Arnolds Spekke HISTORY OF



Introduction 11 I. The Geographical Setting 21 Ice Period; The Baltic Shield; Geological Formations and the ; Peoples around the Baltic; Geographical Background; Development of Rivers and Mountains; History of Baits and Other Races; Nature of the Latvian Country; Latvian Peasant.

II. The First Millennium A. D. 35 Historical Sources; Language Group and Original Home; Baits and Slavs; Greek and Latin Documents; Coast of ; Baits in the Early Middle Age Sources; Byzantine Texts and Arabs; Scandinavian Inva­ sion; River Routes and Trade.

III. The Indo-European Tradition 55 Archaeological Data; ; Mythology; Dainas and Poetry; National Tales and Legends; Folklore; Customs; Festivals; Art; National Costumes; Villages; Castle Hills.

IV. The and the 76 Germanic Expansion; Scandinavian Incursions on the Baltic Littoral; Northmen in Kurzeme; Saxo Grammaticus; Sagas; Activity of the Baits; Material about the Kurs and ; Idrisi and His Maps; Diffe­ rent Periods of Viking Expansion.

V. The Slav Expansion 97 First Slav Movements; Place of Origin of the Slavs; Historical Sources; Expansion of the Slavs; Importance of the Two Large Waterways; Slav Imperialism; Slavs and Baits; Linguistic and Archaeological Data; An­ cient Russian Chronicles and Baits; Baltic German Historians and Their Conclusions; The Views of Latvian Historians.

VI. The Knights in 115 The German Movement; Drang nach Osten; The New Settlements; Three Social Elements; and Its Consequences; ; The

7 ; Subjugation of Old Prussia; The German Attacks on Livonia; Letgallians; Kurish Revolt; Semigallian Struggles; The Rhymed Chronicle; Livonia after the Conquest; Kurish Kings.

VII. The Livonian Confederation 142 Political Situation; Lithuanian Expansion; ; Western Information about Livonia; Baltic Cartography; Political Life of the Or­ der; Battle of Tannenberg; Livonia and Neighbours; War with Muscovy; Internal Relations; Social Conditions and Jurisdiction.

VIII. East and West 165 Collapse of the Order; ; The Political Powers round Li­ vonia; Muscovites; ; ; Russian Aggression; Foreign Observers; Origin of ; Privilege of Sigismund Augustus; King Stephen; Polish Documents.

IX. Catholic Counter Reformation 186 Polish-Lithuanian Administration; Jesuits; Livonian Peasant and His Position; Polish-Swedish Conflict and Consequences; Livonian Car­ tography; Humanistic Literature; Development of .

X. The Swedes in Livonia 205 European Conflagration; Political Survey; Swedish Rule; Agrarian Leg­ islation; Economic Interest and Farming; Charles XI and His Reforms; Education; Translation of Holy Scriptures.

XI. The Duchy of Kurland 223 Duchy's Survival; International Situation; Internal Efforts; Nobles and Their Privileges; Duke Jacob and His Policy; Development of Trade and Industry; Relations with Peasants; External Influence; Latvian Litera­ ture in Kurland; G. Mancelius; P. Einhorn.

XII. The Russians and the Baltic 243 Tsar Peter I; Political Situation; Narva and ; Russian Invasion; Con­ cessions to the Baltic Nobility; Projects on the Rights of Land; Declara­ tion of Rosen; The Peasants; Description of by a Foreigner; The Effects of the Northern War; Religious Movements.

XIII. The Influence of the 259 Alexander I and ; March on ; The New Ideas; G. Merkel and His Struggle; and Peasants; Political Conflicts; Agricultural Crisis and Effects; The on Latvian Nationality; Education; Latvian Literature.

XIV. The National Movement 275 National Movements in Europe; Insurrections and Rebellions in East­ ern Europe; National Revival in Latvia; K. Valdemars; Literary Devel­ opments; ; Scientists and Writers; Social Changes; Indus­ trial Workers; Political Parties; The Revolution of 1905; Russian Policy; Cultural Achievements; Song Festivals; Religion.

XV. The First World War 292 The Cause and the Beginning of the War; Destruction in Latvia; German Colonization Plans; The Latvians Mobilized; Latvian Rifle Regiments; Christmas Battles of 1916; The ; Demobilization; "The Red Rifles"; Return of the Troops to Latvia.

