Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86937-9 - Science and Sensation in Romantic Poetry Noel Jackson Index More information Index Abrams, M. H. 29, 126, 250 Barbauld, Anna Letitia 47, 59 abstraction 8, 9, 10, 71, 73--4, 150--1, Bate, Walter Jackson 29, 171 153--9, 178 Baumgarten, Alexander 2 and aesthetic value 165--6, 169--70, 172--5, Beddoes, Thomas 5 183--, 194, 198--9 Bell, Charles 120, 170, 178--80, 182 and embodiment 10, 12--13, 14--15, 135--6, Benhabib, Seyla 252 151--9, 158--9 Benjamin, Walter 69, 96 historical-materialist critiques of 31, 32, Bennett, Andrew 169, 172, 174 134--5, 150, 168, 188--90, 204--5 Bentham, Jeremy 5 see also associationism Berkeley, George 35, 114, 230 Adair, James Makittrick 150--1, 157 Bewell, Alan 245 Addison, Joseph 12, 231 Blake, William 18, 91--8 Adorno, Theodor W. 15, 60--1, 69, 131, 200, America, A Prophecy 92--5, 458 252, 263 “Annotations to Wordsworth’s Preface to aesthetic, the The Excursion” 67 autonomy of 3, 7--8, 11, 13--14, 15, 28--9, “Auguries of Innocence” 72, 98 59--0, 178, 182, 209 “The Human Abstract” 94 historicity of 1--2, 4--5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15--16, “Introduction” to the Songs of Innocence 47 16--0, 18, 24--6 “Jerusalem” (Preface to Milton) 32 ideology of 3, 16, 17--19, 24--6, 42, 134, 148, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell 93, 244 182, 198, 204, 220 Milton 64, 91, 98 reparatory function of 6, 23, 113, 132--4, Vala,orThe Four Zoas 95--8 137--, 145, 154--6, 159, 160, 161--2 Bloom, Harold 104, 138, 171, 201 the “return to” 13--14, 167, 220 Bourdieu, Pierre 19, 24--5, 27, 42, 167, 195,
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