

Theory and case reports on an advanced generation electroanalgesic medical device (EAD) in reducing or mitigating acute and/or chronic intractable conditions.

By Robert H. Odell, Jr., MD, PhD; Richard Sorgnard, PhD; and Hans Ulrich May, MD

lectroanalgesic medical treatment crostructure and macromolecular range. umented the use of controlled electrical involves the use of computer-mod- Some well known and well documented currents from electrostatic generators for Eulated electronic signals to imitate, mechanisms of action employed by this numerous medical problems involving exhaust or block the function of somatic harmonic resonance include the imitation pain and circulatory dysfunction. During or sympathetic fibers. An elec- of hormone/ligand effects, activation of that period, Benjamin Franklin also doc- troanalgesic medical device (EAD), utiliz- cellular regeneration, and the facilitation umented pain relief by using electrical ing communications-level technology, is of enzymatic metabolic processes.3,4,5 The currents for a number of ailments includ- used to produce and deliver higher-fre- EAD unit used in the subsequent case re- ing frozen shoulder. quency signal energy in a continually ports was the Sanexas Neo GeneSys de- Today, the clinical use of electromed- varying sequential and random pattern vice. ical modalities in both diagnosis and via specialty electrodes. These electrodes treatment is well documented with basic of specific size, shape, and anatomical Background and physical science replete with refer- placement, can be effectively used to ob- The use of electrical signals for various ences demonstrating the positive effects tain pharmaceutical effects.1,2 Elec- medical treatments has been mentioned on patients for a myriad of medical con- troanalgesic treatment for accomplishing since ancient times with the earliest man- ditions.7 Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve nerve fiber block procedures typically use made records (2750 BC) discussing the Stimulation (TENS) treatment is a well- very small targeting electrodes (approx. electrical properties and treatment po- documented, mild form of electroanalge- ¾"-1.5" diameter), while electroanalgesic tential of the Nile catfish, Malopterurus sia that has been shown to provide pain physical medicine treatments tend to use electricus.6 Subsequent writings of Celsius, relief by administering small electrical much larger electrodes (4" or more in di- Oribasius, and other compilers describe currents through the skin. It is believed ameter). medical treatment with by that the primary physiological mecha- This electronically and digitally gener- (420 BC) but little else until nism of action achieved via standard ated energy pattern also follows quarter- about 46 AD, at which time the Roman TENS application is due to a direct count- tone incremental steps with a pause at physician, Scribonus Largus, introduced er-irritation of the central specific harmonic frequencies selected for the electrical capabilities of the fish into (CNS); the mechanism of action is consis- their desired effects or mechanisms of ac- clinical medicine as a cure for intractable tent with the Gate Control Theory of Pain tion. This selection of specific frequencies pain, , inflam- by Melzak and Wall.8,9 effectively increases the initiation of tis- mation, and . nerve blocks, both at sue resonance phenomenon in the mi- In the 1700s, European physicians doc- the stellate ganglion and the sym-

