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ab urbe condita model for Roman Aemilius Scaurus 267, 269–270 historiography 264 aemulatio 415, 430 Abradatas 560 Aeneas 68, 74, 86, 199, 253, 486, 489 Abraham 235–238, 240, 577–578 Aeneid see Vergil Abydus 343–344, 347 Aeolians 517 Achaea 356 Aequians 395 Achaean Confederation 357 Aeschines 64, 364 Achaean internees 248 Aeschylus 18, 82, 153, 340, 423, Achilles 15, 153, 448–449, 510, 528, 550 504–514 passim Alexander and 219 Eumenides 255, 506 shield of 37 Oresteia 185, 423 Acilius, C. 260, 393–394, 485 Persians 20, 153, 496, 505 acta, of Roman senate 292 Aesop, author of Res Gestae Alexandri Actium 139 Macedonis 307 Acts of the Apostles 25 Aetolian Confederacy 357 Acusilaus of Argos 81 Aetolians, in Polybius 356–362 Genealogies 79 Africa 383, 450, 543 Ad Salices, battlefield 479 Africans 501 Adam 578 Agamedes 326 Adrestians 429 Agamemnon 490, 509 Adrianople 474, 476, 478–479 Agatharchides 545 adrogantia 267 COPYRIGHTEDAgathias MATERIAL 568, 571, 580 Aegina 353 Agathocles, Athenian archon 364, 366 Aelian 560–561 Agathocles, Sicilian tyrant 196–199 Aelius Aristides 470 Agave 424 Aelius Stilo, L. 264, 523 Agelaus 249 Aelius Tubero, L. 279 Agesilaus 92, 96, 175, 529 Aelius Tubero, Q. 278–279, 391 Agesinicus 369 Aemilius Asper 567 ago¯n, in Thucydides 336–341 Aemilius Paullus, L. 247, 352, 415, 485 Agricola see Iulius Agricola, Cn. Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 678 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

678 General Index

agrimensores 551 style of 474–480 Agrippa see Vipsanius Agrippa Tacitus and 298–299 Agrippa Postumus 465 Ammon 219 Aialu 223 Ammonius 34 Airs, Waters, Places 496 Amphipolis 339 aitie¯ 46 Amyntas 132 aklea 36 anachronism, in speeches 131–132 akoe¯ 33, 43–44, 49, 52, 83 anagke¯ 422 in Strabo 53 anakuklosis 247, 256 akribeia, 32, 48 analogy 20 Albici 374 Anastasius 576–577 Albinovanus Pedo 487–488 Anaxagoras 35–36, 539 Alciato, Andrea 379 and Thucydides 48 Alcibiades 92, 337–338, 341, 528, 532 Anaxibius 343–344 Alcimus 165 Anaximander of Miletus 28, 46, 547 ale¯theia see truth Anaximenes 23, 49, 128, 160–161, Alexander the Great 1, 6, 18, 25, 77, 211–220 passim, 554 151, 164, 168–169, 171, 195, ancestral constitution 408 221, 350, 472, 501, 530, 532, Andromache 422 537, 539, 548, 554–555 Andromachus 198 Achilles and 219 Androtion 181, 184–186 chronology of his historians 212 use of documents 63 death of, by poisoning (?) 212–220 annales Dioxippus and 427–433 contrasted with historia 41, 280 historians of 160, 210–220, 245 meaning of term 8, 263 influence on Trajan 447 Annales Maximi (Annals of the philosopher at arms 213 Pontifex Maximus) 8, 70, 261 pursuit of glory 447–453 Annales school 29 Romance 211 annalists, as distinguished from historians 8 speech of 120 Annianos 578 Alexander Polyhistor 222, 229, 232–233 Anonymus Valesianus 297 Alexander Severus 296, 462 Antandros 343 Alexandria 571, 578 Antandrus 165, 196 allegory 20 Antigonus Monophthalmos 214, 216–217 allusion 20 Antioch 195, 198, 350, 572 Aloros, king of Babylon 222–223 Antiochus I (Sote¯r) 222, 224, 229 Alyzeans 368–369 Antiochus III 246, 351, 353–354, 491 Amazons 496 Antiochus IV 246, 350 Ambraciots 508 Antiochus of Syracuse 80, 162, 165, Amenophis 226, 228 189–190, 193 Ammianus Marcellinus 1, 4, 39, 287, 292, method of 191–192 296–299, 303, 507, 512, 567–571, 580 sources of 192 admires Julian 302 Antipater 213, 215, 218 attitude towards Christians 301, 480 Antiphanes 557, 562–563 audience of 468–473 Antiphon 92, 340, 525 digressions in 468–473 antiquarianism 8, 17–18, 54 scale of his work 298 and history 515–527 sphragis of 474–480 antiquarius, antiquarii 516 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 679 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Antistius, C. 486 Ariarathes of Cappadocia 353 Antoninus Pius 290 Arion 43–44 Antoninus, Life of (Historia Augusta) 296 Ariovistus 108, 484 Antonius Diogenes 563 Aristaenus 249 Wonders beyond Thule 555 Aristarchus of Samos 548 Antonius, M. (Mark Antony) 171, 537, 539 Aristarchus of Samothrace 522 his camp at Actium 139 his commentary on Herodotus 20 Antony see Antonius, M. Aristeas 82 Apicius 251 Aristeas, Jewish historian 233, 235 apista 563 aristeia 318 apodexis 30, 32, 45 Aristides, Athenian politician apoikiai see colonies, accounts of (‘‘the Just’’) 64, 407 Apollo 517, 520, 532 Aristion 369 Apollodorus of Athens 522–3, 577 Aristobulus, historian of Alexander 211–220 Chronicle 22, 181 passim, 428, 430, 448–449 Apollonius of Rhodes 525 character of his history 218–219 Appian 276, 464, 570 date of 218 method of composition 454–455 on Alexander’s drinking 219 on Julius Caesar 112, 114 Aristonothos 67 on Mithridates 106 Aristophanes 22, 525 on Perseus 115–116 Aristotle 5, 17, 69, 192, 219, 253, 484, on Sulla 114 486, 510, 528–529, 538, 544–545, 559 treatment of Roman civil wars 454–460 antiquarian research of 520–521 Appuleius Saturninus, L. 251, 455–456, 458 corrected by Timaeus on Epizephyrian Aquileia 575 Locrians 51 Arabia 449, 543, 561 on epic 33 Arabs 572 on history and poetry 101, 505 Aratus of Sicyon 34, 246, 358, 530, 537 on plots 154 Memoirs 164 use of documents in his school 63 Arcadia 555 Aristoxenus 369, 529 ‘‘Archaeology,’’ of Thucydides see Armenia 447, 571 Thucydides, ‘‘Archaeology’’ Arnold, Matthew 323 archaia 34 arrangement, of history, according to archaic age, of Greece 15–16 Diodorus 177 archaiologia 49, 517 Arrian 81, 151, 427, 429 archaization, in epic 15–16 Anabasis 211–220 passim, 531 Archias, founder of Syracuse 192 Indica 214, 449 Archias, Macedonian 513 on Alexander’s pursuit of glory 447–453 Archidamian War 339 Tactics 448 Archidamus III 365 Arruntius, L. 278, 282 Areopagus, in Atthidographers 185 Artapanus 233, 236–237, 240 Ares 432 account of Yahweh 239 Argives 343 Artaxerxes I 204 Argolas 370 Artaxerxes II 203–204, 206, 537, 554, 560 Argonauts 488 Artaxerxes III 206 Argos 490, 517 Artemidorus 545, 547 see also Hellanicus of Lesbos Asclepiades of Myrtilea 20 argumentum 78 Asconius Pedianus, Q. 379, 525 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 680 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Asinius Pollio, C. 8, 24, 275, 278, Augustus, Roman emperor 104, 139, 245, 279, 282, 376, 513 257, 265, 275, 277, 283, 291, 294, 299, criticizes Caesar’s Commentarii 276 309, 412–413, 415, 441, 461, 466, 483, Asinius Pollio, C., son of previous 486 491, 524, 530, 533, 535, 537, 548, 575 Assyria and Assyrians 202, 554–555, 577 Livy and 284 history 203 Res Gestae of 136 Astaspes 429 Aurelius Symmachus, Q. 305 Astycrates 369 Aurelius Victor, Sex. 297, 299, 301, 305, Ateius Philologus, L. 22, 282 309, 477 Athanas 160 De Caesaribus 308 Athenaeus 206–207, 251, 525 Ausonius 567 Athenaio¯n Politeia, use of documents Caesares 307 in 62–63 autobiography 530 Athenian demagogues, attacked by Roman 266–274 Theopompus 175 autoethnography 497 Athenion 251 autopatheia see experience Athens and the Athenians 16, 329, 336, autopsy (eyewitness) 29, 39–55, 240–241, 338, 343, 346, 368, 356, 377, 511 279, 373, 401 origins treated by Atthidographers Autun 548 183–185 Avars 571, 580 athletes, needs of 431 axiologa 93 Atthidographers 180–188 contents and sources of 183 Babylon and the Babylonians 202, 221–225, political viewpoint of 187, 188 229, 240, 425, 447, 451, 494, 555 treatment of Athenian origins 183–185 Bactria 430 Atthis (pl. Atthides) 63, 80 Balbinus 295 development of 187–188 barbarian 357, 360–361, 439, 497 style and structure of 180–183 barbarian histories 494 use of myth in 84 basanizein see torture see also Atthidographers battle narratives, in historiogaphy 435–440 Attic War 195 battle speeches 436 Attica, heroes of 185 Bedriacum 439, 444 Atticism 23, 525 Belisarius 570 Atticus see Pomponius Atticus bella 8 Attila 295, 569 belua 445 Atys 256 Berga 562 audience Bergaean text 562 of Fabius Pictor 260 Berossus of Babylon 221–225, 234, 238, of Greek historians on Rome 244 240, 496 of historiography 23–25, 49 Bessus 453 of Sallust 386 bias of Strabo 545 in Ephorus 173 of ’s history 576 in Theopompus 175 Aufidius Bassus, continued by Pliny in Xenophon 96 the Elder 