BUll1 copy NUMBtO{:







"l'IIIS DOCUMENT IS 'I'm; I'IWl'lm'l'Y OF IIER BRITANNIC MAJESTY'S GOVERNMIo;NT, and i~ ititillcd for lhe information of such persons only as need to know its contcnLs ill lhc cOllrse of their official duties. Any pcrtion finding this documcnt shollld halld il in to a BriLish rorces unit or to a police station for its safe return Lo lhe MINISTRY OF 1>L~I,'gNCE, [) MOl) SY, LONDON SWl 211B, wilh pMli~ldars of how and where round '1'111-; UNAUTHORISED RETI':N'I'ION Olt m;STRUCTlON 0(0' THE DOCUMENT IS AN OFFENCE UNDElt TilE OFFICIAL SECRETS ACTS OF 1911 . 1989.(When released to pcn;()llh ollbide Government service, this docllment is issued on a personal basis ulld the recipient to whom it is entrusted in confidence, within the provisions of Lhe Official SecreLs Acts 1911 1989, is personally responsible for its safc cusLody and for seeing Lhat its conlenLs are disclosed only Lo aULhorised pcrsonti.)

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Il/STIl3 1175 I 2 /15

Urullch 1~


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,. straps Corps insignia (Hce Article 0515) on I'uch lupel g White M"ss Jock"'. Filled wil~ white SECTION 2 drill should('. 51 raps fll~t(]rwd ut. pOInt ~Ith slnall (;"" .... " I oniccr's hull oil A BAOGI'S ANI) OISTINCTlON MAKKS OF no~ll"ed rank hadges 011 shoulder si rapS CorpS RANK AN\} BKANCH insigniuas at f 0510 DISTINCTIONS IN UNJIo'ORM 01<' h. Blue T.ouser·S and Overalls. SoU'lcl cloth SENIOR OI<'I<'ICERS stripe 2 I/ ~in wide in place of 1/4io well. ) . Genera) Officers articles of for General Omcers arc of Corps putlern with Ihe 2. Brigadiers and Colonel!! articles of following modificalions: uniform for BrigilChcrs aod Colonels arc of Corps pattern with the following lIIoditicaliom;: a Army pattern, Atholl grey In Lovat Oress either a British Warm of Corps a. Grcutco

c. Badges. The same cap/beret badges and d . Cap. While plaslic toppcd, Corps pattem badges of rank as prescribed for Army but wilh gold embroidered oak leaves General Omcers. Lettcrs 'I{M' are not WOI'!; round t.he i'ronlllf lhe peak.

d. Corgel Patches. Scarlet patches wilh c. Scarlet Mes;; jadet. As for General ~old oak Icaf embroidery and sIlIall Ollicers, except lhut shoulder straps are Gcneral Omcers' butlun arc worn with all edged wilh 1/~in, stuff pattern, gold lace and orders of dress other than CUlIlbat Dress faslened al point with small gllR with and Mess Dress as follows: Carlel' 1-;l1Iblelll bulluns.

(I) Blue, luvat and stone colourcd f. , ~hile Mess jackct. As ror General tunlcs1/' ,-. Patches to be 3 1/'21n Iong an d I Olflcers ?Ul with I': I Ilt with gmblem 411\ Wide, triangular at lhe poinls alld bUllons for s houlder straps.' shaped to fit the collar.

(2) S' '1 . g. ,Blue 'l'rullse~'s and . Scarlcl clolh . - 1nl! ar III design to (I) but slllpe 1 3/41n Wide in place of t/4in welt, 21nlong to thc point and 1in wide Worn honzontally on each . d . of the coli.. . SI e of the opcning 3. Colonels Commandant and H onorary ar, pOint to the rear lhe f Colonels: lh e patch bein 7 1/' f ' 0 collar. g 21n rOIlt the lup or thc a. Colonels Commandanl 0 . e. Cap. White plastic lo 'd occasions Colonels C . n speCial but with gold . b . ppe, Corps paltern l{oyal "1 ' .' om mandant or the cm rOldercd k I , ,. ar mcs may w ,. 'h . round lhe pcak. oa caves all lheir rank on . t' eal l c uniform of Ie Irement 01' th a l tcrnati Vt.; I . 'I . e approved . ' w IIC) Is Gcn . I Off' f. Scarlel Mess' k ulIlform with C I el a Icel's' c10lh shoulder st/:c . e.~ fo'iLted with bl \Je U ollels' badges ofrunk. leaf pattern gold I ps e ged wllh 1/2in uak , ace ar d f b. Ilonorary C I wllh small GClleral 001 I astened at. poillt occasions 11' 0 ollels I{MR. On special OllOI"lry C I embroidered ,.ank ~.Iccrs' bulton. Silvcr lIIay weal' t I <:, 0 onels of the RM R I)adges 0 n s I101l1d('r . le 11111101'111 f th . retlrcnlcllt or tI 0 elr l'ank Oil I' I le Upproved It WllClisCorp 'lJ'I' . u ernative 52 s III orm (I.e. unif()I'111 worn KitH I/D:J/Origiolll by Lieutenant Colonels RM and l",I(I\\) (2) 810n,' co loured S horts llnd 8t"ddtl~s with Colonels' badges of rank a re wor n hy Bu m! OtliCl'rs in tI", Ito), .. 1 Ylu.' ht 011 appropriuto tw cH 0511 DISTINCTIONS siutls n ::; rur IN UNII' OHM OF olh .. ! B.,ntl \'I lllks (Annl BAND OFFICERS ' . H 2, Spl"'inl \)r('s sl's 10). 1. Articles of uniform for onicers of till' H M OS12 CAP/ tHan:'!' BAnGE Band Service are of Corps pnllern with the following modifications: t 'I'he Corps h"dgl' is in two purts: n glul)!, in n lallrel wreath and u lion on "nowt) the globe in a f<'ull Dress. The following arc worn with silver, rema,ud.. r IInodi sl'd. The herd. budge worn No. 1 Full Dress as appropriate (sec Dress with Combat Iln ,~s (only) is simil .... hut in h .. ont." Table) Either: Thc maltlwr of wearing on cap and beret is a s shown in Article 06 t 2 paragraph 3 (1) Blue cloth tunic with sland up collar (pre-war Full Dress pattern). The 2. The Corps badge is worn by all ortlt'l,rs accessories for wear with this Dress below Colonel. The Army pattern hadgl' is worn hy comprise gold shoulder cords with silver Colonels and Brigadiers (lion and crown) Hnd embroidered rank badges, crimson waist General Officers (crossed sword and bat.on in sash, dress swot'd with metal scabbard, wreath surmounted by a Cl'own). gold sword knot and sword slings, plain white nylon gloves. Or 0513 PLATE

(2) Blue frock with stand up collar 1. Officers' pattern. Gilding metal eight and crimson sash. pointed star with dead and bright rays with crown above. On the star a gilding metal laurel wreath b. Tropical Dress. The following are worn and saw-piet'ccd garter with regimental motto Per with No. 5W Tropical Dress (sec Dress Mare Per Te""am; above the gartcr a scroll Table): Gibraltar and below it an anchor; in thc centt'C a silver globe; under the saw pierced gat'ter, bl ue (1) White cloth tunic with stand- up enamel. The plate is to be worn with the bollom collar, blue overalls. The accessories for central ray filled halfway over the leather band. wear with this Dress are as a(1) 0514 COLLAH BADGE c. Helmet Badge. Officers of CINC NAV HOME and COO Forces wear the 1. Silver globe in anodised laurel wreath or same special insignia on helmet badges the same badge in bronze. Worn centrally on the (only) as othet' ranks of these bands (sce step of the collar of blue, lovat and stone coloured Article 0613). tunics. Worn in miniature on each of the mess , both scarlet and white, with the d. . A blue cloth Adlllirally centre of the badge 7 3/4 in below the neck point of Constabulary pallern cape, with turndown the shoulder seam, by officers below the rlink of collar trimmed with gold lace, gilded ",etul Colonel. lion h ead and chain neck faslening, scarlet lining, to bullon four is pt'ovided for wear OS15 COHPS INSIGNIA on a ppropriate occasions as shown in the Dress Ta ble. 1. The Corps badge (globe, laurel, lion and Cl"own), embroidered in gold, is worn by Colonels e . Blue T rousers a nd Overalls. Scarlet cloth and above on each hlpel of lhe , both stripe I 3/4in wide in place of 1/4in we ll. scarlet and white, with lhe centre of the globe 9in Overalls may be worn on all appropria le below the neck point of the shoulder musical occasions. seam. OSt6 LEYI'EHS 'ItM' f. Royal Yacht

I Block letlers Si/.(: I/~in . Wurn in the cenlre (I) White drill unifo r m is worn by Bund of the s houlder s trup ~ below badges of runk ulld officers in the ttoya l Y ac ht ul1 I /~ in above the should!'r s"<,,n Not worn un mess approprIate occasions us fo r ot li er bu ud , British Warms (Jt· BUild uflicers' full dreHH ranks (Annex 6.2, Speciul Drcsses 101 . and frock Of ill allY dn,;;s by CulullelH ulld above.

IHt 1/1I:i1l] ri'in I t\:l HlIt.jl',·l Spun ...' STH:lA . . meda Is being lowered lcft lapel, mlnluturc 0517 RANK BAnGES accordingly rn on shoulder straps, ., 'ro bc worn by cntitled I. Rank badges arc ~?ackets of officers below 2. Army Prlot~ Badgc, e qualificd as Army J · 0111ccrs W h0 ar where fitted. On the mesS I'apels, 1/4in above Royal Marlnes. 1 The badge is worn as Colonel they arc wo, n on both Light Aircraft Prlot~ on y the Corps badge. follows: '11 be 2 The following type of rank badges w' a. On bluc, lovHt and stone ~olourcd ~unics ~orn in the order of dress shown: silvcr cmbroidered wings With gold Iton ;~d 'own on navy bluc or black backgroun In a. Bron~e: ~:me po:;ition as Naval Pilot.s' badgc No 5 Lovat Dress No 5S Lovat Sleeve Ordcr b. On mC1:!1:! jackcts - Si 1vcr embroidered wings with gold lion and, ~rown on red b. Black on Olive Drab Removable Sleeve: background in same pOtut.lOn as Naval No 5J Wool Heavy No 8 Military Training Dress Pi lilts' badge. No ) 1 Combat Dress No 8W Tropical Military Working DreHs c. On Combat Dress Light blue wings wi~h No 11 W Tropical Combat Dress gold lion and crown on black background In the same position as on blue, lovat Htonc c. Anodised: coloured tunics. Remaining ordcrs of dress. On the RM , anodised badges arc worn on u 3. I{M officers qualified as Light Aircr·aft. removable slecve in lovat shade. Ouserver's do not. qualify for and will not wear the Army Observcrs' badgc. 3. The badges to be worn are: Second Lieutenant 1 star, Lieutenant - 2 stars; Captain 0519 PARACHUTIST BADGE 3 stars; Major crown; Lieutenant Colonel crown and 1 star; Colonel crown and 2 stars; Brigadier I. The Army pattcrn parachutist badge, a crown and 3 stars; Major General - crossed swordH parachute with wings, may bc worn by officers and baton, star above; Lieutenant General who are qualified parachulil:!ts and are serving or crossed sword and baton , crown above', General have served in Airbornc, Commando or Special crossed sword and baton, crown and star above. Bouts units. Jt is worn on thc right arm, 2in bclow the shoulder scam, as follows: 4. The devices, as in paragraph 2, are Army pattern. The sword and baton device reverse for right and left shoulders, with the point of the a. On blue lunicl:! the full 1:Ii:/:ed badge in gold on blue. sword to the front in each case. The stars, crown and crossed sword and baton are to be 5/~in size, except on the messjackelofoflicers below Colonel b. On lovat tunics a two thirds I:!ize badge where ~heyare to be 1/2in. The distance apart 01' in gold on green. the devIces IS to be 1/4in. c. On mess jackets the miniature badge 0518 "'LYING BAUGES (length 210, height 3/4in) gold on scarlet.

