2014/15 YEAR BOOK






I would like to thank the many people who helped contribute to the production of the year book there are to many to mention But I would like to highlight the wonderful contribution of Simon Shub.

If there is an error in this publication please bring it to our attention so we can update the clubs history.

I hope you enjoy the 2014/15 year book.


Russell Kingdon Year Book Editor

Cover Photograph

Phil Hughes RIP !


The Honourable Ryan Carmody presented his report verbally. It was noted that: On field the club had a mixed result with A grade likely to be relegated to second division after niot winning a game all year; Four of our seven teams made the finals, however only one made the GF and no flags were won. Off field, the social events were well attended and the financial position of the club remains very strong. At the start of the season the committee targeted junior development and enhancing junior rela tionships as a key outcome. This was fully achieved with James Dockery and Dan Clouting to be commended for their commitment to the Bicton Junior club through the year and how they nurtured that relationship. We welcomed Dave McKay as club coach and he made a very positive contribution to our players skills base, particularly mid grade players. Len Blakey is to be commended on the excellent job he did as Chairman of Selectors. This is a tru ly challenging role which Len performed to the highest standard. Due to the new committee composition, the recruitment process commenced late and as a result we probably missed opportunities to secure A grade players. This is a committee priority now. The Club was honored to appoint Burt Baetsen as a Life Member during the year and his contri bution to the club was applauded by all. Murray Tribbeck, former Treasurers role was also acknowledged by the meeting which thanked Murray for his tireless and unselfish service of 10 years.


• Ryan Carmody noted that he had attended the council meeting, at the request of Councilor Cameron Schuster, where the proposed amalgamation of facilities at Shirley Strickland was tabled. The outcome was the council have agreed a pre feasibility review to commence the process. • Jason Markwart advised the meeting that early in the season a letter of intent was provided to Melville City Council for a new turf facility of Tomkins Park. Subsequently, the consolidation process appears to have broken down with the local bowling club not keen to move. As a result the Shirley Strickland option has emerged. • The meeting was advised that Ryan and Jason had met Kent St head, Cory Hugo who indicated that he had formed a strong relationship with Curtin Vic Park on the basis that they hadn’t heard from Ap plecross for some time. We asked Kent St for a commitment and they indicated they had given CVPCC first preference for their facilities and we should speak to them • Ryan noted he had spoken to Mike Viney and their position was not to fixture lower grade sides above a higher grade teams on Turf facilities. • Ultimately, ACC needs to find a permanent home and investigate what turf facilities are available. The meeting noted that Melville City Council seemed interested in putting a 3rd turf in at Tomkins Park and this should be pursued.


• The meeting noted the great work done by Dockers and Clouting the past year and Dockers ad vised that he felt there was a good platform to build on. • Dockery noted that we can only do better from here. The meeting noted that we have had very limited contact with the Ardross junior cricket club. This will change in time as committees change and personalities change.



Ryan Carmody


Financially, 201415 was a good year for the club.

Our bar traded profitably during the year and contributed a net profit of $5,201 which was up from the prior year of $3,698. While our total revenue was slightly lower, we were able to offset this with a reduction in operating costs.

In addition to providing a social forum for our members, the bar is an important contributor to our operat ing costs and the current years result was hard fought. Our functions throughout the year were very suc cessful and included the AFL Grand Final season kick off, Players Tea, Country night at the Races and the Auction Night. Thank you to the member base who supported these events and particularly thanks to the committee members who worked tirelessly to make these events the success that they were.

The cricket department recorded a loss of $7,269, however this included approximately $2,080 from prior years as well as $1,500 for the purchase of a car used for our overseas players.

Pleasingly, with the reduced playing stocks we only saw a slight reduction in membership fees and our costs were well contained during the year.

Our sponsors continue to be the most important aspect of financial support the club can secure and it is absolutely vital that we repay their support with our business. Sponsorship fee income for the year was $13,990, however in addition to this we received a further $5,275 in vouchers and other support which we were able to use for player incentives and end of round awards.

The Auction night was again a huge success generating in excess of $4,500.

The combined result for the year was a loss of $1,326, however after adjusting for the costs of the prior year, the adjusted result was a small profit of $754. A good result.

Finally, on behalf of the club, I would like to acknowledge the significant and substantial contribution of Murray Tribbeck who has been our Treasurer for the last 10 years. Murray came to the club at a time when the club was in a bit of trouble financially. He brought a financial discipline which was needed and for the last 10 years has provided the committee with excellent and unselfish service which allowed us to control our costs and manage the club within its means. The strong financial position we find ourselves in today is Murrays legacy to the club and indeed, we are greatly indebted to Murrays outstanding contribution.

Jason Markwart Acting Treasurer

2014 / 15 Term Deposits Profit & Loss Statement Fund

Income $ 83,805.00 Opening Balance $ 54,704 Expenditure $ 85,131.00 Interest $ 1,310

Annual Profit/ Loss $ 1,326.00 Closing Balance $ 56,014

Balance Brought Forward $ 11,191.00

Closing Bank Balance $ 8,555.00

Page 6

AUDITOR’S REPORT Constitution Reference Auditor 1. At each Annual General Meeting (AGM) there shall be elected an Honorary Auditor who shall submit the annual Statement of Accounts and Balance sheet for the club and shall certify to same. 2. The Honorary Auditor shall not be an officer or a member of the Executive Committee.

Deane Criddle - CPA: 9264752 16 Warner Court Manning WA 6152




In accordance with clause 16(1) of the Constitution of the Applecross Cricket Club (Inc), I have audited the attached Statement of Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet (collectively the Financial Statements) for the year ended 30th April 2015. The audit has been conducted to express an opinion to the committee of the Applecross Cricket Club (Inc.) on the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements.

The Committee is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements and have determined the basis of accounting used as appropriate to the needs of the Applecross Cricket Club. The Financial Statements have been prepared in order to satisfy the reporting requirements of the Committee and the Constitution of the Applecross Cricket Club. I do not accept any responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the Financial Statements to which my opinion relates, to any person other than the Com mittee members, or for any purpose other than for which it was prepared.

My audit has been conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. My procedures in cluded examination on test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the Finan cial Statements and evaluation of significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertak en to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the Financial Statement are presented fairly and represent an accurate view of the trading activities for the year. The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.


Due to the high level of cash transactions, it is not possible for me to ascertain whether all cash transac tions have been reported and accounting controls maintained during the course of the year. As a result it is not possible for my examination to provide sufficient comfort to form an opinion on income as shown in the attached Financial Statements. I do note that from the information and source documents I have been provided that the accounts have been properly compiled.


Apart from the above qualification, in my opinion the Financial Statements of the Applecross Cricket Club have been properly drawn up to give a true and fair view of the financial performance and financial assets of the club for the year ended 30 April 2015.

Yours sincerely Deane Criddle Dated: 3 May 2015


The club would like to thank the following sponsors and look forward to building future relationships with these company's and encourage everyone to support them when the opportunity arises.