XVI. Latvian 308 Russian Revolution of 1917; Resolutions on Freedom; Treaty of Brest- Litovsk; Partition of Latvian Territory; The Latvian National Council; The State of Latvia Proclaimed; Bolshevik Attack; Temporary Occupa­ tion; Baltic Cause in Paris; German Policy; Landeswehr Putsch; Bermont Attack; Anti-Bolshevik Front; Armistice with and Peace; Events in , Finland and ; The Fate of .

XVII. The Free State 328 Initial Difficulties; Effects of the War; Agrarian Reform; Land Bill; Eco­ nomic Progress; Farming; Standard of Living; Trade; Industry; Educa­ tion; Institutions; Laws; Constituent Assembly; Latvian Constitution;. Foreign Policy. / XVIII. Ten Years of Foreign Occupation 345 The Second World War; Compulsory Pacts with Soviet Russia; German Repatriation; Soviet Ultimatum and Occupation of the ; Puppet Governments; Elections and the "Parliament"; German-Soviet Pact; Incorporation into Soviet Russia; Nationalization; Kolkhozes (Col­ lective Farms); Industry Political Dictatorship and Propaganda; Op­ pression, Reprisals and Persecutions; Liquidation of the Latvian Army; Soviet Tribunals; Deportations; Labour and Concentration Camps; German-Soviet War; German Occupation. Colonization Plans — 398. Administration; The Herrenvolk;Terror and Deportations.

Conclusion 368 The ; The Latvian Legion

References 376

Bibliography 387

List of Plates 397

List of Illustrations 401

List of Maps 406 LIST OF PLATES with bibliographic notes

I. Pre-Baltic pottery Kurzeme, Zallte (Jg), Rutenieki. Photograph from LVVM. Approx. V2 of actual size. E. Sturms, Die erste schnurkeramische Siedlung in Lettland. Contributions of Baltic University Hamburg 1946; Suedostbaltikum A. Steinzeit (Estland, Lettland, Litauen); Latvijas akmens laikmeta materiali I, Latvijas aizvestures materiali II, Riga 1936. M. Ebert, Reallexikon der Vorgeschichte, XIII. Finnish - Ugrian pottery of the late Neolitithic Age , Dviete (II). Photograph from LVVM. Approx. Vs of actual size. R. Indreko, Origin and Area of Settlement of the Fenno-Ugrian Peoples, Heidelberg 1948. E. Sturms, Dvietes un Lubanas kaula senlietas, Senatne un maksla I, Riga 1938.

II. Stone battle axes of the primitive Baits Photograph from LVVM. Approx. V3 of actual size. E. Sturms, Akmens laikmets Latvijd I. Dzives vietas II. Savrupatradumi un kulturas raksturo- jums, Riga 1927. Ancient Baltic bronze war-axes Photograph from LWM. Approx. V2 of actual size. E. Sturms, Die aeltere Bronsezeit im Ostbaltikum, Berlin 1936; Die bronsezeitlichen Funde in Lettland, Congressus secundus archaeol. Balticorum, Riga 1931.

III. Silver cross-bow brooch with ends shaped like animal heads Kurzeme, Grobina (Lp). Photograph from LVVM. Approx % of actual size. N. Aberg, Ostpreussen in der Volkerwanderungsseit, Uppsala 1919. Semigallian drinking-horn of the 8th century Vidzeme, (R), Lejas Biteni. Photograph of reconstruction from LVVM. Approx. Vi of actual size.

IV. Bronze horse figurines of the 11th century Vidzeme, Daugmale castle-hill (R). Photograph from LWM. Approi. lA

397 of actual size. V. Qinters, Daugmales pilskalna 1936. g. izrakumi, Senatne un maksla IV, Riga 1936. Latgallian pottery. Photograph from LVVM.

V. Fragment of ornamented limestone disk with runic characters Vidzeme, Daugmale castle-hill (R). Photograph from LWM. Actual size. The Nedervalla runic stone, Photographic archives of the State Historical Museum, Stockholm.

VI. The Dobe castle-hill Zemgale, Lielauce (B), Inceni. E. Brastins, Latvijas pilskalni Zemgale un Augszeme, Riga 1926. Excavations on the Mezotne castle-hill Zemgale, Mezotne castle-hill (B). Photograph from LVVM. excavations of 1940, conducted by Dr. V. Qinters.