1. Naval Pilots' and Observers' BadlIe" 'I' b, d. On. sione coloured tUlliCH ,1I1d shirtH the wo b . I t> Q. I) e .. "n Y enUl cd Royal Marines oflicers under the full I:!lzed badge ill light. blue on khaki drill same condltHlnS as n' I lli 'I'h b ava 0 Icers, sce Arl icle ono e adgcs arc worn as follows: ()520 KING'S MAma:

a. On blue, 10vat and stone coloured t ' H The full siz 'd I'd unlCH f l)~18 As for WO , NCOH lJnc/ nll10 (HCll ArUI'II' fI _)'. . e . ". ge (gold embroidered IJII " paragraph 4) To hI' wo' . ' , ) ue IS worn In centr' I 't' I' on all orde ' f I I • 11 hy 1:111.1111'(1 nfTIn'r'l! H.- to a POSI wn /41n ulmv!' rs () ) Ill' lovul IIld t I~ p row of med, I '1 I . . dl(:HH ()fl the left .,' • H Olll' (:011>11 f(,d rl'bl )ons are 1/a .fI ))Onh, or If no JIl(,(j. , 1I al lIl, 2111 iJl'Juw I h" hi I I worn, 41n abOve thf! If!n bn:dhl 11 gold on HCdr/<:1 I j .' IOU ( "r IlI-,11I1 p<)ck~t. .' 'IU gc' 'nay lu' Wor 11· I1 POSItion on the ti("" 1('1 '. L IT! . If' Hlilllt' t • ItH'R'.I'l('Kf.t

0521 PHINCE'S HI\I)(;t.:

I 1111 1,)/, WC) N('( f/,· S, J)M .tlte! IIlf'T! ( 1\ ')I~p'lJaKJiJ)Jh4) 'J' I, ,IIfU rllf'/I' 1)4 f) 11 W'IJ 11 hy 1'111.11 11'" .. Iial'c, kit 811J1:i1() ri I{j IJ "" 11/\ ,,11 onlC'l" or hit"" 10VIII , will!'! IIlId HI"",, IIIJ?'II IIIJ'I"I'ONId ,'oln"'I'cI

HMI:.! 'I'll 1<; ('n M M A N I)A N'I' W':N 1<: I( A I:H I A IHhl,' fl,IVItIH d.'IIIlhl "I OH' ""'''fil1l1, t'vI'" SIIO()TIN(1 HAnOI.; n tul ",uub"n! ul' 1.1111 flfHI WUJ fl HtI (U fin" H' (Ill' I,u ItJ H'" ",,,nI.H 11I1'Wltul.,d IIIAIIII"X r, I,

I , All fi" W()'~, NCO'!! 1111,1 1111'11 SI'I' AI I 11'1,. 11 C"'fI'i /IIIIt"" AM fill WO", N!;Ou ""d Ot; l!l 1'111 HI{""pit '\ '1'0 1lC' W,,, 11 011 1.1". l"wl 'l I,.fl InPtl StIlI Adu'lf! fHj~.i "h·I'\'(', in pili .... fIr 11", Htllllclul'{l 1111111' HIIIIIII'H I ",d/-:I , , hy on I(""H who f(u'lIl 0' hll VII /i"'m,,,1 (IHHtl " !.HIII "lid C,ow" hlll.t.!>II llHlfuu/ InIUH' nllWIII'riH) pa'l or Ill(' HM BiHI"y Hhno!.illi: '1"'1"11 A "IIUn" wll.h ""'IlIII.,.,/ /lIIn Ut,d ",nw" ill Kold IInd hit .. , h"cI"I' will h., WO'II Oil NON I lint! '\ Hllv," WOI'll nil 1:1'1111, III1IHfl,JUI'I"",H HllllnlllHH 11111,' Ih"'MM 0\1iI11\ y .. llnw IlIr(\lId hllrlg!' will !Ill WIIl'II wallllA'oal.H , Oil LlH' Nil h 10vIII Hllil.

052:1 nu K 1<; 0 ... I<:IHNHU ItOH'S " I': I I It wit.h (l,,"' .. r 1';"""11", I. 11 I.I.IHI , MI<:nALUON I{IIim'II"llIIIH/ hlll.l,'>Il wit.h till' ",VIIII/O!' 'I':IJ/t' III !,Ill) 1(111'1.", fl",hl"", Whr" hy GIl/flllI III 11111/ Ilriv./ldiIII' H on v,urv,"1. I/I,I."""H HtUl tllIl I , AM WOH, NCOh Hnd nII'll, S,." A, t.",lo ro, IIhollld"r HI.I'HPH of "HIIIH /I,,:h ,,1.11 Ot; I t! pur"gr"ph 4

d. Genoml Off;I'orH' hlll,l.I)l1 H" IMI·d rIlllnd ()52,. ttOYAL MAttINI~S COMMANDO "'LASH buLlo" wiLh I.hu /toynl Co,,1. Ill' Annll, Wllrn hy CMlond Ofn('orH 011 J{MV,"I. IlItI,,:hfHl Ilnd Lho Hhould(),' HLrftPH "I' IIJ1lHH,jsu-kdfl . 1 All It M officerM who hflve cOlllpl(,Lo(/ lhu COllllllundo CourHe lire to wellr Lilo rhlMh on hoLh 2. Si:"OH 01' UuttOll , 'I'uni(~ IInd If JI II.CIJl.1. sleeves of thc jerHOy Wool houvy, 'I'he OUNh iN to b() rl fV"epal" ,H J ,in pocKo!.», cul'f'lIl1nd Hh()lIltl()r HLrU)JH!>f sewn c('nt.rully wiLh iLH uppe" edge LUlH:hi"l( Lilo LuniCH und grellLcI)SILH find f()/'upur!. of l'lOHH jIlCKUt.1I shoulder !lCUIllH ~/~jn . Cup, mOIlH wlliHLc/Jul., v,r"V.oL PUI.ChUH IIn HU'r"J'ONt; I All f{M officers in Lhe ltM Hand SCJ'Vicc flrc to weur Lhe Oush on boLh Hlcevel! or Lhe .icrHey wool I, I':xcopl whol'() oLhoJ'wiHc HLlll.tJd the budv,m; heuvy, The OaHh js to be sewn cenLrally wiLh iLH und bul.LonH WOrr'l wiLh blu(J IInd Hlono colvur/)!I upper edgt, Lvuching the shoulder Hcu m H, uniformij, grouLcvUlH und flIOf:lf:l /)rOHfoJOH uro to tJll anodiHod tllld th()lIO worn with J()vuL and C()lllbuL dreHf:I()H are to ho brOflzu,

0528 · 0529 !:II' A IU;

&& I u hJ t t pu".ur H"8.1A CHAPTERS 0531 ROYAL CYPIiI.... ~_

SECTION 3 1. Royal Marines Aides-de-Camp to the Queen and Equerries and Extra Equerries to the Queen AIGUILLETTES AND CYPHERS are to wear the royal cypher and crown, in one 0530 AIGUILLETTES piece, below their badges of rank; letters 'RM' are not worn. Equerries to other members of the Royal Family wear the cypher of that member in the 1. Naval type aiguillettes are to be worn by the following Royal Marines officers in the same same manner. In Mess Equerries and manner as prescribed for naval officers (see Extra Equerries wear the royal cypher and crown on shoulder straps of self material. Article 0330) and with equivalent dresses:

a. Aides-de-Camp to the Queen, Equerries 2. The full-sized badge, in either dull silver and Extra Equerries to the Queen or to metal or gilt metal, is worn as follows: members of the Royal Family, and Aides­ de-Camp to Governors General. a. On full dress tunic, blue serge tunic, Atholl grey greatcoat, blue greatcoat, b. Military assistants to CGRM; officers scarlet mess jacket and white mess jacket _ specifically appointed as Flag Lieutenant to dull silver the Personal Staff of officer of Flag rank or Commodore; or as ADC Military Assistant b. On lovat tunic, stone-coloured bush of Personal Staff Officer to an officer of Flag jacket, stone-coloured shirt (in tropical General or Air Rank where the post is dress) and British Warm - gilt. allowed by establishment; or as ADC to a Governor or Lieutenant Governor. 3. Ex-Aides-de-Camp to the Queen wear the badge similarly but in miniature. Aides-de-Camp c. Director Royal Marines Manning and to the Queen who vacate the appointment on Personal Services; Staff Officer Grade 2 promotion to the substantive rank of Major (Personal Services). General are, however, to cease wearing the badge.

2. Officers at la wear aiguillettes as for Aides­ 0532 - 0539 SPARE de-Camp to the Queen ('Palace' type) and those at b as for Flag Lieutenants ('Staff' type). 0540 ROYAL MARINES RESERVE OFFICERS' UNIFORM 3. Aiguillette shoulder straps are not to b ;orn Royal Marines officers. In Mess Dressese b~ 1. R?yal Marines Reserve officers wear the or below the rank of Colonel th' ~ffIcers same uniform as regular RM officers except that: a~gUIllette is to be supported by a scarlet 'clot~ ~ o~~derer ~trap of the same material as the jacket . no b resses the shoulder strap ofthe garment' a. Woven letters 'R' embroidered red On IS to e used ID difi d b blue are Worn immediately below the to which th '. a. le y the addition of a button shoulder flashes lettered 'Ro I M . e alguIllette cord is affixed. Cd' ya armes omman 0 on the jersey, wool, heavy.

b. Letters 'HMH' are worn instead of'RM' • 0541-0549 SPARE CIIA PTtHI6 ROYAL MARINt<:S WA ttllANT OFFICt<:tIS. NON-COMMISSIONt<:U OFFICt<:ttS AND MEN ---

SI<;CTION 1 d Sword ~llIlgs,gold .

ORDlms 01<' [)RESS ANI) OCCASIONS ON c. Sw,,,d with metal scabbard. WHICH WORN f llclmet plate Officers' pattern. 0601 TABLES 01<' I>IU;SSI<;S g. I{M Band Cape, blue Officers' pattern 1. The Dress Tables, together with a list of additional items which may be worn are given in 0611 DISTINCTIONS IN UNIFOHM RM Annex 6.1. Numbers are assigned to these Dresses BAND SEHVICJo; AND BUGLJo~HS for convenience when referring to them 1. Articles of uniform for ranks of the RM 2. Details of certain special Dresses arc given Band Service and Buglers arc of RM WOs, NCOs in Annex 6.2. and mens' pattern with the following modifications: 0602 ASSOCIATED ITEMS 01<' EQUIPMENT a. Blue trousers - It M Band ranks wear a broad scarlet stripe (I3/4in) on serge l. A table showing the associated items of . equipment worn with various Dresses is given in Annex 6.1. b. Band cape A blue cloth cape, fastening at the neck, is provided for wear by Band 0603-0609 SPAR"~ ranks with No. 1 Dress on appropriate occaSlOns.• 0610 DISTINCTIONS IN UNIto'ORM­ WARRANT OJo'I<'ICERS I c. Ceremonial dress tunics:

I. Articles of uniform for WOs 1 are of RM (I) A yellow-braided cloth tunic is WOs, NCOs and mens' pattern with the following provided for wear by Band ranks and modifications: Buglers with No. I Dress on appropriate occasions. For Band Sergeants and above a . Blue uniform - Officers' material and the tunic is gold·braided. Drum Majors in pattern but with stand up collar. complement billets are issued with a special, gold· braided ceremonial tunic. b. Cap, plastic, RM . Officers' pattern. (2) A white drill tunic is provided for c. Cap and collar badges Officers' pattern. wear by Band ranks and Buglers on appropriate occasions in hot climates (see d. Blue Lanyard - Officers' pattern. No. 5W Dress in tables). Drum Majors in complement billets al'e issued with a e. , ankle - Officers' pattern, i.e. with special white ceremonial tunic. plain toe-. d. Royal Yacht Band orchestral tunic. In 2. In addition to the articles at paragraph I, addition to the pl'esent full dress blue tunic, WO 1 Bandmasters are also entitled to the RM Band ranks of the Royal Yacht Band following articles of uniform: are provided with the pre-war Divisional Band full dress blue tunic for wear during a . , blue with stand up collar. orchestral engagements when embarked. These tunics are issued on loan from a IJ Waist sash, crimson. small pool held at I{M Eastney.