Major Sponsors

Salt Property

Mortgage Solutions

Recruit West

Chippers Funerals

McClure Accountants

Bradford Legal

H.S Sales

Bedshed—Cockburn , O’Connor , Mandurah

Pool & Spa Mart Bullcreek

Barris Accounting Man of Match Sponsors

Clancy’s Fish Pub

Applecross Pizza Bar

Liqour Barons Brentwood

Slater & Gartrell Sports

Pancho’s Mexican Restaurant

Hippocampus Metropolitan Distillery


It was an honour to accept the invitation of the President to take on the Chairman of Selectors role at the ACC for this past season. It has been a challenging, humbling yet very rewarding experience. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to be involved with the on field operations of the Club each week. There was a great vibe during preseason, with well attended training at Leeming indoor and then Stricko outdoor. This was greatly helped with the appointment of Dave McKay as Senior Coach and Chris Cooper as Nets Captain. This put us in good stead to start the season well and have good structures in place. Macca and Coops were also great support for me during the season and enabled me to focus on se lections. Unfortunately, it soon became apparent with on field results that we were probably short a few key play ers and were going to struggle in the higher grades. There was also an ongoing issue of lacking consistent availability of players. This had impact in lower grades as well with players shuffling upwards to fill spots. Apart from regular injuries, it also seemed that the work/life balance to be available for cricket has changed over the years, with FIFO, shift work and increased family commitments all having an influence. This meant that we weren’t really able to establish ideal stability, with 159 players taking the field across seven teams; 48 of those passing through the 3rd XI (6th grade) alone. This did present good opportunities for some though, with Simon Shub, Steve Mathews and Jason Mark wart making their 1st grade debut, on the back of strong performances in 3rd grade. We were also able to provide other younger players with good turf experience in 3rd grade, with the ongoing development of guys such as Josh Dawson, Jamie Stackpole and Josh Brennan. A positive connection with the Bicton Junior Cricket Club was established with the excellent coaching involvement of James Dockery and Dan Clouting. This provided another good stream of players with the likes of Sam Ainge, Ryan Jones, Jarrod Crowley, plus Josh Brennan as already mentioned; all excellent future prospects for the ACC. Sincere congratulations to the BJCC lads for winning their flag this sea son !! We also had regular other new players to the ACC, such as Adam Palumbo, Awais Mehdi, Shohan Bow ala, Bobby Banerjee, Geoff Swingler, Michael VennBrown, Conor Hutton, Alex Bell and Visura Fernan do. These are all quality players and we hope to see a lot more of them in the future. I’d like to thank Jez, Scotty, Coops, KVP, Fez and Gus for their support, understanding and involvement with selections during the season. Although we perhaps didn’t always agree, I feel that we were able to listen and understand different opinions and perspectives. Thanks also to Jen Hattenfels for coordinating the 1D3s and doing a great job sorting out any admin issues there. Having four teams make finals (6th, 1D1, 1D2, 1D3) would seem to be an okay result for the Club, but a shame that we were not able to bring home any felt. As I mentioned, it’s been a great experience for me to fill the CoS role this season. My primary goals were to be open with communications and fair in selections. I hope that I have gone some way to achieving those ambitions. However, after quite a stint of heavy ACC involvement over the years, my family has requested that I can now be more available to them for a while. I would recommend the role to anyone who is proud to wear the baggy red and prepared to have a crack. However, I would strongly suggest (as my predecessor also recommended) to encourage the increasing use of technology (such as the MyCricket facility) to aid in player availability updating and communications. Too much time is currently spent having to chase for updates from half of the playing group, when they should be more proactive and respectful by letting you know their availability status directly. Personally, I’m already looking forward to preseason 2015/16 and getting the whites out of storage again !

















This year the club bestowed Life Membership to Burt Baetsen. Burt has become the 16th life member of the ACC. His record and contribution for the club speaks for its self. Burt welcome to the club.

Burt debuted for the club in 1979 and is the only member to span his playing career over all 5 decades of the clubs history.

Burt has played in 3 premierships sides at the club including one as skipper and the inaugural flag in the 81/82 season where he took 3/38 as a tear away quick and featured in a runout.

Burts Statistics read as follows:

· Currently Played 297 games including: 25 1st XI games (including the 81/82 premiership in 4th grade) 20 2nd XI games 43 3rd XI games 87 4th XI games (including the 99/00 premiership in 6th grade) 12 5th XI games 84 6th XI games 26 7th XI games (including the 04/05 1day premiership as skipper)

· Scored 2373 runs with a highest score of 81

· Currently the clubs leading wicket taker on 546 with the best figures of 6/13

· Taken 110 catches

· Club Fairest and Best awards 4

· Winner of an Association Bowling Award in 2012/13 in One Day Division 2 with 26 wickets

· 12 years on the ACC committee including 3 years as president and also 2 years as Treas urer

· Has also recently held a position on the AMPSA committee for a number of years

But even when Burt hasn’t been holding an official position on the committee he has always been happy to work behind the scenes in ensuring new players feel welcome, working behind the bar, auction night and maintenance jobs etc


Played: 11 Won: 1 Lost: 10 Draws: 0 Position Finished: 12th


With 100 to score on the last day of the season to register our first win I reached for a quote from singer James Taylor to sum up our year.

'I've seen fire and i've seen rain, i've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend.' Ben Solomon was quick to point out James Taylor also saw 'Sunny days that he thought would never end' and the only sunny days we'd seen had been the ones standing in the field. As if to perfectly make their own summations of our season clear the umpires pulled stumps after allowing only 20 minutes drying time, rendering us 'winless' for the year, a title none of us wear comfortably or easily. By the time the rain finally fell we had been at the pub for 4 hours and the reflections on our season had drifted into amusing anecdotes but most importantly onto the subject of how we can improve next year and force our way back into 1st grade.

With only 1 person playing the final corresponding fixture in A grade from the previous year and a further 7 pulling out throughout the year we were always going to be hard pressed to mix it with what was easily the strongest A grade comp in my 3 years with ACC. You cannot truly gauge the character of a person un til they face adversity and through the year I have seen some tremendous character on display. Losing 4 outrights in a row hurts your pride no matter how much you pretend it doesn't and the ability of some peo ple to keep picking themselves up for another fight was commendable.

Special mentions and thanks go to Anthony Brennan and to Damian O'Hara, two stalwarts who kept turn ing up positive, kept fighting and were two of our best performers. There were some notable performances from new faces that can only mean a more positive future for 1st grade and the club. Awais Mehdi, a swashbuckling bastman and a very good spinner with the ability to bowl long and tight spells. Adam Pa lumbo with some useful big hitting down the order but most importantly a consistent opening bowler with the ability to come on at any stage throughout the innings and maintain his pace, direction and stamina. Adam proved this by bowling an immense spell of 38 overs straight, taking 6 0 odd.

To rebuild we need to take on this seasons lessons and combine it with the resolve displayed by those who saw the season through, start to finish.

Next October is a new season and our visit to 2nd grade next year is only going to be a short stay. ACC is a first grade club that should have it's A grade playing in the first grade comp.

Regards Jeremy Toswill

Page 12 1ST XI CAPTAINS REPORT ‘Continued’

“They say the darkest hour is right before the dawn and in the hour of greatest slaughter the great avenger is being born “

Is this you. ?



WKT RUNS BATSMAN OPPONENT 1 51 Leigh Petherick / Steve Mathews Swan Athletic 2 3 42 Lachlan Hogg / Awais Mehdi Doubleview Carine 4 5 37 Awais Mehdi / Adam Palumbo Doubleview Carine 6 80 Jeremy Tosswill David Scheffer Swan Athletic 7 8 34 Ben Solomon / Adam Palumbo Bedford Morley 9 33 Ben Solomon / Damian O’Hara Bedford Morley 10 40 Jason Markwart / Simon Shub Doubleview Carine




No nominations for the year

Page 14 2ND XI CAPTAINS REPORT SCOTT CURREN Played: 11 Won: 2 Lost: 9 Draws: 0 Position Finished: 11th


Last year we only lost 2 games on the way to winning the 3rd grade premiership, while this year we managed only 2 wins to finish near the bottom. There is immense joy in being part of a premiership and you would think that this year would be complete ly different but I found the season as a whole to be just as enjoyable and rewarding as last season, albeit in different ways. Winning on two games means that those wins are a little more special and one game stands out this season and that was the game against Bassendean. Having bowled first we were tasked with chasing down 237 for the victory. The season we were having and had that seemed like a monumental and almost impossible task. However, on this day we managed to build a few decent partnerships to put us in a position to win although always slightly behind the eight ball. Needing 49 to win for the last wicket, Shaggers through caution to the wind, scoring a swashbuckling 70 and with dogged support from Mark Nichols at the other end, who nudged and glanced his way to 13, they put on 52 runs to get us to victory. They were supported by some good innings from Josh Dawson (24), Steve Mathews (34) and V Fernando (47) up the order.

