made on country level, respecting the different regulation pro country. Subsequently adapted on specific regional or local regulation on village level.

General overview of the development of protocols within the CPE organization.

Figure 6 gives an overview of the relation between the CPE operational manual and the country and village operational manuals.

Figure 6 and 7 are some examples extracted from the operational manual to illustrate how the instructions are communicated to the village to guaranty a common approach and respecting the guidelines as defined by the experts.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

Figure 7 example of a protocol of the Operational manual

Figure 8 example of a protocol 3.3 Executing KEY processes to manage the COVID-19 virus. Five key processes were selected as they are from utmost importance to successfully manage the COVID-19 related risks.


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3.3.1 Cleaning To be completed by Ilse / SK 3.3.2 Supply of materials As described in the ISO 14001 the purchase department of the Groupe PVCP is responsible to purchase the materials as summarised in the operational manual and deliver the products in time and within quality standards. For this our staff member Wen Qin is appointed to coordinate the materials delivered from China, and inspection body has been selected to perform a conformity check before shipping. 3.3.3 COVID-19 training Encourage participation of all members of staff in respecting the COVID-19 protocols as described in the operational manual. The purpose is to create a proactive culture throughout the organisation.

• All employees will receive an e-learning training to explain the safety & health instruction related to COVOD-19 preventive measures. • Safety, Health & Environment Matters, better known as SHE Matters is a digital training and refreshing tool within the CPE organization. It ensures that employees spend at least 10 minutes per day for safety. By for example asking questions about legionella protocols, fire prevention… Covid-19 instructions will be integrated in the SHE matters tool and will refresh on regular times the basic hygiene instructions. • 3.3.4 Internal communication To ensure that sufficient internal communication takes place regarding the COVID-19 aspects. The information has to be both bottom-up and top-down. There is a sufficient amount of general communication structures within Center Parcs Europe to provide in this internal communication. Employees and families Under construction Staff representatives and bodies ( Be: CPBW, Ne: AAC, Ge ASA, Fr CHSCT) Under construction P&V business lines ( Adagio, Maeva…) On regular base meetings on P&V groups level takes place: the so called COVID-19 meeting. CPE CEO and operational risk are present in this meeting. 3.3.5 5: External communication A dedicated communication plan is/ will developed for each external stakeholder Guests CPE To ensure that sufficient external communication takes place regarding the COVID-10 prevention guidelines and the replying to comments of third parties. The Center Parcs Europe Marketing department prepare a sufficient amount of documents and, to inform and/or to react on external communication, complaints and questions about COVIS-19 aspects. Figure 9 is an example of the lay out of the external communication strategy.

The call centres and reception staff are trained to inform guests of COVID-19 issues as they arise. Q&A are developed. Even for our employees the Q&A are integrated in the operational manual.


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Figure 9 example of communication grid, status on 6/5/2020 Marketing, ppt " brand product relaunch summary operations. Owners This is under de responsibility of the juridical department. Media: press, social media A dedicated communication cell led by Marketing coordinates all external communication towards press and social media. This communication cell consist of Public relation, customer care (also called guest relations), social room or web care team, and the Social Media team which posts actively dedicated contents on official CP accounts (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram…). Partners ( Areas, Deep Nature, Alrecrea, Fun shop…) This communication is taken up in two working groups: Leisure and catering partners. Authorities and Governments Where it is at all possible maintain dialogue with local and national nature conservation organisations and statutory bodies. It’s up to the country risk managers, GM’s and S&P managers to take these initiatives. . Emergency services ( medical, police, fire brigade) It’s under the responsibility of the General manager. Regular contacts takes place by the Safety and pool manager of the village. Travel Agencies Communication coordinated by Sales department


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling Suppliers and providers Under responsibility of purchase conform the ISO 14001 purchase procedure. Insurance / Assistor (World Assistance) It’s under the responsibility of the Risk manager of the groupe PVCP.

4 Check To guaranty continuous improvement it’s important that effects and results of all activities to manage COVID-19 risks are checked on a regular base.

it includes: Internal audits, the so called SH&E visits are performed with the purpose of detecting and removing the weak spots out of the system and to lead to improved measures.Self assessment executed by the S&P manager and Management team of the village

- SH&E matters system, as described under 4.3.3 training. Another purpose of SH&E matters is to initiate checks by the employees. - And finally the labelling external inspection body.


This process is fully in line with the procedure from the ISO 14001 manual: organize corrective and preventive actions in order of priority and ensure regular monitoring of actions.