VII. Ancient Latvian bronze with stylized animal heads Photograph from LVVM. Approx. twice the actual size. Bronze horseshoe-brooches of the 11th—12th centuries Photograph from LVVM. Approx. % of actual size.

VIII. "Warriors'" bracelets of the 10th and 11th centuries Latgale. Photograph from LVVM. Approx. % of actual size. Centre part of the warriors' bracelet Photograph from LVVM. Enlarged to twice the actual size.

IX. Ornaments and costume worn by a Latvian girl of the 12th century Vidzeme, Karli (C). Reconstruction by LVVM of costume and ornaments accord­ ing to the finds of a female grave.

X. Old Prussian warriors meeting the Bishop of Prague, St. Adalbert The martyr's death of St. Adalbert. Door panel of Gniezno Cathedral A. Goldschmidt, Die Bronsetueren von Novgorod und Gnesen, Marburg a.L. 1932.

XI. The figures of the Virgin Mary and Walter von Plettenberg over the North Gate of P. Arends, Rigas pils, Riga 1938.

XII. A Letgallian woman's costume of the 15th century Latgale, Makasani (Rz). Reconstruction of LVVM.

XIII. Map of Livonia of 1582 A. Spekke, Latviesi un Livonija 16.g.s„ Riga 1935. The Vatican archives, Nunciatura di Germania, fol. 93.

398 XIV. View of Riga harbour in 1612 Detail from J. C. Brotze's drawings after a drawing by N. Mollin (1612).

XV. Riga in 1612 Detail from J. C. Brotze's drawing after a drawing by N. Mollin (1612).

XVI. Gustavus II Adolphus. Hornberg, Sveriges Historia, Stockholm, 1940

XVII. Swedish money coined in Riga: Charles XI's silver mark Queen Christina's golden five ducat piece. Photographs of the Royal Numis­ matic Collection, Stockholm. Actual size.

XVIII. The crossing of the on 9 July 1701 at Riga Pen-and-ink drawing by Major General K. M. Stuart from his report on the war in Kurzeme in 1701—1702. From the original in the Royal Li­ brary in Stockholm. The Pamusa Manor in 1702 Detail from K. M. Stuart's drawing The Encounter at Pamusa. From the original in the Royal Library in Stockholm.

XIX. Stepins Krauklis, a Latvian peasant N. Vlksnins, Apgaismotaji un agrarais jautajums I, Riga 1937. Text of oath taken by Latvian artillerymen in Swedish army. Gustavs Adolfs un zviedru laikmets Latvija. Catalogue of an exhibition, Riga 1932.

XX. Liepaja around 1702 around 1702 From drawings by Major General K. M. Stuart in the Royal Library in Stockholm.

XXI. Commercial and shipping treaty, concluded in 1657 between Oliver Crom­ well and Duke Jacob The original was in the Latvian State Archives, Riga. The reproduction is taken from H. Mattiesen's Herzog Jacobs Vertrag mit Oliver Cromwell und seine englische Politik. Sitz. Ber. d. Kurl. Ges.f. Lit. u. Kunst, 1934; Jelgava 1935.

XXII. Ernst Johann Biron, the Duke of possible drawing by J. Tepfer

XXIII. A well-to-do Latvian peasant Latvian peasants from Madliena commune Peasants from the commune of Blrini Drawings by J. C. Brotze. N. Vlksnins, op. cit.

XXIV. The celebration of Janu vakars

399 A Latvian milkwoman from the outskirts of Riga The Cimpuli farm at the far end of the Riga pastures Drawings by J. C. Brotze. N. VIksniiis, op. cit.

XXV. Procession of the choirs, participating in the First Song Festival, at the House of the Latvian Society in Riga in 1873. Sena Riga, ed. by F. Balodis and R. Snore, Riga 1937

XXVI. Latvian revolutionary forces at Rujiena in 1905 A. Bilmanis and V. Pengerots, La Lettonie pittoresque etsa vie actuelle, Riga, 1927 Riga, the Daugava embankment, in 1906 A. Bilmanis and V. Pengerots, op. cit.