293 biography 18 Augeas, king of Elis 326 and history 102, 434, 528–540 Augustine, St. 266, 556, 578 literary 530 City of God 379, 575, 578 philosophical 529–530 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 681 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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political 530–531 Capito of Lycia 568 Roman 266 Capitoline temple 394–396 Bithynia 462, 467 Capys the Trojan 68 Bocchoris, pharaoh 225 Caracalla 295, 462, 466 Boeotia 369 Carinus 296 Boeotians 318, 351, 368 Carmania 429 Boudicca 435, 439–440 Carrhae 513 Brasidas 340, 346 Carthage 195, 199, 248, 259, 352, 383, breviarium (pl. breviaria) 305–311, 551 385, 450, 490, 498, 512 Britons 434–440, 502 Carthaginian War against mercenaries 152 Brutus, younger 25, 530–531 Carthaginians 354, 361, 383, 451, epitomizes Polybius’ history 241 490–491, 495, 497, 532 Brutus, tyrannicide 254, 291, 465 relations with Sicily 196 Bucephalus 539 see also Punic Wars Bulgars 498, 579 Carus 296 Byzantium 366, 369 Cassander 215–216, 218, 561 Cassiodorus 305, 310, 568, 570, 579–580 Caesar, C. (grandson of Augustus) 414 Historia Tripartita 577 Caesar, Julius see Julius Caesar Institutiones 578 Cadmus of Miletus 78 Cassius, assassin of Caesar 25 Caecina Tuscus 442–443 Cassius Dio 46, 119, 293–296, 297, Caelius Rufus, M. 382 442, 461–467 Caesarea 570 debate of Agrippa and Maecenas in 132 Calgacus 435–440, 534 methodology of 464–465 Caligula 291, 293, 502 origins of his history 295, 462–463 Callias, Sicilian historian 165, 192, 196 style of 464 Callicrates 361 Cassius Dio Apronianus 462 Callicratidas 111 Cassius Hemina, L. 263–264, 485 Callimachus 18, 69, 522, 524 Castalius 310 Callisthenes 23, 25, 34, 120, 160, 161, Castor of Rhodes 181 173, 211–220 passim, 501 Catalogue of Ships see Homer exalts Alexander as new Achilles 219 Catiline see Sergius Catilina, L. List of Pythian Victors 219, 520 Cato the Elder (Cato the Censor) 24, 129, Hellenica 151, 163, 167–168, 219 249, 251, 260–261, 263, 265, 268, 271, on speeches 122 285, 371, 388–389, 525, 532–533 refuses to perform proskunesis 220 influence on Sallust 282 Callistratus (Athenian archon) 365 Origines 7, 259, 389 Calpurnius Piso Frugi (Censorius), Cn. 133, peoples of Italy in 260, 497–498 261, 263, 265, 391, 394, 485 refers to songs in praise of famous men 71 Cambyses 202–203 Cato the Younger (Cato Uticensis) 119, Camillus 254, 264, 285, 395 388–389, 415–417, 531, 539 Candaules 42 debate with Caesar in Sallust’s Candidus 568, 570 Catiline 119, 130 Cannae 259, 353, 361, 392 Catullus 485 cannibalism, of Mary in Josephus 419–426 Catulus see Lutatius Catulus cannibalism, Samaritan 420 Cecrops, in Atthidographers 181 canon of historians 20, 23, 216 Cephallenians 359 canons of Eusebius 578 Cephisodorus 151, 366 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 682 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Cerberus 495, 508 chronicles, in late antiquity 577–580 Chabrias 366, 554 571–573, 578 Chaereas and Callirhoe 553–554 chronography 5–6, 577 Chaeronea 430 chronology 13 Chalcedonian cause 576 biblical 235 character of Diodorus 363–370 and environment 116 relation to local history 181–182 change in, 115–117 chronos 33 development of 115–117 Cicero see Tullius Cicero Ephorus’ interest in 174 Cimbri 389, 479 in Polybius 246 Cincinnatus 254 revealed by remarks 119 in Dionysius of Halicarnassus 404–410 revealed by speech 119 Cincius Alimentus, L. 74, 260, 391 characterization classics, and the study of ancient by Caesar 114–115 languages 135–137 by means of speeches 107–108, 110–112 Claudius 211, 275, 291, 293, 446 consistency of 103–104 his Lyon speech indebted to Livy 130 in ancient historiography 102–117 Tacitus’ version of his Lyon speech 129 indirect 107–110 Claudius Anteros, Ti. 23 speeches as vehicle for 119 Claudius, Appius 256, 539 Charax of Pergamum 326 Claudius Gothicus 297 Chares 211–220 passim Claudius Marcellus, M. 394, 471–472, 485 Chariton 553–555 Claudius Quadrigarius, Q. 264, 277, 485 Charon of Lampsacus 46, 161, 200–202 and Livy 391–396 Hellenica of 165 Clearchus 105, 111, 529 Cheilon 351 Cleidemus 70, 181 Cheops 323 and myth 84 Chephren 323 Cleisthenes 63 children, in Hellenistic historiography 423 Cleitarchus 21, 211–220 passim, 428 Chios 366 reputation at Rome 216 Chlaeneas, speech in Polybius 130–131 Cleitus 213, 217 Choerilus 150 Clement of Alexandria 237 chorographia 542 Cleodamas 233, 237, 240 Christ 17–18, 25, 210, 575–576, 579 Cleomenes 453 Christian calendar 573 Cleon 97, 119, 337–341 Christian church 299 Cleopatra VII 139, 171, 308, 537, 539 Christian notion of history 572 Cleophon 20 Christianity 17–18, 525 Clodius (?) 392 Ammianus Marcellinus’ attitude Clodius Albinus 461 towards 301, 475, 480 Clodius Licinius, C. 278 Christians, in imperial historiography 302 Cluvius Rufus 293 Christodorus 568 Clytemnestra 509 chronicle Cnemus 340, 346 of Eusebius 577–578 Cocalus 80, 191, 195 of Jerome 578 Coelius Antipater, L. 151, 264–265, 392 Chronicler of 452 579 on historical truth 264 Chronicler of 511 579 cohortatio 128 Chronicles (Hebrew Bible) 231 Coleridge, Samuel 555 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 683 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Collatinus 465 Cornelius Scipio Aemilianus, L. 246–247, Collingwood, R. G., on Thucydides’ 350, 383, 415–416, 457, 460, 512 style 142 tears at Carthage 249–250 colonies, accounts of 23–24 Cornelius Scipio Africanus, L. 128, 248, colonization, and local history 187 285, 383, 415 Colonus 406 Cornelius Sisenna, L. 8, 278–279, 282, 392 Columella 543 Cornelius Sulla, L. 269–270, 277, 383, comedy 20–21, 470 386–387, 392, 408, 429, 461, 463, 466, Greek new 497 523, 530, 538 commentarius (pl. commentarii) 25, 373, in Appian 114 377, 484, 530 Corrhagus 430–433 Caesar’s 271–273 Cos 366 Cicero’s on his consulship 271 Council of Chalcedon 576 nature of 271–273 Council of Nicaea 576 commentary see hupomne¯ma Craterus 431 Commodus 290, 295, 461–463, 466 Craterus of Macedon 64–65, 522 Constantine 296–297, 299–302, 477, Crates of Mallos 522–523 575, 577 Cratippus 48, 160, 162, 166–169, 250 478, 567–568, 570–571, criticized Thucydides’ speeches 163 573, 576–577, 579 Cremona 444 Constantius 301 Cremutius Cordus 24 Constantius II 307, 477 speech of, in Tacitus’ Annals 128 constitution, mixed 247, 253, 410 Creon 513 Constitutional Debate Critias 128 in Herodotus 119 speech of, in Xenophon’s Hellenica in Dio 466 111–112 Constitutions (of Aristotle’s school) 63 Croesus 46, 449 501 constitutions, cycle of 247, 256, 410 Croton 192 continuation of Thucydides by Ctesias 78, 165, 175, 200, 202–208, 224, Xenophon 155 508, 560 continuators 475 evaluation of his work 204–205 comparison of Greek and Roman 169 Herodotus and 204 Greek 250, 294 Indica 203 of Thucydides 48, 155 Persica 202–205 Roman 294 on the Persian Wars 205 continuous history 34 On the Tributes in Asia 205 Corcyra 340–341, 511 Curtius Rufus, Q. 46, 531 Corcyrean Debate 130 date of 428 Corinth 248, 343, 357 History of Alexander 151, destruction of 248–249, 288 211–220 passim Corinthian War 167 on good king 427–433 Coriolanus 21, 256, 285 speeches in 128, 132 Cornelius Alexander Polyhistor, L. 523 Cyclopes 495 Cornelius Balbus, L. 485 Cydonia 365 Cornelius Cossus 128 Cylon 341 Cornelius Dolabella 443 ‘‘Cymaean Chronicle’’ 68 Cornelius Nepos 22, 194, 429, 490, Cyprian 297 528–529, 531–533, 540 Cyrene 327 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 684 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Cyrus the Elder (Cyrus the Great) 77, 155, Deuteronomy 231, 420–421 165, 201, 203, 206, 222, 256, 501, 508, Deuteronomistic history 231, 241 529, 532, 560 Dexippus 294, 568 Cyrus the Younger 111 Diadochs 164, 430, 548 obituary of, in Xenophon, Anabasis 105 dialogism 30 dianoia 331 Daedalus 80 Dicaearchus 521, 548 Daimachus 161 Dictys of Crete 18 daimonion 354, 462 didactic poems 22 Damas 198 Didas 399 Damastes 165 Dido 490, 491, 497 Damon 539 Didymus 190 Dandamis 452 die¯ge¯ma (narration) 21 Daphnis and Chloe 555 Dieneces 316–317 Dardanians 491 Digest 297 Dares of Phrygia 18, 572 digressions 550 Darius 153, 201–202, 239, 327, 430, 