Scope: Anomalies are reported during inspections of control offices, competent authorities, internal audits, external audits or risk analysis. Corrective and/or preventive actions must be taken at the time of their reporting. These actions are organized in order of priority to ensure continuous improvement of safety.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

6 Attachments 6.1 Terms and definitions The purpose is to define clear terms and definitions for our organisation. This is on top of the terms and definitions already mentioned in the ISO 14001 manuals.

Cloth Mask(Homemade mask): The filtration capacity is lower than that of medical masks, but they offer outward protection, despite imperfect fit or adherence. The WHO still points out the importance of social distancing, cough and hand hygiene over community masks. (Sciensano, April 2020)

Medical masks (also known as surgical masks): these are made from a minimum of three layers of synthetic nonwoven materials, and configured to have filtration layers sandwiched in the middle. These masks are available in different thicknesses, have various levels of fluid-resistance and two levels of filtration. These medical masks reduce the transfer of saliva or respiratory droplets from the wearer to others and to the environment. They also decrease the likelihood of potentially infectious droplets from others reaching the mouth and nose of the mask wearer. Hand hygiene should be performed before putting on a clean mask and after removing the mask. These masks should be worn tightly around the chin and top of the nose. The wearer should avoid touching the mask while it is on the face and the mask should be immediately discarded if it becomes moist. Importantly, wearing a mask must be combined with other preventive measures including performing frequent and appropriate hand hygiene and physical distancing of at least 1 metre (3 feet). (WHO, 2020)

Respirators (also known as filtering facepiece respirators --FFR) and available at different performance levels such as FFP2, FFP3, N95, N99): these are specifically designed for healthcare workers who provide care to COVID-19 patients in settings and areas where special medical procedures are undertaken. Respirators are intended to protect the wearer when these medical procedures aerosolize smaller particles than normal droplets into the air in the health treatment area. Healthcare workers should be fit tested before using a respirator to ensure that the respirator is sealed tightly on the wearer’s face and is properly fitted. Respirators with valves should not be used as the purpose of source control. (WHO, 2020)

FFP: Filtering Facepiece Particle. A facemask that filters particles. The added number(FFP 1,2 or 3) means the capability of the mask to filter particles of a certain distance, like micro-organisms. A higher number means more (precise) filtration and so more protection. (preventie, februari 2017)

Face Shield: Face shields provide a barrier to acutely-expelled aerosols of body fluids and are commonly used as an alternative to goggles as they confer protection to a larger area of the face. However, as highlighted in a recent Institute of Medicine report, little is known about the effectiveness of face shields in preventing the transmission of viral respiratory diseases. (Roberge, 2016)

Risk groups: People who fall under the following groups are at increased risk of becoming more seriously ill from COVID-19. Elderly people: 80> years, Underlaying risk diseases, Hypertension, Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes mellitus, Smoking, Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), Malignancy, Chronic kidney diseases (Sciensano, April 2020)

Suspect case: A. A patient with acute respiratory illness (fever and at least one sign/symptom of respiratory disease, e.g., cough, shortness of breath), AND a history of travel to or residence in a location reporting community transmission of COVID-19 disease during the 14 days prior to symptom onset. OR B. A patient with any acute respiratory illness AND having been in contact with a confirmed or probable COVID-19 case (see definition of contact) in the last 14 days prior to symptom onset; OR C. A patient with severe acute respiratory illness (fever and at least one sign/symptom of respiratory disease, e.g., cough, shortness of breath; AND requiring hospitalization) AND in the absence of an alternative diagnosis that fully explains the clinical presentation.

Probable case: A suspect case for whom testing for the COVID-19 virus is inconclusive, or A suspect case for whom testing could not be performed for any reason.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

Confirmed case A person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical signs and symptoms. •

Definition of contact A contact is a person who experienced any one of the following exposures during the 2 days before and the 14 days after the onset of symptoms of a probable or confirmed case: 1. Face-to-face contact with a probable or confirmed case within 1 meter and for more than 15 minutes; 2. Direct physical contact with a probable or confirmed case; 3. Direct care for a patient with probable or confirmed COVID-19 disease without using proper personal protective equipment1; OR 4. Other situations as indicated by local risk assessments.

