NOTE: BRUTON ART SOCIETY Please bring a packed lunch on all painting days and workshops Patrons: Nicola Botterill, John Burrough, Ian Wilmshurst PROGRAMME BOOKING DATES & CANCELLATIONS Chairman: William Vaughan, Booking early with payment in full would be very helpful Tel. 01963 351840
[email protected] Please note the booking deadline for all events There can be no refunds after this date unless the place can be filled Secretary & Deputy Chair: Damaris Lee Tel. 01963 32671 Bookings taken from AGM - 16 January 2020 onwards
[email protected] Hon. Treasurer: Richard Cumming Membership Subscriptions due January 2020 Newlands Farm, Milton on Stour, Gillingham £15 (or £25 for joint membership) SP8 5PX Tel. 01747 825 529
[email protected] BRUTON ART SOCIETY Payments: Membership Secretary & Newsletter: Dorrie Peat by BACS: Bruton Art Society Tel. 01747 838217 Sort code: 20-99-40
[email protected] Account no: 10208957 Bookings Officer: Sarah Hall Established 1953 Reference: Either ‘Workshop Title’ or ‘Sub’ Higher Shalford Farm, Charlton Musgrove, Wincanton BA9 8HF Tel. 01963 31302 or by cheque made out to BRUTON ART SOCIETY
[email protected] (Please send to The Treasurer) Exhibition Curator & Website Manager: Sue Hardy
[email protected] Exhibition Secretary: Fletcher Robinson Tel. 01963 240228 Member’s Signature
[email protected] Programme of Events Other Committee Members: Jane Barnard (Visits Organiser) ......................................................................................................