c. Sword knot, gold. e. Dress cords royal. Silk for Bugle Majors, worsted for other Buglers are worn as

6-1 IS HH I ,»:)1( )riginaJ Su bjed Sponlllor STIUA ks of I ht' Comlllllndo • (: . On Ihe ("Ill' f)llly, 1'1111 • J' ,d divitkd CHP wf.'llring IS as , i'll' I he lI/lIl( Hit ordt'rf.'d The method of FIIITI'S I,UIlI W(' · I) . I' WuicH' t ,) wil h the rlnce 0 ' follows: b'ldge (H~ u . 11 'r bdween the ",lobe Hlld plullles III SI VI. . The 1100, k a.,"lie •.'l'sHel ' . cnd is le> h,', IHurd ulld till' liollllnd crown. ' '.hc'·et sewn ullth" lIeHt h th, secure d .011 ..... " left shoulder strap ut the front, liS Ilt'ur to Thl' ("Oll1pIIHit.e hlldg(' iH wm'n us follnwH : 2. 'I ' liS the J>OIIh. , 0 f ,le,shoulder pru('\It'ahlt,.. . The tussels, wlH'n secured, should '.'~' 11 Cups ITnlndly in front ~Ir the cap; wiU~ nat.ura II ya t.• 'h e front offht· It·ft shouldtrk the t.op of t.he red bUild runlllllj:( thnluKh t.hl The running cnd should IJ1('n be tu t,n crown IIcross the upper chesl over the l'I~hl shoulder beneat.h the shoulder S~n1P" the b Herds immediat.ely over lhe I.<'ft t'ye: cord between the shoulders Iylllg "~ tI hllle heret eentrully within and 1/:.!lIIuhovt: nllturul curve, being st'Clln'd t~1 Ihe thlnl thc bottom of th(· red pat.ch; gn"~1I herd bullon on blu(' cerel1wl1iul tUllICS; secolld IIHin above the leatht'r hUlld . butLon on Ih(' blue RM, white trolll"ul cerelllonial and white ({oyal Yadlt tunics; und to the lop butlun Oll stOl\(' 3. The di vided badge is worn as follows: coloured IInd lovat tunics; between Ihe two toggles provided. Securing of tht' a Caps wilh the tips of the wreath level cord is completed by bringing tht, with the top of the stlldcl band but bdow running cnd round the back of the right. thc scarlet welt. Tht' baHC of the lion Hnd shoulder, under the armpit, and, ex,'ep\. crown to be I/~in uhove thl' Hearlel blind for the lovat t.unic, securing the eyc a I the cnd to the top button of the tunic. 011 b us in 21> hut with tIw crown :lIHill the lovat tunic the cyc is t.o be sccw't'd In above the . 11 small hook sewn under the right. lupcl 31/2in above the top button. Thc plait 11613 WIIIT"~ IlELME'I'Of(NAM":NTS below the eye should curve naturally towards the right armpit. If a Ufllltl I. III addition to a polished bull ornament ,(lid Cllrriage is worn, the loop across the (:he~1. a polished or bright unodised chin chain, WOH, ~hould be underneath, and that part of NCOs und men weul' u poli::lhed or bright. anodised the cord running from the right armpit, helmet badge on the white Wolseley puttern secured over the top of the carriage. helmet. 'I'hc budge iH un eight point.od St.UI· with dend Ulld bright fIlYi:! Hlld u crown ubove; Oil the f. Wellington ~ and overall::; (Oflicer:;' st.a r u IHurel wreath Oil the inside of whi(:h iH U pattern) may be worn by DrulII Mlljor~ ill gurter with the reginwntul lllOlt.o 1'1'1' Mure Per Staff bands and by Drum Mu.i()r~ on 'I'errum; above thl~ garter U SCI'oll Uibndtur tlnd cerenlonial parades provideu all Drum IH;low it un anchor; ill the centre u globe. 'I'he Major~ present ure dre::ised alike. budge is to be wurn ccntrally Oil the front of the helmet with the bottoll\ celltral point fit.ted HpJ)roxilllately halfwuy OVCI' J.he bUild "Olllld till' I. . The globe. laurel, lion and cr()wn bud~e, helllld, so thut thc /loint.:; eit.her side I·est. Oil the top of t.he hUlld . IInodlsec/ or bronze liS appropriate, is WI)rrl by HIl ':'015. NCO,; and men in onc piece eX(;CIH ' IS 1()1l0WH: •• 2 '1'1 CINC . .11'. NAVllOMI,; Blind wtitlr t.wo royal ::YPh~r;; I,n ~"V(')"Ilt.Lllched tu lhe hullllOl. hHdg(', i,llt' 11 . Wllrrll~lt. OflicerH and equivulent rUIJ/( H ,yphel UltV (lvl)r t.he !tll(:"or 1\11.1 Iwlow tilt' I-;Ioh(, wear 11 d'VIUCU bad ", .• I' Hl)d t.he cypher 1';If'I(jI'I' ')('Ie tl ' 1; .... I.C . lOll und crOWn , IW \(It;''OWII ~eparate fr()1Il und IIbove the ('Iobc' Hilt! aurel (WOsl wear Officers' puLte;'n). :l.. . 'I'h,o COllllllltlldo I"on'/'H Baud .' tl I rrll("U of W I ' I W( HI , 1(' h. 0 II the cup (t I, , I.ho hr'l'Hul. '\\I~tl' ,P 1,11IU'S ill' Nilv(',' (,pl\t.,."lIy UpOIl CINCNAVIIC)MI' y. I ullks ul llll: ,l. I1 HIVll Lw ,,1111, 1 ' I ») rov('l'i,II' If r. H Hnl PII"1 III I y " /land Wcur 11 tit , '" 1(' cr()WIl , . on which ill IIlOunted th 1,1 f("(:IIHt!(: and 11 St 1'1 eloyultyplllirC/(V I , IJ ( W U ,. cl H (t r ( . . O(lllj Hurround(:d hy 1I I . I ' ) W 11 In H I I v I' I' COLLAI( BAI)(~EH aU/ e w/'cuLh 'I" "yp f 1('1' 1';/f'ltlf'P '11 . 10 rlly,d . WI 1 CrOWIl In il ' I WOH N('() WIIIIIIJIl/Ju·d,IlII.1 I H vC'r IH • I' ' 'H lIud 111011 W. . I I , Y u )OVU tll" fP I'llIld", 1 III lI'old,'rod ,,1 'I tH' . \(l /lwl"l/ ()J' I • t) l{\ 11 lit 11\111'(,1 h 1 I oVHI IIlli/c)rIlIH () I I Il( f!" 1111 11111 Hlld 110 lilll 'IHill Hhov/. 'il : 1''''lllllIlll'H tilt' h"d~: .. Hn. III H:t /( C I) HI liI'II111 WIIlI I' \(, C'C'1l I, C HHI1 JIIf:S /Oti"itlllf of the bad'Te 2in f: h <> rom t e end of the <'l>lla I' On Second Cia,;" lovat tunics the bad T ' be h get' are W worn ccntral" on Slar abovc and slar below basic de\'ice 1 c step of the collar. the bottom of the 11I;1Ic1 wreath 1/4in above the edge of lhe :;Iq) (W(l~ I Third Class wear officers' n~tt' ) C I1 •• • t-"'"' ern. 0 ar l.NJdgt.:!" art." n,.t worn Slar ahove basic dcvlce on other garments. When thcrc are both a I tter and a star below thc 0615 LETTERS'RM' basic dC\'lce, the lett.er is below the star.

1. Block letters, size 1/2in, anodised (lr bnHllC 0620 BAI)(;E~ AWAHlHm DURING \\ orn centrally on the should"r straps 1/2in ab", e FORMEH SERVICE I . RN, ARMY OR RAF t.he seam. '01 worn on combatjackels, hea\~ "001 Jerse~'s, R:\l raincoals or Band and Buglers' full 1 These arc not to be worn unless they are dress tunics, badges currently authorbed for wear by R~l WOs, • COs and men; provided also that the privilege of 0616 RANK BADGES wearing the badge has not been withdrawn

I . Except for the blue greatcoat "here the\' 0621 BADGES AN D BU'I~rONS WORN O~ are worn on both arms, and the R:\I raincoat VARIOUS GAHMENTS where they are worn on detachable on slce,cs fitted over the shoulder straps, ranI. badges are 1. A table »pt:cifying the badge,; and buttons worn on the right arm only as shown in Ann\::>. 6.S. worn on particular it.ems of uniform IS included In Anne:>. 6_1

0617 GOOD CONDUCT BADGES 0622 BACKGROUN D AND ATTACHME,-T OF BADGES L V shaped stripes, 1 '2in wide, "hite and khaki Sin across top_ Worn point upwards on the L The instructions in Article O-H5 as regards left arm with the inner angle of the 10" e~t stripe naval ratings' badges, are also applicable, as far as 1/4in above the point of the sleeve slash on t he blue appropriate, to Royal Marines badges_ serge, white (Royal Yacht) and stone-coloured tunics, When more than one badge is worn the 0623 BUTTONS distance between them is to be 3/16in measured perpendicularly, L Corps button - raised round button, anodised or bronze, At the centre a foul anchor 2, Good conduct badges are only to be worn by under a crown surrounded bv- a double ri m :\iarines, Musicians and Buglers and then onl} on enclosing the words 'Royal Marines', and this in the blue serge, white (Royal Yacht) and stone­ turn surrounded bv- a laurel wreath, In two sizes - coloured tunics, They are not worn on the Band lin and 3/4in: the smaller button for pockets and ranks' and Buglers' blue or white ceremonial shoulder straps, A table specifying the position, tunics_ size and number of buttons worn on uniform garments is included in Annex 6,1. 0618 BRANCH, SPECIALIST QUALIFICATION. SKILL AN!) SPECIAL 0624 ARMLETS BADGES 1_ RM Provost. The 'MP' armband, as provided 1. Category, description and wear of such for the Royal Military Police to be worn badges is shown in Annex 6,6, immediately above the right elbow, When chevrons are worn on the upper arm, the arm band 0619 STARS AND CROWNS should just cover the lower point of the bottom chevron, with the letters '~t' and 'P' on either side L These are added to the basic specialist of the apex of the chevron, qualification badges shown in Anne:>. 6,2, to indicate the classes of qualification as fol lows: 2, Unit Police, Ranks on unit Police duties are to wear the authorised armlet - 'NP', 'RP' or 'RM' Instructors - as appropl'iate - on Ihe left sleeve immediately Crown above basic device and two stars above the cuff of the tunie or greatcoat, or in a below similar position on other uniform garmenls, The armlet is worn on the left wri:it whell long-sleeved First Class - garments are not worn_ Crown above basic de\ ice

6-3 HR81J93 Original Subject Sponsor STsaA a . Woven let! 'rs 'R', embroidered red on NOTTAKENUP blue, are worn immediately below the shoulder natih's Icttcred 'Royal Marines 0630 ROYAL MARINES RESERVt: WOs. Commando'un thejcr ' cy, wool heavy NCOsANDMEN

I Royal Marines Reserve WOs, COs and b. Anodised or hron:le letters 'RM R' are men wear the same uniform as regular RM WOs, worn instead or'R COs and men except that: 0631-0639 SPARt:



Blue tunic Nos. 1 and 4 Cap badge Anodised Dresses) Buttons Anodised Collar badges Anodised, except on Band and Bugler's full dress tunics, which have embroidered collar badges.

