Weston 20 WEB 0.Pdf
web firstgroup.com/wsm Timetables are available in large print online, however if you require information in Braille or audio please call customer sevices. timetable enquiries 0871 200 22 33 calls cost 12p a minute plus your phone company’s access charge customer services ffromrom $SULOAugust 0345 646 0707 firstgroup.com/contact-woe lost property 0345 646 0707 how was your journey? take two minutes to tell us tellfirstbus.com FirstWestofEngland @FirstBSA Somerset’s Weston-super-Mare – Burnham-on-Sea via Uphill, Weston General Hospital H , Brean and Berrow Mondays to Saturdays except Public Holidays 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Weston-super-Mare , Grand Pier %+(% %,%% %,(% %-%% %-(% %.%% %.(% &,%% &,(% &-%% Rail Station, Neva Road a %+(+ %,%+ %,(+ %-%+ %-(+ %.%+ %.(+ then &,%+ &,(+ &-%+ at Weston General Hospital, Grange Road %+)) %,&) %,)) %-&) %-)) %.&) %.)) &,&) &,)) &-&) H these Lympsham, Coppice End Corner %+*& %,'& %,*& %-'& %-*& %.'& %.*& mins until &,'& &,*& &-'& Brean, Village Hall %,%* %,(* %-%* %-(* %.%* %.(* &%%* past &,(* &-%* &-(* Brean, Leisure Park %,%. %,(. %-%. %-(. %.%. %.(. &%%. each &,(. &-%. &-(. Berrow, Church House Road %,&) %,)) %-&) %-)) %.&) %.)) &%&) hour &,)) &-&) &-)) Burnham-on-Sea , Pier Street %,'- %,*- %-'- %-*- %.'- %.*- &%'- &,*- &-'- &-*- Sundays and Public Holidays 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Weston-super-Mare , Grand Pier %+(% %,%% %,(% %-%% %-(% %.%% %.(% &,%% &,(% &-%% then Rail Station, Neva Road a %+(+ %,%+ %,(+ %-%+ %-(+ %.%+ %.(+ &,%+ &,(+ &-%+ at Weston
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