XXVII. The image of Mother Latvia at the Soldiers' Cemetery, in Riga. A sculpture by K. Zale. F. Balodis and P. Arends. Lettland, Landschaft, Volksleben, Baukunst und Museen. Riga, 1938

XXVIII. The farewell given to the first volunteers of the Latvian Rifle Regiment on the Daugava embankment, Riga, in 1915 The Latvian Rifle Regiment in the front line Latviesu Strelnieki, Riga 1929.

XXIX. Machine-Gun Hill in 1917 Pieminas vainags, Riga. in the Brethren Cemetery, Riga, at the beginning of the revolution of 1917. Pieminas vainags, Riga.

XXX. The proclamation of Independent Latvia in the National Theatre, Riga, on 18 November 1918 The solemn opening of the Constituent Assembly on 1 May in Riga Latvijas Republikas desmit pastavesanas gadi, Riga 1928.

XXXI. The Latvian Provisional Government on board S/S "Saratov", at Liepaja in 1919 Latvijas atbrivosanas kara vesture I, Riga 1938. A group of members of the Students' Company in January 1919 Photograph in the collection of J. Tepfers.

XXXII. Volunteers of the Northern Latvian Army in the spring of 1919 The entry of the Northern Latvian Army into Riga on 6 July 1919 Pieminas vainags, Riga.

XXXIII. Cadets of the Officers' School at the Daugava bridges during the Bermont attack

400 The first Latvian military units at Pardaugava, Riga, on 11 November 1919. Pieminas vainags, Riga.

XXXIV. The first , fanis Cakste, at a military parade commanded by Colonel Apinis. Postcards from the colletion F. Balodis

XXXV. The Year of Terror: the House of the Latvian Society, Riga, in 1940 Victims of the Russians in the courtyard of the Central Prison, Riga, in 1941 From the collection of documents Baigais gads, Riga 1942

XXXVI. The F. Balodis and P. Arends Lettland, Landschaft, Volksleben, Baukunst und Museen. Riga, 1938

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS with bibliographic notes (* = Headpiece or Tailpiece)

^Ornament of a dagger-sheath of the 11th century A. D. 11 Vidzeme, (R). Drawing of a detail after the original in LVVM. Actual size. *"Owl"-brooch of the 8th century A. D. 19 Vidzeme, Licgals (Md), Lubana. Drawing from the original in LVVM. Approx. l/i of actual size. Birger Nerman, Die Voelkerwanderungszeit Gotlands, Stockholm 1935. W. Gaerte, LJrgeschichte Ostpreussens, Konigsberg 1929. ^Detail of ornament of a dagger-sheath of the 11th century A. D. 21 Vidzeme, Karji (C), Ainava. Drawing from the original in LVVM. Actual size. * Kurish bracelet ornament of the 12th century 34 Latvijas Saule, No. 63—64, Riga 1928. Approx. % of actual size. 'Bronze pendant of the 11th century A. D. 54 Vidzeme, Daugmale castle-hill (R). Drawing from the original in LVVM. Actual size. F. Balodis, Latviesu makslas pieminekli 9.—12. g. s. apmetnes un kapos, Se- natne un maksla, IV, Riga 1936. ^Ornament of a shawl-selvage of the 11th or 12th century A. D. 55 Vidzeme, Stamariene (C). Drawing of detail after the original in LVVM. Actual

