The Citadel Faculty Senate Revised 10/30/2020 Committee Assignments

Academic Year 2020/21 Plan of Acad. Dept. First ORDR Committee Representation Representing or Subunit Member Appointment Notes Ex. Off. NCAA Taylor, C. Faculty Athl. 1 Rep. 2 At Large MGMT Riggle, R. 8/15/2020 3 At Large BIOL Donnell, D. 4 At Large HIST Wright, C. Athletic Advisory At Large 5 At Large HAHP Triantafyllidis, S. 8/20/2019 6 At Large ENGL Frame, F. 7 At Large EDUC Dague, C. 1/9/2019 8 At Large ENGR Skenes, K. 9 At Large MLNG Strobbe, C. 10 At Large BIOL Moran, C. 8/15/2020 11 Baker School of Business MSCE Trumbull, W. 8/20/2019 12 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Oberman, A. 13 School of Engineering CIVL Wood, T. 8/20/2019 14 School of Humanities and Social Sciences ENGL Pilhuj, K. 8/20/2019 Chair 2019/20 & 2020/21 15 Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics 16 LIBR Hawkins, D. 10/18/2019 Schools, 17 Commandant's Office Cmdnt SFC Rich Change each semester Cadet Life Commandant's 18 Commandant's Office Cmdnt LtCol Hughes Change each semester Office, Cadets 19 Commandant's Office Cmdnt LtCol Bell Change each semester 20 Commandant's Office Cmdnt Change each semester 21 Cadets Reg Ac Ofcr Change each semester 22 Cadets Bn CSM Change each semester 23 Cadets 1SGT Change each semester 24 Cadets Pvt Change each semester 25 Baker School of Business MGMT Money, W. 26 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Westbury, L. 8/15/2020 27 School of Engineering ELEC Integlia, R. 8/15/2020 Schools, 28 Enrollment School of Humanities and Social Sciences ENGL Frame, F. Library, ROTC 29 Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics MATH Robinson, Richard 30 Daniel Library LIBR 31 ROTC AERO Segarra, N. 32 ACFI ACFI Lim, K. 8/15/2020 33 MGMT MGMT Bezjian, J. 8/20/2018 34 MSCE MSCE Passyn, K. 8/20/2019 35 BIOL BIOL Nolan, P. 8/20/2018 36 CIVL CIVL Watson, M.K. 8/20/2018 37 CHEM CHEM Le-Vasicek, T. 8/20/2019 38 CRMJ CRMJ 39 EDUC EDUC Hornor, T. 8/15/2020 40 ELEC ELEC Potisuk, S. 8/20/2018 41 ELPM ELPM Plumblee, J 8/20/2018 42 ENGL ENGL Eggleston, A. 8/20/2018 Chair 2019/20 43 Faculty Awards Departments, HAHP HAHP Sole, C. 8/20/2018 44 Library HIST HIST Giblin, D. 8/20/2019 45 INTL INTL 46 LDRS LDRS 47 LIBR LIBR 48 MATH MATH Trautman, D. 8/20/2018

Page 1 or 5 Faculty Awards Departments, Library Faculty Senate Revised 10/30/2020 Committee Assignments

