

Minutes of Parish Council held on Tuesday October 8th 2019 at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Yeovilton at 7.30pm.

Present: Mrs. R. S. Jones, Chairman, Mr. B. Barlow, Mr. D. Board, Mr. A. Hickman, Mr. R. Luck, Mr. A. Capozzoli & Mr. P. Rowsell, District Councillors, Mr. R. Graydon, CRO, RNAS, Rev. B. Faulkner and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk. Four members of the public attended.

57. Apologies Apologies were received from Mr. P. Browncey, Mr. A. Elliott, Mr. M. Lewis, County Councillor, Mr. C. Hull, District Councillor, PC. Stefan Edwards & PCSO Thelma Mead.

58. Minutes The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.

59. Declarations of Interest There were none declared.

60. Open Session & County & District Councillors’ reports Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor informed the meeting that he will be attending SSDC Area Committee. In the absence of Mr. M. Lewis, County Councillor, the Council noted the latest details of the A.303 proposals, which had been circulated to members, a formal decision is expected by the end of the year, as received from Mr. Lewis. Mrs. Murray highlighted a Willow tree on the river bank in Bineham Lane, which is a potential risk to vehicles. It was agreed to contact County Highways & the Environment Agency asking for remedial works. Mrs. Hickman queried works in Bineham Lane and was informed that these were telephone works done by ‘Openreach’ and had been carried out in one day, rather, rather than the three days as advertised. Mrs. Hickman highlighted speeding issues in the Parish, which was supported by Rev. Faulkner, who highlighted speeding by persons leaving RNAS Yeovilton. Mr. Plowman raised an issue of an overhanging oak tree, which is within St. Bart’s Churchyard, impacting on their adjacent property. After discussion, Mrs. Hickman agreed to sort out this issue.

61. RNAS matters, , Community & Church matters Mr. Graydon, CRO, RNAS reported that the Commodore had sent a letter to the Chair of Parish Council stating that it was an aspiration to close the B.3151 through RNAS Yeovilton, from the access to Church Street, Podimore to Stockwich Cross. Mrs. Jones stated that she had been present at the meeting. The Council considered this proposal, and after some discussion, unanimously agreed to strongly object to this proposal, on the grounds of the impact of extra vehicles through the other parts of the Parish, impact on HGV and problems for farm traffic. It was agreed to send this decision to the Commodore via Mr. Graydon. Mr. Graydon highlighted the issue of access through the Base in flood conditions, when access to Yeovilton village is cut off, stating that the arrangements need to be formalised. Mrs. Jones stated that access in these conditions need to be publicised, with Mr. Graydon stating that up to four times per day in extreme conditions might be acceptable to RNAS. It was agreed that this is also sent to RNAS for their opinion. Rev. B. Faulkner reported that Harvest Festival had been held at St. Peter’s, Podimore. The Council discussed the potential provision of a defibrillator within Yeovilton village, with possible sites being considered, the Telephone kiosk & possibly on the wall outside of St. Bart’s Church. Rev. Faulkner stated that there needs to be an electricity supply to keep the defibrillator charged. It was noted that there is no electrical supply to the Kiosk and Mrs. Hickman agreed to investigate whether permission would be given to use the wall of St. Bart’s Church. It was agreed that costings for the installation & provision are to be made available before any decision is made. Mr. Board asked that the British Heart Foundation are contacted, reference that they had bought from British Telecom the telephone kiosk at Podimore and had never put in a defibrillator as expected. This was agreed. Mr. Board highlighted a recent major theft within the Parish and asked if the MPGS from RNAS Yeovilton would have any role in assisting the Police. Mr. Graydon stated that the MRGS has no jurisdiction outside of RNAS Yeovilton, as their role is to provide security for the Base. It was agreed that some liaison with the Police would be beneficial.

