Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society Volume 34 2013 Journal Editor: James Franklin ISSN: 0084-7259 Contact General Correspondence, including membership applications and renewals, should be addressed to The Secretary ACHS PO Box A621 Sydney South, NSW, 1235 Enquiries may also be directed to:
[email protected] Executive members of the Society President: Dr John Carmody Vice Presidents: Prof James Franklin Mr Geoffrey Hogan Treasurer: Ms Helen Scanlon ACHS Chaplain: Fr George Connolly Picture credit: Front cover: Ironing room, Mount Saint Canice Magdalen laundry, c. 1960s (see articles pp. 70 and 91): Supplied by Good Shepherd Archives, Abbotsford Journal of the Australian Catholic Historical Society Volume 34 2013 Contents Michael Belcher, The Catholics of Wallis Plains 1820-1835: Catholics in a pre-institutional environment .........................................2 George Connolly, Catherine Connolly, governess, wife: A Catholic family, Carcoar, 1868-1880 ................................................18 Neville Meaney, Australian Irish Catholics and Britishness: The problem of British “Loyalty” and “Identity” from the Conscription Crisis to the end of the Anglo-Irish War .............................................28 Rodney Sullivan, Archbishop James Duhig and the Queensland Irish Association, 1898-1920: exploring connections. .44 Bridget Griffen-Foley, Monsignor James Meany, the Catholic Weekly and 2SM . 58 James Franklin, Convent slave laundries? Magdalen asylums in Australia . .72 Janice Konstantinidis, Life in ‘The Mag’ . .93 Margaret Ghosn, The evolving cultural and spiritual identity of Our Lady of Lebanon College over its 40 years ...................................105 Edmund Campion, Spying for the Holy Office: A Sydney story . .117 Ken Healey, Incarnation: ultimate closeness ...........................124 Bruce Kaye, English Christendom and the future of the Anglican Communion. .130 Moira O’Sullivan, Comment: Irish Nuns during English Benedictine Rule ...150 Robert O’Shea, Response: Irish Nuns during English Benedictine Rule .