Practical , April 2006 1 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

pathetic region (paravertebral approach) two specific ends: 1) to more directly (and Once initiated by a distinct , have already been described in the liter- indirectly) focus their electro-physiologi- the action impulse travels along the sur- ature. The reader is referred to the sem- cal effects toward specific characteristics face of the nerve and propelled by inal paper by Robert Schwartz, MD titled of the various nerve fiber types (A-alpha, electrical energy generated locally by the “Electric sympathetic block: current the- A-beta, A-delta, C-fibers, etc.); and/or 2) depolarizing membrane. Thus, the im- oretical concepts and clinical results.”1 to address the medical indications where pulse is both self-sustaining and self- These blocks have been shown to be up certain “therapeutic mechanisms of ac- propagating. to 75% effective and may be able to de- tion” are known to be useful in the treat- The impulse advances along the length crease a patient’s pain and increase func- ment success of that particular indication. of the nerve axon by electrical currents tionality virtually without risk. These electrical variables include ma- flowing between an active (depolarizing) nipulation of the 1) carrier frequencies, membrane patch and adjacent resting Advanced Generation Electroanal- 2) movement (sweeping) of the carrier (polarized) membrane surface. At rest, gesic Medical Devices frequencies; and 3) sweeping of the car- the interior of the nerve membrane is A more advanced, communications-level rier frequencies at different velocities be- negatively charged with respect to the ex- technology medical device, known as an tween two border frequencies. With these terior. At the height of depolarization, the electroanalgesic medical device (EAD), ap- frequency changes, the specific parame- nerve membrane briefly reverses its po- pears to be much more potent in its abil- ters of dosage (electrical signal energy larity, with the interior now being positive ity to reduce or mitigate acute and/or amplitude) are varied according to the relative to the exterior. This initiates a chronic intractable pain conditions than changing frequency parameters. This ad- flow of electric current between depolar- conventional TENS technology. The major justment is required because, as frequen- ized and adjoining resting portions of the difference in this new randomly generat- cy increases, higher intensity is required nerve, which reduces the membrane po- ed higher frequency EAD technology over for deeper tissue penetration and effect.1 tential (i.e. depolarizes) ahead of the ac- the older lower frequency TENS technol- The increased dosage is tolerated by the tive region. ogy is that, in addition to the known and tissues without patient discomfort or heat As a result of these electrical depolar- accepted TENS effects, the nerve axon generation because the current percep- izing local current flows, sodium channels transport of pain signals (action impulses) tion threshold also rises. Sophisticated activate and sodium ions begin to stream are interrupted (blocked). EAD technolo- computer signaling is required for the inward. Soon, the inward sodium current gy incorporates randomly-generated elec- rapid adjustments of amplitude as a func- exceeds the combined outward flows tronic signal energy with much higher tion of the changing specific parameters. through potassium and leakage channels, electrical frequencies (<25,000 Hz). This the firing threshold is crossed, depolar- EAD technology is continually varying the Electrophysiology of the ization ensues, and an is 1) carrier frequency, 2) carrier frequency It is well known that electric current en- generated in the adjacent segment.11,12 sweep speed, 3) pulse/modulation rate, as ergy can be effectively used to relieve well as 4) continually changing the inten- pain. Electric pulses of specific intensity Hypothesized Mechanisms of Elec- sity (dosage) of the current to precisely and frequency can interfere with a neu- tromedical Pain Management match parameters delivered at the appro- ron’s own electrical impulses, or action Electromedical management of pain oc- priate time. potentials, thereby disrupting its ability to curs primarily by these hypothesized Standard TENS technology relies on transmit painful stimuli.10 The functional mechanisms of action:13 amplitude modulation (AM) of the electri- unit involved in the transmission of, and 1. Counter-irritation: The gate-control cal current being delivered to the body. reaction to, painful stimuli is the neuron, theory (described by Melzak and Wall)8 The newer EAD technology uses a contin- or nerve cell. have a membrane explains that repeated exogenously-ap- ually varied and randomly generated elec- potential difference in the electric charge plied electrical signals perceived by the trical signal current delivered to the body between the inside and outside of the cell. sensory nerve fibers affect the trans- as amplitude modulated current (AM) and This membrane potential is expressed as lation of endogenously produced (pain) frequency modulated current (FM) com- a negative potential because the inside of signals. This is a neuron function-imita- bined. This complex electronic signal is the cell is negatively charged compared tion or function-exhaustion effect that manipulated by an on-board EAD comput- to the outside. Application of specific pa- causes suppression of the sensation of er, which actually combines or mixes both rameter electrical stimulus makes the pain. elements of AM and FM simultaneously. membrane potential more positive—a 2. Release of neuropeptides: This re- The theory is that this complex electrical phenomenon called depolarization. De- lease occurs electrically by a neuron func- signaling system is changing so often that polarization of the membrane to a certain tion stimulation effect upon the sympa- the nervous system cannot “learn” or ac- threshold level induces a rapid firing of thetic nervous system and dorsal horn. commodate to the administered signal an action potential (action impulse). Once This stimulation activates the release of and that the speed of the electric signal is an action impulse has fired, a new one endogenous pain-suppressing neuro- so high that a complete depolarization of cannot occur until the membrane poten- modulators found in the central nervous the nerve membrane occurs. tial is stabilized back to its physiological system, i.e., , enkephalin, resting potential. It should be noted that GABA, etc.9,14 Specific Parameter Electrical Signaling the action potential (impulse) is respon- 3. Nerve fiber block: Multiple signals Specific parameter signaling is defined as sible for ALL transmission of bio-infor- of transcutaneously-applied specific pa- selecting certain parameters to achieve mation, including pain signaling. rameter electrical frequencies fall within