450, ethnographical 496, 500 495, 539 in Ammianus Marcellinus 468–473 David, Court History of 231 in Ephorus 173 De Viris Illustribus 308 Dinarchus 525 declamation 21 Dinon 165, 200, 206–207 Ephorus on 50 Dio Chrysostom 195, 449, 451 Deinomenids 193–196 on speeches in Xenophon 125 delatores (informants) 430, 432 Diocles of Peparathos 74, 260 delectatio see pleasure Diocletian 296–297, 299, 302, 476 Delian League 63 Diodorus of Sicily 1, 22, 61–62, 78–79, Delos 356, 519 129, 160, 165, 171, 176–178, 189, 195, Delphi 43, 360, 363–370, 520, 532 211–220 passim, 234, 236, 287, 319, Delphic Amphictyony 360, 363–370 354, 428–429, 464, 496, 509, 561 dementia 432 and myth 85–87 Demeter 326 and Posidonius 251 Demetrius, Jewish historian 233, 235, and written records 50 237, 239 arrangement of his history 176–177 Demetrius of Phalerum 63, 245, 350 chronology of 363–370 Demetrius (son of Philip V) 128, 248, dating in 176–177 353, 397–403 on arrangement in history 177 Demetrius Poliorcetes 199, 217 on historians as benefactors 178 Demochares 161 on speeches of praise and blame 128 Demodocus 16, 40 on Third Sacred War 363–370 Demon 84, 181 sources of 177–178 Demophilus 34, 163–164, 172 speeches in 130 demos 405, 407 themes in 178 Demosthenes (Athenian general) 337 Diodorus of Tarsus 578 Demosthenes (Athenian orator) 19, Diodotus 119, 338 364, 513, 538 Diogenes Laertius 529, 559 Demotic Chronicle 227 Diogenes the Cynic 213, 449, 451 Dercylidas 113 Diogenes of Selukeia 522 description (ekphrasis) 19, 21, 305, 546 Diomedes 393 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 685 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Dion 194, 196 Dorians 517 Dionysius I 191, 193–195, 197–198, 554 doxa 17, 37 Dionysius II 195, 198 Draco 408 Dionysius of Alexandria 543 ‘‘constitution of Draco’’ 63 Dionysius of Halicarnassus 1, 4, 6, 7, 34, drama, Roman, and Roman 48, 72, 74, 77–78, 80, 182, 192, 195, historiography 72–73, 510 244, 252–258, 260, 366, 507, 517, 521 Drusus, brother of Tiberius 413 and Livy 284–285 Duilius, C. 472 and myth 85–87 Duris of Samos 49, 161, 164–165, attitude towards speeches 129 169–170, 175, 196, 364, 505, 558–559 developmental model of historiography 4–5 ears, as inferior to eyes 43 distinguishes form of his history 181 effort, in inquiry 32 evaluation of speeches in Thucydides Egypt 221, 322–327, 494, 499, 501 126–127 Herodotus’ description of 43 on Cincinnatus 404–410 eikos 101 on Herodotus’ arrangement 154–155 ekphrasis see description on speeches 126–127 Elagabalus 296, 462 on Theopompus 175 elegiac poetry 20, 30 On Thucydides 4, 142 Elis 326 on Thucydides’ arrangement 156–157 Elpines 366 Roman Antiquities ‘‘prequel’’ to Emerson, Ralph Waldo 528 Polybius 252 emotions, in history 510–511 Roman Antiquities, styles of 253 Empedocles 77 speeches in 254–255 enargeia 406, 509 Dionysius of Miletus 5, 80, 200–201 encomium (enko¯mion) see panegyric Dionysus 353 Endius 337 campaigns of, in Diodorus 86 Enmann’s Kaisergeschichte 297–299, 305, Dioxippus 427–433 308, 568 discourse, in historiography 29 Ennius 74, 263, 486, 488–489, 492 Diyllus 162–164 and tabulae 262 documents 13–14, 28, 185; see also Annales 262, 485, 497 inscriptions Enuma Elish 223 and Timaeus 199 Epaminondas 95, 198 Craterus’ collection of 64 Ephemerides 213, 217 in Christian historiography 576 Ephippus 211–220 passim in Greek historiography 56–66 Ephorus 22–23, 33–34, 46, 49, 51, 62, 70, in Jewish historiography 240–241 80, 128–129, 149, 160, 162–163, use of, by Androtion 63 164–165, 170–174, 185, 192, 196, 505, use of, by Athenaio¯n Politeia 62–63 519–520, 538 use of, by Josephus 65 and declamation 50 use of, by Philochorus 63 and myth 84 use of, by Plutarch 65–66 arrangement of his history kata genos 172 use of, by Polemon 64 bias of 173 Domitian 25, 290–291, 299, 432, 439, historical method of 172–173 441, 445–446, 466, 534, 536 inquiry in 50–51 Domitius, L. 371, 374 interest in character 174 Donatus 483 moralism in 174 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 686 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Ephorus (cont’d) eunomia 408–409 On Inventions 519 Euphantus 161 reliability of 174 Euphorion 18 sources of 173 Euphrates 451 use of digressions by 173 Eupolemus 233, 235, 237, 241 epic 20–21, 33, 40 euprepes 83 and historiography 14–17, 483–492 Euripides 73, 128, 192, 422, 424, epicho¯rioi, as sources 43 504–514 passim, 530, 578 Epicurus 488 Andromache 20 epideictic oratory 16, 470 Bacchae 424, 513 distinguished from history by Medea 82, 202, 422, 424 Ephorus 173 Orestes 20 relationship with history 128 Eusebius 225, 232–233, 237, 297, 299, epieikeia 405 477, 574–578 Epiphanius 577 canons of 578 Epirotes 354 Chronicle of 181, 577–578 episte¯me¯ 90 influence of Josephus on 574 epitaphios logos see funeral orations Life of Constantine 300 epitaphs of the Scipios 71 Eusthatius of Epiphaneia 568 Epitomator of Jason 233 Eutropius 298, 301, 309, 575 epitomators 576 Breviarium 305, 476 Epitome de Caesaribus 297, 305 Eutychides of Sicyon 350 Epitome of the Deeds of Alexander 211 Evagoras 529 epitomes 2, 305–311, 551 Evagrius 568, 572, 577 Epizephyrian Locrians 51 evidentia 374–377 Eratosthenes 69, 235, 522, 542, excerpta 23 548, 562, 577 exemplary history 412–418 map of 548–549 exemplum (pl. exempla) 19, 22, 179, Esdras (Hebrew Bible) 231–233, 239, 241 457, 512 Eteonicus 345 historical, in speeches 130–131 Ethiopia 561 in Livy 132 Ethiopians 447, 451 in oratory 131 ethne¯ 520 exile ethnography 5, 17, 28, 46, 153, 186, historian as 24 203–204, 434, 470, 550 Timaeus’ 52 and history 493–503 exite¯la 36 ethos 102 exite¯los 99 Etruscans 67–68, 395 exitus literature 445 Euboea 366 Exodus 229 Eudoxus 548 experience, necessary for vivid Eugammon of Cyrene 326 representation 51–52 Euhemerus 557, 561–562 explanation, in history 31 Eumelus of Corinth Corinthiaca 80 eyewitness see autopsy Eumenes 430–431 Ezekias 237 Eumolpus 489 Ezekiel 421 294, 297, 480, 567–570 History, two editions of 300–301 Fabius Maximus, Q. 538 Lives of the Sophists 300, 530 Fabius Maximus Servilianus, Q. 485 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 687 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Fabius Pictor, Q. 7, 74–75, 259–265, Gedrosian desert 215, 429 287, 391 Gelasius of Cyzicus 575–576 audience of 260 Gellius, Aulus 393, 525 Fabius Valens 443 Gellius, Cn. 263–264, 392, 485 Fabricius 254 Gelon 173, 191, 197, 199, 354 fabula 78 genealogies 5, 16–17, 21, 23, 506 fabulae praetext(at)ae 485 generals, speeches of 127–129 as source for Roman history 72 geography 28, 46 Fannius, C. 485 and history 541–552 fate 512 cultural-descriptive 541–552 passim federated histories 54 mathematical-physical 544–552 passim felicitas 414 German Wars, of elder Pliny 293 Fenestella 278–279 Germanicus 487 Festus, abridger of Verrius Flaccus 73, 524 visit to Egypt in Tacitus 133–144 Festus, author of Breviarium 309–310, 476 Germans 440, 502 Flaminius, C. 285 Gibbon, Edward 41, 290, 294–295, Flamininus see Quinctius Flamininus 477, 480 Flood, in Babylonian myth 222 Gilgamesh 15, 223 Florus 492, 575 Glabrio 432 folk-tale 324–327, 506 gno¯me¯ 32, 42–43, 82, 123, 331 Fontenelle 87 xumpasa gno¯me¯ in Thucydides 330 fortuna 413, 417 gods see also tyche¯ in Herodotus 96 Forum of Augustus 416 in Xenophon 96 foundation narrative see ktisis Golosses 352 Four Hundred at Athens 62, 64, 406 Gordian knot 431, 433 fragments, use of 2 Gorgias 16, 337–338 Franks 571, 580 Gorgopas 345 Fronto 269, 379 Gospels 25, 530 Fufidius, L 269 Gothic War 474, 478–479 funeral orations Goths 478, 479, 498, 569–570, 573, in Athens 16, 184, 339 579–580 in Rome 71 Gracchus see Sempronius Gracchus Furias Antias, M. 269 grammar 20 Furies 513 grammarians 20–21 Furius Bibaculus 484–485 grammatical theory 20–21 grammatici / grammatikoi 517, Galba 292 521–527 passim characterized by Tacitus 109–110 grammatike¯ 517 speech in Tacitus 132 Gratian 478 Galerius 299 Graupius, Mons 434–440, 534 Gallic sack of Rome 70, 392 Graves, Robert 275–276 Gallus Caesar 299 Great Rhetra 64 Gaugamela 430, 447 Greek Daniel 233 Gauls 352–353, 360–361, 377, 395, Greek, need for knowledge of 137 494, 500–502, 575 Gregory of