ISSUE 3 · 2019 《中国人大》对外版 NPC National People’s Congress of China EPICS AND LeGeNDS WITNeSSeD 2 NATIONAL PEOPle’s CoNGRESS OF CHINA Formations featuring a giant national flag and the emblem of the People’s Republic of China take path in a mass pageantry celebrating the 70th anni- versary of the founding of the PRC in Beijing on October 1. Zhai Jianlan ISSUE 3 · 2019 3 6 China will stay on peaceful development path Contents 70 Years On 20 National Medals and Honorary Titles Xi Jinping and China’s new era 6 China will stay on peaceful 24 30 development path New China turns 70, witnessing a 42 individuals awarded national golden age medals, honorary titles 8 Highest state honors conferred on 26 32 individuals ahead of National Day Growth for everyone Awards reflect global respect, under- standing 10 28 Epics and legends witnessed Warm response inspired Special Reports 34 Keep our door wide open 36 Top legislator visits Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia 4 NATIONAL PEOPle’s CoNGRESS OF CHINA 10 Epics and legends witnessed 45 28 Warm response inspired Economic miracle ISSUE 3 · 2019 National Medals and Honorary Titles Supervision Focus 44 40 A blatant intervention in Hong Kong Top legislature holds joint inquiry affairs condemned meeting on water pollution NPC 44 NPC spokesperson condemns US General Editorial House committee passing Hong Office Address: 23 Xijiaominxiang, Legislation Kong-related resolution Xicheng District Beijing 100805,P.R.China Tel: (86-10)6309-8540 In-depth (86-10)8308-3891 42 E-mail:
[email protected] China revises law to ensure drug 45 safety Economic miracle ISSN 1674-3008 CN 11-5683/D Price:RMB35 43 COVER: China holds a grand celebration with a China mulls further encouraging military parade and a mass pageantry on October 1, Edited by The People’s Congresses Journal body donation, protecting privacy the National Day, to mark the 70th anniversary of the Published by The People’s Congresses Journal founding of the People’s Republic of China.