2 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

the absolute refractory period of the thus pro- Post Hyperactivity (PHD) Effect ducing a sustained depolarization phenomenon. The traveling Specific-parameter electroanalgesic treatment also produces a pain signal is stopped at the depolarized site (Wedensky Inhi- prolonged, hypo-excitable state of a nerve that arises from the bition).11,12,15The nerve block is sustained by the post hyperactiv- application of a relatively short duration electric signal com- ity depression (PHD) effect (discussed in a subsequent section). bined with a chemical blocking agent. This is referred to as post- hyperactivity depression (PHD effect) and clinical studies have Cell Membrane Hyperpolarization vs. Depolarization shown that a 20-30 minute procedure may produce pain relief Unlike a pure chemical nerve block, which occurs because of a that lasts for hours, days, even weeks.1 sustained hyperpolarization of the cell membrane,16 the regularly The C-fiber is more sensitive to the PHD effect than that of structured sustained depolarization of the cell membrane—in- the A-fibers. Theories explaining this effect address the larger termittently produced by the electroanalgesic device—also stops surface/volume ratio of small fibers compared to large fibers, the transmitted propagation of the nerve axon pain signal while making them more susceptible to trans-membrane potential ef- allowing all cellular voltage-gated channels to function at opti- fects resulting from extracellular ion concentration changes and mum levels until their designated equilibrium point.12 This dif- known nerve fiber physiology concerning easier fatigue of small ference is of paramount importance as the necessary metabol- nerve fibers vs. large fibers.1,15 ic activity of the cell is continued while the patient’s pain sup- pression objective is facilitated. This normalization of neuron Effect of Dosage (Intensity) of Current cell activity, partly achieved through increased cAMP second The ability of an electric stimulus to effectively penetrate body messenger activity, directly reverses pain feedback circuits and tissues and relieve pain is influenced by the current intensity promotes healing.7 (dosage), the carrier frequencies used, size and shape of specif- Long-term relief is accomplished by stimulating the body’s ic electrodes employed, as well as anatomical placement. In- own chemical messengers within the cells to correct or normal- creased current intensity (dosage) allows for increased depth of ize their function. It is known to the medical community that injury and/or disease may cause the cells to not work efficient- “Greater, longer lasting patient outcomes appear ly in the necessary elimination of metabolic waste products (metabolites), and can directly prevent the circulation from to be achieved by performing the combination bringing in necessary cellular oxygen and nutrients. This has a direct affect on the response and the ability to specific-parameter electroanalgesic procedure heal (gap-junction response). It is hypothesized that the cells are so overwhelmed by the metabolic chemical imbalance that with a chemical blocking agent regimen.”20 they cannot self regulate.12 A recent report suggests that similar symp- penetration and recruitment of deeper nerve fibers. Body tis- toms may have separate and distinct “pain producing mecha- sue impedance, or resistance to alternating current, decreases nisms [which] are pharmacologically separable.”17 Since all volt- with increasing current frequency; therefore, a higher current age gated channels are affected by the parameter specific cur- frequency requires less current intensity to overcome the outer rent, it is postulated that multiple effects may be seen on these skin and tissue impedance barriers. Since the thresh- separate pharmacologically responsive receptors, in this case the old—defined as the lowest current intensity at which a patient Na+ channels and NMDA receptor systems. reports any sensation at all (mild tingling, warmth)—increases with increasing frequency, a higher intensity current is permit- Critical Role of cAMP ted as frequency increases, thus facilitating the delivery of cur- It has been demonstrated that electroanalgesic medical treat- rent to deeper tissues while avoiding pain sensation.1,19,20 ment (sustained cellular depolarization) has a direct effect on the increase or normalization of cyclic Monophos- Combined Electroanalgesic/Chemical Block phate (cAMP)18 which directs all cell-specific activity. With a nor- Greater, longer lasting patient outcomes appear to be achieved malized level of cAMP, the cells will return to their normal ac- by performing the combination specific-parameter electroanal- tivity thus providing a necessary intra-cellular/extra-cellular re- gesic procedure with a chemical blocking agent regimen.20 This lationship. procedure combines the positive benefits of intermittently gen- In cellular physiology, the stimulated sustained depolariza- erated membrane sustained depolarization, interruption of the tion that occurs has a direct effect upon the beta-adrenergic pain signal along the axon, normalized cAMP levels, beta-adren- receptors, which are coupled to the stimulatory G protein. The ergic response, circulatory vasodilatation, general relaxation ef- initial response is an electrical conformational change of the fects, and endogenous release with the potent temporary cell membrane and activation of adenylyl cyclase, which con- blocking effects of the injected chemical blocking agent. verts ATP to cAMP. It is well described and documented that It appears that the chemical effects have either initially “over- cAMP directs all cell-specific activity, including repair of insult- riding” hyper-polarization effects that cause complete cessa- ed tissue that causes the metabolic cascade (leaking arachidon- tion of the transmitted nerve pain signal, with some surround- ic acid) and increased level of noxious pain mediators. Elec- ing transient-firing nerve endings (even at lower dosage), or troanalgesic medical treatment, as a pain fiber block proce- are simply better absorbed by the target nerve tissue under the dure, produces signal energy stimulation and subsequent sus- electrical guidance phenomenon of the device-delivered elec- tained depolarization increases (to normal) intercellular lev- trical energy.5 els of cAMP.11,12 It could also be hypothesized that the expected chemical block

Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 3 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

effects can be potentiated by the forced intracellu- positive on the right. NCV testing was not done because of the larly, (even at substantially lower dosage), via the electrical ma- patient’s mental status. nipulation of the voltage-gated channels by the specific param- Past was significant for coronary artery dis- eter electroanalgesic signal energy delivered to the patient. ease; history of transient ischemic attacks (TIAs); ; gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD); gout; hypercholes- Case Reports terolemia; and lower with previous lumbar spinal in- Several case reports are presented to illustrate a variety of tech- jury. The patient was disabled, admitted to occasional niques available with this technology. It is the hope of the au- but denied tobacco. He was married, and, after initial sessions, thors that these cases will serve to not only demonstrate the his wife always accompanied his office visits and all treatments. power and safety of specific parameter electric treatments, but included Allopurinol 300mg qd; Lovastatin 40mg to stimulate further interest by the pain management commu- qd; Neurontin 400mg qid; Nifedipine 90mg qd; Pepcid 1-2 po nity in specific parameter electroanalgesia. qd; Percocet 10/325, 2 tabs po prn q day; 350mg tid; Ticlo- pidine Hydrochloride 250mg bid; Vioxx 25mg qd. He was al- Case Report #1: Successful Electroanalgesia Field Block for lergic to penicillin. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in a Complex Patient Because of the patient’s age and medical status, noninvasive The patient is a 69-year-old African American male who pre- treatment with the EAD was initiated. The patient underwent sented status post motor vehicle accident in May 2004. He was treatment with the six-field endogenous electrodes, first to the the seat-belted driver involved in a head on collision with an right, and then the left wrist. An EAD program utilizing four oncoming vehicle while making a left hand turn. The patient separate and distinct treatment phases employing specific fre- spent five days in the hospital under observation for a severe quencies continually sweeping between 7333 Hz and 8333 Hz, . He does not remember the sequence of events lead- with simultaneous amplitude modulation between 35 Hz and ing up to the time of impact and most of his time spent in the 200 Hz, was selected first. After three sessions on each side, noc- hospital. He still does not fully recall his time in the hospital turnal pain was eliminated. After approximately eight treat- and events leading up to the admission. He had no apparent ments on the right and four treatments to the left wrist, the pa- broken but had an abnormal brain scan and mild, vague tient was experiencing only occasional pain during the day. Sub- mental status changes. sequently, the patient was treated four times with two separate The patient presented with a wide variety of complaints, in- EAD treatment phases, utilizing specific frequencies between cluding head pain, , bilateral hand numbness, and 3800 Hz and 20,000 Hz and an amplitude modulation sweep right leg numbness. He had a past history of lower back pain between 0.1 Hz and 200 Hz for rehabilition. related to disk and associated left lower extremity The patient underwent a final evaluation about a month after . Prior to the accident he had pre-existing left hand the last electroanalgesic treatment. Examination revealed sig- pain. nificant improvements in his wrists and neck in comparison to An assessment was made of post concussive syndrome, prob- his initial examinations. The patient estimated a 99% overall ably post traumatic stress disorder, cervical pain with radiculi- improvement, consistent with clinical observations. tis, possible cervical , discogenic The resolution of this patient’s bilateral carpal tunnel syn- with a new right leg radiculitis, and probably bilateral carpal drome (CTS) illustrates the utility of a pure non-invasive elec- tunnel syndrome. The initial concern was for his slowly resolv- tronic signal treatment with the electro- device—with- ing post concussive syndrome. Initial brain CT scan without con- out utilizing any local blocks—to treat the often re- trast, dated 05/26/04, revealed probable air within vessels calcitrant problem of this most common of peripheral neu- throughout the calvarium and no evidence of acute mass or hem- ropathies. The carpal tunnel contains other structures which orrhage. Repeat brain scan a day later revealed stable appear- may also be inflamed, and a strong inference can be made re- ing intraventricular air and no other CT evidence of any acute garding the utility of the device to decrease overall tissue edema intracranial process. Moderate scanty pre-ventricular white mat- and promote healing. ter was revealed in a subsequent brain MRI. Initial treatment focused on the patient’s confusion and short Case Report #2: Combining Electroanalgesia Nerve Blocks term memory loss. Appropriate consultations and studies with Electroanalgesia Field Blocks in a Patient with Refracto- deemed that the patient’s post concussive syndrome, while not ry Low Back Pain resolving, was stable. He initially declined interventional treat- This 45-year old male presented with low back pain and bilat- ment, but eventually treatment was focused on his neck and bi- eral radiculopathy as the result of a high-speed (60 mph) rear- lateral wrists. The diagnosis of cervical facet syndrome was end type motor vehicle accident in March 2003. Prior to his pre- made, and the patient was treated with diagnostic bilateral C3, senting, the patient underwent multiple modalities of treatment C4, C5 and C6 medial branch blocks and pulsed radiofrequen- including medications, care, and epidural cy with eventual resolution of his neck pain. injections (4 times). He reported only temporary improvement Shortly thereafter, attention was turned to his wrists. He com- from the injections. Lumbar MRI revealed posterior annular tear plained of pain and numbness in the medial nerve distributions, at the L3-4 disc and L4-5 left lateral disc herniation. The pa- with right greater than the left. The pain awakened him at night tient subsequently underwent lumbar discography, with disc dis- despite the resolution of his neck and low back pain. A diagno- ease at these two levels. He consulted with an orthopedic spine sis of double crush syndrome with bilateral carpal tunnel syn- surgeon, who recommended multilevel fusion with hardware. drome had been made on a clinical basis. PE revealed a positive The patient did not want to pursue the spine surgery option. Phelan’s and reverse Phelan’s test bilaterally, and Tinel’s sign was He then underwent spinal decompression treatment with a