49 CYCS CYCS Nance, C. 8/15/2020 50 MECH MECH Book, E. 8/20/2018 51 MLNG MLNG Tsai, T. 8/20/2019 52 NURS NURS 53 PHYS PHYS Briggs, P. 8/20/2018 54 PSCI PSCI Sun, S-C (Michael) 8/20/2018 Segrest, S. on sabbatical 2020/21 55 PSYC PSYC Senate President Porter, J. 8/20/2018 ex officio 56 Baker School of Business MGMT Dean, B. 8/20/2018 57 School of Engineering CIVL Mays, T. 8/20/2018 58 School of Humanities and Social Sciences Emm, A. 8/20/2018 59 Faculty Governance Schools Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics Robinson, R. 8/20/2018 60 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Ilagan, G. 8/15/2020 61 Dept of Leadership Studies LDRS Rivers-James, F. 8/20/2018 Dept Head 62 Daniel Library LIBR Wimer, A. 10/18/2019 63 ACFI ACFI No candidates 64 MGMT MGMT Sobel, R. 8/20/2019 65 MSCE MSCE Ponomorav, S 8/20/2018 66 BIOL BIOL Johnson, K. 8/20/2018 67 CIVL CIVL Ghanat, S 8/15/2020 68 CHEM CHEM Mabrouk, S. 8/20/2018 69 CRMJ CRMJ McNamara, R. 8/20/2018 70 EDUC EDUC Williams, G. 8/20/2018 Chair 2020/21 71 ELEC ELEC Hayne, R. 8/20/2019 72 ELPM ELPM Bubacz, M. temporarily representing ELPM 73 ENGL ENGL Maxwell, L. 8/20/2018 Vice Chair Departments, 74 Faculty Sabbaticals HAHP HAHP Bornstein, D. 8/20/2019 75 Library HIST HIST Wright, C. 8/15/2020 76 INTL INTL No candidates 77 LDRS LDRS No candidates 78 LIBR LIBR Wallace, E. 8/20/2019 79 MATH MATH Wittman, T. 8/20/2018 80 CYCS CYCS Joshi, D. 8/15/2020 81 MECH MECH Bubacz, M. 8/20/2018 82 MLNG MLNG Fernandez, S. 8/15/2020 83 NURS NURS No candidates 84 PHYS PHYS 85 PSCI PSCI Tenney, S 8/20/2018 86 PSYC PSYC Lassiter, K. 1/15/2020 87 Baker School of Business MSCE Ponomorav, S. 8/20/2019 88 School of Engineering CIVL Burke, R. 8/15/2020 89 School of Humanities and Social Sciences ENGL Heuston, S. 8/20/2019 90 Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics MATH Li, B. 91 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Ilagan, G. 8/15/2020 Schools, ROTC, 92 Facilities and Daniel Library LIBR Library, 3 at- 93 ROTC Services large 94 At Large 95 At Large HIST Boughan, K. 8/15/2020 96 At Large ENGL Horan, T. 1/1/2016 97 Staff 98 Staff 99 Baker School of Business ACFI Riggle, R. 8/15/2020 100 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Dague, C. 8/15/2020