6.2 Abbreviations NL The Netherlands BE Belgium FR France GE Germany BNG Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany BNGF Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, France ARD Ardennes/ Vielsalm DH De Haan EP Erperheide KM Kempense Meren VM Vossemeren OD Oost-Duinkerke EH Eemhof HB Heijderbos KV Kempervennen HH Huttenheugte LP Limburgse Peel MD Het Meerdal PZ Port Zélande SD Sandur ZV Zandvoort BAD Bois Aux Daims BF Bois France CH Chaumont/Les Hauts de Bruyères LA Le Lac d’Áilette L3F Les Trois Fôrets VN Villages Natures Paris AG Algaü BS Bispingen BT Bostalsee EI/EL HSL Hochsauerland NK/BK Nordseeküste CPE Center Parcs Europe and Sunparks

GM General Manager HACCP Hazardous Analyses Critical Control Points


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

ORD Operational Risk Department. This department coordinates Safety, Health & Environment at the level CPE. Also all COVID-19 dedicated Safety and Hygiene measures COVID-19 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) ISO International Standards Organization PPE Personal protection equipment PVCP Pierre & Vacances Center Parcs (Groupe) PDCA Plan, Do, Check and ACT also known as the Deming-cirkel AccM Accommodation Manager, Technical responsible manager site RMM/O Regional Maintenance Manager, Regional Maintenance Organization HR Human Resources (Park or Head Office) PM Project Manager PR Public Relations S&P Manager Manager Safety & Pool, Responsible for S,H&E on village level. DM Department Manager, final responsible for a department at a site. TL/FM Team Leader / Floor Manager, lowest responsible for a department at a site. S&H Safety & Health M Management Manual(s) S,H&E Safety, Health & Environment COO Chief Operations Officer CEO Chief Executive Officer

6.3 Reference overview of docs and revision list


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

Document Docs in COVID-19 Manual for labelling owner content

Assistant Country The basic document for the COVID-19 operational manuals. FPa-03-01 Health and safety measures pro process CPE V1director NL Inventory of H&S measures pro process, and materials for CvS staff, PPE and disinfection:

Assistant Country transformation from het H&S measures pro process ( excel) Fpa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual CPE V1 director NL into operational practisses. (PPT) CvS Assistant Country Fpa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual NL V1 director NL CvS Fpa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual Fr V1 Assistant Country director Fr Assistant Country Fpa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual Be Fr V1 director Be Assistant Country Fpa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual Be Nl V1 director Be Assistant Country Fpa-03-05 COVID-19 operational manual Ge V1 director Ge FPa-03-04.1 cleaning program cottages V1 Ilse Lemmerlijn cleaning program sanitary areas of central facilities? FPa-03-04.2 cleaning program central facilities V1 Ilse Lemmerlijn cleaning program sanitary areas of central facilities Ilse Lemmerlijn overview social distance, measures for staff, PPE and FPa-03-04.3 cleaning department overview V1 disinfection, ( difference with basic document? ) Maartin Timp risk assesment for SP, and coppy for Albron ( agreed), Fpa-03-03 overview re-opening catering V1 Area's still under discussion) FPa-03-02 overview re-opening leisure Vx Erwin Lochtmans risk assesment based on each scenario… measures FPa-02-01 Register of legislation COVID-19 BNGF V2 Operational Risk overview of legislation pro country Operational Risk Completeness check to verify if our CPE COVID_19 plan is FPa-02-02 framework based on the SARS_Co2_2 complete and dealing with all 17 measures published by Arbeitsschutzstandard German goverment. FPa-04-02 Register of corrective measures Operational Risk overview of all measures to improve our performance policy Operational Risk policy declaration signed by PF Operational Risk working instruction for offices Wpa-01-01 COVID-19 prevention headoffices 6.4 Document types Document Description Type Manual Complete set of procedures, forms and guidelines in one document. Form An official document with a specific layout with blanks for the insertion of details or information. Guidelines A guide to complete a specific task (the HOW). A guideline is not mandatory. Work A guide to complete a specific task (the HOW). This is mandatory. instruction

Manual MPa-xx-xx Procedure PPa-xx-xx Form FPa-xx-xx Guidelines GPa-xx-xx Work instruction WPa-xx-xx

6.5 Bibliografie preventie, W. i. (februari 2017). Algemene voorzorgsmaatregelen - persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen. Leiden: Leids unversitair medisch centrum.


Operational Risk Department draft version 8 COVID-19 CPE/SP manual for labelling

Roberge, R. J. (2016). Taylor & Francis Public Health Emergency Collection. Pitssburgh: National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory .

Sciensano. (April 2020). Fact Sheet COVID-19 disease (SARS-CoV-2 virus). sciensano.

WHO. (2020, may 7). Q&A on COVID-19 and masks. Opgehaald van who.int: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/question-and- answers-hub/q-a-detail/q-a-on-covid-19-and-masks


Operational Risk Department draft version 8