62. Planning matters Mr. Barlow stated that he wished to have it recorded that he would have been opposed to supporting application 19/01996/OUT for Mr. R. Wetherall on land adjoining Pilgrims, Weir Lane, Yeovilton for the erection of a dwelling being taken to Area East Committee for decision, as he felt that that the recommendation by the Council Officer should have been accepted. Mr. Barlow also stated that in principle, by supporting these types of application, the character of Yeovilton village is threatened. This was noted. 2

The Council noted that the issue of access for application 18/03658/REM land north of Troubridge Park following approval of application 15/000247/OUT for the erection of 150 dwellings and associated works was still under discussion The Council noted that there was no decision on application 19/00454/OUT for Mr. P. Rogers on land adjacent to the Florins, Bineham Lane for the erection of two single storey buildings & formation of vehicular access The Council noted that there was no decision received on application SCC/3633/2019 at Podimore Recycling Centre for extension of existing recycling facility to include erection of topsoil shed, lorry workshop, improved staff facilities and creation of a perimeter bund. The Council noted that there was no decision on application 19/01996/OUT for Mr. R. Wetherall on land adjoining Pilgrims, Weir Lane, Yeovilton for the erection of a dwelling with all matters reserved apart from access. The Council noted that there was no decision on application 19/02387/FUL for Mr. & Mrs. Greg Evans on land adjacent to Keepers, Pyle Lane, Yeovilton for the erection of new dwelling and garage. Mr. Hickman stated that the Council should consider having a Neighbourhood Plan, as this would in theory restrict what planning is permitted within the Parish. After discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Hickman would update the Council on what is involved.

63. Financial matters The Council noted that the balances as at 30/09/19 were as follows, in the Current A/c £286.94p with £5,200.30p in the B/P Account. Payments received – £2.67p Bank interest Payments made 08/10/19 100412 £63 HMRC paye tax 08/10/19 100413 £16.20p P. Horsington expenses The above payments were authorised and the cheques signed. The Council noted that the mandates for the new Councillors are being progressed.

64. Highway matters Mr. Luck reported that following the Speed Indicator Devices, which had been operating in Ilchester recording speeds & showing ‘Smiley Faces’, he had contacted Mr. N. Bloomfield, County Councillor & Chair of Parish Council and indicated that the cost for this device was c.£1K. After discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Luck is to ask Mr. Bloomfield, if the device could be trialled within Yeovilton Parish. Mr. Capozzoli strongly recommended that the Council write to himself and his other two Ward members and to Mrs. V. Keitch, Leader of SSDC, asking if SSDC would consider buying some SIDs, which could be hired out to Town & Parish Councils. After discussion, the Council unanimously agreed that the Email as recommended, is sent. The Clerk informed the meeting that the agreed works with County Highways for the advance signage before the junction on the B. 3151 into Bineham Lane & Flood warning signs will take at least six months due to contractual issues, and the request for rumble strips at this junction has been made. The Council noted that the clearing back of the verges in Bineham Lane is on the Highways list to be done

65. Flooding issues The Council noted the access issues via RNAS Yeovilton, discussed earlier, in extreme flooding.

66. Tree matters The Council noted the action reference the Willow tree issue in Bineham Lane, raised earlier.

67. Rights of Way. Mr. Luck spoke on his list of Rights of Way issues, which will be circulated to all members for further discussion. Mr. Luck was thanked for his report. Mr. Barlow informed the meeting that Coaches are having an issue with overgrown hedgesfrom the Lamb & Lark to Draycott in . It was agreed that the Clerk will contact Mrs. C. Sullivan, Limington Parish meeting.

68. Correspondence The Council noted the Waste Partnership newsletter.

69. Items for report, or for the agenda of the next meeting Mr. Graydon gave his apologies for the next meeting. The Council confirmed the date of the next Parish Council meeting for Tuesday November 12th 2019 at 7.30pm. There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all for attending and the meeting was closed at 9.05 pm.

Signed: Date: 3