401 size. K. Ozols, Senie latviesu audumi, Senatne un maksla II, Riga 1939. A. Kar- nups, Likuloks latviesu audumos, Senatne un maksla I, Riga 1937. Replica of a Latvian shawl of the 11th century A. D. 68 Latgale, Viski (D). Drawing reconstructed from the original in LVVM. Approx. Ko of actual size. K. Ozols, op. cit. V. Qinters, Latviesu tautas terpa aizvesture, Riga 1936. *A 13th century ornament from Kurzeme 75 Kurzeme, Dundaga (Vp). E. Snore, Dundagas kajauti, Senatne un maksla II, Riga 1938. Approx. % of actual size. Entrance gate and fortifications of Mezotne Castle 88 Zemgale, Mezotne Castle-hill (B). V. Qinters, Send Mezotne, Senatne un maksla IV, Riga 1939. Fortifications of Mezotne Castle 89 V.Ginters, op. cit. Ornament of Kurish halter of the 12th century 94 Kurzeme, (T), Lake Vilkumuiza. Drawing from the original in LVVM. Ac­ tual size. *A 12th century decorative ornament from Kurzeme 96 Kurzeme, Talsi (T). Drawing of a bronze mounting of a leather strap found at Lake Vilkumuiza near Talsi. Original in LVVM. Actual size. *Disk-brooch of the 13th century A. D. 97 Zemgale, Mezotne Castle-hill (B). Reconstructive drawing from the original in LVVM. Actual size. ^Ornamental pin-head of the 13th century A. D 114 Zemgale, Mezotne Castle-hill (B). Drawing from the original in LWM. Actual size. * Fighting scene between the Old Prussians and the knights of the Teutonic Order. 115 Drawing of unrolled relief from Chr. Krollman, Der Deutsche Orden in Preussen, Deutsche Staatenbildung und Kultur im Preussenlande, Konigsberg 1931. Seals of (a) the Order of the Brethren of the Sword, (b) Bishop Nikolaus of 121 Riga, (c) the Town of Riga, and (d) the Chapter Dr. J. Sachsendahl, Siegel und Munzen weltlicher und geistlicher Gebiete uber Liv-, Est-, und Curland bis zum Jahre 1561. Est-, und Livlandische Brieflade IV, Reval 1887. Actual sizes. Reproduction of a passage from Henricus's Chronicle 123 Monumenta Germanics Historica, Scriptores torn. XXIII. Scr. rer. Germ, in usum scholarum V. Reproduction of the text of the oldest Latvian rhymed chronicle 125 Livlandische Reimchronik, Ed. A. Meyer, Paderborn 1876. Plan of the Semigallian castle-hill at 132 Zemgale, Dobele (Jg). E. Brastins, Latvijas pilskalni. Zemgale un Augskurzeme. Piemineklu valdes materialu krajumi, Riga 1926. Riga Castle in the days of Master Eberhard Manheim 134 A. Tuulse, Die Burgen in Estland und Lettland. Verhandlungen der gelehrten Est- nischen Gesellschaft XXXVI, 1942. *Seal of the Cathedral Chapter of 141 Dr. J. Sachsendahl, op. cit. Actual size.

402 'Vaulting in the Master's Hall, Cesis Castle 142 A. Tuulse, op. cit. Part of Olaus Magnus's map of Northern Europe 150 D. Brenner, Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania 1800, N 15, Chris- tiania 1887. A thaler of Walter von Plettenberg 151 Dr. J. Sachsendahl, op. cit. Actual size. A Riga thaler, coined in 1557 152 Ibid. Actual size. Riga Castle, remodelled by Walter von Plettenberg 155 W. Neumann, Riga und Reval. Beruhmte Kunststatten, Bd. 42, Leipzig 1908. "Seal of Bishop Rotgert Brigenius of Kurland 164 Dr. J. Sachsendahl, op. cit. Actual size. 'Ornament of a dagger-sheath. 14th to 15th century A. D. 165 Kurzeme. Detail drawing from the original in LWM. Actual size. Seal of the town of Straupe 167 Dr. J. Sachsendahl, op. cit. Actual size. Atrocities committed by the Muscovites 171 From the Zeyttung, published in Niirnberg in 1561. A. Spekke, Latviesi un Livo- nija 16. g.s., Riga 1935. 'Signet seal of a Latvian freeman 185 A. Svabe, Kursu koninu un novadnieku tiesiskais stavoklis. Rigas Latviesu Biedribas rakstu krajums. Travaux du comite letton des lettres et des sciences 21, Riga 1933. Approx. twice the actual size. 'Riga in 1548 186 C. Mettig, Geschichte der Stadt Riga, Riga 1897. Gold ten ducat piece of Riga 189 E. Hutten-Czapski, Catalogue de la collection des medailles et monnaies polonaises I, N 771, Paris 1881. Actual size. The oldest known drawing of Cesis 194 Svenska folkets historia II, Lund 1922. The oldest known view of 198 A. Spekke, op. cit. Title page of the oldest Latvian book known 200 A. Prande, Latvju rakstnieciba portrejas, Riga 1926. A page of Martin Luther's Catechism 201 A. Prande, op. cit. 'Seal of the town of Valmiera 204 Dr. J. Sachsendahl, op. cit. Actual size. View of Riga 209 Enlarged detail from an engraving by Pufendorf De rebus a Carolo Gustavo ges- tis..., Niirnberg 1696. In the possession of N. Strunke. Part of a page from the Catholic hymn-book of George Elger 217 A. Prande, op. cit. 'The coat-of-arms of Livonia of the Swedish period 222 Enlarged detail of a drawing by Eric Dahlberg (1625—1703), Governor-General