Nyssa 575 in Caesar 501–502 Gregory of Tours 568 Gaza 570, 576 Gregory, patriarch of Antioch 577 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 688 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Grumentum 392 starting points of 162–163 Gyges 42 see also history, continuous; Theopompus, Gyges-Drama 505 Hellenica; Xenophon, Hellenica gymnosophists 451 Hellenica Oxyrhynchia 48, 161, 163, 166, 169, 173, 241, 250 Hadrian 451, 525, 569 inscriptions in 61–62 his farewell to his soul 452 Hellespont 347 Haemus, Mt. 397–403 Hephaestus 323 Hagia Sophia 576 Hephaistion 213 Hamilcar 490 Hera 490, 517 Hamlet 507 Heracleidae, Return of 34, 184, 522 Hanging Gardens of Babylon 222 Heracleides, historian of Persia 165 Hannibal 65, 75, 104, 246, 260, 284–285, Heracleides of Cumae 200, 206–207 352, 361, 380, 486, 488, 490–491 Heracleides of Pontus 69, 245, 253 characterization of, by Livy 109 Heracles 45, 82–83, 85, 215, 237, evalution of, in Livy 106 240, 253, 260, 432 Hannibalic War see Punic War, Second Heraclitus 31–32, 35, 42 Harpagus 511 Heraclius 571 Harpocration 525 Hercules 399 Hasdrubal 352–353, 393–394 Hermias 165 Hasmoneans 241 Hermippus of Smyrna 529, 538 Hebrew scriptures 238 Hermocrates 92, 191, 193, 196, 336, 554 Hecabe 507 in Timaeus 198 Hecataeus of Abdera 226, 496 Hermogenes 195 Hecataeus of Miletus 5–6, 17–18, 28, 68, Hermotimus of Pedasa 453 77–79, 81–82, 84–85, 147, 173, 495, Herodian 295–297 508, 547, 553 Herodotus 1–2, 4–7, 13, 17, 18, 23, 28, Genealogies 5, 28, 46 30–31, 33–38, 41–42, 56, 65–66, 77, Perie¯ge¯sis / Periodos Ge¯s 5, 46 79, 84, 91, 93, 96, 103–105, 107, 147, as much-traveling man 46 153, 158, 165, 167–168, 175–176, authority of 499 191–192, 200–201, 203, 206, 221–222, speeches in 118 225–226, 235, 244–245, 247, 251, 253, Hecate 491 255–256, 262, 264, 322–328, 340, Hector 448–449, 467, 510 343–344, 373, 441, 447, 449–450, 453, Hegel, G. W. F. 333 464, 483, 493, 495–497, 499–501, Hegemon of Alexandria 150 504–506, 510, 512, 515, 517–519, Heine, Heinrich 324 537–538, 547, 553, 554, 560, 567, 572 Helen 83, 323, 509 and Ctesias 204 Heliodorus 354 and myth 82–83 Hellanicus of Lesbos 5, 33, 68, 78, 175, as model for Thucydides’ monograph 147 181, 184–186, 190, 192, 200–202, 337, as universal historian 171 517–518 authorial presence of 322 Priestesses of Hera at Argos 5, 51, 64 commentary on, by Aristarchus 20 relationship to Herodotus 202 Constitutional Debate in 119 use of myth 84 defines memorable achievements 91–92 Hellenica 8, 48, 162 development of 6 as title 161 difference from Thucydides in scope of 161–170 inquiry 47–48 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 689 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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form of his work 154–155 as distinguished from annalists 8 gods in 96 as exile 24 his ‘‘starting point’’ provided by as judge 22 Xanthus 46 as stylistic models 22–23 influential on Hellenistic writers 49 canon of 20, 23, 216 inquiry in 42–48 in political life 24 judgment in 94–95 similarities with orator 22 Livy as Roman 280 relationship to power 24–25 memorialization in 100–101 historiarum enarratio see narration of methods of inquiry 40 histories model for Ionic style 22 historical consciousness 27, 30 narrative shape of 98–99 historical cycle 22 narrator 30 historical exemplum see exemplum on Egypt 186 historie¯ 28–29, 31, 32, 42–44, 77, 94, 515 on Thermopylae 315–321 historikon meros 20 praised by Dionysius for his historiographos 31, 34 arrangement 154–155 historiography public readings of 23 as literary genre 17–19 relationship to Hellanicus 202 developmental model of 4–8 source-citations 82 ‘‘literary’’ vs. ‘‘scientific’’ approach 3–4 sources of 323 historio¯n apodosis see narration of histories use of inscriptions 57–58 history variant version in 94 ancient concept of 13–14 heroic age 78 and antiquarianism 515–527 Hesiod 68, 81, 499 and biography 434, 528–540 Catalogue of Women 79, 495 and ethnography 493–503 Hesychius 568 and geography 541–552 heure¯mata 517 and myth 76–88 Hiero 191 and panegyric 476–480 Hieronymus of Cardia 160, 164 and poetry 322 Hipparchus 542, 548 and rhetoric 51, 142–143 Hippias of Elis 49, 519 and tragedy 173, 504–514, 558–560 Hippo 575 and truth 42 Hippocrates 496 as science 18 Hippocratic medicine, and Thucydides 48 Christian notion of 572 Hippolytus 509, 577 contemporary (Zeitgeschichte) 41, 546 Hippys 190 continuous (perpetua historia)6,8, Hirtius, A. 272–273, 484, 530 159–170 histoire´ eve´ nementielle 54 distinct from annals 280 histo¯r 29, 37, 42 family 186 historia 34–38, 40, 515 local 180–188 and science 31 notion of, attacked by modern as literary genre 31–32 scholars 89–90 as mode of knowledge 31–36; see also of actions and events 30 inquiry of processes 30 contrasted with annales 41 positivist 34–35 historian pragmatic 250 as benefactor 178 ‘‘tragic’’ 506, 513–514, 558 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 690 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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history (cont’d) in Ephorus 50–51 universal 34, 149, 157, 171–179 in Greek historiography 39–55 universal, benefits of 179 in Herodotus 42–48 Hobbes, Thomas 338 in Polybius 51–54 Homer 14–19, 33, 41, 42, 60, 68, in Theopompus 49–50 77, 79, 82, 85, 91, 94, 97, 128–129, in Thucydides 47–48 372–373, 422–423, 448–449, 467, 483, in Timaeus 50–52 486, 494–495, 506, 510, 512, 527, 543, truth and 39 550, 556 inscriptions 141 Catalogue of Ships 15–16, 550 Hellenica Oxyrhynchia’s use of 61–62 influence on history 153–158 Herodotus’ use of 57–58 Iliad 15, 153, 156, 423, 495, Polybius’ use of 64–65 510, 522, 525 Thucydides’ use of 58–60 Odyssey 487, 556; see also Odysseus Xenophon’s use of 60–61 Homeric hymns 349 intellectual revolution 40 honoratiores 544 Io 82 Horace 67, 69, 71, 276, 535 Iollas 215 Horatius Cocles 247 Ion of Chios 529 horography (local history) 6 Ionia 547 horoi (annals) 517 Ionian science 28 Hortensius Hortalus 278 Ionians 495, 517 Hostilius, A. 354 Iphicrates 342–344 hubris 513 Isauria 570 human nature (anthropeia phusis)37 Isaurians 478 Huns 469–470, 498, 569, 579–580 ise¯goria 408–409 hupomne¯ma (pl. hupomne¯mata) 20, Isidore 568, 580 273, 484 definition of historia 41 Hydatius 579 Etymologies 572–573, 578 Hyginus 524 Isis 326 Hyksos 226, 228 Islam 572 Hyphasis 450 Isocrates 16, 19, 33, 50, 64, 172, 484, 529 iambic poetry 20 Evagoras 530 Iamblichus 555 Issus 539 Iambulus 561 Ister 181 Icarus, island 449 Istros the Callimachean 522 Idastaviso 440 Italus, king of Italy 192 ignavia 431, 444 itineraria 551 Ilerda 372–378 itineraries, early Christian 551–552 Illyria 492 Itinerarium Burdigalense 551 Illyrians 361 Itinerarium Egeriae 551–552 Immortals 316 Itinerarium of Alexander 307 impartiality 19, 25 Itinerarium of Trajan 307 India 447, 501, 543 Iulius Agricola, Cn. 435–440, Indians 450 502, 534 individual-centered histories 6 character of 435–440 innocentia 416 see also Tacitus, Agricola inquiry Iulius Proclus 401 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 691 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Jacoby, Felix 5–8, 28, 41, 180, 200 of historian 42 developmental view of 147–148 role in historiography 35–36 Januarius Nepotianus 306 Judith 233 Jason of Cyrene 232–233, 241 Jugurtha 277, 383–384, 386, Jason of Pherae 109 429, 498 Jason, epitomator of 233 see also Sallust, Jugurtha Jeremiah 421 Julian 461 Jerome 291, 300, 309, 567, 575, 579 Julian, Roman emperor 299, 300, Chronicle 299, 476, 578 308–309, 477, 568–569 Jerusalem 235, 420–426 and novels 556 Jews 15, 494 Caesars 301 and Greek historiography 231–243 in Ammianus Marcellinus 302 antiquity of 236 Julius Africanus 577 customs of 239 Julius Caesar, C. 271, 287, 387–389, in Tacitus 434 417, 461, 465, 484–485, 487–488, John of Antioch 568 492, 495, 501, 530, 534–535, 551 John of Biclar 579 Bellum Gallicum (Gallic War) 576 501–502 John of Epiphaneia 568, 571 characterization of in Appian 112, 114 John Hyrkanus 238 characterizes Ariovistus 108 John Lydus 309 characterizes his soldiers 108–109 577–578 characterizes the Germani 108–109 Johnson, Samuel 105, 106 