One of the most pleasing parts for me throughout the season was the youth coming through which we haven’t seen for a few years. Our premiership side the year before had an average age of around 30 but this year this dropped significantly. We had at time 45 guys that were 20 or under and a couple that were 16. It was a pleasure to be able to see these guys make a valuable contribution to the team and few move up to the 1st team and make very useful contributions there as well. In saying that it was not only the young players that came through but we also had those that come up from the lower grades, at times, to fill spots and once again they made valuable contributions and hopeful ly showed themselves that they can play at that level.

The most overriding sense of enjoyment throughout the season was that we competed. All I asked from the team was a 100% effort regardless of what skills they bought to the team and on the whole, apart from a session here or there, every single player stood up and did that and I think we had a good few laughs along the way.

Regards Scott Curren


WKT RUNS BATSMAN OPPONENT 1 50 Michael Shaw / David Barker Swan Valley 2 66 Scott Curren Visura Fernando Bassendean 3 36 Jamie Stackpole - Steve Mathews Tuart Hill 4 53 Alex Bell - Bobby Banerjee Swan Valley 5 52 Jamie Stackpole - Carrington Shepherd Tuart Hill 6 50 Tristram Fletcher - Nathan Petherick Bedford Morley 7 35 Awais Mehdi - Patrick Henning Balcatta 8 46 Tristram Fletcher Joshua Dawson Doubleview Carine 9 38 Carrington Shepherd Simon Shub Murdoch Melville 10 52 Jason Markwart Mark Nicholls Bassendean





Played: 14 Won: 7 Lost: 7 Draws: 0 Position Finished : 4th LOST SEMI FINAL

The Harddeck Heroes exceeded expectations during the 2014/2015 season. Having been relegated from 5th grade to 6th grade, the boys were eager to redeem themselves and play an exciting brand of cricket.

Unfortunately, the ‘parttime’ cricketer raised their ugly head and we were unable to field a consistent side throughout the season. When we found our rhythm with the ball and our patience with the bat, we played brilliant twoday cricket.

I was very proud of the effort the boys put in to reach the semifinal. We played a very competitive game against BedfordMorley and unfortunately we lost, however, the bruised egos that we managed to inflict left a lasting scar as they were unable to perform the next week in the grand final.

I was fortunate enough to keep a core bunch of players in the side and I’d like to thank Tom Cruise, Bk, Rowdy, PJ, Steggles and Shawbo for their efforts every week. It was an honour to play alongside you guys this year.

I was also lucky to see a number of young players develop throughout the season. Jamie Stackpole, Josh Brennan Michael VennBrown are three younger players who showed on a number of occasions that they will go on and play a lot of good cricket for this club.

Lastly, I’d like to thank Dan Clouting who came into the side as a keeper when we were struggling halfway through the season. Dan is a very capable cricketer and showed his talents when he made 102 (no) and carried his bat in the performance of the season.

Lastly, it was a great honour to be given the captaincy of the club’s 3rd XI for the 2014/2015 season.

Thank you to the Committee, Lenny as Chairman of Selectors and Dave as Coach for giving me the opportunity and the support throughout the season.

Lock it in.


Page 17 Graham and Chris Cooper after their first fixture together 3RD XI BATTING PARTNERSHIPS

WKT RUNS BATSMAN OPPONENT 1 55 Michael Shaw / Aamir Abbas Bentley 2 105 Dan Clouting Peter Jordan Doubleview Carine 3 61 Michael Shaw / Len Blakey Bentley 4 73 Peter Jordan Len Blakey Tuart Hill 5 53 Awais Mehdi Aamir Abbas Subiaco Marist 6 7 32 Chris Cooper / Brendon King Bedford Morley 8 54 Peter Jordan Christopher Cooper Tuart Hill 9 91 Campbell Ince Christopher Cooper Balcatta 10 31 Michael VennBrown Sujeevan Shanmuganathan Curtin Vic Park



Dan Clouting Doubleview Carine 102 no


No nominations for the season

Page 18 4TH XI CAPTAINS REPORT KIERAN VANPRAAG Played: 14 Won : 2 Lost : 12 Draws : 0 Position Finished : 8th DID NOT PLAY FINALS

I took on the role of captain for the first time this year and can look back on a season of valuable lessons, improvements and challenges with a large feeling of pride.

8th Grade is an ideal entry point into club cricket for many junior players and we were very fortunate to see a multitude of talented young lads come into the team who flourished with both bat and ball. I would par ticularly like to congratulate Joshua Brennan, Jarrod Crowley, Ashal Wahid and Ryan Jones on their per formances this season and can say with strong conviction that they have what it takes to push for selection in the higher grades next season based on what the club has seen of them so far.

2014/15 also saw the introduction of a oneofakind player in Conor Hutton who came out of absolutely nowhere to learn a brand new sport and quickly establish himself as one of the club’s favourite characters. Conor came to ACC with essentially no cricket experience but very good handeye coordination from Hurl ing and trained harder than anyone else at the club to secure his position as opening batsmen for the ma jority of the season. I would also argue that he has the safest pair of hands at the club but that can be dis cussed over a beer another time.

As is the way with 8th Grade, we typically end up with a variety of players over the course of the season which affords the opportunity to inject some older and wiser heads into the changing lineup. As a first year captain, the sagely advice of Burt Baetsen and Vince Stackpole in particular has been extremely help ful for the team and also for my own development and for that I thank them for their insight and assis tance. Performance wise, the win loss record of 2/12 doesn’t sound overly glamorous but with hand on heart I can say that we put in some extremely solid efforts and managed to put the fear of god into many of the higher placed teams this season with some very close results. Setting a defendable total and consistent batting stock was certainly the biggest issue we had this year and plenty more batting in the nets next season will go a long way towards rectifying this. Bowling and fielding wise, we set a fantastic standard for this grade with fielding and both of our wins came from exemplary displays in the field where catches were held and run out opportunities were taken. Our bowlers toiled hard week after week and were well led by the ever economical and probing line and lengths of James Dockery who certainly deserved his awards for bowling and best and fairest this season.

In closing, 2014/15 for 8th Grade was a season of new faces, a brilliant showcase of upcoming talent at ACC and noticeable improvement with the established players too. On a personal note, I thoroughly enjoyed the extra responsibility as captain and felt that it helped develop my own skillsets further. I would certainly welcome the opportunity to lead the lads again in 2015/2016. A particularly big thanks to all of the support staff who make the club run like clockwork behind the scenes. Everything from net coaches to bar staff to the cooks to the chairman of selectors; your work is invaluable to the ongoing success of this club. To my wife and all the other partners that gave up their men for the last 6 months, thank you on behalf of all the lads.