Letters RM (not worn on Band and Anodised Buglers' full dress tunics) Rank badges Chevrons, gold on scarlet. * Other badges, gold on blue.

Branch badges (not worn by WOs) Gold on blue. SQ and Skill badges Gold on blue. (Will replace gold on green badges as stocks of these are exhausted.) Good conduct badges (nut worn on Band and Buglers' full dl·ess tunics) Gold on scarlet chevrons. King's badge ) Commandant General's ) Shooting badge ) Gold on blue Parachutist badge ) Royal Yachtllash ) Prince's badge Pilot ULA badge Silver on blue ) Observer U LA badge )Gold/silver on blue Airgunner badge Army Parachute Jump Light blue/gold on blue ) Instructor's badge (APJI) )Gold on blue

* Gold on blue h c evrons worn byCINCNAVI/OME Bund R. .. • .. , oyal Yacht, on Dlvlsional't . UOlCS

I ':t IH (;01.001( (H' BADGES ANI> IHJ'J"I'ONS 1,0'/11 IlInic (No !) C"pll",,,,, 1... d~I ' IJrI'';s) Al10di I'cl Bllllolls IIr""I.. ' Co 1111 , h,.dg. s H'''''I.I' 1.1'11(">; H!\l H.o"I.I' HiOlIl, h,lIlg"s (;old un )..p "I'll H. illldl had!:., (110111.1 11 lid Bllflll~r r.lld,s ollh J , (iold 0// g'('I'11 hi ng I~ lJildgf' (iold Ill. gll'('1l 1',1I,ldlll( .,1 h,IdHI' ) l{ovill, Y.wh( Jl'I ~ " ) (:old 011 g"'("1 CO IJlIl1i1f1d.1I1I (:"IIt'fdl'!,; Shooting /gl' Yellow thread I)" flreen Pllnn"s hddg(1 Silvl" ' ol1 flrel'lI I'i lo( 11I.A h,lflgl' ) ()hsl 'rv('1' I ) I,A h.lflgl· )(i"I(//silvI'"(Ill hlll(, !\ i 'glll1l1(" I •• lflfl l ' l.il-:ht hllle/gold on bluc Anll) 1'.IIi1('hllll',/llIlIjl l'ISIIl.('tol"s hadg(' (AI',II) t- _ SItHI(' colollll'd t 11111(' ------Cilp hadflc Allodised (/\10 ,')w I)",s~) Bultolls A 110(/ j sed I.et I el's ItM A lIod j'iI'd 1<<1111, badges W () I a lid W 0'2.

I{oyal Y dcht Ilolsh IIllIc "11 wl.ill; 1'.11 al'hut isll',Idg(' I.ight bllll' "" I, hul, i dri 11 I'i/ot lJl.A b .. dgl' ) ()h:;cl'''l'r I LA bold;;c Il.iglll 1.IIIl'Ig"ld 1)11 blllc A.rgUllllcr badgl' )

AIII.y l'a I'acilll I I' ,/llIlIjl I,ight /.1111' "" khal,i IIISl/'uclor',I',lIlgl ('\ P,) I)

--- o r .---_--1__ , ______

He J II (InVIJIItI 6.1 1:1 Su hj.·.·l SPOllhUl' S'I'~II\ I (ll H Of BAHGE AL,IJ ( 0 Bl I 10

I' I


C B d • -· • - , c ~ • - - · G r .-

(, Pa,.. • t.r • U •- LT II .t. d n -. => • {, I TO: I'd"''' J I -- r-• . t. ' I'll

11 Ikn. - lirunL -- Har -~ ~ B ..lu. , .'H.'L , d I -. 1 • . J

H c_~. n => Cen t. I I • UlI r. I :- - _ ~ I e ~. ha i

"r. O" L..J B dt.-. " -.'Tt.~n KL'il I. , A Rt V!. hi e


I rcn ... ,' lr Br 1. Lt: Lt. (} 5:::. I rl:-.,., otl KlJ:t;. itl o~ ", 't:: 10 11r(;:,,, - rol"'orll i I... ~ • Ha.,,:-

I.U(' '" 1&.1 ,.: df 1 \n >dj. I a.- " l"I. t Lt III on •ILe 1I -.C I . I I J e fI lid I de e d I . '.--"~ - I -, Id " llfltr.~ - ,. r IJ d • , ·"e • 1'" ----~~.. I - - ~------.------.. ('OI.OUH OF BA\)Gl<:S AND \'OHN IHlTTONS

, I Il'hl bit", shlll \ "" H"I\'1 b,ld~,' ,\ ,,\Id is('d "".I In \ PI",.."",) t "tt",,, H:-.t ,\ llndlsl'd 1'.lllk h,IlI,:, • I{"d ('11 hltll' "~n .11'111 ",wd b"cl ,"1\\ ri"lll'l

"llIb,,1 1111'1 H", ('1 h.H.l\·(, Bn)"il' \" I I \\ PI",..,..) H.w" h.td,~,'" HI,lt'l, '"l gn','n 1'.1 r.tdnll I", \..1.1:.:" \1'1111 • 1'.11,1<'1\111" ,111 11\1' Lighl him' 'HI khaki \ I \JI )

\\ hll 'J 1.-\,\'\ 1\,'1", h,hl,;., ,\,h.di,.",1 • 1\, ih 11111.-1" \ ,I, \"III!- h,\\1 '" ({,'d ,HI \\ hilt' \\, t .111' It ',,,) - ,,,. I, • I1 !-h., I \'Utl,,",. ,\ Ih.d I$l,d \,'111',,,1\\1 \ '" lt$l'd hh.ll..i ,.1\ l..h.lki $, r:.:,' I - , • , •• I , • \. . I \\ hill' ,'11 1,1\ .It • "\1', 1111.'111\' I{,,! ,11\ \1 hik \ I I' I"

III , \ " .' 1""1111\ ,Ill l·" \.11. 1'111.\ \\ I' l\ I. \ 1 .' 1'':1 •• 1110'1 \: 11': 7,

I \1 I .' I I'P 1',1,,1': I' \ 1'1'1'1, , , III I III I" I. II'IP 1 III , 1111 \; \1,\11' I' .. - - \ 'HI' - \~I",II"",II 1,'\1 , 111,11' , , "'.11"1',11 I " :11"\11,1.-, ,I I Ill' I") ,I 1l.,1 I , . Il,II'I. 11'111

1.'"n'I',\I I 1'111111 1\\1, bllll' , . ,'11I1I11t1.-1 IIIlpt< "" " III ,',I ,I 1".,1,1'1 (,')

1111' I I, ,,1. t'I " , ") \ 'lilY '") 1\\ I)s 1 111\1\ ) I

q \-''''1'1 ,111 , 1'1I111 .. ,I'I'II'III1'III,tI ' 11,11"\1 t:"ld 1>1,"11.-.1 :1111111.11'1 "II\.!',"') 1\[\111,111.1 I.lld ,111.1 1'lIrrt< ,'" \; \; I'II'II'I~ 1;,\1' 1. I I'lll

1'111111 . ,"11'11111111..1 , 1''tIll'l',\I I .' 1,·01.1 I.. 11.11'.1 , :1"'l1ld,'1 ,'.lId. (") " 11'111111'1\ \1.'1 ('l1n, I") .'

1'11111. , ""'I'IIIIIIII,tI 1"1111'1'.11 I ,h"111. . (I )\11 1\'1I1t11;,III.I 1'1., 1,1 lt'IIt'1 ,,) \, ltl 1', lilt' I I tl 1\" \ •tI "1t,,"ItII'1 "'lI.t',I~') ' . '\ It'hl ( '1111" ,'" \, , 1'111111 ' 1•• \ III I• ,,11'1,,1\ I \ , , h,.\tldl'l ... 1loll"" ") .. I \ 1\',1,11'".,11'1,(,') , , I I 11'1" kt'h ,") .. " 11\111 (tlllt 1'11'1'1,,111 I \.01"1111 1 ,'111".1.1"1 11111' •• ) " \ IIUI'I 11 1 I' • 1111 11 .. "" tI) i It ,l,1 1'''' l t' till .. l \lip 1"" I.. I IU)

1\111 I ,1.11. dldl I ,'1. 1'111 I I 1,,"\ 1111t1 , ,"'lIddl I ,11 II' I') .. Lt 1III,d \1\ \lO'''11 III 111111 p\lt\,1,l"}I ANN":." tL!

1. 1)""Pllkh dd,"'" ,I "d",t 'Ind t"o"~"r~, \1 ",dbl (Il.llh"" .. ,,"11 Il.... ts. I.n",' :\1 t'\I 1t~1. \ ,,,,, .. I.t.lmd \11 \ " .. l. Ilclllll'l l1hHl':-;' n il,.ltht" ,\1 (I:-.:-.IH'(I HI II'dl1 pt)oJ) :\1 \' ..' t."li~t: hn)\\ 'T rnl1ll

~. l'h~"il'HI Tt'aining 'n"O·II<'1o.·,,· \\ od,ing n .... "" ~c..·t~l' tt~ou':';'l'rs. c"I .. lsth," ht:lI. K\U,naSIUIll \t.. ~1 (lnHlllll'd with rl'lll, "tutt. s"put r. tIHl~l.. (bhlt'l, gynlll.l::-IUtll ~h"}l'~ (Sl'l' '\IlIH." t~ ~H

:t Cooks' Wllt'king Il,',.ss \,; f,1r"",,,,,,,,,>t't,ti,ng nd,,,1 r.,ting" t,\n,ll"\ ~ p.lIiI ~l, "'I"'pt th"t \\'\)s~ .Ind S~('tls Irc pro\idcd wilh C't)()ks' (\.lpS, ("pp Pl) pattl'f"n flU' Wl',\1' III~h'.H.t nr unil(\rm ('ap~ clod df"t' Ilt)\ (,lltILil'd t() .. t 1(lun i~SllC for l'\)()"t'f'.' dellhHlSt I" .. lt inn dud t,',h,hl t inns (N'l' ,\ lIUl', t1 '~l.

4. H:\\ Offi<""··,, Att,'ndllnts and Oftin"',,' 1\1t'"" 8tllff .1\1,."" (,I,'thing \\,hitl' ~ll'\\ .ll'd~:: lunk' hlue..' Sl'll!l' lrO\lNt·~. \\ 'lIlt. gluves {~t'l~ \nnl~'.) ~ )

5. (-;"0011\";' WtH'king I),'"",; B'l'(,'cht'$, Illl'n:-;.',Bth)(S. kIH't" rhhllg. ::-,pllr~,.I'h:k blT (\nlll" l{ ~n

tt 'I'l.. utlt:"~nlc.'n~· \\'orkint; f)1·tj~S C\n l·"dlb. 1l11'n~', gn"'Il, Boots, ll~lS, Ilon ::-.Iip {~l'" ,\l1lh," l; ~H.