Schools, 3 at- Financial Affairs large

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101 School of Engineering Ghanat, S. Schools, 3 at- 102 Financial Affairs School of Humanities and Social Sciences Tenney, S. 103 large Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics NURS Joseph, A. 8/20/2020 104 At Large MECH Bass, P. 105 At Large HIST Grenier, K. 8/20/2019 106 At Large BADM Karagiannidis, I. Assoc. Dean/Chair 2019/20 107 Dir, General Educcation 108 Outcome Coordinator - Citizenship Strand 109 GenEd Dir, Outcome Coordinator - Conflict Strand 110 Strands/outcom Outcome Coordinator - Sustainability Strand 111 es Coords, Outcome Coordinator - Tech & Innovation Strand 112 Faculty Reps for Outcome Coordinator - Wellness Strand each Strand, 113 Dept Rep, Citizenship Strand General Education Asst Provost for 114 Leadership, Dir Dept Rep, Conflict Strand 115 of CEITL&DE, Dept Rep, Sustainability Strand 116 Dir, Dept Rep, Tech & Innovation Strand 117 Accreditation & Dept Rep, Wellness Strand Assessment 118 Asst. Provost for Leadership LDRS Rivers-James, F 8/15/2020 119 Dir, CEITL&DE Cheshire, D. 8/15/2020 120 Dir, Accreditation & Assessment Roof, K. 8/15/2020 121 Ex. Off. Registrar Blake, L. 122 Ex. Off. Provost Brennan, K. 123 Ex. Off. CGC Collins, C. 124 ACFI ACFI No candidates 125 MGMT MGMT Lovvorn, A. 8/31/2017 Dept Head/Chair 2019/20 & 2020/21 126 MSCE MSCE Bennett, J. 8/31/2017 127 BIOL BIOL Nolan, P. 128 CIVL CIVL Ghanat, S. 8/20/2019 Senate Liaison 2019/20 129 EDUC EDUC Oberman, A. 130 EDUC EDUC Albert, J. 8/15/2020 131 Departments ELEC ELEC Barsanti, R. with graduate 132 Graduate Curriculum ELPM ELPM Greenburg, D. Secretary 2019/20 133 programs, ENGL ENGL Hendriks, L. 8/15/2020 134 Library HAHP HAHP Sacko, R. 8/20/2019 135 HIST HIST Mushal, A. 8/15/2020 136 INTL INTL Graves, M. 1/13/2020 137 LDRS LDRS Rivers-James, F. 8/20/2018 Dept Head 138 LIBR LIBR Wimer, A. 8/20/2019 139 MATH MATH Chen, M. 8/20/2019 Dept Head 140 CYCS CYCS Verdicchio, M. 8/20/2018 141 MECH MECH Geathers, J. 8/20/2019 142 MLNG MLNG Roca-Martinez, S. 143 PSCI PSCI Mays, T. 144 PSYC PSYC Sawyer, G. 145 Baker School of Business MGMT Smith, J. 8/15/2020 146 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Westbury, L. 8/15/2020 147 School of Engineering ELPM Greenburg, D. 148 Schools, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Fernald, L. Leadership 149 Leadership Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics HAHP Bornstein, D. 8/20/2018 150 Studies, Library, Dept of Leadership Studies LDRS Simpson, K. 8/15/2020 151 3 at-large Daniel Library LIBR Updike, T. 10/18/2019

Page 3 or 5 The Citadel Schools, Faculty Senate Revised 10/30/2020 Leadership Committee Assignments Leadership Studies, Library, 3 at-large 152 At Large HIST Preston, D. 8/20/2019 153 At Large PSCI Mays, T. 154 At Large BIOL Johnson, K. 155 Ex. Off. CEITL&DE Cheshire, D. 8/21/2017 Director 156 Baker School of Business ACFI Bennett, J. 8/15/2020 157 School of Engineering CIVL Mays, T. 8/21/2017 158 Schools, School of Humanities and Social Sciences Tenney, S. 8/21/2017 159 Online Teaching Library, & Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics HAHP Bellon, C. 8/20/2020 160 Krause Center Zucker Family School of Education Kane, B. 8/15/2020 161 Dept of Leadership Studies LDRS Rivers-James, F. 8/21/2017 Dept Head 162 Daniel Library LIBR 163 Krause Center Grenier, S. 8/21/2017 164 ACFI ACFI Bolt, C. 8/20/2019 165 MGMT MGMT Sobel, R. 8/20/2019 166 MSCE MSCE Ebeling, R. 8/20/2018 167 BIOL BIOL Gustafson, D. 8/15/2020 Zardus, J on sabbatical Fall 2020 168 CIVL CIVL Mays, T. 8/20/2017 AY 2019/20 off for sabbatical 169 CHEM CHEM Zuraw, L. 170 CRMJ CRMJ McNamara, R. 171 EDUC EDUC Murray, K. 172 ELEC ELEC Peeples, J. 8/15/2020 Chair 2018/19 173 ELPM ELPM Skenes, K. 8/15/2020 174 ENGL ENGL Heuston, S. 175 Tenure and Departments, HAHP HAHP Garner, D. 8/20/2018 176 Promotion Library HIST HIST Sinisi, K. 8/20/2018 177 INTL INTL * No INTL faculty meet membership criteria 178 LDRS LDRS Goosby-Smith, J. 9/18/2018 179 LIBR LIBR Wallace, E. 180 MATH MATH Zhang, Li 10/12/2018 181 CYCS CYCS Joshi, D. 8/15/2020 182 MECH MECH Skenes, K. 8/15/2020 183 MLNG MLNG Urroz, H. 8/15/2020 184 NURS NURS * No NURS faculty meet membership criteria 185 PHYS PHYS Yost, S. 10/12/2018 186 PSCI PSCI Mays, Terry 187 PSYC PSYC 188 Baker School of Business BADM Trumbull, W. 8/15/2020 189 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Williams, G. 190 Tenure and School of Engineering ELEC Barsanti, R. 8/15/2020 191 Schools School of Humanities and Social Sciences MLNG Skow, K. 192 Promotion Appeals Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics 193 Alternate 1 ENGL Hutchisson, J. 194 Alternate 2 195 Ex. Off. Registrar Blake, L. 196 ACFI ACFI Wright, S. 8/20/2019 197 MGMT MGMT Bezjian, J. 8/15/2020 198 MSCE MSCE Park, S. 8/20/2019 199 BIOL BIOL Nolan, P. 200 CIVL CIVL Michalaka, D. 10/18/2018 201 CHEM CHEM Dorko, M. 202 CRMJ CRMJ Zommer, M. 203 EDUC EDUC Connor, E. 8/15/2020 204 ELEC ELEC Peeples, J. 8/15/2020 205 ELPM ELPM Plumblee, J.