Commentarii 272 305, 310, 568, 570, 580 Commentarii criticized by Asinius Joseph 237, 324 Pollio 276 Joseph and Aseneth 233 debate with Cato in Sallust’s Catiline Josephus 57, 81, 192, 222, 224–226, 119, 130 229, 231, 237–239, 443 evaluations of character in 106 criticizes Greek historiography 234 narrative arrangement in 372–378 influence of Greek tragedy on narrative manner of 371 422–426 On Analogy 484 influenced by Polybius 241 on Massilia 371–378 Jewish Antiquities 232–233 style of Commentarii 273 Jewish War 232–333, 240 use of tense for characterization Jewish War, speeches in 423–425 114–115 model for Eusebius 574 Julius Caesar, L., son of Agrippa and on antiquity of Jews 236 Julia 414 on the cannibalism of Mary 419–426 Julius Paris 306 use of documents 65 Julius Valerius 307 Joshua 231 Junius Blaesus 442–446 Journey, poem by Julius Caesar 484 Juno 490–491 Jovian 309 Jupiter 393, 396, 432, 486–490 judged judgment 35–36 Justin 241, 277, 287 Judges 231 Epitome of Pompeius Trogus 211–220 judgment passim in Herodotus 94–95 Justinian 570, 576, 579 in Thucydides 95 Justus of Tiberias 233 in Xenophon 95–96 Juvenal 291, 294, 296, 469, 471 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 692 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Kaeso Quinctius 405 Lichas 341 Kaisergeschichte see Enmann’s Licinius Crassus, M. 270 Kaisergeschichte Licinius Cyriacus 306 Kapiton 309 Licinius Macer, C. 264, 278–279, 391–392 kata genos 172 speech of, in Sallust’s Histories 131 kata meros 148–153 lies 19 contrasted with katholou 149 Little Iliad 156 katholou, contrasted with kata meros 149 Livius Andronicus 271 see also history, universal Livius Drusus, M. 457–459 Kephalion 171 Livy 1–3, 22–23, 71, 74, 104, 144, 254, kharakte¯r 102 265, 275–277, 280, 309, 358, 377, King’s Peace 163 379–380, 404–406, 411, 423, 464, 486, Kings (Hebrew Bible) 231 489–492, 500, 507, 509, 512–513, 538, kinship 23–24 567–571 passim, 575 klea andron 15 Augustus and 284 Kleikos 67 as Roman Herodotus 280 kleos 16 as stylistic model 22 koine Greek 525 authority of 401 Kronos 240 choice of exempla 132 ktisis (pl. ktiseis), foundation narrative Claudius Quadrigarius and 391–396 18, 23–24, 260 Dionysius of Halicarnassus and 284–285 Kunstprosa 545 epitomes of 22 evaluation of Hannibal 106, 109 Labraunda 23 follows Polybius’ speeches 129 Lamachus 329 narrative manner of 397–403 Lamentations 421 on Numa 112–113 language, as the medium of history 141 on Philip V 397–403 languages, ancient, and the study of Oxyrhynchus summaries of 308 classics 135–137 Patavinitas of 276 Latin, knowledge of needed to periochae of 23 241, 277, 308 understand texts 134–137, 141–144 political acumen of 286 Latinos 68 style of 283 Lechaeum 343 variant versions in 391–392 legetai 83 local history 5, 18, 22–23, 54 Lentienses 478 and colonization 187 Lentulus, L. 485 Locrians 367–369 Leon of Byzantium 151 logioi 82, 94 Leonidas 79, 316, 343–344, 354 logographoi 74 Leucadia 484 logopoios 46 Leviticus 420 logos (pl. logoi) 32–33, 35, 37–38, 77, Libanius 470–471 94–95, 99, 500 Liber De Morte Testamentoque Lollius, M. 413 Alexandri 211–220 passim Longus 555 Libo 278 lost historians, sources for 2 libraries, affording research 52 Lucan 372, 483, 488–490, 492 library, at Alexandria 53 Lucceius, L. 272–273, 278, 486, 507 Libya 450–451 Lucian 78, 80, 273, 294, 435, 464, Libyans 451 505, 530, 545, 563, 574 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 693 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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True Histories 498, 557, 560–561 Manilius, M. 128 Lucilius 486 Manlius Capitolinus 285, 393 Lucius Verus 294 Manlius Torquatus 285, 492 Lucretia 254, 377, 423 Manlius Vulso 285 Lucretius 488 Mantinea, in Xenophon 96 Lupercalia 72 Mappae Mundi 552 Lutatius Catulus, Q. 269–270 Marcus Aurelius 461, 467, 479 Lutatius Catulus, Q. (son of Marcellinus, chronicler 579 previous) 416 Marcius Septimus, L. 393–394 Lyceum, its role in development Marcomanni 479 of Greek historiography 53 Mardonius 130, 318 Lycians 495 Mariccus 443 Lyciscus 131, 362 Marinos 548–549 Lycophron 18 Marius, C. 251, 269, 386, 389, 392, 429, Lycortas 356 461, 498 Lycurgus 353 characterized by Sallust 113–114 Lycurgus, Spartan lawgiver 408 Marius Maximus 296, 469 Lydia 500, 506 Marius of Avenches 579 Lynceus 488 Mars 486 lyric poetry 20 marvels, and Theopompus 175 Lysander 175 Mary, cannibalism of in Josephus Lysias 17, 331, 337 419–426 Lysimachus 233 Massaga 430 Massilia, Caesar on 371–378 Macaulay, T. B. 73 571 Maccabees Maximinus 295, 570 1 Maccabees 231, 233, 241 meaning, creation of, in history 89–101 2 Maccabees 231, 241, 243 Medeius 211, 215–216 3 Maccabees 232, 233 Median empire 203 4 Maccabees 423 Megalopolis 356 Macedon 357, 395, 500 Megara 346 Macedonian War 3, 353 Megasthenes 452 Macedonians 383 Megistias 319 Machiavelli, Niccolo` 286 Melanthius 181 Macrobius 393, 525 Meleager 528 Maecenas 466 Melian Dialogue 122, 126–127 debate with Agrippa in Dio 119, 132 Melians 339 Maedica 398–399 memoirs, in Roman historiography magistrate lists, as source for Roman 266–274, 530 history 70 memoria see memory Mago 393 memorialization maiestas 413 in Herodotus 100–101 Malchus 569–570 in Thucydides 100–101 Malli 427, 448–449 in Xenophon 100–101 Malthus 568 memory 16, 25, 31, 330 Mancinus 392 aristocratic 17 Manetho 221, 225–230, 234–235, historical 389 238, 496, 500 ‘‘sites of memory’’ 133 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 694 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Memphis 323–324 muthologos 561 Menander 571 muthos 77, 423–424 Menander Protector 295 Mycale 154, 201 Menelaus 20 Mycenae 490 Menippus of Pergamum 551 Mycenean age 15 Menodotus 168 Mycerinus 323 Menon 105, 529 Myes 190 Mesopotamia 571 myth 509 Messenia, local history of 186 Atthides authors and 84 Metellus Numidicus 392–393 Diodorus and 85–87 Methone 368 Dionysius of Halicarnassus and 85–87 Metiochus 554 Ephorus and 84 Metz Epitome 211–220 passim, 306–307 Hellanicus and 84 Micipsa 383 Herodotus and 82–83 Milo 430 history and 24, 76–88 Miltiades 554 Jewish historians and 239–240 mime 21 Polybius and 85 Mimnermus 80 rationalization of 86, 495 Minos 79, 82, 84, 86 Strabo and 85–87 Minucius, L. 407 Theopompus and 84–85 mirabilia 543 Thucydides’ use of 83–84 misericordia 377 Timaeus and 85 misos 424–425 use for digressions 80–81 Mithridates 252 mythography 5 evaluation of in Appian 106 Mytilenean Debate 97, 119, 130, 337 speech of, in Sallust’s Histories 131, 288, 383–384 Nabonidus 222 speech of, in Trogus 288 Naevius 75 Mnaseas 190 Bellum Punicum 73, 260 Mnemosyne 16 Clastidium 72, 485 models 22 Naissus 569 moderatio 416 Narcissus 446 monograph 6, 18, 147–158, 530 narration of histories (historio¯n apodosis, Roman 264 historiarum enarratio) 20, 22 monuments 45 narrative arrangement, in Caesar 372–378 Moors 383 narrative manner mos maiorum 265, 524 of Caesar 371 Moses 235–237, 572 of Livy 397–403 Mosmes 235 of Thucydides 346–347 Mousaios 236 of Xenophon 342–348 Mucius Scaevola, P. 261 narrative shape Mummius, L. 288, 356, 490 of Herodotus 98–99 Munatius Rufus 530 of Thucydides 99–100 Musandam peninsula 449 of Xenophon 100 Museion, at Alexandria 53 narrative voice Muses 40, 373, 486, 489, 491, 499 in Herodotus 96–98 musos 424–425 in Thucydides 96–98 mutho¯des 77 in Xenophon 96–98 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 695 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