4 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

slight change in the radicular pattern but no overall significant This case illustrates the usefulness of combining field blocks decrease in his low back pain. with larger electrodes and electroanalgesia nerve blocks, which, The patient complained of continued low back pain. He re- in this case, used ¾ inch to one inch electrodes over the ported radiating pain into his right lower extremity—mapping paraspinous region with a large (5" x 8") grounding electrode out the L4/L5 nerve distribution. He experienced increased pain on the abdomen anteriorly. This patient had already failed a with straining, coughing, and sneezing. His pain was aggravated course of nonsurgical spinal decompression . Although with activities of daily living (ADLs), bending, lifting, twisting, etc., the patient underwent an extended number of treatments (19 and he required a cane to walk. As a result of this chronic low field blocks and eight electroanalgesia paravertebral blocks), back pain, the patient was disabled and on Social Security. this course was much less invasive, as well as less expensive and Prior medical history was significant for a previous motor ve- potentially more effective than the alternative of spine fusion hicle accident in November 1999. The patient fractured two ribs surgery. Although long term improvement has not yet been fully and injured his back. His symptoms resolved with conservative realized, overall pain reduction has been achieved, there is no treatment, and he reported no residuals prior to the motor ve- longer any radiculopathy, his function has been vastly improved, hicle accident in question. and his usage substantially decreased. Review of systems and social history were noncontributory. revealed that the patient ambulated with Case Report #3: Electroanalgesia Nerve Block Combined an antalgic gait (to the left). revealed moderate-to-se- with a Block in a Patient with an Isolated Fa- vere tenderness over the lumbar paraspinous musculature and cial Neuropathy over the midline at the lumbosacral junction. Triad of Dejerine The patient is a 51 year(s) old year-old male engineer with the was reported as positive and Tripod sign was present. Percep- chief complaint of left-sided supraorbital neuropathy with fore- tion of pin prick and light touch were decreased in the right L4 head pain of seven years duration. The diagnosis was neuro- and L5 dermatomes. pathic pain from the left supraorbital nerve. The onset was in- Neurodiagnostic testing revealed a left sural sensory neuropa- thy. An assessment of internal disc disruption, L3-L4 and disc “The strategy of alternating the combined block herniation at L4-L5, refractory to Epidural steroid injections (ESIs) and spinal decompression, was confirmed. Although fu- with electroanalgesic blocks promoted healing sion surgery had been recommended, the patient remained adamantly opposed to this option. A course of electroanalgesia and substantially decreased the patient’s chronic field blocks along with specific electroanalgesia nerve blocks was recommended. neuropathic pain in about five sessions.” Over the course of a three week period, the patient under- went a series of electroanalgesic field blocks (12 times) with an sidious; specifically the patient had no history of trauma and EAD program utilizing frequencies between 7333 Hz and 8333 had not engaged in the sport of boxing. There was occasional Hz and simultaneous amplitude modulation sweeps between 35 crossover of the pain to the right side, but the pain was mostly Hz and 200 Hz. After the tenth visit the patient noted that his left-sided in the forehead region above the supraorbital notch. leg pain was gone, with “only a few twinges” felt occasionally. The pain was described as constant and burning and radiated It was then elected to utilize a series of paravertebral elec- to the forehead and frontal skull. It was helped by medications, troanalgesia blocks at the L4 and L5 levels. Six electroanalgesia which included trazadone 50mg tid; Dilaudid 4mg, about 4/day blocks were done over a period as right L5 (two blocks), bilater- for breakthrough; Valium 10mg tid; and 20mg po q al L5 (one block), and right L4, L5 (three blocks). An EAD pro- 12 hrs. With these medications, the VAS typically decreased from gram using middle frequencies of 20,000 Hz, with an amplitude 8/10 to 3/10. This pain was aggravated by concentrating and modulation of 50 Hz which selectively blocks the C-fibers, was other intellectual stress. The patient had been seen by a wide utilized. The patient’s pain scores consistently fell from 4-7/10 variety of providers, including two pain management physicians, to 0/10 post block. The patient suffered a small to the and treated only conservatively. He had also consulted with a paraspinous region as the result of a dry electrode during one neurosurgeon who indicated that the patient was not a candi- of the blocks but the area healed without further problems. date for the Gamma knife. It was suggested that he consult with During the course of this treatment regimen, he discontinued a pain management specialist who could do a phenol block in use of a cane to aid in his ambulation. The patient reported a the region. The patient stated that, at the time he presented, substantial decrease in low back and radiating pain into his lower he was “at the end of [his] rope” and would tolerate any motor extremities. Overall, his VAS had been reduced to 2/10, and he consequences (although the supraorbital nerve is sensory only) was very pleased with this treatment. to effect an elimination of the pain. The patient returned after over two full months of nearly com- The patient reported no prior motor vehicle accidents, indus- plete pain relief. During that time he did not require any pain trial related injuries, or other pain. He had undergone no sur- medications, and he no longer had any pain radiating down the gery. Medical illnesses included depression (associated with the leg. His pain had returned, to a stated 5/10 level, which was less ) and hypertension. He had no allergies, was a non- than when he first presented. The patient’s primary site of pain smoker, and used only occasional alcohol. He was married, was now the lumbosacral region at about L5-S2 just to the left of worked as an engineer, and exercised more than three times per midline. Electroanalgesia field blocks and paravertebral nerve week. blocks were reinstituted, and the patient once again reported On physical examination, the patient was alert and oriented improvement to a pain-free condition. and his mood and affect were appropriate. A head, eyes, ears,

Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 5 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

nose, and throat (HEENT) exam revealed that he was normo- she underwent a series of sympathetic blocks, but RSD of the left cephalic; Pupils Equal, Round, Reactive to Light and Accom- lower extremity persisted. At that time she was judged to be sub- modation (PERRLA); extra-ocular motions intact (EOMI); and stantially disabled, but her condition worsened. By the late tympanic membrane (TMs) were intact. Nasopharynx was clear. 1990s, the RSD had spread to the left upper extremity and then No jugular venous distention (JVD). Non-palpable thyroid was to the right upper and lower extremities (left upper extremity noted. Pressure on the left supraorbital notch reproduced the much worse than the right upper extremity). Her left upper ex- patient’s pain. There did not seem to be any supratrochlear tremity pain included left sided anterior chest pain. nerve involvement. The skin was otherwise clear. Examination For the past seven years, she had been treated by a pain man- of the cervical spine revealed no evidence of ecchymosis, ery- agement specialist with a series of lumbar epidural local anes- thema, or surgical scars. Palpation revealed no over the thetic blocks at L4-5 and L5-S1, alternating with primarily left- paraspinous musculature and no associated tenderness in the sided stellate ganglion blocks, one each every other month. She same region. There were no trigger points noted. Cervical range typically received 50% pain relief from these injections, and these of motion was full in all planes. injections increased her functionality and her ability to walk. The patient had not undergone any diagnostic local anesthet- The patient stated that the pain relief from these alternating ic blocks to the region, nor were there any imaging studies avail- blocks typically lasted between one to three weeks normally, but able. some blocks lasted for more than one month. Apparently, the Assessment was a chronic idiopathic conclusion was reached that there was not much else that could of the supraorbital nerve, depression and chronic pain syn- be done for her at this time. drome. A treatment strategy was planned utilizing a series of Attempts were also made to manage her pharmacologically. local anesthetic blocks to the left supraorbital nerve in conjunc- She had an intrathecal pump implanted in 1997, but tion with electroanalgesia blocks with the EAD. The patient un- she had it removed in 1998 and now depends mainly on the oral derwent a series of four supraorbital nerve injections over 12 medication methadone at this time. She had also been treated days. Three cc of 0.25% marcaine with a 25 gauge needle was by a psychiatrist for associated psychological problems (a major utilized each time. This procedure was followed immediately by depressive disorder, single episode, chronic, severe without psy- electroanalgesia blocks utilizing specific frequencies continual- chotic features). ly sweeping between 7333 Hz and 8333 Hz and simultaneous She had moved to Arizona and it was a hardship because she amplitude modulation between 35 Hz and 200 Hz in four sep- had to travel 300 miles to see her California pain management arate and distinct treatment phases. doctor, since no doctors in Arizona would accept her California After the six electric nerve block treatments with the four Worker’s compensation insurance. supraorbital chemical nerve blocks, the patient’s pain had de- The patient had