Bring on 2015/16! Kieran Vanpraag

Both teams paying there respects to Phillip Hughes. Page 19 4TH XI BATTING PARTNERSHIPS

WKT RUNS BATSMAN OPPONENT 1 44 Brett Stralow / Matthew Campbell High Wycombe 2 77 Len Blakey / Alex Weir Curtin Vic Park 3 31 David Barker / Wassem Javaid Bedford Morley 4 27 Richard Manning / Ryan Jones Freo Mosman Park 5 42 Ashal Wahid / Richard Curren Freo Mosman Park 6 32 Ryan Jones / Waseem Javaid Freo Mosman Park 7 113 Muhammad Zaheer / Nick Ashbrook Curtin Vic Park 8 47 Ryan Jones / Richard Curren Bassendean 9 10 25 Asankja Wickramanayake / Sam McNamara Western Suburbs




We played Curtin Vic Park at Frazer Park with only 10 men. After an good opening partnership of 31 we collapsed to be 6 for 58. Muhammad Zaheer and Nick Ashbrook then put on 113 for the 7th wicket.


Played: 18 Won: 8 Lost: 8 Draws: 2 Position Finished : 3rd LOST SEMI FINAL

This year was a bit of a struggle.

Unlike the previous two years, numbers were a massive issue this year with the side having only 7-8 ‘regulars’ with at least two constantly rotation ‘ring-ins’ every week. This not only made managing the team extremely difficult, but also was never good for the balance of the team. A huge thanks has to go to Len Blakey as Chairman of Selectors for the work he put in to finding us an 11th man late on a Saturday morning on numerous occasions.

Despite this, we managed to scrape into finals, mainly on the back of some terrific individual performances with both the bat and ball.

The season is best epitomised by our final two matches of the season, both against Murdoch Uni Melville. We faced up against them in round 18 with a depleted side and were facing a chase of 230 before rain interrupted our innings.

The next game (the Semi Final) we were back to full strength and rolled Murdoch Uni Melville for 123, ulti- mately falling 7 runs and 5 balls short of their target.

A bit more consistency within the team may have made all the difference throughout the year, however I must commend the lads for a fun-filled year and really stepping up when it mattered and getting us through to the finals for the 3rd year in a row.

Alexander “Fez” Kerr



1 117 Scott Jackson - Gareth Ringrose Bassendean

2 85 Ross Smith - Gareth Ringrose Western Suburbs 3 59 Ross Smith Sean Heath Swanbourne 4 56 Waseem Javaid Mark Hager Western Suburbs 5 118 Mark Hager - Alex James Subiaco Marist 6 62 Mark Hager - Brenton Jackson DoubleviewCarine 7 79 Ross Smith Alexander Kerr Subiaco Marist 8 Western Suburbs 9 Murdoch Melville 10 25 Ross Smith Alexander McGlue Western Suburbs SIRS





Played: 16 Won: 13 Lost: 2 Draw: 1 Position Finished : 2nd LOST SEMI FINAL

The 2014/2015 season started full of promise for the one day 2s. After the retirement of Leroy Wardell–Johnson we were invigorated with 2 “new” recruits. Todd burgess who returned after a few years hiatus and his mate, Jeremy Harvey. Both guys fitted our demographic perfectly and were great fun to play with. Coming off a fantastic season the year before where we had finished 1st and won the flag, we were looking to go back to back this season. The home and away season saw us with a win/loss record of 13 victories, 2 losses and a 1 draw (which was a washout against last year’s grand final opposition, Western Suburbs). We finished on equal points with last year’s grand final opposition, Western Suburbs Green, but ended up 2nd due to a slightly inferior net run rate position. We were the highest scoring side for the year and lost the least number of wickets doing so. We were also the most miserly bowling attack, however, we took 12 less wickets than Western Suburbs Green (who played 1 extra game) and I presume this explains why we finished 2nd rather than 1st.

In any event, we were happy with the result which meant that we played Bentley in a semi–final at Winthrop. We had played Bentley twice during the season for 1 win apiece, however, we were confident going into the semi–final that we had Bentley’s measure. Bentley are a side with simi lar vintage players to us so it was a battle of age and experience.

We were greeted with the sight of a very unusual boundary marking at Winthrop Reserve where the contractor had managed to mark the boundary with a bench seat within the playing area.

Unfortunately, I lost the toss and Bentley chose to bat. They were 2–75 at the half–way mark and this was not a bad score on the slow ground with large boundaries. We struggled to contain them and to take wickets. This was not helped when I dropped their number 3 batsman who was eventually bowled by Rob Pulley for 61 runs. They ended up with 187 runs from their 40 overs, which was a large score to chase in a semi–final.

Darren Monument, as he had done all season, bowled well firing down 8 overs and taking 2–32. Bruce Calder was the pick of our bowlers and unlucky to only take 1 wicket, bowling his 7 overs and taking 1–24. Robert Pulley once again won the bowling aggregate for the side taking 26 wick ets at 13.04. Unfortunately, this was not quite enough to surpass Bert’s wicket–taking record but I’m sure Don has many more games ahead of him yet and it is making for an entertaining rivalry around the club.


We were a side who had hit big scores all year and felt that if we got off to a good start we were a chance of chasing down the total. We started with an opening partnership of 68 from 16 overs and were well on track at that point. At the half–way mark we were 1–73, a very similar score to our opposition. We had Doug Stirling who was in sublime form and Rob Pulley who topped the batting aggregate in the competi tion with 597 runs, at the crease. Unfortunately, we could not get going after last drinks and failed to put together any reasonable partnerships despite our extensive batting line–up. To their credit, Bentley bowled well and kept the pressure on us, and as we all know, chasing large scores in finals is always a diffi cult proposition.

We ended up being bowled out for 159 in 38.1 overs thereby falling 18 runs short of a further grand final appearance. In some slight consolation, Bentley went on to win the felt.

It was an extremely disappointing end to the season as we had once again played solid and sometimes spec tacular cricket during the season. We regularly hit large scores throughout the year with 9 scores of over 180 and 5 scores of over 200. Most of our lower scores were due to batting 2nd and not having many to chase. Our highest score was 268 runs v Western Suburbs Gold, which included an amazing partnership of 102 runs between Adrian Hackett and Rhys Jenkins in 11 overs, with Hack making 81 of those runs.

Hack had an incredible season with the bat with 8 innings, 6 not outs, 1 (103 not out), an aggre gate of 301 and an average of 150.5. Amazingly this was not sufficient to win the Association Batting Av erage Award. He won our batting average award.

Robert Pulley was clearly our Fairest and Best Player again playing all matches, batting in all matches, hitting 5 half centuries with a highest score of 92 runs, an aggregate of 597 and an average of 45.92. He also passed the career milestone of 7,000 runs. We had 4 batsmen in the top 11 for the aggregate for the year, which included Matt Campbell, Hack and Rhys Jenkins.

Doug Stirling who started the season late, had 9 innings and ended up with an aggregate of 290 runs. He hit a high score of 130 not out, carrying his bat v Fremantle Mosman Park. He also batted well in the semi –final for 40 runs.

Bowling–wise, in the same game that we hit 268 against a hapless Western Suburbs Gold, we also managed to bowl them out for 74. This saw our new recruit, Jeremy Harvey, put in his best bowling performance of the season, taking 4/10 from 5 overs.

Other notable bowling performances over the year were Rob Pulley with 4/24 v Fremantle Mosman Park and 5/30 v Murdoch University Melville Cricket Club. Ken MacPherson took 4/59 against Western Suburbs whilst Hack took 4/7 v Murdoch University Melville. Darren Monument, ever reliable, took 5/15 v Tuart Hill and had the most miserly economy rate in the competition of 2.66 runs per over.

Darren Monument took out the award for best with 17 wickets at 8.76. Don, Mono and Jono Seen (18 wickets at 14.22) were all in the top 11 bowlers (by wicket aggregate) for our grade.