General Index 695 narrator, in Herodotus 30 founder with Aeneas of Rome 68 Naucellius 567 wanderings of 85 Neanthes 161 Oedipus 509 Nearchus 211–220 passim, 449, 501 oida 94 negative presentation, in Xenophon oikeio¯s 122 343, 345 oikiste¯s 183 Neith 324 oikoumene¯ 171, 221, 543–552 passim nemesis 514 Olympia, victor lists at 51 Neon 367, 370 Olympiad dating 522, 577, 579 Neoplatonism 300 first used by Timaeus 190 Neoptolemus 431 Olympic games 340 Nero 291, 293, 432, 488, 513, 537, 575 Olympic orations 337 Nerva 291, 298, 474 Olympiodorus 295, 568–570 Nestor 528 Olynthian war 182 Nicaea 462 Onesicritus 211–220 passim Nicephorus 571 Onomarchus 363–370 Nicias 92, 105, 122, 330, 337 Oppian Law 129–130 Nicolaus 369 Oppius, C. 484, 530 Nicolaus, sophist 88 opsis 43–44, 48–49, 50, 52 Nicolaus of Damascus 65, 160, 171, 245, optimus princeps 412, 413 287, 496, 507, 533 oral culture 42 Nicomachus Flavianus 568 oral inquiry in Herodotus 43–45 Nicostratus 432 oral tradition 187, 188 Ninus 165, 171, 203–204, 224, 554, 576 oral transmission 330 Ninus Romance 554 Orange 551 nomos (pl. nomoi) 82, 405 orator Nonius Marcellus 393 deployment of arguments by 125–126 568 similarities with historian 22 nostri 437 use of history by 19, 21 nous (mind) 36, 42 oratory 16, 20 novel, and historiography 18, 553–564 differences from historiography 21 novels, historical, Jewish 233 formally separate from history 119 Numa 255, 471 influence of on history 119 characterized by Livy 112–113 use of exempla in 19, 131 Numantia 383 Oreus 353 Numidia 386 orge¯ 359, 422 Numidians 383, 498 Oribasius 569 Origen 297 Oannes, fish-man sage in Berossus origins 222–224 of Greek historiography 27–38 oblivio 445 of local history 187 Octavia (ps-Seneca) 511 Origo Gentis Romanae 308 Octavian see Augustus Orosius 297, 309, 393, 568, 575 Octavius Lampadio, C. 74 Orpheus 87, 236 Octavius Musa 278 Osanseph/Moses 228 Octavius Ruso 278 Osiris 227, 323 Odysseus 16, 325–326, 433, 495, Ostorius Scapula 440 507, 528, 550 Otho 292, 440 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 696 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Ovid 486, 488, 524 Peace of Callias 61, 64–65 on Tomis 498 Theopompus denies historicity of 62 Oxyrhynchus historian see Hellenica Peace of Nicias 157 Oxyrhynchia Pedaritus 175 Oxyrhynchus summaries of Livy 308 Pelopidas 95 Peloponnesian War 3, 14, 32–33, 37, 47 Pacatus 479 Peloponnesians see Spartans Pacuvius, M. 485 Pelusion 351 Pages’ Conspiracy 212 Pentateuch 572 Paianios 309 Pentecontaetia 33, 99, 156, 157 palaia 34, 47 pergraecari 497 Palermo Stone 225 Periander 44 Palestine 576 Pericles 49, 92, 97, 160, 173, 256, Panaetius 257 339–340, 511, 529, 538–539 Panchaea 561 speeches of, in Thucydides 115, 122, panegyric 21, 128, 530–531 126–127 and history 476–480 perie¯ge¯sis 18, 546–547 panegyrists, Latin 299 periochae 2 panhellenism, of Xenophon 93 of Livy 23, 277, 308 pankration 430 peripatetic biography 531 Panodorus 578 Peripatetics 53, 513 Pantheia 560 Peripatos 521, 548, 559 Panyassis 80 peripeteia 375, 510 paradigm 14–16, 19–23 periploi 546–547 see also exemplum perpetua historia see history, continuous paradoxa see paradoxography Perseus 128, 352–353, 356, 384, 397–403 paradoxography 497, 543, 563 passim parakleitikoi logoi 128 characterized by Appian 115–116 paraklesis (pl. parakleiseis) see speeches, Persia 337, 350, 478, 495, 497, 500–501, of generals 568, 570–571 Parian Marble 181 Greek historians of 162, 200–209 Parilia 72 Persian Empire 30, 287, 327, 553 Paris 82–83 historians of 201–209 Parmenio 213, 217 Persian Wars 33, 45, 92, 147, 150, 156, Parthenope 554 167, 172–173, 202, 264, 315–321, 496 Parthians 383 personality, expression of 105–107 past, as teacher of the present 131 Pertinax 461–463 paterfamilias 472 568 pathos 424 Petrarch 403 Patroclus 15 Petreius, M. 389 Paul of Concordia 309 Petronius 470, 489 Paul the Deacon 309, 524 Phaedrus 331 Paulinus of Nola 578 Phalaecus 365 Paulinus, epitomator 307 Phanodemus 181, 185 Pausanias 71, 72, 79, 82, 191, 326, 364, Pharsalus 489 543, 551 Phay¨llus 368 Description of Greece 525 Pherecydes 79–80, 572 Peace of Antalcidas 34 Pheros 323 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 697 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Philadelphia, Syrian 569 Pliny the Elder 525, 543, 550–551 Philinus 151 continues Aufidius Bassus 293 Philip II 169, 182, 213, 365, 430 German Wars of 293 Philip V 246, 248–249, 351, 353, Pliny the Younger 266, 291–292, 445 357–358, 361, 512 Plotinus 297 characterized by Polybius 116 Peloponnesian War 60, 81, 92, 147, 151, in Livy 397–403 155–156, 162, 166–167, 170, 173, Philistus 80, 161, 162, 165, 189, 346–347 191–192, 194–196, 198 Plutarch 111, 194–194, 198, 205–206, ‘‘Archaeology’’ of 195 225, 227, 257, 266, 269–270, 276, 292, evaluations of 195 392, 442, 509, 513, 525, 528–529, Philo of Byblos 234–235, 238 531–532, 534, 536–540, 554, 556 Philo Judaeus 233, 236, 421 Alexander 211–220 passim Philochorus 84, 181, 184–186, 520 Antony 513 account of Olynthian War 182 Crassus 513 arrangement of his history 181–182 Demetrius 513 use of documents 63 distinguishes between history and Philomelus 363–370 biography 102 Philopoemen 246, 249, 357, 537 Lives of Ten Orators 530 philosophy 20, 31 Lives of the Caesars 537 and history 17–18 On Fortune or Virtue of Alexander 211 576 on remarks as indicative of character 119 Philostratus 300, 530 On the Malice of Herodotus 65–66, 294 Philotas 213, 217 on Theopompus 175 Phocians 368 on use of historical exempla in Phocis 363–370, 522 speeches 131 Phoenix 528 Romulus 509 Phormio 346 Theseus 509 Photius 33, 203, 205, 300, 555, 560, use of documents 65–66 563, 569 poetry, and history 322 Phrygians 431, 495 poets, value of their testimony 19 Phrynichus 92 Pollux 525 Sack of Miletus 505 Polybius 1, 18, 22–24, 31, 34, 39, phusis 82, 116 41–42, 49–51, 78, 104, 128, 130, 155, Phylarchus 161, 164, 169–170, 483, 505, 158, 160–161, 164, 170–172, 240, 510, 538, 558 244–250, 252–254, 257–258, 284, 294, pietas 25, 413 299, 401, 464, 486, 491, 496, 500–501, Pillars of Hercules 449 507, 512, 519–520, 538, 545, 549, Pindar 191, 340, 525 559–560, 562 Piraeus 343–347 Aetolians and 356–362 Pistoia 385, 389 criticizes Theopompus 175 plasma 78 criticizes Timaeus 51, 197 Plataea 83, 154 criticizes Timaeus’ bookish Plataean debate 507 disposition 198 Plato 17, 19, 35–36, 72, 172, 194, 331, criticizes Timaeus’ character 53 441, 445, 452, 510, 529, 532 criticizes Timaeus’ speeches 123–125 Plautus 72, 495, 497, 525 Dionysius writes ‘‘prequel’’ to 252 pleasure, in history 24 documents in 64–65 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 698 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Polybius (cont’d) Pomponius Secundus 293 epitomes of 22 pontifices, records of 262 epitomized by Brutus 241 Porphyry 297, 563 followed by Livy in his speeches 129 Porus 429 influences Josephus 241 Posidonius 17, 34, 164, 171, 244, inquiry in 51–54 250–252, 257–258, 273, 484, 542, myth in 85 544–545, 548–550, 557 on audience for history 23–24 Diodorus and 251 on character 245–246 views of Rome 251 on Ephorus’ reliability 174 positus 500 on historians of non-contemporary Postumius Albinus, A. 74, 260 history 53 Postumius, L. 353 on kata meros historiography 148–153 Potamon 151 on myths in history 81 Praeneste 395 on Philip V 116 pragmatic function of history, in on Roman constitution 247, 254–255 Polybius 123 on speeches 123–126 Praxagoras 568 Philopoemen 530–531 praxeis (deeds) 23–24, 515, 546 portrayal of Romans 500 prepon 101 speeches in 130 pre-Socratics 42 speeches, typical form of, in 125 Priam 509 style of 23 priestly chronicle 7 tragic history and 558 principate, effect on historiography 24 tyche¯ in 349–355 Priscian 393 polemic, in historiography 49 Priscillian 575 Polemon of Ilium 197, 522 568–569, 577, 580 use of inscriptions 64 Priscus of Panium 295 politeia 180 probability 123 Politeiai, of Aristotle and his school 521 Proclus 326 politics, historians’ involvement in 24 568, 570–572, 577, 580 politikos (political man), as intended progymnasma 21, 78 audience for history 23 prokataskeue¯ 152 Polycleitus 211–220 passim proof 22, 45 Polycrates 79, 554 prophasis 256 Polycritus 165 Prophecy of the Lamb 225 polymathie¯ 32, 42 proskunesis 428, 453 Pompeius Trogus 2, 171, 211, 241, 277, Callisthenes refuses to perform 220 287–289, 429 Prosper 579 models his work on Theopompus’ Protagoras 17 Philippica 175 Proteus 323, 490 supposed anti-Roman stance 288 providentia 414 Pompeius Magnus, Cn. (Pompey) 252, Proxenus 529 415–417, 461, 488, 492 prudentia 414, 417 Pomponius Atticus, T. 21–22, 271–272, Psammenitos 324 484, 526, 531 Psaon 164 Liber Annalis of 523 Pseudo-Aristeas 233 Life written by Nepos 533 Pseudo-Callisthenes 211 Pomponius Mela 498, 551 Pseudo-Eupolemus 233, 236, 238, 240 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 