Hazners, Vilis Vol. 1 0004
JPRS: CSO: 2025-S TH.71 IA1.IA 3I0N [Folloing is the translation of an unsigne article in Latvju . -;nciklopedija (The Latvian . Enc: , clopedia), Vol 34, Stockholm, 1952, pages 1288-1322.] [Note' : All portions COntained within brackets are the comments of the translator, Gorman terms ere used for ranks, names of places and individuals:have been "de-Latvian- zed". However, it not possible to use German terms for military units. bel Divisfonal level. The German numeration for regiments, battalions, etc., was given only for a few units out of the many mentioned, therefore, for the sake of consistency, Latvian numeration is used, indi- cating, where appropriate, that.it is Latvian and not. • German.] i.atvian Legion _Lettl.ne7 Lep,-ion). After the 13/14 .,;une 1941 deportatiDnsofIat%ians by Soviets], former officers and noncommissioned officers of the Latvian army, as well as former polic6len and aizsargi [reference to Latvian army auxiliary]. sc.,Ight refuge in the forests; there; pa:tisan units . of various.siZes ire formed. Some of these units were sizable -- as for example, the oe operating in the vicinity .of Gulbene -- and consisted of deserters- fromthe territorial corps [following.the annexation of.Latvia . bY . the USSR, the former Latvian army was included as a territOrial.corps in the Red Army]: The partisans-attacked NKVD . forces, and, after the beginning of the Russo-German war, also retreating units ofthe Red Army; thus, the Russian rear was made insecure, and their retreat speeded up.. In such a manner, further deportations, robbing ', and destruction of houses was avoided. • The partisans establishedlcontactwith .
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