7. I)t'i\ <"',,' W ",'king U\'l'ss Cn\ t..'t'alls. llH.'Il~t. gl't't,'Il(Sl'l' \nlll" t) 3)

~. Hlltch<,,',,' \\'tlt'killg \)"t'''s Shirt~ and Ir""~"r,;. Itllll·.""lton: Boots \):'IIS. non "lip (M't' (\n'll'~ ti,:ll, 9. I',.[nk,·,,· Wllt·kill/.!- Dress Shirts and trIll':;,·,,:;. hi Ill'. co(ton (Sl'" ,\nnc' li :ll

Ill. 1(0",,1'• ,,('hl linifVl'I1I 1\ .\1 \\'( b ..\Ct) ~ .II,d 11I1'n l'l1Ib"r1'l'd in I hl' H"., ill Yacht \\ ear the f"lI"wing spp"i,,1 dres:;..,s: d \\ flrk,ll,!.,' dft'SS (Ut'llt'n,[ ,st'rui('t' Hill}.,':; Ollly) tJersey. wool ht,'tl\.\' 01' ::-.tunl' coloured ~hirl as onll'n:d, \\ urll wit h h Jue, St,t g-{' f rtHISl 'f'S .dlld gy III Shth.'S. It \\ Iu(,' 1/1/1/<1/1/1 ;\I"dl' 10 n"'il~lI"", \\ Ititl' d. illllnif'urln. \\ l.iI., glo,,'s, dnd \\ hit.: call\<\s Shl'l'S fo I" Wt 'tt rOil 1 fit ,\ bllll' l'l" I'llllllli,1I 11111 d"l'S~ tunic, yello\\ Ill' gold !.raided i~ is ' ued on pcr~tlll,,1 1",,11 lu , .. "I" (olltl'" 11>.,,, B.lnd ril"k~ dnd Illlglt;r~ \Vhll ,1I"·,,d.1 h.l\l' '''I,,) li,r weat· wilh blul' "v"g" t .... lIsl·rs 'l/lll boots. gl"",·. HO.I,II Y.Il·ht 1c\lordl'rlil'" to th,· I\l',\dll' .... I.' ""l' to \\l'il!' blu,'. I", .,t I" <'" i I i .. n J) .. ess \\ hl'n .. eq ,,[ 'l'd to 1·.".... \ out .1 pe .. iod or I{",\ ,t! Illlt,\ .. ~h.)t·l' (I tl Yery hot \\t'atlll'r stullt' l'o!uun,'t! ~IItH·t::-\, :-.Ipnt,' ("uluun'd :-;hirl and :,hUll' ~·t)lolln.'d ~(ol'king~ 111<.1.\ ht' \\1')l"n) d ..."'lId",' t'u/ull/'l,d shurls Thl'~H' dl~' \\01'11 \\1111 :-.tUlll' l'OltHlrt'll ~hil'l. ~ltHH' coloured stl)(.:king::-; ~lnd g.' III ~hul'S as WI.)ri\ill g d,'t,'ss inlll)t clilll.ttl.'S

l' Fill:.},,'''; Nnya/ }ul'hr Tht'st,' itn- IH'p\ idl'd for \\t.:ur 011 .dl 1Illil'nl'lll tllfli('s and un working dn's:-. g.tlllH'nts Full dt.·tall::-. urtil ... :-'l',lll' ufgrdlllittHIS ,uld pt'rsolldll,lclll b~lh'S iHP sllo\\ I1 in HI{ ~h), ~t\tn\s ,\l'nlunling dud Stllt"l'kt'l'pillg :\ldfltl,d

11. \(l\llkla .. hlllentofNI' IUO:!, ()il'J.:uCan'ia. Wnddng J) .. ,."" \'tb. ,\Clls and lIlen aPP"fI,lL'd tu litis .It·(, .. IIIIIl'"t .I/l· iSsll,·d wilh ~hlJ .. ts 1>l1Il' d .. ill, sl"lIl' ,'oltllll'l,d ~ltll h ~It,,'h .,"d ~t" ... kll,gs, desert boots 1(,\1" ,II,d l"'rl't, gn''\, ,\, "'.\ h, H \1 1\'0,," 1... 1;II'l' dl'p.,t'lllll' I\,ulgl', ht'ld ""d bud, It- hl'lt an' is~ued 1111 .11 ,I\.d .. I Il"'gll I :,I ... ·i .. t S.\ jlllll:ll' Itnnl ,ltnllld Itl' plIl' .. h'I""" I .. ntlh r~" ,\('.11 till pal rnl duti.·" 1'1". l"pl'lIdll "' I' illl'lll rl'd is 10 lit' n l'fI"Itod .'11 p' •• du .. 1 in" "I' n"'l'ipll'd hil'"., .,. It,ll g" I •• \'.,1< ICI I I ~tl

. .. ," - I

ANN 11: <' tt" l

I , 011, IIln

~~ 1 ~ltndI H I ' tI ( I tU I II P tlllflllf'" . j ) I 111.11, , (1<11 111 " "1 \\11 h. 11111". 11 d, ' '''11 ) .••",,,.1" 11'.1 (I", hili" 1111111' ) " h. ,1\1. I ' 111 1'1 11 1,11111'1 11'11"1', HI\I (I", ~ .11 ""h H"d ('n, "It 1" , w 1,,1,' 1111111 '11, 11 111111' 1'1,111111 ".1 hi, '" 1111<1 H' "11",",,1) I 1>.1111 I' (I", 1""" 11'1111,, 1,,"1 NI",,,, ,',,IIIIII,,

I Nell H,.ld 1l1I 1i"'" 1, ,1 (f'o, 'tI"" 111"11') I 01,1\ Ho ld Oil '11 " 1'11 (I'll' 1"\'IiI '111111' ) :1 ,11' 1H wll 11, ' Oil I, h,dd d 11 11 (Ii" HI "lIeI .. " IcHl', 'cl Hit i 1'1 H) I pI whit,· II"I"l'lIl (1'01.111111" ,,11) .1 hlll,'l, "" III , ', ' 11 ('UI ,' WI I'I 11 11 cl "Clluit,!I Hit 11 ' It)

n'"h" 11 lid 1,III,d,,,,,, batiK" I K"lcI (I ll hili,' (1'0 1 hi Il l' " lIlid l ""WII 1',,, I.cldil 'lllllll ,' h" YI '" 1'~ I HlllcI "" II' ."'11 (,i,, ' IOYIl ' 1111 \1(') :1 Wltlt,. 011111 11 11-. dllll (1'''1 " tll,1I1 ('"loun'cI HIt.IIII ) ., hlnl''' (Ill Wp' '! 1 (fi" ,IWII" 11 1111 (' <11 11 hili :; itll'''; ) I Ill' whl\(' Oil lo v, iI ( '

Ha ll !. h,.dH" >< I Hold ,,,\ hili,' (li ll hi,I< ' 1,II"ic)- HO,I' II I Anlls ) I gold !III 1l"~'<'lIt' ( 1I' li,vIl' I,Hllid­ C ruw lI III WI'I'1l1 It ) I pr whil,(' <111101'111 (1,,, "lIill"Olln .1 iliad, 0"1:"('"" (li" .IWIIHIllld ..\llIhHtHhid ,H ) I Illlodi l'wtl (Ii,,' Hhit'1 " I"! IY" 111'11, I' Hl ('UI' had" ,' (.lr vi{kd l';tI!t'1 n WO I 'u :l"lIodiH,'d (1'01 ('Ill' 11 lid Ill" '''') hl. H· (.0 ,,'\" "'IIII(t"I'II) I h"UII/,I' (Ii" h"I<'1 wilh nlluh"l.c1rc'HtI) W, ist :-1 1111', Ic 'H tilt'r I (if lIot "In'adv, iHH IICld)

'I.,\'I t' ill W I ,'u t le , "I'IIWllllhovl', IHH IIC ,d 10 WO:~ (lI<1nd'\\II,; t .. " III I i"\I

lJ, i\chlitiolllll i HUN. hI "lIl1klllll"Oyl,I"d with (,(lIl1hllt d"tll/H

,/ Ne \()~

Han!. hlltl~ " fi hlu,'" (HI 1(' "I'll (Iill' I "'11 p,'ru I.c' Illld ll'i('1I1 ,'ulllb'l!. Jlldwl H IIHdlll(' t ic' HIIII>,'kH)

b ~ () ~

It 11 1 h "I 'I ti hind, 1>11 IIrc'c 'll (Ii,,' fc'mpcratu and tropicul comi>dt jll(''','tH 11 lid nrd i,' 1I III

... ·1 I I 'l 'Include blue w orking rln'ss shirtli 4, Arlditional issues to run k s. whos(' k I:' ell/OUr SerK,'(rnt alld Iw/ow 2 s('ls red nn blue Rank budge

5. Additional Issues, . t 0 Cook runks

C%ur Sergeant and hl'iow

h' l' to ranks aflnat 6 sels tl~ Rank badge " sels scarlet on w It 'k ,ts foodhandlers Issued rallks IIshon' for wellr onJac c , 011 individuallnan

6. Additional issues to ban d an d buglel' nlnks

On Appointment to Starrhallcis All ranks

Special Cap/badge 2 anodised or gilt) Royal Cypher IWRlPP I anodised or gill) 'I Royal Cypher EIIRlPP with crown :! a IlO d I~C'· d or gl'It )ClNCNA VlIOME Band on Y Royal Cypher CvR J allodised or gill)

7. On appointment

a , Drum Major, Bugle Major

Rank badge I set gold on scarlel chevrons )for bl ue J gold on blue drum or bugle )tunic J set gold on green chevrons )for lovat I gold on green drum or bugle )tunIc J pr white on loval (for raincoat) J anodised (for shirt sleeve orders) Cap badge (divided pattern) 2 anodised ) I bronze )(if not already issued) Wrist strap, leather ] )

b, Provost Sergeant

Rank badge(WO 2s only) I set gold on scarlet chevrons (for blue tunic) I set gold on green chevrons (for lovat tunic) ] pr white on lovat (for raincoat) 4 black on green (for JWlls and combat shirts) (Colour Sergeant, Sergeant and W02s) I chromium (for shirt sleeve orders) Wrist strap, leather I (if not already issued)

8. On qualifying for Branch, Specialist ljualification, Skill or Special badge Royal Marines Commando /la~h 4 red on bluc (fo/'IIWJs) Royal Marines Band Service /lash 4 red on blue (for 11 W,/s) Band Service and BugleI' Branch badges 3 gold on blue (for blue tunic, ceremonial tunic and white tunic (C IN C N A VII OM I'; Band only» 2 black on green (fo/'jersey, wool, heavy)

lA 2 HI( 1111 fOr" nal Ot.her Branch badge, (Telecommunication. Technician and Tradesmen) t gold on blue) (replacing gold on green badges Specialist Qualification and Skill budges t gold on blue) as stocks become livailable)

2 gold on sClirlet (for PTI Vest, ) King's badge t gold on blue (for hlue tunic) t gold on green (for lovlit tunic) Prince's badge t silver on blue (for blue tunic) J silver on green (for lovlit tunic) Commandant General Shooting Badge t gold on blue (for blue tunic) t yellow thread on green (for lovat tunic) Parachut.ist badge 1 gold on blue (for blue tunic) t gold on green (for lovat tunic) 3 light blue on khaki drill (for stone coloured shirts) Pilot and Observer badges 2 gold/silver on blue (for blue and lovat tunics) 3 light blue/gold on blue (for stone-coloured shirts) Airgunner badge 5 light blue/gold on blue (for blue,lovat tunics and stone coloured shirts) Army Parachute Jump Instructor badge 2 gold on blue (for blue and lovat tunics) (APJl) 3 light blue on khaki drill (for stone-coloured shirts)

9. On Award of Good Conduct badge

Marines, Musicians andBuglers

Good Conduct badges 1 set gold on scarlet (for bl ue tunic) (sets of 1,2 or 3 chevrons as appropriate)

10. Issues to ranks serving in HM Royal Yacht

a. General service ranks only N otes

Rank badges 2 gold on red (for blue tunic and blue suit) (a) 2 gold on blue (for white suit) (a) Collar badge (Embroidered) 2 yellow on scarlet (Corporal and below) (a) 2 gold on scarlet (Sergeant and above) (a) Flash, Royal Yacht 5 blue on white (for stone-coloured shirts) (b) 3 gold on blue (for blue tunic, blue suit, white suit) (b) 1 gold on green (for lovat suit) (b)

b. Band Service rank only

Royal Cypher EIIR 1 (c) Royal Cypher EIIR with crown 2 (c) Royal Cypher GvR 1 (c) Badge, cap, Portsmouth group ba nd 2 (c) Rank badges 2 gold on blue (for white suit) (d) Branch badge l~ldonblack (d) Flash, Royal Yacht 2 gold on blue (for blue suit and blue tunic) (c) 2 gold on blue (for white suit and divisional tunic) (d) I gold on green (for lovat suit) (c) 5 blue on white (for stone-coloured shirts) (c) 2 red on blue (for heavy wool jersey) (c) Notes fa) USllally supplied by the parent unit prior tojoining the Royal Yacht.

