Media Report on Organic Conference, 30.06.2011

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Media Report on Organic Conference, 30.06.2011 Media Report PROJECT: 1st National Organic Conference DATE: June 30, 2011 Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative Content • Press Report • Websites • TV & Radio Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT Number of articles 11 Size Average 337 cm ² Surface covered 3,703 cm ² 10 newspapers and 1 magazine covered the news on organization of the 1st National Organic Conference “Organic Agriculture – An efficient path for Albania toward EU integration” July 1 July 2 July 4 Koha Jone Ekonomia Monitor Albanian Daily News Standard RD 55 performance. Serving your qualitative Zeri i Popullit Republika Metropol Agon Media REPORT July 1 Media: Koha Jone (newspaper) Media: Albanian Daily News (newspaper) Circulation: 9,000 Circulation: 800 Title: Organic Agriculture, promotion of Title: Govt to Further Support Albanian Albanian integration into European Organic Agriculture. market. Page: Social, page 7 Page: Economy, page 5 Size of article 280 cm ² Size of article 340 cm ² Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT July 1 Media: Standard (newspaper) Media: RD Circulation: 7,000 Circulation: 8,000 Title: European market increases the demand Title: Organic Agriculture, promotion of for bio products Albanian integration into European Ruli: Government supports the growth of market. bio products Page: Economy, page 5 Page: Page 1 Economy & Social, Page 6 Size of article 256 cm ² Size of article 290 cm ² Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT July 1 Media: 55 (newspaper) Media: Zeri i Popullit (newspaper) Circulation: 8,000 Circulation: 8,000 Title: Ivana Enzler, Swiss Ambassador in Title: Organic Agriculture, promotion of Albania; Today the food problems appear Albanian integration into European in different shapes. market. Organic Agriculture, promotion of Albanian integration into European Page: Day, page 14 market. Size of article 486 cm ² Page: Economy, page 8 Size of article 257 cm ² Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT July 1 Media: Republika (newspaper) Media: Metropol (newspaper) Circulation: 5,000 Circulation: 5,000 Title: Organic Agriculture, promotion of Title: Swiss Ambassador: Case of Germany an Albanian integration into European example for agricultural food. market. Ruli: Government supports bio Ruli: Government in favor of bio products production growth Page: Economy, page 5 Page: Actuality, page 5 Size of article 242 cm ² Size of article 322 cm ² Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT July 1 July 2 Media: Agon (newspaper) Media: Ekonomia (newspaper) Circulation: 20,000 Circulation: 1,000 Title: New Opportunities for Rural Community Title: Bio products, it is aimed 5% of land Development. surface Page: Page 1, Page: Economy, page 7 Agriculture, page 7 Size of article 220 cm ² Size of article 470 cm ² Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT July 4 Media: Monitor (newspaper) Circulation: 1,500 Title: Bio, Why must be used Page: Agriculture, page 51 Size of article 540 cm ² Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative PRESS REPORT Type of audience Print Print General public 9 Reached Audience Economic 2 through Print (potential) 73,300 Total 11 Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative WEB REPORT Web Sites Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative Number of articles 17 Websites 17 WEB REPORT Title: Albania competitive with bio products. Title: Organic Agriculture, promotion of Albanian integration into European market. Web: Web: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative WEB REPORT Title: Organic Agriculture, promotion of Albanian Title: 5% of Albanian land will be planted bio integration into European market. Web: Web: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative WEB REPORT Title: Save organic production Title: Save organic production Web: Web: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative WEB REPORT Title: Switzerland to Albanians: Invest in bio Title: Ruli: Albania competes in the region with agriculture bio products Web: Website: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative Web REPORT Title: Ruli: Albania competes in the region with bio Title: Ruli: Albania competes in the region products with bio products Website: Website: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative Web REPORT Title: Ruli: Government supports growth of Title: Ruli: Government supports growth of bio products bio products Website: Website: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative WEB REPORT Title: 5% of Albanian land will be planted bio Title: Ruli: Government supports growth of bio products Website: Website: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative WEB REPORT Title: 5% of Albanian land will be planted bio Website: Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT Number of TV-s 12 National TV-s 2 Non-national TV-s 10 News Editions 12 Other Editions (TV) 2 12 TV-s covered the news on organization of the 1st National Organic Conference “Organic Agriculture – An efficient path for Albania toward EU integration” Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT TVSH 30.6.2011 – 1.6.2011 Top News 30.6.2011 News Edition Yes News Edition Yes Other Editions Morning show Yes Other Editions No Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT Ora News 30.6.2011 TV Klan 30.6.2011 News Edition Yes News Edition Yes Other Editions No Other Editions No Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT 1 Channel 30.6.2011 Scan TV 30.6.2011-2.7.2011 News Edition Yes News Edition Yes Economic Other Editions No Other Editions Summary No Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT News 24 30.6.2011 – 1.7.2011 Planet TV 30.6.2011 News Edition Yes News Edition Yes Other Editions No Other Editions No Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT ABC News 30.6.2011 Vizion + 30.6.2011 News Edition Yes News Edition Yes Other Editions No Other Editions No Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative TV REPORT UFO TV 30.6.2011 1 Television 30.6.2011 News Edition Yes News Edition Yes Other Editions No Other Editions No Serving your qualitative performance. Serving your qualitative .
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