
2550 Intro to cybersecurity L25: Crimeware

abhi shelat Today’s plan

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Examples Of XSS SQLInjection Crime XSS main problem

Data that is dynamically written into as webpage is inadvertently interpreted as javascript code.

This attacker code run in a di!erent origin. package main bad an import ( program with Xss Example "fmt" j "net/http" vulnerability "flag" "log" )

var ( port int )

func init() { flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 8080, "Port to run on") }

func main() { T flag.Parse() startsa webserver http.HandleFunc("/", demo) serverAddress !" fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port) log.Printf("starting server at %s\n", serverAddress) g log.Fatal( http.ListenAndServe(serverAddress, nil)) } read the parameter func demo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) E{ missing q, ok !" r.URL.Query()["q"] if ok { argumenty fmt.Fprintf(w, "

Search results on %s!$p>
!!% !$html>", q) } else { fmt.Fprintf(w, " Enter a search term!$html>") } } Security: Isolation

Safe to visit an evil site:

Safe to browse many sites concurrently:

Safe to delegate:

Credit: John Mitchell for graphics t 1. bank.com vichy sets a cookie 2. Visit evil.com T O.O theflaw that I showed