Once again it was a very enjoyable season with a disappointing end result. We are certainly not getting any younger but I am sure we will be no less enthusiastic to take on the competition again in the 2015/2016 season. I would like to thank all the boys in our side for the support and their efforts over the year and the Club for once again giving me the opportunity to Captain a side for the wonderful ACC.

Onwards and upwards for next year!

Gus !


WKT RUNS BATSMAN OPPONENT 1 76 Doug Stirling Angus Castley Freo Mosman Park 2 163 no Doug Stirling Robert Pulley Freo Mosman Park 3 95 Angus Castley Rhys Jenkins Bentley 4 128 Robert Pulley Rhys Jenkins Freo Mosman Park 5 102 Adrian Hackett Rhys Jenkins Western Suburbs (G)

6 63 Robert Pulley Adrian Hackett High Wycombe

7 36 Rhys Jenkins Jonathan Seen Kalamunda 8 17 Bruce Calder / Richard Campbell Bentley 9 14 Jonathan Seen Darren Monument Bentley 10



Adrian Hacket Tuart Hill 103 no

Doug Stirling Freo Mosman Park 130 no


No nominations


Played: 16 Won: 10 Lost : 4 Draw : 2 Position Finished : 2nd LOST GRAND FINAL

The Applecross Cricket Club One Day 3 Division enjoyed a brilliant year both on and off the field for the 2014/2015 season. The side completed the season in 2nd place on the League Ladder and were very narrowly beaten in the Grand Final by only 1 wicket against League Leaders Tuart Hill.

Stefan Vucens, Garry Mawdesley, Mark Hattenfels, Stuart Kaschula and Dan Rogers all had fine years with the bat making over 200 runs for the season. Steven Wilson chipped in with very handy runs late in the innings to end up averaging 44.33. Mark Hattenfels made 3 50’s for the season.

Troy Sutherland had a brilliant year with the ball taking 23 wickets @ an average of 7.22, with two 5 for performances, best being 6 for 19. Troy also took 2 Hatricks for the season, a fantastic effort. Michael Ma her had a good season taking 16 wickets from 9 matches at an average of 11.75. Mark Wiley, Stephen Wil son, Russell Brownley and Staurt Kaschula all took over 10 wickets for the year.

Team Captain Garry Mawdesley played his 100th game for the Applecross Cricket Club and was presented with his club cap my fellow 100 Gamer Michael Maher before the match.

The highlight of the year batting wise was the brilliant 5th Round clash against BedfordMorley where the 8th Wicket Parnership between Mark Wiley and Ryan Hathrill was an excellent 200 runs.

Our Captain Garry Mawdesley did a fine job throughout the season and lead with positive tactics and read the games very well, making mostly the right moves. Also ViceCaptain Stefan Vucens helped wherever he could and was able to lead the team well when Garry was not playing.

Also socially the team had a great year, with the season always friendly and social with good banter aa round. 3 times the average age of the team was taken, on each occasion it was around 47 years of age. So a true Old Boys team it was, what a great time had by all.

Thanks to Mr Murray Sutherland and Mr Geoff Stearn for their continued solid support to our team, they always help where they can and are there to help us out. Also thanks to Jen Hattenfels for her excellent help with Team Coordination throughout the whole season.

We were proud of the season, frustrated that we could not end off the season with a Preniership, however realise that as a group playing as genuine Veterans, we had an excellent year.

Thanks to all of the players and squad that helped out during the season, we had 26 players play for the side during the season, a great thanks to everyone.


WKT RUNS BATSMAN OPPONENT 1 78 Dan Rogers Mark Hattenfels Western Suburbs 2 59 Dan Rogers / Stuart Kaschula Tuart Hill 3 63 Stuart Kaschula Mark Hattenfels Swan Valley 4 60 Mark Hattenfels Stefan Vucens Western Suburbs 5 53 Stefan Vucens Brad Cousins Tuart Hill 6 56 Brad Cousins Mark Wiley Swan Valley 7 71 Garry Mawdesley Stephen Wilson Western Suburbs 8 67 Ryan Hathrill - Mark Wiley Bedford Morley 9 43 Stephen Wilson Mark Wiley Swan Valley 10 27 Michael Shepherd / John Austin Swan Valley





1ST XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Awais Mehdi 232 Runs @ 23.20

Bowling Anthony Brennan 13 Wickets @ 23.23 “The Robert Pulley Award” Damien O’Hara Best & Fairest

2ND XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Carrington Shepherd 179 Runs @ 17.90 Bowling Simon Shub 16 Wickets @ 16.63 Best & Fairest Simon Shub

3RD XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Peter Jordan 256 Runs @ 32.00 Bowling Chris Cooper 22 Wickets @ 17.09

Best & Fairest Brendon King

4TH XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Josh Brennan 143 Runs @ 28.60 Bowling James Dockery 20 Wickets @ 21.80 Best & Fairest James Dockery

5TH XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Alex James 316 Runs @ 28.73 Bowling Alex McGlue 33 Wickets @ 12.85 Best & Fairest Ross Smith

6TH XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Robert Pulley 597 Runs @ 45.92 Bowling Robert Pulley 26 Wickets @ 13.04 Best & Fairest Robert Pulley

7TH XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting Stefan Vucens 319 Runs @ 19.94 Bowling Troy Sutherland 23 Wickets @ 7.22 Best & Fairest Troy Sutherland

8TH XI NAME ACHIEVED Batting N/A N/A Bowling N/A N/A Best & Fairest N/A N/A


AWARD WINNER Best Clubman Len Blakey Presidents Trophy Chris Cooper

Best All Rounder Robert Pulley The “Brett McGregor” Josh Dawson Most Determined To Succeed Trophy Best Future Prospect Josh Brennan Most Improved Not Presented Woodduck Not Presented The “Tom Morgan” Mark Hagar Fielding Award 100 Gamers v Presidents XI President XI Aubrey King Medallion Not Presented

Coaches Award Connor Hutton Paul Pierce Shield ( Applecross v Tuart Hill) Tuart Hill Best First Year Player Awais Mehdi

WASTCA Trophy Winners N/A


Grade Winners Club Championship

Position Finished : 18th

Premierships Points : 7.06


WKT RUNS BATSMAN GRADE OPPONENT 1 117 Scott Jackson - Gareth Ringrose One Day 1 Subiaco Marist 2 163 Doug Stirling - Robert Pulley One Day 2 Freo Mosman Park 3 95 Angus Castley - Rhys Jenkins One Day 2 Bentley 4 128 Robert Pulley - Rhys Jenkins One Day 2 Freo Mosman Park 5 118 Mark Hagar - Alex James One Day 1 Subiaco Marist 6 80 Jeremy Toswill - David Scheffer 1st Grade Swan Athletic 7 113 Muhammad Zaheer - Nick Ashbrook 8th Grade Curtin Vic Park 8 54 Ryan Hathrill - Mark Wiley One Day 3 Tuart Hill

9 91 Campbell Ince Christopher Cooper 6th Grade Balcatta 10 52 Jason Markwart - Mark Nicholls 3rd Grade Bassendean

Matt Campbell and Bruce Calder having a beer celebrating Matt’s baby boy.