Undergraduate Departments, Curriculum Library, ROTC Page 4 or 5 The Citadel Faculty Senate Revised 10/30/2020 Committee Assignments

206 ENGL ENGL Thompson, T. 8/15/2020 207 Undergraduate Departments, HAHP HAHP Yee, K. 9/27/2018 208 Curriculum Library, ROTC HIST HIST Maddox, M. 209 INTL INTL Jensen, C. Dept Head 210 LDRS LDRS Rivers-James, F. 8/20/2018 Dept Head 211 LIBR LIBR Hawkins, D. 10/18/2019 212 MATH MATH Swart, B. Chair 2020/21 213 CYCS CYCS Nance, C. 8/15/2020 214 MECH MECH Washuta, N. 8/20/2019 215 MLNG MLNG Fernandez, S. 8/20/2019 216 NURS NURS Pelletier, J. 217 PHYS PHYS Briggs, P. 218 PSCI PSCI Sun, S-C (Michael) Segrest, S. on sabbatical 2020/21 219 PSYC PSYC Parrish, A. 220 ROTC MLTY Ryan, J. Ex. Off. Trautman, D. 10/22/2020 Honors/Committee Chair 2020-2021 & 221 Senate Liaison 222 Ex. Off. Haugh, J. 8/20/2018 Financial Aid 223 Program Coord. ACFI Trumbull, W. 8/20/2018 Business Scholars 224 Program Coord. LDRS Rivers-James, F. 8/20/2018 Leadership Scholars Scholarship 225 Program Coord. MECH Rabb, R. 8/20/2017 STEM Scholars/Dept Head Program 226 Scholarship Program Coord. CYCS Banik, S. 8/20/2019 Cyber Security/Intgn. Scholars/Dept Head Coordinator, 227 Program Coord. EDUC Graham, T. 8/20/2017 Teaching Scholars Committee Schools, 228 Baker School of Business MSCE Trumbull, W. 8/20/2019 Honors, LDRS 229 Zucker Family School of Education EDUC Kim, Soo-Joung 10/12/2020 230 School of Engineering CIVL Brown, K. 8/20/2018 231 School of Humanities and Social Sciences PSYC Macdonald, A. 8/20/2018 232 Swain Family School of Science and Mathematics CYCS Banik, S. 8/20/2019 Dept Head 233 Dept of Leadership Studies LDRS Simpson, K. 8/15/2020

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