6.4 ·3 Subject Sponsor 81' 83A HR 1193/0riginat Ot.her Branch badges (Telecommunications Technician und Tradesmen) 1 gold on blue) (replacing gold on green badges Specialist Qualification and Skill budges 1 gold on blue) as stocks become available)

2 gold on scarlet (for 1''1'1 Vest, sweater) King's badge 1 gold on blue (for hlue tunic) 1 gold on green (for lovatlunic) Prince's badge 1 silver on blue (for bluc tunic) J silver on grecn (for loval tunic) Commandant General Shooting Badge 1 gold on blue (for blue tunic) 1 yellow thread on green (for lovat tunic) Parachutist badge 1 gold on blue (for blue tunic) 1 gold on green (for lovat tunic) 3 light blue on khaki drill (for stone coloured shirts) Pilot and Observer badges 2 gold/silver on hlue (for blue and lovat tunics) 3 light blue/gold on blue (for stone-coloured shirts) Airgunner badge 5 light blue/gold on blue (for blue,lovat tunics and stone coloured shirts) Army Parachute Jump Instructor badge 2 gold on blue (for blue and lovat tunics) (APJl) 3 light blue on khaki drill (for stone-coloured shirts)

9. On Award of Good Conduct badge

Marines, Musiciaru; andBuglers

Good Conduct badges 1 set gold on scarlet (for bl ue tunic) (sets of I ,2 or 3 chevrons as appropriate)

10. Issues to ranks ser ving in HM Royal Yacht

a. General service ranks only N otes

Rank badges 2 gold on red (for blue tunic and blue suit) (a) 2 gold on blue (for white suit) (a) Collar badge (Embroidered) 2 yellow on scarlet (Corporal and below) (a) 2 gold on scarlet (Sergeant and above) (a) Flash, Royal Yacht 5 blue on white (for stone-coloured shirts) (b) 3 gold on blue (for blue tunic, blue suit, white suit) (b) I gold on green (for lovat suit) (b)

b. Band Service rank only

Royal Cypher EIIR 1 (c) Royal Cypher EIIR with crown 2 (c) Royal Cypher GvR 1 (c) Badge, cap, Portsmouth group ba nd 2 (c) Rank badges 2 gold on blue (for white suit) (d) Branch badge 1 gold on black (d) Flash, Royal Yacht 2 gold on blue (fol' blue suit and blue tunic) (c) 2 gold on blue (for white suit and divisional tunic) (d) I gold on green (for lovat suit) (c) 5 blue on white (for stone-coloured shirts) (c) 2 red on blue (for heavy wool jersey) (c) Note. (a) Usually supplied by the parent unit prior tojoining the Royal Yacht.

6.4 ·3 Subject Sponsor S1' 83A Hn 119S/0riginal (b) Supplied onhoard lIH: !toy .. 1 Vat·hl o"jnining CINCNAVIIOMI': hy It"yal Murineb (c) Suppl icd on joini ng th,' Hand of II M Itny .. 1 M it r Ines. ' I ~astney(jr JlMS NI~I.S()N ' .. It I M rlne" ":"slru·y or HMS NI':LSON (d) Suppli('d on selection fnr H"yul VIlfht s,·/ VI< , · •• 1 ny.. ,I

12. Additional iSl/ues to r"llk~ provicl,'" with tropi('al dothinlC

a . All <'nllil,·d rank"

King's budge 2 k hak ion khak I dri 11 Prince's hadge 2 khaki on khaki orill I s"urlet on while (f"r whit" tunic, Band Service) I'aruchutist and Army Parachutist 2 "liht bluc on khakI drill .Jump Instructors' hadges Pilot. ULA, Ohserver and Airgunncr 21ight bluelgold on hlu(, badges Good Conducl badge (sets of 1,2 or 3 2 sets white on khaki drill chevrons as appropriate)

b. Hand and /Jug/a rank.

Branch badge 2 khak ion khak i dri 11

C C%ur S,'rgl'unl and below

Runk badge (chevrons) 2 ~eL~ white on khak i drill I sel gold on scarlel chevron:;, gold on hlu" badges (for white tunic, Band Service)

d. Warrant Officers I and 2 2 SClti white on khaki drill Warrant Officer (lJandnu:u; ter) Ita nk badge 2 sels gold on scarlet I gold on blue (for wh ile l unic, Ba nd Ser v ice) e. Oil Appointment · Drum Major, lJugle MUJor

Ru nk badge 3 set:; gold on scarle t chevron:; ) (for Stone 3 gold on blue drum or bugle ) coloured, white tunic , Band Service) r Ranks S erving in the IlM /Jafld CINCN A V IIOM l~'

(I ) On iS6 uc of white tunic (if entitled) Ra nk budges King's badge I Het gold on blue P ' I l . nnce H IJadgc I gold on bl ue Good Conduct badgcH I s i I VCI' on blue Parachutist badge I sel gold on bl ue Pilot and Observer badl:(cH I gold on blue AJrgunnc r badge I 1{()ld/~i1 vcr on bl ue AP.J/ badge I light blue/gold On blue gllld 011 blue (2) ./toyal Yacht OaHhcs WhIte tunic S tone coloured tunic )2 blue on white )

6.4 ·4 IUt IH /Y:\/OrJ/t11l1i1 ANNI<:X 6.5 see Article 0616


({AN K - - -- HA DUI<: IIOWWOHN WOl ---- - Hnyul, Artn~ )Holtom point nfhadgc 1/4in above )point of sll\sh on tunic sleeve or Cmwn in IlIlIrcl wl'cul.h )curC on greakoul Bottom point of )badge 4in above boUom of~leeve W02( BlIlIdnlllslt'r) LYr(' in IlIlIrel wreath, )onjersey, wool, heavy, combat

slIrJllountl'd by, crown )shil,t,and comlmtjackeLs (Hut on grcaLcolltund ) wrist st'-liP the W02 )In 111\ shirl sleevc dresses the nown in laul'cl wreath is )badge is worn on a wrist strap worn. )

W02 mll~1cr), Four thcvrons, pl aced }I nner angle of lowest chevron Buglt' Mt\ior, individulllly, point )1/4 in above point of slash on tunic Drum Mt\ior upwards, with bugle or )or cuff on grcatcoat Inner angle drum, as upproprillte, lof lowest chevron 4 in above (But on ,it'rsey, wool, )botl.om s leeve on jersey, wool, hCll vy ll nd combat )heavy, combat shirt, and combat garment s the genera l )jllckets. dut,ics nmk badges an, ) worn). 1 ) Provost SergeanL Three chevrons, point )In a ll shirt sleeve dresses the upwards )chevrol\s a rc wOI'n on a wrist strap

Colour SCl'gel.l nt On blue unifonn - three ) chevrons, point ) downwards, surmounted ) by a globe on crossed flags ) ha ving a crowll above and 1 u foul anchor below and ) surrounded by u laure l ) wreath. On other )Bottom point of lowest chevron three )i/4in above cu/Ton greatcoat, chevrons, point )61/2in below shoulder seams on downwal'ds, surmounted )heavy, wool jerseys, and combat by a crown )shirts, 101 /2in below shoulder )seam on all other garments Sergean t Thr e chevrons, point ) downwards ) ) Corporal Two chevron$, point ) downwards ) ) LIlIlCC,COI'poru I 0ne chevron, point 1 downwards )

tU-I Subject Sponsor ST8SA ANNl<~X 6.6 see Article 0618 BRANCH SPECIALIST UALll<'ICATION, SKILLand SPECIAL BADGl<:S CATEGORY 1I0WWORN I.Branch badges

Telecommunication~ Circle with three lightning technician )a WO ~ do not wear branch badges flashe~ each side Other )bColour Sergeants - right arm, Tradesmen Crossed hammer and pincers RM Band )1/4in above point of slash Lyre with oak leaves below Bugler le N COs below Colour Sergeant ­ Embroidered drum )right arm, above the chevrons, )fitted as close as possible into the )'V' . )d.Marines, Musicians and Buglers - right arm, Sin below shoulder seam 2.Specialist Qualification badges

Assault Engineer Letters AE in wreath la WOs do not Clerk . wear SQ badges. Letter C in wreath )b.Colour Sergeants Cook/Caterer - right arm, Letter K in wreath )1/4in above point of slash Drill and Platoon Crossed rifles )C.NCOs below Colour Weapons Sergeant )with Instructor or 1st Class Driver SQ Steering w hee I )badge - right arm, above the Heavy Weapons Letters HW in wreath )chevrons, fitted well into the 'V' Landing Craft Letters LC in wreath )(Lower end of crossed guns, etc. to Mountain Leader Letters ML in wreath )be 1/4in above backcloth of Physical Training Crossed clubs )chevron.) PT Instructor's badge Provost Letters MP in wreath )also worn centrally on chest Signaller of Crossed flags )gymnasium vest and sweater. Store Accountant Letters SA in wreath )d.Other NCOs and Marines -left Swimmer Canoeist Letters SC in wreath )arm, 1/4in above point of slash. e.Not more than one SQ badge is to be worn. 3.Skill badges

Marksman Crossed rifles )Left arm, 1/4in above point of Sniper Crossed rifles with letter S )slash unless an SQ badge is worn ) in this position, in which case the ) skill badge is worn 1/4in above )the SQ badge.

4.Special badges

Pilot Unit Ligh t The Army Pilots' Badge­ The same badge as for officers Aircraft wings extended, surmounted (0518.2) worn in the same position, by a lion and crown viz. 1/4in above top row of medal ribbons or 1/4in above left breast pocket if no medal ribbon worn

8.8·1 HH 8IN3/0ri,ina' Subject Spon.or ST83A CATEOORY 1I0WWORN

4. Special badges

Observer Unit Light Single wing ohilver . Aircraft embroidery lifted to lhe nght ~AII for Pilot Light Aircraft viz. and allllched la a gold '0' )1, in llbove top row of medal surmounled by a crown )ritbons or 1'4in IIbove left breast Airgunner Unit Lighl As for Observer bul atlllched )pockel if no medII I ribbons worn. Aircraft to a gold '0' )

Parachutist Parachute with wingll Army : Parachute with wings. ~Right arm, 21'2in below shoulder Parachute Jump Letters APJI in wrealh )seam. Instructor below. King's Badge Royal cypher 'OR V' in 11 ) laurel wreath )Left arm, 2in below shoulder Prince's Badge Royal cypher 'PI" in 11 lyre ) seam. surmounted by a coronet ) Section Leader's Scarlet diamond )Lert arm,2in below Diamond shoul~er seam, on blue and loval Uniform.. . Worn by recruits under trammg appointed, Section Leaders Commandanl Crossed SA 80 rifles with General's RM Lower lert sleeve in lieu of Shooting VIII below lhe device Badge marksman's badge by serving and past members () 986 onwards) of RM Blsley Shooting Team. RMCommando Embroidered flash, lettered ) 'ROY AL MARIN ES ) COMMAN RMBand DO', red on blue )Both Embroidered arms, lin below shoulder flash, leltered ) seams. 'ROYAL Worn on heavy, wool, MARINES BAND ) jersey SERVICE', only. red on blue ) Duke of Edinburgh's Designed in the form of a Medallion Centrally on the pleat brooch depicting crossed of the right breast pocket in blue, rifles and sub-machine gun lOYal and stone- coloured dresses, in a circular centre piece with the top of the coronet surrounded by a laurel 1/~n below the bottom of the wreath surmounted by a pocket flap.. 9PJ1' if! be worn on coronet, the whole ) Ain occ4lsions when the diameter J>Hke pi ~""1U'gh visits ~Nf

,on8 Royal Yacht Embroidered letlered'ROY and ANNEX 15.5 1>I<~SCIUPTlVE LIST OF RN BRANCH SPI<:CIALlST QUALIFICATION AND SK ILL BA 1)G1-:S

1. Badges indit'uting Ih'anch 01' Spl·.-iulist Qualifit,atioll within a Branch. Worn as in A I·ticle 04 13.

------~------B1{ANCII J)Jo;VICI'; IU~MAI{KS


a, Air K ngi lI('ai I1g S ub·brallch E Icctl"ica I J )Leller L below device Mechanical J )i.etler M below device Ordllanec ) ) Letter 0 below device Radio/l{adar JAcroplanc )LeUer R below device Weapons ) ) Letter W below device Weapons Electrical ) ) Letters WL below device

b. Marille Kl1gineering Sub· brallch Elect"ical ) I),."pel ler )Leller L below device Mechanical ) )Letler M below device

c. Weapon Ellgineering Sub­ branch Ordnance )Ver t ical m issil e, )Lelter 0 below device Radio )hori zo ntal torpedo, )Letter R below device )supcri mposed on crossed )lighl.ni ng fl ashes

Note: Prior to categorisation, ratings wear the basic device of t he ir ti ub-branch without distinguishing letters.


