APPLECROSS CRICKET CLUB 2014/15 YEAR BOOK Page 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE CONTENTS 2 INTRODUCTION 3 PRESIDENTS REPORT 4 & 5 TREASURER’S REPORT’S 6 AUDITOR REPORT 7 SPONSORS 8 CHAIRMAN OF SELECTORS REPORT 9 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 10 LIFE MEMBERHSIP 11 1ST XI CAPTAINS REPORT 12 1ST XI RECORDS 14 2ND XI CAPTAINS REPORT 15 2ND XI RECORDS 16 3RD XI CAPTAINS REPORT 17 3RD XI RECORDS 18 4TH XI CAPTAINS REPORT 19 4TH XI RECORDS 20 5TH XI CAPTAINS REPORT 21 5TH XI RECORDS 22 6TH XI CAPTAINS REPORT 23 6TH XI RECORDS 25 7TH XI CAPTAINS REPORT 26 7TH XI RECORDS 27 TROPHY WINNERS 28 PERPETUAL AWARDS 29 BATTING PARTNERSHIP RECORDS FOR THE SEASON 30 MILESTONES 31 CLUB RECORDS 32 to 41 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2014/15 42 Page 2 INTRODUCTION RUSSELL KINGDON I would like to thank the many people who helped contribute to the production of the year book there are to many to mention But I would like to highlight the wonderful contribution of Simon Shub. If there is an error in this publication please bring it to our attention so we can update the clubs history. I hope you enjoy the 2014/15 year book. Regards Russell Kingdon Year Book Editor Cover Photograph Phil Hughes RIP ! Page 3 PRESIDENTS REPORT RYAN CARMODY The Honourable Ryan Carmody presented his report verbally. It was noted that: On field the club had a mixed result with A grade likely to be relegated to second division after niot winning a game all year; Four of our seven teams made the finals, however only one made the GF and no flags were won. Off field, the social events were well attended and the financial position of the club remains very strong. At the start of the season the committee targeted junior development and enhancing junior rela- tionships as a key outcome. This was fully achieved with James Dockery and Dan Clouting to be commended for their commitment to the Bicton Junior club through the year and how they nurtured that relationship. We welcomed Dave McKay as club coach and he made a very positive contribution to our players skills base, particularly mid grade players. Len Blakey is to be commended on the excellent job he did as Chairman of Selectors. This is a tru- ly challenging role which Len performed to the highest standard. Due to the new committee composition, the recruitment process commenced late and as a result we probably missed opportunities to secure A grade players. This is a committee priority now. The Club was honored to appoint Burt Baetsen as a Life Member during the year and his contri- bution to the club was applauded by all. Murray Tribbeck, former Treasurers role was also acknowledged by the meeting which thanked Murray for his tireless and unselfish service of 10 years. Turf • Ryan Carmody noted that he had attended the council meeting, at the request of Councilor Cameron Schuster, where the proposed amalgamation of facilities at Shirley Strickland was tabled. The outcome was the council have agreed a pre feasibility review to commence the process. • Jason Markwart advised the meeting that early in the season a letter of intent was provided to Melville City Council for a new turf facility of Tomkins Park. Subsequently, the consolidation process appears to have broken down with the local bowling club not keen to move. As a result the Shirley Strickland option has emerged. • The meeting was advised that Ryan and Jason had met Kent St head, Cory Hugo who indicated that he had formed a strong relationship with Curtin Vic Park on the basis that they hadn’t heard from Ap- plecross for some time. We asked Kent St for a commitment and they indicated they had given CVPCC first preference for their facilities and we should speak to them • Ryan noted he had spoken to Mike Viney and their position was not to fixture lower grade sides above a higher grade teams on Turf facilities. • Ultimately, ACC needs to find a permanent home and investigate what turf facilities are available. The meeting noted that Melville City Council seemed interested in putting a 3rd turf wicket in at Tomkins Park and this should be pursued. Juniors • The meeting noted the great work done by Dockers and Clouting over the past year and Dockers ad- vised that he felt there was a good platform to build on. • Dockery noted that we can only do better from here. The meeting noted that we have had very limited contact with the Ardross junior cricket club. This will change in time as committees change and personalities change. Page 4 PRESIDENTS REPORT “CONTINUED” Regards Ryan Carmody Page 5 ACC TREASURERS REPORT MURRAY TRIBBECK Financially, 2014-15 was a good year for the club. Our bar traded profitably during the year and contributed a net profit of $5,201 which was up from the prior year of $3,698. While