

ANALGESIA Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emj.20.3.214 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from in emergency medicine Í O’ Sullivan, J Benger ......

Emerg Med J 2003;20:214–217 Safe and predictable analgesia is required for the identify these zones as there is considerable vari- potentially painful or uncomfortable procedures often ation between people. He also emphasised the importance of the patient’s pre-existing beliefs. If undertaken in an emergency department. The volunteers expect to fall asleep while inhaling characteristics of an ideal agent are safety, 30% N2O then a high proportion do so. An appro- predictability, non-invasive delivery, freedom from side priate physical and psychological environment increases the actions of N2O and may allow lower effects, simplicity of use, and a rapid onset and offset. doses to be more effective. Unlike many other

Newer approaches have threatened the widespread use anaesthetic agents, N2O exhibits an acute toler- of nitrous oxide, but despite its long history this simple ance effect, whereby its potency is greater at induction than after a period of “accommoda- still has much to offer. tion”......

MECHANISM OF ACTION “I am sure the air in heaven must be this Some writers have suggested that N2O, like wonder-working gas of delight”. volatile anaesthetics, causes non-specific central . Others, such as 4 Robert Southey, Poet (1774 to 1843) Gillman, propose that N2O acts specifically by interacting with the endogenous system.

HISTORY N2O is known to act preferentially on areas of the

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the oldest known anaes- brain and that are rich in thetic agent. Joseph Priestly first discovered sensitive cells,5 and has been shown to 6 “dephlogisticated” or “factitious” air in 1772. block N2O analgesia in a stereospecific manner.

Humphrey Davy noted its analgesic and anaes- In vitro studies have suggested that N2O has a thetic properties in 1800, but it remained a partial effect at mu, kappa, and possibly recreational (“laughing gas”) until 1884,

other opioid receptors, while positron emission http://emj.bmj.com/

when Horrace Wells used it as an anaesthetic tomography confirms a concentration of N2O agent during dental extractions. In 1881 Stanislav activity in the medial thalamic area.7

used N2O for the treatment of pectoris, Several studies have demonstrated a distinc- and in 1969 Ruben completed a study citing more tion between the awareness and perception of

than three million N2O-oxygen sedations without . Concentrations of 15%–45% N2O produces 1 mishap. Since then N2O has gained widespread quantifiable and meaningful increases in the acceptance and is the most frequently used inha- threshold for both sensation and tolerance of

lational anaesthetic agent, usually in conjunction pain. At concentrations below 50%, the analgesic on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

with a volatile gas. It is still the agent of choice in effect of N2O follows a linear response dental practice, and a standard analgesic used in pattern,8 although this is influenced by cognitive prehospital care and obstetrics. and other psychological factors.


N2O is a tasteless, colourless gas. It is rapidly Box 1 Indications for use of nitrous oxide absorbed via the pulmonary vasculature directly in the emergency department into the bloodstream and does not combine with haemoglobin or any of the body tissues. This • Relief of pain from musculoskeletal injuries extremely low in produces its • Reduction of dislocations • Adjunct to other analgesia in forearm fracture rapid onset and offset. N2O displaces and manipulation See end of article for increase the volume of gas in body cavities such as the middle ear, sinuses, pleural space, and gastro- • Adjunct to lignocaine () in laceration authors’ affiliations repair ...... intestinal tract. N O has remarkably few side 2 • Adjunct to other analgesia in wound care and effects. No incompatibility with other has Correspondence to: abscess drainage Dr Í O’ Sullivan, Bristol and ever been demonstrated. • Adjunct or single agent for analgesia during Weston Emergency Departments, Bristol Royal ANALGESIC/ANAESTHETIC PROPERTIES • Prehospital analgesia Infirmary, Marlborough • Positioning for radiological or endoscopic Street, Bristol BS2 8HW, In 1967 Parbrook described the four levels of 2 examinations UK; Iomhar.O’Sullivan@ nitrous oxide analgesia. Different levels can be • Sickle pain ubht.swest.nhs.uk reached rapidly, as arterial tension at the brain • Ureteric colic will be 90% of that inhaled within minutes.3 Par- Accepted for publication • Myocardial chest pain 14 June 2002 brook emphasised that clinical signs, rather than • ...... the absolute percentage of inhaled N2O, should

