5888 the London Gazette, October 30
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5888 THE LONDON GAZETTE, OCTOBER 30, easterly fence of the main-road to Clanville Gate, 2. This Order shall take effect from and imme- thence by the north-easterly fence of the road to diately after the first day of November, one Clanville, thence by the easterly fence of five thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. fields through which a footpath runs from Clan- Herbert M. Sufi. ville to Suttou in the parish of Ditcheat, thence by the south-easterly fence of the road to Brook House, thence by the southerly fence of East SCHEDULE. Hill-lane to the Somerset and Dorset Railway, An Area in the counties of Dorset and Somer- and thence by the Somerset and Dorset Railway set, comprising in the county of Dorset, the poor to' the said Bridge near Cole Station aforesaid, law parishes of Purse Caundlc, in the petty (4.) in the counties of Dorset and Somerset, sessional division of Sherborne, Stourton Cauridle, comprising, in. the, county of Dorset the civil Stalbridge, Marnhull, and Fifehead Magdalen, in parishes «-f Buckhorn "Weston and Kington Magna, the petty sessional division of Sturmiuster. and and the portions of the parishes of Gillingham and West Stour, East Stour, Todber, Stour Provost, Silton lying within the following boundaries, that Motcombe, Gillingham, Bourton Silton, Buck- is to say, commencing at a point in the parish of horn Weston. and Kington Magna, in the petty "IGfiUmglinm where the north-eastern boundary of sessional division of Shaftesbury ; and comprising the parish of Kinglon Magna adjoining Gillingham in the county of Somerset the parishes of Abbas terminates, along the Gillingham parish boundary and Temple Combe, Alford, Ansford, Blaekford, to the river Stour, along the river direct to Loddon Bratton Seymour, Bruton, Castle Gary, Charlton Grccu Biidge, and continuing by-the-river to Horethorne, Charlton Musgrove, Compton Paunce- Loddon Briclgo, then along the south-western and foot, Gorton Deuham, Cucklington, Eastrip, Four western fences as the case may be of the main- Towers, Gasper, Goathill, Henstridge, Holton, road commencing at Loddon Bridge through High- Horsington, Kilmington, Lovington, .Maperton, street, Gillingham, Peacemarsh, and Milton, and Milborne Port, North Barrow, North Bruham, along Marti n's-lane, passing Bagmore Farm and North Cadbury, North Cheriton, Penselwood, Fitz Farm to the boundary of the parish of Pitcombe, Pointington, Sand ford Orcas, Shepton Silton near Bourton Bridge, along the north-west Montague, South Barrow, South Bruham, South boundary of Silton to the county boundary, niid Cadbury, Stoke Trister, Stowell, Sutton Montis, along the county boundary to the north-east Weston Bampfylde, Wheathill, Wincanton, Yarn- boundary of the parish of Buckhorn Weston; field, and Yarlington, in the petty sessional divi- and comprising in the county of Somerset the sion of Wincanton, and the parishes of Ditcheat, portions of the -parishes of Cucklington, Win- and Lamyat, in the petty sessional division of canton, and Stoke Tristcr lying within the follow- Shepton Mallet. ing boundaries, that is to say, commencing at the point, where the parish of Buckhorn Weston in the county of Dorset and parishes of Temple Combe and Wincanton in the county of Somerset St. James*s Palace, October 23, 1888. join, thence along the left bank of the river Cole THE Queen has been pleased to appoint Mis.s to a point where it is joined by a stream crossing Ina Erskine McNeill to be an Extra Woman of the road from Wincanton to Buckhorn Weston, the Bedchamber to Her Majesty, in.the room of thence'along the left bank of that stream to a Mrs. Pratt, deceased. point where it crosses the road from Wincanton to Buckhorn Weston, tkence along the south- easterly fence of the road from that point to Clinger, thence along the easterly and north- Downing Street, October 27, 1888. easterly fences respectively of the road through THE Queen has been pleased to direct Letters Cucklington to Clapton, thence along the south- Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the easterly and north-easterly fences of the road United Kingdom, erecting certain British Terri- from Cucklington to Bourton to the point where tory in New Guinea and the adjacent Islands into it joins the high-road from Wincanton to Bourton a separate Possession and Government by the in the county of Dorset, and thence along the name of British New Guinea. • south-easterly fence of the main-road from Win- Her Majesty has also been pleased to appoint canton to Bourtou until it strikes the border of William Macgregor, Esq., M.D., C.M.G., to be the county of Dorset, and (5.) at East Lydford, in Administrator of the Possession of British New the county of Somerset, commencing at the Cross Guinea. Keys, East Lydford, thence aloug the northerly fence of Castle Gary-read to the Old Toll Bar, thence along the easterly fence of the high-road to Dairy House, Lower Foddingion hamlet, through Downing Street, October 29, 1888. Foddington to the point where that road joins the THE Queen has been pleased to give directions road from Babcary to Sparkford, thence along the for the appointment of Henry Alleyne Bovell, north-easterly fences of the road to Sparkford as Esq., Attorney-General for the Island of Bar- fiir aa Copse-lano, thence along Copse-lane and bados, to be one of Her Majesty's Counsel for Bills-lane, both within the Area, to the road from that Island. West Camel to Babcary, thence along the westerly fence of the road from West Cair.el to Babcary to the river Gary at Town-end, thence along the Whitehall, October 29, 1888, westerly fence of Lydfoid Green-lane to West- THE Queen has .been pleased to direct Letters over-lane, thence along the southerly fence of Patent to be passed under the Great Seal of the Westc ver-hine 10 the FcSfc-Way, nud thence along United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the westerly fence of the Fosse-Wny to the Cross granting unto the Reverend Francis Pigou, D.D., Keys, East Lyi'ford afjrcsaid,— are hereby the Deanery of the Cathedral Church of Chiches- extended so as to include the Area described in ter, void by the death of the Very Reverend John the Schedule to this Order, and the Area described William Burgon. in the Schedule to this Order is hereby declared to be an Area infected with pleuvo-pneumonia..