100th Game 250th Wicket 7,000 Runs 100 Catches Mark Hager Anthony Brennan Robert Pulley Richard Campbell Leigh Petherick David Scheffer 200th Wicket 6,500 Runs 50 Catches Chris Cooper Darren Monument Doug Stirling Scott Jackson Gary Mawdesley 50th Game 150th Wicket 3,500 Runs Russell Brownley Chris Cooper Damian O’Hara Patrick Henning Alex James 100th Wicket 3,000 Runs Antonio Shanmuganathan Tristram Fletcher Jack Barendse Scott Jackson Stuart Kaschula 2,500 Runs Carrington Shepherd

2,000 Runs Adrian Hackett Rhys Jenkins Mark Hagar Vince Stackpole Stuart Kaschula


# NAME # NAME # NAME 52 Des Carruthers 168 Brad Douglas 53 Val Steenholdt 169 Brad Weir 54 Steve Melville 170 Michael Kapiteyn 55 George Prince 171 Greg Oldfield 56 Eric Taylor ( Dec) 57 Russell Kingdon 58 Peter Hewitt 59 Greg Harrison Ward 87 Robert Pulley 88 Brett McGregor 114 Tom Morgan 115 Richard Mulroney 116 Nick Ashbrook 117 Ken Macpherson 118 Andrew Sproul 164 Burt Baetsen 165 Doug Stirling 166 Brad Favas 167 Glenn Wright

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All Grades in History

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year Grade 1 Anthony Barranca / Paul Barber 202 Balcatta 2005 / 06 1st 2 Robert Wilton / Ron Kang 195 Murdoch Uni 1993 / 94 One Day 3 Al Field / Bruce Calder 195 no Bedford Morley 2001 / 02 One Day 4 Greg Pennefather / Brad Weir 238* * Doubleview 1993 / 94 7th 5 L Wardell Johnson / Lee Monument 202 no** Tuart Hill 2004 / 05 One Day 6 Robert Wilton / Darren Monument 126 Wembley Downs 2001 / 02 5th 7 Greg Pennefather / Shane Berzinski 232** Whitfords 1994 / 95 6th 8 Adrian Hackett / Hayden Drage 145 Western Suburbs 2008 / 09 3rd 9 Alex Weir / Robert Pulley 138 Mosman Park 1984 / 85 5th 10 Gavin Pascoe / Brad Weir 76 no Tuart Hill 2011 / 12 5th

** WASTCA Batting Record for that Grade

Highest Team Score for Applecross 9 / 414 dec Bentley 1987 / 88 7th Highest Team Score Against Applecross 8 / 418 Wembley 1990 / 91 8th

Lowest Team Score For Applecross 21 Western Suburbs 2013 /14 5th Lowest Oppositions Team Score 13 Freo Mosman Park 2010 / 11 10th

Most Runs Scored in a Season by ACC Player Robert Wilton 1210 1993 / 94 One Day Competition

Most Wickets Taken in a Season by ACC Player Kevin Blades 77 1977 / 78 7th

Highest Individual Score by ACC Player Stephen Perer 189 Shenton Park 1995 / 96 1st

Best Bowling Performance by ACC Player Stephen Scott in an Innings 9 for 21 Tuart Hill 2003 / 04 7th Jason Ramsay in an Innings 9 for 28 Servite 1983 / 84 U 16s Ross Tozer in an Innings 9 for 31 WAIT 1975 / 76 7th Andy Walton (1st Grade G.F) in an Innings 9 for 60 Subiaco Marist 2004 / 05 1st Kevin Blades in an Match 13 for 41 Old Wesley 1977 / 78 7th Highest Individual Score Against ACC Roger Hearn (Batting at number 6) 237 no Curtin Uni 1989 / 90 4th

Best Bowling Performance Against ACC Tom Garvey 8 for 10 Whitfords 1975 / 76 7th

Highest Batting Partnership Against ACC 1st Wicket 0 / 297 Whitfords 2002 / 03 6th

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Grade 1 Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Anthony Barranca / Paul Barber 202 Balcatta 2005 / 06 2 Greg Oldfield / Kip Marcar 146 MNOB 2001 / 02 3 Chris Mole / Greg Oldfield 191 Tuart Hill 2001 / 02 4 Brendan Crowder / Peter Jordon 170 Bassendean 2005 / 06 5 Paul Holtham / Andy Walton 129 South Perth 2003 / 04 6 Brendan Crowder / Paul Barber 77 D/View Carine 2004 / 05 7 Greg Oldfield / Richard Mulroney 123 Victoria Park 1994 / 95 8 Cameron Stirling / Greg Oldfield 103 Wembley Downs 1999 / 00 9 Alex Weir / Justin May 76 Bentley 2004 / 05 9 Damian O'Hara / Justin Crowder 76 Swanbourne 1998 / 99 10 Alex Weir / Subajan Sivandran 66 Western Suburbs 2006 / 07

Highest Team Score for Applecross 399 South Perth 2003 / 04 Lowest Oppositions Score 61 Tuart Hill 2003 / 04

Highest Individual Score Stefan Perer 189 Shenton Park 1995 / 96

Best Bowling Performance Andy Walton ( Grand Final) in an Innings 9 for 60 Subiaco Marist 2004 / 05

Grade 2

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Paul Barber / Mark Hullett 112 Kalamunda 2007 / 08 2 Peter Spencer / Tom Morgan 125 MNOB 1987 / 88 3 Rocky Musolino / Allan Williamson 82 Bassendean 1991 / 92 4 Mark Anderson / Richard Lynch 94 Shenton Park 1992 / 93 5 Richard Lynch / Robert Pulley 116 Murdoch Uni 1992 / 93 6 Mark Hagar / Ben Cadd 98 Curtin Vic Park 2007 / 08 7 Wayne Rideout / Brett McGregor 75 Mosman Park 1984 / 85 8 Phil Sexton / Nick Ashbrook 69 Nedlands 1987 / 88 9 Carrington Shepherd / Alex Weir 62 Swanborne 2007 / 08 10 Glen Spencer / Nick Ashbrook 56 Mosman Park 1987 / 88

Highest Team Score for Applecross 337 Curtin Vic Park 2007 / 08 Lowest Oppositions Score 67 Bentley 1991 / 92

Highest Individual Score Richard Lynch 109 Murdoch Uni 1992 / 93

Best Bowling Performance

David Scheffer in an Innings 7 for 36 Curtin Uni 2007 / 08 Steve Melville in an Innings 7 for 62 Teachers 1987 / 88

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Grade 3 Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Deccan Schembri / Darren Clark 159 High Wycombe 2008 / 09 2 Michael Kapiteyn / Kevin Miles 175 Ham/ Carine 1993 / 94 3 Kevin Miles / Gordon Webster 147 Mosman Park 1994 / 95 4 Shaban Ahmed / Lee Petherick 133 Bentley 2013 / 14 5 Patrick Henning / Peter Jordan 119 High Wycombe 2009 / 10 6 Andrew Shakespeare / Alan Utterson 108 Doubleview Carine 2009 / 10 7 James Ashford Brown / Justin Crowder 93 Ham / Carine 2002 / 03 8 Adrian Hackett / Hayden Drage 145 Western Suburbs 2008 / 09 9 Shaban Ahmed / David Scheffer 77 Wembley Districts 2013 / 14 10 Robert Pulley / Val Steenholdt 69 Maccabi 1985 / 86

Highest Team Score for Applecross 8 for 362 Bassendean 2003 / 04 Lowest Oppositions Score 33 Victoria Park 1996 / 97

Highest Individual Score Mark Hullet 149 Subiaco Marist 1999 / 00

Best Bowling Performance Al Field in an Innings 8 for 12 Victoria Park 1996 / 97

Grade 4

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Scott Jackson / Chris Teede 127 Melville 2007 / 08 2 Trevor Goddard / Dave McIlwraith 113 Nollamarra 1988 / 89 3 Tom Morgan / George Prince 129 W.A.I.T. 1981 / 82 4 Sam Hume / Brad Dagg 132 Mosman Park 1990 / 91 5 Scott Jackson / Allan Utterson 103 Kalamunda 2007 / 08 6 Garry Tuckwell / Stuart Rankin 115 Victoria Park 1981 / 82 7 Kevin Curgenven / Hamish Chng 67 Mosman Park 1988 / 89 8 Lee MacIntosh / Al Field 79 Bassendean 1992 / 93 9 Matthew Halliday / Brett McGregor 47 Melville 1992 / 93 10 Daryl Haley / Burt Baetsen 42 no Wembley 1981 / 82