F'AMIL Y SERVICES BRANCH Circle Letters FS in centre


Aircraft lIandler ) )Lelter H below device Meteorological Observer ) )Letters MET below Photographer )Acroplane device Survival Equipment ) )Letter P below device Naval Airman (Uncat) ) )Letter SE below device )Basic device only

16.5 · 1 Su bjtlcl Sponsor ST &SA J I HI.;\I \HI S Ill< \ (11

111 11( \I 1111 I ( 11 1111 I Ii, le ail I till I I I lit UI I I 1'1 !t:III" I I II h, IIIw It h" I Il,Un 1II'''d... I"\lH 11.·,,11" "I ".'. Ill' 1I Ill' 111'1.11 h 1'11\ It I ( ) I ..t l I I "Ill ,It· I 0 IHIII) tll""',; IIIII\\h'l I.·dlt " I .. "~.rllh" I, hlllt 1111 l '>, h low d, It ,. I ,uti. 1It111 1 M"",.d, "' , l!:,,""" "I )1, III r I'D 1",lu (I I I I Ilh,,, I1HI\" III ,M'n f I )1, 1l"1 "Ill hI

11I'!>'H \ 1'111, S IIH ~ (11

, { ·',,"I/UUI•• n/h"',. (;ruup I.dlel ( I' It, Iuw d" I, etU It 111 Ult hUt htll~ 'l't'dHIIt' ht 1\ \\ 1111' .1.' I d h) It 'hll1111 11.1 10 H.'.!IU ('I~""IUI 11'1 (' r.. '." I '11l~ Hlhl,u ()p," Ilu, 1(:\ )\\ 1"1: .It> ." 10 I{"dll' ()I'I".,lu, (W\ 1111,101111111: n,,~h

h St',l""", (;, pup A"fI"" ('ullllt.II", I I I,d \\"1 I ltHul.lulH.- l.o11or \( h, I"" de, In' IIp\'llllllNI Id UI'''1l ,"It" 1.1.11" IIId '"111\ 1111 h ,"ft It 01\ I" 1'" (" III IlIld 1>: 1, ','1, UIII" W IIII~lI " 1,l.:hlllllll' n"~,, 11 lid I,,,, .. dUIIIIl I,IIIP \ ~ Mill\' WlI,flln' ('11111 ,d \IIIH' M \Ss tl" Cl u~:;.t·\t \ IIM.. dl'~ Hlldul' • ('Ill, ""III.:hl'"Il': 1l,,~I1l'. "" q Iltllll'n'd runn'''' I h' rin''''!'> ~HHll ( 'I u~M-d I ul Jlt·dUl'~, \ I'11 ... d h,"I .... III. nIl! SIlI"'IIIlII"""'" Sill \I'Y It"I'\lnlt', SI' , I,IIII St'III11I1I1 SPt'\' ill Itst )( ' I lI~s"d ~"' I l' k It· .",d St'lllllllll (Un"ut) )1Il, ll lill, " I'ik"

to. SUfUthu lilt' St" tJ" 't' Hudll' (SM) (' , uss,'" "f:ht 11111 1-: n ' I " 'II '~ UII ,,11I1I·tt' n 't! (" Hh', 'ull It • '1'1Il't h',d Syst"IIIN(SI\I) (' in-I t s HII,Ii\l Opt'l'Iltlll (SM) As .d'lll I' I ,dl"l's ::;M h,·hl\\ ,ho'ln' Will,: ,. I '"ss,'d by bd,'\\' d ,\ l\'t' ~1I1111 (SM) It f: hl III11 ~: nlls h 1 . l'lt, ' I '~ ::;1\I l (',us .. I'

I 1l.1l .2 Hie IUlU3/0rlllhlial tilt! Tlwfnllll\\llIgh'ld"t,tllHH\ IW\\\lllll,\ I.Illlltt 'IO,IIIIII-d.I II1Httlhtm i htlllll 1 IIIIlUII\ 1 ~17I> s"" ,\,1,.-1" 1111 1

IlIl.\ \'11

OUIIIII"\ IIIHllUdl1t (·III~,.l'd «:\111 "lull I "t: uod HIHIIII I mitt lid III Sl'lti"I' \\ "h '"lilt. I,d 11\ Iq:lllllI" Illt.,.I"'1t (', u'"'t,t'" tllll'nlul1tI , '1'111\""III,"plIllll,nul "'")11'1 l"q.tI~nl




It Jo;tlUI.A '1'1 N t: 11 It A N l' 11 t"O\\1\ tm~II'1 Ill" I 11\ ''''ll! I IlI k «1,1" In' "llt'lI dnlln H 1111111·1 '\'I'uth

IIltAN('1I 11I':VI( 'I':

SUIIM A III NI': ('()},SW A I N SI \ Hlhll(pd Hh"'IIUH ('Pl)H '\' t'IO thl d,'\'h'c' IIltANCII \\ IUlld "IH'III'I"d h\ u IHUI,d WllHtI h

IIItAN( '11

SUI'''!. Y AN 11 SIW 111':'1' A It I 1\'1' IIltANt'1I 1.,1' till rl III ft· 11 I I " uf ('utllIIUK A,'rountHII! I 1111" 1-lI' I )('A{\ '""" "'H ( 'uuk ISI,II )ulH'I'juli'lidi,,,, 1 St Ilwut.1 I H" (('uul, ~PI\fUlh uttllll) SI HIt'" AITCllIllt IlIlI ) )S W.llt l l I ISA IW

I 6:1 lilt HliU IICh It .11.1 ut I' 11:1 •

I' I

" I \ \\1 , \ , \' " , \ "' \.11. I , l' \ \. . \ ",,\ '\ 111\, \ 1\\ hll' , " 1.1, '1. \\ 1111. 1'1 " I \ " "''',\ ',,,,,11\\\ ,I, \ 11" \

. \ n .. 'h \ 1'1,,,1 " I

, . (

lint, t' tI h hilt, \ " tl'I\" ",\1111 'I" dH. 01,\ \ ••• 1

\ I tlllt' ,1\1 I 1",1, t \' \ 11I1\t\\1111 411 • \\ III h\ ",' ,.,11 .011111, .11I11t .111 • hI> \, 1\1> ,11

.111,11.\\ I ,I 1\'lq II ~ n\t\1I , h' \ ,,1,111. 1\11 •• 11 1\0 III~.II. ,\\111. \ \ IU 1111 .1 1. 1\"1 I. I I III " • I\\HII\,lIldd I ' .\ill IIhll ,.t. \111' 1111111' \"111>

fH 11 " IlI'l ,I l I' 'I , 1 ~ 11,." I I) I I \\, " 1111 .,,11, \, 11,', 1111 1111\ I .. I,ll' 1 1 ' 11111" .. rh , ,"111 'lit., 11111111 ''1111' "Ill loll, '.111 ,1 , I. I 1"11 """11,1111 ,11.11, 1•• 1 ""lllllti"\I I 11 1,111" I Iq, Illh \~llh , I"" !I,tlII,\ I , \ III \I" , I I, \ II \' II \ \ I ""I.

1\ \ 11\ \I, \11\ll

\ \ I I I , \\ \I, "\\ \' '" 1,\\1,\ , , \, ", ,\1\ '\'\ \ hI \I ,h, ",1 \I \,,11 ,1\ h I I, I, I \ \ 1\, " \111\ 1111 '\ ,1,1, 111\ , 11 I' ,llh ,hI \ \I I , " ,,11\\1 ",Ill" " \ I, \ " \ 1\" 1\ \\\1\\, \ '\ I \",\1" I1 \ \ 1\

\ \I

1\\ ' \ \ \ \ \ , \ \I \ \


\ '\


'" " 'htblh.hments 'eel> In, t J 'aintng el> , niors an d ap...un' .Iltl 5, Special Badges (0" men.jU W 11 EHI.'; WOHt\ DEVICE CATEGORY

. 0) d Adult Ratings a JunIOrs ( an . 11 croWIl and ) ) S ma I duct Class Leader . 'attlre "ollt con n1lnl t> ) PO Junior ) badge ) I.eft arm, midway between shoulder MiniatUl'c gOlld conduct ) Leading Junior and elbow badge ) ) ) ) Deputy Class Leader Small star

) Right arm, midway Seamen ratings until further Crossed sha(;kle and marline spike (small) ) between shoulder and ca tegorised. . , ) clbow (i.c.as branch Junior and ProbatIonar) Small red cross badge). Medical Assistants

First Class Junior Small star Right arm, midway between shoulder and elbow immediately below branch b. Artificer Apprentices badge.

CPO Apprentice ) Inverted chevron with ) Both arms midway PO Apprentice ) star below ) between elbow and wrist on and midway between shoulder and elbow on shirts. Leading Apprentice Small star ) Left arm midway between elbow and wrist on suits and midway between shoulder and Coxswain elbow on shirts. . Six-spokcd wheel ) Helmsman Right cuff Small ant:!wr ) c. ArtifiC(:r Apprentices and Juniors RN serving in training establishments may wear badges of the Duke of Edinburgh's award Scheme in u(;(;OI .. dLtIl(;c with Article 0413 paragraph 2. ANNlo:X15.6


1. &.1 • ... s indic.. ting C .. t ... go'") or ,Il" i .. li,1 Quulilkation '" ilbin a Hr nch

I illS 11 Gl ISIII IJ (' n: ~OIn 111'\ ICE I I ~. 1'1 ~.I{': TW.· I. t::du 'ali,)n and 1 raining '::up,,,,rl CII de

E. 'GI:\t::ERI~C

.Azr Enb nttr;nb lech.jJ'1lC E' 'lr "A' I 11. helo,," dc, Ice .1e.:hanicA' 1:11 belo,," dl" Ice Radio ) \"1 "VI.lIte' JH be'u" d", ice Weapons ) l\\ belo", d", .ce \\'eApons E 'eelr;"a I I \\\ I. helu,," de"lcc

Eo/CAL DenLAi H y gienisl ('itc.::\.." liB' in centre DentAl Surgery A:>s;,wnl ) )D A in centre

Obsern:r lAel'Ovlane :11 ET belu" d", ice Photographer ) P be'u" d",,;ce M1TOri,er Circle :lIT In cenlrc Radar C"U' cd lightning Ilashes • tU) llllarlcred cunrentric l'in:k~

Radio Operator ) \'ing, crus"cd by • Radio OperalOIi~U lIigI.tning Bash ~1 below the d",;ce Weaporu; Anal) tit C rvs""od rod,et.:; W on 'en side and A on right side or de"ice