699 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Pseudo-Hecataeus 233, 236–237, 239 res gestae 515, 546 Pseudo-Hegesippus 424 retiarius 432 Pseudo-Hesiod 68 Rhampsinitos, and clever thief 324–327 Pseudo-Justin 235 rhetoric 31 Pseudo-Philo 231–233, 239 historiography and 19–23, 51, 142–143 Pseudo-Skymnos 543 rhetors, Greek 20 Pseudo-Zachariah 576 rhetors, Roman 20 psogoi 128 Rhodes 366 Ptah 323 Robertson, William 290 Ptolemaic kings 548 Roman continuators, compared with Ptolemy, Claudius 542, 544, 548–549 Greek 169 Ptolemy I, son of Lagus (Sote¯r) 25, Roman embassy to Alexander 448 211–220 passim, 225–226, 428, Romans 448, 501 as Greeks 253–257, 407 dating of his Alexander history 217 Polybius’ portrayal of 500 Ptolemy II (Philadelphus) 225, 229 Rome Ptolemy IV (Philopator) 353 ages of 303 Ptolemy V (Epiphanes) 351 as Greek city in Timaeus 197 Punic Wars Greek historians on 244–258 First 151, 260–261, 352–353, 490 origins of, in Greek writers 68–69 Second (Hannibalic War) 74, 151–152, sack of by the Gauls 70, 392 264, 386, 489 sack of by the Goths 575 Third 248 Romulus 74, 260, 285, 308, 401, Punjab 448 409, 476, 486, 537 Pupienus 295 Rufinus 575, 577 Pydna 350–351, 353–354, 356, 359 Rutilius Namatianus 303 Pyrrhic War 260, 392 Rutilius Rufus, P. 260, 267, 269–270 Pyrrhus 530 in Timaeus 151, 199 Sack of Troy 156 Pythagoras 31–32, 35, 529, 563 Saguntum 486 Pytheas of Massilia 550, 557, 562 Salamis 42, 202, 347 Sallust 1, 19, 23–24, 277–283, 299, 371, Quinctius Flamininus, T. 249, 358, 411, 429, 445, 470, 567 360–361, 395 as Roman Thucydides 280 Quintilian 195, 216, 293, 374, 379, 486, as stylistic model 22 516, 524, 559 audience of 386 Quintus Cicero see Tullius Cicero Catiline 8, 280–281 Cato the Elder and 282 Ramesses 226, 324 characterizes Marius 113–114 Ranke, Leopold von 29, 88, 574 epitomes of 22 rationalization 173 evaluation of Catiline 106 readings, public, of historiography 23 Histories 8, 277, 282–283, 385–386 Recension of the Casket 219 imitated by Arruntius 282 recitations 400 Jugurtha 8, 151, 281, 498, 500, 531 Regulus 352 portrait of Catiline 385–390 Remus 476, 486 speech of Licinius Macer 131 Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus 480, 568 speech of Mithridates 131 rerum scriptor 515 style of 281, 379–384 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 700 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Samaritans 238 Sergius, patriarch 571 Samos 490 Serpent Column 57–58, 318 Samuel 231 Servius 393, 525 Saracens 478–479 defines annales and historia 41 Sarapis 225 Servius Tullius 253 satire 513 Sesostris, stelae of 57 Saturninus see Appuleius Saturninus Seth (Typhos) 227 Satyrus 530–531 Sethos 226 scholia 20 Sextus Empiricus 78 schools, and historiography 19–23 Sibylline Oracles 297 scientific historiography 16 Siccius Dentatus 255 Scione 340 Sicilian Debate, in Thucydides 130 Scipio Aemilianus see Cornelius Scipio Sicilian expedition, in Thucydides 330, 509 Aemilianus Sicily, historians of 189–199 Scipio Africanus see Cornelius Scipio Silenus of Caleacte 151, 486 Africanus Silius Italicus 488–491 Scipios, epitaphs of 71 Simonides, on Thermopylae 315–321 Scott, Sir Walter 73 Simonides of Magnesia 150 Scriptores Historiae Augustae 294, 296, situs 500 302–303, 306, 452, 476, 569 Siwa 219 Scylax 546 571 Scythia 543, 548 Social War (Greek) 366, 369 Scythians 447, 450, 495, 498 Social War (Roman) 392, 456 Second Athenian League 62, 95 socordia 444 Second Sophistic 245, 525, 563 Socrates, historian 529, 568, 573, 576–577 secutor 432 Socrates, philosopher 166, 331 Sejanus 106, 295, 380, 512 Solomon 231 Seleucus 222, 224, 350 Solon 255, 531, 538, 556 semeia 519 Sophocles 504–514 passim, 578 Semiramis 165, 171, 203, 206, 224, 554 Oedipus 508 Semonides of Amorgos 80 Tereus 509 Sempronius Asellio, Roman historian 8, sophie¯ 35 250–251, 280, 392 sophists 17 Sempronius Asellio, possible son of sources previous 457–459 hierarchy of 28 Sempronius Gracchus, C. 251, 456, 458 in Greek historiography 45 Sempronius Gracchus, Ti. 251, 415, in Jewish historiography 238–241 456–458 of Diodorus 177–178 Sempronius Tuditanus, C. 485 of Herodotus 44–45, 323 Seneca the Elder 379, 487 of Tacitus 292–293 Seneca the Younger 282, 303, 393 576–577 Sennacherib 222 Spurius Maelius 407 sententiae 376 Spain 383, 547, 572 Septimius Severus 295–296, 461–463 Spaniards 501 Septuagint 235 sparagmos 424 Sergius Catilina, L. (Catiline) 277, 380, 484 Sparta 49, 501, 506 in Sallust 106, 385–390 king lists at 51 see also Sallust, Catiline Spartans 316, 329, 343, 347, 368 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 701 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

General Index 701 spatium historicum 79, 99, 192, 327 style spatium mythicum 260 in historiography 20, 22–23 speech, as a mirror of character 119 of Ammianus Marcellinus 474–480 speeches 118–132 of Atthis 180–183 as a means of characterization 107–108, of Caesar’s Commentarii 273 110–112, 119 of Dio 464 Callisthenes on 122 of Dionysius of Halicarnassus’ Roman conventions of 127–130 Antiquities 253 criticism of, in historiography 118–119 of Livy 283 divided into three types 127–128 of Sallust 281, 379–384 historical content of 120–127 of Sallust compared with Cicero 380–382 in Curtius Rufus 128 of speeches 129 in Diodorus 130 of Tacitus 138–140 in Dionysius 126–127, 254–255 of Theopompus 175 in Josephus’ Jewish War 423–425 relationship to historiographical in Polybius 130 content 141–142 in Thucydides 95, 328–335 Succession Narrative 231 in Xenophon 344 525, 530 linguistic conventions in 129 Sudracae 427, 429 mediate between past and present Suetonius 291–292, 294, 296, 299, 130–132 432, 442–443, 469, 484, 523, 531, of generals 127–129 539, 575 of generals, topoi in 128–129 Caesars 534–535 of praise and blame 128 Claudius, structure of 535–536 Polybius’ ideas on 123–126 De Regibus epitomized by Paulinus 307 uses of, in history 119–120 Suetonius Paulinus 440 Spendius 352 suggeneiai 23–24, 517 sphragides (mathematical-geographical suggraphe¯ 34–35 units) 549 suggraphein 32 sphragis, of Ammianus Marcellinus 474–480 suggrapheis (law writers) 64 Staphylius 567 suggrapheus 32, 34, 515 stasis 255, 423 Sulla see Cornelius Sulla Stesichorus 323, 509 Sulpicius Alexander 480, 568 Geryoneis 68 Sulpicius Carthaginiensis 483 Stesimbrotus 529 Sulpicius Galba, C. 278 Sthenelaidas, speech of, in Thucydides 111 Sulpicius Galba, Servius 457–458 Stoics 252, 523 Sulpicius Peticus, C. 395 Sto´:lo nation, of British Columbia 187 sumpatheia 251 Story of Ahiqar 327 sumploke¯ 149, 152 Strabo 34, 78, 80–81, 192, 211, 234, 245, Sunium 346 250–251, 252, 401, 452, 496, 542–544, sunkrisis 247 548, 549–551, 556–558, 562 suntaxeis, of Diyllus’ work 163 audience of 545 Suplicius Severus 575 myth and 85–87 Susa 430, 495 universal history of 164, 171 Symmachus 568, 570 views on akoe¯ 53 symposium 525 Stratocles 21 Macedonian 430 Struggle of Orders 255–256, 263, 286 Syncellus 181, 225 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 702 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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synesis 44 Temple, Jewish, destruction of 420–426 Syracusans 337 passim Syracuse 329, 339, 377 Tenedos 369 Terence 19, 470, 535 t’automaton 353 Terent(il)ius 409 ta deonta 95, 121, 330 Terentius, M., influences Amyntas’ Tables of Abydos and Sakkara 225 speech in Curtius 132 Tabula Peutingeriana 551 Terentius Varro, M. 22, 69, 72, 372, 516, tabulae, of pontifex maximus 261, 265 523–524, 533, 543, 550–551 Ennius and 262 Chorographia 484 Tacitus 1, 23–24, 103, 106, 144, 267, terminology, ancient for historiographical 287, 290–295, 298–299, 303, 377, types 148 379–380, 411, 429, 451, 464, 474, 476, Tetrarchy 299 479, 485, 487, 489–490, 502, 511–513, Teutones 479 532, 535, 569 Thalatth 224 Agricola 25, 530–531, 533–534 Thales 42 Ammianus Marcellinus and 298–299 Thallus 233, 235, 238 arrangement of narrative year 138 thaumasia (marvels) 175, 543 battle scenes of 435–440 theater see comedy; tragedy characterizes Galba 109–110 Thebans 316, 368 characterizes Tiberius 116 in Xenophon 100 Claudius’ speech in 129 Thebes 79 Cremutius