Highest Team Score for Applecross 305 W.A.C.A.E. 1989 / 90 Lowest Oppositions Score 38 Victoria Park 1981 / 82

Highest Individual Score Sam Hume 121 Mosman Park 1990 / 91 Richard Mulroney 121 Shenton Park 1992 / 93

Best Bowling Performance Jeff Wootton In An Innings 7 for 45 Murdoch Uni 1992 / 93 Jeff Wootton In An Match 11 for 59 Murdoch Uni 1992 / 93

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Grade 5

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Tom Morgan / Jeff Orchard 189 High Wycombe 1998 / 99 2 Doug Stirling / Michael Kapiteyn 123 Swan Valley 2004 / 05 3 Robert Pulley / Mark Hagar 179 Bedford Morley 2009 / 10 4 George Prince / Matthew Halliday 131 Tuart Hill 1996 / 97 5 Andrew Stampalia / Kenn MacPherson 143 Tuart Hill 1997 / 98 6 Robert Wilton / Darren Monument 126 Wembley Downs 2001 / 02 7 Cam Stirling / Brad Douglas 117 Swan Valley 2005 / 06 8 Robert Pulley / Ramon Fletcher 80 Subiaco Marist 2004 / 05 9 Alex Weir / Robert Pulley 138 Mosman Park 1984 / 85 10 Gavin Pascoe / Brad Weir 76 no Tuart Hill 2011 / 12

Highest Team Score for Applecross 8 for 390 Tuart Hill 1991 / 92 Lowest Oppositions Score 37 South Perth 1980 / 81

Highest Individual Score Peter Jordan 142 no Balcatta 2000 / 01

Best Bowling Performance Rob Parker in an Innings 8 for 27 Murdoch Uni 1980 / 81 Stuart Rankin in an innings 8 for 60 North Perth 1980/81

Grade 6

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Peter McLean / Tim Searson 111 Nollamarra 1981 / 82 2 Adrian Reynolds / Robert Wilton 117 Tuart Hill 1999 / 00 3 Steve Melville / Royce Spencer 123 Freo Mosman Pk 1996 / 97 4 Robert Wilton / Angus Castley 132 Bassendean 1998 / 99 4 Bruce Calder / Mike Shaw 132 Bentley 2000 / 01 5 Robert Mulroney / Joe Venter 111 Thornlie 2000 / 01 6 Matt Campbell / Russell Kingdon 101 MNOB 1994 / 95 7 Shane Berzinski / Greg Pennefather 232 Whitfords 1994 / 95 8 Steve Busher / Bill Ellis 112 Mosman Park 1981 / 82 9 Campbell Ince / Chris Cooper 91 Balcatta 2014 /15 10 Brett McGregor / Thomas Davidson 58 Bentley 2013 /14

Highest Team Score for Applecross 338 Swan Athletic 2007 / 08 Lowest Oppositions Score 39 South Perth 1978 / 79

Highest Individual Score Ross Tozer 153 North Perth 1978 / 79

Best Bowling Performance Anthony Moffat in an Innings 7 for 36 Doubleview 2002 / 03 Nathan Petherick in an match 10 for 80 South Perth 2005/06 Page 35


Grade 7

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Adrian Reynolds / Kenn MacPherson 98 Tuart Hill 1991 / 92 2 Rob Adair / Andrew Johnson 145 Mosman Park 1978 / 79 3 Steve Melville / Greg Pennefather 119 Dianella Alexander 1993 / 94 4 Greg Pennefather / Brad Weir 238 Doubleview 1993 / 94 5 Brenton Jackson / Hayden Drage 171 Wembley Districts 2006 / 07 6 Simon Shalders / John Scarff 114 Bentley 1992 / 93 7 Robert Mulroney / Stuart Rankin 94 Balcatta 1994 / 95 8 Adrian Reynolds / Paul Brooks 103 MNOB 1988 / 89 9 Brad Weir / Gary Leask 64 Wembley 1992 / 93 10 Colin Spark / Peter Hewitt 50 no Bentley 1987 / 88

Highest Team Score for Applecross 9 for 414 Bentley 1987 / 88 Lowest Oppositions Score 26 Northern Districts 1977 / 78

Highest Individual Score Greg Pennefather 162 no Doubleview 1993 / 94

Best Bowling Performance Steven Scott In An Innings 9 for 21 Tuart Hill 2003 / 04 Kevin Blades In An Match 13 for 41 Old Wesley 1977 / 78

Grade 8 Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Steve Melville / Tyrone Murphy 153 Curtin Uni 1994 / 95 2 Tristram Fletcher / Sean Adam 143 Nollamara 2009 / 10 2 Brett Stralow / Paul Slack Smith 143 Bassendean 2008 / 09 3 Lee Macintosh / Mike Kapiteyn 174 Bassendean 1993 / 94 4 Des Baccini / Ray Albert's 122 Victoria Park 1987 / 88 5 Richard Manning / Gareth Foulkes 102 Balcatta 2010 / 11 6 Mark Smith / Dean Phillips 120 Tuart Hill 1996 / 97 7 Brendan Tribbeck / Nick Lyall 132 High Wycombe 2000 / 01 8 Phil Martin / Andrew Sproul 119 John 23rd 1983 / 84 9 Tom Atkinson / Kenn MacPherson 77* Bedford Morley 2007/ 08 10 Nick Ashbrook / Brad Favas 60 Tuart Hill 1993 / 94

Highest Team Score for Applecross 8 for 340 Bentley 2010 / 11 Lowest Oppositions Score 19 Nollamarra 2009 / 10

Highest Individual Score Chas Eadon Clarke Jnr 138 Doubleview 1979 / 80 Sean Adam 140 no Doubleview Carine 2009/10 Best Bowling Performance Terry Clark In An Innings 8 for 36 W.A.I.T. 1986 / 87 Brad Millane In An Match 12 for 36 Victoria Park 1996 / 97

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Grade 9 Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Glen Wright / Grant Morrisey 167 Wembley 1998 / 99 2 Andrew Randles / Brendan Tribbeck 117 Swanbourne 1998 / 99 3 Vince Stackpole / Andrew Sproul 73 Bentley 1997 / 98 4 Gareth Parker / Brendan Tribbeck 138 Thornlie 1998 / 99 5 Rhys Jenkins / Mel Hibbons 109 Mosman Park 1992 / 93 6 Ryan Greenwell / Richard Campbell 98 Ross / Brentwood 1998 / 99 7 Rhys Jenkins / Phil Sinagra 87 Curtin Uni 1992 / 93 8 Nick Ashbrook / Neville Meade 61 no Wembley 1997 / 98 9 Mel Hibbons / Cory Seelman 49 Victoria Park 1992 / 93 10 Jon Pulley / Mark Smith 48 Swanbourne 1997 / 98

Highest Team Score for Applecross 6 for 287 Ross / Brentwood 1992 / 93 Lowest Oppositions Score 35 Kalamunda 2003 / 04

Highest Individual Score Ryan Greenwell 132 no Ross / Brentwood 1992 / 93

Best Bowling Performance Glen Wright in an Innings 7 for 11 Hamersley Carine 1998 / 99