also been diagnosed with myofascial pain creased to 1/10. Four more treatments were done to further en- syndrome, left tarsal tunnel syndrome, and bilateral occipital sure a positive outcome, including one more combined local temporal muscle contraction cephalgia secondary to a motor anesthetic/ electroanalgesic block, for a total of ten treatments. vehicle accident in June 2003. Her left sided shoulder and chest Final pain score was 1/10, and the patient’s medication usage pain had been evaluated several times and cardiac involve- was decreasing. He was asked to return to the clinic in three ment had been ruled out. All cardiac testing inclusive of a weeks if the pain returned, but has not done so. The patient is chemically induced stress test was normal. The patient has now eight months s/p this treatment regimen. been on multiple medications including sublingual nitroglyc- The resolution of this patient’s neuropathy illustrates the util- erin. She states that the medications do not help to control ity of utilizing a combined electroanalgesic block with local anes- her left sided chest pain. thetic blocks to treat the very difficult problem of peripheral A very comprehensive independent medical examination by neuropathies. Neuropathic pain is particularly amenable to a qualified medical examiner (QME), dated January 2005, stat- treatment with electroanalgesia.18 Myofascial pain may not be as ed that “as most authorities know, there is little that can be done permanently responsive to electroanalgesia treatment. The to cure a severe case of RSD as she has.” He went on to state that strategy of alternating the combined block with electroanalgesic “[I] feel strongly that [the patient’s pain management physician] blocks promoted healing and substantially decreased the pa- should be allowed to continue these stellate ganglion blocks and tient’s chronic neuropathic pain in about five sessions, after hav- lumbar epidural sympathetic blocks on basically an indefinite ing been treated unsuccessfully for seven years and basis...” major depression and as a result. Past medical history included hypertension. Surgeries includ- ed an appendectomy, cholecystectomy, IT MS pump implanta- Case Report #4: Electroanalgesia Sympathetic Nerve Blocks tion and subsequent removal, and nose surgery. Medications in- Followed by Sympathetic Local Anesthetic Blocks in a Patient cluded Plavix 75mg q day; diazepam 5-10mg prn; Ultram with Multi-extremity RSD 100mg bid; hydrochloride 100mg hs; Catapres 0.1mg The patient was a 63 year old female who presented with a his- qid; Atenolol 25mg q day; nitroglycerin 2.5 mg, 2 tabs q day; tory of reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) of the bilateral upper methadone hydrochloride 10mg q 2 hrs (8 per day); Celexa 20 and lower extremities. She sustained a work related severely mg, 2-3 tabs q day; Zonalon approx 4 tabs q day; omeprazole 1 twisted left ankle in 1994. She was treated for a left ankle tab hs; lovastatin 20mg q day. Allergies included penicillin and but had substantial difficulties, and the symptoms got progres- Vicodin. The patient was married and was accompanied by her sively worse. In 1995, she underwent a left tarsal tunnel release husband at each visit. She denied alcohol and tobacco and was but her pain progressed. She was treated for RSD at Loma Linda still able to more than 3 times per week. and was diagnosed with chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS); On physical examination, the patient was pleasant and coop-