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Box 2 Contraindications to the use of nitrous oxide in Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emj.20.3.214 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from Clinical studies focusing on the analgesic properties of N2O have shown varying degrees of pain relief. In the following the emergency department section we have graded published evidence according to the • Pressure effects widely recognised criteria described by Sackett et al.9 – Intracranial air, , middle ear In 1964, Parbrook found that of 20%–25% N O 2 disease, , asciibullous lung produced a similar analgesic potency to 10 mg–15 mg of disease, air embolism intramuscular morphine.10 [level of evidence 2b] • Impaired conscious level In adults, N2O has been used for the reduction of fractures • Early 11 12 and joint dislocations. [level 2b]. It has also been used for • B12 or folate deficiency the relief of pain from musculoskeletal injuries, wound care, • Immunosuppression suture removal, ureteric colic, acute abdominal pain,13 [level • Significant cardiac failure 2b] and some uncomfortable diagnostic procedures.

N2O has also been successfully used for the relief of 14 myocardial pain, [level 4] while Trinier’s small study of the use of N2O in migraine showed that 80% of patients achieved N O in sub-anaesthetic doses has no direct respiratory effects. symptomatic relief, and did not require rescue at 2 15 In common with other inhalational anaesthetics, tidal volume one hour. [level 4] decreases as the inspired concentration rises. However, this In children, many of the published studies are poorly effect is offset by an increase in respiratory rate. Stewart’s designed and include only small numbers. Nevertheless, a experiments on healthy volunteers Entonox dem- consistent pattern of moderate to good pain relief is seen. Both onstrated that the net effect is a rise in arterial oxygen satura- 50% and 30% N O:O mixtures have been shown to be effective 38 2 2 tion and a slight fall in PaCO . N O profoundly depresses the adjuncts to lignocaine (lidocaine) in the repair of 2 2 16 17 ventilatory stimulation produced by both hypoxia and hyper- lacerations, [level 2b] while one more recent and better carbia, and this can potentiate the apnoea caused by the con- designed study demonstrated that 50% N2O was superior to comitant administration of any respiratory . oral for this purpose, with a combination of the two agents increasing side effects without additional Gastrointestinal 18 benefit. [level 1b] 50% N2O also compared favourably with Opinion is polarised as to whether or not N2O causes intramuscular morphine and sedation in paediatric forearm and .39 40 It can certainly increase intestinal and mid- 19 fracture manipulation. [level 2b] Gregory reported that N2O dle ear volumes, which may in turn lead to nausea. Although produced similar levels of analgesia to lignocaine Bier’s block vomiting has not been reported in trials where exposure is 20 in paediatric forearm fracture manipulation, [level 2b] but comparatively limited a recent meta-analysis of 10 studies has Hennrikus demonstrated less impressive results when com- confirmed an association between postoperative emesis and paring 50% nitrous oxide and haematoma block with 50% N O.41 nitrous oxide alone.21 22 [level 4] 2 Entonox analgesia has been successfully and safely used in the prehospital setting and in the service for many EQUIPMENT 23–29