403 of Livonia, made for Jean le Pautre's engraving The funeral procession of Charles X Gustavus on 4 November 1660. From an engraving in the possession of N. Strunke. 'Title cartouche of a map of the Duchy of Kurland 223 From a map drawn by Barnikel, the architect of the Duke of Kurland, Niirnberg 1747. The castle and part of the town of Jelgava in 1703 227 J. C. Brotze (IX, 68), after a drawing by Pastor Korber. A. Tuulse, op. cit. Kuldiga Castle in 1729 227 Drawing by Weygandt. From K. v. Lowis of Menar, Zur Baugeschichte der Komtu- reien des Deutschen Ordens in Kurland. Sitsungsberichte, Mitau 189S. Duke Jacob of Kurland 230 J. Juskevics, Hercoga Jekaba laikmets Kurzeme, Riga 1932. Actual size. Ships in the Baltic 231 From a 17th century map of Livonia. In the possession of J. Tepfers. Letter of safe-conduct granted by Oliver Cromwell to Duke Jacob 232 J. Juskevics, op. cit. Duke Jacobs fort in Gambia 235 Ibid. Title page of G. Manceliuss book of sermons 238 A. Prande, op. cit. Peasants from Kurzeme about 1740 240 Detail from a map drawn by Barnikel, the architect of the Duke of Kurland, Niirnberg 1747. 'Wrought-iron trellis from a window of Jelgava Castle 242 A. Raphael, Die Hersogsgruft im Schloss zu Mitau. Sits. Ber. d. Kurl. Ges. f. Lit. u. Kunst 1915—1933, Jelgava 1934. 'Silver brooch with pendants and red glass beads 258 A. Dzervitis, Latviesu tautas uzvalki I, Riga 1931. 'The "great-brooch" from Nica 259 A. Dzervitis, op. cit. An announcement issued by General von Grawert 262 LKV. 'Property mark 274 Kurzeme, Nica (Lp). Latvijas Saule, Riga 1924. 'The town of around 1825 275 Sits. Ber. d. Kurl. Ges.f. Lit. u. Kunst, Mitau 1889. Krisjanis Valdemars 280 Aronu Matlss, Krisjanis Valdemars, Jelgava 1892. 'The poet against the background of Riga 291 A postage stamp. From the collection of A. Platbarzdis. 'The flag of the 3rd Kurzeme Rifle Battalion 292 Design by A. Clrulis. Field-Marshal von Hindenburg's order in the "native language" 298 LKV. An announcement issued by General von Eisenhart 300 Ibid.

404 General K. Goppers 304 Drawing by E. Dzenis. 'Badge of the Latvian Riflemen 307 Latviesu Strelnieki I, Riga 1929. *Lacplesis — the ancient legendary Latvian hero 308 A postage stamp, issued in 1937. From the collection of A. Platbarzdis. Wood- engraving by J. Plepis. Colonel Kalpaks 320 Wood-engraving by J. Plepis. 'The Latvian sun-emblem 327 Detail from the back of a five-rouble note, issued in 1919, designed by B. Dzenis. From the collection of A. Platbarzdis. 'View of Riga with the modified coat-of-arms of the city 328 Enlargement from a postage stamp, issued in 1938 in connection with the 20th anniversary of Latvian Independence. From the collection of A. Platbarzdis. 'The grand coat-of-arms of Latvia 344 Reproduction from a currency note (Ls. 5) of the . From the collec­ tion of A. Platbarzdis. *1he Message of Titmouse 345 Kara dainas, Riga, 1934. actual size 7 to 5 centimetres Passage from written instructions to members of the NKVD 358 D. J. Dallin and B. J. Nicolaevsky, Forced Labor in Soviet Russia, New Haven, 1947 'The frontispiece of E. Virza Straumeni 367 Wood- engraving by J. Plepis. Actual size 9,7 to 6 centimetres *The Latvian Legion 368 Enlargement of the design by R. Kasparsons. From the colletion of A. Platbarzdis 'A design of the coat-of arms-of Latvia 375 Design by A. Clrulis