6 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

erative, although she appeared somewhat anxious and was in well. Her methadone usage has dropped from eight 10 mg mild distress secondary to her extremity pain and was very like- tablets per day to about four per day, a 50% reduction. ly the result of seeing a new physician. Mood and affect were These beneficial effects lasted well over one month and she appropriate under the circumstances. She was alert and orient- has recently returned to the clinic for another series of elec- ed and an excellent historian. No short term memory deficits troanalgesia blocks to be followed at the end of the week with were noted. The skin revealed no evidence of cyanosis and nor- the left SGB and lumbar epidural chemical blocks. Although mal turgor, although the skin of the lower remedies appeared her treatment is ongoing, the overall time of benefit from a se- dry and there was decreased hair. Examination of the upper ries of treatments continues to increase, as commonly is seen in lower extremities was very limited by the patient’s and the successful treatment of RSD. Given this patient’s clinical . She would not allow any palpation or other ex- course, the author (RHO) strongly feels that with several more amination of her extremities nor permit any range of motion. series of treatments, the pain in both upper and lower extrem- The patient did move with a left sided antalgic gait, and had ities will be adequately controlled. difficulty getting on and off the examination table. There was, in general, a quite limited range of motion of the neck, many Conclusions of her , as well as the lumbar spine. The bulk of the mus- EADs, with computer-assisted electronic frequency generators, culoskeletal examination had to be deferred on the initial visit. are used to produce stimulation activity that not only offer dif- The assessment included: (1) reflex sympathetic dystrophy ferent of physical medicine (therapy for myofascial (RSD), or chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS I); 2) chronic pain), but also bring about a potent analgesic effect by calming pain syndrome; 3) major depressive disorder, single episode, down or blocking nerve pain (neuropathy/neuralgia). chronic, severe without psychotic features; and 4) possible C6- Without piercing the skin, physicians can now administer ef- 7 disc disease causing left sided C6 pseudoangina. A treatment fective nerve pain treatments to reduce the hyper-irritated state strategy was planned utilizing a series of electroanalgesia blocks of the . This is accomplished by placing specific surface with the EAD to the bilateral paravertebral region at L3 and L5 along with a series of lumbar epidural injections; and a series of electroanalgesia blocks to the left stellate ganglion at C7 to- “The strength of this targeted procedural treat- gether with a series of chemical stellate ganglion injections. In ment field reduces the ability of the affected all cases, the nerve block program utilized frequencies, previ- ously described by Schwartz, addressing C-fiber characteristics, nerves to transmit pain signals and at the same since C-fibers make up the bulk of the sympathetic chains in time promotes healing by means of the depolar- both lumbar and cervical regions. Regarding the low back, the initial plan was to utilize two elec- ization effects on the nerve cells.” troanalgesia blocks to L3 and L5 prior to doing the chemical block, which was done several days later. After the chemical electrodes on the skin and introducing very specific bioelectric block, done at midline L4-5 with 10 cc of 0.125% marcaine, she signal impulses to produce an electroanalgesic nerve axon block- had a greater than 50% reduction in her pain sustained for sev- ing procedure. The strength of this targeted procedural treat- eral weeks. Her low back pain was eliminated, and the pain in ment field reduces the ability of the affected nerves to transmit her feet decreased by 60%. She found it was much easier to walk pain signals and, at the same time, promotes healing by means and stated that this was the “most effective lumbar epidural that of the depolarization effects on the nerve cells. I have ever had.” Given the nature of a lumbar epidural injec- While the mechanism of action of the combined block (EAD tion and her past seven year history of serial LE injection, this and chemical) is unclear at this time, this technique has been increased benefit was attributed to the prior electroanalgesic successfully used and documented for a wide variety of refrac- blocks. tory pain management problems, including and The patient underwent an electroanalgesia left sided stellate . Long term advantages of this treatment ganglion. She noted that the arm was warm, and that the pain regimen include: decreased from 9-10/10 to 8/10. She also noted substantially de- 1) avoiding interventions or surgery in a patient for whom creased arm pain for several days. More significantly, however, every conservative alternative had been exhausted or is a high is the fact that she has had no further left-sided anterior chest risk medical patient; pain. 2) avoiding the probability (even with surgery) of chronic pain The patient received permission from her workers comp car- for this patient for the balance of his life (depending on the out- rier for a subsequent series of five electroanalgesia sympathet- come of ongoing treatment); ic blocks as well as several more electroanalgesia stellate gan- 3) dramatic cost savings in both treatment and subsequent glion blocks over the course of one week. These were followed (lifelong) medication costs; and by a chemical SGB and lumbar epidural on the Friday of the 4) potentially returning a disabled patient to the work force same week. The patient reported several weeks later that “I 5) allowing the patient to perform activities of daily living with never felt better in my life,” and “It is fantastic!” Her pain lev- minimal pain. els in both the left arm and bilateral legs have dropped from 9- Patient results indicate that specific parameter electroanal- 10/10 to 5/10. She had previously been bent over with the pain, gesic medical treatment is an effective modality for reducing or and she now stated that she had straightened up and was walk- mitigating acute and chronic intractable pain for enhancing ing much more erect and she no longer required her cane. All quality of life and well being. There appears to be enough evi- of her friends and acquaintances have noted the differences, as dence to encourage the use of EAD treatment in pain manage-

Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 7 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission. Electroanalgesic Nerve Block

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8 Practical PAIN MANAGEMENT, April 2006 ©2006 PPM Communications, Inc. Reprinted with permission.