In the emergency department N O is usually supplied by one http://emj.bmj.com/ years. It is also very useful as a sole agent or adjunct in 2 delivery suites because it is devoid of effects on the baby.30 of two different systems: “Entonox” is a pre-prepared 50:50 mixture of N2O and oxy- SIDE EFFECTS gen. This is supplied in blue cylinders with blue and white quarters on the neck. The cylinder of mixed is B12 pressurised to approximately 13 700 kPa (1980 psi). Cylinders N O oxidises cobalamin and thereby inactivates vitamin B12, 2 of Entonox are attached to a patient delivery system that a cofactor of methionine synthetase. The resulting decrease in incorporates a two stage valve. The first stage acts as a pressure DNA production can be detected by an abnormal deoxyuridine reducing valve, while the second is a “demand valve”, that on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. (dU) suppression test. Abnormal dU tests have been recorded only allows gas to flow when the pressure is below in patients with exposures lasting only two to four hours. atmospheric (that is, the patient supplies a negative pressure Megaloblastosis and other marrow findings similar to through inhalation). The patient either holds a tight fitting those of pernicious anaemia are seen after prolonged N O 2 mask to their face or applies the necessary suction via a exposure. Prolonged exposure to N O can also cause a 2 mouthpiece. This demand system makes overdose almost myeloneuropathy similar to subacute combined degeneration impossible, because as the patient’s conscious level falls the of the cord.31 Acute exposure may precipitate a similar clinical mask or mouthpiece will no longer be retained in position, syndrome in patients with pre-existing subclinical vitamin causing room air to be inhaled. B12 deficiency,32 and depression of white cell formation may The second method of providing N O is via a piped wall also occur.33 to N O has occasionally been 2 2 supply or directly from cylinders of nitrous oxide, which have reported,34 and misuse should be considered in those present- a blue body and neck and are filled to a pressure of 4400 kPa ing with suspicious neurological symptoms or signs. (638 psi). In this situation the N2O is mixed with oxygen using Cardiovascular effects a machine designed for the purpose (for example, an anaesthetic “Boyle’s” machine or the Ohmeda “Quantiflex” N2O has been shown to produce a fall in cardiac output, system). This permits high gas flows and a wide range of N2O volume, PaCO2 and mean arterial pressure with a rise in peripheral resistance,35–37 but these changes are similar to concentrations, but runs the risk of inadvertently delivering a those seen when subjects inhale 100% oxygen.35 Some papers hypoxic mixture. Therefore where such systems are used spe- cific safety measures must be in place (see below). have cited a direct myocardial depressant effect of N2O, which is most marked in patients with reduced cardiac reserve. It has also been shown to cause mild increases in pulmonary vascu- SAFETY lar resistance in normal subjects, but a more marked response The greatest risk in administering N2O is that a hypoxic mix- in those with pre-existing pulmonary . N2O ture will be delivered. While Entonox delivery has the inbuilt should therefore be avoided in pulmonary oedema or patients safety mechanism described above, and the “pin index” with pulmonary hypertension, particularly mitral stenosis. system ensures that only the correct cylinder can be attached

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to anaesthetic equipment, there is a theoretical risk that if an repeat of a recent tragedy. Overall, N2O has a comprehensive

Entonox cylinder falls below a certain temperature (termed record spanning many decades and millions of patients: its Emerg Med J: first published as 10.1136/emj.20.3.214 on 1 May 2003. Downloaded from the “pseudo-critical temperature”) the N2O will separate out versatility and clinical effectiveness continue to commend it as as a liquid.42 This will cause gas delivered from such a cylinder an analgesic agent that is as useful in the 21st century as it to be initially very rich in oxygen, falling to hypoxic levels as was in the . the cylinder is emptied. However, as the “pseudo-critical tem- perature” is −5.5°C this is rarely a risk in practice. On the other ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS hand, when N2O is delivered by other means the risk of The authors are grateful to BOC Medical Gases and to the Faculty of hypoxia is very real. This was starkly emphasised by the recent Accident and Emergency Medicine for their assistance in providing tragic death ofa3yearoldgirl, who was inadvertently given information for this review. We would also like to thank Dr Jason N O instead of oxygen in an emergency department resuscita- Louis for his grading of the evidence quoted in the “clinical studies” 2 section of the paper. tion room. A subsequent document from the Royal College of Contributors Anaesthetists, supported by a position statement by the 43 Íomhar O’Sullivan initiated and drafted the review. Jonathan Benger Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine, indicates that provided additional data and edited the paper. Íomhar O’Sullivan acts machines used to deliver N2O must be properly checked, as guarantor. incorporate an anti-hypoxia linkage, and also possess a func- tioning oxygen analyser with a low concentration alarm in the ...... common gas outflow or breathing system. Virtually all Authors’ affiliations modern equipment will meet these criteria, but as emergency Í O’ Sullivan, Bristol and Weston Emergency Departments, Bristol Royal departments are often the last destination of antiquated Infirmary, Bristol UK anaesthetic machines (and that involved in this tragedy was J Benger, Emergency Department, Bristol Royal Infirmary 17 years old), it is essential that all departments conform to Funding: none. these standards, and that N2O is only administered by appro- priately trained clinicians. Conflicts of interest: none.

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