PHYSICAL TRAI. 'L'C A...'\O Cru~",-od clubs RECREATIO..'\

REGl:L.\TI. 'C Cr"" n. Regulating Chief • \\ ren" .... ear this de"ice

"llc'ir"!Lod b • a laurel '\ realh. ~L'PPLY .,\:'OSECRETARlAT Catering- Cook ) C in centre 'pecia lisation)" ) teward S in centre lOre.:; Accountant I SA in centre Writer ) W in centre

f A_ ILY ERnCE I FS in centre CII de L' ARTERS ASSlST ~ T ) QA ;nL~nlre

TELEPHO. 'IST I""'phone dia' cros~ h; T in centre h,;t.lll;ng fiash"s

15.6· I BR I Subj"d Sponsor ST S3A ,'I \I 11 • 1'\ t. 11 I " 4. at It'

11 \ 1, 1'

\ 11111 \1 I\l\th 111\ It Itl ,,1,1111.1\1 t.,," I I I 1'1.11 , 11,. ,\ \ I I I I

, , 'I 1 ,11.', \\ I~ ~ \ Ill. \\1 \1\ ,'"I, I ,,', I 1\ III ' \i'H,b \ ,,1\ "hllll<',·' \1,11\.1 \' \ ,.t.:.. ,n, \I I "." \ IIIt\',II, 1,'11 \, I hI' \Ill I I, \,.,1,.\\ , 111\. I 1,1/ 11 h 'I ' ;'\0.,\ I 1111111

ql",,11 1 .\. I \ ,,\111',,1 ".,

\ I \ 1'1"( 11 \)\\ lW , I \Iit :;

"lilt' '''''1,,1) h.,ltn .. 1 \ \ I \ '\'h,· H•• 1'1111,'\ 1\ h,"1 HIli h"1 I< I\II"ltnol"oI I IltII~ IIU\I" \ 1",1 I i hi " 11 11'1' \ I1 "k hI h,' ,,".,hllo'.I h, Ilt•• 1\ I'll I ,'I (,I I.., III ,t h,I.I"" 1\ It h "I\\~ I, ' \ 1111' Itl .. \1" j lu · \ IHh! \ HI '\\1 h,' 11 ,It tllll\ ,I t HII\'I,'lIh .\'I./( ·~ (,I) (I) '!'t\cl ('"hll\ 1\ I( "lIdl\ 1\ I K1 "\\ I"ti IIndfl •• h ltl hI ' \I ,\I 1\ h\ \\ HN:: HI I I\lf " ." I 11" " I" I , •• \\\ ,,1,'11. 1\ 1 .11 ~M A('II:\ (('0\\1111111 !i"1I I hlll'\ AtI .' \11 " 'II' I"liti Itl \ 'llhlll ~lt 1\ 11 ( '11" I 'H' \, ,1\1 H I" ,1\ I I,ll lid \'[1 i <1111\ Ul\td Ih,' holdC'l hilI 1111.11111/11" ' 1\ dlllllltl ItI/I 1\11111111".\ <,IP,ltll\ 1,\1 111111111111\11111"11 ",,1,\1 I lIhlnl htl 'I'h" 1Ill.! f\r' 1l11l ,V h.. 11.1111 '\111"""111,,"11,. IIII'IC )I"III I' ,.1 I h, •• 11,1 1,1 .111 \\ It .. h \ 1\ H III I "IIlH 111 Cl e'I\p. t1<,d, (lI,III.I,'d I h,. pt I \ iI",~,. of 1\ e',1I lilt{ II hll I 1\\11 h""1I \'I I h, h ,1\\ 1\ \ III ','h •• "'III,1t I i 11 I Itl I, I. 1\ it I" IJ " \I 1\ 11\ I " 1\ I< 1"1 HN 11 Ill. ,II" ~ l. I.. :\ I It, I•• 11.1' I1 1 • .t ~ I "1' h ' 1 11 8 <. FRANK )

'LOn9l"$ Un-tor M Me< 3n1UI R RadIo/Radar WL - Weap('ns Electrtcal W - Weapons (Letter Under) L -Electf'cal M - Mechanical o -Ordnance L - Electrical Air Engineering Mechanic Manne Engineering Mechanic

,------FLEET AIR ARM BRANCH ------

(Letters Under) H -Aircraft Handler MET - MeteorologIcal (Letter Under) Observer o -Ordnance P -Photographer R -RadIo SE - SurvIval Weapons Engineering Equipment Mechanic Naval Airman

--- P.T. BRANCH ------MEDICAL BRANCH ------

(Letters Under) N -State Registered Male Nurse R - Radiographer P - PhYSiotherapist H -Health Inspector L - Laboratory M - Mental Nurse HP - Health Physicist PO - Pharmacy Oispencer


Master-at-Arms P.O. & Ldg. Regulators


(Letters m circle) CA -Caterer C -Cook S -Steward SA -Stores Accountant WWnter C.P O. Coxswam P.O. and below



- - -

- , .... -

- M ARKS OF RANK (Contd.)



MUSICIAn Ship'S D,vor I\IJbOlno Mlss!lo I\imol Drummor Pal nehul" Commnndo AsslstnnC'e G,OUP ______ADDITIONAL QUALIFICATIONS

NovigatorS Yooman Saneat Almor Marksman Charge Chief Altlflcer


Pelly Officer Seamen assigned to duties NovOI Patrol Submarinel on the Royal Yacht Blltannln


POSlllt Re"A ' VI' Shouldur fins\) Port DrlVOf

Supp - 1/9 IIKH I , IAln"S ( 11 R\ \ • I "tt·

Ht I MI 1 II>\[ ~I

l~' I~l;,\h~t; i\rh1 (\'1,'1",1..

\,, , \ Ill's \ $4 111' I 11 I ( nON MARKS Ol<' RANK I M arin('s (Contd,)

H R TlTlfS


I nlit 18 (I\"(lcf/ ~ ('d ntHl H, P/lIO) FI~sh RM R!:SERVE OFFICERS' SHOULDER TITLES -


I uti." ~ (Allndl" ..d "lid Ilroll70) Flilsh


P,IOI Unit LI;1ll1 Alrn

Il R)\ 1 Supp 1 13 M tu S cWHANH

"cl 1\ It'n

III I MI I 111111<11 !t W,/rli/ ",,(ql)

• t ~ , WI'I W" 11""k. (I '''11 ,~ dll '.!"d I'ftdv 1 (I )/\ ,.I, L! "Ad~'l \ (f 1I1H/111~"r) "N"lI' ) 1\11 11",,1<" IIAIII I III I 111 I 1\1\ 111\1>1 , I !lOll I.()NIIIIC 1 III\IH I ('\,ll 1dt r-d,wltH'IIII" l AI'I'IlIN I 1'111 NI

, '. 'I 1111 111 1111 !lAIII,. 11 ~ " "I" flANK IIAI1C11

( ;tllrJlU n ntWi lrtl1l WC) I W ()~ (,.11 ,,111<' ri, r/,'II ) (flJI "(/,,,, ri, rJ~,~ ) 1 "" 11"",1

111I1\.tlOI. ! IIOUl UIII 11111

1"11,,,. 1n lf1r 0 11 11 111111 11 nlin" " 11111", l,nrl"" "11111 (1\/ l!Ir/l ~ ",' All" 11/ .,iJ;,,) I IMh 1P I 11 111r I~"

IIUIIONl AlIMIlt! (1\1I"dl~ "rI n llr Ill, dll;" )

!lMI'.,I" "

IIHH I , , ,

I ., I \ \\ \. \ I Iln \I .q

I I \ \ I \ 1111 \ 1\\\ '1'\' \ \\ \ ~~\~ \ \ \ 11,1\11 \ I 1\ ,11 '!"I,II\ 1\\' \ \ I It \ ,\ \ \ \ , \\\\\1\\\ 1\' \ I

\ q \ t ~\I\\ I'll I .hl , ,' I I 1\ , , ,

\ I \ ,.,

\I " :TION MAHKS OF RANK 4. Roy"t Marine Band Service

RM Band $fJrvICC personnel wc r the sarno haclQf II'~ Ofttr.m~ Wilrrunl OffILfH~, NCO" Itnd Mml with Itll" lollowlnn mU.flp1iflfl ,


Worn on holmfJI platn

Worn above gmnndo' cap badfJo f,lllcr and (without crown) on helmlJt piAl" (Worn with lIf1fJfJJ#wd (,II"lmO(/,,)


Worn With Nos 1 & 4 Dress. Yellow on scarlet below Band Sergeant Fla,h


W02 BandM3w,r Drum tA:~I(A

upp 1119 SOF RANK


n IT'mal"dant Chief Commandant Other Officers ______DISTINCTION MARKS OF RANK ------­ WRNS OFFICERS' SLEEVE AND SHOULDER BRAID

Chief Commandant Commandant Chief Officer First Officer Second Officer Third Officer

W.R.N.R. OFFICERS WOMEN MEDICAL AND DENTAL ANDCADEIS OFFICERS WOMEN OFFICERS OF THE ROYAL CORPS OF NAVAL CONSTRUCTORS i. The Naval Officers cap/beret badge is worn. ii. Naval Officers distinction marks of rank and branch are worn. gold lace on cuffs and shoulder straps w appropriate distinction ith cloth. Scarlet- Medical, Orange-Dental. Grey-R.C.N.C. i ii. Officers Sleeve in the rank of Commander wear id Shoulder hatband the same Braid as Chief Nursing Officer/Superintending Nursing Officers. QARNNS.


First Officer Second Officer Third Officer


First Officer BRal Supp-1121 CIumg,6 I r

Reg at r P and L"!l R lat r r I r T

• tLette,,, Under' L E Ie<'lncal \l PttOl1lln Mh I M Me<'hanlcal <. Ot ... R - Radio Stt\\ at\1 W Weapon" S~\ t('lre~ Al ( l Ulanl WL - Weapons El, tllcal ST Wrlt(\r ,Sh<,!'thAlld) P Photog"'phel VI, Wn t.H MET - Metl'Olologlcal Observel Weapons Analyst Air (Pa ond QenerAIl Supply ilnd St.'CIHtMltH


(Letters In circle) DH Dental Hygienist DSA Dental Surgery Assistant FS Family Services MT Motor Transport Dnvel QA Quartels Assistant ETS Education & Training Support PhYSical Training Other Categones Navol Patrol Petty OfflCl'1



Marksman Cabin Attendant Musician Drummer


RadIO Operator (Tactical) Shoulder Flash

BR I Supp 1125 I • Hit I • •

till t I 1\ tl

11 I I I ,

1Nl I. ,'tl \ ',l'} t

\ ' III hlll\ I NI n \' , I 'Mt N \ 't I h t tI • \

~1,\lI"1\ 1\ \ hI 1\'-\1\ ~, ,," ,11 ~\I III If I", NIl! ' I \ 'tll\ \ I

"l.;\tt~I" q ~ hh,1 ~1~th\1\ 11) \ h.\ t t'lIlh'I I',-11 NIII III\J Ulh~ (\ I" t\\1,11 \' hl.11 \11 IIIIl ~i\lp lint 1\\ III\\.t \ \-\HN \~J III l \llh tl , I "'\'\ NIl! IIh.1 (\,'1\ h , 1\11 111\,.\ \111, \'1 I II~ \" ~I! .Ih H\.c~1 N'I! 11'\1 \ 'UI\ I \'UII t" NI Ilv l \11 1\ ~ I

\11.11,"1", .. IVIl 'I\ \1\1\11\ 1\4h ,) \lht\\IU \ j~ t'\lt\'IHh'\itth r\d .. ~ lIdh'\lIld I \, ~\\\\II\t\\ \1~lItl 'n~ ,11\ l':it .. \ l\~ \\111,,1 ' \\ I, q~b«\j\l \,t II\UI\l,I\ 1\.111 t'll\\lth ,,, 'Ill t ,1\\l~h\"1 IHt'hll,! l \ Ilhlt" \\\11\1 U\~II \\ tl\ 1\,\\ UI\ \.' .. 1\ \ 1 ..'\I\'h 'S lI}ts I 'I i