APRIL !"#$ RIKEN RESEARCH VOLUME % NUMBER & Melting point 900 MHz NMR facility in Yokohama © 2013 RIKEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of contents HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH 4 A vertebrate family reunion RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS 6 Melting back and forth 7 Silicon’s double magic # 8 Watching bioactive molecules at work 9 Cancer drugs taking shape 10 Stopping the rot 11 Understanding metabolism through computer predictions 12 Cellular networks up close 13 Stem cell therapy for Parkinson’s disease $ FRONTLINE 14 Generating cancer blueprints for future therapies RIKEN PEOPLE 18 Masayo Takahashi, Laboratory for Retinal Regeneration !# !" RIKEN RESEARCH RIKEN, Japan’s flagship research institute, makers interested in science and aims to raise conducts basic and applied experimental global awareness of RIKEN and its research. research in a wide range of science and Sendai technology fields including physics, For further information on the research chemistry, medical science, biology and presented in this publication or to arrange an Wako engineering. Initially established as a private interview with a researcher, please contact: Nagoya research foundation in Tokyo in !"!#, RIKEN Tsukuba became an independent administrative RIKEN Global Relations Office Tokyo Yokohama institution in $%%&. $'!, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama, &(!'%!"), Japan Osaka TEL: +)! *) *+$ !$$( Kobe RIKEN RESEARCH is a website and print FAX: +)! *) *+& &+)# Harima publication intended to highlight the best E'Mail:
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