Grade 10

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Nathan Johnson / Tim Searson 104 Murdoch /Melville 2013 / 14 2 Ivan Osborne / Gavin Steinberg 114 Melville 2010 / 11 3 Gavin Steinberg / Elton Barendse 118 Curtin Vic Park 2008 / 09 4 Doug Stirling / Brett McGregor 104 Ocean Ridge 2009 / 10 5 Darren Monument / Rhys Jenkins 177 Curtin Vic Park 2013 / 14 6 Jack Rudrum / Leigh Lucev 63 Curtin Vic Park 2013 / 14 7 Andrew Sproul / Dan Rogers 58* Wembley Districts 2008 / 09 8 Alex Kerr / Vince Stackpole 71 Curtin Vic Park 2010 / 11 9 Glen Wright / Glenn Syme 38* Curtin Vic Park 2008 / 09 10 Phil Oats– Boardman / Daniel Prince 52 Curtin Vic Park 2009 / 10

Highest Team Score for Applecross 7 / 333 Bedford Morley 2009 / 10 Lowest Oppositions Score 13 Freo /Mosman Park 2010 / 11

Highest Individual Score Robert Wilton 129 Melville 2011/12

Best Bowling Performance Glen Wright 6 for 18 Whitfords 2008 / 09

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One Day Competition

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Trent Conwell / Ryan Hathrill 137 Swan Valley 2013 /14 2 Robert Wilton / Ron Kang 195 Murdoch Uni 1993 / 94 3 Al Field / Bruce Calder 195 Bedford Morley 2001 / 02 4 Kenn Macpherson / Brendan Tribbeck 133 Swanbourne 2002 / 03 5 Leigh W/Johnson / Lee Monument 202 Tuart Hill 2004 / 05 6 Robert Wilton / Brad Douglas 122 Tuart Hill 2009 / 10 7 Stuart Taylor / Ross Smith 103 Subiaco Marist 2013 / 14 8 Leigh W/Johnson / Doug Stirling 76 Western Suburbs 2010 / 11 9 John Austin / John Knight 103 Western Suburbs 2006 / 07 10 Angus Castley / Bruce Calder 48no Freo / Mosman 2006 / 07

Highest Team Score for Applecross 2 for 305 Murdoch Uni 1993 / 94 Lowest Oppositions Score 34 Swan Valley 2007 / 08

Highest Individual Score Robert Wilton 159 Murdoch Uni 1993 / 94

Best Bowling Performance Andrew Banks 6 for 11 Nedlands 1994 / 95 Val Steenholdt 6 for 10 Nollamarra 2000 / 01 Lee Monument 6 for 12 Wembley Districts 2004 / 05

Presidents XI v 100 Gamers Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Gerry Marquis / Brett Stralow 66 100 Gamers 2004 2 Chris Teede / Stefan Perer 66 Presidents XI 2005 3 Richard Mulroney / Doug Stirling 131 Presidents XI 2000 4 Al Field / Andrew Stampalia 53 100 Gamers 2001 5 Chad Steenholdt / Nick Noel 63 100 Gamers 2005 6 Adrian Reynolds / Mike Caulfield 71 100 Gamers 1999 7 Gareth Parker / Adrian Reynolds 26 100 Gamers 1999 8 Bruce Rudrum / Simon Clifford 28 no 100 Gamers 2004 9 Brett McGregor / Brad Weir 24 Presidents XI 2005 10 Burt Baetsen / George Prince 20 Presidents XI 2003

Highest Team Score 7 for 241 Presidents XI 2004 Lowest Oppositions Score 114 100 Gamers 2002

Highest Individual Score Chris Mole 123 no Presidents XI 2002

Best Bowling Performance Burt Baetsen 4 for 16 100 Gamers 2000

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Colts U21

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Scott Jackson / Andrew Shakespeare 104 South Perth 2009 / 10 2 Scott Jackson / Brad Rodden 115 Kalamunda 2008 / 09 3 Brad Rodden / Mark Hagar 125 Whitfords 2009 / 10 4 Scott Jackson / Alex James 60 Doubleview Carine 2009 / 10 5 Patrick Henning / Mark Hagar 56 Whitfords 2009 / 10 6 Scott Jackson / Tyron Scott 56 Doubleview Carine 2009 / 10 7 David Ince / McLane Edinger 36 Bedford Morley 2008 / 09 8 9 10 Andrew Cunningham / Greg Hill 40 Western Suburbs 2009 / 10

Highest Team Score for Applecross 2 for 217 Bedford Morley 2009 / 10 Lowest Oppositions Score 96 Balcatta 2010 / 11

Highest Individual Score Brad Rodden 137* Bedford Morley 2009 / 10

Best Bowling Performance David Ince 5 for 21 Subiaco Marist 2008 / 09

20 Twenty Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Andrew Shakespeare / Scott Jackson 87 Curtin Vic Park 2009 / 10 2 Jak Martin / Chandana Pushpalal 89 Kalamunda 2010 / 11 3 Paul Barber / Karl Norwood 65 Curtin Vic Park 2009 / 10 4 Brad Rodden / Karl Norwood 31 Curtin Vic Park 2009 / 10 5 6 Alan Utterson / Callum Pilcher 44 Kalamunda 2011 / 12 7 Chandana Pushpalal / Chris Teede 32 Curtin Vic Park 2010 / 11 8 9 10

Highest Team Score Lowest Oppositions Score

Highest Individual Score Jak Martin 60* Kalamunda 2010 / 11 Jarred Gardner 60 Swan Athletic 2010 / 11 Best Bowling Performance

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Under 16s

Wicket Batsmen Partnership Opposition Year 1 Stuart House / Richard Mulroney 86 Nollamarra 1982 / 83 2 Stefan Perer / Phil Holman 42 Victoria Park 1983 / 84 3 Richard Mulroney / Robert Pulley 91 Mosman Park 1982 / 83 4 Nick Jones / Richard Mulroney 42 Victoria Park 1982 / 83 5 Phil Holman / Dodge 58 Nollamarra 1983 / 84 6 Robert Pulley / Brett McGregor 22 Melville 1982 / 83 7 Jason Ramsay / Robert Pulley 43 Melville 1982 / 83 8 Brett McGregor / S Simons 37 Bedford 1982 / 83 9 Scott Hearing / Robert Pulley 36 Melville 1982 / 83 10 S Simons / G Thaillainath 17 no Tuart Hill 1982 / 83

Highest Team Score for Applecross 9 for 231 Bedford 1982 / 83 Lowest Oppositions Score 55 Victoria Park 1983 / 84

Highest Individual Score Richard Mulroney 100 no Victoria Park 1983 / 84

Best Bowling Performance Jason Ramsay in an Innings 9 for 28 Servite 1983 / 84 Nick Ashbrook In a match 10 for 33 Mosman Park 1982 / 83

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The club held its annual general meeting at Shirley Strickland on Monday 4th of May 2015.

The following people have been elected and given the honour to manage the club for the next 12 months.














All Members of the Applecross Cricket Club have to come face to face with a magnificent challenge. We all have the opportunity to contribute to the foundations of a great cricket club. But we will fail the challenge unless we all possess a common goal. To make the Applecross cricket club the best club in suburban turf .

We must never lose sight of this goal, even in times of defeat. Cricket is a game of “ups” and “downs” ,of success and failure. The person who isn't prepared to take disappointment and at times second place, on the chin, soon falls by the wayside .the sign of a good player is the way he comes back after a run of failure .Good players don’t fall easily by the wayside when difficult situations arise .

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The Club is modernising the club emblem as from the 2015/16 season the clubs 40th anniversary the new emblem will take effect.

The Old The New

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