NHS Borders NHS Borders Education Centre Planning & Performance Borders General Hospital Melrose Roxburghshire TD6 9BD 01896 825545 Foi.Enquiries@Borders.Scot.Nhs.Uk
NHS Borders NHS Borders Education Centre Planning & Performance Borders General Hospital Melrose Roxburghshire TD6 9BD 01896 825545 foi.enquiries@borders.scot.nhs.uk Freedom of Information request 463-15 Request I would like to know how many hospital meals have been thrown away in your hospitals each year for the last five years. Please include all that are not subject to private contracts. What is the total expenditure on food and what proportion is thrown away? I would like the figures separated by year. Response Information regarding the actual number of patient meals thrown away is not held but the average percentage of food waste is calculated from our quarterly waste audits from 2012 onwards, this is detailed as follows: Borders General Hospital Hay Lodge Hospital Knoll Hospital Plated/ Bulk Plated Plated 2011 No data held 2012 4.67/2.08% 0.56% 0.12% 2013 4.16/2.97% 0.31% 0.08% 2014 3.80/4.78% 0.23% 0.14% 2015 (to date) 3.85/3.26% 0.25% 0.16% No data is held on the expenditure of food thrown away, therefore under Section 17 of the FOI(S)A 2002 we cannot provide this information. Total expenditure on food is detailed in the table below. Borders General Hospital Haylodge Hospital Knoll Hospital Total Year £ £ £ £ 2011/12 681,584 19,452 15,466 716,502 2012/13 681,155 30,291 23,287 734,733 2013/14 683,651 28,904 18,294 730,849 2014/15 639,116 35,811 23,418 698,345 April to Nov 15 418,896 22,818 14,429 456,143 Please note that the expenditure figure for the Borders General Hospital covers all off site wards at Hawick Community hospital and Kelso hospital.
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