Cordus’ speech in 128 Themistius 479 Galbas’ speech in 132 Themistocles 99, 160, 206, 264, 568 Germania 498, 500 Thucydides’ evaluation of 105 Germanicus in 133–144 Theodore Anagnostes 576 influenced by Aeneid 143 Theodoret 573, 577 Mons Graupius battle in 434–440 audience of 576 portrayal of Tiberius 129 Theodosius I 290, 301, 309, 471, 474, portrayal of Vitellius 441–446 477–479, 575 sources of 292–293 Theodosius II 569, 576–577 stylistic mannerism of 138 Theophanes of Byzantium 568 translation of his texts 137–143 Theophanes of Constantinople 571 treatment of northern ‘‘barbarians’’ 498 Theophilus 235 use of word play 139–140 Theophrastus 5, 69, 543, 545, 559 Tacitus, emperor 294, 379 Characters 122 Tanusius Geminus 278 Laws 64 Tarquinius Priscus 513 On History 5 Tarqinius Superbus 254, 285 Theophylact 568, 571–573, 580 Tarquins 448 Theopompus 23, 33, 48–49, 53, 78, Tauromenium inscription 195 128, 161, 166–169, 171, 174–176, Taxila 451 185, 532, 538, 560–561 techne¯ 20 as universal historian 174 tekme¯ria 48, 86, 519 attacked by Polybius 175 Telegony 326 attacked for his malevolent tone 176 Telemachus 528 criticizes his contemporaries 175 Teleutias 92, 96, 344–347 criticizes Philip 174–175 temeritas 431–432 demands professionalism 49 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 703 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Epitome of Herodotus 174 inquiry in 47–48 Hellenica 160, 174 inscriptions in 58–60 influence of 175–176 judgment in 95 inquiry in 49–50 memorialization in 100–101 marvels in 175 model for Attic style 22 myth and 84–85 myth and 78, 83–84 Philippica 6, 160, 162, 174–176, 197 ‘‘monographic’’ form of his style of 175 history 157–158 travels of 175 narrative manner of 346–347 theo¯ria 521 narrative shape of 99–100 Theramenes 104, 111, 120, 128, 342 notion of memorialization 92 Thermopylae 57, 343–344, 354 on Pericles 115 battle as portrayed in Simonides and plague at Athens 48 Herodotus 315–321 reputation of, in modern world 332–333 Theseus 84, 537 Sallust as Roman Thucydides 280 Thespians 316 scholia on 20 Thespis 556 Sicilian ‘‘archaeology’’ of 191 Thessalians 370 similarity with Hippocratic medicine 48 Thessaly 368 sparing of direct comments 105 Third Sacred War 151, 163–164 speeches in 95, 121–122, 328–335 Diodorus on 363–370 speeches judged by Dionysius 126–127 Thirty at Athens 62, 95, 111 ‘‘Thucydides papers’’ 165 Thrace 366 use of ago¯n imagery 336–341 Thracians 494 Thyestes 421, 511 Thrasea Paetus 428 Tiameus 161, 245 Thrasybulus 343 Tiberius 291, 294–295, 377, 446, 534–535 Thucydides 1–2, 3, 4, 6, 16–19, 21–24, 29, characterized by Tacitus 116 32, 34, 35, 37–39, 41–42, 48–49, 70, in Velleius Paterculus 411–418 74, 80, 86, 89, 93, 91, 107, 123, 129, Tigris 451 147, 150–153, 160, 162–165, 168, 170, Timaeus of Locri 235 184–185, 191–192, 195, 198, 222, Timaeus of Tauromenium 23, 34, 51, 65, 240–241, 244, 246–247, 250, 253, 255, 80, 128, 165, 189, 191–192, 194, 262, 264, 280, 294, 299, 318, 333, 377, 196–199, 253, 500 388, 421, 464–465, 504–505, 507–510, attacked by Polybius in Book 12 51, 53 512, 515, 517, 519, 528, 532, 537–539, ‘‘bookish disposition’’ 52 545, 553–555, 559–560, 563, 567–571 corrects Aristotle on Epizephyrian passim, 570, 574, 580 Locrians 51 Anaxagoras and 48 criticized for bookish disposition 198 ‘‘Archaeology’’ (1.2–19) 14, 33, 84, 99, endpoint of his Sicelica 197 156, 192 exile in Athens 52, 196 as universal historian 157–158 eyewitness in 51 banishment from Athens 48 first to use Olympiad dating 190 continuators of 48, 155 inquiry in 50–52 ending criticized by Dionysius 156–157 myth and 85 evaluates Nicias 105 originality of his methodology 53 evaluates Themistocles 105 Pyrrhic wars 164 general at Amphipolis 48 Pyrrhus 151, 199 imitation of 20 reliance on written sources 51–52 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 704 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Timaeus of Tauromenium (cont’d) commentarius on his consulship 271–272 Rome and 197 conception of rhetoric 21–22 speeches criticized by Polybius 123–125 on early Roman historians 261 use of documents 199 on perpetua historia 161 Timagenes 39, 171 style compared with Sallust 380–382 Timoleon 197–199 Tullius Cicero, Q. 485, 501 Timonides 165, 194 tyche¯ (chance) 149, 253, 463 Timotheus 225 cult of 350 Tiro 530 in Polybius 349–355 Tisias 16 tyrannicides 25 Tissaphernes 96 Tyre 554 Titus 291, 425 Titus Labienus 24 U’An 223 Tobit 233 U’An-adapa 223 Tomis 498 Ulysses 199 topoi 377, 439 see also Odysseus in generals’ speeches 128–129 unhistorical thinking 131–132 torture, and truth 32, 37 universal history see history, universal Toutimaios, pharaoh 226–227 Ursicinus 302 tragedy 16, 19–21, 143–144, 153 Utanapishtim 223, 229 and history 173, 504–514, 558–560 utility, in history 24 influence on Josephus 422–426 utopian fictions 560–561 source for history in Rome 72 ‘‘tragic history’’ see history, ‘‘tragic’’ Vadimo, Lake 352 tragic plot 504 Valens 292, 298, 309–310, 476–478, Trajan 291, 307, 536, 548 569, 575 admiration of Alexander 447 Valentian 292 translation, of ancient texts 137–143 Valentinian 299, 301, 476 Trebonius 376 Valerius, M. 408 Trimalchio 470 Valerius Antias 264–265, 277, 279, Trogus see Pompeius Trogus 393–394 Trojan War 28, 33, 60, 65, 79, 84–85, 92, Valerius Asiaticus 293 155, 176, 323 Valerius Maximus 22, 306–307 Trojans 510 Valla, Lorenzo 330 Trophonios 326 Vandals 570, 573 Troy 16, 18–19, 490, 522, 523 variant versions true narratives 20 in Herodotus 94 truth 19–20, 331 in Livy 391–392 history and 42 variatio 381 inquiry and 39 Varro see Terentius Varro senses and 36 Varro of Atax 484, 487 torture and 32, 37 vates 491 Tullius Cicero, M. 7, 19, 21, 48, 70–71, 76, Vegetius, epitome 307–308 78, 85, 195, 252, 266–269, 273, 278, Veii 67 375, 380, 392, 395, 404, 435, 444, Velleius Paterculus 24, 294 475–477, 483, 485–486, 501, 504, on Tiberius 411–418 507, 516–517, 523–525, 530–533, use of exempla 412–418 538 verecundia 267–268, 272 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 705 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju

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Vergil 19, 380, 436, 476, 479, 488–489, Anabasis 529 524–525, 535 bias in 96 Aeneid 483, 487 characterizes Critias 111–112 Aeneid’s influence on Tacitus 143 characterizes Dercylidas 113 Verginius Rufus 293 characterizes Jason of Pherae 109 veritas 39 completer of Thucydides 166 Verrius Flaccus, M. 524 continues Thucydides 150, 155, 163 Vesontio 465 Cyropaedia 214, 560 Vespasian 291, 441, 537 defines memorable achievements 92–93 Vesuvius 292 evaluation of Clearchus 105; of Victor 306 Menon 105 Victor of Tunnuna 579 gods in 96 Vipsanius Agrippa, M. 466, 551 Hellenica 6, 156, 160, 165–167, 250, debate with Maecenas in Dio 119, 132 511, 529 map of 548 Hellenica, compositional units of 165 Viridomarus 485 Hellenica, ending of 155 Virius Nicomachus Flavianus 305 judgment in 95–96 virtus 25, 383, 389, 413, 417 links his work to Thucydides’ 33 vis 431 memorialization in 100–101 Vitellius 292, 440, 537 model for Attic style 22 in Tacitus’ Histories 441–446 narrative manner of 342–348 Vitruvius 376 narrative shape of 100 Volscians 395 negative presentation in 343 Volusius 485 speeches in 344 Vulgate 429 speeches praised by Dio Chrysostom 125 Vulteius 492 Thebans in 100 use of inscriptions 60–61 women, in war 422 Xerxes 104, 153, 155, 191, 202, word play, in Tacitus 139–140 206, 318, 320, 529 World War II 332 Xisuthros, king of Babylon 222, 229 written sources Diodorus’ use of 50 Yahweh, Artapanus’ account of 239 in Greek historiography 53, 56–66 move towards in Hellenistic world 52 Zachariah of Mytilene 573, 576–577 reliance of Timaeus on 51–52 Zama 128 Zeitgeschichte see history, contemporary Xanthippus 352 Zeno, emperor 569–570 Xanthus of Lydia 46 ze¯te¯sis 32, 47 Xenophon 1, 23, 48, 70, 91, 103, 105, Zeuxippos 568 129, 153, 158, 161–162, 244–245, 247, Ziusdra 224 269, 295, 528–529, 532, 568 Zoilus 160 Agesilaus 530 300–301, 480, 568, 570, 577 Marincola: Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography bindex Final Proof page 706 14.8.2010 8:23pm Compositor Name: ARaju