our total revenue was slightly lower, we were able to offset this with a reduction in operating costs. In addition to providing a social forum for our members, the bar is an important contributor to our operat- ing costs and the current years result was hard fought. Our functions throughout the year were very suc- cessful and included the AFL Grand Final season kick off, Players Tea, Country night at the Races and the Auction Night. Thank you to the member base who supported these events and particularly thanks to the committee members who worked tirelessly to make these events the success that they were. The cricket department recorded a loss of $7,269, however this included approximately $2,080 from prior years as well as $1,500 for the purchase of a car used for our overseas players. Pleasingly, with the reduced playing stocks we only saw a slight reduction in membership fees and our costs were well contained during the year. Our sponsors continue to be the most important aspect of financial support the club can secure and it is absolutely vital that we repay their support with our business. Sponsorship fee income for the year was $13,990, however in addition to this we received a further $5,275 in vouchers and other support which we were able to use for player incentives and end of round awards. The Auction night was again a huge success generating in excess of $4,500. The combined result for the year was a loss of $1,326, however after adjusting for the costs of the prior year, the adjusted result was a small profit of $754. A good result. Finally, on behalf of the club, I would like to acknowledge the significant and substantial contribution of Murray Tribbeck who has been our Treasurer for the last 10 years. Murray came to the club at a time when the club was in a bit of trouble financially. He brought a financial discipline which was needed and for the last 10 years has provided the committee with excellent and unselfish service which allowed us to control our costs and manage the club within its means. The strong financial position we find ourselves in today is Murrays legacy to the club and indeed, we are greatly indebted to Murrays outstanding contribution. Jason Markwart Acting Treasurer 2014 / 15 Term Deposits Profit & Loss Statement Fund Income $ 83,805.00 Opening Balance $ 54,704 Expenditure $ 85,131.00 Interest $ 1,310 Annual Profit/ Loss $ 1,326.00 Closing Balance $ 56,014 Balance Brought Forward $ 11,191.00 Closing Bank Balance $ 8,555.00 Page 6 AUDITOR’S REPORT Constitution Reference Auditor 1. At each Annual General Meeting (AGM) there shall be elected an Honorary Auditor who shall submit the annual Statement of Accounts and Balance sheet for the club and shall certify to same. 2. The Honorary Auditor shall not be an officer or a member of the Executive Committee. Deane Criddle - CPA: 9264752 16 Warner Court Manning WA 6152 TO THE COMMITTEE OF THE APPLECROSS CRICKET CLUB INC. INDEPENDENT AUDIT REPORT SCOPE In accordance with clause 16(1) of the Constitution of the Applecross Cricket Club (Inc), I have audited the attached Statement of Income and Expenditure and Balance Sheet (collectively the Financial Statements) for the year ended 30th April 2015. The audit has been conducted to express an opinion to the committee of the Applecross Cricket Club (Inc.) on the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements. The Committee is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the Financial Statements and have determined the basis of accounting used as appropriate to the needs of the Applecross Cricket Club. The Financial Statements have been prepared in order to satisfy the reporting requirements of the Committee and the Constitution of the Applecross Cricket Club. I do not accept any responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the Financial Statements to which my opinion relates, to any person other than the Com- mittee members, or for any purpose other than for which it was prepared. My audit has been conducted in accordance with the Australian Auditing Standards. My procedures in- cluded examination on test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the Finan- cial Statements and evaluation of significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertak- en to form an opinion as to whether, in all material respects, the Financial Statement are presented fairly and represent an accurate view of the trading activities for the year. The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis. QUALIFICATION Due to the high level of cash transactions, it is not possible for me to ascertain whether all cash transac- tions have been reported and accounting controls maintained during the course of the year.
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